GitHub Universe 2023 opening keynote- Copilot in the Age of AI

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[Music] [Music] e people of universe please welcome Thomas [Music] dkey good morning morning thank you for being here everyone it's so great to see all of you I'm Thomas and I'm a developer and today is the day I've been waiting for for the last 8 months today what we will do on this stage how we will build what we will launch it will redefine the essence of software development itself this is a moment long in the making now if you recall it was just a few weeks after gith up Universe last year when AI had its Big Bang moment Chad GPT exploded onto the scene it washed over the airwaves it was the most consequential disruption to techn ology since the Advent of the internet browser our Global Consciousness has not been the same since but forget up our generative AI story did not start there it dates back all the way to 2020 and it's documented in a white paper we internally call the coding Oracle paper back in 2020 a group of our wildly talented Engineers got their hands on a raw version of open ai's gpt3 model and with this model that sought to answer a single question was an automated pair programmer fact or fiction could this Transformer model this strange thoughtful machine actually help solve the tasks of an everyday developer our team knuckled down and pulled together a bunch of tasks you know like standard exercises developers often do in job interviews I remember hopping on a call and one by one we fed these exercises into the model and observed happened and in 2020 out of 203 handcrafted programming exercises then prompted the model solved 93% of them 3 years ago it already solved 93% this was the Genesis this was the moment this is what won me over and I tell you it takes a lot to win over a skeptical German developer and our Engineers put that feeling down and writing that AI I would and I quote change developer Tools in fundamental ways in particular an automated pair programmer can be built that puts the collective knowledge of the entire giup community at the fingertips of every individual big statement right early statement but we took a risk and we built the world's first at scale a pair programmer a novel tool with a large language model before the world was ready and today with more than 1 million paid users across 190 countries get up copot is now the most widely adopted AI developer tool in history and from this worldwide adoption we have seen the most stunning evidence of productivity gains since we got rid of Punch Cards in Assembly Language already copilot is making developers 55% faster in coding a 55% productivity gain the biggest ever experienced in the first year of a novel developer tool and people truly love using it open source maintainers students teachers developers and Fortune 500 companies from Shopify to Marcato libbre to Mercedes to BWC in just a short period of time get up copy has become the greatest competitive advantage in any software driven business in now over 37,000 organ G ation are using co-pilot to achieve more it's been adopted by organizations at all sizes and across all sectors and industries today the pair programmer we dreamed off in the coding Oracle paper has accelerated Beyond even our wildest aspirations but AI supported code completion was always just the starting point the change agent for the bigger picture you know many many professional developers actually only code like two hours a day so what use is it if developers will blazingly fasten the editor just to drown in mundane tasks when the initial coding is complete this was the conviction behind our copal X Vision announcement in March it was the first view of AI sailing beyond the editor and infusing the entire developer life cycle and we did not let that Vision Escape us and in the last eight months we created something even bigger in a world where developer shortages on wise in a world where billions of lines of code form the foundation of the global economy in a world where developers are still expected to keep up with Cobalt Legacy code dating back to the 1960s and yet still build for tomorrow we simply have to make it easier for developers to do it all and to do it all with a co-pilot just as GitHub was founded on git today we're ref found founded on co-pilot AI is now the electricity powering the home for the world's developers in just a short time the pair programmer that started it all has evolved expanded and transformed giab into the AI power developer platform from the idea to the issue to building and coding to reviewing securing deploying to get itself up is now powered by co-pilot every step and this is real today and we're going to show it to you right [Music] [Applause] [Music] now now back in March we shared co-pilot chat our vision for conversational assistance with all of you for the very first time built right into your favorite editor we designed chat to help every developer build the big picture all in natural language we've made chat even more powerful since but seeing is believing right the contribution graph is cool but today I thought it'd be even cooler to build a new app called myir commit. comom to figure out when mine and every developer on github's first commit happened now we can see who in here is the real OG of GitHub my least favorite part about starting a new project is the starting part who likes a blank space after all thankfully co-pilot has me covered with chat I'll be able to explain what I need all in natural language and Skip all the boring project set up I'm going to open the chat panel in my Editor to give me a bit more space to read and then we're going to use a new slash command to generate an entire project in Visual Studio code if you haven't used slash commands before they're a powerful tool to help you execute your most common chat commands with just a single word saving you even more keystrokes I've got a list of requirements already in