Minecraft but You turn into a SNAKE!

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today I'm turning into a snake in Minecraft but then we didn't need to tell me some body parts first so let's begin our journey as a human and see if we can constrict the dragon okay step one is to break our breaker legs what if we jump off that mountain right there well I guess first let's get some blind okay and now we should be good so here's the plan I'm gonna make a line straight up and then we'll be jumping straight down right there maybe that should be good enough for my legs and so to do that we need pretty much some more wood and a lot of it see that tree right there it's about to be gone and now the tree is gone 20 oak logs in total that should be a stack of 16 so for the next step I'm gonna need a hay bale all right don't mind me don't think any villagers were really mine let's go ahead and grab some wheat and then we we finally get a heal so I guess not for the part where we go up the mountain and Stack Up and that should be 200 blocks oh my gosh it might be gonna survive if I go down there let me get the hay ball ready and I think I'm going to jump straight to the top of the mountain okay step one break your legs here we go oh wait did it work we survived yes that is step one done and now step two lose arms in the village I'm gonna be taking that I do need some food and now we gotta head to the Village oh man that was something else all right is anyone around hello yeah just a friendly neighborhood exist Oriole trying to sneak around guys this might be where we need to go it's a villager house with arms why is the Villager house with arms is there someone in here that can help me oh oh oh my gosh it's an armless villager oh want glue Trade Me Your Arms huh okay so he's taking our arms for the glue that sticks my legs together oh wait so we're becoming a snake snake right now okay but how exactly do I give you my arms oh wait there's a guy right here Mr Fred also there's a full-on gym right there all right so what can we do with this guy it's Mel's right there chop my melons try breaking them oh okay that should be too hard we can just bite them right oh what too tough craft unlocked oh now on the screen that is a full-on guillotine I'm not sure why we're making that but first we did stone cutter okay where could I guess don't cut her if I need it oh oh literally right here okay this guy don't mind me I am just gonna crawl inside here I like how I can crawl Minecraft now grab this bad boy right there anything else we can grab but nope and what we need now is actually some oak logs which oddly enough guys I'm not tall enough to reach the very top of the log so I gotta do this this way okay so that's gonna be four logs there we go and I think that should be everything we need all right so let's get some sticks in get the stone cutter get some more clogs my gosh there it is guys a full-on guillotine Chop Chop what do I need this for some melons so how do I do this so I just put it right by this thing it's a little bit smaller than I thought but okay how does this work do I like right click it oh it got all the melons yes okay I will take that thing very much since I'm very strong melons and I kind of want to eat them but Mr fried it here we go and before we continue this might be how I get the arms for the trade all right I just like right click my arm on it let me let me get that arm at the right spot there we go oh and that's one arm okay the machine exploded but we now lost one of our arms Thou Art that's not both arms for the trade yeah but maybe the gym has it oh wait lost key in cave well at least I can function with one arm still guys we can still mine and stuff I don't know I'm gonna do it afterwards but where the heck is the cave for the gym key oh it was back here guys this right here is the cave of Doom and uh all caps red so you know it's probably a little bit of trouble in here let's uh mainly crawl jump around here don't want anything bad to happen let's just go and oh what is down here oh okay do I gotta stick around this guy a chest sneaking and Lou okay here's the way I'm gonna just sneak around and I think we should be able to get that chest maybe let's go okay it's dumb zombie I don't need to worry too much right oh gosh I mean the great thing about this guys is that one wait why is my body shaking like that what the heck okay well first thing is and we're just gonna go around sneaking by the side no worries and I mean he shouldn't be able to see me I'm a snake right oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay nope nope nope I am not here please don't come this way let me just break this right there and I think we just sneak in I'm gonna drop down no worries at all I am a master at this ride at this point let's real quick and grab this just what's inside and that's the gym key why is the gym key down here no idea not gonna ask any questions now we just gotta jump out another row let's