Minecraft, But Breeding Gets Worse...

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is Minecraft but anything you breed you get today we'll be able to take any two things in Minecraft and braid them into a brand new creation from mixing and picking a cow to breeding lava blocks with water blocks to even breeding all 30 plus mobs together my goal is to create the ultimate mobs to defeat the dragon but as we breed more creatures some Creations might backfire so how can I even breed items together and what happens when you breed the dragon with every mob in Minecraft stay tuned to find out okay so this right here is normal breeding we get two carrots and then we get a little pig but as for today we have the mission to breed a new mob and to do that we have a breed of Tron so pretty much now with this we're looking thing we can take any mob right here and combine them together like for example we have the pig and we have the cow so if I right click the cow he gets Zapped and now when we right click the pig they come together and oh we get a cow pig yo oh my goodness but anyways now we got a stunning upgrade which I'm gonna guess is for the breed of Tron so right click machine upgraded and so now that upgraded I guess we can probably check out whatever that is over there oh we're starting a bazoo or something oh and there's a zookeeper all right Mr zookeeper how's it going hi there my zoo is a bit empty could you help me get some more animals oh okay yeah sure and now we have the mission to breed 10 strange animals sorry is a plan I'm gonna try to just make up some combos because I mean if we can breed anything can I even Loki combine blocks and items all right so why don't we just make a hay Bell since I gotta need food and now with the table could I technically just grab any mob I want like a villager hold up I think I can pick him up if I shift right quick oh that works yes okay we got the Villager and the hay Bell and now let's add him to the zoo so please tell the Villager and so can I breed him with the block that's right click the hey Bill oh it works can I also get the villager oh yes and then we get a villager hay Bell is he just stuck there oh gosh okay now for this one got idea one sec let's grab the horse real quick one sec there we go and as for the next mob oh we can get the chicken all right time for horse chicken let's see if this works okay so now if we wiping the horse there we go and now pretty much on the chicken oh they're coming together and yes we got a pegasus with wings can I write it oh I can write it now that's gonna be our strange animal number two all right next up let's go ahead and do something for the turtle and maybe we can combine them with an item let me get some stuff first all right we got the stuff in oh wait we just gone Apple what if we make a turtle Apple okay Mr Turtle I have just think for you we got the one apple right there and so if I bring the Tron the turtle and then I better try on the Apple oh we get a turtle Apple oh and it drops apples yes okay that's gonna be strange edible number three and so far the zoo is actually getting pretty nice so now what could we do I mean this guy's kind of right here before the zoo's open so well okay you're gonna be my next one and as for what we can bind the Villager with let me try to find something oh that might be perfect what if we combine a villager in a brewing stand guys I think we might be onto something let's put him right here in this desert area because why not so miss villager there you go in a brewing stand and so I guess I pretty try on the bring stand there we go and next up Mr villager oh there we go and what the heck is that thing we just made a potion villager do you do anything do I punch him or something oh he drops potions when I hit him oh yeah okay so now we got a portion of Health boost and oh my goodness you give good potions all right this is a good combination guys well that's another one down we got some good potions from it and so what could we do next again I mean a rabbit might be easy why don't we just give him a sapling because there's a big tree right there all right Miss Rabbit let's try this out real quick let's record to the sapling done and now get you done in oh is that a tree oh it's a tree rabbit well that's gonna be number four and he's just gonna right how about let's go get some mobs and come back all right so I pretty much found some other stuff to breed what we got the horse again all this good stuff I do want to try out a cow in a dandelion because uh you probably already know where that's going but I also want to find something like a hostile mob or something that could be good for this oh wait this might be perfect loneliest spider spawner oh we got a spider okay shift right click let's get that spider and I think I need one more thing oh wait I have an idea what we need is this iron so give me one sec you'll see what happens all right we got a pickaxe now but the main thing I