Minecraft, But With 1 Million Temples...

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what happens if all of a sudden the entire world is filled with millions upon millions of op temples let's go and find out first my goals unlock all 20 plus temple tears ranging from amethyst to netherite to even bedrock second i have to find the legendary desert temple super pickaxe where every swing reminds a bigger and bigger area to the point that i can annihilate the entire world and last but not least i have to explore all three desert temple dimensions and with their loot try to defeat the final temple dimension dragon can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 4 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video holy temples okay welcome to minecraft but the world is literally infinite temples and how am i supposed to get inside of these things i guess i can go to a tree oh wait never mind new storm approaching and tree temple wait so is it gonna rain tree temples oh okay yeah it is good luck there are 20 plus temple tears don't blow up well this should be a bit interesting so i guess we found the way we're getting white okay so temple landed on top of my temple but wait is that iron already down there okay let's get inside not pull up the temple because i really don't want to deal with dnd right now unless there's no tnt wait instead of tnt we get one and we also have this random iron golem right here which i'm gonna go and grab the iron once we get some stuff but more wood not bad i'll gladly take that more planks and a stick block a block containing so many sticks that it may accidentally form tools right so not only are we getting special temples but we're also now getting special blocks and custom items in every temple this is starting to get very interesting and i guess why not let's go ahead and place down the stick block and let's see what it does exactly oh okay literally shoots out a bunch of wooden tools i kind of forgot that does that end wait did we just get another temple inside the temple what is going on i am so confused right so now we have literally another temple right here which we can go down in and uh before we do that maybe i want to save the apple block for later but what that got so many tools okay and we can't really do a temple video without going to the normal desert temple go ahead and let me know your favorite temple in the comments down below once we explore all the 20 plus temples and channeling wait what does generally do again i literally always forget what these do please let me know in the comments down below i'm kind of dumb when it comes to any chance but you know what let's keep going golden apple i actually used to be going apple don't want to go into depth with that but you know just just know that and there we go okay some iron i definitely need some iron for an iron pickaxe and before anything let's go and make one of those and also try out our new blocks with there being so many temples it's definitely good that there's so many things here but one thing that really worries me is that we might blow up some tnt and if we blow up some tnt then we might be really screwed because not only is there just one temple but literally hundreds of temple and i'm kind of scared of going outside because how many temples are there gonna be on top of me oh wow okay yeah um it's kind of getting crazy in here but you know what it's kind of working out let's go to get into some more temples and uh see what this wooden temple has for us i definitely gotta get a water bucket too i'm definitely gonna take those iron blocks because now we can get full iron very quickly but before anything i'm going to save it just in case i need something else and what the heck that is a netherride pickaxe and it says super pickaxe the pickaxe that gets more and more powerful as you use it what the heck okay i'm not really sure how i get to the next tier of temples so i guess maybe as we go through more temples we get more stuff so let's definitely keep looking around oh my gosh wait um okay some devils are exploding i gotta be careful because if i make a chain reaction that's why i die so what does this pickaxe do oh it's like a chunk binder does it mind more and more area oh wait it's actually getting more powerful oh my gosh wait wait you dug out a buried treasure chest oh apparently this big guy says that too okay some emeralds some diamonds uh some tnt sure why not literally what is going on i don't know but let's go into the temple and see if we can get anything else good i gotta go back to the wooden temple though because maybe we can find the upgrade in that i think that probably makes more sense oh more golden apples we're actually getting a little bit of good gear to fight the dragon multi shot all right cool and now we go all the way back up oh well there there goes another temple right in front of me oh my gosh these places are getting more and more crazy okay so nothing there nothing there i mean raw salmon uh i'm not really a fish guy and super dirt block okay that's not another temple but it's a very good dirt block a dirt so tightly packed together that it can form multiple different things what things are we talking about i don't remember so let's go and try it oh so we can also get poop armor forgot about that and avoid hole wait uh don't remember how big that thing was but let's make sure oh oh wow that really is a void hole oh my gosh it's going all the way down okay low-key i kind of want to get super dirt blocks again because i feel like that's a lot of cool stuff well let's try the apple block maybe we can get something good from here apple shower what does this do is it something above me oh right okay i don't think that hurts me but apples nice can never go wrong with some apples