Minecraft but WOULD YOU RATHER?

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today we have two options this or that make the wrong choice and you might die so which one would you pick let's begin oh here it comes and this or that what will you choose well I'm guessing your first choices are red or blue yet again this time I'm gonna pick red let's go oh and now it's the first option of pickaxe or totem I'm gonna assume I can't break any of these blocks but so for the rest of the game we either have one option we can pick getting the pickaxe or the totem I don't know what's out of each one but I kind of feel like getting a pickaxe might be the best bet I gotta go for the totem but I mean it's only one use when a diamond pickaxe is a man's best friend go to let me know what you guys will pick in the comments down below but let's go with the pickaxe oh gosh here we go oh and is that it do we just get the pickaxe oh we got it so the first thing we got was an efficiency 10 diamond pickaxe that was pretty straightforward wait can I think the Don blockson oh no there's barrier Vlogs okay that's actually a scam well that's first decision done let's go back and now our next decision is 10 000 Hertz or 0.1 Hearts all oh okay so I feel like this is an obvious one where we should probably pick the a million Hearts but that might be a scam guys I think if it's a trick question and we get a challenge it might be best if we choose this one I might really regret this it's literally 0.001 of Health but it might be the easiest one and we don't want to die so I'm gonna go ahead and pick this one maybe it'll work out all right here we go so this is gonna be the twist for 0.001 Health well I'm gonna have to survive for five minutes against these three people chasing me down in full netherite am I gonna survive let's see wait what manhood survive three two one oh they're up there bro what five minutes oh wait I still have a good bit of time I said it was point one percent Health he's gonna be easy to count no no no oh wait this might be a good idea okay no no no no no no no no it jumped out bad idea but I did let me get some Cobblestone real quick silverfish are you serious okay okay okay okay okay okay right here right here right here wait what do you mean right here there's no right here I'm right behind you no you aren't no you aren't right there Nestor right there why are you guys so close yo chill no no no no no no no no I need water I need what I need wood I need What I Hear zombies already are you serious down here down here yeah yeah yeah yeah keep coming keep coming no words no words did he jump yeah yeah I jumped I jumped I'm actually on the surface right now no no worries no no no he's in the mine shaft he's in the mind shift I don't see him though wait I think where did he go from here oh no no don't look at the walls don't worry guys I am on the surface right now doing my own thing he's gonna be the mine shaft somewhere you see him okay okay so they can't hear me right now but I'm trying to get because enough wood to make a crafting table and I need a water bucket guys it's really needed where is he how did we lose him okay okay how can I craft somewhere I'm about to make a break for it guys I might have to go up maybe we should oh gosh oh I see him I see him I'm beneath him I'm beneath him no no no this is bad this bad this bad okay did he just speed a bridge past you yeah yeah right what is this one hit guys one hit right no no don't even worry about that I really need a water bucket I can take fall damage he's going up he's going up no no no no no no stay away no way no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh I did it yes oh my gosh my heart you get out he got out I didn't get out no no I went straight down you dig so quick I can't catch up oh no how's it going guys have a great day that timer is almost fully done wait I need food right behind you I know you are oh this that can be good yes yes and that can be good oh no uh don't worry guys I'm gonna have a great vacation over here I'm chasing I'm trying to hurry look how much time we have oh he found a village it's a village no no no no no such thing as Village well there's a blacksmith in there we gotta get there first no you don't no you don't chill oh my gosh why are you so fast let's try and cut them off is he going left none of this is gonna help I'm gonna cut him off no oh my gosh I need to make a crown table now oh gosh it's okay okay oh this is my one chance oh no this is a bad idea this is a really bad idea this is a really bad idea it's going down he's going down how is he so fast oh my gosh oh my God he blocked me off okay okay let me do that don't worry don't worry I am uh no longer in the water oh he's still swimming guys the bar is almost fully done man that's all I'm saying we are almost to bed I'm drowning oh you're drowning yes all right now that's good that's good let's do some quick drawing okay that's something I need right there thank you very much oh no I gotta go back up there I'm directly above the man directly above them you're driving me above me he doesn't hear me oh okay I don't hear you of course of course of course of course of course yeah I'm so close to you right now are you are you okay come straight this way don't worry I have a