go to the gym all right here we are introduce Reckless oh that was easy all right JMK done all right we got a rough and it looks like a boxing arena oh wait there's two villagers hello what is this like the boxing fight where does that go oh they're fighting okay I'm gonna the right one right one wins come on oh no wait okay and half arms win the fighting this guy oh gosh okay okay starting in three two one all right say that stay back I have one arm to punch away oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh I think we slapped him out of there and it would nice and Nestor get ready wait wait what do you mean get ready round two Chop Chop oh my gosh but he's huge oh gosh Here We Go Again guys he's my only one here we go okay oh wait oh my gosh wait he has more of a punch my goodness hold up no no oh and I won I think I hit him straight up and now they're out of contestants build another oh okay so now we gotta grabbed on the screen right now which looks like an weird Iron Golem thing I need a lot of iron and a spider eye oh wait I'm going right there could I technically try to make it with that hold up what do we have over there is that like a guard oh premium weights let me real quick just go around like this okay let's just Slither in let me put that right there just so it blocks off the entrance a little bit and oh just what we needed let's get some iron blocks there we go iron blocks done and even more iron in the spider eye we need also all right I think I was supposed to go here then okay let me just get out here then oh gosh he's right there okay we are gonna just run straight through here okay this is actually perfect going straight down the bleachers there we go let's act like nothing happened and now let's go to that should be done there done there and there we go the iron Champion all right there we go let's fight our champion fight oh gosh okay here it's oh no no no no no no I've already lost them oh my gosh how's he enemy from here chill brother oh no oh and I've lost my other arm okay now we are literally armless oh no well we got the two arms now so we can actually trade it with the guy at the arm house which I don't know how many times I said arm already but we're just gonna go with it and there he is Mr armless I got two brand new arms for you now let's get the glue to stick my legs together he says thank you oh we got arms nice and now without further Ado guys let's glue these legs together oh and oh my gosh we are now slowly becoming a proper snake that is gonna be level 25 and does this guy want to talk to us again hello thanks head behind my house oh wait what does he have a random basement down here huh do I want to go down here all right going to rain guys basement don't know about this but let's head all the way down and what is that okay nope nope that way stay away no no no no no okay okay they're not friendly they're not friendly what even is that thing okay nope nope nope nope not dealing with that okay let me heal up how do I kill that thing how do I kill that thing how do I kill that thing oh okay that's one oh I got it okay so whatever that thing is it gave me a key okay it's not the gym key it's a normal key to open doors what type of door do we have down here oh maybe it's for this trapdoor right here so with the key we got from that guy let's go deeper I guess okay let me just go a little bit slowly and let's not cause any commotion oh no this does not look very friendly okay it's all good jazz trying to become a steak okay let's keep going oh okay don't mind me don't mind me let's just go to the end it looks like there's nothing bad around here let me see that jump right there okay I don't even know if I can make that jump let me real quick do that and there we go okay what are we looking at here oh wait is that a vampire all right Mr vampire do I talk to you hello oh steal the fangs craft a lot oh wait he does have fangs so now we gotta Craft on the screen which is gonna be with the cobwebs and sticks it looks like wait could I technically make it right now hold on I think it's just simply spider webs and oh there we go the sticky pickaxe okay so is this what I used to grab the fangs all right hold still buddy let's get those fangs oh we got them it needs a healthy villager again nice wait that attack shoot them what do you mean bad attack oh he gave us some bone arrows oh here they come okay a lot of butts that's one down oh gosh I gotta kill every single one of these bats go go away that's another one down okay one more to go where's the last one where's the last one oh gosh oh gosh oh last one come on come on come on get the shot oh we got him yes okay oh no oh gosh okay okay okay we're fighting a bad King okay good thing the boat does a good bit of damage one more shot get this guy down and don't burn lava oh my gosh okay he's gone and we got the poison sword it's also said ahead to the maze what the heck is the maze all right before we head to the maze let me go ahead