my head so I'll feed those into the new command and let co-pilot build the scaffolding I need we're going to use nextjs with react components and our design system primer and we'll call the app my first commit you'll notice how co-pilot gives me the structure for my new project so I could create it right here but I'm going to jump to a workspace co-pilot created for me earlier that I've already started tinkering with let's see what we're working with here by heading to simple browser and typing in Thomas's handle okay we've got basic page navigation and most of Thomas's info right honestly I think you look better here Thomas just kidding so let's go ahead and replace this hardcoded image with the actual picture from his user data I'll select the URL delete and co-pilot comes to the rescue I'll save that and it's generally a good idea to keep tabs on the boss so I'm going to add location here as well we'll see co-pilot is giving me exactly what I need it never fails to be magical and we also need to add this in the UI and look because we added location to our data co-pilot is smart enough to know that now we want to add it to the page tab save head back to the simple browser there's the Thomas we know and love okay it's time to grab that first commit now it's been a little while since I've used GitHub search API so I'm going to ask for a little bit of help from co-pilot and don't you love when you can type perfectly on stage Under Pressure all right we're going to ask co-pilot give it a second to think always likes to get my heart rate up just a little bit uh and but it always comes through it's giving me exactly what I need I'm going to review this really fast that looks great head back over here to my editor and we're going to insert this with just one click that'll bug me if I don't fix it now great we've got that started now I need to include the commit date here looks awesome and once again we have to update our UI all right co-pilot 99% there but we want our first commit so we'll save head back okay we're almost there but I'm pretty sure that data is wrong and it looks a little funky let's see what's happening all right ah I see what I've done here I don't have any ordering in so I'm going to go ahead and select this and we're going to use chat to help us figure out how to sort our commits here I'll head back and I'm going to say update to include uh to include or sorry to sort rather by committer date give it a second to think all right that's looking good but you know when I when I'm on stage I kind of get asscending and descending mixed up um and I need the oldest commits first so I'm going to ask co-pilot to revise this answer by simply asking for the oldest or to newest sort sort by oldest to newest this is great because I can ask co-pilot exactly what's in my mind and it can translate it into the code I need we'll take a look here all right that looks good we'll go ahead and replace the line select save oh we've got something going on here all right you know what I'm under time pressure here so I'm just going to replace this with my trusty demo save if anyone was second guessing if this was live or not you've uh just got your answer all right this is looking good but 2009 I was more worried about getting my driver's license that year uh rather than committing code um but I really don't need it down to the minute so let's go ahead and clean that up and rather than using the side panel like I've been doing I can actually get co-pilot to help me right in the editor right on the line of code that I'm working on by pressing command or control I so for this line let's ask to get rid of the time remove Time and Time Zone we'll give it a second to think and ah you know I really love this new diff view because I can inspect the change before I actually agree to take it and it's in a form that I'm so used to already we'll save head back there it is it's working exactly as we want but that's not all we've got one thing left my favorite part documentation so let's head back we're going to select the function we've been working in and we're going to bring up co-pilot using inline chat one last time and use our doc slash command all right that looks good we're going to accept I got to tell you I'm exhausted I must have pressed tab like 10 times uh and wow I need a break now co-pilot chat is coming to wherever you are whether that's Visual Studio code visual studio and now intellig webstorm pycharm and other jetbrain idees are available in preview today chats in your favorite editors but now it's also in your pocket we're breaking out of the editor and bringing co-pilot chat to your native IOS and Android app it's pretty cool with the power of natural language on your mobile device you can get answers to any programming question about your repositories files or docs that's co-pilot wherever you go whether you're waiting in line at a coffee shop or procrastinating in the morning when you can't quite get out of bed co-pilot chat is now in your IDE it's coming to GitHub mobile and it's getting way more powerful we've upgraded co-pilot chat with the power of GPT 4 and even more context from your editor slash commands and smart actions so I'm only ever a click away from solving my next development task and find finally inline chat to help you iterate on co- on code with co-pilot without ever having to move your mouse everything I just rattled off including the upgrades to co-pilot chat chat coming to mobile jet brains and even co-pilot in the CLI will be in your existing co-pilot subscription yes you definitely heard that right if you've got a co-pilot subscription today all of these features are coming to you but when you might ask next month co-pilot chat will be generally available in just a few short weeks all of this taken together will make natural language a new Universal programming language for every developer on the [Applause] [Music] planet up until now co-pilot was just about co-generation that's changing