Copilot Pro or ChatGPT Plus? Which is worth your $20 per month?

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with the release of Microsoft's $20 a month co-pilot Pro a couple of weeks ago I made a video focusing in on how co-pilot Pro Stacks up against co-pilot for Microsoft 365 if that's what you're interested in there's a link to that video down below but given the target audience of this new license individuals rather than businesses there's another service it's probably even more logical to compare it to that's chat GPT plus both copilot Pro and chat GPT give access to open ai's latest models versions of GPT before they both have multimodal capabilities being able to work with both text and images they both have access to the web for up to the minute grounding data and they both cost $20 a month so in this video I'm going to dig into how these services are similar how they are different and we'll try to work out whether one or other should be best for your needs or maybe you just need both before we start a quick introduction my name is Nick Dey I'm the owner of bright ideas agency a digital transformation consultant in company focused on the needs of smaller businesses I help businesses and their leaders around the world get more from technology and you can find out more information about me and my company's Services down in the video description over the course of the last year or so chat GPT plus was really my go-to AI tool but all that changed when I got access to co-pilot for Microsoft 365 chat gbt plus is aimed at individual users and cost $20 a month it upgrades the free chat GPT access by giving you the ability to use chat GPT with open ai's most modern GPT 4 model rather than just GPT 3.5 and other enhancements such as image Creation with Del web browsing Advanced Data analysis and creating and using gpts copilot Pro which has now been available for a few weeks enhances the free co-pilot experience by adding Priority Access to GPT 4 and GPT 4 turbo giving you more flexible access to dly image creation along with boosts to get faster image generation eventually co-pilot Pro will give you the ability to create gpts as you can with chat GPT plus but that functionality is not available yet and there's a limited number of gpts available at this time it's important to point out that as written at least the free co-pilot tier gives you far more than the free chat GPT tier it provides GPT 4 and gp4 turbo access except in peak times it allows you to create images with limits and it even provides the use of plugins and gpts although you will need co-pilot Pro to create those gpts once that feature is released the big step up you get in copilot Pro versus free is a consumer version of co-pilot in Microsoft's office apps though you do need a separate paid Microsoft 365 personal or family subscription to take advantage of this and it is a somewhat watered down experience versus Microsoft's Flagship co-pilot for Microsoft 365 I reviewed these differences in the video I mentioned earlier so I won't go over them again here but suffice to say because of this big difference the value proposition of $20 per month on co-pilot Pro versus chat GPT plus is difficult to compare on paper the question for this video though is if we simply put these two tools Side by side as AI chat assistants are their capabilities quality and speed similar the methodology for these tests is simple I'm going to use the same four prompts for both services that aim to test its text generation and ability to access recent web results image understanding and image generation I'm going to put the two Services next to one another and rate them both subjectively on the quality of responses and objectively on the speed or other characteristics that make sense on although chat GPT plus can analyze and create files outside of images copilot Pro without its integration into the office apps cannot so I'm not going to test that specific capability here in both cases I'm going to use the best available model so for chat GPT I'm selecting chat GPT 4 and for co-pilot Pro I'm selecting the creative mode with GPT 4 Turbo turned on in chat GPT I don't have any custom instructions enabled and in copilot Pro personalization is turned off as always the demo screens you'll see in this video are in a protected demo environment and you never see anyone's private information so first let's start with image recognition I have a photo of towerbridge in London that was uploaded to pixabay by photographer Luca there's a link to his work below I'm prompting both Services tell me about the objects in this photo give me a historical perspective on them and some web links for further reading interestingly both of these responses are generated in almost exactly the the same amount of time we know we selected for co-pilot Pro to use gp4 turbo and this should be open ai's fastest model but to my knowledge chat GPT plus users are still restricted to GPT 4 with GPT 4 Turbo reserve for API access so I was expecting chat GPT to be noticeably slower but in this case its response seems a little more robust in about the same amount of time if we exclude the ads being served by co-pilot not so helpful and the map more helpful the two responses are largely similar chat gpts is more expansive but co-pilots is a little more accessible being broken down into bullet points I also like the fact that it gives some prompting on what value you would get from the further reading materials rather than just presenting