How Popular Kids Became Total Outcasts - AskReddit

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there was Green diary all over the floor just down the hall from the classroom poor girl what did the popular kid at your school do to go from cool to an absolute outcast he was popular because he was a rebel that talked back to teachers and insulted them openly he became an outcast because he made the teacher everyone loved cry this teacher was the sweetest woman ever she was like the school mom and absolutely everybody loved her she embraced it too she called us all her babies there was this one kid who never tried in her class and would always mouth off to her for no reason one time a couple people overheard her talking to him after class about how if he didn't make any effort he wouldn't graduate her class was required to graduate and he was failing miserably he threatened her and tried to hit her apparently he got jumped by like half the school later well the popular girl at my school tried to ruin the life of a really sweet girl because of boyfriend drama when she realized people were standing up for the sweet girl instead she lost her mind accusing the other girl and her boyfriend of property damage turning on anyone who didn't swear loyalty to her turning people against one another screaming at teachers it was a mess the nail in the coffin was when she confided to me and to others that she was planning to put laxatives in the pastry she baked for the class obviously I let people know and she became completely ostracized she left at the end of junior year and senior year was the most chill year ever he killed an infant in a car accident completely shut down during senior year wouldn't talk to anybody anymore he accidentally hit a small child that came out between parked cars on the main road of a very small pa town and he was going like five to ten miles per hour over the speed limit it ruined him so very sad for all parties this kind of thing happens all over the most popular kid in my middle school was this big Samoan dude looked like he was 13 going on 25 years old I remember he gained a lot of popularity when he serenaded this girl in class to ask her to the dance he had music playing on his iPhone and he started belting out love songs while on bended knee later on the year he went from hero to zero when we found out he'd been molesting his sister he seduced a quiet girl in school she was really soft-spoken but super nice to everyone basically everyone's little sister she was absolutely beloved by everyone in her year and he was a year older he was her first love and he had intercourse with her once took her virginity and then essentially abandoned her she was devastated by it and it broke her for the rest of the time she was at school she went right into her shell and barely spoke to anyone when he started bragging about what he did everyone hated him he even got beat up a few times because people were so angry at what he did it was heroin dude would come in and show off his needle marks last I heard his girlfriend was blowing dudes for drug money to feed their habit he was a really nice dude that always made everyone laugh always makes me scent remembering what he did to himself sent his girlfriends naked pics to the whole school the worst part of it was the excuse he gave I'm so sorry I didn't mean to send it to everyone just a couple guys from the basketball team he ended up switching schools accidentally left a video of himself sticking stuff up his butt on a phone that he sold to another student it kind of spread throughout the school he was teased pretty badly about it and he got angry easily so it was just a big mess I was friends with a lot of people including him so I tried to get people to ease up on him when I saw it was really getting to him which worked to an extent but middle schoolers really suck a girl from high school who hit a stroller wall plastered she had two miracles happened to her that year one the child wasn't in the stroller the mom had pulled them out while talking to a friend and two somehow the judge didn't hit her with the book and agreed to let her keep her license and skip jail with the condition of probation no drinking in mandatory AAA she posted on Facebook probation starts tomorrow who wants to get plastered before I can't anymore she didn't even make it one day this kid in middle school used to be nasty to everyone he had nice stuff his parents got him and everyone thought he was tough and could fight until one day he started on a special-needs kid nobody had ever actually seen the popular kid fight he just was excellent at intimidation now a lot of the special-needs kids in my area weren't just students who were mentally challenged but had overall learning disabilities many of those kids came from very tough homes and the special-needs kid to the popular kid messed with was an absolute savage he grew up in a pretty tough part of town but was really a gentle giant he could play football he was muscular he could do everything the regular students could do except speak properly a minor speech impediment the popular kid challenged him to a one-on-one fight and got his ass kicked by the special-needs kid I'm talking blood everywhere his clothes got ripped one of his sneakers landed like 10 feet away and to top it all off he even tried running away after the first few punches the special-needs kid grabbed him and pulled him back it was a