Minecraft but I Have 0 Emotions…

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I lost all my emotions can I get them back that means we're mastering anger sadness happiness and fear so let's begin by picking your first emotion I have zero emotions and to get our emotions back we need to create more motions to remove the Bedrock to pick our first emotion well first we gotta do fear by scary villager anger by making a villager angry joyed by making the Villager happy and finally for sadness it's not a villager but crying obsidian so let's begin getting the emotions by first getting some wood okay let's first start by getting a villager where we gotta get this villager in the boat there we go and now we take the Villager back to get some emotions from him because I don't have any I'm sorry so first let's start with joy all right you stay right there and for joy we gotta treat either of these to make the Villager happy so let's get some potatoes or carrots oh my gosh okay I saw the crops wait hold on that's no good I thought it was gonna happen I break that split the composter back down then we do that it's a form now yes now let's make him happy yes okay that's Joy done and Mr former now let's take you to anger well this one's pretty easy too we hit him and that's anger done and now for fear guys fear is gonna be a little bit more complicated first we gotta find a cave just like this and then we get some iron just like this now we just eat gobblestone and one cool there we go now we make furnace good iron all right we got the iron pickaxe and the important thing is the iron helmet so the helmet isn't for me but instead this guy right here does he's burning down but with the helmet pick up the helmets all right let's try that again there we go all right you're right there take the helmet okay so now this way when he comes out to the sun he doesn't burn and so when he gets here this should be fear okay I'm gonna break this now and yes I think he got scared and we got the light on so that's three down one last to go and it's the weird one which needs crying obsidian well we need Diamonds oh my gosh wait that's a good vein right away okay I mean I'm not complaining that is a nice Forfeit of diamonds let's get one like for the four faded diamonds and another made of diamonds yo and so the great part of these diamonds is that we can go ahead and make the diamond pickaxe and why not a nice diamond sword all right now we need to run portal oh and more diamonds what the heck we finally found one okay wait does this one have grown obsidian oh no it doesn't no it's a scam all right let's find another one await this might have potential we gotta dig so I have an idea gold shovels give me good oh yes like obsidian to wiggle mine definitely didn't take me like five minutes and in the chest oh my gosh if I had emotions I would be screaming okay not bad at all now let's head back okay finally for sadness we put into crying obsidian and with the tears we get the final glow oh with the Bedrock disappeared yes and now step two pick my first emotion maybe we should go from the left and get sandus first can I open the door oh it opened all right here goes nothing guys where are we now oh and step one enter Cave of sadness okay so we're now trying to get sad I guess he required oh wait can we not go in the cave of sadness step two now bring sadness to the Village oh we got a sadness bar so if I make that go all the way up we can go inside there oh my gosh that's a lot of people to make sad wait what the heck is he drawing okay so let's see how do we make this mama go and be sad because if I can't be sad everyone's being sad oh wait baby Golem what if we steal her child wait could I just go up to the baby gold oh oh no no no no okay okay wait what do I do then oh try a poppy hold on we got one right there let me grab that Poppy and so I give the puppy to the mama Golem I guess that might distract her and can I get you oh I got him she's crying oh no well the sadness went up a little bit and we got a short of a key which this is the craft now for when we get the sadness all the way up wait so is the baby golden friends with me now oh hello all right me and you we're about to make some people sad okay what does this one say steal his nose oh wait what is this he's a sleeping villager okay I have an idea we always still knows what shears all right so no one's looking all I gotta do is real quick go up to him I'm so sorry another happy customer on to the next we got a farmer right there and for this one to make him sad we gotta ruin the farm oh this should be easy maybe I gotta distract him first though real quick let me make nine Wii and what we can do if we break this right here let's break four of these all right gentlemen come straight this way you're all gonna be free be free my friends oh it actually worked and now we can go ahead and break all the crops and it works oh man sorry about that in that short of key number three okay now we have this one over here and to make him sad we gotta destroy the build okay so to break this I did see a steel TNT right here the low gig can I just walk in there oh okay never mind is there a way from the back okay yeah there is escape don't mind me you don't see me oh and what the heck is down here okay we got pressure plates and hooks let