Merge Mansion Ads Are Movies Now

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anyone else notice the tattoos on the inside of his arms on this vid? are they inkbox or real i have to knowwwwwow

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/margothaidet 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2022 🗫︎ replies

the tattoos are from a party of cleberties in 2022

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/kwopflop 📅︎︎ Jan 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Pony up daddy

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Litrpgloki 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/caraisgreg 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2022 🗫︎ replies

Came here specifically to ask about the tats

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blueishsky 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2022 🗫︎ replies
all right guys i'm gonna do a video about these merge mansion ads okay i did a video about merge mansion on my main channel a couple months ago and i don't want to like beat it today so i don't i'm not gonna post this on my main channel but i just i have to make a video about it because people keep tagging me in it and it is kind of crazy okay they've got live-action ads now they have they instead of making these like weird cartoons they're they're real people now and it's they're like kind of good this like shitty app about fixing up a house has like legit like movie quality ads now with kathy bates they hired like a real actor to be in this and i haven't i haven't watched any of them yet so i'm gonna watch them for the first time in this video do another sort of off-the-cuff commentary i'm gonna be going absolutely off of my cuff off of the off of the cuff of my shirt all the commentary is gonna be coming from right here what the heck this is so weird this ad is so weird yeah that's my shirt voice that's what shorts sound like okay so i think this is probably all of them here merge mansion has a youtube channel or at least i think they do actually i'm not sure if this is like their official channel it's not verified or anything but and they've got a variety of ads here and you can see they're all live action so let's just go through here and watch the first one it's called giving grandma a hand grandma can i help sure rakes are in the garage okay what's that [Music] wait what was there even a rake in there oh maybe there is maybe right here there's a is that a rake she's just got so many knives so i guess okay is that a rake i can't tell um um they could be they're not really showing i kind of feel like it's not i feel like it's a shovel or something idiot grandma there's not even a rake in there why does she have so many knives holy [ __ ] so i guess they're trying to allude to like the fact that she's like a murderer or something all of their ads if you remember had like a creepy vibe before like she had committed some crime and they keep alluding to it like she's just she's got this other life where she goes out and kills people i think she they were alluding to the fact that she murdered this girl's fiance or something right why so many knives though you can only kill one person at a time it's not like having all these knives would be it's not like she's got this many hands and she can be stabbing that many people at a time do they have to be clean for her to use so she's got a bunch just in case she's like she kills someone and then the next day she's gonna go kill someone else and she doesn't have time to clean the night he just seems like i don't know just stay on top of it try to be motivational to the killer just stay on top of it man you got this just you know every morning you know spend five minutes cleaning your knives you'll be good you don't need to buy them any knives she's got so many that she actually ran out of room on her like sweet wall rack and she's just got them like healthier skelter on the table too is this even a garage there's no cars in here or anything i don't know this looks more like a regular old garden shed [Music] so many knives she had the same thought as me she's just got so many knives so little time okay so they're they're alluding to the fact that she's like she wants to kill people with the knives she's like i've got all these knives but i don't have enough time to use them all but it's like okay does she think the knives are disposable or something she can only use one knife per person i mean maybe she's like a connoisseur of murder or something she's got like all these different types of knives and she wants to try them all out on different murders but they're not different types of knives they're all the same knight they just they all have the same green handle the same slick little curves i just don't understand what the what she's gonna do with all these knives so little time okay well so it's a it's a funny ad it actually is funny and i guess kudos to them for that now i'm worried that people are gonna think that i'm sponsored by merge mansion i'm not okay i hate these fools i hate merge mansion i'll never play the game and you shouldn't either unless unless you want to no i'm not sponsored by merge manager that was a funny end to the ad though she's raking raking knives what's grandma hiding obviously not knives she seems like she's perfectly fine with uh with people knowing about those no it kind of seems like from everything that i've watched it's like grandma is almost like willing and ready to tell anyone what she's up to she's like got this thing on her hand that's like i did it she's she's hiding she's just like no she's not hiding she's just placing knives everywhere she's just waiting for someone to ask what she's up to if this girl just just was even like hey what are those knives for she'd probably be like i killed your debt i killed your dad and i killed your fiance and i killed a dog just a few minutes ago i'll give you all the details on the murders i'll get i'll tell you everything you need to know and then i'll kill you i guess maybe maybe so don't ask because maybe she'll kill you too then if you know but i definitely feel like someone should get to the bottom of this all right let's look at the next ad grandma getaway this is actually the most popular one it looks like it's got a million views i mean look at that production value dude they rented out a whole ass mansion for this this old ivy covered mansion they got