Men Share the ‘Creepiest’ Thing a Woman Has Done to Them - AskReddit

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then decided i was the enemy and called the cops men what's your creepy girl story girl in my dorm she had a crush on my roommate my roommate clearly didn't like her and told her several times things got out of hand and there were times where my roommate would come running back to the room yelling locked the door locked the door and moments later the girl and her friend would try to come barge in without permission what's creepy is this next part apparently one night we accidentally left our room unlocked and she decided to sneak in and rub our heads we didn't wake up but her roommate told us what she did a couple days later i haven't seen her in about a year and i'm quite glad this younger girl who i never even spoke to once in high school had a crush on me i got a note from her in my locker asking if i wanted to go out with her i had no idea of how to get it back to her so i just wrote no and taped it to my locker then she started following me everywhere i would try to talk to her but she would just keep walking away pretending i wasn't talking to her this goes on for like two years then i was hanging out by myself one day around the neighborhood and she comes walking up with three guys who wanted to kick my butt for some dumb unrelated stuff she somehow found out about it and brought them to me after an embarrassing scene with me diffusing the situation with these angry gentlemen they leave and she finally sits down on the curb right next to me and starts flirting all i could do was just stare at her enormous bangs with a what the hell expression until she got embarrassed and left i was 22 and asked a girl i'd met out she seemed nice at first met her in a little cafe while i was waiting to meet some friends and we got talking about pokemon and some other stuff for 20 or 30 minutes before adding each other on facebook only weird thing was that in that time she told me she'd been snatched by her ex i thought maybe she was just being open about it as a way of dealing with the trauma so i let it slide and messaged her a bit later to see if she'd be interested in a date she told me that she already had a boyfriend but that she'd love to hang out as friends which was fair enough so i agreed to that and we met up a few days later she'd brought her boyfriend with her which i expected i got the sense he wasn't too comfortable with me which i can understand but what threw me was she also brought her ex i can't 100 say it was the same ex she'd mentioned but he really gave off that vibe with the way he talked and behaved around her she kept on talking about dead babies and terminations obsessively as well you couldn't change the subject at all creeped me the hell out so i just sat there with a smile and acted civil while internally going please don't kill me and i haven't spoken to her since i was bored once at a small local festival and didn't want to be there so i just got a drink and started walking around aimlessly when i noticed a fire breather the display was interesting and she was pretty hot when she was on break she went to get a drink and we started talking she seemed nice we had a laugh but her break was up and she resumed her display so i left her to it and continued to wander around five minutes later security was called to her display turns out some crazy girl whom i had never met before was following me around the festival and behaved aggressively towards the fire breather she had claimed that we me and crazy were together and firebreather was trying to break us up seemingly normal-looking attractive girl took her out on a date we got drunk breaks down saying how she used fentanyl with her eggs and ended up in hospital now she has to use a catheter and bag for the rest of her life as it messed up her urinary system she was screaming i have a drug-induced bladder disorder she is 23. cried tried to get me to finger her beside the catheter wasn't feeling it then decided i was the enemy and called cops saying i forced myself on her i recorded her as she went apeshit calling me names cops show up she is having some sort of metal breakdown she ends up transported to a psych observation unit at 1am ended up playing poker couple of days later she texts me and asks wanna hang out i met a girl online she seemed normal enough so we ended up going out for a drink i found out that night that she actually lived an hour away in a rural town but whatever well we went out had a drink then went to go play pool we drove over in my vehicle and when we got to the pool hall she checked her phone and saw she had a text from her ex-boyfriend she proceeded to cry incessantly i was trapped i didn't know what to do so i offered to take her back to her car she said she wasn't sure if she could drive and she asked if i would take her home i declined saying it wouldn't be a good idea because a her car was like a mile away b she lived an hour away see how in the hell did she plan to get to her car the next day so she agrees for the night to end all the while apologizing vigorously the next day she texts me apologizes and offers to buy me lunch she seemed all right when we were getting to know each other and i was bored so i figured what the hell and gave her another shot she brought her kids to the lunch when i saw them get out of the car i texted her and said that it wasn't okay for me to meet them she became irate and said her sitter cancelled at the last minute even though the drive was an hour long from her house she didn't find it important to ask if it would be weird for her kids to come it was at that point that i stated i was no longer interested now for the creepy part two days later she texted me but i didn't respond she kept it and kept asking if i wanted to go out the next weekend after multiple texts i messaged her and said i wasn't interested and i had plans to take my friend out for her birthday this resulted in even more irate messaging about how she wasn't comfortable with me going out with other girls and so forth this resulted in her getting blocked turns out she took a guess on where we would go since