Minecraft, But There Are Custom Snakes...

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welcome to minecraft but there are custom stakes in today's video everything in minecraft is about to become a snake it might sound weird but throughout this challenge we're gonna be able to craft different types of snakes that are actually pretty op ranging from apple snakes to insane mining snakes to super combat snakes and even some snakes that i don't even know how to explain but the biggest challenge of them all is can i beat the snake dragon how long can these snakes get stay tuned to find out and a lot of you guys watching are new and not subscribed so if you do enjoy the content feel free to subscribe with me in three two one there we go welcome to the team and for today let's hit one like and i'll start uploading minecraft content anyways guys enjoy the video so just like last time i was told to log on the server and just walk forward mine a tree and then i guess look at the sky i don't know what they mean but i guess i have to do something with today's challenge so i got the tree and now i'm looking at the sky and wait what is that okay all right here brian how's it going buddy yet again we see each other again and what are you on minecraft with the power of snakes good luck good luck okay here bud i guess i'll be doing that i don't know where you're going now but have a great day yeah sure yet again weird challenge but i guess we're doing that today we're making snakes guys welcome to minecraft bow we craft custom snakes i'm not sure how this works but you know we're going for it and if you look on the screen right now we're gonna be making quite a lot of different snakes today and to start off with the first snake that we're gonna be getting what i see right now is that we need a little bit of dirt and with this dirt all we gotta do is like an s and what is that thing it literally looks like poop okay a literal dirt snake summoner sand castles are overrated right click to throw into the air wait what the heck is this thing i guess we'll just go ahead and place this down and see what happens summoning dirt snake oh it's literally a snake oh my gosh wait what does it do does it literally do nothing it's like a big poop in the sky oh wow okay oh what what is that okay did it sound like a dirt structure interesting i mean we'll go inside of it and then i guess make some more snakes why not this video is so weird we got some beds i guess i'll use these to fight the dragon and a furnace with nothing inside of it and a crafting table which i guess i'll be stealing too why not and just like that we literally got a random dirt structure okay you know what 10 out of 10 in the comments down below go ahead and say dirt snake op snake yeah why not and i guess just like that we're done with our first snake don't know how to feel about that one but it was kind of cool you know like i'm not gonna judge it we have a bunch of more snakes that we're gonna be making today and uh and actually something we should do first is go ahead and make some wooden snakes i'm pretty sure we can go ahead and make a lot of wooden shovels i think one two three four five wooden shovels and then with the five wooden shovels i'm guessing this is gonna be a okay a wooden snake shovel dig dig dig right click to launch a snake so uh all right so right click oh gosh okay it's literally a dirt gun okay so i guess these are little snakes that are just digging through the world and just getting all the dirt i'll ever need kind of cool but also kind of useless but i definitely feel like the snakes can get bigger so we might as well get some more wood and get some more wooden snakes i think i can make a wooden sword snake wouldn't pick ax snake a wooden axe nick which actually might be the next one we make just so i can get all the wood i'll ever need it so real quick actually let's go ahead and get all this wood literally get five wooden axes and now with the five wooden axes we can go ahead and make the expected wooden snake axe a mighty axe snake that kills trees with ease and again a right click to launch a snake this is definitely the weirdest video we've ever made and i say that every video but honestly like we're literally playing with snakes in minecraft so uh right click oh oh my gosh that's so much wood go on my snakes okay i am gonna be grabbing all the wood in the world right now because we're definitely gonna be needing it for all the tools we're gonna be making later so just like that we have a literally a 36 wood and the best part of that is we can actually go ahead and make five wooden swords and with the five wooden swords we couldn't go long without the wooden snake sword which is a blade that shoots wooden snakes right click to shoot so i just right click oh a wooden sword snake nice and it has an epic title every time i shoot it by saying a wooden sword snake i am so sorry villager oh gosh wait does it do a lot of damage it's like a plane oh go look at it go okay yeah these are definitely gold okay so we got the shovel we got the sword we got the axe and all that's left to do now before it gets nighttime is selfie getting the pickaxe and i should probably make this quickly because i gotta get down in the cave soon so uh and just like that we get the wooden snake pickaxe breaking blocks has never been easier right click to launch a snake so where's a cave i guess over here oh oh this is actually so good go on my