Microsoft Copilot Full Review | AI in Word, PowerPoint, Excel and More!

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what's going on everybody welcome back to another video today we're going to be taking a look at Microsoft [Music] co-pilot now I think we can all agree we've been waiting a really long time for this because Microsoft announced Microsoft copilot back in February of 2023 now it's February of 2024 and now I'm just getting my hands on it there were a lot of rumors and beta testers who were using Microsoft co-pilot who were basically saying it wasn't working at all and so they kept delaying and delaying and delaying the launch for all of us normal users but now us normal people can start getting their hands on and start using it and seeing how it works now in this video we're going to be doing quite a few things the first thing we're going to do is I'm just going to show you how you can get Microsoft co-pilot if you're a Microsoft user and if you want to pay for it yes it is a paid product I don't think anyone is shocked by this uh but I'm going to show you everything that is integrated into in the Microsoft ecosystem and then I'll kind of do some demonstrations along the way I'm not going to demonstrate every single thing is integrated into I think you'll see see kind of a pattern here of it's prettyy similar in a lot of their products like it does a lot of the same things the one that we're going to be focusing on the most is co-pilot in Excel because it is probably the most different out of all the ones it's integrated into it does a variety of different things we're really going to dive into it I think that one is going to be the biggest change for most people because a lot of people have been using chat TBT for emails or writing notes or summarizing things and that's what it does in a lot of the other ones but in Excel it has a lot of different functionalities and hundreds of millions of people use Excel every single day and so I think that is probably the one that I think most people are going to be interested in seeing so without further Ado let's J on my screen and get started all right so here we are on my Microsoft account you have to have a Microsoft account in order to get co-pilot I think that makes sense um but all you have to do is go to your subscription and you go to the manage subscription and you can pay for co-pilot I'm not for this video going to stop paying for it and then pay for it so you can see it um it isn't crazy hard once you get to this part of your profile you just go to your subscriptions and you pay for it and so here it is is costs $20 per month which isn't terrible it's the same cost as something like chat GPT but it's going to be integrated into everything so I think it's a fair price uh I don't think it's crazy crazy expensive now let's come up here and I just want to show you what it's currently integrated into here we have co-pilot in teams co-pilot in Outlook co-pilot in word PowerPoint Excel OneNote in Loop and in whiteboard now the ones that I personally use are teams Outlook word PowerPoint EX and one note I don't use uh loop whiteboard and I don't really use this one at all either but as you can see I use quite a few of these and so $20 a month to have it in every single one of these products that I use almost every single day it's not a bad deal now before we move into Excel and I'm going to show you kind of what they tell you you can do in Excel I'm going to demonstrate just a few of these and I think you'll get a pretty quick feel of exactly how it works for our first example let's start out in word and right when I open a Word document this is what I get so it's automatically giving me this option I didn't ask for it it just does it and so we're going to ask it to do something for us and we're going to see exactly what it does I'm going to say write a few paragraphs about the differences between Microsoft Excel if I can spell correctly it's ni you spell Microsoft Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets then I'm going to come down here I'm going to click generate as you can see it's starting to put everything on the screen this is taking maybe 15 to 20 maybe 30 seconds as it's pulling in the information it's putting it on the screen and so there you go we have a lot of different information and then we have this thing down here now this allows us to edit the prompt so we can go in and change what we actually wanted it to do we can say keep it where it'll actually keep all these changes we can refresh it to have it repopulate this information or we can delete it or we can make different changes to it so if we say Okay add this take away this it can do that um but if we just bring this back over here we can can also open up the co-pilot option now this is what you're going to see in almost everything this little display on the right hand side of the page is going to be what you see in almost all the applications that it's integrated into now what we can do is we can take any type of document and we can just say summarize this doc so I'm not going to type it out I'm just going to click on this and it's going to summarize this entire document for us now for this example we're working with just random sample data but if we had a really large document let's say uh like a 100 Pages we could have summarize it into maybe two pages or three pages and it would do that for us it's going to summarize the main ideas instead of you know four or five sentences we now just have about one or two per topic next we have one note and one note is going to be really similar to basically Excel right you have this co-pilot on the right hand side I'm going to say generate 10 ideas for YouTube videos around data analytics uh put them all in the list from best to worst we'll write it just like that um and we're going to see what it comes up with and now we can just copy this paste it right over here now we have all these uh different options and maybe some videos I need to think about making um but it's really similar to Cha gbt or Bing uh it's going to give a lot of similar responses it's running off of chat GPT 4 and so all the stuff that is output in chat GPT or Bing is going to be extremely similar here on co-pilot the very last one that I want to show you is Powerpoint now all the other ones almost all the other ones are going to be the exact same you have this thing on the right hand side and you prompt it to do something it's mostly just working with string and text so even if you go into email it's basically the exact same thing so I'm just not going to dive into every single one but now let's