Harness the power of Copilot even if you don't have a Copilot for Microsoft 365 licence

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do you want to be able to harness the power of co-pilot even if you don't have a co-pilot for Microsoft 365 license I'm the productivity coach and today I show you how hi I'm Stuart R out the productivity coach and I work at Microsoft as part of our modern work Ai and ecosystem team and today I want to talk to you about how you can use co-pilot and harness the power of co-pilot even if you don't have a co-pilot for Microsoft 365 license now I'm going to hold my hands up here on a previous video I wasn't really clear about the licensing that was required um so I released a video which was around how you could use co-pilot in Microsoft Word um and there's a couple of other ones there's ones about PowerPoint and ones about how you can use co-pilot in Microsoft teams um but in those videos I didn't say that it was an additional license and currently at time I'm recording this video um that license really is targeted our Enterprise customers and there's a minimum threshold uh for purchase so for some customer customers they might not even be able to get a hold of it just yet uh because it might not be available to them but don't worry because you can actually harness the power of co-pilot right now um for free if you are a consum u if you're a consumer user and you don't have like a a big Office 365 account like an Enterprise account you can use co-pilot there that's part of uh that's part of your just your your will as being a consumer customer or if you're an Enterprise customer and you've got a Microsoft 365 license then you can use a different version um which is kind of co-pilot but it's got some commercial data protection in it as well now this is great for you because you can harness all that power of co-pilot of the gp4 engine um you can use uh Del that's within it to be able to generate images you can summarize content you can question content all of that um and there are multiple places that you can get access to that on the web and within Windows itself so let's have a look at this so here I am uh in window windows so as I say there's a couple of different versions so there's the personal version so here you can see that I'm logged into my personal account and I'm going to go to co- pilot. microsoft.com on the web and you can see that you come here to this uh co-pilot AI companion you can see I've got my account up here and what's most telling is here it's showing my um query history so things that I've done previously then in the middle here we've got some examples of things that you can do some cool things that you can do there um and then co-pilot it's quite a unique thing there's a couple of different writing styles or three ones so there's creative balanced and precise and as you click it you can see that the colors change on it so you know which mode you're in now if we contrast that with copilot the Enterprises get access to um so it's the same co-pilot engine behind it but it's treated in a slightly different way so you can tell this is an Enterprise one because it's got protected up here and it says your company data um is protected in this chat um so that means that you can ask questions um and and put sensitive information in there subject obviously to your your company um policies and by clicking on that protected icon you can come here to this page and there's all stuff about artificial intelligence um and and our commitments to that but crucially it doesn't use that to train the model and you can tell here that even though I've used it previously I've got no search history or no query history um and all the time as long as it says your personal and Company data are protecting this chat you you know that we don't have eyes on the data and we don't use it to train now it's still got these great prompts here in the middle to help you uh try that and you can see that they might be a little bit more business focused than than the other one but again you've still got these different modes more creative more balanced and more precise and again as we click on those you can see that the colors change on the fonts and things like this so you know which mode you're in now there's a couple of switches up here uh on this version here now um if you do have co-pilot for m 365 then you'll have this switcher here that switches between work and web so this is um the same as the the chat interface that you get in teams whereas if you're on the web switch this is the uh the co-pilot that goes out onto the web and pulls information in from the internet and things like this with all of these different styles now if we wanted to know what the difference was between these the easiest way is actually just to ask co-pilot itself so I'm going to say here what's the difference between more creative more balanced and more precise mode and it will come back and it will tell us so you can see here Bing chat so this used to be called Bing chat or Bing chat for Enterprise it's now going to be rebranded as co-pilot um so we've got creative mode for longer and more imaginative answers balance mode and precise mode and you can see there that it's this is one of 30 responses so this is a conversation so if I asked a follow-up question say for instance which mode would be best for creating um a story then it should hopefully come back and tell me that it recommends creative mode which it has but you can see now down the bottom there it says two of 30 responses so you can have 30 of these back and forth um if you want to reset any time you click new topic um and it resets back there and uh and it's forgotten everything that you've spoken about previously and again you can change those modes um it's the best way to do that so what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to use