snakes oh my gosh we already found a cave wait what is that orphan oh my gosh we literally also fought a mineshaft already okay yeah um i definitely found my new favorite pickaxe the wooden snake pickaxe is goaded all right so now that we've done that what i need to get is food and maybe some other snakes that i can get before i go down to the cave so i gotta be quick with this before the mobs come down oh a blacksmith actually uh we got oh apples wait is there an apple snake actually okay so there isn't an apple snake but there is something a little bit better so uh oddly enough a literally sapling snake summoner these items don't grow on trees or do they i right click to throw into the air okay what does this do oh gosh it's nighttime this is not good all right saplings go on do your thing summoning true snake what is this gonna do oh it's only spawning trees look at it go oh this is perfect and then i can use the wooden snake axe and just uh grab all the wood i guess a really easy way of getting wood why not all right so i'm gonna need beef pork and chicken so i'm gonna kill all these guys real quick i've got the chicken we got the cooked pork chop and the steak so now we're gonna be making a really cursed thing which is what is that oh my gosh beef steak summer are we sure this is fully cooked right click to throw into the air oh my gosh we might as well do all three so we got the pork chop one we got the beef one and also the chicken one because why not what even is this okay we're doing the chicken one first why not it's becoming morning time so the mom should be gone by now um so now a literal chicken snake oh gosh what is this thing gonna do oh that is a lot of chicken why not we're doing pork too oh look at it go and now the beef snake all right i guess we're never running out of food so now that we've done that i guess what we can do now is uh i'm kind of curious what happens if i make five shovels and make the stone shovel snake i'm not sure what this is gonna do but it says three shovels right click to launch a snake okay uh well dirt do i need to mind you oh my gosh okay it's just three of them they actually look really cool well it's just really a lot of dirt not not the coolest shovel in the game but but it's there i need a little bit more wood so why not let's go to make four axes because we already have one and with these axes i guess we can go ahead and make a snakestone axe an apple day and uh is this gonna give me a lot of apples oh it's kind of like the same thing but i can shoot a lot of them oh my gosh all right my inventory is a mess from all that on the bright side we did get some more wood but i do i really need that much wood probably not so i guess what would be next is four stone swords and with these stone swords i guess we're gonna be making a stone sword stick i i'm like barely mining right now and just straight up just crafting a stone snake sword three times the fun so is it kind of like a triple shot oh my gosh literally stone sword snakes with a dramatic message on the screen of course okay uh and last but not least guys you already know it's gonna be the final stone pickaxe snake which i'm gonna guess is gonna be very overpowered because the wooden one was already so good and we haven't even gone to iron yet so i feel like this is gonna be incredible oh it just instantly smells that's actually really useful and actually exactly what we need for the next tier and it's kind of useful because right in front of us we have the biggest iron vein in the world so if i right-click wait what it gives me gold too that's so broken we not only get iron in instant smoke when we straight up get gold um and i now have a stack of iron ingots and a sack of gold and it's guys we are literally getting everything possible in the game we also have a mineshaft which i kind of need the string because i feel like we can make a bow stick so uh let's actually make some normal tools i'm gonna go and make an iron sword and iron pickaxe i think i might need it for later on and let's try to go ahead and make a bow snake i'm liking this challenge a lot though it's definitely cool all right and now we have 15 strings let me get a lot of sticks and there we go five bows and with these five bows we can go ahead and make a really big bow a snake bow summoner infinite ammo right click to throw into the air attack snake it literally just attacked it hold up wait where do i put this do i just launch it right now oh gosh yep yep that that is an attack stake okay is this like free arrows oh my gosh i'm almost dead okay no we're not going over there that is literally a death trap okay um can i get my bow snake back or is it gone forever oh no it's gone forever oh i gotta get a lot of more string again i guess i can do that now but that's kind of a scam man oh a repeat okay not bad i'm gonna go ahead and make the next tier snakes then i think the next snake we make is gonna be probably the iron shovel snake so let's real quick go throw away that so i guess five iron shovels that is a lot of shovels my goodness and with the five iron shovels we should be able to get an iron snake shovel which i'm gonna guess like it says wide shovel right click to launch a snake i'm gonna guess it's even more dirt where's some dirt dirt right here all right what do you do oh gosh okay yeah i know it's literally just even it's even just a wider range of snakes okay and i guess we can find a lot of dirt with this