there is was only one nightclub in the town and she showed up i had to tell the birthday girl that i was leaving and to call me when she was ready to go my night was ruined birthday girl got home okay in case you're wondering but wait there's more a couple of weeks after that there was an ice storm and the power had gone out in the area i ended up going over to a friend's house to hang out since they had a generator we were playing cards and enjoying ourselves suddenly i get a text from a number i didn't recognize are you all right i'm really worried the message read i'm fine who is this i replied it's creepy girl she responded i ignored it and put my phone down the next message sent chills down my spine i'm really worried i'm standing outside your house and all the lights are off are you sure you're okay she had never been to my house and i had never given her my last name my final message before blocking her involved not contacting me or i'd call the police it turns out she was a secretary for a police department and she ran my tag to found out where i lived drove over an hour to my house in the midst of an ice storm then got a new number all so she could check up on me i know the majority of abuse happens when men force themselves on young women but people like to pretend that young girls don't have similar motives or agency the worst i ever witnessed was at a barbecue party one of my girlfriend's parents had we were about 15 at the time and one of our friends decided to unilaterally sit in the lap of this boy he looked pretty cool with it and it only raised a few eyebrows but she kept sitting there talking to him with her back turned weird and the kitchen slowly cleared out it was just me the girl whose parents were hosting the party and the guy and our girlfriend on his lap she started grinding on him so hard that people from the patio could see and he just had his hands out wide like i'm not doing anything poor guy was like 18 or 19 and obviously shy around girls because he didn't know how to say no when i was 15 i was walking past my school and about to cross the road when a trio of drunk women in their 40s or 50s started hassling me about how good i looked they were pressing me in against the wall and surrounded me so that i couldn't get out and holding me back while they copped feels not a fun experience especially when you can't even tell people about it or how creeped out it's left you because as a guy you should somehow be proud when women three times your age are grabbing your wiener through your trousers against your will i was at a friend's birthday party for her dog probably was just an excuse to have people over and get drunk and another friend let's call her m is also there i had known am for a couple of years but i only really ever see her a couple of times a year she is very drunk and also very married her husband was also at the same party at one point in the night she asks me if i have a girlfriend i did not if i'm looking for a girlfriend where i've been looking for a girlfriend etc then she says that i had been looking in all the wrong places and that if i wanted a good girl i should let her know during this conversation she also kept trying to grab my hand and so at one point i made sure to always be holding a handful of mini pretzels in both of my hands as a sort of excuse to not be able to hold hands i can't hold hands if i am holding pretzels logic then finally she says i like you dude i really like you i'm like okay this repeats for a while until she says stop saying okay it makes me feel like you think i'm full of it then she keeps following me around the room and keeps trying to make me dance with her until i leave her husband was pretty much always in the same room as us no more than a few feet away while this was all happening thought i was crazy and imagining it all until another friend asked me on the same night as we were leaving was i'm trying to hit on you i was like 14 years old was playing guy online some lame social networking game from like 2002 and met some girl we hit it off and started chatting over aim definitely did the cringy cybering thing too well eventually she comes clean that she's actually like late 20s like 28 or something being a horny 14 year old dude that didn't bother me one bit so then we start video chatting and she's like fully fumbling herself on cam with me again 14 14-year-old me is not seeing an issue with this eventually she starts talking about coming to visit so we can actually have fun again not seeing the issue beyond the fact that she really was not very attractive but even still i didn't think she was serious until she emails me a copy of her flight itinerary at this point i panicked and blocked her deleted my aim and stayed away from the computer for like six months and never heard from her again i had a friend who went absolutely crazy after her boyfriend broke up with her cutting trying to force him to get back together getting him kicked out of the group to isolate him only for it to backfire and throw a fit etc and that was only freshman year when he started dating another girl from our group senior year she pretended to be cool only to lie to the girl and try and convince her to break up with him because he was definitely texting her last night oh and also he told her he hated her and that she was ugly and that he actually loved her crazy girl and was only with the new girl to make her jealous many other things happened too during my last year of high school i would tutor students after school one day about halfway through the year a new girl came in and sat next to me the first thing she said was something along the lines of do you want to see my birth control she had an implant in her arm and showed me where it was she then felt my arm and told me i was hairy for the rest of the time she kept prying for personal info like who my friends were and where i lived i didn't see her in tutoring after that but one day during lunch she came up to my table where i was just chatting with my friends and inserted herself into the conversation before leaving randomly i heard a few days later that she was suspended for either having drugs or a knife in