me make that jump that jump again there we go we can't get trapped here and oh gosh oh and my hands off why do I feel like this is trapped you know what I'm opening the other way oh no no no oh we gotta go okay okay nope nope nope oh oh that blow up I was never here don't worry about that so now we have 18 TNT and while the guy's not looking I am just gonna go ahead and explode this right here there we go get her lever ready three two one and I'm so sorry again that's gonna be four key shorts at least next up we got a chef right here and some customers all right we are in an uh vip's only my VIP oh okay all right you know what this is why we're making you guys sad oh wait burn food and give to customers oh all right don't mind me I am just doing a quick little jump oh he's looking away we're gonna grab the food and we're gonna burn it apparently we're gonna try cooking it again so let me grab that loaded baked potato fish fillet in the medium rare steak I like my steaks medium to be fair and now we just put it in here yes they work and we get burnt fish let me do the potato too burnt steak just how I like it in real life and burnt potato okay now we just gotta sneak out real quick and give it to the customers okay coast clear Mr customer try this oh oh he's not happy all right nice another anchor customer and finally the last anger customer and it works we got the next round of key okay so now let's get to this weird one up here with the artist what the heck is he drawing huh Mr artist what is this oh hold on there's a paintbrush right down here it must have dropped it so real quick let me jump down here and now we have the paintbrush which might let me paint okay I don't think he's looking so all we gotta do is go up to it let's right click all right we're gonna keep it simple guys all we're gonna do is pretty much just draw this man a nice mustache because in reality we're just gonna make the painting better I think not really but let's give him a monocle right here there we go and it's a little bit rude but we are trying to make him sad so at the top we're just gonna write loser all right I am sorry an advanced villager oh we gotta do it let's press confirm hey it worked oh it is quite no again I I'm so sorry you're a great painter but that's another key done all right now what do we have here we're in the birthday party oh maybe I gotta pop all the balloons with a bow I got a plan real quick let's go down this cave I'll do some Minecraft right here so that's perfect all right that's gonna be one number two and number three let's get some gravel for Flint after all that we got four really that's why I have no emotions kill some chickens with some feathers one two three and four and now finally we make one bow in 16 arrows okay let's pop one two three in four okay how else can I ruin this sound not sad enough for him the cake oh gosh oh wait what if I drop an anvil let me get some quick iron all right we got the iron we need let's make the Anvil real quick and so here's the plan guys I am gonna real quick stack up and then while they can't see me I'm gonna drop the Anvil on the cake all right I'm sorry about this happy birthday oh it works yeah I have no idea who did that guys I'm so sorry I'm gonna take that key with me and it looks like someone needs me over there this is man and steal the Sue oh oh wait it's a suit inside hold up I think this might be perfect for Mr baby gone let me put you down right there real quick and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go in check the chest got some more emeralds why not and we're gonna get the leather suit and it looks just like mine except I have no emotions but uh Mr baby Golem here you go oh and he has a suit yes he's just like me oh oh oh oh oh I know he's happy that he's lost a suit but I mean you have a beer on right now it's all good well that's gonna be eight this is the key and we need one more which is I think is that guy over there okay Mr suit gold what are we doing here grieving villager I love the cream my goodness what do I gotta do to get sadness all right um don't mind me guys uh yep I guess I'm doing this right now do I just open the chest oh wait I think it was a zombie oh and they're crying I'm so sorry but now we got sadness achieved we can now craft the key to go into the bowl we did it buddy we did it all we gotta do is put all nine together and with this key we can now go to the cave of sadness all right okay with sadness buddy we're going in here we go let's play in the key we cause enough sadness today and so oh it's like ocean themed complete the puzzle or are we making the water go through I guess that could be easy let's real quick break all of this and um does it make cobblestone oh okay that was actually pretty simple next up take a friend through the maze oh we got a single week all right my friends come with me oh gosh wait wait let me make this a little bit easier for you guys don't get stuck don't get stuck and oh wait what is this right here oh I'm gonna steal all the arrows there we go so we don't have to worry about that anymore another thing with more arrows I will steal those two there we go I'm gonna make it easier for the Sheep friends don't worry and we should be good now to bring them back all right straight this way oh and this one might be a little