thing not bad and even though we're underground we might as well go and make the axe one so with this final x we should be able to get the iron snake axe a mine of their own right wait a minute of their own hold up wait are they starting to get like ai and stuff okay i guess we'll throw it go on axe do your thing wait where are they well what is it doing it's kind of like its own little thing it's trying to mine wood but it can't oh poor thing so that kind of didn't work out like we wanted to also we don't need iron or iron ore is like literally like who use iron ore nowadays okay let's go ahead and make five iron swords that's what we need we got the five iron swords go ahead and place them together and this is probably gonna be a really good sword which is gonna be the iron snake sword caution flammable right click to launch sword all right where are the mobs oh wait what the heck was that oh my gosh okay so they set you on fire i accidentally jumped straight in front of the snakes and that is a lot of snakes okay last but not least we're gonna be going for the iron snake pickaxe which i don't really know how to explain it other than it's uh literally mine more blocks sure yeah here brian well what did you give it to me i guess it's gonna be maybe like a chunk now what is this gonna do oh my gosh oh look at it go i am probably gonna find diamonds really quickly and diamonds right there okay we're gonna write that down that the diamonds are right there actually i should probably make it our pickaxe and then get those diamonds better than wait what did i just get what is that rare diamond what is rare diamond is this like netherripe but like it's off-brand netherright i guess rare diamond sure why not might as well go ahead and make a dime pickaxes that's the next tier of items we're gonna be making and also i'm looking at what herobrine sent me and i'm pretty sure i can make snake armor which apparently with five helmets we're gonna be getting a snake iron helmet it feels like a full set the materials are bound tightly so when we put this on what exactly happens oh the iron helmet is wrapped around your body and just like that i got a full set of iron snake armor and it kind of just looks like your basic armor and i got three extra hearts interesting okay i mean i'm not complaining at all okay these items are starting to get really weird and honestly not complaining it's next door channel what do you expect we always just make the weirdest things in minecraft and so i guess with five shields we get a snake shield oh i like the design i think that's like a snake on it it wraps itself tight when held a shield stronger than diamond what are these custom stakes right now so i just right click oh wait that's sick oh yo that's so sick it's a little bit of sneak we can go ahead and make the next deer which is gonna be gold and might as well start with the armor since we already did the iron armor so maybe we got more hearts i'm not really sure we got three extra hearts right now so if we put five gold helmets together and get the gold snake helmet wait snake laser three huh it feels like a full set the materials are bound tightly five hearts the golden helmet has wrapped around you you've learned to launch snakes what happens when i wreck like no oh it's right here the snake lasers so what what is a snake laser okay well let's right click oh literally a laser okay we have lasers of minecraft now why not and we just got to the gold tier we gotta go ahead and start with the golden shovel so one two three four bury treasures oh i think we're actually gonna start finding stuff in the dirt now so where is some quick dirt i guess right there a little small dirt patch what are you gonna give me what the dirt snake go on snakes nothing we got nothing okay we're going straight to the axe and the pickaxe all that good stuff but i guess just like that we get the golden one a mighty axe snake that kills trees with ease i kind of really want to go up and use this thing oh there it goes oh it's a bigger snake this time all right so the gold snake axe we can't really use right now but you know it was cool lasted you know what we're gonna be making the gold sword next so why not go ahead and make one two three five golden swords and let's go ahead and see what the gold snake is gonna be doing gold snake sword easy loot so what is this oh yet again three fiery swords and it said get more loot so i'm gonna assume that when we fight mods we can get their loot so i definitely gotta find some mobs soon but because i've been mining in weird areas it's kind of hard to find moms right now also what the heck is happening right now we are fighting so many diamonds so much gold and the final gold snake tier item is gonna be the gold snake pickaxe more or please right click to launch a snake so it's gonna be like the hard one and just like really long oh my gosh it's even faster look at it go oh it's more diamonds i just got a sack of diamonds from one baited diamonds what the heck and once we make the diamond things i think we'll be ready to go to the nether so uh i'm not sure we need anything else here besides some obsidium for the nether portal so where is a lava pool also diamond snake shovel i completely ignore this but destroy alder right click to launch today you know what just for this one i'm gonna go back up to the surface real quick so it said mine all dirt so uh oh okay oh wait wait what ender pearls and obsidian