Minecraft, But Herobrine Beats The Game For You...

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what happens when you hire herobrine himself to beat the game for you from start to finish let's go and find out first my goal is to summon here run into the world and use his ability to get the materials to summon hundreds more second i have to upgrade my herobrine army to the point where they can build entire empires but there might be a catch and last but not least i have to try to defeat a giant army of dragons but instead of weapons i can only use my hundreds of herobrine soldiers can i do it stay tuned to find out and if you guys want to help me hit 3 million subscribers go ahead and subscribe today and help us hit one whole like anyways guys enjoy the video okay so apparently this is gonna work so here brian oh a great evil draws near more and more undead mobs rise there's no time to explain it take this what the heck is this build me an army make them strong and help me stop this great evil see you soon player well welcome guys to minecraft but herobrine is gonna be beating the game for me and it looks like a lot of undead mobs are already attacking me okay i should probably head down quick here brent gave us suspicious bones suspicious flesh and a corrupted soul which has a mysterious crystal given to you from king herobrine i wonder how we use it alright that is quite the start guys and apparently we're gonna be using the drops from the undead to build an army so apparently if i put one corrupted soul and then rot and flesh next to each other we get a soul summoner used to summon a cursed soul okay well i'm gonna be making a ton of these we can also make them with bones and jets like that 12 soul summoners and i'm gonna go ahead and guess that when we place this down i'm also going to grab this round flush we're going to be getting literally our own herobrine so where is he oh there he is how's it going here brian you can't really talk but because you're going to be beating the game for us i'm going to go ahead and give him one wooden pickaxe and oh he is now a digger herobrine all right but before we do anything else let's go ahead and make one more wooden sword and summon a couple more turbines so uh three more they are very nice let's upgrade this guy to woodcutter oh there he is the lumberjack here run look at him go and we're not done there because this year run right here we're gonna give you a sword upgrade an assault herobrine which i'm gonna guess he doesn't really kill anything around us for now but we also do have one more thing and oddly enough with the red flower we can also upgrade herobrines and what do they become oh a healer hereby well we got our herobrines right there i'm gonna guess that we now gotta upgrade them to stone and then we can get the really good one so without being done let's head down all right we got everyone back real quick and now what we gotta do is definitely go to the next year of upgrades so before anything let's go to make a stone pickaxe stone sword and i'm not sure what else we can make just yet but i think we can go ahead and upgrade this guy too i'm going to guess a stone one oh okay swordsman eurobrand and now he's going to be a stone and leather guy not bad and the digger here brian is going to becoming a i think a stone pickaxe guy oh yeah look at him go oh he's mining now oh i gotta make more of them oh he's going down with the cave okay anyways though we gotta actually go ahead and make some more stuff he did get me some cobblestone and the next upgrades we need are actually gonna be a lot of iron stuff so before we get to that let me real quick actually cook a little bit of steak because oddly enough one of the mains we're gonna be making is actually gonna require a steak so one sec let me get this steak real quick all right and when we right click here brian oh oh that's a big old spatula we get a chef hereby oh and he's straight up just gives me food nice uh swordsmen you might want to go fight there unless you already killed them oh no they're already killing people oh my gosh wait my pickaxe man is literally just going on and doing his stuff live and roll iron already and i definitely need more soldiers because right now i don't think this is making the enough cuts so let's do this instead so the thing is i gotta upgrade every single herobrine all the way to the top so to get there first i'm gonna be needing a lot of guys with pickaxes so let's go ahead and make five wooden pickaxes i think that's a good start and then i guess we'll spawn five of these two uh two and one more all right so this is gonna be a little bit weird but here you get one you get one literally recruiting every single herobrine in the game right now my goal is to not do anything in this game and just have you guys do everything for me oh my gosh oh look at him go okay so apparently these guys when i right click them they just go ham wait right click right click and right click oh my gosh it looks like they're going all the way down oh no wait don't go to bedrock oh no don't die don't die okay i gotta swim in the back no don't die to lava let's go and make some stone pickaxes and then start getting some good stuff so before we go a little bit deeper one two three four and uh we actually need one more i should have maybe gone a little bit more wood but my wood cutter might give me some more wood soon so like i said earlier i really don't want to do anything so let's just find it you get that you get one you get one and who am i missing now i feel oh and last one okay we got five stone ones and now i just gotta cook a lot of iron or wait all this iron is already cooked oh wait they're actually cooking the iron for me