3 Ways to Create PowerPoint Presentations with ChatGPT [for Teachers]

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no more tedious PowerPoint presentation making instead use chatgpt to create not only PowerPoint presentations but interactive PowerPoint presentations I have three different methods for you all so let's try them out our first method is to use Chachi petite to create your slide outline and your slide structure by providing Chachi Beauty with your topic and key points it can help you build up the outline for your PowerPoint so let's go ahead and get into shot 2pd to create that basic structure of your PowerPoint we recommend using a prompt similar to this one so I'll put it down in the description below so that you guys can easily copy and paste you can just paste it in and then adjust as needed for your topic that you wish to cover in your presentation beauty is done generating all of your slides you guys can take a look and have it expand on any of the topics that you wish it to cover so all of these look pretty good so we are going to copy and paste this prompt back in to have Chachi BT expand a little bit more on each one of these topics foreign read through and adjust any of the information that is given and now we just need Chacha PT to slim this down into an outline format so we'll lastly go ahead and have chat GPT put all these details in a bullet format for our slides [Music] excellent now what all this is is our PowerPoint slide content so now we just have to move all this information into PowerPoint so you can just go ahead and copy and paste all this information Side by slide into your PowerPoint or we can automate this process using word so let me go ahead and show you guys how to use that so let's go and copy all of these information and there are slides into a blank Word document and don't forget to go back and grab your slide one or slide two just because those are the intro slides so Chachi petite didn't really expand on those in the beginning so we can go ahead those in up top and now we just need to edit our formatting so make sure that you match up the slide title with a heading one excellent then you guys can go ahead and remove the slide numbers and keep that up for each one of your slide titles if you guys have any subtitles you can go ahead and make them a heading 2. excellent now we can go ahead and move this into PowerPoint so to do that we're going to go into file and Export and Export as a PowerPoint presentation this is for Windows if you do have a Mac it is a little bit different and how to do that is in the description below if you guys like one of the design themes you can always choose one here or we can just choose blank and Export this as a PowerPoint once it's ready we can open it up and take a look now we have all of our slide information into PowerPoint but you might be thinking this is a little boring and you wouldn't be wrong however I have two different ways that you guys can make this a little bit more exciting first you can always go ahead and use PowerPoint designer powerpoint's little AI feature that they have to make this a little bit more exciting however I do have a way that you can use chat gbt to make this content more exciting that I'll cover later in the video so stick around the second way to make this more exciting is to add interactive quiz questions so let's go ahead and download this file onto our desktop so that we can open it up within PowerPoint desktop application we can easily create interactive quiz questions using open AI inside PowerPoint instead of online on the web using classpoint classpoint is an interactive teaching add-in but we're going to be focusing on classpoint's AI feature which analyzes the information on your slide and generates interactive quiz questions based on that information so once you guys have classpoint downloaded and installed it's free you can download from classpoint.io linked up above or down below first things first we can go into our presentation mode from there click on the slide that you want to have a question based off of so we can do this one looks good and then we're just going to click on the classpoint AI button on the toolbar at the bottom from there you guys can customize your options depending on the type of question that you want so we're going to leave this pretty open and then we can just go ahead and click generate and class Point AI will analyze your slide coming up with a question based on that information if it looks good you guys can go ahead and save it as a slide and now you'll be able to use this to get live responses like this from your audience during your presentation stick around because later in the video I'll show you all the other interactive quiz questions that classpoint can add that way you can have a variety of engaging questions throughout your presentation but first method two we're going to use Chacha BT to automate that presentation creation process using VBA codes so we're going to skip all those steps that we just did the outline generation that automating from more into PowerPoint and instead use VBA codes to turn code into a PowerPoint presentation VBA is Microsoft's computer programming language that can be used to automate tasks like this it's really easy to use so don't stress we're going to open up our chat gbt and this time we're going to use this prompt so go ahead and paste that in and child GPT will generate a VBA code for us once it's all done we can go back up to the top copy this code and go inside our PowerPoint so from PowerPoint we can open up our developer tab if you guys don't have this tab just right click on your toolbar and your Ribbon up here click customize ribbon and make sure that the developer tab is checked once that's done we can go ahead click on the tab and open up our VBA editor from here we can go to insert and we're going to insert a module and here is where we can paste all of that code and now we can just click play and watch PowerPoint populate with our slides now you can go ahead and add those simple design techniques using powerpoint's designer or by any interactive quiz questions with classpoint so class green has these eight different quiz question types and usually I like to add a fun little warm up right at the beginning so for this presentation let's do a word cloud question that way we can gauge people's understanding of their knowledge of chocolate and what their favorite chocolate treat is now I have one more method for us to cover before we get into making this a complete presentation with a design stage and adding our images and that last method to use Chachi BT to create a PowerPoint presentation is with aiprm aiprm is a Chrome extension that's designed and built just for Chachi BT with a whole bunch of ready-made prompts for you to use so to access aiprm in chat you can just search it up in the Chrome web store and click add to Chrome once you do that it will open up another chat GPT window for you and you'll be able to see all of these listed and ready-made props that you guys can use to find the one that we're going to be used to create a PowerPoint presentation up at the top in the search bar we can just type in PowerPoint and we'll use this first one here from there we can go ahead and follow the instructions by adding in our topic the number of slides and the VBA and then we can go ahead and generate and we'll generate our VBA code and we can follow the steps that we did in the previous method that you guys can follow to put a VBA code into a PowerPoint presentation now finally let's make these presentations look amazing with Chachi BT to do that we need visuals so we're going to pair Chachi BT with a text to Art generator like stable diffusion mid-journey Bing image Creator and so many more tools the goal is to get Chachi PT to provide us some prompts of images that are going to flow nice and seamlessly into our already made PowerPoint presentation so to do that go into the chat that you already have been using for your Chachi BT to create that presentation and we are going to use this prompt to have chat gbt suggest images for each one of those slides for us so Chachi Beauty will then go ahead and generate a couple different prompts for us and we can copy and paste these prompts into an AI image generator so let's go ahead and take a peek and use one of these this one looks good and we're just going to go ahead and copy it and I'm going to use Bing image Creator and we can just paste it in to the bar and click create then the AI image generator will go ahead and generate some images and once that's done we can go ahead and copy and paste these images and put them back into PowerPoint so let's go ahead and use this one and from here I'm just going to go ahead and copy it and paste it to the correct slide in our PowerPoint presentation so I think this one looks good and we can paste it in and then again to add some more tone formatting the layout changing up your PowerPoint slides to make it look better we can use powerpoint's design feature over here you guys can continue doing that for all of your slides copy and pasting those prompts and those images into your presentations and making them all look much nicer and the last step to creating a better PowerPoint presentation is along with those interactive quiz questions adding in some gamification into your presentation so you can use classpoints gamification features like the stars levels and the leaderboard to interact with your audience or you can check out the link up here to add different games into your PowerPoint presentation and lastly if you want to use AI in any other parts of your presenting experience first subscribe to the classpoint channel and then go ahead and take a look at this video foreign [Music]
Channel: ClassPoint
Views: 560,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt presentations, chatgpt powerpoint, powerpoints with chatgpt, create powerpoint with chatgpt, ai powerpoint, ai powerpoint presentation, how to make a powerpoint with ai, how to make a powerpoint with chatgpt, create powerpoint with ai, ai presentation maker, ai powerpoint maker, interactive ai powerpoint, ai in powerpoint, chatgpt powerpoint tutorial, ai powerpoint tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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