The Creepiest Home Intruder Stories Of Reddit - r/LetsNotMeet #14

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he had viewed videos on how to surgically remove an arm nine creepy let's not meet stories about home intruders the shower curtain this happened a few years ago in my old one person flat i had a strange feeling that something wasn't right for a few days like i was sure that food in the fridge was less than i put back the last time i found pillows from my couch on the floor stuff like that i lived alone back then so there wasn't anyone else with access to my flat or so i thought well one night i woke up around one o'clock in the morning sweating and even though i didn't remember was sure i woke from a nightmare since i was drenched in sweat i decided to take a shower so i put my phone up in the bathroom for music turned on the water and enjoyed my shower a few minutes and i heard the door move i never close it but it still never moves i took a look at the shower curtain and saw a shadow against it and a look at my phone confirmed someone was there since i could clearly see a reflection in my screen that showed someone standing next to the shower curtain it took me a lot not to scream and to keep acting like i didn't notice anything while silently taking the shower head off the holding and turning the water all the way to hot i am still kind of impressed of that quick thinking our water got really hot when you cranked it all the way to hot and a few seconds later steam was raising and the water hurt my feet flowing to the drain i turned around ripped the shower curtain open and held the shower head right at the person behind it was a woman she screamed in pain i whacked her in the face with a shower head and jumped out of the shower and ran to the door taking the key out of the lock and locking it closed behind me a little later she started to bang on the door but the door didn't give thank god for german quality work i called the cops and went to the kitchen to get my big kitchen knife just for safety i felt like my throat was closing up when i saw it missing and realized harry's only one place where it could possibly be right now the police came and arrested the woman who turned out to have been the former person living in the flat and was evicted after not paying rent seems she made a copy of the key and came into the flat when i was at work and sometimes at night it's possible that what woke me up in the first place was her and honestly i don't even want to think about it ever since then i always insist that the locks are changed when i move into a new place ritualistic surgery a stranger stalked my family broken while we were away and plotted to transform us with ritualistic surgery please be forewarned this is the type of story that makes your skin crawl in a way that makes you beg for it to be untrue i wish that were the case i am a 34 year old petty officer in the united states navy and was stationed at pearl harbor when we got our orders my wife was excited to move to hawaii tropical beaches endless summer how could we not love life besides it was a great opportunity to get our boys ages 10 and 13 outdoors and away from their xbox every now and then i'd recently remarried my wife is a gorgeous 35 year old blonde bombshell we'd met in high school journalism she was the editor of the school paper and i took the class because i thought it was an easy a when we were in our 20s she'd been a model mostly promo work and music's videos but some more prestigious things like playboy and print ads at that time i was a cheering rock musician it took us years to finally end up together but here we were living our best lives in paradise until last september early september 2019 my wife was away at a retreat and i had to return home urgently for a family emergency something was off and we could both sense it we all decided to return home early so we got on a space a military flight as soon as one became available by the time our flight landed we were exhausted fortunately we lived in privatized military housing just outside the base however as we drove up to our house my wife noticed my bicycle sitting in front of the garage you left your bike outside were you getting some exercise before you left i hadn't touched my bike since we had moved to hawaii something was wrong i instructed the kids to stay behind in the car and immediately unlocked and slid open our garage door the garage was trashed it was apparent that we had been robbed the kids were now standing outside the car it had been a long flight and they needed to use the restroom i yelled at them nervously to get in the car and rushed to the front door i slid the key into the front door and began to push it open to find a tall dark figure peering through the crack and holding it shut jet lagged and tired i wondered if i had the wrong house my wife began screaming at him what are you doing in our house and i came to my senses and pushed the door open it was a complete stranger we had no idea who he was or what he was doing there he was a puerto rican male in his early 20s about 5 feet 11 with short brown hair this is my house you have the wrong house he insisted as he attempted to shut the door on me he was wearing my clothing and shoes what did you do to my cat my wife continued to interrogate the man who stood in the doorway preventing us from getting in i rushed and grabbed an eight-pound sledgehammer from