a prompt just to demonstrate this that I used on the Microsoft Word video that I mentioned earlier so I'm going to go to youtube.com/ productivity coach and let's just find that word video okay and just pause this oh it's not a good picture there we go so you can see here um this was a prompt that I used it was about being an HR specialist and creating um a guidance document for managers about how to create um annual reviews with employees so what I'm just going to wait for me to finish typing in this prompt on this video cuz that's quite a long prompt and um it's a and I can't be bothered to type it in but one of the great things about co-pilots um is that what I can do if I take a screenshot here and if you're on Windows that's uh shift windows in s um and then I can save that that's been saved to my desktop if I now go to co-pilot um and I'm going to add an image and upload it from this device I'm going to go back to desktop and you can see there is my screenshot okay and in fact I'm going to change it to more precise because I want it to do exactly what I'm going to tell it to do um so I'm going to uh type in here what is the text in this image okay and what it's going to do is it's going to analyze this image um and we should hopefully come back with the text now this is one application for that um for being able to upload an image you could upload images and ask it questions about it extract data from that um I've seen all sorts of applications somebody was I saw one online the other day where somebody had um shared a quiz you know where you go and you have to guess how many Suites are in the jar and they took a photo of it and used uh and used co-pilot to guess how many Suites were in the jar um which I think is cheating but we'll let it go so here we can see that the text in the image has been corrected uh has been correctly identified so I'm going to copy that and what I'm going to do is I'm going to do a new topic again um and I'm going to go for more balanced this time and I'm going to post paste that in there so as an HR specialist create a guidance document for managers about how to run an effective annual review with employees focus on historic Pro performance but also development of future goals um it's gone too quickly down there but you can see here that it is starting to generate my content there and okay I did ask for a checklist as well and here it is there and you can see youve got those references to the different sources where it's taken information from so that's really useful there but you can also ask follow-up questions like how do I handle difficult conversations during that review and again it knows the context we're talking about an annual review here so it can it can uh give you the right answers without you having to restate the problem so it knows that we're talking about annual reviews here so it's talking about being prepared being honest communicating effectively Etc and then you can just click that copy icon there um or you can even export it so if I click uh edit in word um oh export oh so it's download the file for me there you go um and then I can just click on that document there that I've answered or that I've downloaded apologies uh I can click on the document that I've downloaded there and then I'd be able to edit it straight away in Microsoft Word so just give it a moment just to open a word so we don't even have to so if I already had an existing document I could copy and paste in um but otherwise I can just download that straight into word um and then I would be able to start editing that there we go it told me it's come from Bing it's got this powered by AI thing there so you can remove all of that but it's just making sure that you're clear and then the content has been downloaded to word so it's really easy to create a document download it and get started there now um I did take a little heat on this video actually about the choice of that scenario because somewhere here let me just have a look uh and somebody put a post saying can copilot do anything other than generate bile Minal management bath content on the go can it help me assemble and create technical documents where a deep knowledge of the subject matter is essential not impressed by this particular stunt so I had a look on his channel and you can go and have a look at it yourself um and he talks about soil IR ation and things like this so um I made a pro a prompt from the content that I saw on his YouTube channel um so I'm going to go um start a new topic and uh I'm going to paste in here we're going to go more creative just see what the difference is there cuz that generally will generate longer content here so I've got writer paper discussing the best methods for subsurface drip irrigation SDI beneath corn and soybean highlight various methods to be able to monitor soil matric potential calculate volumetric water content and schedule irrigation remotely via smartphone now just to be clear I've got absolutely no idea about this this is not content that I know anything about um but here we can see that copilot is starting to give me the outline for the paper now I'm going to stop that because um because it's going to generate a very long paper and uh I don't want you to have to sit and watch this but um so I use copal for that now when I did it I did it in word um for him but you can also do it in copal here now you can access copal in different places as well so if you're on Windows we've got this co-pilot icon down the bottom and that opens up this side thing it's exactly the same so your personal company data are protected and if you have co-pilot for M365 chat you can switch between these two modes here as well um but because we're talking about what you can get um that's included today then we're going to stick on that Bing chat mode so you can use that icon there the other way you can do it if