Real Historical Events That Sound Like Fiction - AskReddit

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in the middle-ages gays and lesbians would become nuns and monks to avoid persecution what sounds like fiction but is actually a real historical event in 2007 a paraglider got trapped in the updraft of to joining thunderstorms and was lifted to an altitude of 33,000 feet 33,000 feet is how high commercial planes fly she landed over three hours later about 60 kilometers north of her starting position having survived extreme cold lightning and lack of oxygen she was unconscious for most of it thankfully it's also believed she froze falling unconscious but due to incredibly lucky events managed to thaw in time to save herself from crashing during World War one the German Navy built a ship and painted it to make it look like a British ship called the RMS car mania in order to infiltrate and destroy British convoys on the ship's first outing the first enemy had encountered was the real RMS car mania which promptly sunk it the Great molasses flood of 1919 a tank filled with 2 metres gallons of molasses burst and sent a tidal wave of molasses through the streets of Boston 21 people were killed a little boy watched his mom and his brother drown in the molasses while he tried to surf over to them on a bed that was floating but he couldn't get over to them fast enough also the people in the town would constantly complain about the tank because they saw it was leaking and might explode they responded by just painting the tank brown so people wouldn't see it leaking apparently if you go to this spot in Boston in the summer you can still faintly smell the molasses mad Jack Churchill the man with the only confirmed longbow kill in World War two the guy and his squad did a death march towards the Germans hull playing bagpipes got captured and sent to a concentration camp he then escaped got caught again and then escaped a different concentration camp also he always carried a Scottish longsword with him there's so much other weird stuff he did after the war and it's amazing to me that his entirely real a baboon named Jack who was employed to change rail signals after initial skepticism the railway decided to officially implore Jack once his job competency was verified the baboon was paid 20 cents a day and a half bottle of beer each week it is widely reported that in his nine years of employment with the railroad Jack never made a mistake not exactly historical but a poodle named cookie in Caballito Buenos Aires fell from 13 floors and fatally hit the 75 year old maar Despina killing both instantly in the course of the events 46 year old edith sola who came to see the incident was fatally hit by a bus an unidentified man who witnessed he'd its death had an heart attack and also died on his way to the hospital for auschwitz prisoners stole nazi uniforms and a car only one of them was speaking german so he was wearing the highest-ranked uniform when they left the camp they've encountered two patrols first patrol with some high rank guy just held to them second patrol with two low rank soldiers told them they can't leave because orders etc guys speaking German started screaming at them so loud and so realistically they just said we're sorry go ahead the great stink was an event in central London in 1858 the hot weather exacerbated the smell of untreated human waste and industrial effluent that was present on the banks of the River Thames the great stink led to London building its sewer system an English king named Ethelred later called the unready took some troops to defend against a Viking envision the weather was bad so a lot of the Viking ships crashed as they were landing Ethelred thought that it would be dishonorable to attack them as they were stumbling onto shore so he kept his troops back until the Vikings had a chance to get together and form proper battle lines before he attacked them the better prepared Vikings then won the fight and slaughtered a bunch of ethelred's men and he and the rest were forced to run away while the Vikings went around pillaging I don't know if this counts as a historical event because it happened in 2010 but the owner of the Segway company Jimmy Heseltine died by driving a Segway off a cliff near his estate in New York sheer on the morning of September 26 2010 Heseltine was killed when he fell from a cliff footpath into the river Wharf at the village of Thorpe arch near Boston Spa a Segway vehicle was found near him the West Yorkshire coroner concluded that Heseltine had died accidentally and that he had probably got into difficulty when he reversed his vehicle to allow a man walking his dog to pass the London beer flood of 1814 a 22 fatale beer VAT blew out and at least 100,000 to as much as 300 23,000 Imperial gallons give or take flooded slump dwellings killing eight people five of those people killed were at the time at a celebration of life service for someone else start of World War one doomsday cult assassination gone wrong until the driver takes a wrong turn allowing it to go right again sets of armed conflict between two countries but those two countries have allies and those allies have allies and soon Europe is engulfed in war with countries from around the world participating in what was called at the time the Great War or the war to end all wars but in reality it was only an appetizer to the all-out destruction and human brutality of World War two it's not historical it was like 20 years ago in my town there was a shooting accident that was pretty crazy this woman was practicing with her husband's rifle out in the field or something and she got a shot off which made its way to the highway and struck a motorist in the head killing them the driver was the shooters twin sister who was separated at birth she lived like 300 miles away and was literally just passing though town to go someplace else when she was killed by a stray bullet from the sister she never knew she had that's still like the craziest coincidence I've ever heard of in the Middle Ages gays and lesbians would become nuns and monks to avoid persecution and since religion was a heavy influence in those days it was seen as noble that they were dedicating themselves to God they would have special friends and since no one could get pregnant it wasn't that big of an issue apparently death from laughter is an incredibly rare but a completely legit cause of death in the 3rd century BCE Christmas a Greek stoic philosopher died of laughter after he saw a donkey eating his figs and Chrissa piss is not the only isolated case among the few other cases a 5th century BCE Greek painter zooks as' is said to have died laughing at his painting of the goddess Aphrodite for which an old woman who had commissioned the painting had insisted on modeling also Cleopatra the ruler of Egypt in the 1st century BCE claimed that her retainer died laughing at her husband's death according to Wikipedia the most recent cases that of ol Benson a Danish audiologist who saw funny scene in a comedy film and laughed so hard that his heart rate rose to a point where he had a fatal heart attack in 1989 from what I understood from reading up on this topic it's not the act of laughing itself but rather a fatal repercussion from a fit of laughter such as cardiac arrest asphyxiation or aneurysm which causes death for instance ole bentzen suffered a heart attack as a consequence of the terrible fit of laughter he had it's possible that such was the case of Crispus and others as well I always thought if I'm gonna die