and get that sword down there one second and can I just put these fangs on oh that works guys we are now a poison snake nice let me grab this poison sword and now let's actually get all the way back so what is going on over here is this like the maze thinking oh what is this I don't trust this oh gosh let me get my sword ready and my point isn't ready what does this do uh why do we hear spiders no no no let me just go around okay string what is this okay looks like it's stick maze okay don't mind me I'm just gonna Slither around here and there's some more snakes nope nope go away go away I'm part of you okay I don't think they see me as a snake cat because I'm only 25 snake oh well that's easy we can just like call it the right it doesn't really do that much damage we should be fine it doesn't make a little bit easier on us let's go right there because we don't have that much food I just realized okay another pressure point we should be good there and oh my gosh look at that thing oh go away nope nope nope last voice of that guy real quick poison that guy too right there there we go get the poison in them and I think we just gotta do a few more turns we're almost to the end oh we did it yes okay there we go okay job all done let's jump all the way down to the exit where exactly is the exit though wait I don't think there's an exit I just realized I got a rattle item this is how I gotta rattle as a snake hold on let me get down here real quick and let me right click the throttle yo wait we have a rattle what the heck even vibrates and so I think that's that subject okay nope game is collapsing all right all right nope nope don't like that South lead side all the way back okay okay no no no no no Daddy up don't mind me well I know it was right we did become a little bit more Snake but what the heck do we have right in front of us half a snake pilager oh gosh all right we're only 50 right now guys we gotta become a little bit more Snake like this guy oh oh no nobody's not from me okay all right let's take this guy down real quick oh wait is he running it back we'll be back oh oh wait that might not be a good thing um he's literally just slithering away my goodness okay oh and now there's a chief right here well I think I know what we're doing next Mr Chief what do you want hopeless defend the craft unlocked oh we now have a weird snake potion and we gotta go to Snake Mountain is that what that is right there oh my gosh okay oh I think this might be it right here the start of snake Mountain um I guess let's just go ahead and go inside oh and we gotta climb all the way up but we got some diamonds right there no wonder they had a whole operation in the mountain because I mean if I had diamonds I will gladly do the job for them okay now all the way up we gotta go as a snake I assume I can't make armor so we can't really do that but we can still do some Parkour at least wait what the heck why is this guy looking out a picture of a dog hello Mr villager what's up collect materials aren't said if it helps me get up there sure I mean here we go I already got some iron for you that's gonna be 60 yards right there and as for the sand is there some down here oh there is all right not too hard at all they even had a bird is ready for me to just uh cook up the stuff here we go get some good old sand and so is this why you didn't oh take this oh and we get the first ingredient which is a glass bottle oh wait it became a zombie huh the glass monster okay nope nope nope nope not dealing with that oh okay down he goes and instead of a normal glass bottle we get this special bottle oh that's what I needed to make the craft with all right I think that's job all done let's keep going up the mountain and see what's next then okay let's head all the way up and what the heck is this place do I just go up and up and up oh wait what do we have here is that a skeleton steak hello Mr skills Sensei build me a nest huh sure uh okay wait guys I don't really have blocks for an s i I can't make shears though and what if we just grab these right here and now since the skeleton wants a nest why not let's make a really small mess I don't know why they want the nuts I'll put a little entrance right there it's more like a bowl but you know what there we go good old nest is that good enough skeleton thanks take these oh my gosh and now we got a bunch of snake tails for the craft all right that's two things out of three and now maybe the last thing is at the very top okay almost there oh yeah it's right there nice okay let's get inside and oh it's the mouth of the Snake Still the head and try the sticky pickaxe well I like the dogs let me just you know walk in let me just grab this head here goes nothing and that worked we now have the snakehead and the guy's just vibing you know what I'ma let him be right there let's just go ahead and get to the bottom real quick and we need one pickaxe all right here we go one snake till one steak head and then one