Men Share The Creepiest Girls They've Ever Had To Deal With (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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mails of Reddit what's your creepy girl story told my friend he should break up with his GF because she was threatening to kill herself and sheet over extremely petty stuff he told her what I said so she told her brothers that I said I was going to our pay her valentine's day of my junior year of high school two girls asked me out one was super cute and timid and i liked her a lot the other had a boyfriend after turning the second girl down she went to her boyfriend and told him to beat me up because i was at fault for making her want to cheat on him a boyfriend apologized to me and broke up with her in the same sentence we both received death threats from that girl for multiple weeks after that girl stole my jacket and made a shrine to me with manga style drawings of her and i making out weather drawings any good she wasn't invited but tagged along with friends who were and came to my buddy's house for our friend's birthday party we all got drunk hopped and pushed people into the pool had a good old time the next morning my friend the birthday boy was awakened by this chick riding on top of him she either played with his dick mildly enough to not work but just arouse him or took advantage of his morning wood but either way she sleep up had my friend on his birthday and proceeded to soak the couch in piss this was one expensive f king couch mind you before leaving without saying a word a week or so goes by she is claiming she is pregnant and needs abortion money friend reached out to our friend group for advice turns out she has been known to help a drunk guys and in fact it happened to another friend of ours whom she also asked for abortion money four years later she's got three duis and nobody knows how many guys she has taken advantage of or scammed out of fake abortion money teenage me talking to a girl year below we used to play near puts together and one day she sent me a rose with her blood on it she came to school the next day with a bandage on her wrist my first GF had a rough whole life and when I tried to break up with her she said she would kill herself so I backpedaled I dated this girl one summer during high school she seemed nice enough and we kind of hit it off at a church function until my summer schedule started I went from working evening at a local fast-food joint to working overnights and I guess she couldn't cope she would call my house and accuse my mom of lying for me and demand she tell her where I really was she drive by all night and would even wait for me to get home at 6 or 7 still in my work uniform and accuse me of cheating eventually she'd start calling me every hour or so at work which as you can imagine my managers just loved she did not take the break-up well threatening to kill herself she threatened to kill me and she threatened to kill my dog when I started dating a co-worker towards the end of the summer she threatened her too you can threaten a man but you never never threaten his dog lied about being married and wore a ring on her ring finger as proof of being married as a means of showing interest and trying to provoke me to [ __ ] held a man that doesn't exist she also sent a text to someone else right in front of me where I could easily see and clearly about me it was about how he can't caught a woman in another attempt to provoke me to somehow be interested in her never mind the fact that she already made herself out to be a bullsh to run someone to avoid she has created her own reality and actively participates in it she's living the dream law blocked her number because she would text me every day when I refused to reply anymore after telling her I didn't want to talk two years later I unblocked it out of curiosity and she is still texting ME daily I sure hope I never run into her in person again edit just woke up to see this blue up guess it's time to unblock her number to see if she sends a text today edit to their IT is boys another text went out once after being matched online didn't work out she kept calling during dates with other guys and asking them to tell me I was an idiot to pass her off after no calls for a few months she called crying and asking me to tell her current bf that we didn't have air sex she put him on the phone and he asked me directly of course the answer was no we didn't but he responded with then why she always hid in Europe I just hung up she called 37 more times but I didn't answer edit I'm not even a catch I didn't get another date for for like a year after she broke into my dorm room without me knowing and stood over me while I slept when I woke up she invited me to a threesome I know P f ck out of there till the woman that saved our condom from our first time together is not actually the craziest woman on the planet thanks guys and always remember to bring your own rubber years ago I had a roommate whose fiance abruptly ended their relationship the few days after they ended it she would show up to my work I worked retail at a time looking for me at the time I wasn't sure why she kept trying to talk to me but I never really liked her and she really f ked my roommate up by ending the relationship with no explanation I would constantly hide in the stockroom to avoid her so she began waiting by my car for my shifts to end I would usually wait it out until someone working would give me the all-clear but after a few days I lost my patience and just decided to walk to my car she was there she confessed her love for me I said no thanks got in my car and left we randomly run into each other around town and always always always make awkward eye contact before I realize