Microsoft PowerPoint with AI Copilot Pro Tutorial - Microsoft 365 Office Apps Beginner Guide

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let's learn today how we can start leveraging co-pilot in our Microsoft PowerPoint presentations while leveraging co-pilot we can create new presentations we can summarize our presentations organize our presentations and probably do the most powerful feuture this offers which is create the entire structuring of a presentation I'll see you in the video Welcome Back y'all in today's video we're going to do the beginner guide to PowerPoint if you want to see the beginner to guide to Excel or word and by the time you see this there's probably more in this playlist you'll be able to check got dis play this at the end here if you want to know even how to enable co-pilot for all of your different apps check out that video right there real quick 3 minutes it gives you context on two different versions of co-pilot you can start leveraging here but without further Ado y'all make sure to check me out on Twitter as well random thoughts Good Times down in the description down below let's learn how to use and leverage PowerPoint so let's actually look at its First Fundamental feature here which allows us to search through PowerPoints one question you might be asking R of the bat is does this work in the web version and the desktop version yes this works in both versions here once you have it enabled come up here to co-pilot once we have enabled co-pilot as you'll see it is to the right here I'm going to go and jump over here y'all and we're going to expand this so we can actually see it there we go and this allows us to do a bunch of stuff here let's just start off basic here so for example what we're looking at here is a fake pitch pitch deck I made on a potential product um this was generated with AI this was actually generated using some proctoring I had done before let's just summarize it so in order to do so we're going to Simply ask over here summarize this presentation there we go using this we can leverage it in the context of having really big presentations and wanting to summarize it but as you see we got our three or five main points here notice how notice as well we can also reference where it got that information from for example target market it came from slide three so we just simply Click The annotation button here and it'll tell you exactly where it got that information which is powerful it can help you really Cipher through big large pitch decks or presentations in general furthermore we can go ahead and click this button here and as you see we got all the underlying references as well click that again and basically the exact dictation it was drawing from we can actually Proctor specific questions about the presentation for example let's say you know it's a big presentation and we're just like you know what what are the key features of this product what's great is this is going to be able to basically realize and analyze the presentation and just give us a quick answer without us needing to search through the data there we go we got automated watering LED Crow lights mobile app integration pretty cool stuff so far so I realized earlier in the video this may have been a little bit too small so I went ahead and got us in the web version so we can get a better idea so on your screen you're not like squinting so from here though we can also ask questions about the underlying pitch deck past just key features as you see with the suggested feature here so what's nice about this is this kind of gives you maybe a direction to go cu cuz it looks like it's already kind of internalizing the data found here and basically proctoring you with like hey what is the unique selling proposition of the product or what is the product being pitched let's go ahead and ask that real quick and as you see that was pretty fast automated compact indoor gardening kit so we can also leverage that also keep in mind with this kind of Technology it also gives you a nice little educational guide in this context of uh prompts that you can create with create presentation about add a slide about understanding editing and stuff of this nature so if you really want to understand how to start leveraging and prompt Engineering in this context you can check out that another great feature is our ability to actually edit and add to a slide so so let's go ahead and say for slide two can we add another key feature of oh if I can spell saves 30% of water comparative to traditional methods enter here and proceed so this is a little bit small obviously it may be easier if I just went ahead and create a new bullet point but I just want to show you that this has the capability to actually add information additional to pre-existing information there we go not the best formatting this is all early days but it did give us the text box here and we kind of proceed from here on top of that this kind of could you know turn some keys here where you go through a presentation and you're like you know what add the following and then just kind of list out everything and let it push the data you kind of reformat it and proceed from there we have learned everything we need to know in the context of pre-existing presentations what we can do when it comes to searching the data talking to the data adding to the data let's do one of its coolest features which allows you to create entire presentations based off information you provide so to do this I'm actually going to combine co-pilot here and co-pilot here let's go to begin as we know co- pilot here is basically just running on gbt 4 which is a high comprehensive language learning model to begin we're just going to get the context and information of the slide I want to create for this specific use case I'm going to paste something I've already kind of made here I'm going to say give me an example of a possible product I can use for a pitch product the the following features key features target market unique selling proposition potential add-ons include sources it founded I added that last part because I think that would be cool and the reason for example if you're making a presentation you want to kind of do the proctoring here comparative to over here is as you'll notice it says 2,000 characters this gives us access to 4,000 characters increase by 100% pretty nice let's go ahead and let it put out here okay so once we have all this information here I'm going to simply just copy the relevant information that I care about right now it is cool that it can do sources before we paste the information we just got from co-pilot there's actually a very important step here we need to give more context if we don't give context this thing is going to go down a rabbit hole we say create a presentation based on for a pitch deck for the following product got to give context if you don't give Pro uh context here you're not going to get output you like hit enter all right we're generating right now and there we go we got our presentation let's actually walk through together but I can't Str stress this enough y'all if you're running into errors you need to add additional context of what you're trying to do because Crea a presentation is not sufficient enough as of now for co-pilot to create effective outputs let's go and present though we got this smart shoe okay nice little GIF it found here or video I want to point out that I'm actually not aware or not if this is like commercial free in the context of like can anyone use this not too sure but look it smart shoe bringing Ovation to footware okay as I said before this is 7 this is 70% this gives you a skeleton you wouldn't want to use this right away but M our vision making every step count three bullet points next slide our product smart shoe and then basically is uh understands there's an app like honestly a very Niche specific photo for that next slide our Market thinness Enthusiast and athletes all right there we go I don't know if this was previously photoshopped or it did it for us where it gave us a blank background but we got a three points our business model direct to Consumer with a very cheesy little shopping cart also I noticed how it takes um a specific style as well or team and that's it okay like I said skeleton is this good in the context of now I got a skeleton and then I can just push a bunch of data towards it that kind of fine tunes it makes it look more more professional yes is this early days still yes if you're watching this 2 years from now this is probably drastically improved but now you know fundamentally how to start using copilot with Microsoft PowerPoint make sure to leave a like if you feel like you learned something today make sure to subscribe in order to get an update when that big playlist that I mentioned in the beginning is going to get bolstered we're going to get the complex versions of this tutorial so I plan on making a complex version of this tutorial where we look at the uh the additional feature of referencing files which in this which in this context is actually extremely powerful due to the fact that we can reference internal data to create presentations now rather than kind of shooting from the hip and having a limited input word account limited context window without further Ado y'all I'll see you in the next video that is the playlist I was referencing throughout the video that video is supposedly good for you I'm not too sure it might be me and Microsoft Word me and Microsoft Excel who knows and then that button right there does something amazing just got to click it
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 3,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai automation agency, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business
Id: aF2NdIpp66c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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