Minecraft, But Heroes Beat The Game For You...

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what happens when you can hire any of your favorite superheroes to beat the game for you from start to finish let's go and find out first my goal is to summon the marvel avengers and let them unlock the ability to recruit and train 20 plus different superheroes second i have to build a superhero headquarters where i can summon netherright to your heroes that can even use infinity gauntlets and last but not least i have to try to recruit over 100 heroes and with them try to defeat the final villain dragons can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 4 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video okay what does this do oh okay avengers assemble and oh my gosh okay that is literally all of them in their time suits nestor we don't have long to explain but a great evil is coming we need you to gather us not us now but us here i know it's hard to understand but we're from the future try not to think about it too much that the point is gather us and do it fast a terribly villainous thanos is approaching don't let us down okay and they left me a box of pencils and a comic book what i have no idea what's going on guys but i guess with that being done welcome everyone to minecraft but heroes are gonna beat the game for us and we got one comic book which is the adventure of nestor okay issue number one and then with a box of pencils it says a box of accessorial brand pencils so how do i use this oh okay so if i combine both together we get a pencil which just says a normal pencil so i'm gonna guess maybe i spawned a hero this way i'm not really sure how that works but i guess one pencil oh and there we go okay just like that we get a superhero trainee tier one and do i give you a pickaxe or something oh wait okay that worked oh okay and just like that we get our first hero which is gonna be hulk who is gonna literally just make a big hole this might be bad for that one training because he's going all the way down right well hulk i appreciate what you're doing down there i kind of need to get some stuff so i might go down there to get those oars and oh we found a cave right so before we go down there real quick let's see what else we can make a superhero from what about like a dirt block do you do anything superhero trainee and oh my gosh wait what is this right so i need a bit of tools before i go up there so let's real quick do that oh my gosh okay so literally we just started the challenge and we have an entire skyscraper what even is this oh okay so i think this is version one of iron man's tower i think i'm gonna come back here later because i can't really get all the way up to the top right now in the meantime though i'm kind of curious how deep hulk's gotten oh my gosh he went all the way to bedrock right so i'm gonna make a few more heroes before i go deeper because i kind of want to rely only on heroes to beat the game for me today so what else could i make maybe before i do anything let's go and get some wood okay so we got a bit of one now and something i actually just realized is we can actually make something a bit weird and it's gonna be that with one pencil and one wooden sword we can get another hero which i'm not sure who this is gonna be but please be something good oh just like that we get literally captain america and that shield is so cool oh my gosh okay i'm gonna guess that he fights for me but right now there really is any moths fight so i think it finally might be a good time to go down into this cave hulk is kind of chilling down there so hopefully it'll die okay yeah we're good i definitely need some iron so i can get to the next tier but before anything let's try to definitely summon as many heroes as we can we have captain america right there we also have hulk and i think to summon captain america wherever i am i just gotta right-click the comic book and oh unassembles them that's cool nice oh no no no oh wait captain america do your thing go oh that's sick you can't run for me so it looks like a pretty basic fighter for now it'd be kind of cool if you threw a shield but because he doesn't do that much damage i think it might be a good idea to actually just grab another one so let's get two captain americas which i think two is better than one for sure and actually can i give you a stone sword sir that's not an item i need to become a superhero okay so if i give him this it won't work instead because i kind of see captain america i'm trying to think if there's any way i can get thor one side guys okay so i figured something out and with oak planks for some reason this might actually work i think oh my gosh wait why does that work okay five oak planks two sticks and just like that we literally get mjolnir a massive hammer but it feels light in your hands and if you guys know marvel it's kind of obvious who we're about to get let's get one more trainee and with mjolnir i'm pretty sure we're gonna be getting oh and there he is we're gonna be getting thor and i'm not sure what he does besides maybe fight people so slowly but surely we're building a pretty good army to fight the dragon but until then i definitely gotta get some more mining people because i'm not sure hulk is cutting it so who else could i make oh he said hulk smash all right you know do your thing all right so i cooked a lot of iron that pretty much hulk left by and something that we can actually do with the iron apparently is upgrade the comic book and with this we get a iron comic book which is issue number two of the adventures of nestor which i kind of wish was a real comic but we don't have that budget so we're gonna just kind of make