the garage the only thing we had available for our defense i screamed at the man to get out of the house as my wife yelled to the neighbors for help they just stared as i confronted the man with the sledgehammer the kids standing on the lawn but nobody called i yelled at them once again to get back in the car and lock the doors in this time they promptly did finally my wife was able to get a hold of her cell phone and call the police there's a man in our house we don't know who he is please help within a few minutes several cop cars arrived i threw down the sledgehammer and yelled to the officers and pointed at the intruder as they searched our home we gave the police our statements and the intruder was arrested for burglary after the home was cleared we were instructed to take the kids somewhere safe and do an inventory to identify what was damaged or missing we were completely shaken up it took a couple hours to drop the kids off and compose ourselves before we returned our home was completely trashed it was demoralizing all our belongings were thrown around our house pictures and items that were stored in boxes in the garage were taken out and put on display he'd even built a dog kennel that was in storage and locked up our car and tried to turn it vegan feeding him only dried mangoes and water i waited through the kitchen it smelled there were pots and pans filled with human feces urine and god only knows what else my wife called me from our bedroom upstairs james you need to come look at this now on our bed an old macbook was opened next to my combat knife and various other personal objects the omnivore trials a rehabilitation for rat like people the stranger had left about a dozen pages of notes on our old computer these notes detailed my wife and children as his test subjects stating that they were a species called omnivores and he planned to surgically alter them to become a new species called ezekiels we searched our other devices the web history revealed he had viewed videos on how to surgically remove an arm perform anal reconstructive surgery and perform gender reassignment surgery he detailed in his notes his plan to neuter my wife and how he had been watching my children play in the backyard his desired outcome was for them to be transgendered he wrote that his transformation was painful but he hoped they would be receptive and he saw them as some of the most beautiful creatures he'd seen he believed that he was going to make them even more beautiful he even wrote an entry about how he believed a child is the antichrist and that child was meant to reveal to the world the wrong doings of government and the evils of society his grotesque and bizarre obsession with my kids had us deeply concerned with the entire house trashed he actually managed to clean the kid's bedroom he placed a photo of them that was originally downstairs on the tv stand in their room it made us sick to our stomachs he listed the surgical equipment he would need researched medications and attempted to procure a hospital bed i paced around the house furiously while my wife was in a panic as i glanced down at the kitchen counter i noticed condiment cups with a liquid inside that had post-it notes which read omnivores eye drops and omnivores skin which were to the side of various prescription medications he had made serums to drug us i called my chief and he instructed us to lock ourselves in the car and call the police when the police arrived they told us there was nothing they could do they would not take the computer or the drug serums as evidence naturally we were upset as i showed him the notes on the computer we noticed he had recorded a video as well it was a 47-minute transformation video that discussed the cosmetic portion of his trials and went along with his manifesto at this time our neighbor came out and stated to the police that on friday the 13th she'd made a call to security and had witnessed a domestic disturbance between him and a woman the police noted that there was a female suspect still at large we insisted to the police that they needed to take the evidence in the home and that additional charges needed to be filed he's already charged with a felony what more do you want this set us off and my wife and i began to berate the police officer and his partner for their incompetence our bedroom furniture and clothing were destroyed there were bottles of urine placed randomly through the house various items were stained with what appeared to be semen and there was feces smeared on the bed and some chairs with that and the blatant threats left in his notes how could they not see this wasn't merely a burglary eventually we calmed down and the officer suggested we email the detective digital copies of the notes and video along with screenshots of the web history during the time the intruder was in the home unsafe violated angry we left the house as we did not feel it was okay to return with a suspect still at large unfortunately the privatized military housing company refused to provide us we alternate safe housing so the four of us spent the next few days sleeping on sofas at various people's homes the following week we received a phone call from the victims advocate at the prosecuting attorney's office the intruder had been placed on supervised release without bail naturally he violated the terms of his released and burglarized a buddhist study center and was committed to a state