Copilot in Excel: Hype or Future?

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Microsoft Excel is getting some AI love  called Copilot. It can figure out formulas,   it can add new columns, it can generate charts,  it can highlight cells, and it can even analyze   data. Basically, it promises to revolutionize  the way you work with spreadsheets. But is it   all hype or is it truly the future of Excel? Well,  let's find out. To get Microsoft Copilot in Excel,   head to the following website. You can click  on the card in the top right-hand corner,   and I've also included a link  down below in the description. First, you'll need a Microsoft 365 subscription,   either a family or a personal plan.  Either one works. Once you have that,   you'll also need another subscription or a second  subscription to something called Copilot Pro. You   can click on this link up on top of the page. So,  you basically need two different subscriptions. With Copilot Pro, you get access to Copilot  within all of the different apps, like Excel,   Word, PowerPoint, and Outlook. Plus, you also get  some other benefits, like using GPT-4 during peak   hours, and you can also create images faster using  Dolle 3. So, you do get some additional perks.   Once you finish getting all of the required  subscriptions, you should now have access to   Copilot. And here in Excel, I have some sample  data for the Kevin Cookie Company. If you'd like   to follow along, I've included a link to this data  down below in the description of this video. Now   that I have Copilot, up on top, let's click on the  Home tab, and all the way over on the right-hand   side, you should now see a new option for Copilot.  But right now, it's grayed out, and I can't   actually click on it. Here, if we hover over the  Copilot icon, here we'll see this tool tip appear,   and it says that Copilot only works with files  stored in OneDrive or SharePoint. Currently,   this file is stored locally on my computer, so  I need to put it into the cloud first. So over   in the top left-hand corner, I'll click on the  File menu, and then go down to Save As, and here   I can save in either OneDrive or in SharePoint.  I'll select OneDrive, and over here, I'll click   on Save. Now that we've saved this workbook in the  cloud, up in the top right-hand corner, you'll see   that I'm now able to click on the Copilot icon.  So, let's click on this. This now opens up a pane   over on the right-hand side with all of Copilot's  capabilities. But here too, you'll see that these   are also now grayed out. If we look down just a  little bit, here first it wants to convert this   data range, or all of this data over here, into  a table. To be able to use Copilot, it has to act   on a table. At least here, it offers to convert it  for me, so let's click on this button to convert. And just like that, it's now converted all of this  data range into a table. Aside from being able   to use Copilot, you get all sorts of advantages  from using tables in Excel. Here, for instance,   you get this nice formatting with all these  banded rows. Right up above, you can also very   quickly change the formatting. Maybe something  else tickles your fancy. Right over here,   you also get all these different filter headers,  so you can very quickly filter or sort your data.   And right up above, you have various options, like  adding a total row. Then here, you get a few more   options as well. Over on the right-hand side,  let's now go to the very top of Copilot. Here,   you'll see all sorts of different ways of how  you can engage with the Copilot. For example,   you can use it to add formula columns. And in  a moment, we'll see what that means. You could   also highlight cells, you can sort and filter.  And here, you could also analyze your data and   identify if there are any outliers. Here, we see a  few more suggestions. And down at the very bottom,   you have your prompt box. This is where you can  ask questions or make requests of the Copilot AI.   And here too, there's no shortage of learning  material. If you're struggling with forming   a prompt, down here, we could click on this  View Prompts icon. And here too, you'll see   all sorts of sample prompts that you can enter  in. For example, here, if I click on Create,   you'll see the different types of activities  that you can do with the Copilot. For now,   let me click out of that. And here, I'll simply  click into the prompt. I want to start with a very   simple question. I want to know, can the Copilot  figure out how many customers we have here at the   Kevin Cookie Company? Over here, if I look at  all of my data, you'll see that in column B,   I have all of the different customer names.  And one quick way to figure out how many   unique or distinct customers we have, I could  simply click on this filter icon, and here,   I can see that we have five. But let's see if  the AI can figure this out. Down below, I'll   type in my question. How many customers does the  Kevin Cookie Company have? Now, along with typing   in a question, I can also speak the question  using my microphone by clicking on this icon,   but I prefer typing. Over here, let's now send  this prompt to the AI. And right now, it looks   like it's working on it, and it's attempting to  understand the data. Now, one thing you'll notice   is it does take a little bit of time. One thing I  needed to do to make sure that the AI could work   properly is I reduced the data down just to 2022.  Previously, when I had additional years in here,   the AI was struggling with that. So just something  to keep in mind as you use it. And look at that.   Over on the right-hand side, here it says,  "According to the data, Kevin Cookie Company   has five distinct customers." That's exactly what  we saw when we clicked on that filter menu. So,   it looks like it's working properly. If I scroll  up a little bit more, here I see a table that also   shows five, and I can now add this to a new sheet.  