this sick ass dolly shot at the beginning grandma it's beautiful this is a beautiful film i'm not sponsored by merge mansion but if they wanted to at this point [ __ ] with ads like this i don't know man i don't you know like i'd have a hard time passing it up after after an ad like this grandma grandma where are my wait so what was she doing at the beginning she was just burning something i can't see what it is though kind of lowers the stakes of whatever is happening in the scene if i don't know what she's burning maybe it's like the the somebody's will or something or a receipt for 3 000 knives okay so she's running away she's got all these different secret passageways secret passageways aren't very helpful when the the person chasing you can see how you're getting into each one you gotta have a little bit more of a head start i feel like otherwise you're just sort of giving away all of the secrets in your house honestly that one was a little less funny the grandma scurrying on the roof at the end is kind of funny i guess what's grandma hiding not her secret passageways grandma is an open book dude what's grandma hiding very little i guess you got kind of got to imagine like if she's if the secret passageways and the knives aren't enough to hide like what is she hiding if she's hiding something it's gotta be like [ __ ] up if she's not hiding the knives then i guess you know whatever she's running away from whatever she's hiding right now that's causing her to run away that must be [ __ ] up all the way she got into those secret passages were crazy dude she was like slapping the statues and twisting their nipples i was worried how far this was going to escalate you know i could see you know they could get pretty raunchy with those grandma come back grandma grandma no next ad you're not my grandma grandma lunch is ready grandma [Music] okay i so this is i think this is like a reference to psycho you know type thing you know there's like a fake grandma stood up in the window or whatever it's kind of weird for her to have a decoy of herself when she's like literally 10 feet away from the decoy like in plain sight outside in the broad daylight but she is burying something what could she be hiding what's she burying more knives probably grandma [Music] oh [ __ ] dude she knitted that fast or maybe she just had that ready grandma's knitting game is insane oh yeah look there she is she's knitting she's making another one what's grandma hiding yeah they should just get rid of the what grandma hiding yes the only thing grandma's been hiding this whole time is her absolutely blazing fast knitting skills just made a whole ass human-sized crochet in the three seconds it took her to get from upstairs to down in the front yard all right so it looks like this is the last live action one it's called pie is served i'm kind of curious because it looks like they posted four live-action ones and then went back to a an animated one as their most recent one they posted this seven hours ago but all right let's watch the last live-action one first [Applause] absolutely no clue what's going on in this one looks like a it's like a dinner party or a cocktail party or something butler looks suspicious as hell it looks like he hasn't slept in years grandma ursula's pies i think i know what i mean there must be something [ __ ] up in the pie box right because when she opens it they're absolutely mortified but they look surprised to even see the pie box that says grandma ursula's pies they're just that surprised that grandma ursula makes pies oh holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] i didn't know your grandma made pies that's crazy oh okay okay all right so look grandma's got blood all over her what is this called smock apron what's this why did i say smock what is this smock okay same thing smock is an apron i don't know why that was the first thing that came to my head okay so she's got blood all over her smock slash apron she doesn't want anyone to know there's blood all over her apron from the looks of it dude from the sounds of it it sounds like they already know there's something [ __ ] up with the pie that has your literal face on it so i don't think taking off the smock now is gonna do much for you and that box is like a literal human head and then she comes in and takes off her apron like what no there's nothing weird about that pie as long as i don't see the blood on my my smock slash apron there's got there they won't suspect a thing there's just a head in there who wants a slice of pie all right let's see what the freak is going on in their most recent ad then now that they've gone back to the animated universe i wonder if these are like parallel cinematic universes a la the spider-verse [Music] okay that one was super anticlimactic it was just like she's baking and she's cutting and she's in jail and and there's a pie yeah that one was pretty anticlimactic okay so so you know what i'm gonna i'll i'll just say it the live action ads are way better i think it's safe to say uh the live action ads are actually pretty good and the cartoon ads kind of suck so merge mansion if you want to take some advice from from your old boy from your pal dan i would say stick to the live action stuff stick to whoever you got right in those ads they know what they're doing kids i honestly can't say they it made me want to play the game at all though but good for getting your name out there at least i mean i'm talking about it [ __ ] and you got you got to do something pretty crazy to get me to talk about it so yeah but i mean it's honestly i am kind of impressed that like this mobile game has these kind of bonkers commercials production value-wise like they they built sets and crocheted grandmas yeah it's pretty impressive so yeah those are the ads i am not sponsored by merge mansion do not ask if i'm sponsored by merchants because i'm not honestly i don't have any interest in playing the game probably never will doesn't look like my cup of tea unless you know mergement unless you want to unless you want you know i'll cut this part out of the video all right well that's all i wanted to talk about today bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 1,896,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: 2NXAb_OUj8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 43sec (763 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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