10X Your PowerPoint Skills with AI 🚀

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Hi everyone, Kevin here. Today, we are going to  look at how you can 10x your PowerPoint skills   using AI. If you've ever pulled together  a presentation that looks like this, don't worry, you're not alone. That's what just about all of  my presentations look like. But with the help of AI, you can make  your presentation look like this. And that only took a few clicks. With AI, you can not only make your  presentation look like a designer pulled it together, but you can also become  both a better speaker and also presenter. Let's find out how. Here I am in PowerPoint, and I'm pulling  together a presentation for the company meeting for the Kevin Cookie Company. And I think we can all agree  that this slide is uninspiring. Let's see if AI can help us make this look better. Up in the top left-hand corner, let's  click on the home tab and all the way over on the right-hand side,  there's a feature called designer. Let's click on this. This opens up the designer pane  over on the right-hand side. And here I see all of these different  slides suggestions that promise an instant makeover of my slide. Designer looks at the contents  of the slide and makes recommendations based on that. So here I talk about a company meeting. So here I see all these company people meeting. So here's a nice one with video, and here I also have some static  images and I can look through all of these different designs. At the very bottom, I could also  click on see more designs and here I get even more options that I can insert. Here's another video option. And here I have some more static image options. Now I think this first one looks good. So all I need to do is simply  click on this file and that now instantly makes over my slide. And this looks a lot better. In fact, I would say a designer  pulled something like this together. That looks really nice. Now that I've inserted this new  design, in the top right-hand corner, here I'll close designer. If I click on designer again,  here, it'll now generate new design recommendations that take into account  the new design that I have in the slide. Now, overall, I'm happy with this design. So here I'll close designer. Over on the left-hand side, I'm going  to paste in some additional slides that I'd like to include in this presentation. And one of the neat things is these  additional slides now leverage the design from the first slide. So that way all my slides  have a nice, consistent look. Although the slides all have a  consistent look, this one doesn't look nearly as impressive as my first slide. Here I have slide talking about customer  feedback at the Kevin Cookie Company. Now let's just say that there's  a little bit of mixed feedback, but we're working on this. Let's again, see if designer can help us here. In the top right-hand corner,  I'll click on designer. This now generates a number  of different design ideas. And one of the really nice things is  you'll notice that the color scheme matches the initial color  scheme from my first slide. So this way I can maintain a nice uniform look. Now I think this first  suggestion looks pretty good. So here I'll click on this and this  automatically transforms my slide. And one of the really neat things  here's some of the content on my slide. I have the feedback, rude,  expensive, and delicious. And you'll notice that all of  these icons match the different context or the text on the slide. That's pretty cool. If for whatever reason, the icon doesn't  match exactly what you're trying to communicate, it's very easy to change. Here, I could right click on the icon  and right down here, there's the option to change the graphic. Here I could click on from icons and  here I have all of these different options of icons that I can insert. And here I can even search  against all of the icons. Moving on to the next slide. We are opening up some new cookie  stores in all of these different cities. If you happen to live in one of  these cities, consider yourself very lucky. Ideally, I'd like to represent  all of these different opening dates on a timeline, but that takes a lot  of work to pull together in PowerPoint. Let's click on designer to see if that can help. This opens up all of the different  design ideas and there are some very attractive looking slides,  but I really want a timeline. If I scroll down just a little bit,  here's a very nice looking option. Here I'll click on this and this inserts  the slide design and look at that. Here I have this nice timeline with a  visual indicator of when all of these different locations are opening up. This looks really nice. If you want to see even more timeline  options, you can simply go up to the top right-hand corner, close designer, and then  reopen designer, and here it'll suggest all these different options with timelines. So you could go through all  these different styles to see what works the best for you. One of the really neat things is you  could simply leave the designer pane open. And here, when I click into the next  slide, here we outline our path to profitability. Here you'll see designer  automatically updates with different design options for this slide. And I think this one looks pretty good. So I'll select that. And just like this, my slide  deck is starting to look so much better than it did before. Moving on to the next slide. I would like to include a message from  our CEO, and I think the best way to do this is to include a live video. Up on top, let's click on insert and  there's a new option called cameo. If you'd like to learn all about  