laughing as a hyperbole and I myself use it quite liberally but I guess every hyperbole has a grain of truth to it dr. Robert Liston performed an operation that ended up with a 300% mortality rate he was amputating a leg of a patient during this he sliced off the fingers of an assistant they both died of infection he also slashed the coattails of a spectator who was so terrified that the knife pierced his vital organs that he died from fright the tamam shud case shortly after World War 2 a well-groomed athletic man was found dead on an Australian beach there's no apparent cause of death it is impossible to identify the man some mysterious clues are found among them a book with a cryptic message written into it later they bury his corpse compassionately even later it turns out that he might have been searching for a child he possibly fathered some years ago and that the mother possibly had been a spy who had fallen in love with by from abroad the unidentified men who might have fathered said child with her back then as he realized that the mother wouldn't be meeting him anymore he would have poisoned himself on the beach and since he was a spy he used a poison that doesn't leave a trace Jeanne de CLE sewn 1302 1359 was married to a French nobleman who was beheaded for treason by the French King enraged she sold their estate and purchased three black warships with red sails and became a pirate queen of the English Channel who targeted French ships she became known as the lioness of Britain in her 13 years of piracy she would slaughter every member of a ship's crew except for one so that last survivor could go back and tell the French King what had happened Joshua Norton was just this random crazy guy from San Francisco who hated all this political nonsense that was going on at the time and figured he could do the job better at it himself and thus the Emperor of the United States and protector of Mexico was born while he held no real power the people liked him so much that they treated him like royalty anyways any currency issued under his name was treated like real money at many establishments one day he was arrested by a private security force because of his mental health which enraged practically all of San Francisco the police chief let him go because he had committed no crime and Norton gave an imperial pardon - the guy who arrested him after this incident any police officer Norton passed would salute him another time when a riot had formed and was getting pretty violent Norton simply stood in front of the mob and calmly prayed which managed to disperse the mob and that's not even a fraction of the crazy stuff that he did sergeant stubby during World War one a soldier found a stray dog when training on the Yale University campus and took a liking to him the soldier snuffed the dog onto the ship when he had to leave campus and when the dog was found by the commanding officer he was allowed to stay because he had learned how to salute stubby was injured a few times during the war but he was useful with alerting his squad of surprise mustard gas attacks and gunshots before the human ear could detect the sound he also found in comfort and wounded soldiers and caught a German soldier by the his pants until American soldiers got to him the bestest boy who ever live the escape from Antarctica by the members of the Antarctic expedition led by Ernest Shackleton the stuff they went through was unbelievable their boat the endurance was crushed by ice floes they were stranded on the floes for over a year in temperatures well below freezing they then took to three boats around 22 feet in length across the Antarctica's in looking for land there were about 10 men in each boat they missed reaching land by just a few miles at times two-thirds of them got stranded on Elephant Island surrounded by ice while one of the boats went out in search of rescue that boat made it through the Drake Passage one of the deadliest places in the ocean all but three of them got stranded with little food and water while the three men who left became the first people to cross South Georgia on foot they found civilization rescued the men who came through the Drake Passage waited months until they could rescue those on Elephant Island every single person who came on the initial voyage survived with the worst lasting consequence being a single foot amputation in July 1518 residents of the city of Strasbourg then part of the Holy Roman Empire were struck by a sudden and seemingly uncontrollable urge to dance the hysteria kicked off when a woman known as Frau Rafa stepped into the street and began to silently twist twirl and shake she kept up her solo dance-a-thon for nearly a week and before long some three dozen other Strasbourg boys had joined in by August the dancing epidemic had claimed as many as 400 victims the strange episode didn't end until September when the dancers were whisked away to a mountaintop shrine to pray for absolution the funny thing is that there is not really an explanation for what happened explanations range from a medical issues known as hot blood to curses being placed on people once upon a time the ruler of this one country was known to be something of a genocidal madman who partook in numerous potentially lethal duels without injury one fine day someone takes it upon themselves to kill this ruler using two single-shot pistols when he approached this ruler both pistols failed to fire in the moment of truth the ruler then proceeded to take his cane and personally beat his would-be assassin half to death before being pulled bodily away following the attempted assassination the pistols were examined and found to be in perfect working order dry powder properly loaded shot working hammer thus is the strange tale of Andrew Jackson's failed assassination there is only one logical explanation the guns were afraid of him in 1971 a teenage girl named julienne cokie was on a plane that was struck by lightning and disintegrated in the air she plummeted 3,000 metres strapped to her seat and landed in the Amazon rainforest her mom had been on the flight with her and she searched in vain for her only to learn that she was the sole survivor of the crash she survived 11 days alone treating her maggot-infested wounds with fuel and using tracking techniques her father had taught her before she found a boat that she used to make her way back to civilization what an absolute legend the killdozer Marvin he mayor was a welder living in Granby Colorado who was upset by the local council they had blocked his request to build a road to his muffler repair shop to go around a new factory that was being built on top of the existing road they then find him for not being connected to the sewage line because a workman building the factory had caught the connection he then bought and modified a bulldozer giving it 1 foot thick armor plating 3 gun ports 0.5 0 caliber rifle 0.3 0-8 semi-automatic rifle and a 22lr rile as well as several video cameras - all him to see out of it he then went on a rampage damaging or knocking down 13 buildings and causing over seven million dollars in damage amazingly only he mayor died after he shot himself when his vehicle became stuck thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification Bell for a free killdozer click the right box for the best of radio TTS playlist let us know in the comments what you think about these facts
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Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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