her backpack i started going to a new doctor the receptionist was cute so i flirted a bit in a waiting room with other patients around it was pretty innocent she reciprocated i figured it was all in good fun she escalated a bit stuff like scheduling me for days she was there calling me directly with reminders etc then she went into the records got my cell number and started texting me telling me she wants to meet up she's not happy with her husband they never have sex anymore etc i noped out as fast as i could met a girl online we chat and set up a date date goes fine she's a little weird a little sheltered but seems nice not much chemistry but i think that can take some time so we give it another go and have a second date confirm i have no interest in a relationship with this girl on the second date so we talk it out no hard feelings let's be friends fast forward 1.5 years i'm in my kitchen with some friends getting ready to go out for my birthday dinner when we hear a knock on the door i go check and no one is there but there is a box with my name on it there is a card and some gifts which would be nice if this girl had ever been to my house before i had moved since our two dates and still have no idea how she found me it was when i was back in school there was this girl who used to sit just behind my seat she was good-looking but was very distant from everybody and talked with nobody her social skills was zero but i tried talking to her we get to know each other i thought we became friends we started sitting on the same seat one day she said i know why you're friend with me i said why she says you want this right then she pulls her skirt slightly up and pandy down and showed me her private parts whose image is imprinted in my memory we were 16 by the way then she giggles i looked at her exhibition and then back into her eyes i could see a psychotic smile on her face she was the creepiest girl i've ever met in my entire life i've had a couple semi-stalkerish women who creeped on me which is weird because i'm not even good looking but my favorite creepy girl story was just a one-off funny moment when i was 22 i was hanging out with a couple friends just grilling and drinking when one of them was suddenly like do you guys wanna go to a costume party naturally we were like yes so we slapped together some quick costumes and hopped in an uber we showed up to this place and it was less a costume party and more six people in an apartment wearing costumes but there was beer and a dog so i was happy anyway we spend the evening playing board games with this group of people who seem just as confused as we are the entire night there's this one girl who's sitting next to me on the couch but she hasn't said a single word not one i don't think much of it some people are shy it's whatever but then during a lull in the party out of nowhere she gets closer to me looks me dead in the eye and whispers i like blood then shifts back to her spot like nothing happened i turned to my friend and was just like we have to leave i still think about that night sometimes it was my ex-girlfriend i didn't realize she was creepy until i tried to end it and failed first few times were my fault for being weak-willed dumb all that stuff she offered me sex or something else or just treated me kindly for a while and i thought things can be okay again and i resumed the relationship at some point i actually learned my lesson though but it was at that point i realized she was actually my crazy ex and it was sad the stories are many and crazy but long and short of it is she told everyone we were together more than a year after i had really ended it she enrolled at my university giving up her dream of a different school she'd always wanted to go to and actually got into just so she could cross paths with me enrolled in a class i was teaching a lab for without me knowing showed up randomly at my parents house told them we were together still it worked the first time last year i dated this one girl for a few weeks she was a nice girl but there were some obvious red flags that slowly cropped up over the weeks overall it was because she had absolutely no life no interests no friends and she had close to a tantrum when i tried introducing her to my friends no hobbies besides reality television still working at her high school fast food job despite being 32. she was upset when we broke up but overall didn't make a huge deal over it she wanted to stay in contact but we lost touch almost immediately as i did not want to drag anything out six months later i was back to dating and had made it official with a different girl while out at a friend's house one night i decided to take a selfie of us and throw it on facebook in the morning my girlfriend alerted me to a nasty comment left by the previous girl it was middle school level stuff she outright insulted my girlfriend saying literally you she is big teeth adding that she thought she was going to have a second chance with me keep in mind we had absolutely zero communication in those six months never once did i give her the impression i was interested in seeing her again i was super pissed at her for the teeth comment and my girlfriend was a little upset but at least we've gotten a lot of laughs out of it since then glad i dodged that bullet i'm actually sparing you guys a ton of details there were lots of tiny things she did while we were dating that made me realize how much of a loser she really was but i don't have time to type up an entire essay on it a random guy at the bar called her friend a [ __ ] and ran off i guess i looked enough like him so i got three haymakers to the face i managed to avoid boxing a female in a public bar which was my goal and things seemed to subside she later cornered me in the toilet it was a single-person toilet i guess i forgot to lock the door i was informed that i should leave with her and got back to her place or i would be accused of some pretty heinous things the bartender saw her on the prowl and sent the bouncer after he told her to f off and not come back on her way out things got racial big words were flying i was an n-word lover there were sand n words everywhere all of us were