superheroes in minecraft so let's go and make another pickaxe guy which i'm not sure what hero we're gonna get with this but actually before anything we gotta make some more pencils let's get the box pencils iron pencil not bad and with that we're gonna be getting a superhero trainee tier two and when i give this guy one iron big axe who do we get this time oh and just like that we get iron man who apparently is just gonna throw grenades all over the place and literally mine everything around me right i'm not going to complain about that and actually i kind of want to get multiple ironmans because i feel like that's going to be very useful for caving so let's get as many pens as we can right there okay 13 iron pencils get another iron man and now we can definitely mine up a good bit oh and he auto cooks everything okay that's gonna be very helpful i definitely gotta get deeper in the cave though oh my gosh okay we're literally getting into dime level now if they do find diamonds i'm kind of unsure if they'll actually mine it but now that we have so many resources we might as well go in and make another hero literally i'm trying to get every single hero possible to literally beat the game for me which next up we can do actually a custom craft which is gonna require us to make a lot of iron swords so three iron swords real quick and with the swords we get metal claws okay a sharp pair of metal claws this metal is harder than steel i'm not gonna lie kinda looks like wolverine claws and i'm pretty sure that's what we're gonna get metal claws who do we get oh and there we go just like that we get wolverine which i'm gonna guess is yet again another person for my army which i'm definitely getting a pretty impressive army so far we got thor wolverine and captain america all to fight the dragon actually might as well grab another hulk because why not oh gosh okay this might be a little bit chaotic soon i should probably get out of beer oh there he is oh oh yeah we we should definitely not be here i'm gonna run over here and let's go to make another hero so before anything i actually got to cook some sand so give me one sec guys all right nine glass and with the nine glass we can go ahead and make an oddly weird craft which i'm not really sure what we're gonna get from this but just like that we get a x vortex a strange metal disc the inside seems to go on forever what the heck do i get from this training number two what do you become oh that is opie okay professor x which i'm not really sure what you're gonna be doing against mobs or if you help me in the caves but i guess we'll see later but before that let's see what structure we get now with the iron block i should probably not be naked out here but you know what let's do this quick let me be some of the avengers real quick oh gosh wait are they fighting oh look at them go oh my gosh okay thor is full on going at it right so while they do that over there let's go in and summon the pencil and uh let's see what you get with this oh no oh no oh no oh my gosh where am i oh oh guys guys please help wolverine thank you very much trainees okay we are literally in a random theater room we have a library right here we have some netherrack oh is that diamond or i might as well grab that why not oh that's enough for damn pickaxe okay what is this place though if you guys know what this place is please let me know in the comments down below but for now maybe if i go outside it's easier to see oh okay now it makes sense so on the wall it says x-men so i'm gonna guess now that this is gonna be the x-men mansion which is literally huge holy i'm trying to see if there's any good loot anywhere but the only thing i can really find is a bunch of diamond ore which i'm not gonna complain about because diameter is very nice to have so don't mind if i do might as well grab that diamond or i think it might be time we go back down caving unless there's a basement um guys well it kind of looks like there is a basement because uh there's a giant hole here right so there's beds it's like a whole underground layer but i also think we might need a completely new cave because there is nothing we can do after having an entire basement area here okay right so literally this is the craziest build i've ever seen like this is so big and it doesn't look like there's anything else i need besides like these animals i'll gladly take the anvils though um wait what is this place i mean i see free iron blocks right here so i'm gonna go ahead and steal them even though i already have enough iron but i mean free iron blocks is free iron blocks i got captain america right there protecting me so we're good literally my goal is to not make any armor make zero netherride tools zero netherite items i want to completely win this game and beat thanos without making a single thing that's really gonna help me out so i think that should be enough iron blocks and uh i'm definitely gonna be getting out of here because my main iron man's kind of destroyed the entire place already i might as well go ahead and start going this way what i need to find right now though is definitely a mine shaft because for some heroes i definitely need some string so where can i get a mine shaft or some cobwebs let's see over this way oh we finally found one okay literally it took us to sticking an entire hole and sooner or later we found a mine shaft and all i think i need to get is a good bit of string for the rest of the game so let's just get as much string as we can get and before anything actually because we got three string i think one of the crafts we can do is a string slab and with that we get a strange webbing so let's get a tier one trainee and what the strange