Microsoft 365 Copilot Explained: How Microsoft Just Changed the Future of Work

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I've got to say there's so much going on right now in announcements about Ai and how all of these things are going to affect the way we work I'm feeling the overwhelm I don't know about you Microsoft made another announcement about Microsoft 365 co-pilot I've actually taken longer than I usually do to digest this the announcement video that came out was incredible but it was just like one a bunch after another one brand new feature after another bang bang in this space of about 20 minutes I found I had to kind of pause and come back and watch it again so I've got my head around all that I'm going to help you get your head around it in the video essentially we are bringing all of these tools that allow you to generate content with AI into the productivity tools that you use word excel PowerPoint teams Outlook and some absolutely mind-blowing stuff about how you can keep on top of everything especially things around how to keep on top of your emails how to keep on top of chats and meetings and everything that's going on let me take you through it I normally do a top 10 rapid fire I'm just going to talk through all this and what I think it means and hopefully this will help you to understand what it might mean for you as well let's start by talking about copilot and the concept of what co-pilot is because it's not another product what it is is the terminology of The Branding if you like that Microsoft is using to refer to all of the tools that you can use to generate content with AI across the Microsoft product set so this is bringing AI into those tools that you're already using like word teams PowerPoint Excel Outlook and we're going to go through and have a look at each one of those in turn here and what that means conceptually it's more than that though it's not just bringing it into those things which it absolutely is but it's bringing it to the context of what you're working with so the Microsoft graph is where you're storing all of your context and information and everything you're doing all of the other documents and interactions and chats and all of those things you're having in the Microsoft graph and then applying this large language model to it so chat GPT and these three things together essentially mean now that with Microsoft copilot you work where you're already working in those applications in the context of the work you're doing and everything you've done before and replying this AI technology in that context so for business users when you have to sit down and write a proposal or create a slide deck in relation to something or reply to a business email or collaborate in teams about what's going on all of that information you've done everything you've done in the past is stored on the Microsoft graph and now all of these things are coming together I'm going to take you through and show you how all of this works one by one in each of these applications but if you're in that business context now of needing to write proposals or create documents of any kind whether you see what's possible here so we start in Microsoft Word if you've played around with something like chat GPT the idea idea of putting in a prompt and saying draft a proposal for this or write me an essay for that is probably familiar to you the difference now here is that we can go in side word and say refer to another file so you'll see here that I've got meeting notes already inside OneNote I know I do this if I'm talking to someone I'm making notes in OneNote and then the work after the meeting to come back and say draft me a proposal based on what happened there I can actually now select that and also pick out some other documents so let's also include product offers from this product roadmap so the examples here are showing you other word documents in OneNote but you can draw on you can see there's a PowerPoint there there's a loop component there if you're not familiar with that purple icon we are going to come to that one a little bit later Excel spreadsheets all sorts of different things in here and then we get this so this is creating that content but drawing on all of those other documents and notes that you already have doesn't end there though because now you've got your content but when you're doing a proposal document or a document of some kind in a business context chances are you want to bring in your own branding you want to bring in something um in terms of the images and so on you're using I've seen a lot of people like in theory it's easy to start with a template but the amount of work that people put into formatting that and getting it right and not messing up the template is very real now one of the core principles around these tools around copilot coming into all of these tools we use is that most people only use like 10 or 20 of the capabilities of things like word and PowerPoint so bringing copilot in here to assist it knows how to use all this stuff so now what we're going to do is say make it look like this other proposal that we've got in there and pull images from this PowerPoint document and boom it's done that I a lot of people couldn't do this amount of formatting with columns and the nice things this is just you know happens within a couple of Clicks in there from there here you can ask it to do more of the work for you so so far we've drafted the proposal drawing on documents and notes that we've already made we've formatted it based on other things we've already done in the past and bringing in images so now what we can do is to say I would like you to write a summary or how else can I improve this document and add frequently asked questions and it will write it for you so then in the context of everything else that's going on here it's writing all of