let's keep going i need to find the way of getting this next tier of items oh and finally we found it unlock next structure right click to unlock the next mysterious structure to rain from the skies okay so i'm gonna guess we're just going to get the next one and we have one small problem where it's actually night time now so i'm gonna have to survive going through these temples also fighting off mobs and i'm naked right now with only one life but you know what we're doing it either way for science unlocked next structure we have advanced to the next air temple what will it be a new storm approaching three two one okay village temple right okay wait do we get rainy villagers now or like is it gonna be villages oh never mind i just got my answer that is a lot of emerald blocks i'm gonna go ahead and mine this with iron big axe and not the chunk pickaxe because the jump pickaxe gonna go boom boom and pow and we don't need boom boom pouch right now what we need is a nice village temple which is literally bread wait wait we got a bright temple it looks nice though so let's go all right so we get some ferns some spruce saplings all this kind of sucks let's see if we get anything good oh iron helmet okay i do love me an iron helmet and a rod send what what does rod send a villager egg called roth's n i'm kind of confused let's go in this bottom oh my gosh that's really rotten hello mr rotten how's it going i got some honey oh you you just give trades we got some paintings maybe it's a thumbnail for the video all right here's the thumbnail for the video boom oh that's a weird thumbnail okay let's go up oh whoa what's up roxanne enjoy my discord good good stuff frozen all right go over there all right thank you okay so now the new goal is find the next upgraded thing for the temple and i guess get a lot of bread i mean we can get a lot of stuff from these villager temples so let's go ahead and try it out oh my gosh this pickaxe is so good what the heck okay so iron ingots more emeralds don't really know what i need emeralds another raw sand i guess we'll take rats in why not some bread love me some bread good stuff and let's keep going you dug out a fossil what the heck is this pickaxe doing wait i think we just found another structure upgrader oh and there we go okay unlock next structure that was a lot easier than the first one we actually found this one pretty quick so i guess why not let's go to get the next temple literally in this giant world of temples where they look like they're getting better and better but you have advanced to the next air temple new star approaching cold temple okay so after village we get cold it looks like we're going into the caves now what the coal temple so what is gonna be in here so yep a lot of coal and do i wanted my own with the super pickaxe why not let's do it oh my gosh well we're never gonna run out of coal now at least but what's gonna be in the chest now a randomly enchanted golden and breaking three helmet sure why not and a mending sword anything that is very very good for us it looks like it's a lot of gold stuff i'm not really sure what its meaning is but we can keep trying for sure okay so what we need to do now is definitely find some more temples and what they have but did i just do that did i just find the other structure right away i'm feeling like this pickaxe is getting a little bit too overpowered we got the next structure at least but wait what is this light up light up the world around you maybe even make it transparent wait did i just find an x-ray hold up i have an idea this pickaxe might be insane and i'm pretty sure it protects me from fall damage oh gosh oh gosh this is getting a bit too much okay we're gonna go all the way down here but i think i have an idea light up okay oh that works okay so we're mining everything and literally finding zero diamonds we found zero dimes from that that is actually an l so now i gotta get all the way back up let's get the next structure oh here we go new store approaching three two one copper temple oh okay so copper temple literally made out of copper it sounds nice pretty standard temple i don't want to definitely blow up any tnt around here because i feel like you know knowing that game makers are gonna make it so it's like lightning or something but what's in the chest sharpness one oxidized copper weathered cut copper and look at the c3 i mean sharpness one sounds great i would definitely grab that oh and frostwalker two okay yeah we're actually getting some pretty cool stuff and we can make an anvil right away so actually not a bad idea looting three and quick charge too oh my gosh deep sleek copper literally everything is copper so i'm seeing a bit of a trend right now i think though with that being done let's uh oh we dug out a fossil let's not dig out a fossil but let's go through some more temples so let's go this way and oh my gosh okay uh i kind of destroyed that entire temple with one go with super pickaxe i'm kind of scared of how big this thing is gonna get so you know what stay tuned because sooner or later we're gonna be probably mining entire chunks out at once and oh wow wait this is armor okay let's go ahead and put this on last protection blaster section do we have any pants or anything no sadly no no no pants okay let's go back up okay so what's in this one look at the c3 again blast recession two some copper ingots and anything special old fire aspect one okay yes i love fire aspect one that is a very good books up let's keep mining so over here oh gosh i just broke a lot of stuff right um oh accessorial's lightning rod get the powers of thor by holding the lightning rod inducing your eyes to project its power what does that all mean not sure but we also did find the next structure item so that makes me happy too honestly