webbing who do we get now oh let's go and just like that we get spider-man which i'm gonna guess he's gonna be fighting mobs instead of mining for us so i call that a one that's actually pretty good and actually because we're in a mine shop we can also make a bow and get a hero with the bows so who do we get with the bow please be someone mining oh and there we go we get hawkeye which i'm pretty sure is gonna be our tier one bow guy so that should definitely be some help when we fight the dragon now that we're done with hawkeye we can actually also make another bow guy i gotta get one more cobble up though let's grab that real quick and what we can do actually is make it not a normal bow but a very cursed iron bow a strong bow made of iron and now who do we get with the iron bow instead of hawkeye i'm not really sure we'll also make some bow but that actually makes sense green arrow i'm gonna guess that's a better bow than hawkeye and they're both gonna be very helpful for the dragon fight so now that we're done with those guys how many heroes do we have okay yep our army's getting a bit bigger we got professor x i don't know where captain america went but we can go get him later and before we do any other structure builds i think we actually gotta go ahead and do the next tier which is gonna be gold but i have no gold right now so it looks like iron man already found some over here so i just gotta grab that one gold didn't get we gotta get i think eight gold ingots and then some gold tools oh wait diamonds okay i mean we got diamonds before we got gold but don't mind if i do i'll definitely take those diamonds so it doesn't look like they're mining any of the gold so i might have to do this the old-fashioned way let's go ahead and do that now okay so we got enough gold now and i guess it might be finally time to actually upgrade our comic book and just like that we get the issue number three of the adventures of nestor which if someone wants to make that and send it to me on my instagram go ahead and tag me in it that'd be kind of cool to see but now that we have this i guess we make some golden pencils does anyone have a for a golden pencil in real life i'm gonna guess not if you guys have gold pencils and that that's kind of bougie but let's go ahead and spot our first trainee we're not gonna make a build just yet because i feel like these things are literally giant so the first thing we might do is let's get another pickaxe guy and what hero are we gonna get now with tier three cyclops oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh okay no no we're getting out of here okay that's a bit overkill maybe let's try someone a little bit less overpowered and try with the golden sword let's see who we get this time with just one golden sword what hero are you gonna be oh let's go and just like that we get batman which it looks like he's already wanted to fight people batman looks sick right now good timing because there's some moms right over here so let me real quick summon the avengers and i guess now dc comic people so uh managed to assemble and go find them oh my gosh holy they are literally getting beat up okay oh and some diamonds nice thank you very much iron man i appreciate that and now that we're done with those heroes something we actually need now is a lava bucket so let's grab a love bucket and off the enough with the lava bucket i'm gonna grab some gold nuggets put down a gold nugget one lava bucket and just like that we're gonna be getting something to have no idea what this is but it's a blazing energy a ball of fire but it feels only warm like a hug i'm not gonna question it let's go ahead and place it down but superhero trainee tier three what are you gonna become with a lava thing oh scarlet witch okay that is very overpowered she is very good at what she does so i'm gonna guess yet again she's gonna be a combat hero so next time i see some mobs i might be getting a bit crazy and now that we're done with that one we only have two left and one is with a gold trident three golden swords this might make sense and then with some six three golden swords we should maybe get it go and try to oh a golden trident radiating with a strange aura so one more trainee and who do i get with a trident just like that we get aquaman and it actually really does look like him and i'm gonna guess that he kind of just launches that over and over again some diamonds right there okay so before we get to the actual next thing i need some more gold so first i gotta find some gold and i'm gonna go ahead and take advantage of these diamonds being right here and go ahead and grab some so where is some gold now oh gosh i gotta be careful here literally cyclops and iron man kind of destroyed this entire area okay now that we got some gold let's get all the way back to the top or did i get enough gold oh no i didn't get enough gold i gotta get some more gold okay give me one sec guys okay so this might be a good spot now we got one gold block and i can definitely tell that these bills are getting bigger and bigger so i'm gonna be surprised if this one's gonna be small so one more trainee one gold block and oh no no no don't go fight that skeleton no no come back here right i'm gonna go ahead and give you this there you go okay while you fight that skeleton go ahead and spawn that oh no this is bad oh gosh there goes that tower probably here we go oh my gosh what the heck literally looks like we just made land i'm gonna go ahead and go in this and see what's up what the heck is this okay so there's a door right here so it kind of looks like a mansion oh my gosh okay so we got something table right here and another way i would appreciate some netherright