look at co-pilot for PowerPoint now I have this prompt down here create a presentation on Excel for data analytics start from Basics to Advanced have a total of 10 slides and let's see what it comes up with and now it just populated this let's take a look it says welcome to Excel for data analytics let's scroll through and just see what it it has um okay this isn't a ton of super useful um information but uh it is a good maybe a good format a starting place to start with uh the pivot tables in Excel says introduction to Pivot tables creating a pivot table um so maybe I needed to give it a lot more context this is just a quick example but as you can see it created a PowerPoint with uh 10 slides and I need to go in and I need to do a lot of work to make this right or add a lot more context lot more uh information for it to understand and give me a lot better output but this is just a quick example of what it can do so that was just a quick example of some of the ways that you can use co-pilot of course in teams you can have it summarize the conversations um because it's taking all that putting it into text and it just summarizes it so pretty similar but a really neat feature you can write emails um and now we're going to look at Excel specifically now let's come up here because and I'll put all these links in the description by the way if you want to take a look at this but this is co-pilot in Excel let's see exactly what it can do and then let's actually test it out ourselves so we have co-pilot in Excel it says analyze understand visualize your data with ease let's come right down here it says you can help uh explore and understand your data better it can analyze and visualize your data and then it can effortlessly highlight filter and sort your data and then it can generate formulas so this is exactly what it can do it doesn't go much Beyond exactly what it told you but let's actually test it out and see how it works all right here we are in Excel I have my co-pilot button right up here now one thing I'm going to tell you is there are some things you have to do in order for a co-pilot to work with your data the first thing is is if you pull up the co-pilot you come right down here it says I only work in an Excel table if you have a table you just need to click inside of it so if this data uh wasn't in a table I have to go in I have to insert uh a table right here I have to specify the data and put it in a table that's the only way it works now once I click into this table now we have a lot of different options we have ADD formula columns highlight sort and filter and analyze now really quickly here at the bottom I have different tabs and those are there for a purpose for example right now we only have about 15 rows of data we have 1 2 3 4 five six seven eight columns in the stocks data we have about 506 uh rows of data then maybe about 10 or 11 columns with temperature we have quite a bit more so now we're working with 1,500 rows of data and then we have this bus breakdown and delays NYC and this is going to have quite a bit more data if you can't see that let me zoom in quite a bit 282,000 rows so there's a lot of data let's go back up to the top and this data comes from my Excel for data analytics course on analyst Builder if you haven't checked it out uh Shameless plug right there go and check it out I'll leave a link in the description but let's go back and we're just going to go to this sample data now this sample data was generated by co-pilot itself it said do you want to generate some sample data and I said yes and this is exactly what it generated now I'm going to start off really really really simple I'm just going to show you some of the things that it can do um and then we'll get to some of the limitations that I have personally found when I was using this uh for the past week or so the first thing that you can do is ask it to do some general generic things um kind of some things that you could EAS do yourself but you kind of want them to do it so you can just say um filter the budget where it's greater than and we'll say 1,000 so I'm asking it to filter this column where it's greater than a thousand and it takes a little bit um I'm doing this in real time so we're going to see how long it takes and it looks like it doesn't really understand what we're asking maybe I need to use the right capitalization here uh it this did did not happen um filter the budget column where it's greater than a th um when I was testing this there were some things that would work some things that wouldn't work or it you know didn't understand what I was asking it to do so right now it really doesn't understand what I want it to do although when I was testing it out earlier it was working so I guess that's one of the limitations let's do the next one so we're going to say highlight and I'll say total users targeted we'll say highlight the top five total users targeted so this should be using right over here conditional formatting so if I come in here I do highlight sell rules I can do uh greater than I can say the top five or actually it's the top bottom rules so I go to the top 10 items and I just say top five so now it highlighted the top five for us um here's one thing I will say just while we're here because again I know it's going to be a long video the co-pilot takes a long time um it it usually takes like 15 to 20 seconds whereas if I already know how to do this it takes me about like 5 Seconds um if I could just come over here conditional formatting top 10 I'll do top five and click okay that takes me like three or four seconds whereas this takes like 15 to 20 seconds here's what I will say about that and I'll get to some of my overall thoughts at the very end but for the average user who is not a data analyst or who really doesn't use Excel or know Excel well I think this will be useful um because maybe don't know how to use conditional formatting and they just want to highlight it and they're able to converse with it it makes it more user friendly for the average person um for maybe like you and I who are probably better at Excel than uh the average user this is going to be really slow it feels very a little bit slow and a bit clunky but that is something that it can do the next thing we can do is ask it questions about the data so we can say which owner has the biggest budget overall and and so I want to ask it this question and we have our owner right over here so that's a completely different tab I didn't say campaign owner so let's see if it understands that um and right here it says here's a pivot table based on your prompt and then it says uh we have