The Top 5 Super Powers of Copilot Pro

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what's up my co-pilot conjurers Microsoft co-pilot Pro is here and I'm going to share with you my top five co-pilot Pro superpowers that'll help you transform the way you work so let's get [Music] started first things first what is Microsoft co-pilot Pro and who is it targeted for co-pilot Pro is a new product targeted towards individual users so if you have a Microsoft 365 personal or family account you can add on co-pilot Pro for a $20 a month license and that'll give you access to all of the generative AI co-pilot features now there's a separate product if you a business and you have a Microsoft 365 say E5 account and you want to be able to add on some co-pilot capability inside of your office products and some things like I'm showing today that you can add on for $30 a user a month so two different distinct products just different audiences based off of if you're an individual user wanting to use some of this capability or if you're a business wanting to to roll this out to your users but today I'm going to be focusing on co-pilot Pro and how it can improve your personal productivity in work and your daily life so without further Ado let's dive into our first superpower the word wizard with copilot Pro you get a built-in word wizard this means you never have to stare at a blank Word document wondering how to get started now if you create a new blank document when you open word you'll see the option to draft with co-pilot this means I can put in any prompt to tell it what I'm wanting to right so maybe I want to write a book on power apps and I don't know how to get started so I can say draft an outline for a book on getting started with power apps and click generate and that'll go and take my prompt and generate an outline for me using generative AI so you see we have getting started with power apps a practical beginner's guide it has an intro and it's creating all of the different chapters that I might want to include in my book with highle bullet points and now I have a really good starting point for my book I don't know about about you but I am that typical person that I will get hung up on where to start and seeing that blank page is overwhelming so having something like this built right into word where I can just give it a prompt and it helps kind of push me over that initial hurdle is huge but it goes beyond just helping you draft new documents we can use this to tweak documents also so if I don't really like this introduction I can highlight this text and we have a copilot button to the left hand side I can select that and I have the option to rewrite and this will give me some other options to so here's one two and then a third option and maybe I don't really like any of these and I want to change it so one thing we can do is change the tone by clicking this filter button so right now the tone is set to neutral maybe I want it to be a little more casual so I can change the tone to casual and say regenerate and now it gives me a few more options to choose from so I can select one and then I can either replace or insert below so I'll replace this selected text and there you go I'm already tweaking my document with copilot also another thing that I love this for is if you have an existing document so let's go open up say this request for proposal in the toolbar we can open up our co-pilot here and this is one that I really love and saves me a ton of time so say you get a document that is 50 plus Pages or just a really long document you really don't want to read through all that you can just ask co-pilot to summarize this Doc and it will take all of the information and give you a highle easy to read summary so that you don't have to read through the whole thing you can get the highle points so it's almost there see sometimes it can take a little bit depending on how long the document is to get you this AI generated summary so I'll often go refill my coffee or something while this is running come back and then I'll have my AI summary all right and there you go it summarized the main ideas and then each of the major headings it's summarizing those sections for me as well and it provides references so if you expand this out it shows you where it got all the information from and I can tweak the summary too so maybe that's a little long so I can say make the summary shorter so say I've created a long document but I want to send a TLD drr to my boss with the summary I can use co-pilot within word to do this so now it's shortening a bit that summary and now I can copy and paste that into my email to my boss and I'm good to go now the other thing I love when reviewing documents is the ability to ask it specific questions about the document so I can say what is the project goal for example might be something relevant since this is a project proposal and there you go it's created a summary the goal of project unicorn is to develop a VR platform that uses AI to create immersive environments so I get a nice summary of what the goal is without having to read through the whole thing I kid you not when I say I use this on a daily basis practically another thing you'll notice in the prompt window here you have the option to view prompts so if you're not quite sure what you can ask co-pilot in word we have these prompts so you can ask at things like create and then it gives you some ideas like create a paragraph create an outline you can also ask it to understand so we looked at the summarized example but we can also ask it what are the pros and cons