Minecraft, But Your Jumps Level Up...

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this is minecraft for your jump increases today we'll be going from jumps like this to jumps like this is that the sun from not being able to jump at all to jumping over entire biomes to jumping 1 million blocks in the air my goal is to reach the final jump level but as my jumps get higher getting around might become a pain so what's the highest amount of blocks i can jump and what happens if i jump out of the world stay tuned to find out so this is gonna be jump level zero where if i try to jump right now this happens jumping disabled find a new way so pretty much we have to do advancements to make our jump level go up where the first one is gonna be lucky break where we gotta use this shear right here that are good for feet collecting i gotta get a rabbit i can't jump so i gotta run at it get over here oh we got it oh and we got a rabbit's foot and now that we have the rabbit's foot did i just like right click it oh oh we got rabbit's feet and that's gonna be the advancement down on the screen right now like you break wait our jump level's still zero so i still can't jump okay yep but we did get a jump potion so i'm gonna guess that's gonna make our jump level go up let's go and drink that and jump in greece nice oh and so we're now we'll jump level five wait so can i jump now yo okay so that's gonna be pretty much the concept of this challenge guys we're gonna be jumping higher and higher where our goal today is to go from that number five to nine million i'm kind of scared what waving is not really gonna get us maybe we could even jump to the sun anyways now that we're jump level five we got a brand new advancement on the screen right now which is squishables huh i mean we did get a brand new ability which is mob bouncing now enabled wait if i can jump on mobs oh gosh i am so sorry cal i know this happens every video but can i just jump on the cow with my rabbit feet all right let's jump up and oh what guys i just squashed the cow down the ground oh my gosh i am so sorry cal you know what let's keep squishing the cows and oh that's gonna be two out of ten so we gotta get to ten out of ten counts squished so it might be time we do a quick montage in three two one [Music] final one in down goes all the cows my goodness and so now we get another jump potion which i'm gonna be already leveling up again from level five to what is it gonna be now jump increase again and now we're jump level ten how high are we gonna jump now there we go oh that's double we were before yo let's go and now we got a new ability where i gotta press two to test it out let's press number two and what would i do oh that's what i did okay anyways we got the message try checking out that giant quadrant so it might be a good moment to mention right now that we have a lot of stuff that we can go there's a herobrine thing where apparently i gotta get double jump tasha get there first there's a giant island up there which i gotta get jump level 100 to get all the way up to so definitely stay tuned for that and then there's this giant quadrant so let's jump all the way over there oh the mysterious witch gonna guess it's for the advancement on the screen right now which is gonna be potion maker what do you want hello existorio i've been expecting you my courts told me you'll be on your way oh you're trying to increase your jumping power get me these ingredients and i can get you what you need oh gosh wait so we got a recipe from her the witch recipe 10 frogs and 10 rabbits how am i supposed to get 10 frogs and 10 rabbits oh wait that's a lot of rabbits right there can i just get all the rabbits here i need 10 of them hello the rabbit keeper oh you need my rabbits well son these are how i make a living you know what we can cut a deal give me 10 hour and you can take my rabbits all right let's get those irony gets real quick and then i guess we'll get the rabbits give me one sec let's jump to the next transition all right let's get the iron okay 10 hard now let's go back 10 hour there you go and it deals a deal take them all hey let's go okay so now that we have the rabbit how exactly do i grab them do i like right click them or oh wait what if i use that brand new ability i got two oh wait what i flipped them oh wait if i shift right click them i can pick them up now okay let me go to grab all the rabbits real quick i need 10 exactly and now we have 10 rabbits very nice so the recipe said 10 rabbits and 10 frogs i don't know where the frogs are just yet but do i throw the rabbits in the quadrant or do i give it to her let's try real quick oh gosh getting around with all this jumping guys is actually so much harder than it looks oh she took him you've collected the rabbits now we gotta get some frogs oh wait i think i saw something over here oh okay so there's a froggy cave do i just like go down here and find some frogs frogs i'm going for you oh look at all the frogs yo okay so we got two frogs right there and do i just flip oh and they also flip what the heck okay let's get the frogs in real quick and i gotta flip this guy too and let's flip the last two frogs this is the weirdest video ever like what the heck all right that's gonna be ten frogs now let's go back up to the witch okay ten rabbits and now ten frogs what exactly are we making anyways great could you hop into the quadrant and uh jump around a bit stir it up real nice huh um okay let's i guess then stir it up okay jump around real quick am i stirring it i flipped everything around so i mean that's kind of stirring and let's put in some bread real quick let me know your favorite soup in the comments down below one piece of granite and also some shears and why not i'm gonna put the recipe right there i don't really know what stream means but i think that might be