super sword now don't worry wait what he's a bit too confident wait I hear him breaking blocks no they're definitely not me oh I found your mine shaft no wait what he made a little hole here yeah wait what where did he go let's just chill a little bit I think that worked all right let's real quick slowly make our way over here and oh no I I found it oh my gosh oh come on let him get him get him better come here please keep going forever I just need a little bit more time oh this is a bad place to be in oh no no are you guys behind me oh wait I'm in the clear I'm gonna clear no no no no I'm not in the clear we're right here there's no running yes there is oh this is so risky [Applause] timer's almost done we're gonna make it we're gonna make it we're gonna make it wait are we not gonna make it we're gonna make it oh gosh oh gosh come on no no way no way yes no way no my gosh okay tiny or giant now well we got our hearts back and that was only one decision guys on to the next one oh my gosh that's a giant one and a tiny one and how am I supposed to go through that portal that's so small honestly after doing all that I'm kind of feeling like I should be low-key and let's go tiny so real quick I have an idea let me get some wood real quick and now with the wood what we're gonna be making is one nice trapdoor let's also make some of these there we go okay let's put one trapdoor right there and all we gotta do is literally get tiny and here goes nothing let's pick the tiny side oh here we go oh we're excited yo wait avoid the giant find a way to escape oh that might be the giant okay there's a big door that says Exit right there so I assume that's maybe the obvious way to get out oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay please please is it looking straight at me I am gonna get one hit by that thing about half of my health you know what let's get out of here very quickly and just go into the exit do I just open it oh what collect items to escape what you gotta build your nose guys I just got set a craft for a sheer that's literally just a sheer on the screen right there nothing special but now I gotta go up to a villager when that thing's moving around oh wait nope nope nope nope we're going here we're going here no no no oh my gosh okay are we good I think I lost him we're good for now and this is what we're doing it is time we make one Good Old Furnace we can go ahead and grab some of this wood and now with the wood let's cook the iron okay all I need is one hour I need to get and then we can go get the nose let me grab that there we go I'm Gonna Leave This going right there look how small I am right here oh my goodness okay let's just go I'm on a mission to get a nose oh okay nope nope nope nope nope nope nope not his nose why is he that guy so huge that's not a normal size right okay is there any villager inside a house maybe this guy right here okay don't mind me give me your nose oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry okay he's crying on the right side we got the Villager knows and let me just sneak to the store I don't see him yet okay good thing he's not fast oh here second item bring a cow huh gonna bring a cow okay you know what we're doing this on the one let me real quick get some of the sweets now where am I gonna get the cow where is he oh no no no here's the plan guys we are gonna fall all the way down and we need to get a cow Pronto I think I lost him though okay we have some time now okay we finally found a cow Mr Cow will you follow me oh he follows me yes oh gosh he's right there he's right there okay cow this is the plan we're gonna get all the way up and not get hit by that guy come this way straight this way and hide right here hey yeah go that way oh okay I see you way up right there guys all right I'm gonna get up real quick guys and then we're gonna get to that door okay we're almost there all right that's the door is this what you wanted oh it took him third item Timmy's hat wait what's Timmy why does he have a hat oh gosh oh gosh okay let me get up shows up oh no no no no no no no okay he's going the other way we're good we're good okay here's the plan we have the ultimate right there I just gotta take his hat apparently shouldn't be too hard right all right how's it going Timmy lost cat bring Timmy's cat back gotta find a cat oh man all right where can I find this cat could be inside somewhere okay I found the cat it's right above this house right here but we're cutting it close with this guy right now chill oh he's just going away okay we're good we're good I'm gonna go on the other side of the house real quick we're gonna stack up and then we're gonna hope for the best okay one block at a time we just gotta go forward and do this okay just a little stair kids and now let's get this cut oh my gosh oh my gosh okay he's going away this is my moment here we go let me grab you oh I got him okay let's go back to Timmy I'm coming Timmy okay I gotta be quick let me just place this guy down oh there we go he's happy okay Tippy give me your hat is he gonna give it to me yes okay propeller hat let's just go ahead and put that at the door oh my gosh this might be it guys I think the Golden's all the way up the hill should be good let's just get to the exit put in the Hat oh and we got