i think we're gonna go back through all the copper temples when we can but for now let's try out this new lightning rod and really see what it can do maybe i should do it up here okay why not oh oh my gosh wait i'm not even clicking guys and lightning is going all over the place we can now control lightning this might be very good for when we fight the dragon but what the heck oh wow this lightning yeah okay okay okay okay no we're done there we're not playing without until later okay let's unlock the next structure and just like that new storm approaching iron temples oh right also everything's on fire iron please save us well that's real quick minded though oh wow that is insane okay um don't mind me i'm gonna real quick grab 64 blocks of iron and uh we have wrought sand and we're watching how's it going man is everything going good oh that's actually really good okay i gotta get the crossbow in oh man i don't have any arrows what about you man do you have anything good oh i can afford one of those okay we're getting the helmet protection three diamond helmet just like that i haven't even gone to the iron temple yet which actually looks really nice we got like the iron thing there and i guess we'll go inside oh my gosh another temple just landed right on top of it what the heck we're getting so much iron right now but what special items do we get block of iron iron ore okay not bad not bad iron boots yeah i definitely need some iron boots and what is this an iron block block iron so compressed that even structures can fit inside of it okay i'm a bit curious i don't remember what the iron block block does so we're gonna go for it why not let's just keep going making giant things is what that oh wow yeah that that that is a lot of area broken is that some diamonds i will gladly grab those diamonds we're actually getting pretty good with diamonds for now but i guess since we're down here what does the iron block block do oh wow so this is supposed to be a monument right here and we also cut a lot of iron golems around us this is escalating very quickly but now we have fallen monuments right you might as well break in why not oh you dug out some poop armor poop chest plate literally the worst armor possible it's a leather armor with cursed binding very nice you made this far comment down below if you would wear poop armor i don't think anyone would and i'm kind of curious what's in here oh gold i don't think we really need gold but i'm gonna mine it either way once we can and it looks like there's only one chest so we gotta find the next structure very soon oh there's a structure block okay that was very good timing because now we can go ahead and get the next temple because you know what we don't have enough temples we're gonna get even more temples and i refuse to make any armor unless i get it from the temples we're gonna beat the game today only from temples and temples only oh there's a chess play right here i'm gonna gladly take that there we go we can get a better chestplate even though uh that's gold but you know what i like iron today all right time for the next simple let's wait what we get you've advanced to the next air temple what will it be and i'm gonna guess that after this maybe we get gold but i'm very scared here we go three two one and golden temples okay it is happening in oh my gosh it's already there okay this is very nice literally it's made out of pure gold some gold blocks which we might as well take why not golden carrots actually the best food you can get and golden apples oh wait uh black raw gold huh holy golden carrots golden apples that is gonna get us very overpowered very quickly in a gold hoe can never forget the golden hoe all right well super pickaxe and let's mine everything we can literally we're just gonna go through the temples as fast as we can and uh oh my gosh yeah we are doing work right now oh and diamond's nice we're gonna invest two diamonds right now into one diamond sword and you can never go wrong with one sharpness one and fire aspect oh i'm poor okay i cannot afford that so we're gonna do that later what i definitely need is the next structure upgrader thing because right now we're kind of going deeper with this pickaxe and i'm scared of mine again we're gonna mine one more time oh my gosh and we found some more diamonds at least now we have literally 22 diamonds and i haven't even gone to the i guess diamond temple yet the sad part is though i gotta go all the way back up now so give me one sec there's literally like 10 golden temples right here and let's just break it all oh my gosh all right so what's in here some more golden apples definitely gonna be getting a lot of those oh and finally there we go okay it took us a good bit but we finally unlocked next structure right click to unlock the next mysterious structure and it kind of took us going through a lot of these gold ones and another gold one jumped on top of me on top of this one like there's so many gold temples around me like what the heck but go ahead and right click that and i'm gonna guess maybe diamond temples are next oh here we go and amethyst wait what are we gonna get with the name at this temple oh wow it's actually really cold here what the heck okay so let's see what's gonna be inside of this aim at this temple will it still be tnt oh yep still tnt never go wrong with some tnt but inside it we have a blue candle some amethyst cluster and uh hello ink sock what is up with all this loot oh is it all the new items in 1.17 oh glow item frame what is this oh cool and the brain curse of binding you found your brain but how should i put this on its curse of binding i feel like we might not have a helmet if we put on the brain i'm doing it for the memes no i can't take it off that was a mistake i had a protection