now all right so we can actually go ahead and make a bunch of iron pickaxes and literally not even make one for myself i am only gonna be upgrading these herobrines and they're gonna do the job for me so real quick all right you become an iron one oh my gosh oh look at him go okay so with the iron he becomes a driller here but i need he does a huge area okay there you go you get that you get that holy they're making a big area already okay you get that one too it's gonna be worth it guys because now that we're making a decent army now we're gonna have a lot of people mining for a lot of diamonds soon and then we can get to the crazy ones because apparently there's even guns in this one but before we get to that where is the sword guy alright here you go you get a promotion and now you are a samurai herobrine oh i kind of want to find a mob so you can fight them but for now i guess you kind of can just chill right there and i also need some sand actually i think i can make a potion here brian okay so we're gonna cook that sand real quick and something we can actually do go ahead and do right now is actually make a lot of more herobrine so we have seven rotten flesh and i feel like by the end of this challenge we're gonna have a literal army of 100 herobrine so definitely stay tuned and go ahead and guess in the comments how many herobrines we're gonna have by the end and it looks like they're all doing a great job right now they've literally mined out this entire area by a ton am i getting copper i think the next upgrades are actually through hoppers so before we do anything else let's real quick actually get this copper cooking one too and now that we have the glass we can make one bottle and with this bottle with one new herobrine right here how's it going here brian we can actually go ahead and make this guy into what is this oh a potion master herobrine which what do you do do i just right clicky oh my gosh that is actually really op every time i right click this guy he literally just gives me level five potion effects i mean don't mind if i do i might as well take it and uh so for now let's recall these guys again see what they're up to right now we're getting actually a pretty decent army actually wait let's take them down here maybe they'll mine a lot down here oh let them go okay getting this many big guys guys was definitely a good idea we're getting so much copper eight raw copper now we gotta figure out what else we can make with the herobrine oh man i also gotta find some undead guys because if i'm gonna make a herobrine army i need more skeletons and more zombies so oddly enough with copper we're gonna be making some brand new items to minecraft and this might be a little bit cursed let me put one more cool right there but with three copper ingots we're gonna be making a copper pickaxe so you know stay with me guys you know it's completely normal kind of not really but let's go ahead and make a copper pickaxe copper sword and we can even make apparently a copper bow but we don't have a mine shaft yet but i'm assuming my herobrines are going to be doing that soon and another herobrine i can also apparently make is if i summon one more herobrine right here and then i give him one crafting table he becomes what is this a crafter here ryan so what do you do buddy do i just right-click you oh he's literally a walking workbench all right so something actually needed a little bit more of his wood so i'm gonna go ahead and get that now and that should probably also go deeper down the caves what are these guys doing right now they've literally mined out a giant area okay guys okay here brian you are doing a great job right now what the and this is only the iron tier actually wait before we go get some wood why because if i give you copper always dropping gold and copper and gets now well don't mind if i do i will gladly take all this i need to make some more copper pickaxes actually they're mining really quickly now i'm gonna give you copper you get copper and he's called a giga driller now oh my gosh they have two pickaxes okay all right there you go buddy there you go oh yeah and i can upgrade the same right here right now which is gonna become a knight herobrine okay and we also got a book so now that we have the books something we can apparently do is summon one earbud and with this book we can upgrade this herobrine and now he has the role of storyteller okay so what happens when i write like you would you like to hear a story yes i would like to hear your story i would very much i've lived for thousands of years and i have plenty of stories to tell very nice don't die um here brian your stories are kind of weird but you also give me xp every time i right-click you i'm level 33 i did not realize i was getting that much xp but okay and something that i got a little bit curious about that i haven't made yet is i can make a wooden hammer which is kind of weird to minecraft and then after the wooden hammer we can also make a stone hammer and you guys will see what i do with this very soon let me real quick get one more summoner and let's not die because this pickaxe guy is going crazy right now no no no no you're behind here brian you're you're mining all that i guess i can't really complain because he's here brian so he can literally do anything anyways though let's get out of there and hopefully these guys find diamond soon it feels like they can't mind diamonds though so i should probably upgrade them to gold when i can but now that we have the hammer i can go ahead and right click here brian and what happens when i right click it oh and he's a dirty here brian what okay i guess right click oh no wait here brian's come back okay welcome back wait what