bit more difficult are you guys smart oh they're smart yes come this way oh no not that I got stuck okay well now let's do okay we found the ending only one sheep made it and it says make a sacrifice oh uh I am no Starship uh I think I'm about to push you in Dallas sorry about this and he's gone oh and it works the door's open all right I hope we go again drop her all right this is pretty straightforward okay so there's water down there so I think I just gotta go here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh yes oh my goodness oh the goal made it wait final stop oh wait what only one can continue hold up it's gonna make me sad I gotta destroyed the Golem no I'm so sorry guys we've no experience sadness no all right well we did it that sign is conquered guys and now on to the next one happiness this might be a good change let's get some joy in our lives and go inside let's see what we got here experience Joy oh wait what is this I just got some advancements in to-do list see what's next all right oh whoa whoa what is going on diamonds find your first diamond oh wait I think we're gonna need answers now and they make me happy so no better way of doing this than literally digging straight down oh well we're heading deep slate now oh my gosh okay before we continue let me make a bucket there we go nice little bucket and that was literally answered guys we found diamonds all right a little bit of pure joy right there let's get that diamond going thank you very much that's the first advancement done and we got our first thing of Joy essence of Joy nice all right on to the next one where are we getting this time next advancement cover me with diamonds okay so we got one vein we need more now all right let's get some more diamonds that's one number two and number three and now this should be enough for the next advancement which is cover me with diamonds nice another Joy thing and we now have two Essences of Joy okay what's the next thing I'm ready to be even happier best friends forever oh hey let's go okay first we need a skeleton oh here we go come on just a couple bones that's one please one more I gotta be lucky and two all right that should be enough and I think we gotta go over there oh wait is that one oh we finally found one oh oh oh sorry about that okay putty please one come on and yes we got some more joy welcome to the team buddy and so what's the next advancement um sweet dreams all right we need more now all right let's be quick that's one number two there we go literally the perfect amount and all we gotta do now is make one bed and this might be good enough we got the happiness thing right there and the next thing we gotta do is sound music oh we gotta go caving real quick then oh okay that works please I'm using this another one I found did not have one okay let me real quick take you down I'm going dog get him nice and we got the music disc yes and what we need to get now is literally one Diamond so to be that hard there we go one diamond and what's that diamond what we do is real quick make one jukebox and so now for the advancement we need a Meadows biome I think this might be it guys all I gotta do is place this down and does this work oh this is Sunflower planes my bad that's awkward okay I think this is a meadow yes we got another essence of joy and this time we're gonna be getting the bullseye advancement well we already have all the stuff for it so all we do is real quick make one hey Bell and then surround it with redstone and now we have a Target okay after many tries this should be it come on yes we got it and now that's seven of them real quick let's get the next one buddy what are we gonna get oh what a deal that should be easy all right nearby Village what do you have to trade oh wow I could actually buy a lot of bread all right give me all that bread real quick and that is another Joy thing nice all right next one come on I think we got one more to do cutest Predator old Axolotl okay let me find a cave holy this is nice oh there's an actual little okay let me just jump real quick oh wait it was this a bad idea no okay we almost died but it's all good and Mr Axolotl coming here and we got it yes that is nine done and with all that being done guys we can finally craft a joy portal all right do we become happy now because we're kind of still sad but here we go oh wait what's happening now toy Dimension bring it back to life oh and now we spread Joy okay so what do I do to make this place Happy build a present okay build a Rainbow Oh and finally make a farm right well let's start with this real quick make a quick hoe and now so I've just idea if we just make this area right here and add our Axolotl buddy right there this is always the perfect ground for carrot Farm where all we gotta do now is get some lighting so let me borrow these real quick one there one there one there and can I place carrots now oh again and with the final one hey goes up nice all right okay now we gotta do the rainbow which I saw some chests over here so might have to start for the rainbow anything in here oh wow I could have made a really nice form but it's all good but we get the rainbow the Roy G Biv there we go so we gotta make the river right here and I'm not the greatest uh Builder as always but I think we can make something nice okay so red orange