hospital he's now been deemed unfit to stand trial for your own sake intruder let's not meet insomnia saved my life i am an insomniac and it mostly suck but one summer night insomnia most certainly saved my life it was around 3 a.m i was 18 at the time and home alone i went to sleep at 12 30 so not only was i pissed i could not sleep i was even getting bored so i thought i would just get up and watch a movie or something and hope to feel tired soon enough or at least to entertain myself a bit so time would pass faster when i got out of my bed i heard some noise coming from my bedroom window it sounded like if something was scraping its metal frame i went to pull the blinds in order to see if there was something but just before i could i heard a click coming from my window i knew that click sound it was the sound my window made when i unlocked it i felt my heart skip a beat i could not describe and how much fear i was because at that moment i now knew it was not something but someone at my window then while i was frozen in fear i heard my window slowly and gently sliding open i felt a mix of fear and rage someone was breaking into my house into my room i had a sword collection on my wall i took the sharpest one and i made the blade pass in between the slides of the blind where someone would be in order to open my window i felt that i hit someone with my blade and i heard a short scream of pain i took a step back and was going to hit again when i heard footsteps running away towards the street with my sword still in hand i pulled the blind up there was no one there now i closed my window and blocked it so it would not be open again with the adrenaline still rushing i took my phone and called the police while keeping an eye on my window and another at the tip of my sword where i could see blood police arrived soon after and nothing else happened since the intruder was never found so to whoever tried to come into my room my house in the middle of the night let's not meet creepy teacher my neighbor broke into our house wearing only socks so we had to move i only found out about this a few years ago i am 28 years old but when i was about five years old my mom and i lived in this duplex that was off a main road and kinda in a wooded area we lived on one side and on the other was a woman and her son there he was studying to be a teacher my mother had me young so she was about 25 and the guy was in his early 20s he would often come talk to my mom my mother said he would ask a lot of questions about me and ask my mother if it would be all right for him to take me for walks in the woods my mother always declined my mother worked in the operating room at the local hospital and was on call a lot so most weekends i stayed at my grandma's house one night while i was at my grandma's house my mom was home alone sleeping she woke in the middle of the night and said she doesn't remember if she heard something or felt someone in the room but she woke up she could see feet wearing socks sticking out from the end of her bed she grabbed her bedside lamp and was about to hit the intruder when our neighbor yelled her name and said his name he couldn't explain why he was naked and only wearing socks but he begged my mother to not tell his mother about it my mother of course called the cops she ended up going to court and making a victim impact statement against this guy because she was terrified he'd become a teacher and be around children she says she is pretty sure he was there for me that night and is so happy i wasn't there we ended up moving immediately because she couldn't stay another night in the house so neighbor who broke into our house wearing only socks let's not meet and also let's pray you are nowhere near young children i was apologizing to the intruder so about four years ago i was living with an ex-boyfriend we'll call him useless prick and his aunt pill popper pam and her boyfriend loser len i woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee useless prick was asleep in bed when i got up i walked across the house and pill popping pam's door was open she and loser len were both passed out i made my way sleepily to the bathroom and saw the light was on since i knew everyone was asleep i assumed pill popper pam left the light on and opened the door i was wrong i saw multiple things in a few seconds the first thing i remember is that it smelled like horrible poop and that someone had just taken a shower based off of the steam secondly there were clothes folded up into squares and organized on the ground there was a man on the toilet i having manners and very much still half asleep jumped and apologized and closed the door i panicked and went to my room and tried to wake useless prick but he was of course useless i texted pill popper pam and said hey there is a man in the bathroom she texted back i know it's okay he's a friend of mine this calmed me down and i messaged back something like okay thanks just checking and she said no problem go back to sleep and i did the next day i bring it up when everyone is around pill popper pam says she never texted me she was high on pills and passed out cold and she would never allow a friend to just come in like that and that it sounded like it was the homeless man who walked our street constantly he had used her phone the hooded figure i woke up to a hooded figure standing over me this occurred in 2017 and is 100 true due to a multitude of