wanted was the minecart all right so right by the horse let's breed a cow and a dandelion and if you don't know what this is watch this candy Line let's get you pretty Tron and now the cow and they become a moon Bloom yo oh and a bunch of bees okay now that's gonna be number six and now for the next one why not let's get the spider and I mean what can I combine with the spider oh grabbing table okay round table right there I guess and then a spider let's real quick pretty Tron this guy quickly and so is this gonna be a spider crafting table oh oh my goodness it's literally a crafting table with legs can I crop with it or Canada yo okay very nice up next and now let's grab maybe the last villager we have right there kind of looks like a good set of here why not put you right there in the cow and oh what the heck is this thing I I think it's sweating okay I am Gonna Leave This thing be and let's get to one of the last ones I mean we haven't used a sheep yet I don't think what if we just do a sheep right there and a chicken would this be a flying sheep and Mr sheep go on together and oh oh gosh okay it is a egg laying chicken sheet nice so now at the top we only have one more to do and all I have left is the minecart guys which I had planned in a horse which pretty much I was thinking why not put a vehicle with a vehicle so it might work I think we may have ran out of pen so I guess we can do it right here all right we got the horse and now we got the minecart okay let's get the minecart done there we go and now do I get a race car from this oh there we go and what the heck is that thing oh I can ride it so that's gonna be 10 strange animals done and we got the message these mobs are good but what about a giant one breed a slime and a villager so Mr slime let me get you a villager sorry about this hold up let me grab you real quick there we go and welcome to the zoo all right let's combine you and you oh there they go and oh oh that's a big villager I think this might be good enough for the zoo let's go back to the Zookeeper now all right zoo keeper should be good this is great a master guys now we just need to show it off here take these supplies and build a billboard holy um okay wait so how the heck am I supposed to build a billboard guys oh wait I could just make a big sign that says zoo I guess I think we're just gonna make a base of wood logs even though they're off a little bit and I guess we'll make the word Zoo I mean low-key not that bad so far now let's do the oh and there we go and honestly that should be good enough guys and so I guess let's go ahead and talk to the Zookeeper again all right we should be done that's perfect now to wait for the villagers to come along come into the zoo with all the strange mobs the guy guys are missing the door uh that's not the door guys oh gosh let me help them out guys the villagers are kind of dumb but with that being done that's gonna be the challenge complete and yet again we get another upgrade all right yet again let's go to upgrade and that's gonna be the machine upgraded one more time and as for what we do now it says odd barking is coming from the village oh okay is there like a dog around here oh here it is we got a dog trainer and oh my goodness we got an ugly dog all right uh dog trainer looks like you're sweating what's up my dog it's too ugly could you help me make him cooler oh I guess I'm gonna have to breed this thing we'll have an idea what if we breed the dog and bone meal hold up let me find a skeleton oh there we go go skeleton let's real quick take you down and now we got the bone all right so now let's make some bone meal and take this back to the dog okay now back to the Ugly Dog let's place down the bone meal right click this thing and I guess we'll just bring it with the dog oh there it goes yes it worked now we got a big one to prepare though it's still an ugly dog I mean we could try Mickey get cooler with something look at that bee maybe something over here what if we make it a lava dog that'd be kind of cool I think that guy would like it oh gosh when we got our dang it let's real quick it's mine all right we're all quick one bucket let's get that one and now for the Ugly Dog let's get the lava bucket right here and combine oh and we got the Llama dog yo he's so cool but do you think you could add some more effects oh some more effects I mean we could combine the torch I think all right why not let's grab the torch right there let's go ahead and use a pretty Tron on that and then does this give him cool effects oh oh all right is this good enough dog trainer trainer show a dog show okay how do I take this guy no snuggles and bring him to the dog show oh his name is snarls okay I'm on the dog now and as for the dog show well where the heck is this oh it was a fan of the village okay all right everyone let's see your dog drinks Oh wait we're starting already okay um first fluffy oh uh fluffy what are you gonna do with the dog trainer hello oh