is this though did this guy just pulled a giant thing of dirt and apparently the dirty hero brian literally built a giant flaming curse looking thing okay guess we got a new base guys oh good no never mind they are breaking the base okay but on the bright side what we can go ahead and do is use the stone hammer and dirty here brian you're i guess gonna be coming a what master here brian okay well why are you gonna be building now oh my gosh oh don't die guys okay let me real quick summon everyone back all right welcome back guys apparently we now have a hut as a base i'm gonna go inside real quick and there's literally a dragon head inside and oh an engine table not bad water bucket two sure love me some water buckets i used to be a water bucket i know i'd say i'm a new thing every time but i'm not lying this time i was a water bucket so hopefully you guys uh respect that anyways go down and i swear every time i go back outside all these herobrines are literally mining a ginormous area and we still have so many more upgrades to do so with that being said the next thing we're gonna be making is apparently with a golden pickaxe and when we go up to a pickaxe guy this should work i think so we have giga driller and now we got jackhammer oh okay what do you do buddy do you just uh drive right clicky oh oh gosh okay um do you mind diamonds anyways though now that i've seen that let's uh make four more of these and get these guys all upgraded this video is going really fast but um we're apparently fighting a whole team of dragons so i gotta get the best team possible i only have another helmet still but it's all good okay how's it going guys you get an upgrade you get an upgrade okay gotta upgrade all these guys we're gonna be having the greatest army of all time all right let me upgrade you real quick there you go okay so now i gotta activate these so if i just right click them they go on and do their thing oh by the way do you have a story for me oh live extra lunar cape and free code right there nice we're at y level 18 so i definitely gotta find diamonds soon anyways though we might as well keep upgrading these herobrines and try to get a little bit closer at the end and uh i guess knight here brian now you get a golden sword and you become a ninja herobrine okay very nice man anyways though uh i guess for the next one we can go ahead and make a copper hammer and where is the builder oh wait they're killing people oh gosh wait i'm gonna get that round flesh i'm kind of running out of herobrine soldiers and the main thing i'm missing is not really materials but just wrong blood so what the wrong flesh let's real quick a little bit more soul summon so that's gonna be nine more soldiers at least but where is the builder man there he is okay so hump master and now with the copper oh wait did i not upgrade him oh i'm dumb guys i completely forgot i need to make the iron one first so let me make one of these and okay there we go okay so this probably isn't a good idea but if we go up to the hut master right click him he's now gonna become a builder chief and i should probably not do it inside this building because we're kind of making a whole empire building so let's get you guys over here how's it going guys welcome back there he is okay so i guess go build something right click oh my gosh holy okay um guys come back here and what the heck so it looks like he spawned an entire barn thing uh you guys go to work oh no no no no no don't break the base no no no is there anything in here that we need okay it looks empty for now we got some more bread and diamonds oddly enough the jackhammer did not find the diamonds but instead literally the builder found the diamonds i'm not gonna complain about that at all and it looks like the current pickaxe guys don't mind diamonds so in the meantime let's get our own diamonds and uh oh you guys might want to fight oh dang jackhammer dang all right well and something we can go ahead and make is uh let's make our first diamond pickaxe and now we can go ahead and upgrade our first pickaxe guy to diamond pickaxe guy i'm not really sure what to expect from him so there you go what do you become now a chunk master oh oh please don't break bad rock okay let's right click you oh my gosh okay well guys we have diamonds we we now are literally gonna upgrade our whole our whole herobrine armor to diamonds here we have a stack all right new plan guys because the herobrines are getting way too overpowered too quick we are definitely gonna be fighting an entire army of dragon it feels like so let's make a double chest and what we can do for now actually because we definitely have a lot of really op pickaxe guys is make four more diamond pickaxes and this might not be a good idea but chuck master you rike like you oh gosh look at him go oh my god he literally my diamonds right click you go on into your thing no no don't mind the test thank you very much and i can even go ahead and make one diamond sword and i guess we'll upgrade our samurai we gotta get a lot of swords guys very soon but for now we can go ahead and get a tanky herobrine oh oh yes do swords that's kind of cool actually i think there might be something with a gold block that we can make so let's go ahead and do another summon and with the gold block what do you become an alchemist here brian and what do you do buddy you guys just uh hang around not really sure what he does but he kinda looks good he has a golden gate and an iron get so i guess we'll figure out what he does in the future and another guy that we can also add to our army of trying to beat the game is uh with an anvil so what are you gonna do oh oh they're fighting tank guy go go kill oh let him go he's so slow oh