factors including a recent death of a close friend i was unbearably depressed at this time in my life for that reason my family flew across the country to visit me in la we thought it would be nice to visit catalina island when we arrived it became apparent to us that it was the off-season it was late november the weather was cold and as a result the island was nearly empty besides locals and a few straggling tourists such as ourselves our first priority was to ditch our luggage so we could explore the island so we immediately checked into our motel though that word hardly does the place justice i call it a motel because all the doors to the rooms exited to the outside but in actuality our room was one of 20 to 30 quaint guest house looking buildings arranged in sort of a horseshoe shape around the walkway with rooms on either side of the path the entrance to the motel was essentially one of the points of the horseshoe and if you walk dead straight you'd reach the room we were given essentially on the corner before you have to go right to go further into the horseshoe so from our room one path lead back to the street the other further into the secluded maze of rooms stay with me after a day of exploring and having just finished dinner it was time for the cold dark walk back to the room catalina island is a decent distance from the mainland and let me just say it gets dark similarly dark was my headspace after the dinner conversation took a left-hand turn and my overwhelming depression got the best of me i pulled my black hoodie tighter over my freezing ears and walked ahead of my parents to the hotel room telling them i just needed to go to sleep and i did immediately depression sometimes makes that easy i was already losing consciousness as they entered after me drifting off without so much as a good night i then woke up to my mom saying my name a harsh whisper the room had two beds my parents bed closer to the door and mine further in the room my mom's voice cut through the silence again she sounded concerned for me i didn't blame her considering my mental state at the time groggy i rolled over what i asked as my eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight coming in through the curtains i saw her turn to face me she was surprised to see me in my bed her eyes got wide if i'm in my bed who was she talking to we both looked back to where she was previously looking to see a hooded figure in all black standing over their bed i know this is let's not meet and you are reading this knowing a creepy thing is going to happen it's in the title but understand how horrifically startling it is to be on an island in the middle of the ocean and wake up to see a hooded stranger looming over you this moment seemed to last forever life isn't like movies where characters unleash a blood-curdling scream sometimes the only thing that comes out is something panicked and guttural my mom's words became low and severe as she said my dad's name in a dire voice i've never heard her use before then the hooded figure did something so bizarre and unsettling it didn't advance towards us but instead crouched in the corner near where it stood the way it crouched was so absolutely unexpected even in regards to this already unexpected situation that it terrified me it seemed animalistic i knew two things the hooded figure had been standing over us sleeping and it's not acting in any sort of way that i can understand as opposed to the infinite moment of this figure standing over us mere seconds ago the series of events that unfolded when my hulking ex-military dan woke up happened in an instant suddenly we were out the door not knowing which way the intruder went my mom was screaming get him get him my dad was running down one path of the horseshoe further into the hotel shouting through sheer adrenaline i'm going to kill you i ran down the other path towards the street when i got there not a sign of the intruder but it became suspiciously quiet behind me i ran back to the room to find my dad quietly walking back his head low he gets really close to me and i hear him say it's a kid the explanation some young teen tall and lanky as i am in my 20s wearing all black including a black hoodie went into the wrong room our room the one time my parents just so happened to forget to lock the door my mom woke up when he entered and seeing a tall person in a black hoodie thought he was me assumingly leaving the room in a depressive episode and when the hooded figure crouched that was him realized his mistake and panicking he was scared of us as i got back to the room my mom walked out and hugs this kid who is now crying his eyes out i would be too if a massive ex-soldier was sprinting after me with murder in his eyes so to the now traumatized kid from catalina island i look forward to reading your let's not meet of this same event from your perspective why you should always lock your doors this encounter was not too long ago and solidified in my mind why i will always close the blinds at night and why even in a quiet suburban neighborhood you should always lock your door i have long since taken to checking all windows and locks before i go to bed and closing blinds and curtains for fear i might look out to see some creep in a clown costume with a knife in my garden or a child with their head at an unnatural angle so context this nice suburban neighborhood as i say is home of my parents little town in