he doesn't alone so nice oh look at your next oh well what's the bug gonna do what the dog doing oh wait what the heck hey right click oh that was a straight out of meteor time for the second competition this time we'll be looking at speed talk to their trainers please make their way to the racetrack oh what the heck are we doing a race oh okay it's a race on my mark three two one go go on buddy oh gosh he's a little bit slow okay okay we gotta Dodge obstacles come on buddy oh wait I'm going the wrong way no no no no no no no I'm an idiot oh gosh the pug went the wrong way oh gosh okay it's just me and fluffy let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go here we go and did we make it oh and there it is a win by snorkels nice and so just like that we win the competition very nice lava dog and we got a good old trophy one Trophy and the companion upgrade yet again all right we're gonna Tron let's get you upgrade there we go machine upgraded and I guess we might be done here now okay let's get back to Brittany again and ask for what we do now this place kind of looks weird maybe the next breed thing is over here oh my um I think I'm right hello Mighty villager what's up oh hello you want to join us in mining sure what the heck are you guys doing down there follow me all right lead the way I got the bridge drawn ready am I supposed to like combine you guys or something oh wait that is a big old rock what are we doing here oh wait maybe I gotta talk to this guy site leader you want to work sure thing buddy just get us through this Boulder I mean I have an armpitax is that good enough create a tool that can break the boulder oh that makes sense okay wait so before mining with that iron pickaxe then let's make the best pickaxe we can so do we have any diamonds no all right let me dig straight down let's find a cave and get some diamonds to breed a diamond pickaxe and maybe something else holy game okay that's a lot of mobs but actually that creeper right there gives you an idea diamond pickaxe plus creeper if we can breed items we can do it um all right let me grab you for the combination real quick there we go all right we're getting pretty deep now let's make sure we get some diamonds there we go finally one diamond oh gosh it's only one muzzle grab another creeper there we go oh and some more diamonds and now with all the stuff let's find let me get on pickaxe there we go and as for breeding the ultimate pickaxe let's try diamond pickaxe plus one creeper let's right click you then right click this guy and oh worked we now have an explosive pickaxe all right wait does it explode though oh okay so it does explode on break but on right click not good enough yet maybe we're gonna add some more tools to it let me find some more diamonds a little bit more diamonds right here thank you all right so right now we only have a pickaxe but if we're trying to make a really good tool with breeding why don't we also get an ax and a shovel and I mean for example when pickaxe one ax and then we combine these two and we got an ax Bank an explosive ax pick oh and it's bigger nice but we're not done there yet though because now we can throw this guy and throw the shovel too combine these two and now we also get a explosive multi-tool and holy this mine's a lot quicker now and even more TNT oh and diamonds no maybe let me grab those real quick and so we're now slowly getting an even better thing but I mean I also have an extra lava bucket so I mean why not let's keep going until we can break that thing which honestly I could probably do it right now but I'm gonna keep trying to make this Overkill let's add this thing and this thing with the breeder and so right click and right click and oh explosive hot multi-tool oh my gosh wait it's flashing how does this work oh it does fire now nice okay now we should probably go back but before we do that I did cook up a lot of iron and I'm kind of thinking what if instead of me mining it let's add an iron golem to the mix all right one sec let's get a pumpkin okay one pumpkin there we go now with the pumpkin we can get some shears put this bad boy down and let's get down Golem ready all right let's go back to the mine okay so they're all here still and I low-key probably can already bind this thing with one TNT but we gotta make it better so don't mind me let's get all the iron we ever need and now with the pumpkin we have an iron golemen so I haven't tried breeding with this guy so I guess let me just throw this down pretty Tron let me right click you and now right click you oh it works wait what do we get from this then wait did it disappear oh wait it did become a Golem what is it now okay I think we added way too much to it because now it's the ultimate multi-tool I'm gonna guess we just had to add one more thing but as for what this thing does I guess maybe let's mine this right click did that work oh wait it didn't get it all maybe one more time oh wait why is there an old Golem