special bottle and then we get the snake potion not effective on players okay let's sit back and see what we can make holy villagers okay this guy right here you're gonna be my first test subject how do I use this on you do it right click you oh stick you know yo all right I'll be come snakes come over here oh my gosh look at the mall wait does it work on the iron gold oh and we got a golden sink nice so this is pretty much gonna be our defenses where everyone's gonna become a snake now you make a mistake you become a snake I don't think I want a sheep snake don't trust those let's get to this guy's snake and the only guy left I think is the chief all right Mr Chief let's make you a snake and oh oh savior take my crown well let's go and try that and we can become a king cobra yo okay now that's 80 snake so we got bills and defenses now to secure the village for labor what is that cracked so we now unlocked an explosive cow it looks like all right new goal is somehow get explosive cows but before we do that let me test out this real quick because I think I actually unlocked the ability to armor these guys so uh can I just give you this oh and now we have an armored Soldier nice okay we're gonna prep up this kingdom real quick guys oh wait was that there before we have a TNT house now that might be how we make these explosive cows oh explosive villager okay let's just kind of just Slither in real quick and make sure we don't get anything to blow this up oh he's not home oh wait wait wait wait wait no no no no no no I am not here oh my gosh okay please don't go go away okay he's gone he's gone all right let's real quick just pretty much take down his house holy TNT so four defenses in total because we kind of quote unquote borrowed it we now have a stocking 14 of TNT and now all we need is some more iron for the armorer everyone has I can't really make that many chest plates oh very easily cause now we have the iron storage right there okay how do we do this without causing a mess they even have booby traps and a guard all right don't mind me I'm just gonna sneak in around as long as my body doesn't touch the pressure please we should be good okay let me just go through here real quick don't mind me oh and there's another ground thing hello what's here oh yo wow that's what we needed a lot of iron blocks I am gonna go and grab all of these and then we can go ahead and make all the chest plates we'll ever need and a bunch of explosives gals okay 22 iron blocks now let's just get out oh my gosh okay never mind let's go out maybe not that way but let's uh do this way okay we should be fine well just like that that's gonna be jumbo done for 22 iron blocks and now to make all these guys Lord just like that guy okay time for a bunch of Chess points so we got all the iron we need boom get all that done there all right you're gonna just wait you get a chest plate you should become a snake real quick let's get you a just plated up let's get you some armor there we go and there we go so now they should all be armored okay now for the fake cows which I think we can only make not that many actually but I mean it might be good enough and there we go explosive cows for defense I mean we could place one here I guess oh and it works it's a fake explosive cowl let me put one right there there we go I think we need some more so the main thing that we really need is wood oddly enough for that Force it's gonna be mine okay now we should be good let's real quick get a ton of wood and I think we should be able to make as many cows as we want just like that so what do you want explosive cows very easily and so I guess we can place them all over the place get explosive cow there don't worry these are just completely normal cows they're great cows they're the best cows let's cover all the defenses that we can and I guess one last cow there we go well that should be a job well done guys we have a bunch of explosive cows some good old villagers when I forgot to Chief let me get the chief real quick and maybe that'll be the last thing we gotta do with the defenses Mr Cheap guy here we go and here they come fight them back oh there they are gone soldiers yes battle them oh my gosh cows are working yes okay I don't think I even got a pipe oh wait no they're coming from the other side no they go past okay let's take down some of these guys do some poison there we go at a certain explosion and is that all of them done oh wait no no no no let me disappointed real quick let's get these guys down oh and we did it thank you take this and now we get a super snake potion all right I guess again we get to uh increase our snake test a little bit let's right click that oh and what am I on a condo yo oh my gosh I even have a snout thing wait head up top the snake for awaits so now we can enter this thing up there all right we are almost to the top let's roll quick climb all the way up here and what do we have here a guard um it says like the police hello uh do I