gosh all the hair rights are killing all the bombs nice anyway so with the handball normal here brian let's get you upgraded it and now we get a repairman herobrine oh and he repaired everything not that i really have anything but should i do this challenge only with a leather chestplate i feel like it kind of makes more sense especially because i'm trying to beat the game through these guys so i might not make any armor just to make this a little bit more interesting but something i can actually make now because i saw a skeleton over there where is the bone oh there it is okay all right so with this bone we can actually go and make another herobrine and oddly enough with one bone what do you become oh a hunter okay literally a hunter herobrine with a bunch of dogs and they're called herobrine wolves not bad all right nice guys i haven't seen all my soldiers in a bit so let's see how big our army got now oh gosh yeah we're getting very big so what we can do now is with the copper hammer where is the builder guy all builder heave okay so we're gonna go that way just in case we lose that chest actually i should probably grab everything i like in that chest honestly i can get all this really quickly besides that and maybe that so now we get a architect herobrine so let's go this way put down the corrupted soul make sure no one dies in this lava because i appreciate my soldiers you know there we go we're gonna do this a little bit higher just in case anything bad happens so architect oh my gosh oh wait oh no don't die guys don't die okay please come down okay what the heck is this okay well i definitely looks like he did some architecture right now what the heck oh my gosh this is literally only copper tier we still gotta do gold and diamond and then we gotta go to netherright and this is already insane what the heck well if we go to the very top it just looks like a lot of copper really cool build though we're also above ground now so i could get some more soldiers with rotten flesh so actually not a bad idea i almost died there too okay let's not do that again so actually all right here brian's come at me real quick go and do some murder even though that's kind of bad with zombies it's all good oh look at them go okay literally just gonna collect some wrong flesh real quick not bad and uh some soul summers there we go eight soul summoners and the lord jack's going crazy oh look at him go oh my gosh look at all these zombies uh real quick though uh yeah here here by guys go go go him oh no no nope nope okay we are not going to be dying now we only have one life so while they do that let me grab some of the ma blue and something i actually really did need is some strings so the good time to go up here oh my gosh okay we have 12 rotten flesh so uh with the 12-round flash let's go ahead and make 20 soul summoners that is gonna be 20 more herobrines and there's so much more so that wasn't the best idea because we kind of lost half our army but on the bright side we did get a lot more soldiers so after that we now have a total of 33 potential soldiers and we also have bows so with our first bow we can go ahead and introduce our next soldier which is gonna be a bowman you're brine very nice and let's try them all actually over here go go go go oh there they've they've killed him instantly okay also a drug minor you can go ahead and mine some chunks and we do need a little bit more diamonds now or actually you just found diamonds sicily not bad oh this man is going insane oh my gosh anyway so let's get back to actually doing some stuff so because we have the bowman now apparently i can also make a stone bow which i'm not really sure how that's gonna work but i guess we're gonna try to make a stone bow is it like this oh okay literally stone bow what happens when i shoot this thing it is just a bow made of stone not bad all right let's call these guys back real quick uh where is the bow guy oh there he is okay bowman you're now a stone archer bowman so he's just a archer bowman not bad i guess we'll go ahead and involve him multiple times so the next thing we're gonna be making is uh one iron bow and because i can we can also go ahead and make a copper bow we're gonna go all the way up right now and i guess after copper we can go ahead and make a gold bow which again very cursed but i guess we're doing it and finally with the last string we have a full on diamond bow and i'm gonna guess we can also make another right bow but until then i guess we're gonna upgrade you to now be a uh crobo well what is a crowbar who knows if you made this for the video comment down below crowbar because that's barely a new thing anyways now we become a multi-shot bowman oh gosh okay these guys are getting really op but after this guy we can go ahead and use the gold bow and oh and there we go a gunman herobrine oh my gosh wait wait um i kind of want to see that in action but it doesn't seem like there's any mobs here they've already killed all the mobs around me and i'm realizing now i literally have 24 more of these so we can now spawn in literally an army of 56 more herobrines before we go to the final battle but gunman here brian what happens if i give you a diamond bow machine gunner that's a oozy oh my gosh okay well let's summon the crew again even though i don't really have much of you guys left because a lot of them already died oh no wait oh gosh guys i only have four of them left i've lost so many of them so we only have the architect chunk miner jackhammer and machine gunner left that is not a good look but on the bright side we do have 56 more of these guys so what we could do next is actually just upgrade the architect because the next thing we would have to make is a