out yes now it's like or subscribe ring the bell while we're done with the smallness now we're back to normal but now we have the hard question guys are we liking the video or are we subscribing to the channel I mean why not both but I guess let's see what happens if we click subscribers it's gonna be like a YouTube simulator oh I am into a new choice now cold or hot oh we got fans but I right clicked them oh my gosh my Fan's on fire I am so sorry well thank you for subscribing but now we have some brand new choices of either the cold or hot oh man a guy just got back from Canada I had a nice trip there if you guys want to see pictures it's on my Instagram but I think the hot might be the better choice just to make things a little bit interesting so here goes nothing Well fans I'm gonna go into the heat so have a good day oh we're in but is this cold this song wait what's going on I just go up to this thing right here hello door oh the door's Frozen find a way to heat up oh so I'm supposed to heat up the plates because I chose hot that makes sense oh this is cool okay so I think my goal right now is probably to jump through all this place okay we can do that let me real quick just get through here and oh gosh there's not a clear path it looks like this place is literally burnt down let's jump here and what does this do is it turn on phone oh oh that's kind of cool they're like no fall damage things all right let me real quick jump there and there oh okay it's working nice all right that was good progress there now let's I guess keep doing that as long as we don't fall on the lava we should be fine the main thing right now is figure out how to make things hotter and oh that might be where I need to go okay how do I get there I think I'm about to backtrack hold on a sec let me jump on that thank you very much go here and that's job well done nice okay one more jump and now we're here what the heck is this thing maybe it'll add the heat what if I pull the sleeper what does that do oh wait it makes the lava drip down so every time I open it maybe we're gonna heat up the cave like this all right come on lava do your thing move it one more time and is it supposed to burn the wood oh he just increased and did it just drop a flint steel okay that was a cool puzzle uh don't mind me though I'm gonna real quick steal one iron block just in case we need it for the future and now we can go ahead and light up these things and oh that costs a lot more heat to go up okay now I know the plan we go back up and we get every campfire to turn on another one there there we go that's literally almost fully done my goodness I think the last one would be over here then okay here's another might be good enough nope we need one more after this can I make that jump oh that's sick yo let's go okay another one right there let's just jump up come on and I think that may have waking something up fire Golem oh no all right let's set up oh okay may have found what we spawned oh he's kind of stuck there though how's it going buddy is he friendly oh no no no friendly all right all right let's take this guy down real quick let me put you lava real quick just so we can take you down and down he goes with that being done let's see if now we're good over at the entrance okay did this melt it oh wait I think it's melting there's water now I think we should be good all right maybe water no oh we did it nice now it's blue or red I think we did this one earlier honestly but this might be the real deal this time earlier we chose red though so why don't we double down and choose red again I think this might be the move guys so here we go and don't touch the color red wait what oh okay so it's a can't touch the color thing if you guys don't know how those work pretty much I'm pretty sure if we touch anything red with our feet we insta die how do I get across though I could play Cobblestone all right let's just do that okay we should be good there where exactly do I go though I guess at the other end okay I do not want to insta die I like blue let's do that okay nice oh and that might be the exit oh my gosh I'm literally surrounded wait why are the red bees oh no oh no okay oh gosh I'm almost out of blocks oh my gosh why are there so many bees oh my gosh no no no no no it's gonna be really bad nope nope nope I'm blocking it all stay away oh okay now to get through this thing let me be careful because I don't want to touch my head with the red either okay you know what we're gonna do this a little bit more careful and just Crouch around just gotta get to the end um what is this or collector can I still not touch color right in here it's a lot of blue oh wait what Margo yo Nester welcome to the mining competition no no don't touch me stay right there but wait you said mining competition look I'm in the best color in the world red there's no way you're gonna be able to win buddy wait be the first of mine to under door oh wait are we just going oh I'm still winning good luck buddy oh gosh okay oh there's a red one and a blue one okay I need to get as much as I can Mr what pickaxe do you have oh yeah what exactly chill over there a few more just like this Nestor come on buddy you know red is the best color brother I'm already right clicking him no no no he's my guy no stay back stay