belong here even no entry show me you can squeeze wait I can squeeze cows no oh wait we got a squeeze ability and do I just use on these guys squeeze oh we just squeezed the cow oh my gosh hold up we got a pencil cow oh okay all right let's quiz you oh no I poisoned him my bad let's quiz you and squeeze you and you also got squeeze that's gonna be four squeeze hours and we have a little bit more right over here ah get over here guys you got squids you've got squids and final squeeze there we go that's gonna be ten squeeze cows which I guess might get us our entry with the corner over there all right Mr guard here you go take good squeeze cows for whatever reason and that proves nothing try harder huh what am I supposed to squeeze down maybe there's something down here oh Jill Jill do you have anything I can squeeze practice squeeze my house oh okay how does one squeeze a house do I like just wrap my tail around it okay let's just put the tail right there and squeeze oh oh my gosh well you've squeezed the house what let me grab the doors evidence and let's I guess go talk to the guard one more time all right Mr guard I've squeezed the house good job head on in oh and we can go in now okay all right let me just place that door right there for no reason and so what is this place it's like a armored Village all right Mrs villager what do you need entry fee five squeeze creepers oh so we can squeeze some creepers as for where the creepers are is there like cave down here or something hold on then season the first time but there's apparently a Creeper Cave right here oh and a creeper all right let's get straight to you and now this will be close but oh my gosh wait pencil creepers you get constricted do you get constricted all right four pencil creepers let's get as bad as we can all right all of you get constructed and this is more than what we needed all right don't mind me Mr snillager right here and enter the arena good luck all right here goes nothing and wait round one water mounts oh is this a squeezing competition yeah okay hold on let me get a position uh so do I just press the squeeze button here we go squeeze oh that was pretty easy what about you can you not do it oh you did it hit squeezed nice oh now we're getting cows okay uh let's squeeze the cows in all right here goes nothing squeeze oh and we now got the pencil cow yet again and now Iron Golems I haven't squeezed this before all right here goes nothing squeeze oh uh what happened to him oh did they just pop I think it just popped well I guess they're at the same level still finally Bedrock okay I'm not sure if we can squeeze Bedrock pot let's try it squeeze button squeeze oh and we broke bedrock and they oh no struggled what about you oh I think we did it yo and just like that Nestor wins and I'm the best squeezer nice all right and now we get the snake potion gonna guess it's gonna make me even more Snake so let's drink up and what did we come now oh oh my gosh okay we are now three snakes arms and legs get them back huh I think that might be at the arm house then and so how exactly do I steal my arms and legs back I gotta sneak in sneak in steal his arms okay well literally I'm gonna steal his arms so I can go to the top of the building and maybe we can do this like a secret spy and just like you know go all the way down don't mind me let me just stack all the way up there we go and now without further Ado let me take a peek inside okay wait I think he might be down there not sure if it's gonna work I have an idea if I get some of this and then we do this should be able to actually crawl in and fit through his tight squeeze oh gosh I don't think he sees me yet let me just go up to him and use the pickaxe I notice my arms at least challenge me for them oh wait wait what the heck did you just break up a hole under him huh Maybe should have gone from the front all right well I guess we're gonna challenge this guy to whatever thing is down here all right Mr armless well what are we doing here snake eat my high score oh wait okay if you guys don't know how to play Snake you can't stand still and you pretty much gotta run around and not touch your own tail okay that's gonna be or oh gosh oh gosh okay we are speeding up now let's just be a little bit careful don't want to touch the wall either I think if I touch the walls that might be game over okay that's 11 out of 20. oh my gosh can't touch my own tail there we go 13 14. oh no no no no oh my gosh okay why is it getting so long 15 speed of light oh gosh 17. can't touch the tail can't touch still number 18 guys so two more to go that's gonna be the almost the last one and we're good find you one have these as a reward okay that is a job well done and now we get his legs which he's so good legs on so it's like extra legs and some wings back I guess let's break with the legs hold on we're evolving oh my gosh we got the wings on too I love Arm spawn check it out okay oh what the heck that's a big old leg all