massacre the popular kid not only lost all of his influence but didn't even have the guts to come back to school for like a week if I ever saw Instant Karma would have had to have been on this day because he was quiet as a mouse the rest of the years through high school there was a guy that was pretty popular he got really drunk at a party and totally didn't know where he was he pulled down his pants squatted and totally started to poop he moved away immediately he was a senior and I was in eighth grade that was well over 25 years ago well he friended me on Facebook a couple months ago and I kinda recognized him I racked my brain and it came to me the guy who pooped at the party poor guy there was a popular cheerleader at my school that was in a bad car wreck and she suffered severe brain damage the day she came back some of her friends aka the popular kids sat with her at lunch every day after that though they sat on the other side of the cafeteria in their normal spot and she was with the other special-needs students they would walk past her without saying a word as far as everyone knew her entire group of completely abandoned her I don't think she missed them though so silver lining she seemed to be very happy most of the time after the accident not so much before this was in the mid late 80s and every teen movie with a bunch of bad preppies pretty much accurately depicts the popular kids in my high school she dated me we were in Speech and Debate class together both did impromptu and we would give each other random quotes and stupid cartoons to practice with spend a lot of time together because of it we dated for about two days before people mocked her for it and she bailed on me hard to keep her social status she never socially recovered from the sin of liking one of the Nerds thing is though she then lost all her nerd friends too I remember in middle school the popular kid asked out the most unpopular girl and then embarrassed her in front of everybody by breaking up with her and laughing in her face about how she could think it was real it was really sad and I remember her being really into high school TV shows and I think she really wanted to be popular like she hoped life would be like a Disney show or something I don't know what happened to him but I remember everyone kind of being like dude and he moved a bit later in high school the popular kids weren't necessarily bullies they weren't super welcoming into their circle to invite everyone to parties and stuff but they weren't total bullies at least that I know of they were just good at sports and attractive pretty much our star football player lost his full-ride football scholarship to LSU after beating his girlfriend into a coma it's been like eight years but if memory serves correctly he didn't end up going to prison or juvie because they lacked sufficient evidence he eventually got expelled from our school because it had a zero-tolerance policy for fighting and one of his girlfriend's friends called him out for beating her while in the hallway he didn't like being confronted and tried to beat the hell out of the guy calling him out graduated high school he turned into that 30 year old dude that still hasn't gotten over high school we all realized we grew apart when he tries to sack tap everyone at the barbecue and still trying to do the party boy gimmick from jackass we haven't gotten together in like seven or so years after high school so this was the first thing he started doing when he arrived with the rest of the gang no warming up or anything just a straight tap on the sack and laughing maniacally this happened between elementary and middle school our elementary was small and we fed into a middle school with a much bigger school think 20% us and 80% them most popular kids showed up on the first day after only knowing what it's like to be the coolest kid in the small school and tried to start messing with some random kid who was with 11 of his friends to show how cool and top dog he was to everyone I guess yeah those 12 guys beat him up and then made fun of him for years he wasn't cool anymore just that fast by high school nobody cared anymore but he was never really popular again all popular kids in my school were complete male genital heads that bullied others this fella king of the hill starts dating a girl from another school that was friends with one of the bullied kids the kid told the girl what her boyfriend is in that school so the girl threatened to break up with him if he didn't change his ways he stopped socializing with the cool folks and started getting bullied by them and none of the other kids wanted to warm up to him he was a loner at school but he made his girlfriend happy and he was happy my school doesn't really have popular people everyone just kinda has their friends some people have more than others but it's not like a social hierarchy however this one girl did something that rightfully destroyed her reputation so basically this girl that was pretty well-liked asked out this boy that no one ever expected her to ask out it was unexpected because he was less well known but in general everyone liked him they had a cute relationship for about two months he started sitting with her friends at luncheon was becoming closer with them well one of the girls friends found out she was cheating on him she told the boy and her friends and he was really upset about it when the girl found out people knew the truth