How to use Microsoft To Do (2023)

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hey all welcome back to the channel in today's video I'm going to show you how you're going to get the most from Microsoft to do in a tutorial video whether you're a Microsoft to do newbie you've never heard of it before or a seasoned professional there's something for everyone in this video so I'm going to take you through creating a task how to organize those in custom lists how to share those lists with your colleagues how we can integrate Outlook so you don't have to work on your inbox and your task list and even better if you're creating tasks on these little Post-it notes we can get rid of them because we don't need any more Post-it notes Microsoft to do will go all for us anymore in fact let's get rid of them so anyway before we dive in a quick request would be if you hit that subscribe button and the like button to help our small Channel grow otherwise let's dive into do and get you working in a better way so let's get started with Microsoft to do and to access it it's nice and simple all you need to do is head to the web and search for to do you didn't access Microsoft to do through the web browser if you prefer or you can access it via an app and to be honest the easiest way for me is always using the app so you can Again download that from Windows which is a link at the bottom of the screen or you can head into the App Store on a Mac and you'll be able to download it as an app on your Mac completely for free to run on a Mac as well not only that the to do app also works in the premise of a Microsoft 365 account or one of the free Microsoft accounts so you have an Xbox account a Skype or even one of an account you can use Microsoft to do completely free of charge now there will be a couple of things I'm going to show you in today's video that won't work on a free account but you'll be able to do most of things I show you and that makes to do an exciting tool to use that's not going to cost you a penny so let's dive in and check out that to-do app once you've installed it on your computer I'm using Windows here at the moment you'll be able to access it via a Blue Tick that's when your program directory but in this case I already have it running on my computer so once we're in Microsoft to do we can begin adding some tasks now the easiest thing in to do is doing exactly that and all we need to do is go to the bottom of the screen and type in something into this task now as you can see it prompts me here to say try type in submitter report by Friday 3 pm and it's doing that because you'll also see when we give it a time and date the to do app can recognize that and set an automatic reminder so as an example I'm going to put contract review for ABC limited you'll see if I enter here there is no times and no date set so in to do it's a blank task and by clicking into that you'll also see there are no reminders to remind me to get this done and that's not a good way to work in Microsoft to do so instead let's go back to add a task and let's change the task instead of having contract review of ABC Limited let's add a time and a date so I'm going to put by 3 P.M tomorrow you can then see underlines by 3 pm tomorrow and if I also check on the right hand side we also see it sets an automatic reminder for tomorrow 3 P.M so if I press enter on here the difference is clear between those two tasks one has a little alarm or Bell notification saying tomorrow and the other has nothing at all now if I actually click into that top task that added the time and date we'll see a reminder will be generated at 3 P.M tomorrow through the to-do app to remind me that this needs to have been done so super helpful to provide to do with more relevant data than just filling in a single blank worded task but of course things have due dates and so if I actually put a due date onto this for tomorrow we'll now have it marked as due tomorrow and importantly they'll also show up on my day tomorrow to get done because it's effectively due tomorrow so a great way there we're setting due dates to get automatic reminders as well via the my day function inside of to do but what happens if your task has subtests sub steps for example our contract review for ABC limited we need to do a certain thing we need to go and get the contract right and then we have to go and review it and we have to send all our feedback well on the right hand side under add step you can left click into there you can actually begin defining your subtasks and sub steps so here will be a range contract the next would be review the contracts the next would be then validate findings and the last point will be send comments so I've now got four subtasks inside of our single task and what I can do is I effectively complete this work is go and check them off as we go through find a visual indicator how my task is progressing and even on the my day we can see tasks 204 under that single task of contract review for ABC limited by 3 pm tomorrow but what happens if we need to clear tests for example I have the contract review for ABC limited the one I had no date time set for well I could actually right click this and I can actually click on the delete button and that of course deletes it from your task list in a normal way but actually I'm going to use this as a great example to Simply complete this and show you what happens to this task so what I need to do is left click on that Circle to the left of the task and it will be effectively hidden and it will show under my completed section in my day and here it is it's already marked off with that single box if for any reason I wanted to bring that back all I need to do is head into there uncheck it and it will re-emerge back into my task list so very straightforward to do but importantly how can we also add other tasks into my day because as we know your day is eligible to the tasks that you've defined here or things that are going to be due today well if you actually click on the light bulb icon to the right hand side that includes suggestions so here also suggestions from all of your tasks inside of Microsoft to do you can very simply drag and drop or add into your my day for example here's a contract signing task that's due on the August 11th now we're nowhere near that date but I can go ahead and click on the plus icon and I can bring it straight into my day so I can focus on that task today but you're probably thinking well what's the downside of my day because I could simply run all my tasks through my day right the problem is it does get cleared down your day is exactly that it's not very good to plan tomorrow's