good enough is this going up do i just talk to you great here's this for you oh we did it and from that recipe we now get our next jump potion which i'm just going to go ahead and take a dog question let's get our jump level up and now we're jump level 25 now how high do we jump with this jump oh oh my gosh wait we have like a little mushroom cloud under us now yo and we got a new ability unlocked which is going to be with the number three try it midair let me try that out real quick jump then the button oh what the heck just hopped out there oh it's a double jump oh yeah so i can now jump and then jump again nice our jump levels are definitely increasing but we can't get to the sun yet i want to get to the sun but now that we got double jump i think we can finally go do this thing that's a double jump required it looks like herobrine's shrine so i'm gonna guess your brian's gonna pop out before we do that though the new advancement is gonna be jumping pains whatever that means so do i just like jump and then double jump oh that worked yo something's happening oh gosh what's happening okay that's kind of sick but is it gonna be a friendly one or uh evil one oh you're a ride yo and i got surge protector accessorial i would say it's nice to see you again but normally our meetings do not end well now dodge that wait what yo okay that was close all right what's up man you dare make a fool of me fine let me test your jumping ability i have just the idea how about you make us an arena for a real challenge i gotta make an arena really i don't know if this is for a fight or for a jumping fight but good thing that jumping did help me out there and now we gotta make it arena so all i got is forty oak blank so i guess i'll try to make it arena it's gonna be very ugly yet again guys i'm not a builder so i'm just gonna build like a big platform right here and then maybe that'll do all right let's do that real quick there we go okay so now we have a platform but i'm realizing now that building vertically is kind of a challenge when i have really high jumpy so plan b let me message a friend real quick yo james thank you for coming my very nicely haired man i have a little bit of a problem right now so pretty much i gotta build an arena for herobrine over there and when i try to build vertically i can't really jump in what in the world how did that even happen yeah long story buddy but pretty much could you uh go in this chest right here we got a lot of wood going and i kind of just want you to you know build me a big old thing you're really good at that in 100 days so i'll be emotional support and then you can build something all right i guess i can build for you yes sir all right so it's gonna be the power of editing watch this guys right now he's building and he's gonna be done in three two one and we're back okay so with the power of editing we spent a lot of time and i'd like to introduce to you guys nestor in painful arena which took us a little bit longer than expected to make but as you can tell pretty much i made the creeper face because it's pretty ugly i i can't build guys it's very beautiful nestor thank you man i do appreciate that i guess we could go back to doing your hundred days and stuff i gotta go back to 100 days so uh see you bye oh well oh and he's gone he's uh going in uh wait did he just crouch on the edge wait is he hiding right there uh people love your supposed to go up yeah see see you later man okay anyways let's go talk to your bride and get our next jumping potion here ryan what did we fight now or what are we doing they call that an arena watch this wait what do you mean where's the world shaking oh why did you make me make all that see their loser really really did that really happen me and people spent so much time making this nice arena just for him to make a giant reader even the cows are moving around doritos what the heck let me jump inside there we go gotta love this big jump again wait that's a giant door over there i'm gonna guess that's for another jump level but let's jump in and now mr herobrine what are we doing inside oh wait this is a proper arena i'm gonna guess these are the gates and uh do i just talk to you man you made it let us begin three two what are we even doing we're fighting one go oh it's a jump rope oh yo okay okay right now it's two three nestor are you cheating right now look look look i have really high jumps but are we seriously doing a jump rope contest of minecraft okay i'm gonna have an idea he's doing to beat him what if we do this let's go guys the quick jumps oh my gosh he's so much ahead but the cobblestone's gonna stop us from jumping really high let's go jump up and get down he says oh gosh okay we're catching up we're about to beat him thirty is 29 oh i gotta time this frame perfect i've gone this wrong so many times 49 and yes that's gonna be game oh no tnt okay let's get away from that and he says how did he beat me i ring the you know what never mind you won take this oh maybe this will be useful for you too oh a question mark question mark tracker and uh jump rope later dirt all right bye everybody and finally guys with all that being done we get a jump potion a jump rope and a question mark question mark question mark tracker so i'm gonna go ahead and guess that's gonna be the best with done jumping pains on the screen right now and so what does a jump rope do i like use it oh oh i can shoot a jump rope or whatever that thing is sick and as for the question mark question mark tracker oh wait 127 blocks away from me this way but before we start going there let's go to drink the jump potion and see what happens out jump increase and now we're jump level 50. wait that's double than last time right so jump oh reach up as high as the arena okay yep and we have even more mushroom clouds under us very nice oh wait i think it's