right don't mind me I am an abomination of a snake but I am here to help I think all right Miss Barber what would you like too many chickens eat them huh how do I eat a chicken oh my gosh I ate a chicken I think I just wipe with them okay sorry chickens I'm supposed to eat all of you all right that should be your chicken problem gone Mr farmer are we good thanks have this three Jag oh and got a weird egg now huh okay what do I do with this do I like build a nest for it let me real quick think what I can do the main thing I got is TNT so what if we make a TNT nest for my eggs that might be the move guys and because we have enough TNT I'm even gonna make another layer it's gonna be a big old mess actually might be a bad idea to put them on explosives so what if at least for the bottom let's do some Cobblestone but now let's put down the eggs and keep them warm and build a home huh what do you mean build a home but I technically just sit on these guys like I mean I can warm them up with the body heat right oh wait what if I like Crouch or something oh wait I think that works yo yes I got a bunch of baby sick guys oh hungry we want spider eyes oh I gotta feed them all right uh I wasn't really ready for this um spiderweized spider eyes will have any spider eyes I do not have any spider eyes guys oh gosh okay wait I think I saw something earlier around here oh yes okay I wasn't going crazy and that should be an easy way of feeding them all so here we go take all the spider rides you guys need five out of one and now we want smart head to school huh where we're school oh I think that snakes go over there do you guys follow me oh my gosh they followed me oh my gosh I'm a father all right all three of my heads let's go here we are snake School looks like where am I supposed to go from here oh wait right here oh look at them to get everything all right how's it going I guess um I'm kind of here or something question one what is a type of snake Okay I don't think I taught them anything so I might answer for them Carter's Boven cobras I mean the safe answer is the cobras right maybe Cobra because I'm a cobra steak oh I think we got it right question two what is the longest snake oh I know that one I think it's retailered python if I'm correct let's try that one Gregory if I'm wrong in the comments oh wait no we got him right now question three what is the most venomous snake found Jeffrey Australia they always got the weird animals in Australia gotta go with that and that's another one done in time to graduate oh my gosh wait they're already graduating my goodness guys I graduated too I just got the message turn off the stone and I'm a Medusa State now okay kids you guys are on your own I am off to free some mobs and now let's see if we can freeze anything wait hold on what is that over there abandoned Wing maybe I forgot something there oh a band room no entry and I hear some skeletons this might be somewhere where I can use the power all right coming in can I freeze them on Frozen yo it's working Breeze up and they're all Frozen now can I break them or no they're Stone oh my gosh okay well I guess I don't really have that problem anymore we can go and break this and so what happens now that I've hit 12 out of 10 Frozen mobs oh we did it new ability Summit in end portal okay that took a little bit but wait we can summon an End Portal now do I press this button oh my gosh guys I think it might be time we go fight the dragon and now the question is can we freeze the dragon with our Medusa thing let's go and find out all in one kill the snagit wait what is a snagit oh it's a snagging you right okay I think I gotta get it downhill first so let's shoot as many poison things as we can oh my gosh the Enderman are snakes what the heck that is terrifying okay I can't look at them let me just shoot this guy down oh we hit him yes okay let's get him poisoned up we gotta get some hits oh this is tough hold on we can do this oh okay we're actually doing some damage now okay that's another hit pretty much a half out now wait can I freeze him though oh we got him oh my gosh that was Vincent so with that being done that's congratulations we turn the dragon into stone what would that be done though because I enjoyed up a great one in this video just like this one bye guys
Channel: xNestorio
Views: 2,526,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft But, MC But, minecraft craft, minecraft challenge, xnestorio, nestorio, minecraft but mod, beating minecraft but, beating minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft, mine craft, minecraft but challenge, mc but, minecraft but, minecraft op, minecraft but you can craft, minecraft but you can, minecraft big, minecraft snake, minecraft but you turn into a snake, minecraft snakes, minecraft snake craft, minecraft snake mod, snake, snakes, minecraft turn snake
Id: nIkk1-qXgds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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