each of its links that said co-pilot does seem to be relying Upon A broader range of sources than chat GPT which is better on the core task of recognizing what was in the photo and providing information both did a fine job which you prefer would largely be a personal opinion for me I probably like chat gpt's approach a little better overall second I'm going to prompt write a summary of the three most important technology Innovations of 2024 so far break it down into sections site web sources published since the start of this year this is testing the ability of both tools to use the web to get up-to-date information and make sense of it bear in mind that GPT 4's data set only takes us up to Mid 2023 so on anything later than that the ability these tools have to search the web is key on this co-pilot is lighten and fast compared to chat GPT taking a little less than half the time to complete its response and while the specific Technologies each of them listed were different the way they approach this request in terms of the layout and detail of the response they gave was actually strikingly similar both took advances in AI as their first item but deviated on the other two they did both provide web links related to the information they were sharing however on reviewing the linked web pages co-pilot did provide one that was outside the time frame I specified and both leaned on an M published page that I couldn't find a publication date for while all the content was related to my inquiry I did specify that web sources should be published since the start of the year and such Tim locked requests are fairly trivial to do with a search engine which gives the better response well co-pilot had an obvious deviation from my request so it clearly loses here if I fully apply those rules however both demonstrated they can easily build responses using recent web results and structure that information in a sensible manner if you're looking for Speed co-pilot definitely won on that measure here I was interested by the fact that one of the source articles chat GPT cited wasn't in English we know that chat GPT is a really strong translation machine but I hadn't considered the fact that it doesn't really care what language the information it finds is in this could lead to some interesting use cases and it isn't something I've seen on co-pilot so I wonder if there Microsoft filters the Bing results differently I guess there are pros and cons to this approach as if you wanted to use the linked articles this does create an extra step if you're enjoying this video please do hit the like button to help me get in front of more interested people and if you're not yet subscribed please hit the Subscribe button too thanks third I want to test image generation I had chat GPT suggest a prompt to use create a photorealistic image of a Serene domestic scene featuring a fluffy orange tabby cat and a gentle gold retriever a dog sleeping snugly together on a cozy plush couch the couch is situated in a warmly lit living room with soft sunlight filtering through sheer curtains casting a tranquil glow over the peaceful companions the room's Decor is minimalist yet inviting with a few house plants in the background adding a touch of greenery the overall mood of the image should evoke a sense of calm and companionship co-pilot beats chat PT on speed by a fraction here but its output is more impressive as it presents four options whereas chat GPT presents only one I know this number of options has changed around a lot in recent months in chat GPT and while we see the landscape orientation by defaulting co-pilot you can get chat gbt to create these differently shaped images if you request it are they any good I mean I think all of them are fine would I consider any of them truly photorealistic no does it meet the overall objective at the prompt yes but does it have all the detail in there in every image no I don't think so I think co-pilot does have to Edge out chat GPT here though as it is quicker by a hair or I guess in the case of these images maybe a whisker and it provides the four options whereas chat PT only provides one last I want to test them on creating some longer form text creatively using an idea my toddler came up with when I was putting him to bed last night I'm going to prompt create a 500w short story about a toddler who discovers he can climb up walls like a spider copilot Pro is significantly quicker than chat GPT at this task it delivers 488 words while chat GPT delivers 552 so both are within an acceptable margin of what was asked for in The Prompt ranking them side by side is entirely subjective but to me the co-pilot story feels more like it was written by AI it uses more colorful vocabulary and in a way that feels like a precocious child trying to show off rather than an experienced author the the chat GPT story also flows a little better and seems to make a little more sense is this a difference between gp4 and GPT 4 Turbo or maybe something different in open AI system prompt versus Microsoft's it's impossible to know but I have generally found through extended use that co-pilot tends to have less satisfactory writing output than chat GPT particularly on this longer form stuff one interesting thing we should consider is for many co-pilot Pro users the main reason for upgrading won't necessarily be the quicker access to the co-pilot chat service but to the AI integration into the office apps offers as part of a separate Microsoft 365 personal or family