leading me to the door okay before we go there though we got a brand new ability which is gonna be press four uh four oh wait what the is that yo wait it's like a super jump all right that's actually pretty sick my goodness walking is still pretty difficult getting places plays but we can always do this couple it with double jumps and look at that oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh good thing we don't take fall damage and so i'm gonna guess i got a parkour all the way up there wait can i just skip all this parkour with one jump i don't think whoever made this thought this through alright let's maybe attempt the parkour with super jumping so we're gonna jump right there then i can just go all the way to the end right here and now let's go straight to the end all right let's break in uh i think this is the right way right oh slime oh it's normal jumping for once let's go all the way down we go and what the heck was this guy oh gosh all right we got a random slime guy okay what is this guy to do with jumping oh gosh getting tube is gonna be hard slimy villager alright what's up man hello dry one and welcome to my cave i have a task for you you see this cave is full of delicious scrumptious slimes i don't know if that's that tasty they really have a nice pop to them not too much of a flavor do you think you could collect me 16 of these fine treats make sure to pop them first so i gotta get 16 slime balls oh wait i gotta murder the babies my goodness man all right why not let's go all the way down and so what do i just throw the jumper with them oh go on my jump rope get them all and i guess let's get this guy his snack going my goodness one more to go and now we got the 16. all right that was actually pretty easy let's just go all the way back up real quick and do i just give it to you all right all the way up to 16 and there we go thank you so much oh they're just the best snacks on a warm day oh why is it shaking now if they're probably not notice i'm missing and that's the mom and he also just disappeared really oh gosh okay we gotta find the giant slime now apparently brother you're gonna die if you stay there okay that is a ginormous slime my goodness i'm not eating that thing and you can eat it but i am just gonna take the scout down with my jump rope all right couple more hits and down goes to giant slime my goodness definitely a lot of slime on the ground now and don't tell me this guy's gonna eat it oh gosh all right buddy what do you got to say now wow she was really mad thanks for helping me though here's a reward all right thank you man oh wait what's he saying now oh man those slimes are not sitting quite right wait did my man just fart into like explosion existence oh wait i think he farted all the way up what is this video right now anyways we're jump level 50 which makes us jump literally all the way to the top of the cave and now with this jump potion are we gonna get some jump level 100 let's go and drink that and there we go jump increase it again and that's gonna be the advancement done and now we have a jump level 100 just like i said oh gosh wait so can i jump all the way back to the top in one jump let's try that real quick and yo that was so close that's op even just jumping one block guys is such a task now because it's so hard to get out of places oh my goodness all right let's real quick get up and not only did we get more jump but we also got a brand new ability where i gotta press five to figure it out oh wait is that a trampoline oh i have a portable trampoline now yo that's sick and so now that we have all those jumping abilities we got a message in chat saying you're now able to jump high enough to reach the sky island of the village so pretty much that giant thing of the air that we saw earlier i should probably get some armor and maybe like get those diamonds right there but now that we can jump really high i don't think we need that all right let's get to the village look up jump 100 required all right so do i just jump once oh oh that's perfect hey let's go is that a sword on a tree then do i just grab it oh slap sword let me grab you oh quick the sword slipped out of her hand and it's getting weight tested down wait's literally getting away hey come back here oh gosh oh gosh let me jump up no the sword keeps going wait is it going all the way over there oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay how am i supposed to do these jumps can i do small jumps oh i can with ability okay what if i use the trampoline oh let's go trampoline jumps are easier okay another jump there we go oh man jump 100 is actually making things really hard to get around with oh gosh it's going all the way up i think we might be going to that island i guess might be a good moment right now to go to mention the advancement right now which is going to be slimer wrangler is this what i'm wrangling it's still going why is it all the way up there oh man oh man wait that is a giant castle what the heck oh and that's a boss the jump king who dares attempt to steal my sword oh we might have some trouble oh gosh okay one more jump and okay we made it nice okay so the jump king like the game jump king is he in here oh we might have a guy that can jump as much as me now all right got my robin feet let's jump king how's going oh he's coming straight for me isn't he okay no no he's not friendly all right he's not funny at all all right let's go oh gosh oh gosh okay let's get in a good jumping spot oh jump nestor versus the jump king okay let's keep our distance because we actually have barber let's throw in some jump ropes real quick i'm sorry buddy and i gotta say my jumps are definitely better than his couple more hits and down goes to jump king i am very sorry man but i mean we do get the slime sword and another jump potion good i guess so that's going