the top campaign owner by budget now let's add this to a new sheet because this is something that uh it does a lot so we added it to this new sheet and you can see it created this pivot table it has Andre uh Lawson and then right over here we have the sum of the budget that's what it likes to do with almost everything it loves to create a pivot table and then do something with that pivot table either create a visualization or just um summarize the data in some way that's what it does with almost everything um which is pretty neat because I myself use pivot tables quite a bit now let's see if it can create a visualization let's come over here and we're going to go to this temperature data now this has 15 R 100 rows of data let's see if it can handle it and let's see what it does so let's say create a Time series let me spell things right a graph showing the average humidity per month and let's see if it's able to do that now it's working with more data so we have 1,500 rows of data with about five columns um which again isn't a lot of data let's see how it does so it looks like we have our graph here let's add this to a new sheet it's going to create a completely separate sheet and right over here it has the pivot table that it's creating this visualization on I personally really like that because I want to see how they're actually creating the visualization and you can always go in and change this so if I want to get rid of months I can do that or I can uh you know just add different information that I want to add it's all here they kind of created it for me but I'm able to edit it myself the next thing that I want to show you is right over here on the stocks now with this stock data uh I want to ask it to create a formula for me and I'm going to be a little bit tricky I'm not going to going to give it exactly what I want it to do I wanted to try to use some logic here but what I'm going to ask it is we have this 52- we High we have a 52 week low and I can zoom in on this a little bit so I want to see the percentage difference between the lowest point and the highest point the lowest point in the year if you bought at this point and then you sold at the very top basically what is the difference or how much uh money would I have made on my investment so I'm going to say create a column that calculates the percentage change from the 52 we low to the 52 week high now this is difficult a little bit because uh I'm not giving it the formula and there is a Formula behind this and so I want to see if it's able to calculate this um and this actually is something that I really like about co-pilot is its ability to write the formulas and functions and so there we go so we have this 52 week change uh column right now I'm going to insert this as a column and now we have that information right here and so from 175 uh let's look at a really simple example here's 52 so we have 42 all the way up to 64 and so half of this which is about 50% is about 20 so 42 + 20 is about 64.6 so you can see that this is really accurate we're going from this to this and that's a 52.8 % change that goes all the way down and now this is another column in our table that then we can use so now we can come in here and we can sort this we can go from largest to smallest and now we can see these ones went uh from about 200 all the way down to about 100 uh% these are really really really big changes from its smallest to its largest point so this is really useful and you can do a lot with the formulas and functions I will say for me personally I think this is one of the best things about co-pilot because um I always am researching different functions and formulas and calculations and then I'm putting them in here from the internet but if I can just ask it and it knows it natively because it's all built into co-pilot that saves you a lot of time um let's start getting into some of the negatives of co-pilot um I really have run through the bases of what this can do and what it can't do here's what I found that it can do it can do pretty simple tasks if it's in here like it said filtering um creating pivot tables creating visualizations you can ask it to highlight certain values these are all what I would consider quite basic it isn't crazy Advanced right um but very very helpful especially with the formulas that's what I do like but if you really ask it anything context based or you ask it to do things like clean data or even um separate out uh let's say this sector so let's say with uh this this is just an example um take the sector column and break it out into two columns using a space as the delimiter this is going to be too advanced for it I've tried it it just doesn't work and I just want to break something out break out a column based off of a delimeter um it can't do those things it even says right of here they just can't do it so there's a lot a lot a lot of limitations to what it can do and probably one of the biggest downsides is it does not work with large data sets for example we have this really large data set over here there's 260,000 rows um and that's a lot but honestly it's not a crazy amount this is probably what a lot of people have used um and I'm just going to ask it to do anything I'm just going to say um I'm going to say filter on the reason column to be I'll say heavy traffic and this is something that in smaller data sets it's absolutely going to be able to do um but in this large data set it's not going to work and so here it says sorry I'm having trouble right now try opening the chat or sending a prompt a bit later but typically what it's saying is I can't do anything more than 2 million rows um so that's typically what it's doing the other thing that I wanted to note is it only works if your data is in the one drive so if I have something stored locally on my computer it does not work it has to be stored here because it needs to be able to connect to that data process it through their uh app your AI systems that they have set up and then spit back out what it needs which is why it takes so long to do but you have to have it you can't just store it locally so it's not like this software is on your computer all these new features and all the co- pile is stored in Azure and works in Azure and you have to have that internet connection so if you don't have an internet connection and this isn't in one drive you can't use co-pilot at all and so that's just kind of unfortunate but I'm going to leave on at least this on a solid note because what I'm going to show you is one really cool last thing we have this a launch date it is a date Uh custom date but I just want it to be I'm