hello oh they reminded oh okay all right no problem let's take those guys out real quick with one hit oh and they drop a lot of ores nice don't mind me let me go and grab all those may have exploded the other ones but on the bright side now we have a long time so we can grab holy diamonds okay we are gonna be doing a lot of good breeding from this oh we also got another breed of Tron upgrade all right real quick right click again and now we got the machine upgrade one more time and let's get out of here all right what could we try to bring now I mean there's some village houses there oh what if we try to breed structures okay I'm gonna try doing it but first let's try to find a temple all right finally Temple take a little bit but I was thinking on the way how exactly am I gonna grab this guy do I just like right click it inside oh structure piece unlocked I guess maybe a structure piece is unlocked in the chest or something oh wait okay so we straight up get the desert temple the chest now okay so now we have a temple and I could breed it with anything here even a creeper Temple which Probably sounds terrifying but instead what if we do two structures to make a new one so I'm thinking what if we go find a mansion real quick I did see if we're forced around here might be worth a try might take a while so one second let me guess bread and also get a mansion oh we finally found one okay so do I do the same thing here do I just right click oh again structure piece unlocked okay so if we got the structure piece what chest would it be oh unless it's literally right there oh yep there it is literally a little Woodland Mansion nice all right so now let's try combining these two things which because of how big it is let's find a nice open spot this right here might work perfect okay so we got the mansion right there and now the temple right here oh gosh wait it's a lot bigger than I thought I I don't think these are upscale but if I click let's get the dimension right there and now for the temple and see what happens oh oh my so now we made a new structure wait is there an entrance oh here it is okay what the heck is this okay there's a little booby trap there some beds still don't look very comfortable I'm low-key attempted to click the booby trap but it might kill me so instead I'm gonna jump over it okay we're good all right let's just be a little bit careful I mean temples have trapped so we gotta make sure not to touch them usually those don't have anything so we should be good there let's actually go all the way to the top and see what's up there oh wait it's amazing here all right let me go four by four real quick I mean Loki I could just break through the wall with the super pickaxe but I gotta do the old-fashioned way oh whoops wrong side huh oh I gotta go the other way oh is this it oh we did it nice okay now we're on the right side okay all the way up we go oh all right it's a little bit bridged oh we're gonna Treasure Chest oh wait it's the treasure room as an item hold up could I just throw it down right there right click oh and it spawns yes that's gonna be another advancement done and I'm gonna get set in here oh my gosh that is a lot of dumb blocks and a lot of gold blocks maybe the upgrades here oh it is okay now we get the structure upgrade and every single Minecraft item we'll ever need definitely gonna make some over later but before we do that let's go to upgrade the betatron and so what happens now with it oh there seems to be a friend outside go say hello let me look around for them oh wait I think it might be the cow pig again okay what is this guy doing here now hello oh wait we picked him up I guess he doesn't talk and he left us a note if found please return to these coordinates exactly well I guess but he's lost all right let's take him all the way over there then and maybe we can bring some stuff there oh I think this might be it pretty much a village but it looks a little bit different like made out of barns oh wait are they all cow picks yo it's a cow pig Village wait who am I supposed to bring this by to then oh wait was this a mom hello oh you found my boy but we keep getting attacked can you help us oh I guess no questions to ask immediately we now gonna make some org Golems so I guess it might be a job for the britotron again so do I just gotta make up some defenses I mean I could they just make one right now why don't we do one Iron Golem let's slap that guy in and because we have 48 diamonds can we make Diamond Golems hold up right click the diamond right click the Golem and we get a diamond golem nice okay that's gonna be one and now let's make 10 of them I guess we're quick spawn that guy throw that guy and then go boom and go boom Another Golem and rinse and repeat 10 times 20 minutes later all right last one right here and now we have an army all right so now with the army of Diamond Golems is that all they need I got my upgrade now with these we're safe thank you stranger wait a