from a diamond snake shovel what is going on right now and the next item we're gonna be making is gonna be the diamond act snake which uh i guess we don't need feathers because we can make another bow snake soon yeah why not but before we do that actually might as well try out the iron axonate we never got to use it so go on irontoxic dear thing it's uh doing nothing what are you guys doing no i mean i got some apples okay that kind of sucks but you know what we're going for the next one what is this one gonna give me just another right out of trees i feel like they're getting more broken and broken more snakes equals more fun right click to launch a snake so uh i guess another force thing all right go on oh it's three stakes go all the nose that's like five what are they doing they're just going out in the air they're dropping gold apples yes okay that's a lot of golden apples not bad all right so with that we have seven golden apples and that should be literally the perfect amount for a golden apple snake can you guys calm down please go away thank you all right so with five golden apples we get a weird looking sideways apple okay golden apple snake the apple feels alive what do you think gal yes okay nice all right gold apple snake go do your thing summoning golden apple snake is going up in there and now it's literally a snake throwing golden apples these snakes are open guys and we might as well go for the next one which is gonna be five diamond helmets and there we go with the diamond snake helmet and snake lasers three we already saw that venomous thorns five is this like uh weird thorns i guess it kind of makes sense because it's venomous all right gold i'm sorry you're gone i should probably not get attacked right now and when we put this on we get the diamond helmet as wrapped around you and there it is a literally full diamond steak armor and did we get a new item or is it just that when i get hit i need to get hit by something and something i just figured out actually we could actually use five ender pearls and get a what is that okay enderman snake summoner prone to move things right click to throw into the air literally attack snake so last time we saw that it was on the bow and we lost the bow so i'm gonna go ahead and make two of these and uh we can get intervals easily later oh these look so cool so what happens if i right click one okay just in case i don't use two i'm gonna grab one and i guess go on enderman summoning enderman snake wait i can barely see it but what is that oh wait and they're just moving things oh that's kind of cool i just moved that chicken away i mean that was kind of cool i guess we'll save that for the dragon but i don't really know where the thing went and now something that we can go ahead and make is gonna be with the diamonds the diamond snake pickaxe must find diamonds oh i might not be the best spot for this i guess we'll just go ahead and launch it go on my minion oh no it's not funny any diamonds because we're on the surface oh gosh where are you going and i guess the last one we're gonna be making is uh oh wait we need more diamonds that's awkward okay we're going down to the caves again all right diamond pickaxe do your thing i think it's having a hard time oh no it's not every hard time okay yep no it might be the water okay well the diamond pickaxe snake is definitely mining a lot of things no diamonds yet but uh i guess there's a spawner um oh wait actually i think i need that wrong flesh or i need wrong flesh from this seven rotten flesh not the most in the world but all right so five wrong flesh and okay these look so goofy attack snake a venomous undead snake so uh when it says attack i don't think i'm gonna use it maybe until the final fight so golden state pickaxe literally goes on forever and uh is it ever gonna end oh no when it got eaten up by lava rest in peace gold snake pickaxe dang it but now with the diamond stick pickaxe uh let's see what type of terror we get with this thing oh my gosh that thing is huge oh oh diamonds nice all right there we go 11 diamonds that is going to be enough for at least the diamond sword we need and we actually need a lot more if we're going to be making it netherite snakes okay on the bright side we now have 48 diamonds oh that should definitely be enough for a good bit i made a ginormous hole now and i need a diamond pickaxe for sure let's find this the old-fashioned way and uh just do it like this okay get the diamonds nice five vane and uh of course it's lava nice it wouldn't be next door video without me going lava on the bright side i think we might be done here with getting all the diamonds we need and we can actually go ahead and make the next snake which is actually going to be the diamond sword snake so uh gotta make all the swords i can there we go and what these swords are we can go ahead and make the final diamond item which is gonna be the diamond snake sword it's alive right click to launch swords all right let's see what it does diamond sword snake okay oh hello oh get it go okay we should probably head back to the surface but that's actually really cool what the heck wait actually there's a village right here so i think there's actually an item we can make with the sandstone with five cut sandstone we got wait oh a structure snake summoner wait i did not expect that one who doesn't love structures wait so before we go to the nether actually what happens if i spawn this thing