Let's click on this button, and this now drops us   into a new worksheet. And here, if I scroll in  a little bit, now click on this value of five,   and here I can see the formula and the function  that the Copilot used to derive that answer,   so that way I can check the work. And it looks  like this worked exactly as I would expect it   to. To be fair though, it is a fairly complicated  formula. Let's now go back to the order sheet. Let's now try something a little bit more  complicated. Let's see if we can add a new   column to this table with the profit. That's  the revenue minus the cost. Right down below,   here I'll type in my prompt, add a new column  with profit. That should be easy enough,   but let's see what it comes back with. I’ll  click on send. Right up above, it looks like   it came back with a response. It proposes  that it's the revenue minus the cost. Well,   that's exactly right. Over here, I can click  on this carrot icon, and I can also have it   explain the formula to me. That can be helpful  if it's a little bit more complicated than this   example. Here, I'll minimize that. Now over  here, I can hover over this insert column,   and there I can preview what it'll look like when  it adds that profit column to my table. And if I'm   certain that I want to add it, here, I'll simply  click on that button, and right down below it says   done. I added profit to column G. And of course,  if I actually didn't want that column, I could   also undo it. So that's pretty cool. Here, it  understood my data, it understands what profit is,   and here it automatically calculated that. That  helps save some time. At the Kevin Cookie Company,   I like celebrating our most profitable orders,  and I like to highlight them in a color just so   they stand out to me. Now, traditionally,  I would go up to conditional formatting,   and I would try to figure out this menu to see  how I could highlight all of our orders over 2000.   But let's see if maybe the Copilot can give me a  shortcut. Right over here, I'll type in the text,   can you highlight profit in green when above  2000? Let's see what it comes back with. And   that's all done. Look at that, that was easy.  It's now highlighted all the cells over 2000. I'd also like to show it as a currency, so let's  try that. And there it's now formatted the cells   in currency notation. Nice. Next, I'd like to  understand which customer here at the Kevin   Cookie Company ordered the most cookies from  us. That way we can wine and dine them with,   of course, cookies and milk. There's no  better way of getting a big contract. Now, traditionally, I would go up to the  insert menu and I would insert a pivot table,   and then try to make sense of the data. But again,  let's see if Copilot can help us. Down below,   I'll type in which customer ordered the most  cookies, and then let's send that. And right   up above, it looks like the Copilot answered my  question. It looks like it's Cascade Grovers with   255,000 cookies. Now that's a lot of cookies,  but probably not even close to what you get on   the web every single day. If I scroll up just a  little bit more, it looks like it made a pivot   table for me. Let's try adding this as a new  sheet. This now drops me onto a new worksheet   where I can see that the AI has inserted a  pivot table. If I click into the pivot table,   this opens up all the different pivot table  fields over on the right-hand side. Right here,   I can see that it's filtered it to the customer  who ordered the most cookies. If I click on the   filter, I can clear the filter, and here I can  confirm that Cascade Grovers did indeed order   the most cookies from us. And by long shot,  they ordered a lot more than all the other   customers. Now with pivot tables, you could do  additional analysis on your data. And if you'd   like to learn all about pivot tables, be sure to  check out the video down below in the description. Down below, let's click back into the orders  worksheet. Back now in orders, let's now see   if Copilot can maybe help us pull together a  visual or a chart. Sometimes a chart is just   a much better way of conveying information  and data. Right down here, let's type in,   can you make a line chart showing profit by month?  And let's see what it comes back with. If we   scroll up just a little bit, here I can see that  it generated a chart showing me profit by month   of the year. And look at that, there's this big  spike towards the end of the year. Now over here,   I could add it to a new sheet, just like we  did with the pivot table. And then I can make   additional changes or customizations to this  chart. But let's actually see if maybe the AI   can help us modify this chart. Down below, let's  ask the question, can you change the line color   to green in the line chart? That should be a  fairly simple change. Let's see if it can help. Right up above, here we see a message saying,  I'm sorry, I'm unable to change the line color of   the chart directly. But then it walks through and  tells me how I can do that. Maybe the AI wants me   to do some work too, since I've just been asking  all these questions. More seriously though, maybe   in a future iteration, it will be able to do that.  That'd be nice if you could continue prompting to   make changes and customizations to the results  that you get back. Let's now try one more prompt   down below. And I want to see if it can analyze  this data and maybe find some outliers. So, I'll   ask the question, are there any seasonal trends  in cookie sales? If we scroll up just above,   here it's identified outliers in all of our  cookies shipped. And it looks like it's right   around the holidays. That's when we sell the  most cookies here at the Kevin Cookie Company.   So that's helpful to see. Now, of course, with all  this functionality that we've looked at today, you   can get to all of it by clicking on the right tab  or clicking on the right button. But it takes some   knowledge of knowing where things are and what  features are available. With Copilot now, it makes   a lot of this functionality a lot more accessible.  As long as you can enter in a prompt or a question   or a request, chances are you'll find what you're  looking for and you'll be well on your way to   analyzing your data. All in all, it's great to  see AI finally coming into Excel, especially   for newer users who may not be familiar with  all the available functionality. Keep in mind,   Excel has been around for almost 40 years. Like,  how do you separate a first name from a last name?   Or how do you apply conditional formatting? That's  not always obvious and AI can really help there. For power users though, using natural  language by prompting and then waiting   for the AI to respond is probably slower  than just doing it yourself. Of course,   the AI will continue to improve over  time. That's why it's just in preview,   which is why you see that text next to Copilot  in Excel. Now, I wouldn't be surprised if soon   enough, Copilot is an essential tool for  both beginners and advanced users alike. To watch more videos like this one,   please consider subscribing and  I'll see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 148,080
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Keywords: kevin stratvert, excel, copilot, co pilot, ai, excel ai, ai excel, ai in excel, copilot in excel, excel copilot, ai for excel, ai with excel, excel ai tool, ai data analysis, data analysis
Id: sj0wCdE5tjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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