second oh no wait what is that noise oh it's cheap chickens no I literally can't take them down like this so I might need to breathe something oh no we got the message try making the baby cow pig big oh I know how to do this all right let's place this guy down real quick put down the bone meal and now right click this and oh there it is baby calping dude thing oh my gosh oh it took down the Sheep oh oh okay I think that's rap the giant cow pig took care of the Invaders check in with mother cow pig oh all right let's go back then so I think that's a job all done thank you so much and from that we get a mob upgrade and a mutated sword oh oh my gosh why did you have this all right let's I guess hold on to this and get the mob upgrade done so now our machine is even better apparently all right so what now it seems someone is looking for you go talk to them oh wait who is someone though gonna be at the end of this hill or oh wait it's literally that guy mining villager I was going hey we're looking for a special gem I think you can help um yeah sure we can use this thing if you want me to combine like ores or something read the ultimate ore oh okay actually we might be good right here because Loki I have every ore possible do I just start combining stuff I mean God to do diamond and then like Redstone let me right click you right like you oh and we made a new ore glowing diamond ore wait can I just do this with anything what if we do emerald and Lapis all right lapis Emerald I'm gonna guess I just gotta do a number of combinations and then we should be good so let's see what we can make with this and then lapis and we made what the heck is this blue ruby War oh I guess that's what happens when you combine these ores and what if we combine a mob into ore I could do the copper orb but I have a better idea let's do it right here where we have one Pig and also one iron ingot let's get the iron ingots and the pig pig ore I was gonna think maybe an Iron Pig but that works too oh my gosh okay now we have a collection of nice I'm gonna mind these very soon but at the same time I'm gonna keep doing this until we get whatever he wants as the ultimate or I'm literally guessing right now so uh what if we go back to Wars and now upgrade a boring or something oh wait maybe we could do cool what if we do coal ore and obsidian hold up let me get the coal and then one obsidian I think we're just gonna do this they're all obsidian real quick and bring them oh there we go and now we got vertical ore oh and now with those four done it says trip reading the Vance ores even more huh I'm not supposed to just combine them but do I just put like the glowing diamond ore with the blue Reviewer is this gonna make like an extra blue one let me put you right there and you right there let's right click you come by these and what the heck did we make we are now making Spears in Minecraft what glowing Ruby core all right let's hold on to that too maybe we'll just combine these over and over again to make the ultimate work all right now let's try these dude grab you grab you and now we get a pig thing Horton pig iron plate am I supposed to combine these two okay one Blitz and then one Ruby core let's combine the two right click right click and so oh we get it or Golem is it friendly nope it is not friendly all right let's use whatever this is doesn't really help and oh my gosh oh my gosh okay we're actually super poisoned fall back and I think Buddy might get stuck that looks like good or on him though I just shoot the TNT oh yep that does the job okay sorry buddy one funnel hit let's throw it right there and I guess let's try to me like oh down he goes so Downey goes just like that and now we get Ryan Knight is this the Lord that the guy wanted and of course yet again a or upgrade let's work with that machine upgrade again and we might be able to craft with this stuff oh new crafts unlocked Ryan Knight armor and so now with this we can just make a chest plate oh right I just play and it's like tie-dye nice all right let's make a full set why not just so we don't die and it's apparently equivalent to another right weirdo Rainbow Man very nice kill some mobs gather their hearts and with them you can breed yourself huh when it says any mob like this guy oh he drops a horror oh that's interesting oh wait so I can actually breed myself now uh wait could I just do the heart right there and what if I do like a pig do I get a pig heart like lick Pig right click oh and it works we get a bigger and as for breeding myself I think all I gotta do is shift right click with this thing oh gosh all right let me right click you and then I'm gonna shift right click myself oh did I get anything new oh I got a little big smell okay so it actually worked and we now got the early maybe bigger vessel doesn't work oh yeah it works okay nice let's try getting some more Hearts then well it's like let me get some mobs and three hearts okay let's try a heart there I can set up on