back okay okay I'm gonna set a one right here wait a while no you're not winning oh my gosh that was so close oh that was so close no way red just lost I'm sorry brother I'm gonna just go towards the store now or wait do you have to go over there too there's a door over here let's go buddy what could be over here oh wait are we painting each other Margo welcome to paintball apparently color equals damage wait do you take damage with blue wait I think I do don't touch me with that disgusting oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay red versus blue here we go you're so going down buddy go on Blue let me hit you with the red oh gosh oh oh wait there you go wow good game Nester that was fun good game brother I don't know where you are but good game whoa with that being done I am done with the color red let's just go through and finish this what's next oh young or old oh a new decision now so we got probably this right here as young and this right here is old I mean it doesn't look very nice on this side so I think we might go on the young side I mean what are we gonna become a baby or something let's go Oh wait we're small what what just happened there's a teacher uh hello uh teacher oh sort the Colors oh this is like going back to school or something oh wait and the chick follows the red color okay so let me get all the red sheep and I gotta take them all the way to the right spot all right let's try it this way guys okay so red you go straight in here oh and that worked nice okay that's one third of the bar all right no longer follow me and now let's go for the blue sheep all right come on guys destroy it this way it looks like the blue area is right here three and here that should be good and now we just need the yellow there we go okay one yellow there and the last seems to be over here come on what are you doing buddy buddy thank you last three oh we did it nice okay that is that board done we are good with the colors I might as well place this down boom boom boom teacher what's next cracked a wooden pickaxe I mean either way that shouldn't be too hard because we can just go ahead and get a tree right there and make them a wooden pickaxe all right that should be good enough now of course to make a wooden pickaxe you guys already know how to do it but we're gonna do it anyways put down the crafting table get some sticks in and want to pickaxe there we go here we go oh they're happy now spelling puzzle figure out the word oh my gosh this is really Elementary School okay so we got c-t-a-s sets no saticus not Sac guys this is really simple I'm dumb c a t and then of course that's cats nice um is that right hey we did it now make my Escape what type of teacher thing is that how the heck do I escape oh wait I'm an idiot we got a brand new crash on the screen which is a growing potion which requires one of these which should be easy let's get uh Rose a bone meal which where can I get some bone and a glass bottle maybe it's somewhere around here oh and wait that might be how we get boneville right there learn this other day but pretty much if I get a bunch of seeds right here and then we put it in the composter this should give us enough for us some bone meal hold on let me real quick get these seeds and does this work oh we did it yes one bone meal nice and now for the sand oh there's sand literally right there so this one should be straight forward all we gotta do is one two and three and go go and now we should have enough glass and everything we need so one glass one Poppy and then one bone meal and what the heck is this potion of growing how does it look like that all right can we drink it oh my gosh we can drink it yo did we go up oh all right next option creeper or TNT I mean which one's more powerful I'm gonna assume the TNT because you can stack many of them so yet again I think I'm gonna pick the red one and hopefully I get growing back when I go inside oh um where the heck am I now protect the TNT prevent it from blowing up oh wait what where's the TNT oh my holy cow wait run some Pillager hello wait don't press that oh no that's not good oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh are we good I think we're good okay that could have been very bad let me just go ahead and break this button all right so what do I do now wait an attack don't let them ignite the DNT oh my no no no no no no no oh why is it we are at half a heart I need to get to this tree right now oh my gosh stay wasted waste away okay I just gotta make some bread and I should be good okay this street right here this is my cover now okay let's go right there oh wow oh my gosh yes okay let me put on the armor one more time let's go and now we should be good to fight oh my gosh okay come on one more hit yes down to go Tim I just gotta hit these guys once I think and we're good holy cow is that all of them well let's go back to the TNT if it's okay wait what is that what the guardian team we get the blast oh my gosh wait we just got a craft on the screen okay new plan we gotta make that thing okay private table gotta make three buckets okay three buckets then we make the giant bucket and I think I just gotta get a whole water to pull with this I guess we're putting it on top oh my gosh okay don't buy me let's grab that oh my gosh that's