maybe some diamond blocks something like that we got oh no no no oh my gosh okay oh this is definitely the batcave i'm not sure if we need anything in here but this is actually sick why is there a random down block right there well i'm gonna go ahead and steal that 28 diamonds not bad but uh yeah thank you very much for that damn block batman i will gladly take that this kind of looks like the batmobile right here which is actually so sick what the heck and on the bright side now we can go ahead and start with the diamonds here so actually might as well do it right now before cyclops gets over here let's go ahead and put eight diamonds one golden comic book and with this we should be able to get the adventures of nestor issue number four and actually before we begin on that one i don't think we made a golden bow oh we can't make a golden bow okay i think we can make a diamond bow though so that might be the first thing we make oh there we go diamond bow a bow made of diamonds let's get that ready and now that we have the comic book let's go start making some diamond pencils which yet again very bougie i do not own any real diamond pencil so we're just gonna go ahead and put that there and i think this should be a tier number four superhero training and i guess we might as well go and start with the diamond bow who do we get now because we got hawkeye green arrow who's this gonna be oh yo okay that's actually one of my favorite heroes just like that we get starfire from the teen titans and that is sick okay i'm really excited to see what she does against mobs let's go to get the next one diamond pickaxe and before we do this let's actually get out of here and find a better cave that isn't the bat cave and also oh my gosh cyclops is cause of mess right there if you made this more on the video just comment down below your favorite superhero because i'm actually really curious which ones are the most popular but yeah let's get out of here well they're definitely getting to work and i'm kind of terrified to summon in another one also oh my gosh they're about to kill me okay let's get back all the way up oh diamonds uh did you mind the diamond cyclops or did you just disintegrate them oh no he actually bought them oh nice all right well that works for the next one and now that we're down here we might as well be in diamond level and oh wait more diamonds right there hey cyclops could you get that spot real quick i'll wait for you we have 22 diamonds and with the 22 diamonds let's go ahead and get another diamond hero which is going to be with the diamond pencil which yet again that is very weird who do i get with the pickaxe i actually have no idea oh the flash oh my gosh where'd he go oh my goodness oh my goodness okay well he's very fast let me get these diamonds real quick cyclops is actually doing a pretty good job one more time let's open all the heroes and let's see what happens if the flash is all the way up here oh my gosh oh my god no no no no no i could have just died okay anyways that might be a very easy way to get a lot of diamonds but at the same time i think we definitely need some more heroes so next one let's make one diamond sword let's go get this diamond sword and give him the diamond sword and oh hey flashlight's going buddy okay who do we get with this wait who's that superman okay just like that we get superman which could be technically the most op superhero we could get so if we see any mobs and we're definitely secure and now that we have superman let's go ahead and get to the next one which is gonna be oddly enough with a knowledge book and how do i get a knowledge book is it like this oh wow that was a little bit complete guess it just like that we get a knowledge book a universal book of knowledge that's gonna cost us a lot of diamonds but it might be worth it and i'm not really making armor but a large book that seems to be filled with long unintelligible instructions okay well i'm reading it right now and it says sub to accesstorio and like the video right now that's kind of weird but since i said that we might as well also add it to your hero let's see what he does and uh real quick i'm gonna guess this is gonna be maybe dr strange or some other smart hero and there we go just like that we get doctor strange which actually looks very very similar to the actual doctor strange oh my gosh i'm gonna guess he maybe fights things too and maybe controls time so we might see that later but now that we're done here i think it might finally be time for the next tier which is gonna require us to actually get a lot of netherite and for us to get a lot of netherwight we might have to go to the nether but sadly we can't take the heroes with us to the nether but i could make some more heroes in the nether so with that being said let's go to make a flint's deal and uh i'm gonna go to make one diving block and i think it might finally be time we go ahead and get the builder for this tier okay so now i guess it's time to actually go out and do the final builder which is gonna be with the one diamond pencil and then just one diamond block oh no no cyclops please please wait wait wait wait literally i think we might need to get rid of cyclops i i don't know how we're gonna get rid of him but you know he's kind of getting a little bit difficult to work with but superhero training diamond block what do we get this time i actually have no idea what the heck is that oh my gosh how am i supposed to get up there well i guess i'll stack all the way up there oh we're inside okay what the heck is this place okay it looks like the entrance to the whatever ship thing this is oh i might need some hero help okay let's get the heroes real quick