literally uh golden hammer but before we do this let's head up a little bit actually wait uh jack camper go back i'm gonna give you a diamond pickaxe oh wait that's a geode that's cool there we go okay now he's a diamond pickaxe guy not bad okay so let's real quick some of these guys back now i'm gonna give this guy golden hammer and now we have a designer here brian what are you gonna give us like a designer brand thing well what is this oh oh my gosh what is this oh that's a big old statue also that is a lot of mobs hey guys uh you guys gonna take care of that oh my gosh the machine gunner is going ham actually while we're here i'm going to go ahead and summon a couple more airplanes anyways you're going to become a hunter and you right there are going to become a crafting table here brian because i actually need one of you guys again so grab the table you're probably not bad because the last structure was so cool i kind of want to go straight to the diamond one now and i guess we'll see what the builder has for us now so i guess now we have almost a full diamond team and this guy's going to become a master builder oh might as well do it up there all right all right minions everyone alive we're good nice oh my gosh that is so cool looking what the heck anyways though uh now with the master builder build or something oh okay uh i'm not really sure what we're inside but let's get out of here as soon as we can okay but it looks like we now have literally a lifetime supply of just diamond blocks oh my gosh oh i see now okay this is literally the avengers tower somehow and i kind of want to go to the top so actually uh minions we're gonna go up there well it's kind of just like a platform and you can really see a lot with some nether brick fences which reminds me i should probably go to the nether now because i have pretty much everything i'm gonna need in the game except netherright so with that being said i survived i should have not risked that i would have literally lost the game if i died there but scare you guys back and let's go ahead and mine some obsidian you get to the nether oh this is actually really convenient uh i guess i'll go to another one that's not bad okay so i kind of just realized something i could go to the nether right now with all the herobrines and get netherride that way but something that didn't make sense to me until now is that with the gold block and then one herobrine when i made the alchemist it actually means that i can right click this guy with iron and every single time i click i literally get a golden ingot instead so i guess he does alchemy and make stuff but what we can do also is apparently with a diamond block so when i right click the alchemist we get an advanced alchemist here brian and so with the gold we got we can just right click this guy and now we pretty much have unlimited diamonds from gold not like we were already very overpowered but it doesn't stop there apparently because what i realized is that we literally have a netherrack around us and when we grab one netherrack i messed up it's not netherrock it's actually obsidian my bad okay and with obsidian we can upgrade this guy to an advanced alchemist here brian wait was that the same name again i have no idea but how this works is that he's gonna be taking blaze rods for enderpearls but how do i get blaze rods hold up oh okay okay let me jump into you real quick so apparently i kind of got it wrong so he's actually another alchemist here brian and i'm supposed to right click him with netherrack and then what do i get oh that's a little bit of a shortcut but with netherrack we're gonna be making 25 blaze powder and then with the blaze rods if we right click here brian or it's a blaze powder oh okay yep it's bladespotter okay so i literally made that blaze powder for no reason so i guess now with all the blazers we can go in and just spam click this and just like that 16 enterprise which we didn't even need to go to the nether i mean the herobrines are literally doing everything for me right now also i kind of need more space so chunk miner go to your thing and now that we have everything we need with the blaze rods we can upgrade this guy one more time and then we get what is this gonna be actually an ultimate alchemist here brian and i'm guessing he's like diamonds here again but from what i'm reading it says to give him some diamond blocks and then i get something it doesn't say what i get though so what do i get all right and now we have our final alchemist which is going to be the ultimate alchemist here brian with a diamond block and another right ingot and with these diamond blocks oh yup okay that's why it gets just like that guys and so just like that we skipped the entire nether portion of the video but with this netherite and blaze rods we should be able to actually make some better soldiers now so before anything let's make a smithing table and inside let's real quick why not make a diamond pickaxe get the netherway and get netherride pickaxe and i'm kind of curious so what do you guys do with the never write pickaxe laser minor herobrine okay oh wow okay wait so he just fires lasers no my spinning table very unfortunate actually but on the bright side i guess we literally have lasers now anyways though the second thing i kind of want to make that i'm really curious about is actually oh another right bow so what comes after machine gunner oh my gosh okay a rocket soldier here bro he has a tnt rpg well if any mob comes here they are literally screwed and we still have so many more herobrines to make 23 and actually before i forget i'm gonna go ahead and get a little bit more netherride so uh my man give me some more another right thank you very much