those things now obviously you're going to need to check all of this first and this is the other key principle here in addition to using more of the features of these tools is that you're in charge so none of this AI is automatically saving and forcing you to do anything very very clear in the way that Microsoft presents all of this stuff is that you remain in control this is your first draft this is getting you somewhere without having to start with that blank piece of paper so you've got all of this here obviously it needs a thorough review but you can use the tools as well to refine it but compared with spending hours mucking around with a template and opening multiple documents and finding all of these things and copying and pasting them in bringing it all in in a nicely formatted document based on the stuff you've already done in the matter of a few clicks is just absolutely an amazing starting point and you'll see along the bottom there we've got these buttons to say keep it adjust it regenerate it's all those tools that keep you in control of what you want to do now that's creating a Word document what about now I've done this proposal but I need to present it to my customer and I want to use PowerPoint again this is a tool that most people don't know how to use most of and imagine if I could come in and create you can see where I'm going here a PowerPoint deck based on that proposal how often does that happen it incidentally it goes the other way around you can create the word document from PowerPoint as well but you've submitted a proposal to a customer you've written something up and now I want to create a PowerPoint from that there it is so we're actually taking that word document and all of those images that are in there and now we've got again first draft of a PowerPoint deck so maybe we want to add some more content we go through here and this all looks good but I can go in here and say add a slide about the cost benefits of sustainable materials and it's created this frankly quite beautifully designed slide I need to go through here and check some of the other content that's a bit wordy make this slide more Visual and move the text into the speaker notes this is something I've done quite a lot manually is grab that and you know you want less is more on your PowerPoint slides but I want to keep all those things as Speaker notes and put it in there there's the result of that what about animations how how long do you spend I know I do fiddling around with animations I want the images to come on the screen in different ways I think there are a lot of people who just don't know how to use animations at all or don't have time for it so now we can just say add animations to this slide and it will actually go through and put all of those in there and you can get it to generate your speaker notes for you so now again in a matter of a few clicks whichever one you've done first Your Word document or your PowerPoint document you can use that to create the other one so my end to end proposal situation here is to start with I've taken heaps of notes in a OneNote I've got past templates I've used that to create my word document and then I've used that word document to create my PowerPoint deck the productivity savings here are amazing I do start to wonder about what's going to happen as we go forward where organizations who do rfps and things like that is everyone now going to be asking for an RFP with an AI generated uh request is everyone going to be sending back their responses using AI there's a lot of work that goes into making proposals and making responses especially around those tender type processes this is going to be really interesting to see if or how that changes that it certainly takes a lot of the work out of it this should make that whole process a whole lot more efficient but at what point do we just get AI requests and AI submissions going back and forth it'll be um this is going to be a really interesting space to watch Excel now we've got within uh Power Platform the power bi which allows you to do a whole lot of analytics and so on but watch what you can do in Excel now because obviously this is still the most used reporting tool in the world so typically we might start something like this here's my data right in all of those columns that's great but I need to understand it and I think what a lot of people do is slice and dice and filter maybe if you're a bit more advanced you've got a pivot table and you can do that I know people who are good with pivot tables and adding charts and things but again I think most people probably don't even get that far or can't get much further than that so this is again an instance of copilot really lifting the ability of everyone to use more of the capabilities of the product and to help you step through a problem here Analyze This quarter's business results and summarize three key trends boom there they are now everywhere again it's transparent you can click explain and it will tell you how it's come up with those things so you want to do that Common Sense check always do a common sense check on any AI tool I've done some things already where you just go so you know use these things as first drafts don't just kind of take them blindly so then we can go through and say add some more analysis let's see what's going on so it can actually show me a break breakdown of what's going on and now what it's done is created another sheet in my spreadsheet and given me a chart and a breakdown by product now I could manually do all of these things of pivot tables they wouldn't look as nice as that certainly wouldn't get the chart and two tables like that in a matter of two clicks so now I still want to know more about what's going on so I can ask another question let's get it first to apply some color coding to the table so there's conditional