three diamond helmet why you know what i i don't want to talk about it bucket of axolotl you're free my man you're going to live on top of dnd okay have a great day man i guess we're kind of done with this area so oh my gosh holy temples we're literally about to be mining chunks what the heck let's go find some more amethyst let's go all the way down and can we find some new stuff that is called a structure upgrader and more amethyst so no look in this one but on the bright side because we're already in here let's uh real quick mind that and oh gosh okay i'm glad i take no fall damage or else i would have died already keep mining we're gonna be getting bigger and bigger chunks oh wait that might have one did we get anything oh we did and just like that finally we get the next structure upgrader which i have no idea where this is gonna take me but let's go ahead and see in three two one now we wait new store approaching three two one diamond temples i should probably be up there but while we wait for the diamond temples let's keep seeing how deep of a hole we can make lunar creeper might pay you a visit soon wait what is a lunar creeper uh-uh i don't like that yeah let's go all the way back up oh my gosh look at that beast holy okay oh no no tnt is exploding we don't need that might as well mine diamonds and what is going to be inside of these chests and behind this is it going to be tnt again yup tangy again inside of the chest we get oh random enchanted good loot shirt is two iron pickaxes you know what why not we're gonna be taking that if you made this far comment down below sherman's two iron pickaxes why not in a diamond block block what is a diamond block block gonna give us what are these enchantments my three diamond leggings of fire aspect one diamond pickaxe i mean that's better than a sharpness two iron pickaxe i guess it would would you guys agree probably yeah anyway so let's get out of here let's also not fall in that big old hole we made with our pickaxe holy our pickaxe is so good what the heck diamond block block what is this gonna give us oh my gosh i completely forgot this was a thing but just like that we get an entire giant diamond block mansion what the heck i'm gonna mine this with this pickaxe very soon just so we can see the aftermath but in the meantime let's see if we can find the chest room real quick and get some good luke oh and here we go okay two chest rooms and what's inside of the chest oh wait diamond armor sharpness four diamond chest plate why am i excited for a sharpness four diamond chest play in a soul speed 3 sword i mean it'll do why not we finally have a diamond chest play in a looting three book we don't need looting three but we do need a fire secret one diamond leggings because this is the next story video in our videos just we have everything that's weird it's starting to look like there's no normal armor in here so i think we might have to go back to the temples and hope for the best there so let's get out the super pickaxe and let's see what type of damage we can do to this mansion in three two one oh my gosh oh that's the worst spot to do it isn't it so on the bright side and not only did we get a lot of good stuff over there but we also ended up getting another unlocked next structure block which i'm not sure what's after this but let's go ahead and do it but now our next storm is gonna be obsidian oh we might be getting to the nether park guys okay now with obsidian i'm kind of getting scared that they might get more dangerous too because apparently once we get to the nether even the nether is gonna be entirely made out of temples so we're never gonna catch a break when it comes to this stuff so where are the obsidian temples oh okay well let's go inside oh it looks really cool in here okay so we have magma and crying obsidian and bottles of enchanting actually very good fire aspect two too okay wait i can actually get levels now what's the pickaxe bit of autobots one okay we don't need that definitely frostwalker won and we definitely need the bottles been changing though and it looks like a lot of good books oh man okay we're looking good right now in a stick what is the stick gonna be a knockback stick knockback level 255. knock your enemies away that might be useful in the future might as well grab it why not and something we could do to actually get out of here is why not one more time you took out an old berry tnt no no no no oh that could have been bad but on the bright side look what we just found just like that let's go ahead and get the next structure unlocked next structure why not so from obsidian where do we go now new storm approaching portal temple oh oh wow what's the loot gonna be in there it looks like it's a portal to go inside and it's all like a nether portal watch this guys you already know me the fastest obsidian miner in the world and what's down here okay so it looks like it's just a big portal temple i guess all that's left to do now is just go inside well with that being said guys wish me luck and here we go you may need this wait oh okay so we get another unlock next structure as soon as we get inside and what the heck is going on in here it looks pretty normal but there's no sky in the nether and are these temples down here i see oh my gosh okay that is way more than one temple okay so welcome to the nether area of the challenge and it definitely looks like we're getting a bunch of new temples so just like that we can definitely get a lot of wood but what's gonna be inside of the chest oh gosh i don't like that sound what's under here too oh more tnt don't really want to mess with the tnt so what else we got some flint steel it kind of looks like another fortress lou interesting so not bad stuff to grab i'm going to keep looking through them though because