to be the advancement down on the screen right now and now we have the slime sword it's covered in goo how does this work oh we can throw slight balls now very nice but now that we got the jump potion let's go and drink that are we going to be level 200 now jump increase oh in level 200. oh we became slime we were green yo so now i'm part slime and so what's level 200 jumping am i as high as the castle oh we're double the castle oh my gosh yo okay we gotta test right by mountain then so that's gonna be a mountain right there and are we gonna jump besides the mountain oh yep we jump as high as a mountain and that's not even our limit jumping might be getting a little bit too crazy right now not only that but we also got the ability to press six to slime wait what does that do six oh does it do something with the mops oh it's deadly slime nice so i guess now that we're part slime and jump level 200 which is very high my goodness we got the next advantage on the screen right now which is blasting off again not really sure where that is but let me go check out the village to see if the challenge is there okay finally found it it's a jump level 200 required portal so i don't gotta jump there i just gotta kind of fit there oh okay now let's go inside oh and we are in so is this just the normal nether oh now ryan dead person in the nether well i wouldn't want to be this guy what's up dude oh apparently i'm going to give it some electrified slime to maybe revive it i got a new craft on the screen right now which is going to be netherrack and blaze powder i mean the other rock isn't too bad i can just go to mine right here and ask for blaze powder i guess we're gonna have to jump somewhere over there okay 16 netherrack and now where do i get these blazes oh gosh okay what the power of the trampoline let's trampoline around and i guess i can jump so high i can go through the lava poles oh and there's a fortress yes okay nice all right things are painting out very nicely in loki could i in one jump get to the fortress just in case we can always do this we can always double jump a lot but this might either be really good or really bad all right here we go three two one oh okay yep no we hit the ground okay oh we got the blazer right there okay now we go let's do this go jump rope let's get these guys down and we finally got a blazer on nice okay so in total i need eight of these so time to grind this one sack okay that should definitely be more than enough so i think all we gotta do now is put one netherrack and one blaze powder and apparently that makes electrified slime why is it spicy all right let's grab all these okay that's gonna be 16. now we'll jump all the way back all right so let's fight slime let's go and put that in and what exactly does this make do i bring him back to life or something oh revive sage what's up man you must be the one who revived me you seem almost worthy to take all my power bring me four nether right souls and i'll bestow it upon you wait never right souls the heck is another right soul so on the screen right now we gotta make that thing that's gonna be four near the right blocks in that lamp that is so expensive what oh right we got a new ability press period to fire off a jump shock wave and blow open the area okay so if we can shock wave now let's maybe not do it right by him and oh gosh our jumping is insane right now and so do i just press nine oh wait give me another yo oh that is broken so our jumping has now gotten to the point that we can get another light from nothing because there was definitely no ancient debris there my goodness well we found out a way of getting a bunch of netherlight and now we just gotta get the lamps so loki i could just jump all the way down here get this bad boy and that's gonna be one streamlight all right let's get four of these and then pour down the right blocks and then we can get to building all right here we go oh gosh how am i gonna build this okay so we gotta jump real quick oh man what are you so hard on this jump oh my goodness so i'm just gonna set up the area and then we'll go from there two hours later okay there we go now that we have four of these i guess i just gotta make another ride soul by placing this down oh so we gotta never i go him but spawning him destroyed all the other another eye blocks that took so long wait did i just kill this guy or something let's get the jump rope real quick and doubt he goes oh and we got the nether right soul souls of the what so is this what i gotta get him oh that worked okay so let's do that real quick three more times and then we'll get back to them one sec okay gold's acquired take these guys down and now that should be all the souls we need well let's go back took me a little bit way too long but we finally got the souls there we go four souls done and glorious now let me craft your reward oh gosh okay what is he making now a wand of jump great it is done enjoy responsibly wait so what does this do do i hit something wait technically could i hit him with that uh mr sage i know i kind of just revived you but let me real quick try this thing on you and i just like hit him oh yo and he's blasting off again he broke through the bedrock didn't he i hope he had a good trip but with that being done we get another jump potion right here which how high are we gonna be jumping after this my goodness wait can i jump all the way up there with him oh oh he's gone he's gone for sure well now that we're on top of the nether pretty much let's go enjoy the jump potion and get up to level 500. my goodness and so how are we going to jump now oh okay that's a lot of o's under me not only that but we got another ability which is gonna be press seven to blast off that might be for our next challenge though on the screen right now which is gonna be sun god what if we're blasting off the