formatting done for you and what else is going on I need to understand more about what's happening here to create a model for growth what would happen if this hadn't been the case or that hadn't been the case it goes through a couple of seconds creates the model produces a model for you to say this is what would have happened if this growth rate had been equal to that growth rate and this is how I made that model so now instead of just you know I want to filter and sort my sales figures and view them in a pivot table and create a chart all of that has become a whole lot easier but this what if scenario what if that product line had sold at the same rate as this other one what would that look like and it's created that for us given us the explanation of how it's created it oh by the way would you like a chat with that thanks very much and so then we end up with this incredible kind of screen of all of these different bits and pieces that have been created now what about email because honestly email is one of those things that you know we've got our proposals done we've analyzed the sales figures and so on but hands up if you really like waiting through email if you've got you know hundreds or thousands of things in your inbox and you just can't keep on top of it which is a really common thing so this is a new feature a way of using copilot in Outlook which is this catch up with copilot and you'll see what it's done here is given you a summary of what's going on now I've already seen a few things starting to come through when I look at Outlook it'll say you know I can give you a diva is in there giving me a summary and reading my emails and so on but this is a whole other level now of here's the catch up here's what I've missed and we're going to see this keep watching I've got some stuff around how this is working in teams which brings together even more than just your email so here's what you can need to catch up on and I can go all right let's start the catch up here's the first email Shea is asking if you can present at the supply chain All Hands tomorrow so that's cutting straight to the chase of what the ask is and then I can go through and click next next next and have a look at those you can also do this in the mobile application here's the conversation summary so if you've got a long thread and I find this if you've been away if you've been kind of at a you know meeting all day or away for a bit or just haven't kept up with your emails what's going on with the conversation thread and there it all is there is a summary of what's happening and now we start to bring in this concept again of generating a response but not just please write me a response to this person please write something in and include the projected sales from this Excel document or include this other thing so that same concept we saw in word of being able to refer back to those other documents you've got and bring them in to help you generate that email content all of these things we do all of these things we spend our time on every day of having to find information this is this is what changes right now because if I'm writing this email back to someone oh yeah I've got that thing in that Excel spreadsheet and I need to refer back to my notes there and I can't remember where I put this other thing all of these things are just available to you and to pull that data in there this is just going to be incredibly efficient in terms of reusing the work that you've already done and this is this important part of the Microsoft graph being part of all of this it's not operating just as generating content on its own this is generating content based on the things that you've already got going on in your business and there you go look at that like now we've got the information in there the chart in there good to go and then the other features you might have seen before similar to what we do in chat GPT make it shorter make it longer make it more professional make it a poem a very interesting one now if you think all that's good let's have a look at the really mind-blowing part that's like level one when you come to collaboration right and you've got all of these tools available to you for collaboration with teams you know your chats and your meetings as soon as you're having Meetings online and recording them and you've got the transcription and so on you think about how much data is there the amount of interaction and content that's going on and how hard it can be to keep up with all of that and to find things in all of that and to use it effectively so watch this first of all we're starting out looking there's a new Option here if you can't attend a meeting yes no or follow inform the organizer that you cannot attend the meeting and get the recap now this is again if you think this through this is great if one person can't join a meeting and 10 other people are there but if everyone starts going oh you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna follow the video and get the recap it might not be a recap to have so these these tools is going to be really interesting to see how people start behaving with them we apply that human behavior over the top of of it and watch what happens but anyway going with what the technology is going to be able to do I'm going to follow this meeting so this is what I get afterwards now this is all dependent on it obviously being a teams meeting where everyone's participating and you are you know getting that recording and transcript and so on but what you'll be able to get there we go it's a 48 minute meeting the content was The prosware Proposal so that's a slide deck There's a summary of what was said in the meeting here are the notes and here are the tasks now if you miss a meeting and presuming that everyone is still attending meetings and you just miss one occasionally at the moment