maybe sooner or later we'll find something good and actually i have an idea what if oh my gosh that may have not been the best idea to do but what the heck it looks like it's all pretty standard stuff some netherracks some nether quartz i think it might finally be time we unlocked the next structure but before we do that let me double check one more of these spots and then we can go ahead and right click and really see what's the no no no no no okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry well like i was saying let's finally see what the first structure is gonna be in the nether here we go new storm approaching in three two one magma temple oh like magma okay we might have to go up real quick oh look at that okay that's our first magma temple looks like literally a full-on magma temple it's gonna hurt to be inside of this thing so i should probably be careful and eat some food and down we go i guess literally it's gonna be non-stop damage but i think i have really good armor so we should be fine there and now what's gonna be inside of here fire resistance potion so magma cream okay the fire resistance potion actually something i really need so i'm gonna go ahead and take that magma cube eggs flint steel anything else we need oh my gosh literally a fire sword light your enemies on fire i mean i think this might be the sword we use now what the heck what else do we have in here flame book oh wait i wish i had a bow right now but i guess i'll take it why not and to get out why not one more time okay it's getting a bit big do we need anything here probably not let's go to another magma temple do i still take fire damage oh i don't nice well down we go and let's see what we get in this one because there's a lot of good stuff that's coming out of these like really quickly they're getting better and better for sure and there we go finally got the next structure let's go back up right click this and what are we going to get next hopefully lava temples aren't the thing because if a lava temple is a thing i don't know i'm going to go inside of there but i guess we'll see here we go all right oh here we go new storm 321 and fortress temple oh okay right just like that literally right in front of us and spawn but why not let's go inside oh this is a very cool block tease okay down we go all right some golden carrots not too bad a potion of strength i mean why not might as well splash that down oh so we're getting a lot of potions from here water bottle okay potion of swiftness why not portion of regeneration might as well grab every single potion i see okay and literally already unlock the next structure which i'm not gonna use just yet because i feel like there might be some more stuff we haven't found yet i'll unlock the next one after i explore a few more of these oh and there's another one right here nice okay and oh a custom of blaze rod block blazes so tightly packed together that it can make them go crazy okay that's what i definitely want to check out another portion of strength which i'm gonna actually keep for the dragon i feel like that's gonna be a smart one guess it's time to test out this block blaze run block let's see what happens what the heck no no no no no no hello oh wait what did they just all die together and they dropped their blaze rods what the heck was that that one didn't really make sense but i'm not going to complain let's go ahead and get the next structure there we're going wait what did i just get the next temple it literally spawned right on top of me well that's a little bit late but bastion temple right so i'm guessing that's what literally fell right on top of me and it kind of looks cool all right we got some a little golden black stone right here not bad oh wait oh age debris guys i think we finally did it okay with the bastion one we can actually get another right now that locked the next structure that was very quick and what is this oh wow that's actually really good a one-hit wonder netherrite sword which is sharpness level 100 the super sword that may only help you once oh it's only one durability oh gosh is this even useful at all would you guys take this i'm not even sure wait can't i repair that technically i think that's our new goal new plan guys we're gonna get another red sword then we're gonna repair the sharpest level 100 sword if it allows us and then we're gonna go boom boom pow and beat the game so that being said i need some more netherride temples and some more aged debris okay i think that might be actually good for one nephrite ingate wait can i make a furnace with blackstone i can oh okay we're onto something guys okay so with that let's cook this up and see if we can repair the level 100 sharpness sword okay so we got the nether right scrap now now let's see if we can make one another right ingot that's probably not the best crab possible but you know what i don't mind we also need a smithing table wait do i have no wood oh there's one right here not bad okay this is such a weird way of doing this but we're going for okay smithing table let's real quick make a netherride sword and with that deathrite sword can we now repair this oh oh my gosh that actually works okay and just like that we have a level 100 sharpness one hit wonder which is no longer a one-hit wonder but we'll go with it anyways though i think we might be good with the bastion tears so let's move on to the next one oh here we go three two one ancient debris temple oh that's kind of convenient because i was about to get a lot more ancient debris so oh my gosh wait that's already near the right blocks wait what i literally now have unlimited netherlight okay we're definitely getting a little bit too op but i'm not really going to complain i think we're good there and uh one block of another way going again