you use the edge browser which I recommend because it's awesome um is that you can use it within the browser itself so if I go to aka.ms WTI which is our work Trend index report about um the productivity savings that people have found from using copilot if I click the co-pilot icon here up in the top right it will open a little side car here and the great thing here is this can see the content of the web page so it says Bing CH Enterprise right now because we're going through this and it will also says preview so um it's looking to hopefully go ga in December and that will be rebranded as well as part of that into co-pilot um and you can see here that what it's done is it's actually already summarized the page for me I haven't even had to ask it's summarized that page for me straight away um but I could continue to query this because this is quite a long web page there's quite a lot of content here so uh what were the main areas of time saving using co-pilots okay and it's going to search the page for information there and hopefully in just a moment it will start to kind of look there so so we can see here one of the key phrases here that it says according to the web page the main areas of time saving using copilot are processing email catch couple Miss meetings searching for information and writing tasks and we've also got all of these reference points here these citations so you know whereabouts in the document it's come from um and you if you want to you can click there and and go to to see those now I could say answer from the web instead because this has told me up at the top that it's come from the page content but I could say answer from the web instead so what were the research methods used okay so again searching your page for information so just say when you're using copil it's really important because at the top it will tell you where it's come from whether it's come from the web or whether it's come from the page content you've got here so here it's telling me what the research methods were used so surveys um and the different methods and who they spoke to Etc and if you look here on this page this page is really long there's loads of Graphics it's a really rich page lots of data Etc and down here they kind of talk about different use cases what their research methodology was Etc so here it talks about like surveys and experiments and and things like this uh observational studies Etc so hopefully this will just be finished in a moment so you don't have to be an expert on the page is what we're saying here because we can use that summary so we'll stop that so I'm going to go new topic again and this time I'm going to go into more creative mode so this time what I'm going to do is I'm going to look to create uh an outline for a PowerPoint presentation so if I wanted to make a PowerPoint presentation from this create an outline for a PowerPoint presentation about the research findings okay and copil will go away and it will um it will create that outline for me now it tells me what it's searching for here so it says search how to create a PowerPoint outline so I think it's actually going to give me the wrong thing here yeah so what it's doing here is this would be if I asked a question about how to do something in PowerPoint so it slightly misunderstood what I was looking looking there um looking for there so it's really important that you get your prompt guidance right so uh a great resource for this if you go to adoption. microsoft.com copilot now this is about adopting co-pilot for Microsoft 365 so it's not entirely applicable here but there is a really good um there's a really good resource here this build your prompt skills and it will go through and um there's this handout ingredients for prompt and these prompt dos and don'ts and you can use this and it tells you what a great prompt looks like um so obviously prompt engineering is is a new science for lots of people um the more effort you put into the prompt um the better the result is and as I said this is for Microsoft 365 co-pilot but actually the same things about you know communicating clearly using quotation marks knowing the limitations etc those all exist and one of the great things is this is a PDF and I could actually use co-pilot here to query this PDF so if you had like a really long PDF document here if you opened it up in Edge then you'd be able to do that and you can ask questions so what are top tips for a well-crafted prompt okay and here what it's doing for is searching those okay here are some top tips creating a well crafted prompt now I can see here actually just as it's coming in this has come from the web because you can see with these citations here um and down the bottom it tells you where that information has come from so I can tell already that this hasn't quite done what I wanted because um of these links here but I can say answer from this page instead and what it will do now is use the PDF content and find the information I want in there there you go and now we can see that familiar thing that says based upon this web page context here are some top tips for a well-crafted prompt okay so just pay a little bit of attention on where it comes from sometimes you just need to be a little bit more specific but copilot learns all the time so we'll hope that it'll get better and better all the time and if I wanted to switch back I could say answer from the web instead and things like this so let me pop back to that web page I'm going to go new again and this time I'm going to go into more creative mode so this time I'm going to try and look at the image generation capabilities so I'm going to write create an image that could accompany a PowerPoint presentation about this content okay now this is a fairly woolly prompt actually if I when I look at this um so it'll be interesting to see what it creates here um but I would hope