cheshire england quiet street where we all know each other low crime rate except one house which has been heavily burgled twice in about 10 years both opportunistic once because the keys were near the door and the invader smashed a small pane to reach them and let themselves in the other time they'd left their blinds open overnight leaving their laptops wallets and both cars car keys on full display anyway i don't live with my parents anymore but i was back in town and staying with them for a few days over summer i was sat in the kitchen which faces onto the street and working on my laptop just glancing up occasionally to watch people pass by walking dogs or strolling with a pram i'd seen something moving in my peripheral so like every time i looked up hoping to see a dog walker or one neighbor and her newborn grandson nope two people a man in a semi-casual suit and a woman in plain jeans and a blouse but they were moving weirdly the woman had her head craned over to one of her shoulders and her arm on that side was bent backwards and unnaturally upwards with her hand rhythmically flicking her other arm randomly but smoothly glided about guided by her elbow it was a bit like when you try and push two magnets together at the same point of polarity that's how i describe it i have friends with epilepsy and i've never seen them contort or flick like that not even their myoclonic jerks the man looked more like one of those dancing inflatables you see at a used car dealership that's the only way i could describe his movements they walked past my parents house and i instinctively called to my cat check he wasn't outside with those weirdos i found him upstairs in my old room he was looking out of the window and as i followed his gaze i see two of the kid neighbors in the double-burgled house waving across to me well to my cat but i waved back all the same from their parents upstairs bedroom window i went downstairs to tell my parents about the strange moving people and my dad just furrowed his brow asked if they were gone and said to double-check that the door was locked i headed back to the kitchen to check our back door was locked this door doesn't have any windows in it so you can understand i jumped out of my skin when as i put my hand on the door handle it was pushed down from someone on the other side i push on the door immediately before anyone can push it from outside i also must scream because i hear my dad call back i hear his footsteps coming through the house then i hear a loud gasp on the other side of the door and out of the kitchen window guess who i see making a retreat creepy moving dude and dudette by the time my dad's made it through the house they're gone he doesn't seem to believe me although also doesn't seem doubting either he's never seen them before and takes a free pop at me for being discriminatory against potential house guests with movement disorders anyway these people were gone i don't sleep well and those scary stories i read meant that i always listen to the excessive creaking in this house and noises on the street outdoors at night like people walking home drunk and foxes mating most of the sounds are quiet though so imagine my shock when my straining ears are suddenly attacked by a child's scream it takes me a second to locate the sound and another to lurch from my bed to the window looking straight over to the upstairs window the same one where not 12 hours ago my neighbor's children were waving to me from i scanned down the house and saw their front door wide open i shouted to my parents hoping to wake them up as i flew down the stairs in my pjs with 999 already dialed on my phone to report this likely home invasion before i do anything else i'm remembering to scream fire not burglar as i stride across the road attempting to wake other neighbors and gather support and mass there are two kids and a teenager in that commonly burgled house kids who i babysat for 10 years and one of them just screamed at 2am when their front door is wide open i make sure i say this out loud to the emergency responder on the phone as i near the door i can see a figure inside moving frantically so after telling the phone responder what is happening and answering their brief questions i shout into the door from a safe distance some phrases the police gave me to say the police are on their way families names we are right outside and we're getting help is anyone hurt and to tell the intruders we know you are there please do not hurt anyone the police can help you i get a response from the upstairs window and step back into the road to see the mother holding all three kids in her arms and she tells me the middle child who's nine found intruders on the stairs when she went to get a drink in the night the girl imogen tells me they're like clowns this extra detail is the straw that broke the camel's back and my vision darkens no i'm going to pass out the last thing i hear is emmy telling her mom i said a bad word i came to in the middle of the road with a foil blanket on and a soft octonauts toy under my head i could see lots of blue lights three police cars and an ambulance that one's for me and i can see my neighbors out of the corner of my eye my hearing returns as emmy tells me her little brother volunteered his toy because i hit my head when i fainted suddenly i'm up and looking around to count all five of the family members and checking for injury over the top of their