today GitHub is the AI powered developer platform from pull requests to security to security scanning to your repositories and more co-pilot is now integrated into every step of the developer workflow let me show you what I mean so I've been working on styling the my first commit app that Allison just started it's coming along very nicely take a look but I noticed that Thomas has been busy and he submitted not one but two PRS so let's take a look at the first one okay so it looks like there are a lot of file changes here but I'm not seeing any test Oh Thomas coding 55% fast F doesn't mean you get to write bad code 55% faster so I'm going to open up this in a code space real quick because even though Thomas wants to get this done quickly I don't feel comfortable merging this without at least one unit test and when I open up this in a code space I don't even have to touch my local files I can edit and make changes in an isolated Dev environment in the cloud all right so I have the user card JS component open if I highlight the entire component pop open CoPilot chat and type slash test co-pilot is going to automatically generate an entire test suite for this component here it is telling me exactly what it's going to do then it gives me the test and then it tells me how to run it wow how cool is that let me save this new test in a file I'm going to call it userc card. test.js awesome now let me commit my changes real quick because what I'm about to show you next is a game Cher now what I'm about to show you for the very first time is GitHub copilot chat integrated directly into that's right co-pilot has now expended out of the editor let's take a look so if I go back to the pr and I go to let's say index.js and select lines 25 through 45 click on the co-pilot icon that pops up and type please explain this code I always like to say please to the AI because you just never know but take a look at this co-pilot chat is telling me exactly what this code is doing and it even went as far as breaking down the code into chunks so it's easy for me to read and understand this is the power of copilot chat in now let's go back to the pr because I noticed that the description was a bit lacking by the way did you know that around 40% of pull requests don't have a description yeah let's fix that so we've added a new icon here for co-pilot actions if I click on this summary command that pops up co-pilot is going to help us generate a detailed PR description co-pilot is no longer just in your editor it is now integrated into PRS to help you with the mundane stuff like writing PR descriptions think about how long it takes you to come up with a meaningful summary of all your work let's just given a minute woof would you look at that co-pilot just generated an entire description very detailed of all the changes that we've made so far it even included little clicky links that I never would have bothered to add myself awesome now let's take a look at that second PR okay so it looks like there's a security issue around an unsanitized user input we know that with GI up Advanced security code scanning has always been able to find vulnerabilities in your code but now you don't just get a notification there's a complete fix suggested right here with the power of AI this is called code scanning autofix it suggests the changes you need to make to fix security vulnerabilities if I click here click commit changes and just like that we're secure this this is what we mean when we say that GitHub is the AI powered developer platform now I have some great news for you this AI powered code scanning autofix feature is available in preview today and we're going even further with our security offerings our AI powered security offerings GitHub Advanced security has been able to scan for known secret patterns for a while we have more great news for you we're introducing a new AI powered secret scanning tool available in preview today this will help you find secrets that don't have patterns like password stored and Source control control the cause of some of the most expensive exploits over recent years now as we all know the two hardest problems in computer science are naming things and regular Expressions So today we're making it easier for you to write your own custom patterns with our new AI powered regular expression assistant this will all be included in your company's GitHub Advanced security subscription we are truly bringing AI to every part of the GitHub platform and that means every part is the homepage for software development where every project can begin where developers collaborate and where the open source Community builds and maintains the world's code now we're integrating co-pilot directly into W this means you can dig into code generate pull requests and make the rest of your life so much easier all with [Applause] [Music] co-pilot as we've just seen code generation is an incredible tool but one of the most challenging tasks when building software is understanding the comp complex systems we all work on developers today work on large multi-service multiplatform multi language and often Legacy code bases to succeed we have to build off a complex Foundation understanding all that code that came before us with github's powerful code intelligence co-pilot can help us get the critical information we need so we can build more faster let me show you how it works now hold on I'm logged in here to my personal account let me jump to my work account so I can show you how co-pilot works for me as an employee here at GitHub I'll use this brand new feature on where I can switch users with a single click that's better all right let's ask co-pilot a question about shortening urls how would I create a short link for my first commit large language models like the ones that the power co-pilot have strong generalist knowledge of programming languages open- Source libraries and popular Frameworks you can see here it's suggested we use bitly now we've heard from