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warning this video will ruin your week it is incredibly disturbing and contains descriptions of the most cruel things done by humans please don't read the related Wikipedia articles if you are easily disturbed why not watch a cat video instead a poodle named cookie fell from 13 floors and fatally hit the 75 year-old Marta Espina dying instantly what are the most disturbing Wikipedia pages to read ter errors pretty weird here is an excerpt a French showman and soldier noted for his unusual eating habits able to eat vast amounts of meat he was constantly hungry his parents could not provide for him and he was turned out of the family home as a teenager he travelled to France in the company of a band of thieves and prostitutes before becoming the warm-up act to a traveling charlatan he would swallow corks stones living animals in the whole basket full of apples he then took this act to Paris where he worked as a street performer he ate a meal intended for 15 people in a single sitting eight living cats snakes lizards and puppies and swallowed eels whole without chewing after being suspected of eating a toddler he was ejected from the hospital he reappeared four years later in Versailles with a case of severe tuberculosis and died shortly afterwards following a lengthy bout of exudative diarrhea unit 731 is pretty bad it concerns the lethal experiments on humans performed by Imperial Japan which were horrific and numerous the cherry on the top those involved were all pardoned by the US after the war in return for handing over the extensive data they had gathered the saddest part about this is the continual denial of the atrocities attempted historical revisionism and the extent to which the Japanese army tried to cover up the massacre to this day many Japanese politicians refused to acknowledge Nanjing and call it downright fabrication and it's put a strain on sino-japanese relations the human wiki entry it reads like it was written by another species it's extremely disconcerting a terrestrial animal humans are characterized by their erect posture and bipedal locomotion high manual dexterity and heavy tool use compared to other animals probably the ones about the messed up stuff that people used to do and just get away with Linda Hazzard and starvation Heights is a good one Linda burr field hazard was an American quack fraud and swindler noted for her promotion of fasting as a treatment she was imprisoned by the state of Washington for a number of deaths resulting from this at a sanitarium she operated there in the early 20th century her treatments were responsible for at least 15 deaths she died during a fast in 1938 toy box killer do not listen to the audio tapes David Parker ray also known as the toy box killer was an American serial killer and known torturer of women though no bodies were found he was accused by his accomplices of killing several people and suspected by the police to have murdered as many as 60 people from Arizona and New Mexico while living in Elephant Butte New Mexico he soundproofed a truck trailer that he called his toy box and equipped it with items used for sexual torture ray was convicted of kidnapping and torture in 2001 for which he received a lengthy sentence but he was never convicted of murder the murder of Junko Furuta she was kidnapped by four boys then brutally tortured and raped at age 17 this went on for months before they murdered and encased her body in a concrete drum I wouldn't recommend a read super cruel imagery and very depressing this was just because she declined one of the boys requests to date that's literally all she did to warrant this horrific treatment the murder of sylvia likens is awful she was a teenage girl who was held captive by her caregiver in a house full of other kids four months before dying from her injuries her caregiver would encourage the neighborhood kids to come around and help torture Sylvia shortly thereafter Gertrude shouted for Lycans to return to the kitchen then ordered her to strip naked before proclaiming to her you have branded my daughters now I am going to brand you she began carving the wards I'm a prostitute and proud of it on to Lycans abdomen with a heated needle when Gertrude was unable to finish the branding she instructed one of the neighborhood children present fourteen-year-old richard hobbs to finish watching the words into Lycans flesh as she took jenny to a nearby grocery store in what Hobbs would later insist were short light etchings he continued to brand the text into lichens abdomen as she clenched her teeth and moaned 1971 Bangladesh genocide basically during Bangladesh is war for independence the Pakistani military went on a campaign of genocidal rape three hundred thousand to three million Bangladeshi people were killed in 200,000 to 400,000 Bangladeshi women and girls were raped I don't remember how I stumbled upon it I just remember being a part of such an atrocity ever occurring at only learning about it until now the otaku killer to sum it up briefly this guy was a psychotic maniac who raped and killed little girls it's sickening to read what he's done in detail find the list of people on death row in the u.s. click a random one and read their case they're either disturbing because of the nature of the crime or the fact that they're on death row with lacking evidence the lists of the youngest mothers and the youngest killers are very disturbing Lina Medina from Peru gave birth by a cesarean section in Lima at age five half the infant was a 2.6 nine kilograms boar named Gerardo Medina's parents who assumed their daughter had a tumor took her to a hospital where she was then found to be seven months pregnant when she was about five years and six months old she gave birth one and a half months later by interrogating her parents the doctors understood that Medina had entered into precocious puberty when hormone glands are activated earlier than normal very early after her birth Medina's father was arrested on suspicion of sexual abuse but was later released due to lack of evidence and the baby's biological father was never identified Carol Cole from Richmond California was eight years old when he killed his first victim the murder was not discovered until he later confessed he murdered 15 more victims during adulthood he was executed by lethal injection on December 6th 1985 st. Louis Jane Doe in an identified girl who was found murdered in an abandoned house on February 28 1983 in st. Louis Missouri she has also been nicknamed hope and the little Jane Doe the victim was estimated to be between 8 and 11 when she was murdered and is believed to have been killed by strangulation and later decapitated the story of Jeana the feral child she was locked in a tiny cage by her demented father never learned how to speak in full sentences and had a permanent fear of dogs since her father would make growling noises at her to keep her quiet quote in the article from one of her caretakers Jeanne saying father