it's her my ex-wife is definitely the creepiest girl I've ever known she once told me she stood over her dad while he was sleeping with a knife and fantasized about killing him literally had the knife at his throat before he younger sister walked and then she said she liked to watch me sleep she also said after marrying me that I was only supposed to be a practice boyfriend she said she wanted to draw on my back so I let her and after I fell asleep she got bored just drawing so she pulled a razor blade and tried tracing her drawing she also put in a few piercings when I was drunk despite all the nutty things she did when we were together there still nothing compared to the hell she's put me through once we split might I ask what possessed you to marry her in the first place I had a month long relationship with someone who was a tad unstable every other day during the relationship she would be incredibly sad girl had some intense mood swings she would be lovey dovey one day and the next loud and argumentative I probably let it last too long looking back on it now anyways broke it off and the next day she showed up at my job and said of my boss she was my wife and that something happened with our daughter well when she walked up to me she pulled out a knife and tried to stab me luckily we have decent security at my job and someone tackled her and restrained her until police showed she ended up getting charged and now has some jail time the security guy and I are good friends now we play cards on the weekends law she cheated on me with my friend when we were around 13 Watty f ck is cheating on someone when you're 13 dated a PI show who wanted to be with me 24-7 she started doing everything I did dip smoke drink soccer what shocky one day when I meet her at her dorms her wrists were wrapped in bandages she had third-degree burns where she held salt and ice against her wrists when I tried to end it she said she was pregnant because she was bulimic and which T birth control right out then when I finally ended it she showed up at my parents Monken started to cut her wrists with her car keys in the driveway I should have known she was crazy she was way I I I'm more attractive than the girls I normally Paul we were 14 and she cut my initials into her wrists that is creepy shows a complete lack of commitment not writing your full name good thing you got rid of that skank a girl that was much younger than me would take photos of me on stage and Photoshop me next to her and would set it as her profile pic she also took a ton of the photos off my FB and posted them on her wall with poems about me one day after a set she came up to me and asked for a photo and used that as our couple's photo for her social media and basically said we were in a relationship had to have a serious conversation off at a friend's funeral his sister started coming on to me I ended up with her shortly after and slept with her twice she started doing crazy sh t like message me that she just drank bleach tea like that then one day she sends me a pic of a positive pregnancy test I freaked out inside but take it all in over the next few days then she tells me she's extremely sick and in the hospital apparently puking she proceeds to tell she had a miscarriage I'm ecstatic inside but don't let her know I'll act apologetic then she throws a twist there were actually twins and only one got aborted I told her to f ck off and never talk to me again and it's been a couple of years he never had a kid she just constantly seek reactions and sympathy crazy lady I came here to see what guys consider crazy can now confirm I'm not crazy phew was at a tennis meet freshman year of high school and I had just finished playing for the day so I went ahead and took a nap on the grass a girl that I barely knew that was also on our tennis team had her friend staged a picture to where it looked like we were making out on the grass while I was asleep and she uploaded the picture to social medias I love my new boyfriend so much heart em juice and I got so much tea for it she also pretended we were dating after that and would come up to me in the hallway saying how are you boyfriend . freshman year was bad met a girl on tinder she seemed pretty normal but she hid the fact she was a mom from me for about 6 weeks only confessed when i found out she'd been lying about taking the pill she needed a baby daddy for her daughter and had to trap anyone by getting knocked up i've had serious trust issues ever since all of these makes me feel pretty good that i wasn't alone in having a crazy GF at one point mile included stalking convincing people she was pregnant having her friends call me then her getting on the phone when I was at someone else's house following me to work hair cut CTC suicide threats bought me a pager to keep track of me pager was quickly returned turned pastor of my church against me through lies I ended up getting her to finally stop by just yelling at her and leaving her crying in the middle of college campus the tickler went over for a get-together at a friend's house and this girl someone brought along wouldn't stop tickling me i f king hate being tickled motherf ker in eighth grade a girl carved my name in her arm with a razor blade and smeared black ink over the fresh wound she essentially had my name tattooed on her arm we had never even had a conversation this really makes me feel better I always thought I was creepy but seems I'm just average creepy compared to those creepy thing I did saw a person asked around till I found out their name then found everything related to them online found their best friend figured out where they study all have groups or sports got in one of those groups made friends with them to one day being introduced to the