and then you do yellow then they're supposed to be green but it's lime and then we do blue indigo and finally violet oh wait God it did it and now finally build a present and because we have all the stuff I mean building a present won't be that hard I think the present really just needs to be a nice box but inside the present we need to give a gift let's put in the enchanted golden apple right there we don't really need it we got some blue wool going right there it's not the greatest present ever oh that works nice and that should be all three done and so what happens now does the present come to life oh what's going on did something happen do I gotta open this oh there's a brother inside the prison okay I'm not gonna take the Dodge apple back just because I want to keep it there because it's part of my present and oh it can be adored did I go and the door oh that became happy hey let's go now we have two emotions we have the happy motion and around me is the sad emotion which leads us to the final two which is anger and fear I mean why not let's keep going in order and do anger next and see what's waiting for us here we go all right we're in and oh my gosh okay there's already annoying Phantoms okay I can already tell I'm gonna get angry from this my goodness and it looks like we have a villager right here hello Make Some Noise caution you might get inconvenienced okay wait Make some noise what how am I supposed to Make Some Noise these guys are really following me non-stop well looks like these our noise things scattered around because we can get dispenser and fire charge very annoying and right over here we have even Minecarts one of the more annoying sounds let me grab a few there bells which is gonna do a lot of stock my goodness and even trap doors apparently all right let's grab some trap doors there we go and MOB spawn eggs oh wait what the heck all right let me grab all those and finally the best of all good old note blocks because we're about I guess make me angry with the loudest noise possible starting iron blocks too yes all right villagers it is time to make the loudest noise possible this is how we're gonna do it Spencer right there I'm gonna put a second Fire charges and I'm gonna pretty much just make up area for all the Redstone connections possible so for example we're gonna have that there this right that way and this that way and it's all going to be connected by some buttons because if we do this here it makes a noise so let's put that there and actually because buttons are slower might be better if we do this okay so if we change this to the lever oh wait could it work like this okay wait I'm onto something guys all right so we're pretty much just making a bunch of lines of all the annoying things in Minecraft and just in this one right here we're gonna have all the bells lined up and watch this oh that's gonna be annoying give forget about the Note Blocks let's get these bad boys going right here and now for one of the worst ones of all we're doing the trap doors oh my gosh and now oh no no no no [Music] you must oh okay we're already getting angry without even doing this fully thing okay let's connect this again boom boom this way what I'm gonna do is make one of the loudest noises possible and probably most dangerous noises is pure TNT and I'm gonna flick this many times and we're gonna hope for the best before we continue let me real quick make four holes one and this is what we're doing oh the mob noise we can ever get got the chickens going no we got the cows going and finally the Sheep right there and I wonder if I can do this could I just put a rail there in there oh wait it slowly doesn't yes go on and before we do anything I'm gonna real quick see if we can do double the sounds and the Phantom is literally stuck right there guys all right let me break that real quick make the lever and all we gotta do is flick this over and over again I'm gonna do a couple times and then run here goes nothing oh my gosh did that work oh 100 you're unlocked yes let me drink anchor potion and just get angry oh gosh what's happening oh we're back and I'm angry oh my goodness one more motion to go and it's pure fear let's see what's behind here and go in oh where the heck am I now survive the nightmares of different mobs oh Enderman zombie villager creeper and cow oh it's so it's the biggest fear of each mob and maybe then I'll log here let's start with I guess the mob bed and what do I make them go to bed all right Mr villager I need to fall asleep oh he went to bed immediately do I like like this oh we're in a stream now oh what the heck build your nightmare kill what they fear oh is that a pillage right here oh it is it's a scary Pillager I'm very sorry about that but that was an easy uh nightmare that oh that's gear level one all right let's go to the next one then maybe the creeper will have something scarier all right Miss creeper go with that bed right there let's go in your dreams then oh and we're in Reaper nightmare find the exit Okay so well whatever is in here scare me what would scare creeper though oh it's good oh my gosh wait stop the cats okay as much as I love cats we are not dealing with that right now okay it looks like we gotta go all the way up and this is like a dropper okay they can't climb good good cats good cat stay