and now i think for the best part and that's gonna be seeing what we get from a diamond sword one oh wait actually this is kind of awkward because we kind of lost our sportsman earlier so i gotta make all the swords real quick and now with the tanky here brian let's finally see what we can get with the netherride sword a hover soldier herobrine kind of anticlimactic honestly but i guess we'll see what he does once we fight the dragon army and now that we have that i guess we can finally move on to some more advanced things which the first thing i'm gonna be making is gonna be a sorcerer herobrine which is gonna oddly enough take us one blade spider so i guess i'll make two of them oh uh man spawned a little bit too many but i guess because we have so many we'll make a bunch of sorcerers i don't even know what they do all right what's a sorcerer sorcerer herobrine and do you give me anything i guess i'll make a lot of you guys why not all right you become a sorcerer you become a sorcerer and you become a sorcerer oh wait where's the builder actually oh wait another right hammer i am gonna go back to the service before using this one but where's the builder oh there he is okay oh no i didn't mean for you to build that but okay there we go that's more like it structure god hereby right so let's see what this guy can build up on the surface all right so where okay so structure god i guess give us something good oh my holy okay well okay it doesn't look like this place has anything besides just looking really insanely good but i guess on the bright side we can go ahead and start making our giant army literally right here so before anything i might as well go and summon all 45 so uh here we go come on minions let's go and just like that guys we have like 50 herobrines okay i guess we just gotta start making stuff okay so right here we have one machine good here brian and i'm gonna tell you guys right now it's been quite the grind but when i turn around you guys are really about to see the real herobrine army that we now have for the end so uh yeah so introducing guys literally an army of like 100 herobrine soldiers we have gunmen we have rocket soldiers we have machine gunners and there is definitely a lot of them so with that being said guys let me get diamond pickaxe you guys can see all the stuff that i've been making this whole time right there and we're gonna try to beat this game right now with only a leather chest plate so i avengers straight that way and without further ado guys let's go try to beat the dragon army and hopefully i don't die the process with only a leather chestplate okay i have enter and alright so i think it might be down here and before we go down actually okay yep uh right so i think the stronghold's right under us and i should have not recalled right there but i guess on the bright side let's go straight down actually wait where's the pickaxe guy yeah i don't think we're gonna find him anywhere so let's just go ahead and dig straight down and hope for the best also one thing i realized on the way here is that there's actually oh gosh one thing i realized before we got here was that there's actually one more herobrine that we can make and apparently it's the best one but we can only make it once we're in the end so with that being said let's try to find the portal and also not die at the same time oh okay here we go oh my goodness i need to make one more eye bender don't i dang it final eye vendor and just like that guys we can finally go to the end i only have a black leather chest plate which is gonna be one and a half armor bars and i might even play it more risky because herobrine's gonna beat the game for me so i think i'm gonna take off the chest plate and without further ado guys let someone in the army and i think it might be time guys to finally see if we can beat minecraft with only herobrine so without further ado let's go oh gosh okay um how do i get out i need to get out okay we're kind of naked right now so i gotta be a little bit careful but i also don't see a dragon bar it doesn't look like there's a dragon yet which makes me a little bit suspicious but for now let's mainly worry about here brian don't don't go fight your bride but with end stone we get wait what are you literally a kinkier bun with a really cool looking sword all right i guess the battle is going to be starting pretty much very soon where are the dragons though so this might work what if i just teleport them to be all right recalling minions and oh and here we go guys oh wait oh oh holy this is a war this is a war war there are so many dragons i'm not even sure what's going on but this is insane literally an army of herobrines versus an army of dragons and i should probably run away my computer cannot handle this and my computer literally is dying right now oh wow the netherright soldiers are doing work over there guys this might look like a slideshow right now but it is a mega war look at all that destruction wait did we win wait we won they're all gone yeah i think that might be it guys but with all that being done guys that is gonna be it for minecraft but herobrine literally beat the game for me i did not do a single hit to that dragon so with that being said guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here's a video just like this one bye guys you
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 4,253,926
Rating: 4.9088759 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but herobrine, herobrine, minecraft but herobrine beats the game for you, minecraft herobrine beats, herobrine beats minecraft, beat minecraft
Id: OIji_RIE1ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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