she said she was only dating him for answers on homework and that she never actually liked him once it got around no one really looked at her the same she tried to talk bad about him and the friend that exposed her a few times but she was either ignored or totally shut down this year she's not at our school and no one misses her got blamed for a drive-by basically was the start track and field sprinter and jumper as well as football player nice guy too a rather typical jock type but he got along well with virtually everyone he was definitely popular because he was extremely athletically talented though he took the fall for a murder he didn't commit almost everyone knew he was innocent he was not a violent individual just tied up with the wrong crowd at the wrong time he's gonna spend most his natural life behind bars now a true shame he had a bright future and now he's a physically literal outcast from society albeit not deserving she was pretty and fairly popular and near the end of the school year told everyone she had cancer we were approaching the end of grade seven at the time eventually literally everyone knew teachers other parents other grades etc and it kind of United everyone who weren't typically friends and that was kind of cool until one day maybe a week or two in a pair of girlfriends go to visit her at her parents house and they bring it up and discover it was a hoax she pissed off a lot of people and lost all her friends after that gained new ones eventually but what a weird thing to lie about he pissed off one of the other popular guys maybe by dating his ex-girlfriend I can't remember exactly how but every dude in school shut him out and he had no friends kind of sad because he was a decent guy and they turned on him at the slightest provocation but that's how things were in my class my class was known for having the meanest cruelest cliques we had a few substitute teachers who refused to teach our class because we were so awful I'm glad I moved schools that place was a nightmare not really out casted but a girl at my high school got cancer I'm not sure exactly what type I think it was on her lung but I remember her talking about how it was pressing against her spine and that caused pain or motor problems or something like that a lot of people started avoiding her after word got out it wasn't really that they were trying to be cruel or didn't feel bad for her it was more that it was an awkward social situation they had no experience with and it was much easier to evade than to confront head-on none of her close friends did this fortunately but lots of casual acquaintances great friends I was an acquaintance great friend but I was good friends with her best friend so we still hung out some that's not to say anything good about me I'm actually super avoidant of difficult situations and totally understood why people were avoiding her I've just never felt all that uncomfortable around people with terminal illnesses for some reason there was a girl that was the popular girl in school she had all the friends and even put out an album she was a total star locally one day we were taking standardized tests and she runs out of the room and doesn't return when we left the class there was Green diary all over the floor just down the hall from the classroom poor girl didn't make it to the bathroom in time she didn't return to school that school year and moved to another town or school completely after that she married a famous NFL player and is one of these Instagram people now so she bounced back from a bad situation pretty well majority of the football team was doing steroids but he was caught red-handed and was where all the outrage was thrown at it was kind of messed up he was always nice to everybody and never picked or bullied anyone he also gave back to people that helped him with homework some kid helped him with math so he would work out with that same dude after school when it was not football season after he got caught with steroids everybody acted like he was a piece of human excrement bully that was reasonable for cheating in truth he was just a dude that took steroids and busted his butt and saw amazing results steroids were already there local media ran the story and pretty much almost named him he was under 18 so they walked a fine line the self righteous indignation of everyone was disturbing I was on the football team and also was on roids I knew other people who were on the same stuff a lot of people on roids loved pointing the finger at him it was really bad thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to become very popular Euler click the right box for the related playlist share your own story in the comments below and let us know if you were one of the popular kids or rather unpopular
Channel: Radio TTS
Views: 232,265
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Keywords: reddit, reddit stories, best of reddit, askreddit, reddit story, ask reddit, reddit cringe, askreddit funny, r/askreddit, top posts, reddit best, r/, reddit top posts, askreddit top posts, reddit top post, radio tts popular kid, popular kid stories, reddit popular kid, reddit popular girl replaced, reddit stories popular, popular kids school, Popular Kids, cool kids reddit, Popular, askreddit school, popular kids in high school, popular kid, popular girl
Id: 5DW994S3AsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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