heads i can see an arm frantically waving in and out of view yep moving weirdos broken into my neighbor's house i see the woman is standing still her head still slumped to the side just as she's lowered into a police car i was later told that as i spoke to my neighbors out their bedroom window their dad had gone to fight the intruders and kicked the woman down the stairs as she was climbing them the man was the frantically moving shadow i had seen from the doorway police reckoned they'd been trying doors down our street and found one unlocked i told them about the couple trying our door earlier in the afternoon i'm guided to the ambulance and sat on the bed whilst the paramedics tend to a large cut on the back of my head from my fall i vaguely feel them removing gravel cleaning gluing and dressing it but i'm preoccupied watching two police try to contain the human dancing inflatable man they can't catch both arms at the same time to cuff him so eventually one policeman is cuffed to one of the man's hands and thus has his arm flung every which way as the man continues to move i have no idea what they've been tried with if they were on drugs or had a movement disorder me and my dad do have a small bet on this matter or when the court hearing is yet but as a key witness i'll be told when they need me in court but i would happily go the rest of my life without hearing a kid scream at 2 am and seeing those weird moving creeps so creepy dancing dude and dudette let's not meet how's sitting gone wrong this happened two summers ago while i was house sitting out in california for an older couple i had met at a conference for work it had seemed like a dream scenario the couple wanted to vacation in hawaii for two weeks but didn't want to board their cats and i had been chatting with them about wanting to visit california again where they happened to live because i had loved it the first time i went and we figured that we could mutually benefit if i came out in house sad for them so i flew out there and they showed me around for a few days taught me how to care for the cats two of them one that was extremely shy and i barely saw which is important later and their plans they gave me access to their house and cars these people were so generous and before i knew it i had dropped them off at the airport and i was on my own at first it really was the dream vacation i was staying in oakland and making forays into san fran sonoma monterey in the mornings i could walk out the front door and shortly be hiking the paths surrounding nearby mount diablo and i was just ultra content with the world i was so enamored by the area that i had actually started looking into taking some steps to relocate out there even but then one day about halfway through my final week there when i got back to the house i felt really odd almost like i shouldn't go inside i shook it off and went inside anyway because it was getting late and i needed to put out dinner for the cats once i was inside i forced myself to ignore how off i felt and i made some food for myself went to bed and were shocked to find the shy cat hiding under my bed and crying this was the first time i had even seen her close up the entire time i had been there up to that point she never left my host's bedroom unless she didn't realize i was around again i ignored feeling weird and just assumed she had decided i was okay and went to bed i did start locking my bedroom door that night though i also remember that about halfway through that night i thought i heard someone walking around in the gravel outside of my window but after listening for a bit i didn't hear anything else and went back to sleep the day after in the morning i still felt a little odd but kept up with my plans for the day i drove out to a little music festival in sonoma and went close shopping and had an overall great day when i got back to the house though i found the front door locked in a way i hadn't left it basically my hosts never locked the deadbolt only the lower second lock and that's the only lock my key worked on so i never messed with the deadbolt but it was definitely locked so i had to call my hosts and find the hide-a-key which to their credit safety-wise was buried like a whole foot underneath the bush outside and had definitely not been unearthed for a long time so i used that went inside and kept the key with me just in case it happened again and it did but with a different door this time i had stepped out into the garage to get a drink and when i turned around to go back into the house the door was shut and locked i could use my normal key on that door but i was still pretty bewildered my own cats are whack so i think in my mind i was trying to come up with a way the cats could be locking me out of the house but i was coming up empty i decided i must have been misunderstanding how the locks worked and just wrote it off and started checking and triple checking locks when i went out of the house or out into the garage that night when i went to bed the really awful feeling of unease was still there and so was the shy cat who was clearly unhappy to see me but also wouldn't leave my room but again i just locked my bedroom door and went to sleep the next morning i felt awful nausea body ache i had no desire to leave the house so i decided to stay in a netflix for a day this vacation stay was like a full two weeks so i didn't feel like i was in any hurry to get all my touristy