plan in that case the place where you might most commonly be doing text generation tasks like this isn't the co-pilot website but in Microsoft Word so what does this look like in word the reality is that generating this response in word leads to a less satisfactory output in my view than either of the two web- based options it actually takes longer to get this output than co-pilot takes on the web and it's a shorter response and less logically a short story it has a chapter heading and doesn't actually finish I would say of the three options shown here it's the weakest response overall so with the testing over which should you buy on most tests co-pilot Pro appears to be quicker than chat GPT in some cases by a small amount in others by a more significant margin my assumption is this is down to using different models as if we compared co-pilot with GPT 4 to chat GPT with GPT 4 they would probably be more similar but what's the point of paying your $20 and opting for slower they didn't see much point in doing that comparison in substance there isn't a huge difference between them there are subjective differences in outputs you might like the different way co-pilot offers up generated images I personally tend to prefer the way chat GPT deals with longer form text you also don't get ads bombarding you in chat GPT but you most certainly do as you saw in co-pilot even after youve paid the $20 to upgrade to the pro tier chat GPT has more options through its GPT store than co-pilot has for gpts or plugins yet but with the upcoming addition of a tool to build your own gpts this might change we should also remember that one of the big differences between GPT 4 and gp4 turbo is a between four times and 16 times context window expansion which means that notionally right now you should be able to have better ongoing discussions including more context with co-pilot Pro than you can with chat GPT the reality is though that for most moderate users the most impactful upgrade between co-pilot and co-pilot Pro will be the inclusion of copilot into the apps at a part of a separate Microsoft 365 personal or family plan this is something for which chat GPT plus doesn't have an equivalent set of features and is what sets cop pilot Pro apart from competitive products or be it for a modest increase above that quoted $20 a month price if you have to buy a Microsoft 365 license too for that reason the example I showed you in word was interesting as in my use of cpilot for Microsoft 365 most of my text generation in word has been leveraging in other files within my tenant for context something I cannot do using just co-pilot as so I have found the outputs in word acceptable and useful however without that feature in copilot Pro for text generation at least perhaps the options in co-pilot through the web are better remember though that co-pilot isn't just about word and there definitely aren't co-pilot features like you'll find in PowerPoint or Excel or even Outlook in the co-pilot web interface however while open AI doesn't have a productivity Suite it does have the ability for you to input files and even create files from its chat GPT web interface if you're not too worried about PowerPoint slide decks or needing help making Excel spreadsheets then in some ways with this feature you have a step up in chat GPT Plus versus co-pilot Pro even if you are licensed for word we should also remember that there are important Licensing in the case of copilot Pro and data protection in the case of both co-pilot Pro and chat GPT plus considerations that you should take into account before sharing any proprietary or confidential data with either service details of all of this are in my initial co-pilot pro video linked below so which do I choose right now both in fact all three chat GPT plus co-pilot Pro and co-pilot for Microsoft 365 for most normal people though if you're in the personal category of usage that is the market for both co-pilot Pro and chat GPT plus then I think in many ways chat GPT plus makes more sense than co-pilot Pro if you just want co-pilot Pro because of the integration with Microsoft 365 then I just don't think without the ability to reference other files that right now you'll be getting the best out of the product in most cases I mean it does depend on your need but if you need that file referencing or it would be useful to you I know it'll be more expensive but the best experience is for you to buy a supported Microsoft 365 business license and co-pilot for Microsoft 365 which at a minimum will cost you ant exra $200 a year per user versus a co-pilot Pro and Microsoft 365 personal subscription what do you think which of you bought or which are you going to try let me know down in the comments thanks for watching through to the end until the next video [Music] bye-bye um
Channel: Bright Ideas Agency
Views: 2,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot pro, microsoft copilot, generative ai, microsoft copilot pro, ai for business, microsoft ai, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft copilot ai, copilot for work, microsoft copilot review, artificial intelligence, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot vs chatgpt, copilot vs chatgpt, copilot pro vs chatgpt 4, copilot pro vs chatgpt plus, copilot pro vs chatgpt, copilot pro review, Copilot pro demo, generative ai use cases, microsoft copilot pro review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2024
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