I everyone asks for meetings to be recorded at the moment you know this is something two or three years ago no one ever recorded meetings we'd just sit and talk to each other now everyone says can you record the meeting because somebody couldn't make it that happens daily in in the work that I do so now I I wonder how many people ever go back and actually watch the recording I know that I come back I miss a meeting it's nice to know the recordings there but in reality I've got all of the other meetings and other things I've got if I've missed it chances are I was double booked or I have to catch up on some other things this instead of sitting down and watching like finding another 48 minutes in my day and many meetings might not be you know critical to me to see what's going on this is this is incredibly useful but wait there's more so now let's say I care a lot about proswear maybe this is my customer and I want to see what's going on if I'm Samantha I've been at mentioned in this scenario so um follow up with this so okay there's an action point for me out of this meeting and I've been tagged in it so now I can bring co-pilot in to the context of what's going on there and say tell me more about what was discussed what any other customers discussed what other Solutions were discussed in the meeting and here is the list of what happens importantly with a reference to the transcript I've played around with the chat GPT capability in Bing search and it does this as well this is very different from just taking chatgpt out of context is that it's giving you the answers with these citations these little references and you can click on them and see what's going on so this is actually saying here are the other Solutions discussed but again applying your common sense and your good sense to anything that AI generates here's the reference of where it came from you want to read the original transcript here just in case it's misinterpreted and or there's some other subtlety in what's going on so you've got all of that sitting in there so I've missed out on that meeting now I'm caught up now I'm able to interrogate anything else that went on that's a much better way to catch up than sitting and watching a recording after the fact level up again now live meetings so all of this can be done in real time we can bring co-pilot into a teams meeting so now I joined the meeting late this image is actually blurred out that's not you I've taken all of these screenshots out of the Microsoft launch announcement and they've done this to focus on the co-pilot part on the side so I've joined the meeting and I'm 10 minutes late and so I can just ask it to recap the meeting so far here's what's happened in real time now what are the details what else is going on it can actually start to do more with this so if you're late you can catch up all good but let's say you're there throughout the meeting you can start to ask it other questions what is the group feeling about this how's this going I'm I'm really interested to play around with this so this is picking up some sentiment analysis presumably it's picking up on you know what's going on between the between the the conversation again you'll notice it says one reference there so it's picking up where it's finding that information this is a really interesting one though so so far we've gone recap what's happened great summarize how things are going in the conversation okay what questions are unresolved so here are some other things that's picked up to make sure you've covered everything and suggestions based on what's going on it's like having another it's almost like having an assistant in the meeting with you I'm fascinated to see how how real this will be and and what that will mean for meetings and again hopefully it's not every meeting with everyone turning up 10 minutes late saying what was the recap of the recap as everyone was asking where everybody else is so then this is where I this is the most exciting part for me staying on top of it all right so you've got all these emails coming in you've been in all these meetings you've got all these teams chats I know I the job that I do is working across a lot of different things I'm in and out of this document or that project or this proposal or whatever I'm working across a really big breadth of things and that very real challenge of oh hey Lisa can you help us out with this and I need to get across what's going on quickly or things have progressed and I've been on some other kind of Workshop or whatever for a day and I need to catch up that's a scenario that you know many of us would face so first of all inside a chat so now there's a chat that's gone on let's say I've been out doing something else for the day and there's you know dozens and dozens of messages in this chat thread summarize what I've missed thank you very much co-pilot because I don't necessarily if you're in a conversation thread and participating in it awesome if you come back after the fact that's really tedious and kind of hard to track back through so there we go there's the summary awesome thank you very much next up in the bottom of my chat I can bring in copilot and ask it to do something else for me so create a status update of this from email conversations this week just not not from the teams chat from the from email right this is this is the stuff with the graphics all one platform so I'm in teams here's a chat about something but what's going on in email and it can actually go through and find the relevant email conversations give me the status update with the references and links to where it's got all of that information from I'm a little bit speechless to be honest as I said at the start this is this is I've taken a while to digest this so it's actually gone and found all of that all of these scenarios here of just you don't have to