tests and that's why things using reminders and due dates ensure that your my day gets populated correctly as your tasks move forward rather than putting them on that single my day view which gets cleared down at the end of the day automatically in Microsoft to do that doesn't mean Microsoft to do effectively delete your old tasks in fact if we go under the tasks section here we can also see that a few of my tasks are overdue and we can visibly see that because they're marked on here in red with the dates so you submitting an email to Imogen by Friday at 5 PM was actually due on July the 16th I'm a couple of weeks late on that task but it doesn't mean that it's been deleted I could of course bring it back into my day by selecting add to my day and it will re-emerge into my day right at the top because the due date has been exceeded and I can still see it's overdue so just because I drop off your day doesn't mean they're getting a deleted trash can inside of to do you can very simply bring them back into your day by clicking in any one of those areas to bring them back in that list of things you need to get done hey all there's no need to adjust your YouTube sets I'm here to tell you little bit more about what we do as a company so your 365 coach has been set up to help you your team and your business succeed when it comes to Microsoft 365 whether you want to take that training and take your expertise to the next level or have one of our team including myself help you on that Journey with getting things right in Microsoft 365 we can certainly do that as well so if you want to find out a little bit more what we do head to link below and not only that you'll even find a free ebook you can download with loads of tips and tricks in Microsoft 365 so let's get back to that video content and keep empowering you to do more in Microsoft 365 but now you're thinking great I've got a task list right but I have no idea how I'm going to work out all these tasks how could I sort these into some type of importance as your task list grows in a day you could have quite a few tasks that you need to get done well the easiest way to achieve that is on the right hand side you can actually mark this with the star marketing it as important that also means in to do that we have a dedicated task area for all of our important tasks and here they are here when I add that star on they'll drop into my important category ensuring I can focus on those and not just tasks that are inside of my single day and is there a way that we can simply see what's upcoming what's overdue and what I should be working on easily do that by clicking on the planned and you can see exactly that here are tasks that I haven't done that were earlier than today sadly they will March in red having got any of those done but we can also see what's due today and due tomorrow and so forth now easily if you need to begin to clearing off these tasks you don't need to add them into my day for example if I left click on a few of these here I can take them off my plan and my to-do list by simply marking them as complete super easy to do to organize how you're going to work with your Microsoft to do tasks and look at it across that view of what you've got left to get sorted but you may also be thinking how can I organize these in a better way for example all of these tasks I have in Microsoft to do might be relevant to a project I'm working on or something else that's going on at home how can I achieve that by organizing them in a better way it's impossible for me to run this when I have 40 or 50 different tasks for all types of different project well the good news is you can create a list to achieve that and actually group them inside of that list to create a new list you just go to the bottom Microsoft to do and select new list it will then show an Untitled list allowing you to left click in and then change your name of this for example I might be doing some work on contract reviews so I'm going to put contract reviews as my list pressing enter we now have our list defined but there are no tests and what I don't want to do is recreate my tasks all over again that already exist in my task list so very simply I can go to Tas and I can begin to find those relevant tests so here's one we created earlier that's just sitting under the tasks so how I can right click this task and I can actually move the task 2 into my contract reviews simple as that and here's some additional tasks we had previously a contract signing well that's the contract reviews we're going to move that into contract reviews as well to actually see by doing that we can now move our contract review using contract work into that single list but it doesn't change how the my day works those tasks still appear in my day but I know better organized under contract reviews and you can create a number of lists for different purposes to better organize how all of your tasks come together but how also does this work with email because I know for one thing in particular you're going to be getting a lot of emails with a lot of tasks coming through on there and this is a great way of collecting your tasks but are you going to come in here every time and write I've received an email for a contract review and then click enter referring back to an email if you did that you're going to take a long time to get through your task list so instead what we can do is use the power of Outlook integration with to do to take all of that hard work away all we need to do is head into Microsoft Outlook and you can actually see I've got a few flagged emails here and the good news is that Microsoft to do will also display your flagged emails so I've marked an email with a flag we'll see here in my flagged email that means that when I click into this task I can actually see the emails which this relates have a single click to open it in Outlook and I can also see when it's due based upon when the flag was set for me to follow up on this task so very simply all I need to do to move my flagged email transform it into that task is I can right click and I can move the task 2 and put it into my contract reviews if I click on contract reviews we'll now see the contract signing is showing that's going to be due on Friday left click into it and we still see the email reference there on the screen so you can transform a flag and move it into one of your task list in a super easy way allowing you to add further subtasks and subsets but surely there is still a better way than flagging emails right and certainly there is because in fact Outlook is now evolving the new version of Outlook which is called a preview version and is also