all right avengers assemble plus dc heroes go on and do your thing go go fight superman doctor strange all of you yep it looks like there's nothing up here but i'm not really sure whose superhero thing this says let me know in the comments down below if you guys know what this is but it looks very confusing also that's so cool spider-man literally shoots off webs right i don't think there's much for us to do in here so with that being done i think it might finally be time for us to go to the nether so i'm gonna have to leave all of you guys here i'm gonna go make a portal and i'll be right back oh wait do i oh do i okay i was gonna say do we fall oh okay well it was good of you guys to come and help me all right let's go down and uh get some lava wait i just realized this might actually work for making the portal and i don't even have to make one oh wow that worked okay well i'll see my heroes later and i'm definitely alone in here oh gosh okay so what i gotta find is a lot of netherite and then i can go out and make a netherlight comic book maybe if we get the flash in here he'll help us get another white because i really didn't see what he was mining but he might have a special ability in here let's get the flash diamond pickaxe and let's also get not one but two superman's ready to protect me because if i don't have superman then i'm kind of screwed there you go we got superman right there superman right there and uh okay as long as you guys don't dance lava we should be good and i should probably also maybe get some iron ones too i don't remember who was iron but we'll get three of them all right forgot what hero this gave me but you get one you get one and you get one let's make the gold version you get one you get one and you get one oh it's batman okay so we got batman and superman helping me in the nether a bit of a weird situation but yeah wait where did the superman go let's spawn him in again avengers assemble and did i just lose superman oh my gosh they must have died in lava this might be a lot harder than it seems okay i'm gonna spawn in one more diamond superhero and let's see if the flash can get me some nether right real quick okay flash flash flash flash okay flash dear thing oh my gosh go on flush towards the wall not towards the lava oh my goodness wait oh he actually found some other right hold up six another way he gets okay slowly but surely we're getting enough we just need a little bit more and he we also need him not to uh die in lava holy he is having the time of his life i guess now it's down for me to just get the nether right he leaves behind i have 24 netherway ingots now okay um we've also lost flash uh let's let's get him back here flash where where'd you go flash flash did did we lose him we lost the flash guys okay so we're now left with 24 another white ingots which i guess is kind of enough so we'll make do with this because it's so dangerous in the nether i think i might want to go back to the overworld real quick before i even get the blazes or anything so let's go back real quick check if you left any other netherway ingots and i'll see you guys in a bit okay i only found a little bit more but that's okay oh man all right it's good to be back and i have no idea where the heroes are but i guess we'll figure that out very soon they might be actually in the actual base so let's go and start getting the next heroes once we're up there oh my goodness this place looks insane but now that we're here in total we ended up with 31 netherright ingots and i guess it might be finally time to actually make a spitting table so once mating table and the main thing we actually gotta do is get our comic book surrounded with eight death ray ingots and just like that we get the final issue of the adventures of nestor issue number five but we can at least now get some netherite pencils which i feel like is something i never thought i would be making in minecraft but might as well make some heroes and the first one we could make why not let's go ahead and get one netherright bow a bow crafted from the strongest material and when we right click him who do we get now i actually have no idea oh iron man yet again but this time he looks a bit different i'm pretty sure this is gonna be one of the higher mark suits so this might be a very overpowered one for when it gets nighttime well let's go ahead and keep going and get another nether eye pencil and now another thing we can go ahead and make is actually a netherright pickaxe which wait oh don't don't judge me guys i kind of just realized i gotta get some diamonds so give me one sec i'm gonna go ahead and make some more iron pickaxes and other heroes that'll mine for me and i'll see you guys in a bit one sec okay so we ended up with a lot of cyclops and yeah this is what happens when you get a lot of cyclops i'm gonna go and grab these diamonds right here nine diamonds okay i think we might be done here i'm gonna leave you guys here actually should i get rid of them or maybe i should get some more diamonds okay i'm gonna get some more diamonds then i'm gonna get rid of them and then we're gonna go back up so one sec okay so now i think we should be ready so crafting table what we're gonna be needing first is one diamond sword and one diamond pickaxe cause now with the smithing table which i kind of lost the original spelling table so we gotta make another one we can finally actually see what heroes we get with these things so uh another pickaxe another right sword let's get these two here oh can you guys uh beat that guy please that you guys are trainees let's see how good you are as trainees they they kind of suck oh well you know they're doing their job no come back here well