remanded to the countries of our origin she was waiting on the street when i left and tried to follow me but i just jogged away and she tripped and started crying it was tragic yet also funny [Music] i once was hanging out with someone we were on a getting to know each other phase nothing exclusive i showed her a magic trick for me it was a very simple magic trick after the magic trick she started to freak out saying that she was not into witch stuff or black magic i tried to explain to her that it was just a simple trick since then i got a weird vibe after that i guess my spidey senses were more active since then and i decided to tell her that i rather not continue the relationship since i started to notice patterns that i didn't like in college i used to deliver pizza to a certain hotel quite frequently there was a cute girl at the front desk that would smile and sometimes i would bring her a slice one day she asks if i want to grab a drink after work and i'm down it turns into this two-hour-long vent session about her ex during which time she has a solitary drink she says she never has more than one drink out which i get cause she's freaking tiny anyway 20 minutes and i try to change the subject or try to intersperse something here or there just to maintain a semblance of a conversation she finally leaves the bartender pours me and himself a jagger bomb and just gives me the who glad that's overlooked a week or so later i'm back delivering to the restaurant and front desk girl mentions that she is bummed i haven't asked her out i figure she may have just been having a rough day so i'll give her another shot we agree to grab another drink at my normal spot after work this time she doesn't show which i'm fine with at this point i have a nice night with some friends and don't think much of it she texts me the next day saying sorry for not showing she says her friends needed her help after a breakup and she needed to drink an entire bottle of jack with her as tradition at this point her behavior is inconsistent and strange and i decide to steer clear from here on in now for the creepy part every time i would go into the hotel delivering she would be there and asking me why i haven't tried to hang out and i would make some excuse at one point i claimed to be sober to avoid getting a drink i started to get texts from her late at night that were kind of cryptic things along the line off you should really reconsider that thing or i think the server molly isn't very cute things that were just out of left field you know like a crazy person would send the days go by and i'm working delivering to her hotel and her eyes are just always on me if she was talking to a guest she would break her conversation to look at me it was unnerving as delivery drivers we would normally fight over who got the deliver to that hotel cause it was so easy and i started to give them away because this girl was creeping me the hell out my first legitimate relationship was with a super clingy girl that knew way too much about my house after only being there like three times parents were out of town and we were sitting in the hot tub when the power died she said oh you probably need to just reset the breaker it's in the laundry room on the left wall labeled hot tub i'm like how the hell do you know that she got nervous and was like i don't know i broke up with her after she started telling her family that we're spending the rest of our lives together and saying stuff like when we get a house when we have kids when we get a dog i met her on a dating app and only knew her for three months but started showing all the creepy symptoms after one one month started working at an engineering firm doing document control department was 12 women and one other guy besides myself the lady who trained me was second in command it started off with come questionable compliments about my build and she would always arrange for me to work directly with her when nobody else ever helped her there was no single thing i could point to but it was obvious she had a thing for me worked out to my advantage so i never was mean about it while never encouraging i tried to bring up her husband when she would start up to send the message not interested this goes on for nine months then we move buildings she calls me in her office to say she needs me to come to the old building to pick up some heavy boxes we get there it's two medium boxes maybe 20 pounds each in the car ride back she's talking about how her marriage isn't working for her and she's planning to leave her husband dude is a marine and state trooper she says let's stop and take a break before going back and takes us to a park on the river all subtlety is gone when she parks and says i wanna suck your wiener right now she wasn't very attractive and had crazy eyes so i declined plus there was an engineer there i had some strong chemistry with that was intense wife material i didn't want to jeopardize the possibility of dating that was pretty much the end of it she backed off and didn't make any problems i get promoted a few months later and left the department she ended up having a few kids with her husband and they're still together last i checked a few years ago this all happened in 2007 so i'm sure she's constantly messing around on him thanks for listening to radio tts hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for a date with stalker girl click the right box for the creepy women playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these stories have you ever dated a creepy girl let us [Music] know
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 208,595
Rating: 4.9140058 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, reddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts creepy women, creepy women, creepy woman, creepy woman reddit, creepy girl reddit, askreddit creepy girl, creepy girl, creepy things women, creepy things woman, creepy things girl, creepiest women, creepiest girl, creepy things women do
Id: qJ8AiLhkQ40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 13sec (1393 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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