going to say uh change the launch date to uh month Monon DayDay year year year format and so this is just one last thing I want to leave on a positive note before I go uh into kind of exactly what I think about everything as a whole so I think that is really cool you can change kind of the formatting or the data type of the actual cells so that is Microsoft co-pilot I feel like I showed you the vast majority of what it can do um and it can do quite a few things in a lot of different applications that Microsoft has which is really great now let's talk a little bit about just the positives and the negatives the positives is that if you're in the Microsoft ecosystem this is going to be really great because you basically have chat GPT or Bing right but chat GPT 4 integrated into all of your products and so genuinely I think that that will increase your productivity if you have lists to make if you have uh things that you want to summarize you know it's really really help helpful or responding to emails these are all things that all of us do on a daily basis in the real world and so I really do believe that a lot of people use this on a daily basis for a lot of those kind of menial or mundane tasks that they don't want to do I also think it's fairly userfriendly so the average person out there maybe not someone who works in Tech but just the average person out there is going to be able to use and ask questions and kind of understand it and kind of have those conversations with it to change things and do things but I do think that the average person is going to get pretty frustrated at using co-pilot if they haven't used any type of AI before because I ran into a hundred different problems with Internet connection uh with my files not being in the right place with just not being specific enough and asking it exactly what I needed and it went and did something that I didn't want it to do so then I had to undo it or I had to go back and change it which at times was genuinely pretty frustrating um because with chat gbt I always had to copy and paste it but when I'm asking it to do something directly it would just go and do it um which didn't always do exactly what I wanted and so then I had to go in and I had to like delete a column or reverse something and that was a little bit frustrating even for me for someone who's used AI for the past year and a half ever since it started really getting popular even I was getting frustrated so I just know that the average user out there will probably have some frustration with using AI until it becomes more userfriendly and it doesn't have as many issues which I think it definitely does right now but overall for a lot of the applications that I've tried it in it does exactly what it's trying to do now it doesn't take a long time sometimes yes sometimes upwards of 30 seconds to do something that I think you know chat jbt if I was online in Chad gbt it would take it like 5 seconds natively in co-pilot it's taking 25 30 seconds for some of these tasks but with that being said it is giving me the output that I'm asking for for example when we were trying to create a list of YouTube videos it is giving me a list of YouTube videos and it is pretty similar to talking with chat gbt but again it just takes a long time to get those responses and I'm kind of getting used to faster responses and SO waiting 25 seconds or so it really does feel like a long time when you're waiting there I know that might just be me nitpicking it but uh I think for the average person that's going to be a long wait I I genely think that wa time is like too long people are so used to just instant gratification on their phones they swipe up there's a next video they post something it's there in two seconds like people want things to be really fast and copile is definitely not fast with that being said overall my experience with co-pilot was about a s out of 10 I think it is vastly going to improve over the coming years uh it hopefully will get faster I think the features will expand I think this is a really good start I think the average person who's using it is going to enjoy some of these features and I think that's especially true for a lot of these text summarization or creating of text which a lot of people use chat gbt for in word doc uh in emails and in one note these are the types of things I think people really use a lot in Excel I actually found it to be quite a bit slow uh I could do a lot of those things a lot faster and the limitations with it having it be connected to the internet how to save your file in one drive and it can't handle a ton of data so there is a lot of limitations within Excel I think the one thing that I probably liked more than anything was just the functions and the formulas being able to create those it understood what columns I was working on and then it spit it out um for almost everything else I felt like I could do it a lot faster um and it just had limited functionality in terms of anything breaking data out any data cleaning really a lot of the stuff that we as data analysts would do and you know use with data it really couldn't do except for I would consider that a lot of the basics again I am very Pro AI so I've been really excited about co-pilot but again 7 out of 10 is pretty good that's a really good start especially since this was just released I think in a year two years 3 years they'll polish out a lot of these things they'll make it a lot faster which I think will make the user satisfaction rating go up quite a bit so that is my full initial review of Microsoft co-pilot I will make other videos in the future about it because I really really really think that this has a lot of potential especially because it's such a ginormous ecosystem of people who use it so I will be keeping up to date on it if I see any new features or anything I think is really really interesting I'll be sure to make a new video about it so with that being said thank you guys so much for watching if you haven't already check out analyst that is my data analytics learning platform where you can practice real technical problems as well as take all of my full courses and if you really enjoyed this video be sure to like And subscribe and I will see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: Alex The Analyst
Views: 39,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Data Analyst, Data Analyst job, Data Analyst Career, Data Analytics, Alex The Analyst
Id: _nf56aMPdZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 45sec (1485 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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