things in anyways but as the day went on i started to feel that feeling of wrongness again and it morphed into feeling incredibly watched around mid-afternoon it got to the point that i was so uneasy that even feeling awful i decided to get out of the house for a bit to shake it off i was getting a bit low on food so i went to the grocery store and bought a couple food items that i didn't think would hurt my stomach and as i started to leave the checkout the cashier said the generic have a great evening and i just instantly started crying shocking myself and the poor cashier because i just had this intrusive thought that said you might be the last person to ever say that to me when i got to my car i was still crying and my entire body was telling me not to drive back to the house i couldn't not though because i didn't want to neglect the cats so i drove back parked in the driveway and convinced myself after about half an hour to just go open the front door once i did that i thought i would get over it and be able to go in and at least feed the cats and then maybe i'd go get a hotel room after but my body physically would not let me inside it was like i was stuck in the entryway i then made a deal with myself i would yell into the house saying i had already called the police and that they were on their way in panic logic i figured that would make anyone in the house leave so i faced the inside of the house looking down the hallway towards the bedrooms and i did just that the second i had finished saying they're almost here so if you want to avoid being arrested you need to leave now the light in my house room turned on and i heard some banging i immediately hightailed it back to the car called the police for real and proceeded to have a mental breakdown while talking to the dispatcher once they got there they checked the house and didn't find anyone but the double doors in my house bedroom were left wide open i'm so glad the cats didn't get out and there was a pile of food wrappers in the corner behind the blinds so they said it looked like someone had been there what makes it so scary to me is that nothing was taken and that based on the shape of the house that would have been the perfect vantage point to see me in the living room as i stayed home sick to explain this the house was in an l shape and from the windows into the garden that we're in my host's bedroom you could see into the living room windows also the minute the police were gone they said they couldn't prove anyone was there there were no signs of forced entry and we couldn't get a hold of my hosts immediately to verify if anything had been taken etc which once they were back they verified that nothing had been taken so they said they'd petrol a bit but nothing else the shy cat was right back in my host's bedroom and i didn't see her again until i left to go back home basically i think the intruder had been there at least two days forcing her to choose between two strangers and leading her to choose the one that was at least a little less strange me it messed me up pretty bad especially because they didn't catch the person and didn't seem to have any desire to look and i still had to stay in that house for the next three days nothing else odd happened and i didn't feel anything off the rest of the time i was there but the damage was done i've never felt completely safe in a home without doing a complete search before bed since but i am extremely glad my gut spoke up i guess i'd rather have some residual anxiety than be dead so whoever was in my host's house watching me let's please never meet shower someone broke into my house and jumped into the shower with me when i was a kid like nine years old my sister and i were doing swimming classes together at our community pool so one evening after my mom picked us up from the pool and she told us to get ready to go to the grocery store my family owns a restaurant and we were a comfortable bunch of people to say the least then but earlier in the day someone had cut a pipe outside the house and whilst an employee of ours was fixing the pipe he left the door open and a man came into our home and hid all day long literally from like 10 a.m now this is at 6 30 p.m i went upstairs to shower to get the chlorinated water off me before we left home and my sister was changing in our room someone the guy came into the bathroom and started rummaging through the drawers i asked what my sister was looking for because i couldn't see through the frosted glass and at that point i assumed she was looking for something for her hair then the guy literally froze and jumped into the shower with me he pulled off his shirt and dropped it over my head and at this point i was screaming i crouched down into a ball to protect myself and i screamed for dear life some guy from the street heard me screaming and he bolted through the house before anyone else could have come and helped me and the guy who was in the shower with me got freaked and jumped out from with me and ran out the back door at this point in time my dad had already got his gun and was running to see if i was okay i was too traumatized to go into the bathroom by myself for like a year and a half 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Id: _AqmVqFnwE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 25sec (2185 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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