including live video in your presentations and be sure to check  out the video right up above. Here, I'll insert a cameo and look at that. I am now included on my slide in real time. The really neat thing is here in  the designer pane, this incorporates different live video feeds  into these different designs. So here let's select this one. This slide looks pretty nice and you  can now see my video on the slide. This is pretty epic. Let's now move on to the last slide in  this presentation. On this last slide, here, I just have a big blurb of  text and we all know that this is a guaranteed way to get people to tune out. So let's see if I could use AI  to auto summarize this text. Here I am on OpenAI's website, and I  want to use the DaVinci three text model. If you'd like to test this out, you  could click on the link up above or also down below in the description. Here, I'll paste in that text from the  slide and I've included some additional text that says summarize this  text into three bullet points. Let's see what it comes up with. I'll click on submit. So I've submitted my instruction  and here I see the three bullet points at the bottom. So here launched a new cookie,  double double chocolate chip. That was one of the main  things we did this past year. Here it also says expanded into  25 countries and increased online sales by 50% and then invested in  production facilities, research and development, resulting in innovative  new products, and honestly, that does a pretty good job of summing up this  big paragraph of text. Here, I'll copy these three bullet points and let's  bring it back into PowerPoint. Here I've pasted all those bullet points into  PowerPoint, and this looks so much better, but you probably know what we're going  to do next. Back on the home tab over on the right hand side, let's click on  designer and here we have some beautiful designs. Let's go with this one, the future,  and then here I have my bullet points. This is looking so much better. Now that AI has helped us make these  slides look so much more beautiful, let's see how it can help us become  better presenters and also speakers. Here I am now in PowerPoint on the web  and up on top, let's click on the tab titled slideshow and right here, there's  the option to rehearse with coach. This is also available in the desktop  app, but the feature's a little bit richer on the web, so I'm going to use it here. If you click on this dropdown, you have  a few different options that you can set, but I'm all set to go, so let's click on  rehearse with coach. This now opens up my presentation and in the bottom right  hand corner, I see a welcome message from my new personal AI coach and down at the very  bottom, I can turn on real time feedback. That sounds interesting. So I'll leave that on and then  click on start rehearsing. And yeah, uh, this is the company meeting. Oh yeah. And don't use filler words. And look at the camera and look  at all that feedback I'm getting. Thank you, coach. This is great. I can advance through all of my  slides and I can speak to them and I could practice my delivery,  customer feedback, people love us. You can look at all the feedback right there. We have lots of new cookie stores  opening up and you just run through your presentation. Once you're all done, simply  exit out of your presentation and then you get a rehearsal report. In this report, you get a summary. Here. I could see that I was using  a lot of filler words. Here I could see information about my pacing,  my pitch over the entire presentation. I even get feedback on my body language. Here I wasn't always maintaining eye contact, and here I see that feedback with examples  of when I wasn't maintaining eye contact. This is an excellent way to improve  your speaking and presentation skills, all thanks to AI. Along with making you a better  speaker, you can also use AI to make your presentations more accessible. Up under the slideshow tab up on top, you'll  see an option for always use subtitles. When I click on this dropdown, you  can select the spoken language. I'll be speaking in English, so  I'll make sure to select this. And over here, you can select your subtitle  language, and it doesn't necessarily have to be the language that you're speaking in. It's currently set to English, but maybe  I want my subtitles to appear in German. I'll select that. Down below, you can also select  the location of your subtitles. I'll leave it set to below slide and  over here, I'll click on from beginning to start presenting my slides.  This now launches my presentation. If I move my mouse to the bottom left-hand  corner, I see all these different controls and here I'll click on  this one to show my subtitles. Now at the very bottom of my slide, we can  see these subtitles appear as I'm speaking. Now, I'm speaking in English, but these  subtitles are showing up in German. It's pretty phenomenal how AI can detect  what I'm saying and then translate it in real time into another language. This makes presentations so much more  accessible to people throughout the world. Hopefully now none of us ever  have to sit through a boring PowerPoint presentation again. That is as long as we all still have jobs  and AI doesn't just completely take over. To watch more videos like this  one, please consider subscribing and I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
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Keywords: kevin stratvert
Id: aK8ix1PXd5k
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Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 02 2023
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