sun now the sun isn't here the nether though so let me go back real quick okay so now let's go to his ability in three two one oh let's go oh we just made it up wait what the heck is this place the sun gravity is much stronger here wait does that mean i can jump oh i can jump normally or maybe a little bit too little oh gosh okay so we made it to the sun but what do we do now i kind of gotta get out of here i don't even know i'm surviving in the sun um hello a sun villager hey there the gravity here is stronger than normal i think the source of the problem is on the core of the sun i can help you get there but i need some sunshards oh okay we're gonna get sun shards what is a sunshine i have no idea but maybe we can try finding some wait is this not the sun oh i think that might be the sun well to get a sunshine give me one sec guys i gotta look around oh wait is that the sunshore oh no that's a sun slime oh and the sun slime gives sun shards okay i get it now all right let's give him the sun shard there we go and now we gotta pretty much see a bunch of sun slimes okay now we should be good let's go to give the sun sharks and oh gosh don't shoot me don't shoot me all right some villager get me there perfect just one sec oh wait what oh oh why why is the ground shaking oh no it's gonna supernova defeat that boss in quick oh i gotta take the obsidian bridge apparently we live three minutes okay we're going where was obsidian bridge oh that's the obsidian bridge okay two minutes here we go here we go oh man if i fall i literally go all the way down to my death how did this guy even make this bridge that fast this doesn't even make any sense but it's all good it's a villager in the sun so it doesn't need to make sense all right in oh another slime put this up on the side okay go inside balls get him defeat the slime with the slime oh wait we're actually doing pretty good damage my goodness give me more hits and down he goes to slime just like that and oh gosh wait i'm about to go down probably oh gosh okay blast off ability recharge oh gosh wait wait we gotta go we gotta go i'm at half a heart guys 18 more seconds let's just go ahead and blast off in three two one i'm away here we go oh um world of slime what the heck okay well it's no longer minecraft but jump increases but also the amount of slime places increases what the heck before we go into this place though let's go ahead and drink the next jump potion right about now and see what we get jump increase yet again and jump 1000 guys oh gosh and we got a brand new ability with the power of the sun like do i just aim it at something oh oh that's sick and i completely missed so jump 1000 how does that work oh my that's insane yo and so what exactly am i supposed to do at the slime village talk to someone here or something anyone home oh wait what is that thing it's like a little slime thing do i describe that oh slime apple might as well mention right now by the way this is gonna be the next advantage on the screen right now where it's gonna be multiverse theory huh i just eat this oh the apple recharged my blast off ability oh i guess we're done here then all right slimes have a great day um you guys didn't try to kill me so that's a win all right here we go in three two one oh we go oh where the heck am i now the back rooms oh wait i didn't want that defeat alex so we jumped into the back rooms apparently oh gosh okay we're scary alex hello wait i feel like i'm doing circles right now oh oh okay okay that's scary alex okay no no no no no no down where's the jump rope okay no no no no no no no just a big nope and get out of here done oh my goodness lots of ability recharged let's get out of here soon as we can oh that might be a whole okay let's jump off in three two one oh get me out of here oh how the heck did i get here there's even a sky or something lunch cave dimension what are these things okay go away go away go away go away oh i think i literally did the challenge already blast off ability recharged again and we ended up getting firefly wings black and vinyl nice i guess yet again let's blast off even though i don't know if that's gonna work oh let's try it here we go oh and now we made it to the final fight with the dragon all right let's go in and i'm gonna guess i gotta defeat him to get the final advancement and could i defeat him technically with the jump rope get over here buddy oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh we gotta be quicker oh man just getting up to him it's gonna be sword wait i could just fly okay let's chase down this dragon come on no the jump rope doesn't work what about the slime thing oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh come on come on come on no he's immune to the slimes i literally gotta do this the old-fashioned way and just wait there and keep hitting it okay let's go all the way down here real quick oh gosh oh gosh and now we wait just to hit it okay couple more hits come on it hits it sometimes it should be it should be it if i can just hit it once oh wait we're actually getting damage in only okay finally one more and i think we can barely hit it but just like that finally down goes the dragon and oh my goodness we have unlocked jump level infinity wait do i just jump now oh and we got fireworks let's go guys we beat the challenge but i think we're going to jump infinitely well with that being done hope you guys don't join over great news video just like this one bye guys [Music]
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 3,237,878
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft custom, minecraft but your jump increases, minecraft jump, minecraft jump boost, jump increases, super jump, jump boost, jump high, jump 999, nestor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 26 2022
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