go back and find all that information manually and miss something it's bringing it in again you're in control I'm going to click insert and choose to use that or edit it or change it I can view those references and make sure that it's all okay as well now still not done there's still more Microsoft Loop if you're not uh familiar with Microsoft Loop this is something that's in teams that you can use it's actually also its own Standalone app that allows you to do real-time collaboration on a list or or a table of some kind so here's an example here let's say that we are working on a customer deal together and we've got different product pricing and things so if this is a table sitting inside teams and you can see SP and CS the initials there there are two people live editing that at the same time so these Loop components in teams allow you to create these kinds of lists or tasks or to do or whatever and people can come in and collaborate them in real time we actually use it for something uh where I work for a frivolous thing like let's create a shopping list for things we need to buy for like office supplies or kitchen supplies or whatever who wants to order what while I'm putting in an order and everyone in real time can just go in and add it to the list just in teams in a chat it's incredibly useful so let's bring copilot into this scenario so we've always got these Loop components that are allowing us to collaborate in real time we bring co-pilot in here and again co-pilot is talking to all of the other documents that we've got so let's add to this series of Microsoft Loop components the top selling products and categories from prozware quarter one sales and point it to that spreadsheet that we were looking at earlier and boom there we go now we've got a loop component so it's put it's created the product and the category and pulled that from the spreadsheet in a matter of seconds and then because this is a collaborative thing someone could come along and add a column but you can just tell copilot so this other person has come along and a discount offer use 20 recycled materials and 10 for other and it knows it can figure that out and do it for you so everyone can go in here and then you've got that thread of who's asked for what and what's been done to all of those things so all of this stuff in teams and honestly I'm still not done there's more because we're about to bring the CRM into it as well so now I've generated my documents from all of my other content and then keeping on top of things I've been able to go in here and catch up on a meeting that I missed with all of those things in there ask copilot questions about it I've been able to summarize all of the emails from the previous week to tell me what's going on with something and I've been able to collaborate by bringing this in here and have it draw something from Excel to Creator a real-time collaboration list inside the teams chat now if you're in a sales environment a lot of these tools are useful for creating proposals and documents and things for selling with Viva sales connects a lot of this stuff to your CRM your customer relationship management system and this works with Dynamics 365 which is the Microsoft CRM as well as Salesforce and a lot of organizations are using that so step one here now I'm in my teams meeting and if I've got Viva sales connected to my CRM the first thing I'm getting inside the teams meeting so I joined the meeting let's say here I could be the seller or I could be a manager or a colleague who's been asked to support this meeting and I might not have all the context or I've jumped from one meeting to another and I haven't had a chance to prepare you know half an hour beforehand how many times do we do that like that context switching is very real so I've jumped on this call here's my summary right it's showing it here from Salesforce same thing if you're using Dynamics 365 so here is it's connected to particular opportunity so that's what we're talking about here are the related contacts here are the other open opportunities and here's the account so all of that is available to me now what I can do very similar to what we saw earlier with catching up on the teams meeting and so on let me catch up on this so you know the the person has started the call and I'm going to catch up on what's going on here it's giving me the summary again with the references to where that's come from and that's pulling that directly from my customer relationship management system data there we go now what if I want to know about the competitor someone mentions a competitor on the call get competitor information because you don't necessarily have all this stuff in your head and this is pulling that from your sales materials so the more you're populating your organization's data and the more you've got all of that saved in your CRM in your documents and in your collaboration and your chats and your emails you think of how much information is there and now it's drawing on all of that and here is the summary of what we know that's going on there this is particularly useful if you've got a piece in your CRM on competitors and multiple people are adding information in there you might know what's in your head but in terms of being able to collaborate and bring that in in real time in the meeting by the way this is happening and then at the end of the meeting please summarize the meeting for me action points open items questions detected safe to Salesforce or safe two Dynamics and there's your summary of the meaning so all of that work around finding the information preparing for the meeting being able to be the most up to date with what your organized station knows about the competitors summarizing their meeting afterwards and putting it back in your CRM who likes doing that no one likes to No One people don't do it it's an