organizations and developers that you want co-pilot to know more about you your code your document mentation your poll requests and we built just that now co-pilot is an expert on your company's codebase to today what I'm about to show you for the very first time is co-pilot customized to your organization here let's Point co-pilot at our Internal Documentation site at GitHub we call our internal doc site The Hub and we have our own internal URL shortener GH IO I'll ask the same question again how would I create a short link for my first commit and now co-pilot is searching through our Internal Documentation and using it to answer our question so you can see here it not only knows the correct chatops command to be able to create a short link using our internal service it's inferring from my question what data to use in the command and it's even giving me an examp example of how I could use it let me show you another example this time using a project that I work on last year at Universe we announced github's allnew code search engine code named Blackbird and when we built it we invented a new data structure to make search super fast even at github's huge scale we call that data structure the geometric filter our last co-pilot what is the geometric filter now we haven't published any information about it publicly but now because I've given co-pilot access to this repo it can answer my questions about my code take a look at the answer it's giving us co-pilot is referencing specific files and giving us a breakdown of exactly how this data structure works this answer is about as good as you'd get from any member of the Blackbird team team think about what that means with co-pilot you now have an expert available anytime to answer questions about your code base right from your browser or ID and we're not done we're taking the next step we're now trialing fine-tuning the language model itself for several large customers including AMD by taking a model like gp4 and fine-tuning on your company's code base co-pilot quickly learns to adapt to your company's unique coding style and conventions we've seen that fine-tuning the model for customers with unique code bases can bring a massive performance Improvement to their engineering teams when combined with github's powerful code intelligence and advanced fine-tuning co-pilot will feel right at home in your organization and help your company build even better together but what about information that lives outside of GitHub as developers we all have a whole ecosystem of tools like deployment infrastructure monitoring feature flags and more with co-pilot we can now bring information from all of these surfaces together in one place imagine right from or your IDE being able to check the performance of a database query in production by asking data Stacks how it's performing using our new apis for co-pilot developers can extend co-pilot for nearly any use case right within chat you could even check the status of a feature flag using launch Darkly or ask Postman if you're using an API correctly we're kicking off the early phases of this program with our debut Partners as part of our new GitHub co-pilot partner program including Red Hat hashy Corp data dog and more we can't wait to see what you'll build it's been a year since Chad GPD sparked the Gen Revolution and kicked off a new era of innovation in both business and software engineering take one since that moment Accenture and GitHub have been working together to make the promise of AI assisted software development real at Accenture we consider ourselves customer zero for GitHub we experiment scale and share our learnings from our own usage and client engagements to help GitHub innovate faster we were the first global company of our size to Pilot GitHub co-pilot and we quickly learned a few key things first the promise of efficiency gains are real across multiple phases of the software delivery life cycle the real value comes from Speed code quality and security and developer experience and where we see the biggest opportunity is integrating co-pilot into an an organization's end to-end automation framework now Accenture and GitHub are helping clients move Beyond experimentation to make AI assisted technology delivery pervasive we're doing this by one co-developing specific Solutions using co-pilot two integrating co-pilot into accenture's own automation platforms and three by expanding co-pilot to 50,000 Accenture developers Accenture is proud to be at the Forefront of Aid driven Innovation with [Music] GitHub pretty incredible right 50,000 developers at centa will fly at the speed of their own minds with co-pilot the original co-pilot was just code completions running inference on every keystroke with co-pilot ched being generally available in December in visual studio and visual studio code and coming with gp4 inline chat SL commands and Powerful smart actions Copa has expanded from code suggestions to a true pair programmer powered by AI one that answers questions explains code finds bugs and write tests and it's also coming to your mobile devices it's coming to the comment line it's coming to jetbrains idees and I'm happy to announce that all of this every feature I just said is included in your co-pilot subscription and it's the exact same price as before $19 per user per month per organiz for organizations $10 for individuals and of course it's still free for teachers students and maintainers of popular open source projects but on top of all of this we've consistently heard from many of our Enterprise customers that they would love to have the internal knowledge of their organization and co-pilot today we're bringing this customization together with every single co-pilot feature into a new product that we call get up co-pilot Enterprise from co-pilot in your pool requests to co-pilot in your documentation copilot chat integrated all customized to all of you and your organization in one single offering this personalized