Awkward Moments - The Office US

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Luke is going to use his laser pointer to point to account setup you click on that first then a whole new not no no Luke what come on not on Oscars head all right Lu come on stop it why I'm stopping it that's what you said give me the pointer so you just want me to move it that's you being totally unclear here I'm just gonna go ahead and move it no just power it down no no no no not an Angeles boot come on come on Luke seriously all right fine fine I'll just go okay I'm gone all right okay good job okay email accounts so we're starting with account set up oh my god is it in my eyeball yeah I think he's burning my eye Michael do something Shang up Lou can I have that no okay I am going to count down from five five four I'm not kidding three two one I had to do that yes screw it all right are we good you're okay this strapping young lad sitting here is Phyllis his father Elbert and he is quite the ladies man aren't you Albert ha ha ring bearer I could have done better I will do better I am going to be better I can't believe I'm actually doing this whoo are you ready for this Albert I am let's do it [Music] that's way dress [Music] [Applause] [Music] me walking Phyllis down the aisle was supposed to be the highlight of the wedding and now the wedding has no highlight [Music] I can't believe I pushed that that guy's lazy ass around all day until he was ready to stand up and steal the show that's well I Got News for You Albert that's your real name shows not over [Music] [Music] I am never going to forget today not a chance I don't think I could ever give back to you what you have given me today who here's done something stupid in their lives like skipped out on study hall or mix-up the difference between a gym and be gym that sort of thing show of hands anybody yes bunch of you okay well me too I've done something stupid which I would like to share should we go no no we're okay it's a it's a double period all right I came here today because I promised you tuition and tuition is very valuable but you know what's invaluable is intuition you know what that is that is the ability to know when something is about to happen does anybody out there have intuition know what's gonna happen next nobody okay you gonna make me say it all right I am so proud of all of you Derek and LaFave and and Ben and Ayana and Makayla and Nikki and Jason and I'm sorry okay so we're spacing your name I'm Zion Michaela's younger brother well Sian I am NOT going to be paying for your tuition which brings me to my main point and that is that I will not be able to pay for anybody's tuition I'm so so sorry I'm sorry I'm so sorry you lied to us I lied to myself too I'm not a millionaire I thought I would be by the time I was 30 but I wasn't even close and then I thought maybe by the time I was 40 but by 40 I had less money than when I was 30 maybe by my 50s I don't know I wanted to pay for your education I really did it was my dream some people have evil dreams some people have selfish dreams or wet dreams my dream was in the right place all of this to us okay hold on hold on now I can't pay for your college but you don't have to go to class to be in class online courses are a viable option to a traditional college experience and the best way to access those courses is with your own personal laptop which is rendered useless without batteries and I've one for each of you hold on there lithium they really got to you didn't they they didn't get to me I got to them I am still the same old Michael Scott new and improved you know what I love Phyllis you know what else I think she is gorgeous I think she is an incredibly incredibly attractive person okay because I'm that important I'm not worried to HR you know what the only thing I am worried about I'm getting a boner good work today everybody oh thank you I'm so so sorry for the temperature in here the sliding glass door shattered it's actually a really cute story do you want to tell it baby or should I tell it I don't like that story babe come on it's a cute story Michael ran through the sliding-glass the ice cream stop it I mean I like ice cream okay sue me oh no don't I shouldn't say that jokingly because she will sue me she loves to sue she loves lawsuits you know honey that door was extremely clean and it looked invisible you are so right you are so right because before I lived here the glass was always covered in smudges dad and I cleaned it you [Music] shouldn't joke about that it's there more wine okay I'm gonna I will get it what kind of it would I be no no in fact you know what girls trip Angela come on girls trip not even close so I keep a very tiny house you should see our bathroom after Michael takes a bath oh I don't have to tell you you yeah what oh don't tell me that he's really changed since you guys dated oh are you joking Michael told me Luke about it but I feel the way you look at him I have never ever dated or wanted to do anything resembling dating Michael ever not ever not now not then not now not ever ever notice how you look at him at the office mm-hmm what Carol said no tonight I think I finally realized how you must be failing we're both the victims of broken engagements you are never really engaged I was in that marriage arena though yeah yeah oh I kind of thought something would happen tonight too so alike so I like what are you doing what are you doing I might check tomorrow what is I didn't I'd have a ride home you sit in the back Oscar is my friend I'd rather not and I just don't care who sees it I doesn't bother me leave I really rather not come here and I don't know no I don't want to touch you ever considered that you're ignorant and insulting and small okay all right I'm sorry that was a good idea come on come on Michael appears to be gay too and yet he is my friend I guess I do have a gay friend you know I'm gonna raise the stakes you know well I want you to watch this and I want you to burn this into your brains because this is an image then I want you people to remember for a long time to come whenever you come into the office and want you to think about this we don't need to yes we do what Oh see I'm still here we're all still here oh come on Dwight come on man all right okay it's nice everybody enjoying their meal hey babe yeah how about we take the beer sign down until our guests leave and then we can discuss it no no I'm gonna leave it up I'm doing it tags a whole room together okay Jeff thanks hunters very talented you know what is that good at least he's an artist PFT I am a screenwriter no all you do is you get me to try to work on my rich friends opportunity ma'am I would love to burn your handles you buy it you buy it oh I prefer but your Ardley my purse [Music] $200 plasma screen TVs just killed good luck hand me back on your zero dollars a year salary plus benefits babe I'm gonna get going five together here [Music]
Channel: The Office
Views: 4,290,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the office, the office full episodes, rainn wilson, john krasinski, steve carell, michael scott, the office fire drill, jim and dwight pranks, dwight schrute, jim halpert, jenna fischer, the office thug life, the office funniest moments, the office bloopers season 1, the office cpr, the office parkour, Best The Office Moments, awkward moments, uncomfortable moments, compilation, scott's tots
Id: xpIea-LbSHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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