available on the web well let's simply allow us to drag and drop a single email as a task into Microsoft to do no flagging emails are needed so how do we get that working well first off in the right hand side of Outlook you will see a to-do effectively button click on to do and all you then need to do is get an email and you can simply drag and drop using left click and you can drop it into add as a task and once you do that and then let go you'll then see the subjects meeting up now appears as a task it even references this was actually created from an email if I clicked into this here I could change the topic or the name of the task I could also left click and open that original email to which it was actually referenced from which is all great stuff right if we now go back into Microsoft to do and then head into tasks we can now see meeting updates at the top with a message indicator left click into there and we once again see the email in the preview window and this now can be worked on as any other task in fact I want to go ahead and move it back into my contract reviews I can do exactly that and begin working on it and still have that reference point back to the original email super easy for you to do when it comes to working with email in the Microsoft to do app whether that's for a flagged email or simply through Dragon drop in one of your emails but you know thinking that's fantastic as my personal task list right but I don't do contract reviews all on my own in fact one of my colleagues helps and that would be Megan how can invite Megan to this list that she can begin to check off these activities and also I can assign a task to Megan to get it sorted for me so if you want to share this list with one of your colleagues Microsoft to do has its own sharing mechanism we can simply right click click on sharing options and I can now type in Megan's name now once we then add in Megan I can click on the add people as we can see Megan is now going to be invited into this Microsoft to-do list and I could actually later remove her in the same dialog by clicking on the x button but that no means if I close this dialogue down I open up one of our tasks maybe the one we created earlier in today's video I now have an option to assign this task to somebody else it's not a sign to me by default when I left click into this I can now select Megan from The List member and Megan will be assign that task and it will appear both in the list and also in the assign to me section inside of Microsoft to do in Megan's account so a super easy way to share one of your lists with your colleagues and assign them tasks that you can work on collectively but as of all apps there are settings and there are advanced settings that you may want to take advantage of and if you left click on your account name in the top left you can select from manage accounts they'll even let you add further accounts including personal Microsoft accounts or other organizational accounts so you can switch between them in Microsoft to do in a super easy way there's no need to put your own to-do list from your personal account into your business account under the settings option though we can see a few things we can change here and honestly I don't actually change any of these settings they've worked for me for many years with never touching them but it might be the case that you actually want to remove times and dates from task titles once you're recognized highly unlikely but you could do that also you can change to a light or a dark theme this is quite helpful on the eyes to do is very garish with its white background and colors so you might want to use a dark theme to Simply make a little bit better on your eyes and also we can have a look at smart lists I can actually put a completed list in here all of the my tasks so I can see and remember I also mentioned the connectivity with planner and flagged email if you didn't like that for any reason you can turn that off and then to do won't connect into those Services if I click on back though you'll see the new dark mode appearing here on the screen and also if you wanted to have some personalization to my day you can click on the freed up menu and you can simply change the theme by changing the theme that'll be the background and the fonts will then update now because I'm using the dart theme some of those colors won't actually show but here if I look at some of the images available under my day we can very simply see those options and also if you would like you can also click on the print list so you get a print of all of your tasks from my day in a single page view that you can get printed or if you want that email of that list itself so effectively all are here of your tasks that you're going to get sorted you can go ahead and open it inside of Microsoft Outlook and then have an email that can be then sent to one of your colleagues or to yourself in a very simple way as we can see here on the screen so those Advanced options are able for you to actually tailor which is quite important if you want to do that and lastly search is super important to search for your to-do tasks hitting the top left and you can do a search through all of your tasks in fact searching for the word contract shows me all of those tasks across all of my lists so I can mark them off in place super easy for you to get back to all of your existing tasks so hopefully this tutorial has taught you all you need to know about what you need to do when it comes to using Microsoft to do the integration with Outlook and planner and the ability to get running on all of your devices and it's even available on mobile so what are you waiting for download Microsoft to do have a play Follow The Guidance in this video and we hope you enjoyed this video and not only that subscribe to our channel to find more great content like this and hit that like button as it always helps our Channel perform otherwise we'll be seeing you in the next one [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 44,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft to do, microsoft todo, microsoft 365, microsoft to do tutorial, microsoft to-do, to do list, office 365, microsoft to do app, how to use microsoft to do with teams, ms to do, to do, how to use microsoft to do with outlook, how to use microsoft to do & get organized, microsoft planner, microsoft to do tips and tricks, outlook, to-do list, microsoft to-do app, to do app, to do microsoft, how to use microsoft to do, 2023, scott brant, microsoft 365 task, training
Id: 9qng4Uf6QUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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