the horse right here if I want to there we go set up three hearts and why not let's start with the diamond armor should be easy get the diamond right clicked no for the horror oh it worked this is gonna be the armored heart wonder what it does all right let's right click you and now right click myself and oh my goodness we have so many hordes now your skin feels as hard as steal and we are now made of diamond nice okay another heart right here and honestly I'm kind of getting tired of eating bread over and over again so what if we just do it with like we let's try one up or right click that right click that oh and it works food art oh okay let's work like you I work like myself in my arms feel a bit crumbly oh I got the cookie in nice new school unlock press J to eat your arm no way I can eat my own arm yeah oh my guys I've eaten my arm apparently or a bit off of it me for a little bit anyways now for the last one we got one heart right here what do I have that can use one bucket why not let's try that lava bucket and a heart and it worked now we have the lava heart all right what does this one do right click you finally shift right click end your body's starting to heat up oh you got a llama part now and I can now shoot Fireballs I think that may have been enough breeding with hearts because now we got the next heart upgrade before we use that though what is Fireball oh uh that was a little bit inside my bag take I expected like a big old Fireball I'll get that right click machine upgraded yet again and so now what do we do with this thing your finally ready to breed the ultimate boss here you'll need these oh wait what I get oh so we're making the weather apparently and it might be a good moment to mention I do have a stun ability with the breed of Tron so real quick let's place these guys down and I'm gonna stun it okay oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay as soon as the snaps out of it I'm stunning it oh this might not be good this might not be good I got a stun you gotta stun you yes we got him oh gosh oh gosh okay he's not friendly though yeah he's gonna keep shooting at me on the bright side he's stunned and if I'm supposed to make the ultimate mob let's just combine stuff with them okay you wait right there I'm gonna get some more mobs with them all right since we're making an Ultimate mob let's get the following mob a pig a cow a zombie and a spider too hostile two passive might work let's go one zombie there we go and I guess that might be the last thing we need one spider all right spider zombie pig cow and if we need more stuff we also have the rain out and all this good stuff all right back to the winner oh gosh he's definitely not happy still all right let's start off with the pig real quick let's right click you get the pig down right click the pig and oh oh it's a weather big guy all right now for the cow little wither guy plus cow oh my gosh okay now he is a cow pig wither still doesn't do much so I guess now let's do the zombie Mr zombie and wither how many heads even is that Holy still not done though so spider uh you're being out into the sky oh he's a spider guy oh he talks now I'm alive quick follow me I want to show you something um wait where the heck are you gonna take me all right lead the way buddy oh wait that did something wait where the heck are we now is this like a box of mention or something oh and we have a crowd right here gotta grab this straight up just a crowd no description let me take off the helmet just in case and put this on now that you have your crown take your place as the ultimate Creator and fight the ultimate boss wait huh who am I fighting now oh and we're then now okay I guess model boss my time but honestly it wouldn't be fitting if I fought this guy in this video Let's right click you real quick and oh he's already down okay here we go come on on hopefully this defeats it oh gosh oh gosh there they go They're combining and did I win is that it oh okay yep the ultimate boss the culmination of power okay that was not a good breed was it what that is what the heck is it that is honestly some nightmare fuel I'm gonna guess this might be the final boss then let's take it out oh gosh oh gosh okay the TNT barely did any damage let's maybe try getting closer come on go TNT oh gosh that barely does anything but what if I try the picks instead go on Piggies oh wait I actually did a lot of damage a couple more pigs it's coming down and down it goes congratulations challenge complete so hope you guys all enjoy to have a great one and go by the merchandise video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,609,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft but anything you breed you get, minecraft breed, minecraft combine, minecraft anything you combine, minecraft breed mobs, breeding minecraft, combine minecraft
Id: SC9HrO02kCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 04 2022
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