oh my gosh wait what that is going on oh wait it's only a portal and a jungle temple and inside can we get anything good okay right this is getting way more and more overpowered as we go splash potion of regen two splash speed two i really don't want any of these because my snakes are kind of like insane oh and knock back fights a pickle of course uh i guess i need the water bucket right now we'll keep the water bucket but that's the only thing i'm keeping honestly i'm kind of addicted to the structure snake so we're gonna be making another one and then we'll go to the nether i i just love these right now give me something good give me a temple something because there is a tnt snake and i would love to get some tnt oh gosh wait is this it oh wait oh wait there's a lot of sandstone guys no way no way yes let's go okay we finally got it okay we got a temple from the snake i wasn't too sure if you could actually get one but i mean we got it finally probably nothing good in the chest uh oh you know basic stuff sometimes i do need some diamonds some gold why not uh i can never go wrong with too many golden apples interestingly enough some rotten flesh which i actually need for more snakes so i'm gonna grab a lot of those and now that we have all that let's go ahead and make some crafting tables and i think my favorite part is gonna be not only that we now have six zombie snakes which we haven't tried out yet and if you want to see them be sure to stay tuned because we're to be doing that at the end of the video and what i like about this desert temple is that we can actually go in and make our next snake which is going to be why do they look like weird little poops a tnt snake summoner what a short fuse right click to throw into the air it's an attack snake so i guess we can't use this until we fight the dragon so i'm gonna save these snakes for now and now that we've done all that we might as well go to the nether and get all the nether right we can so without further ado let's go inside all right we are in the main thing we need right now is netherite and blaze powder so i'm gonna try to find a fortress as fast as i can oh and there it is okay not to kill the blazes oh we found it okay so uh i guess i'll just throw this all right diamond sword snake go do your thing oh it's literally killing all them why is it giving random blue where i really don't need any of this luke can you still draw blaze rods i'm not sure all right well i guess i'll just grind this out and wait for all the blaze rods so i may have gotten a little bit too overkill we got 10 blaze rods now i'm glad we gotta get 20 more and uh uh snake i'm gonna need you real quick uh go on diamond sword snake while i break this uh yeah go go go at it so now that we've gone all the blaze rods we can actually go ahead and make something that's not isa vendor with five of these and oddly enough another attack snake which is gonna be a fireball snake summoner extra hot right click to throw into the air so because it's an attack snake i'm not gonna use this one just yet and i think i'm gonna go get the nether right first and use this once we get to the actual dragon and we can actually go ahead and make some eyes event or why not so now that we're done here i guess all that's left to do is just kind of spawn in a snake and oh gosh that i guess that happens i guess we're gonna be going all the way down and going for all the nether we can go on snakes go oh and ancient debris let's go all right now we gotta see what happens when a snake bites this thing oh my snakes oh okay that's a lot of nether right i think it worked and we definitely are not getting normal aging debris but instead we're gonna be getting 19 netherright ingots hold up what wait that's a legit almost enough network for all the snakes we need more snakes oh right there come on okay well now we have literally a stack of netherwight and plus the tnt we have literally a stargate 37 netherlight ingots okay guys i think that might be more than enough so with that being done we're gonna go back to the overworld and really see what these new stakes can do here we go i missed wow that that was embarrassing here we go we had quite the adventure of the nether now let's head all the way back up maybe to make this stuff i just gotta combine these with one another i ink it maybe i just got way too much another right so if i take the diamond sword snake and then put another eye in get oh might be better if i make a smithing table and then with this meeting table we might have too much nothing right but a literal netherlight snake pickaxe mind the world right click to launch a snake then we got the snake sword which is uh you're gonna need a bigger sheath i mean if it's a literal sword snake yeah probably then we got the shovel of course you never forget the shovel dirt cannons okay yeah dark cannons why not can't forget the axe netherride snake axe a mighty axe snake that kills trees with ease or kills trez tries okay whatever it tries sure with ease right click to launch a snake and then finally last but not least we're gonna take off the diamond snake helmet and then with the netherite oh gosh there it is another white snake helmet snake laser three venomous thorns five and snake charmer one wait what so i guess we just put this on the nether right helmet has wrapped around you cover me in debris and uh a snake wolf summoner okay and it's literally just a bunch of dog things okay oh my