not another way it gets i keep forgetting i have a brain in my head that is definitely one of the weirder aspects of this and don't mind me i don't really need the ancient debris but is there anything special in here knockback 2 um more obsidian nothing i really need but what we could do is destroy it why not no no no no no no no no no no teensy stay away okay we're good it's getting definitely a bit out of hand but let's go and find some more anything get in here oh a lava bucket block what could go wrong with compressing this much lava together i don't know if i should really mess around with this thing but you know me probably gonna place it down and it's probably gonna cause some chaos so let's go ahead and do it you know what to make even worse we're doing it on top of tnt okay we're running wait incoming fire wait where's the fire oh my gosh okay no no no literally the worst place to do this kind of cool though well we have another temple right here let's go straight inside so we finally got the next structure blocked but i'm actually not sure what we can get after netherright i mean netherright is so op already so what is left in the nether i'm not sure but here we go new storm approaching and portal temple never wait so another portal yeah i don't really want to be here anytime longer so i think it might be finally time we go back so let's go so we came out at a completely different spot and i forgot how many temples there really were around here well we got another structure block let's go ahead and summon it and what's gonna happen now another right temple didn't we just have another right temple what's better than a death right temple oh a netherway block temple right well not complaining let's go inside and i guess let's loot up what we can wait is this what i think of this this might be encitylu guys oh my gosh wait this is actually really good projectile protection four i'm breaking three and sadly another good diamond helmet which we can't use oh my goodness but i'm not going to complain about that and if i want to actually have a lot of nephrite blocks i could just do that and oh my gosh okay we are mining such a big area now and look what i just found guys so with this final structure thing what is gonna be waiting for us now oh stronghold temple okay i gotta get up now oh i see one okay let's go so definitely looks a bit weird it has portals as the decoration we have stronghold library it looks like sharpness three fire aspect two very good can i have fire respect two to my really good sword i'm gonna try that real quick and something that definitely interests me is n portal frames and eyes of ender i think we might be on to something guys so to get to the end we're gonna be going through these and getting all the end portal frames and eyes of ender and since we're done here let's go ahead and mine a big hole oh and there's two right here now okay well gonna mind you real quick and grab all the stuff and get one step closer to actually getting to the end so with that being done we have 21 eyes of ender and 32 end portal frames so with that being done guys i think it might finally be time for us to go to the end of try to beat the final dragon and hopefully we don't die to any temples in there because apparently there are temples in the end so let's see what happens oh i may need this unlocked next structure and we have the dragon right above us oh gosh wish me luck guys wait tnt is exploding hold up we literally got straight back up inside of a temple and it looks like it's gonna be an end city temple right well let's see what's inside exactly before we go ahead and fight the dragon so let's go down right here real quick we got tnt down there and oh yeah it definitely looks like a lot of density loot so i'm gonna go ahead and grab that why not and now that we know what's inside of here let's go and spot the next tier which is gonna be i actually have no idea but new store approaching in three two one tnt oh my gosh wait what the heck is this place oh my gosh holy wait no we can't blow anything up we cannot blow anything up why is there arrow things right there what the heck if literally one thing blows up right now this entire thing goes boom that's a lot of tnt and also end crystals which i should probably grab for the dragon but at the same time probably not the best idea okay i think it finally might be time we actually break these pillars so let's go ahead and get the pillars and then fight the dragon and i'm not sure how many hits it's gonna take to kill it with the sharpness 100 sword we also still do have the strength potion so strength plus sharpness 100 i think we might have a good chance okay all the crystals are gone now for the dragon oh it's finally coming down okay strength potion and now let's see how much damage this does oh my gosh wait that it's so much damage holy no it's already gone we just gotta wait a bit more just a little bit more and then we should be good i should probably start actually shooting this thing okay a couple more hits and then we should be good oh my gosh it literally shot itself there oh here it comes we're so close literally one more hit and and just like that guys that is going to be it for minecraft but the entire world was literally infinite desert temples i'm not even sure how big the end is right now but before we go what happens we mine right here oh yeah yeah yeah this may have been a bad idea
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,078,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft desert temple, minecraft million temples, minecraft but with 1 million temples, minecraft but desert temple, minecraft op desert temple, temple
Id: adcsk32IV34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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