and maybe what important deadlines are so this view prompt section is a really good tool to get some ideas of what you can ask your co-pilot and the other cool thing that I like especially if I'm using this on my phone is the ability to use your microphone so I can just enable my microphone and tell it what I'm wanting to do and do the speech to text to put that into the co-pilot so it saves you from typing a lot and that brings us to our second superpower the slide sorcerer co-pilot Pro is making it easier than ever to create engaging PowerPoint slides let's create a blank presentation and see co-pilot in action similar to what we just saw in word we can click on the co-pilot Tab and if we're starting with the blank presentation we can tell copilot what we're wanting to build so I can say create a 10 slide presentation about alpacas and this is using generative AI to not only get details about my subject of alpacas but also get relevant images to include in the slide deck as well and it's determining the best order to present the information so a lot going on behind the scenes here all right so we have our introductory slide looks like it embedded a video not sure what a bunch of fans at a concert have to do with alpacas but it's pretty cool maybe they're just excited about alpacas but if we look at the deck we see we have a slide about alpaca wool and some information there which is pretty cool about it being hypoallergenic naturally water repellent we have info on how they breed their diet their behavior very intelligent animals and social some relevant info about their health it looks like farming conservation efforts and some fun facts here what is a presentation without fun facts love it anything that I could think of that we want to talk about alpacas it looks like it's included for us and with some really cool relevant visuals too I can work with copilot to keep tweaking my presentation maybe I want to include information about the average life expectancy of an alpaca so I can say add a bullet point to the alpaca Health slide that list their average life expectancy all right so not only does it let me know a bullet point has been added it gives me the information here which is cool and so now if I go over to that slide it looks like it added that bullet point for me so we can use this for giving it a subject and having it create a deck outline for us getting the information that we need we can also have it at specific slides or even specific specific bullet points like we looked at we can also use this again for existing presentations to ask it information about the deck so this is the first time I was looking at this deck about alpacas I could ask it specific questions like what do alpacas eat so it gives me the information that they're herbivores and I can see the reference to where I got that information from the deck and you'll see below it's even giving me some suggestions of things I could ask so I could maybe ask what is alpaca wool used for and select that option and will ask the co-pilot that question for me so definitely give this superp power a try to spice up your slides our next superpow is the Excel enchanter if we click on the co-pilot button in this Excel document we'll see what we can do with co-pilot and Excel one big caveat of using co-pilot in Excel is that your data has to be formatted as a table for it to be able to do anything for you so this one is a little bit more limited than co-pilot in word or PowerPoint but there are still some good use cases so as soon as I select into this table now all these capabilities light up we can use this to get information and ask it questions about the data so this was a really long spreadsheet I could say how many items are there and it will do a simple count rows for me and get that information which is really nice the other cool thing is it can help you write formulas so I can ask co-pilot to add a column for first name taking the first name from the name field as the value so that's asking it to create a formula that can extract out the first name from our name column so we'll see if it can do that for us and add it just by me telling it what I want okay so you see it suggested a formula that will do what I want I didn't actually insert it because it wants me to verify the suggestion first so if that looks right I can just simply hover over the insert column and it will give me a preview of what that will look like and I can verify the data so it looks like it's getting all that information correctly so if it looks good I can say insert and now that's in my Excel table this is pretty awesome and saves a ton of time and the other thing that I really love about this is this explain formula so if you click that it doesn't just blindly have you add it in there you can better understand what's actually going on and we might as well round this out so I'll say add a column called last name that takes the last name from the name column so we might want to split those out if we're putting this in a database or something like that and there you go there's our formula same thing we hover over see the preview click insert column and now we got our new columns just by describing what we want and depending on the data that you have in Excel say maybe you have a financial spreadsheet you can have it do some analyzing for you like get the sum get the most common item whatever it might be and it shows you some different prompts that you might want to use definitely check it out again slightly limited because it has to be formatted in a table but there's still a lot you can