a lot of water and I got stuck all the way to the top okay let's put this down and cold water one oh this is bad this is bad this bad this bad this bad we're going we're going we're going come on water lead me all the way down down we go okay it's letting me down okay this is gonna die isn't it oh gosh wait why is it lagging oh no not good not good okay okay I need food I need food before we continue Mr Cow let me kill you oh and I think that might be the portal right there it's lagging a lot before we gotta get there screw the TNT and we're gonna just go through here when it appears again oh gosh oh gosh oh okay now that we're done with that diamond or netherite hold on can I technically steal either oh and we got to North again all right I am gonna try money this oh we can get it all right I'm only gonna take one of each because I feel like I deserve it at this point I don't really have much stuff all right don't mind me and now with that stolen which one should we choose honestly it's probably an easier one otherwise better than diamonds let's go with another right oh nether fortress free The Prisoner okay it says lock right here so I think oh we got a brand new garage on the screen right now which pretty much is a key for the lock oh and we get a bow with infinity is this for whatever those things are hold on I think I guess we're literally inside of another light block fighting fire Bots it seems like all right let's find some key pieces all right first but let's shoot this guy down oh my gosh wait these are harder to hit than if they look you know what I give up on the bat we're just gonna keep going forward oh gosh wait CC's again okay so I think I just gotta jump on that there we go and we're good oh wait this might be where the key things are Oh short of key okay so we need four of those and we also got some steak definitely needed the steak till then we go get another key piece that one was easy and now we got ladder parkour not my favorite but it's something we got this okay now just a few more jumps and that should be that do we get another chest right here then oh wait that's another pedestal I think this might be the second to last one all right let's head right here and that's another one done nice okay three out of four one more to go where is the last one though oh slime all right let me jump down real quick there we go and let's get done nice all right Four Keys let's get the keys going and what the heck that is not a key huh what hands okay do I need like special hands to literally unlock them all right Miss gas you're about to be free let's see what happens oh wait what is this hello wait what's happening oh oh is that it oh we did it now it's drawing or building Ring that Bell okay so I'm gonna guess that's drawing and that's building right there I mean Loki not the best drawer not even the best builder but it's Minecraft so I should be somewhat good at building right let's go inside build a weapon build mode enabled Oh wait we're incredible now but we lost our stuff so I guess it's a temporary inventory oh wait so anything I build I'm gonna guess I get then I already have an idea what if I just go ahead and we take a normal diamond sword and we can have it like this where it's just you know blade but what if we make it the world's curviest sword thing yeah she's gonna be all the way curvy all right let's make it go up and this right here is the world's curviest sword I think that might be good do I just press this button right here oh is it working oh and it came yo final build build a boss okay so we got the curviest sword which uh let me put this in a chest or something just in case I lose it when I get out of build mode and now build literally any boss I mean Loki we could get a little bit creative with it what if we get this and this I'm thinking what if we combine the power of a dragon in a Wither maybe this could work all right let me press the button together build mode oh and we got everything back and now I can actually get the Kirby sword and now without further Ado let's confirm the build oh here we go oh wait I just got teleported oh I guess we're now fighting a weather dragon look at that guy oh he's kind of adorable all right let's do this really long sword how do I use this thing did I just like right click it oh wait this is damage yes oh no we got away well the bright side doesn't throw any weather balls at me so we're good oh it's coming down again let me get this ready okay oh come on buddy wait it's only one hit now come on okay it's almost here at least here we go here we go here go come on go on long sword and we got it yes down it goes just like that oh and I think we have two small options now restart or end video well for this final decision I think it might be up to you guys do you restart or go watch a new video or do we just end the video go ahead and decide and click this video on the screen right now bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,837,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft would you rather, would you rather, who would win, vs, minecraft choice, this or that, tiny or giant, minecraft but this or that, pick one, which one
Id: zRXrCLF6nX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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