co-pilot available at every stage of the software development life cycle by placing the collective knowledge of your organization's Cates at your developers fingertips they will not only write code 55% faster they will keep the flow State and serve from idea to code to deployment by maintaining security compliance and quality and they will be happy doing it and I'm thrilled to share that we will start the preview of copil Enterprise today and it will be and it will be generally available in February 2024 for $39 copile Enterprise will give rise to a new wave of digital transformation as we know it and create a competitive Advantage for every organization in our world that is dependent on software but don't just take it for me today we have got a special guest who knows quite a lot about digitally transforming an organization please join me in welcoming for the very first time ever at giup Universe the CEO of Microsoft SAA [Applause] nadela great to see you s thank you so much SAA I introduced you as the CEO of Microsoft but you're really the biggest Super Fan of get co-pilot no I am I mean in fact I was just you know listening to all the announcements and reading up about it and I must say in the last what a year year and a half maybe since I've been using get up co-pilot my weekends have changed you know I I can code again I mean the joy of coding is back I'd say code spaces co-pilot and now I'm really looking forward to co-pilot on GI because man it'll be so fun to just go to repo after repo and keep reading explain this explain this explain this I'll remember to say please yeah and it's it's been 5 years you know then since Microsoft acquired GitHub and our industry has changed so much since then how do you how has our work together you know led us to this moment with K yeah it's it's unbelievable it's five years uh since obviously uh we got to sort of Steward uh GitHub you know when I think about Microsoft Thomas to me I'm always grounding myself right we were a developer company first after all the company got started creating Dev tools I always remind myself of that and that's our core Heritage we're a platform company right so we build uh platforms so the developers can then build great IP on top of it and we are a partner company which is helped those developers be successful in the marketplace and that's at the core who we are and quite frankly GitHub has taken us to another level right our ability to one we did a lot of work before before we even decided to that we had the right to Steward GitHub we made sure that we were great members of the open source Community by really being part of the community contributing to the community and that's what led us to that so it's been a fantastic journey and here we are at this moment with co-pilot and Ai and ready for what is I think the next phase of our developer Journey yeah awesome and I you mentioned a lot of companies you meet with a lot of developers around the world you get to meet with a lot of CEOs that hire developers to drive their transformation what do we hear from them and how can co-pilot help them yeah it's it's fantastic I mean even just listening to the video you just played um and talked about I mean think about this this is an you know an at scale organization like Accenture making the decision to go deploy uh something like get up co-pilot uh Enterprise wide uh that's a big thing usually if you sort of look at the dev tools business and Dev stool diffusion it takes decades before those enterprise-wide things happen and this is just happening you know in you know in less than a year perhaps couple of things one at the end of the day to me I think all of us uh we want to make sure that the people we work with have the best tools to so that they feel empowered they feel that they can stay in flow they can do their very best work and then of course the organization benefits from that in terms of productivity gains so the unquestionable stuff uh is some of the productivity stats and the productivity stats by the way is not just stats it's about ultimately removing some of the drudgery bringing the joy back helping you stay in flow who doesn't appreciate that right every developer appreciates that and every de Dev manager appreciates that and so to me uh that's what we hear uh and really the other thing that I would say is I've always felt like when you introduce GitHub into an organization workflow changes right we' always said like when the salesperson is you know doing a pull request it's it's a different or it's moving at the speed of code so now think about it right with co-pilot and that speed of code fundamentally changing what it means to what is a digital economy right there's if you're in the Auto industry you're in the financial industry you're in the farma industry every pretty much everybody is a digital company and a software company and so I I'm very excited culturally how do the organizations change how does work and workflow change uh across all functions it's just not the professional software developer but everyone around them is collaborating and really making it a much more realtime digital organization so that's the most exciting thing that I think everyone in this room gets to participate in which is change their organization help their organization achieve next level of transformation and productivity yeah incredibly exciting and I I saw you I think it was a post on social media saying that natural language is becoming the new Universal programming language how do you think natural language will democratize access to software development yeah I mean look I think you know you look at all the demos um this morning and you feel like wow I can do that I mean all I need is co-pilot chat and here it is I just sort of click click click and I'm real tab tab tab and I'm done I mean this is like uh it is in some sense the most empowering thing is to be able to give right I mean we have what 100 plus million people already don't get up