person I was originally interested on , got in one of those groups made friends with them to one day being introduced to the person I was originally interested on yeah these stories all make me want to become a recluse my ex from when I was in high school cheated on me then immediately when I left her for it she gained a ton of weight started cutting herself dated my friend and started crow rumors about me I put her in her place which made her stop but the rumors stuck for the rest of my school days I'm five years out of school and about eight months ago a blocked number calls me saying something to the effect of I won't tell you who I am or what I did to you but I'm sorry don't worry about Who I am but I'm sorry for what I did and she has a pretty distinct voice so I recognized her right away and hung up haven't heard from her since I dated a girl a year ago who was madly in love with me first boyfriend and we were together for almost three years she caught feelings for a mutual friend and didn't know how to tell me so she made herself believe I cheated on her told everyone I was a psychopath and a control freak and proceeded to bang my best friend before breaking up with me like you could just say you aren't into me anymore texting a girl in the few days before date one met at a party said she loved me more than anyone in the world on the night before that relationship didn't last long I'm a gay toad out and open gay dude no matter crazy girls still chase you think they can turn you straight in grad school one of my female housemates stole my underwear out of the laundry and kept it in her bed eventually returned to me months after the fact not me but my best friend does a bunch of creepy girl stories one of the weirdest was this one girl in high school she would join all the clubs he would took pictures of his class schedule so she always knew where he was constantly followed him around school telling him that she was the president of his fan club one day during parent-teacher night this man approached him as if he knew him like it's so nice to finally meet you my daughter has nothing good things to say I'm so glad she has found someone she connects with and my friend is like uh why you then the father shows a picture of my friend like this is you isn't it apparently the creepy girl told her parents that they were dating for a while now and she showed her dad pictures of him thing is he doesn't have a facebook or any social media but somehow has pictures of him and his family no one knows to this day where she got those pictures from this one girl kept hitting me up on AI M AOL Instant Messenger for you young pups my first year of college I thought cool since I used to be awkward around girls that had the slightest showing of interest and usually scared them away she was laying it on heavy about how she had some booze and nobody to drink it with I had school the next day and hadn't really jumped into drinking yet I was raised pretty conservatively so I was just like oh that sucks hopefully you find someone to share with went to school the next day and mentioned her name to a buddy of mine he tells me oh yeah she's creepy and clingy AF and has been with pretty much every guy who falls for it I nope doubt and blocked her only to get a new message request immediately after from a new screen name and it's her again claiming to be a different person this happened five times straight-up weirdo same thing on Facebook and MySpace - oh yeah good ol myspace matched with this girl on tinder while I was on holiday and added her on snapchat he never ended up meeting due to logistical reasons and eventually I left as my holiday ended we continued to message for a bit and I figured out that she was into BDSM and wanted to be called my puppy I was just messing around so I thought you whatever she also said she wanted to move to the same country as me so that we could live together this just send out red flags so I just stopped and would get a barrage of messages eventually she said something along the lines of if you don't talk to me I will kill myself I came up with some dumb excuse and deleted her then she found me on Facebook managed to block her and don't know what consents but the craziest part to me was that this was a girl that I never even met talk to her a little bit was a little into her same on her side first week I know her she talks to my friend first time for her meeting him actually and tells him all about how she wants to get me drunk and up let's just say things I wouldn't agree to needless to say she was quickly uninvited from that party and we don't really talk to her anymore hooked up with a girl at a bar she asked me what I'm doing next weekend I told her I wasn't doing anything because I probably will be jet-lagged as f ck I had to go away for a week for work she started hysterically crying and screaming she can't miss me for a week I knew her for about 30 minutes late to the party but jugos worked at a copy shop a female customer in whom I had zero interest had a crush on me she would visit every week sometimes more than once and try to flirt after dozens of attempts she arrived one day with a photo she wanted copies of she takes it out of its protective envelope and shows it to me it was a B&W reclining nude of herself she was less than attractive with her clothes on and downright unsettling with her clothes off I quit the job soon afterwards and never saw her again you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 47,005
Rating: 4.9107141 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, creepiest girls, creepy girls, men, women, creepy women, creepy men
Id: 1C3b6f71cs8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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