do with the co-pilot in Excel our fourth superpow is the email enchanter that's right we have a co-pilot built into Outlook let me show you my favorite use case for co-pilot Outlook so say you've drafted an Emil in this case I unfortunately am leaving a negative review for Koso Hotel just didn't live up to my standards but I don't want to be too harsh and just want to get my point across and give them the feedback so I can take this email we can click on our co-pilot button in the toolbar and then we have this option for coaching with co-pilot so this helps us take an existing email and write better with co-pilot so I can click on the coaching and it's going to analyze my email and give me some feedback on how I might improve it and and that fast we have the results from our co-pilot coach it gives you a breakout of tone the sentiment and your Clarity so for tone it says I could be less harsh so I kind of knew that going in so it's letting me know that my tone is pretty negative and angry and might not elicit the response that I'm hoping for from the hotel and it's given me some helpful suggestions so instead of the word appalling inexcusable and perplexing maybe I should soften the blow and say unsatisfactory disappointing or surprising and then here it gives me some information about the sentiment so it's letting me know I'm not acknowledging the hotel's perspective it might make them feel defensive or unappreciated again with a suggestion on how I might convey that message and then finally Clarity so for clarity it's telling me that I'm a little vague and I'm not giving enough detail about the specific issues that I have which is good to know so lots of things that In the Heat of the Moment writing this albeit anger filled email I might not have caught and it's good to have this unbiased perspective and details before I send this message so I use this all all the time so now I can go make some tweaks to this run it through the coach again and reevaluate speaking of making tweaks I don't have to do that on my own if we go to that co-pilot button again I can say draft with co-pilot and I can paste in the text that I had with my email and I can give it different instructions but also you'll notice this button here for Generation options so I can have it change the tone for me so right now it's detecting a direct tone but if I want to make it maybe a little bit more neutral I could do that and we'll say medium length and now I'll just tweak my prompt so before the text I'll say take this hotel feedback and make the tone less harsh and the feedback more detailed and constructive and then we have our text below so now I can say generate and it will go through and take my instructions along with the change in tone and length and apply that to the text for me and there we go it's created a draft and looks like it has softened the tone of the email quite a bit and added a few details there if I like it I can keep it and let's try that coaching again and let's see if that improved any of the outcomes one of the things I see it added that on the positive side the location was convenient so kind of that sandwich there of good bad good so the coach is saying that I still could be a little bit more polite but this is negative feedback so you can only do so much there and apparently I'm just not positive enough I only mention two positive aspects I could mention more and then I guess for clarity it's getting a little long now so maybe I want to do some bullet point so still some good information from the coach that I might consider and tweak it further otherwise I can just send it off so if you're like me and you tend to overanalyze the emails that you send and spend a lot of time crafting and changing things this is really really helpful and now we've arrived to our last copilot Pro superpower and that's the creativity Catalyst get answers and Spark ideas we've explored the co-pilots within the different Office Products that we get with Microsoft co-pilot Pro but we also have co-pilot Pro itself at our fingertips and it's worth noting there is a free version of co-pilot so in both the free version and the pro version there's actually a co-pilot app that you can install on your iOS or Android device and be able to interact with the co-pilot that way as well as on the web like we're seeing here and with the free version you get access to GPT 4 and gp4 turbo during non- peak times you can create AI IM up to 15 a day with Microsoft designer and use plugins and gpts the main thing that you're getting with the pro version is a the co-pilots that we just saw in the office products but also within co-pilot Pro itself you're getting access to GPT 4 and GPT for Turbo during accelerated time so not just off peak hours and all that means is you can get things done faster less waiting time and for the images and Microsoft designer you can get up to 100 a day so a lot more capacity I use Copilot for so many different things it's replaced a lot of the things that I normally would have went into a search engine and searched for I just asked co-pilot for those answers so if I just had a random factoid I was curious about like what is the speed of light that's something that copilot can easily answer and you see it's using gp4 turbo in this case and it's coming back with an answer and that answer has references to where it got the information to another thing I use it for though is its image search capability I mentioned that there's a mobile application that you can use in this so a lot of times I'll be maybe at a store or shopping somewhere and I'll see