but my dream is like how do we Empower a billion people and then the other billions around these billion people who are all collaborating with the power of natural language because if I look at the Arc of computing our history of the last 70 years has been can humans in computers interact in the most natural way what's more powerful uh than natural language uh which by the way starts with language goes multimodal and so there's a lot uh to be said about sort of that thing that you just mentioned which is natural language as the program language um to me also the other comment that one of the people in the morning sort of said which is I thought struck the court with me which is to say wow co-pilot is the new IDE I mean think about the approachability right you know you you have a middle school girl first learning coding just the approachability uh to be able to say wow you can express some complex thought and start seeing code and you're going to get into coding that is gamechanging to me right because natural language is about accessibility it's about making the barrier to entry lower and it's going to be stunning to me the other thing that i' would also say um is what you're doing like some of the stuff that you're going to show and demonstrate around how about applying it at the repo scale right I think you call it workspace I think uh I am so excited about it right which is hey it's not just about like I go from an issue to code to task to deploy if we can really make that entire flow really magical with natural language and the product managers the marketing folks sales folks and developers are all communicating in this multi-agent framework that I think is going to be really Next Level maybe next year when we are back here we can start talking about some of that stuff incredible thank you so much for joining us than thank you so much thank you so much wow what incredible insights and what an incredible keynote it's been today we have shown you how developers can go above and beyond with the power of natural language and co-pilot and we truly think this AI power developer platform will change the world thank you for being part of all of this and thank you to everybody at GitHub that worked so hard in the last few weeks to get us to this moment and please give it up for our presenters Allison kadesha and Colin but wait wait wait don't don't switch off if you're online I I think I forgot something and if if you know me you know that even in my teenage days you know coding back in the 1990s I've always admired Steve Jobs and 13 years ago on the stage here in yba buana Steve launched the iPad and so I'm so excited to say this there is one more thing Steve talked a lot about the concept of machines accelerating human progress he described the home computer as the bicycle of the Mind a new partnership between human and machine that could take us far beyond our own inherit abilities and today I can't help but think that we have arrived at the next face of this partnership software developers Embrace of get up co-pilot has shown the world how humans can symbiotically partner with intelligent machines to make Big Ideas even easier to deliver today we are thrilled to announce an early glimpse of a revolutionary new future and we're calling it co-pilot workspace every day millions of developers start from a very familiar Place GitHub issues so we created an AI native workflow that dramatically simplifies the way you use natural language to turn these great ideas into code we call it the co-pilot workspace starting with any GitHub issue co-pilot workspace automatically proposes a solution based on its deep understanding of the code base issue replies link tasks everything co-pilot workspace then builds a step-by-step plan to implement the changes so that you know exactly what needs to be done and if isn't quite right the spec and plan are fully editable so you can easily steer co-pilot in the right direction once you're happy with the plan simply click Implement and let co-pilot chase down the necessary changes across your entire repository and Beyond simply synthesizing code co-pilot workspace builds and tests the changes and validates that they're successful it will even run your code so you can verify the fix visually this looks great since a workspace is designed for collaboration you can edit any of the suggested changes and if you accidentally introduce an error along the way co-pilot will automatically catch it repair it and rerun the code once the issue is fixed it's easy to create a pull request with a generated summary of your work this lets your team review merge and deploy faster than ever we're building co-pilot workspace so you can turn your creativity into reality every single day co-pirate workpace is just one of the Horizon Visions our team at get up next is developing when workspace is released in 2024 we will be consequential leap closer to an age where developers can use AI as a second brain to stream creativity into creation and minutes all with natural language and I think it's just the beginning this intersection of human artificial intelligence will continue to define the future generations of GitHub the AI power developer platform thank you so much for joining us today and have a great getup [Applause] [Music] universe
Channel: GitHub
Views: 291,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: github, git, git and github, github tutorial, how to use github, github for beginners, code, coding, programming, developer, software, software development, ai, artificial intelligence, ai tools, github copilot, app development, web developer, Developer Productivity, Code Generation, Automation in Coding, Code Testing and Security, Multi-Platform Integration, Software Industry Innovation, programming language
Id: NrQkdDVupQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 25sec (2785 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 08 2023
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