gosh that's a bit cursed i'm gonna leave them be for now they're kind of loud okay you guys do your thing but we do have the axe so let's go so force real quick and see what it does another right snake axe do your thing it's kind of stuck the netherway act snake might not be the best snake what about the snake shovel let's check out the snake shovel oh gosh okay that's a big boy snake oh my gosh and uh i did need enterprise so i'm gonna be grabbing these as soon as i can so uh real quick and might as well fifty nine's vendor don't eat that mini ice offender but why not and what about the netherlight snake pickaxe i'm kind of terrified to use this thing but let's see what it does okay that is way too big of a hole okay we're not going deeper it's getting bigger and bigger and also the snake is just literally getting way too crazy what the heck is that all right we're going to the next one snake sword what does the steak sword do netherlight sword snake what a beauty oh my gosh look at that thing it's so long it's killing the chickens not the chickens times like these we use our eyes of under and head straight that way nice where the murders happening oh wait ashley there's actually two more items we haven't made yet one i can't make until apparently i kill the dragon but one of the final items is actually a weird one where it requires us to make five diamond blocks and with these diamond blocks what do we make we get a super structured snake summoner the bigger the structures the higher they fall right click to throw into the air oh gosh okay i can only make one of these so without further ado guys uh let's go and see what this thing does somebody superstructure snake oh okay oh my gosh what is going on what even is this thing what's in here uh i guess i'll take the speed potion sure why not i do like some speed potions and still too yeah why not i mean we're finding some form of steak soon so might as well get everything i can oh and a strength two potion actually definitely something very useful i'm gonna be grabbing that for sure and what is inside this mansion it looks like just a lot of stuff and honestly because it is a lot of wars might as well use this giant pickaxe which uh now the mansion's gone okay why did i do that no idea and all that's left to do now is just to find the fortress fight the dragon and hopefully not die but you know what i've never died in minecraft okay straight that way not bad all right so it's straight down this way and honestly just for the memes we're using the pickaxe go on big axe probably a bad idea oh gosh this is a really bad idea isn't it oh gosh i think i broke the pickaxe guys so we might have to do this the old-fashioned way just dig straight down i guess oh okay cave does this lead me straight to the stronghold and it does all right we're inside all right and now where is the portal room we gotta find this real quick okay we're in uh sword snake okay we're inside lily don't need all the eyes i have i have way too many actually i think i accidentally just threw one but um we should probably make a normal sword probably a good idea oh oh nevermind we're going inside all right we're just going straight in guys we're in now how do we get out of here um guess ender pearl over there all right pulled in i'm a little bit suspicious about this worthless dragon okay yep that makes a lot more sense here brian what are you doing wait what are you doing hello why are you just leaving without saying anything what is that thing oh my gosh that hurts okay sword snakes go i don't even see a boss more i'm not even sure if i can kill this thing just call on sword snakes holy oh i'm a half heart i guess this is why we got a stack of golden apples oh my goodness oh there it goes okay i guess tnt state summoner go i don't know what it does but go do your thing okay that's not stone anymore that is i don't even know what that is but we are running now okay enderman steak spotter go uh stick laser i should probably use these to break these break break break they're not working are they oh my gosh wait okay i'm sending him some more sword snakes go on the other right swords next deer thing this is the weirdest battle ever so it looks like there's one main dragon in the front i don't know how i'm going to kill them but i guess maybe the zombie safe spotter will do it what the heck are those things go wait did i kill it i'm not even sure guys that's literally a giant concoction wait i think i just killed it oh my gosh i think that was it and apparently the last snake we're gonna be making is actually with the dragon egg so i guess this might be it guys and don't tell me this is gonna give me a dragon snake a lucky block snake summoner what i guess it's the end game thing guys hope you guys all enjoyed now we spawn in the lucky block snake which is uh strider wandering traitor and just diamond lou and giant oh my gosh okay uh i think this might be time for us to go into the portal so with all that being done i hope you guys all enjoyed it and besides that guys here's a video just like this one good
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,954,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but there are custom, minecraft but there are custom snakes, minecraft but snakes, minecraft but there are, minecraft but you can craft custom snakes
Id: qgBgDDSqH74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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