something I really like but I want to make sure that I get the best deal so I'll demonstrate this on the desktop but you get a lot of value on this when using it on the mobile device you can click on this add an image so browsing at the store I really want this Stanley Cup so I'll upload that image and then in the prompt I'll ask it find me the best deal on this please and I yes I like to say please and thank you and my prompts when I can so it's looking and it's analyzing that image that I pieced it in and it's determining what it is and then going out to the internet and doing a search to try to find the best deal so you see it's updating in real time it's recognized that that is a Stanley travel mug and it's doing a search for that and it's already coming back with some options so now we see all of these shopping options for that mug so I use it for that but then I also use it just to identify what something is so I might be out and I see a bird or a plant or something and want to know what that is it can do an image search and recognize what that is as well and this goes beyond simple searches and answers it can help you create things too when I'm not doing Tech stuff I'm a musician and I write songs and play in a band so one of the things that I've been using lately is the plugins that you have inside of co-pilot and one of those plugins is sunno so witho you can actually make songs with AI so I can say something like useo to create a pop rock anthem about about the Power Platform and with that it'll go recognize what I put in it'll use that plugin so you see it's using sunna right now and there we go so it's generated some lyrics and if I just wait a few more minutes it's actually going to generate the music too this is really cool not necessarily a business case but something that I use personally and just a good use case of how you can utilize these plugins so you see suo isn't the only plugin we have we have a specific plugin for shopping so in that scenario we're now trying to find the Stanley Cup we can enable the shop plugin and that would help us better do some shopping by asking questions uploading images there's also a plugin for Open Table to book restaurants kayak for searching flights instacart for recipes and groceries and a search plugin that's automatically enabled that lets us get information from the internet and these plugins are something that are evolving and new ones will be added eventually too so keep an eye out on this plug-in section to add more capability to co-pilot now the other thing that we have access to inside a co-pilot Pro is Microsoft designer which gives us the ability to create AI generated images I use this a lot for adding images to my PowerPoint decks for creating promotional posters thumbnails for my YouTube video you name it so many use cases that you have for AI generated images we can do this directly from co-pilot here if we wanted to or we can go to Microsoft designer so I can say something like create a banner image that is AI themed for for my YouTube channel and now this will use Microsoft designer to come back with some image options for me all right so it's generated some options they look pretty cool and it looks like it picked up that I wanted it for my YouTube channel and actually put that in the image spelled it wrong in some of them I will say spelling and adding text is still not perfect in in these AI generated images so I try to avoid it where I can but this one is pretty cool so it has AI in it it and it has binary so that's a pretty cool one I might go with that I can just download that and use it wherever I want to so I use this one a lot as well and you have additional capacity with copilot Pro what you've seen is just the tip of the iceburg of what you can do with co-pilot Pro and I just thought of another thing I forgot to mention when we're talking about word co-pilot we can do things like in this stakeholder section where I had the bullet points I could hover over that select co-pilot and actually visualize specific pieces of information as a table so not only does it help you create information and rewrite but we can do some formatting and rearrange things in a tabular format easily so the possibilities are really endless with what you can do with copilot Pro again this is for personal use if you are a business and want to roll this out we have all of this functionality plus more in the co-pilot license there which is $30 a user a month so check that out I'll make sure to include a link in the video description for more information about copilot and how you can go out and and buy that if you're interested try it out let me know what you think and I would love to hear how copilot is changing how you work leave a note in the comments and let me know if you found this video helpful do me a favor and click that subscribe button and be on the lookout for more co-pilot videos on the co-pilot Chronicles see you next [Music] time [Music] you
Channel: April Dunnam
Views: 11,923
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Copilot Pro, iphone app, microsoft copilot, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft ai, microsoft 365, generative ai, microsoft copilot ai, microsoft copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot teams, microsoft copilot review, how to buy copilot, copilot pro, copilot for work, Microsoft 365 copilot chat, April Dunnam, word copilot, powerpoint copilot, excel copilot, outlook copilot, dall-e
Id: 67zfK_ziVpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2024
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