down there and let's just jump all the way down emoji okay and let's get out of this nightmare okay a little bit more scary what about the cow cow what are you thinking about let me get that mob bed and buddy go to bed oh and we're in cow nightmare oh wait what did I call the water is milk all right I'm not gonna touch that real quick let's be a little bit careful and so what are we doing here oh Farmers wait why are they looking like that are you evil hey no no no okay they hit back let me just push this guy away okay nope nope nope nope all right we have evil Farmers oh wait they come at you when you're not looking at them okay okay if I stare at them I'm fine but there's too many flanks okay we're gonna go straight this way I think we're in the clear oh final parkour oh gosh that's so many that's too many chill out guys let me go to the top there we go oh and it's the funnel no way I'm making that jump stand still no all right let's get out okay next nightmare let's do the zombie what will a zombie fear all right let's go inside oh and we're in wait Sunshine zombie now I'm gonna stare out of the sun oh wait what the heck do the Red Blocks like get set on fire or something oh they do okay let's uh be a little bit careful then I'm in the worst spot oh no no let me go back oh gosh okay so it's the Sun up there all right let's keep going up then okay here we go last jumps and get me out of here okay didn't like that one one bit that one scare level four and I assume now this is the final scare level all right let's see what you have for Golden oh we're and what is this place Enderman nightmare avoid the water and Escape oh it's like rain oh but we have a lot of Ender Pearls okay so I'm just supposed to avoid the water then I gotta time this right I'm going all the way over there that was a bad throw okay I saved it we're good I could maybe go straight there over there I'm gonna try there oh that's perfect okay let's head there too okay barely missed the water and now I think I could maybe make that right there let me heal up real quick I just gotta put a little bit of dispensers right here honestly this might be my best chance come on and yes oh my gosh okay we're going we're going we're going we're going let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go it is exit yes okay honestly that one was a little bit harder than I thought let's just get out of there and nap time go to sleep can I just take this but is it my turn all right what's in store for me then do I just right click this oh wait what the heck uh what is this then Shadow Nester what is Shadow Nester oh my gosh wait what what the heck is that okay no no no no buddy uh we are gonna quickly just shoot you down and that's gonna give us a fear potion nice all right let's drink that up and I think that's gonna complete finally fear oh we did it we know a fear that's gonna be four emotions in total and uh oh wait there's a new door is this disgust is this about to be nasty oh it's OmniSource disgusting what disgusts you the most sores or broccoli okay this is a critical thinking question guys what are we thinking I guess sores are more disgusting broccoli can be good if you uh get the right ingredient so maybe this oh what did I get myself into all right let's make our way through apparently this is the last emotion I'm trying to get all them real quick so we can be done here a lot of green just snots that is disgusting liver right there what does that do oh I opened this door okay let's go this way then okay another one what is this for oh it's like Bedrock things okay let me flip that there there we go oh and I gotta go through this thing okay that's disgusting another lever right there and more Bedrock things what does this do did it open a door oh wait it's his Escape right here did it open this one oh it did okay let me go through here is this the final place we gotta go to oh and I think it is guys finally an end portal which I should not be lit this is completely wrong but I'm not gonna complain let's finally go in though with all our emotions and see what's next Oh wait we're in but was somebody here before Oh wait there's a disgust Dragon what the heck is that all right we gotta take this guy down but he doesn't even look very sturdy gonna be Lauren hell or something oh wait he is hold up look how much my arrow did all right well Mr undead zombie you are overdue for a shower and honestly everything possible so uh let's go to these all our emotions and take this guy down a couple of shots needed one more and down he goes just like that and with that being done I think this should give us the final motion oh which actually dropped right here the disgust scale definitely not food I'm idiot oh congratulations challenge complete hit with that being done because I'll enjoyed it for a great one be sure to subscribe and use the video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 1,150,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, Minecraft but You Get EMOTIONAL, minecraft emotion, minecraft angry, minecraft sad, minecraft happy, minecraft emotional, minecraft lose emotion, lose emotion, emotion
Id: -ZZm6iBObcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 42sec (1362 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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