you get your sword so you can actually help me out a good bit who is it gonna be oh catch marvel oh oh what the heck that is sick okay all right what about the other training i have another one pickaxe just for you buddy not really sure who to expect and oh captain marvel and nick fury right so how are you gonna mine do i just write like you say goodbye in three two why is my computer frozen wait did he destroy this entire thing oh my gosh wait there's literally unlimited netherlight and diamonds here why did i not make him first that is so overpowered but now that we have these two we actually have a few more heroes to go including the builder which honestly we might as well do the builder decks why not let's go ahead and do it and uh oh wait we got a steve and uh alex this time interesting well one other right block and i guess i'll give it to the steve steve let's see what you do oh gosh what is it gonna be this time okay we have the ship right there oh my gosh is that the avengers tower but netherlight right let's get all the way up there summon a couple more heroes and then i guess we're ready for the final hero which to me the craft says question mark question mark question mark so i'm not really sure who we're gonna get all right let's get all the way up holy this is insane okay we got the ship right there and we got the entire avengers tower here i guess we might as well continue doing our stuff here now what do we make now okay so there's two more heroes and one of them is apparently made with a hyperdrive what the heck is a hyperdrive i'm not sure but i know you make it like this and oh okay hyperdrive a computer hard drive that buzzes with what feels like a soul pencil hyperdrive who do we get with this oh okay and just like that we get cyborg which i'm gonna guess is gonna fire some lasers on some mobs but finally with all these heroes done we only have one more hero to make and it says question mark question mark question mark so with that being said i think it's made like this i might be wrong though okay no i'm definitely wrong so let me figure out real quick how to make this vinyl thing okay so i think i figured it out so we need one diamond block four netherright ingots and then four more diamonds and there we go just like that we get a power stone okay so this is the question mark thing a powerful stone that seems to be infinitely valuable and strong so who is gonna be coming out of the power stone i'm kind of worried about this so before we do this one and get the soldier i'm gonna real quick start working on getting every single avenger back in the game again besides cyclops and all the mining ones those are ones are kind of annoying okay guys one last time in three two one avengers assemble and dc heroes and holy just like that we finally have all the heroes together all the ones that aren't going to be exploding things but i pretty much decided to do two of each and i think we might finally be ready to get the eyes of under but before we do that let's finally see what this final hero is all about i actually don't know what to expect but it looks a bit sus because it does say question mark so who do we get now oh wait are you guys not gonna fight him okay we literally just got thanos and mr thanos what do you do exactly oh gosh do i right click him mazel right click him let's see what happens i will take you to the end i can do it with just one snap oh wait this is already happening am i ready oh no here we go okay oh no okay we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go okay that is a lot of dragons i think it might be tied by some of the heroes guys one more time and here they go oh my gosh okay avengers and dc assemble literally every single hero possible we're going in and they're killing every enderman possible oh my gosh wait did the thanos multiply is one of his abilities to multiply and help us out i'm not even sure but i'm gonna go with it go on guys i'll fight the dragons and i guess i'll literally just watch oh my goodness this is insane i feel like they're multiplying oh my gosh is that someone's ability to multiply heroes holy look at them go oh this fight is gonna take forever they are literally doing so much damage to these dragons oh wait this one's taking a lot of damage oh gosh okay no i gotta hit one at least this is a bit too much chaos maybe disgusted oh i got the fight away there we go okay there goes one of one dragon down and now we just gotta get every single one again well this might take a little bit so uh i'll let these guys do the work okay we're almost there i don't even know if there's any wait was that the last dragon oh no there's only one more okay final dragon right there and i think we've pretty much killed the majority of them it's been quite a while we kind of lost a lot of heroes but there's only one more dragon to go so it looks like scholar watch is kind of doing a lot of the job oh and there we go the final dragon is down it's doing some crazy circles right now because of some ability but that is insane but with that final dragon being dead guys that is going to be it for minecraft but literally superheroes beat the game for me let's get this dragon egg and finally beat the challenge and with all that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed everyone that it's really loud and here's a video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,630,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but there are, minecraft but heroes beat the game for you, minecraft but heroes, minecraft but beats the game for you, beats the game for you
Id: x-QZvMewqLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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