hit big stick father is angry to herself demonstrating that she could talk about her life before she had started to learn language fascinating and terrifying article that was in my thoughts four days after I read it bit of a length they read but worth it and as far as we know she is still alive living in an undisclosed place in LA with special care she would be in her 60s now Peter Scully for those have you heard about the incredibly horrible Daisy's destruction incident you know what I'm talking about and for those who don't know look at your own risk torture rape and murder of several children toddlers and babies videos were taped and sold on the dark web someone replied this is the one that haunts me there was a similar thread to this one a few years back and I read his wiki don't just don't read it it's so horrifying it's so awful Albert Fish is considered by some to be the most warped mind ever produced by Western society he wrote a confession to a priest right before his execution which I am sure was him just delighting and retelling his stories of child murder and cannibalism and the priest just burned it in front of him also fun fact apparently he had some many needles and nails in his rectum and genitals that he shorted out on the electric chair some people just need to be killed Joseph Mengele is disturbing maybe not the most but that was of the top of mind so yeah Mengele the Nazi scientists who performed experiments on humans the only thing worse than that article is pictures of his experiments especially what he did to children the list of unusual deaths Thomas Midgley Jr's life was a wreck from start to finish he messed up the air by accident with lead and CFCs got polio then hung himself accidentally poor guy judy kz Gorski was killed when a 75-pound 34 kilograms spotted eagle ray lipped out of the water and knocked her over the Ray also died that last line Wow Michael : beanie six died during a MRI scan after an oxygen tank was magnetically pulled into the Machine and fractured his skull Denver Lee st. Claire was asphyxiated by an atomic wedgie administered by his stepson during a fight after st. Claire had been knocked unconscious the elastic band from his torn underwear was pulled over his head and stretched around his neck strangling him a poodle named cookie in Caballito Buenos Aires fell from 13 floors and fatally hit 75 year-old Marv despina dying instantly in the course of the events 46 year old edith sola who came to see the incident was fatally hit by a bus an unidentified man who witnessed he'd its death had an heart attack and also died on his way to the hospital Abu Ghraib I like looking at weird wiki pages concentration camps Haitian Vodou mummies tear out but Abu Ghraib was hard for me to read during the war in Iraq that began in March 2003 personnel of the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed a series of human rights violations against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq these violations included physical and sexual abuse torture rape sodomy and murder Emmett Till my heart breaks for what happened to him his death was one of the key events that sparked a lot of outrage during the civil rights movement the poor boy was lynched like so many other African American men were for no reason he didn't do anything till had been accused of wolf whistling or white one which he didn't do and he was dragged out of his relative's home and murdered for it his murderers got away with it dr. John money's Wikipedia article especially in regards to David rhymers sex reassignment surgery in therapy where in him and his twin brother were forced to touch each other in sexually explicit ways while dr. money took pictures dr. money was one of the major proponents for the idea of gender being a social construct incited the David rhymer cases proof if I were to guess maybe people sweep this whole thing under the rug in order to keep people from questioning that narrative here is an accept in 1966 a bunch circumcision left 8 month old rhymer without a penis money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in rhymers best interest at the age of 22 months rhymer underwent an orchiectomy in which his testicles were surgically removed he was reassigned to be raised as female and given the name Brenda money further recommended hormone treatment to which the parents agreed I read the article on the circassian genocide during one of my wiki holes and needed some serious eye bleach after that one not a historical event that is taught about it all in the US the article is basically what if the holocaust hadn't been stopped but it actually happened in Russia in the mid-1800s like it was an incredibly successful genocide colonialism is incredibly messed up the death of Kelly Thomas very graphic article so be warned basically he was a homeless man suffering from schizophrenia and when he wouldn't cooperate with police not resisting or being aggressive just uncooperative they've beaten taste him into a coma while he was begging for his life his face was hardly recognizable afterwards he died in the hospital five days later a number of writers have alleged that the United States Central Intelligence Agency CIA was involved in cocaine trafficking during the 1980s in 1986 its spokesman acknowledged that funds from sales of cocaine smuggled into the US had helped fund the Contra rebels the CIA founded the Contra rebels with drug money earned from cocaine drug trade the radioactive Boy Scout David Han I find it deeply disturbing how much damage a bright kid without guidance can do to himself in his surroundings and how scientific illiterate adults can make disastrous decisions just another argument against one-size-fits-all education and for mandatory basic science for everyone excerpts his homemade neutron source was often incorrectly referred to as a reactor but it did end up emitting dangerous levels of radiation likely well over 1,000 times normal background radiation and his mother fearful that she would lose her house at the full extent of the radiation were known had already collected the majority of the radioactive material and thrown it away in the conventional garbage just know thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell for more videos click the right box for the things you should not Google video and well done for not opening Wikipedia today it is better this way bye [Music]
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 304,982
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Keywords: askreddit, ask reddit, reddit, reddit best, reddit stories, reddit story, reddit top post, reddit stories 2019, reddit comments, reddit funny, askreddit funny, best of reddit, reddit creepy, reddit cringe, radio tts wikipedia, disturbing wikipedia pages, disturbing wikipedia articles, askreddit disturbing wikipedia, creepy wikipedia pages, creepy wikipedia reddit, creepy wikipedia entries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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