that it would digest some of the content that uh is in this page and would use this to create an image so it says I'll try to create this here's an image there we go and now one of the things is this is like a working image this isn't the image so pay attention to the bit that says your image is generating cuz lots of people look at that and go oh okay that is about multitasking and about efficiency I guess but it's it's an odd-looking image and that's not the image that it's looking to create so we can see here that it's created four different images for me um they're quite so they're more like um Graphics infographic type thing here um so I think what it's trying to do is show the concept of being really busy and having multiple information sources and all come into that so if when you look at the work Trend index you can see that that's actually a common theme on that so let's look for some that's a little bit more of a single image so I'm going to say can you generate a photograph instead let's see how well it gets on with this I'm sorry I cannot generate a photograph for so okay so what it says I can't generate a photograph um I can create graphical artworks and then it's given me um it's giving me some sources there for images about co-pilot um so it's created airplane type ones here so that's not entirely what we're looking for but you know we my aim here is to show you show you exactly what happens I haven't trimmed anything um and I've not kind of I'm not taking out any of the errors and so what I type a different prompt so maybe like a cartoon style image actually no what I'm going to do let me clear that out get rid of that and I'm going to do a brand new topic so it's forgotten everything that it's done so this time I'm going to be a little bit more specific it's about the prompt so create an image of a man at a computer looking frustrated uh as he is over over worked um he could really be helped um he could really be helped by using AI so we'll be a little bit more specific so here we're telling it what kind of image you want and actually if you really learn how to use these image generation prompts you can create great uh original pieces uh F images and things like this that you then can use and you don't have to worry about copyright and things like this so copilot is going to try and create that for me there we go it's generating we've got a little image to just keep us going while it waits and we'll see there and you can see that it's actually given us some prompts for follow-up things that you can do right okay so this is a little bit more of what we're looking for here so how well so this that follows the brief there it's a person they're overworked there's papers everywhere they're looking frustrated there's are big monitors there um and we've got kind of this AI this like roboy look thing so you can do things like add a com coffee cup but we've already got coffee cups there uh make it look like he's working on a project all sorts of things but um then you could find the one you want and then you'd be able to copy that and use it so what I'm going to do is just close that side car and just to wrap up I'm going to go back to the co-pilot web page okay and just show so if you know as a wrap up if we're looking to get started have a look at copal have a look at these suggest suggested prompts because these will help you to get started there it isn't just about text you could produce tables experiment with these different modes creative balanced and precise um to try and find the thing that you're looking for there so hopefully this will really help you to get started using co-pilot um previously called Bing chat or Bing chat Enterprise um because uh if you're using something else so you might already be using chat GPT um if you in certainly if you're in an organization then that doesn't have the organizational protection that you get when you use co-pilot and you're signed in with an Enterprise account uh but also if you want to use the latest GPT which uh which co-pilot uses if you're on some like chat GPT you have to pay for that um and there's different kind of limits and things like this so hopefully you found this useful hopefully it was a little bit more clearer than the Microsoft Word video around the licensing um so uh as kind of just a recap on that if you are a consumer user so you've got like an Outlook account an Xbox account a Hotmail account something like this then you can use um or any any Microsoft consumer account that you'd use to sign into those Services um you can use copala right now um for free and it's baked into Windows 11 as well so you've got that thing down the bottom on the start bar you've got it in Edge on the side car and you also if you go to copilot microsoft.com you can get to there if you're an Enterprise user and you've got some of our uh Enterprise plans on Microsoft 365 then you would have access there now you might find if you're an Enterprise user that your admin has switched it off if they have then go and have the conversation with them uh because I'm sure in lots of organizations there are people who are using other um AI services such as chat GPT maybe without permission so actually if you use co-pilot formerly known as B chap for Enterprise within your organization then you know your company data is protected um and you covered by all of those um assurances that Microsoft give so hopefully you found this useful uh please do check out my other videos especially if you do have co-pilot for Microsoft 365 um otherwise I will see you again on another [Music] video
Channel: Stuart Ridout: Productivity Coach
Views: 7,365
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XOIVmWpitxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 48sec (1428 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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