immense frustration of every sales manager ever that that information isn't in there copilot Now can do it for you and single click just save it back because it's already connected up to that account and opportunity information in there and then you want to send it to the customer let's follow up with a proposal we're getting right back to where we started from now follow up with a proposal draft this it's going to bring out the information that we got from that teams meeting insert and of course if you prefer right back to where we started with word and so on you can come in and bring in other documents to help you with that one more thing look at this once the customer replies to you and says okay yes thank you we'd like to go ahead it detects that and gives you remember the conversation summary in Outlook of what's going on and suggests that you close as one in your CRM system and there's your Viva sales panel on the side of Outlook with all of the information and you can click close this one you do not even have to go into Salesforce to do any of this or into Dynamics to do any of this what we're seeing here is bringing all of these tools or the underlying data around what's going on with your customer relationships and opportunities into Outlook and into teams so as a seller here I've done all of these things and have access to all of that information I haven't even opened did you even see Salesforce on the screen I haven't even opened my CRM it's all just it's all just there now what if I want to automate something now this is getting into pal platform if you're not familiar with power automate this is a tool that allows you to do a trigger an action style of workflow making it easier again making those tools more accessible to everyone so this is a drag and drop interface where if you know what you're doing you can go in and say you know if this thing happens here's a trigger and I choose my options and then here's my flow of the actions now natural language create a private teams Channel and customer service when an urgent support issue from proseware is received so now we're Next Level we've won the deal I want to make sure that if any urgent issues come in this is getting flagged in teams and marking it for the right people so there's my natural language query I don't even know anything about how to use this and I can do that and it will generate a suggestion so you'll see what it's doing here is saying when a support issue comes through this is coming through say from your customer service system then get the account contact so this is working across different systems the new support issue is coming in from a Microsoft Dynamics customer service system the action is getting the contacts from the Salesforce system then it's getting my profile from the Microsoft Office area finding a teams Channel creating it and so on like it's connecting to about five different things in here and working across both Microsoft and non-microsoft systems if that's what you want to do and then it creates this but we've brought co-pilot in here so normally with your flow you'd be able to say yep when this happens do those things create the Channel all of those things add the message but with copilot now how about we summarize and find things so these are actions that we've got in here and I didn't even need to create them after the channel is created post a summary of the support issue that requests help tag the contacts for departments most likely to be relevant so now we are automating the collaboration of the support but as somebody I don't need to be technical to be doing this I've asked it a natural language question it's created that for me I've asked it to enhance it and copilot has thankfully helpfully added summarize the issue with GPT determine the relevant contacts and post the message to the channel thanks very much this is what happens so now an issue has been raised and in teams it's created a private Channel underneath that customer and there is all of the details summarized by chatgpt and it's found the people and tagged them and then someone's jumped in there to see what's going on so there's a lot as I said at the start there's a there's a lot here but essentially now the work we all do of having to find information re-key re-summarize information pull pieces together should just become so much more productive the ability to keep up with what's going on when you've got so much going on should be so much more productive as well I am absolutely you know fascinated to see how this works in reality when and how much watch this space I'll tell you when I know what tends to happen is we get these announcements and then the details of those things come through but this is moving at an absolutely rapid rate and make no mistake this is one of the biggest things that that you'll see all of these things that we do in the shape of our everyday work just suddenly got completely changed we've all got a virtual assistant inside all of these tools all of the time and let's see how we go with that so stay tuned stay subscribed I am doing content on this to analyze it and keep it up to date and to test it out and play with it if you've got any thoughts ideas about where you think this might head your favorite things here let me know in the chat below and let's all watch this space and watch our worlds change together thank you so much for watching
Channel: Lisa Crosbie
Views: 10,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft 365, copilot, chatgpt, generative ai, microsoft teams, microsoft word, outlook email, viva sales salesforce, viva sales gpt, summarise meeting notes ai, summarise meeting, open ai, microsoft
Id: VlM9a469LE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 27sec (1947 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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