Doctors Share The Worst Thing They've Ever Seen At Work - AskReddit

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the maggots were still living in him and we could see them crawling around in his face doctors what was the thing that made you go Oh F Hospital in some small European town in the middle of nowhere farmers land really very hot summers and very cold winters old people shower two times a year Easter and Christmas and whenever they visit their doctor basically make their pajamas their second skin over the winter dressing up for work over them anyway a wife accompanied her man to the ER as he felt unwell and goes to use the bathroom slips on a mix of pee and water and fractures her femur needs to go into surgery as an intern I'm asked to do a pre-op ECG some of the leads need to go on the chest too on either side of the breastbone and the remaining four towards the left I have to displace her left breast to do that she clearly wasn't expecting to become a patient that day I even nowadays feel sick talking about it as I lift her breast there is a significant amount of curd like crap under there probably some ongoing yeast infection linked to bad hygiene and the smell I nearly passed out took a deep breath as if about to beat my breath holding underwater record as a kid at the pool and got on with it after it was done I literally ran out of the room and out the ER to catch some fresh air I'm not a doctor however every year I asked one of my family members who is an ER surgeon to tell me the most unique injury that he is operated on that year one year a young man was driving in icy conditions wasn't wearing a seat belt slide of the road and crashed into a telephone pole he was ejected and flew into a barbed wire fence when the individual arrived at the ER my relative was given a cooler inside was the guy's face that was sliced clean off from the fence his job was to quickly pick out all the debris from the face and rush it into surgery to reattach it long story short we're your damn seat belt not a doctor but an assisting nurse at the time there are many memories from just 12 months working in a hospital top to obese farmer rubber boots he couldn't get off for like two months severe diabetes I was assisting as the boots were cut off both feet awfully swollen and the left foots toes all dead and partly rotten no wonder he felt some weird pain down there explosive diarrhea from a patient with an iron problem in his blood he sprinkled the whole bathroom with his dark and bizarrely smelly feces as he tried turning around to the toilet in time poor dude was in foreign just got a new hip joint was so so so sorry and embarrassed I have a friend who is a radiographer in the one story he always tells me about his a male patient he once did an x-ray for apparently the guy wasn't feeling great and had some intestinal pains turns out he had a ginormous toy fully lodged into him which obviously presented itself quite clearly on the x-ray my friend simply looked at the guy and all he did was nod to which my friend replied with a nod no words needed to exchanged during the third week of my second tour in the Middle East many many years ago the building we were in was hit by a mortar round RBG part of the building came in around us as some of the dust began clearing lying on my stomach in the debris I saw that I was looking into the barrel of an m4 rifle and recognized that distinct glove on the hand holding the rifle I yelled for X get your [ __ ] hand off the trigger a hole only to hear him a few feet to my left say in a low voice I don't have my rifle I still have dreams about his reply some were in the attack he has lost his hand and part of his forearm that was the first up-close-and-personal casualty of combat I had witnessed and it took a while for me to get my head wrapped around the idea that a piece of his body was permanently removed I was a med tech in a neurology office for a couple years would assist with cystoscopy 'he's had a patient 400 pounds with a panas the size of texas my job that day was to hike up that belly so the doc could get to his willy when i lifted it out of the way oh my god the smell doc tells him to wait right there and tells me to come with him we roll over to his office and pulls a bottle of tiger balm out of his drawer and smears it under his nose asks if I want some I did went back doc lifted the Panasonic leaned then we did the procedure I bought a bottle and left it in my desk drawer rather helpful from time to time former EMT here had a patient who was sore below partner and I taking bets on route that it was something inserted in back passage we were wrong he had something inserted inside his foreskin a car headlight bulb which had smashed with him yanking away and was bleeding heavily packed the area and Ed removed glass filament metal in the penis started spurting while the poor patient screamed heard someone cracking jokes about it not being his brightest idea as we left not a doctor but my dad is this person once came in and they said they had an achy foot they're too fat to look at it so he looks at it in the nail is so long it's curly under his foot and grew into his flesh I can't believe it only ached EMT here we responded to attend to 79 confirmed death of a chronic alcoholic who died alone some days earlier when you're a professional drinker to the level that this guy was your body rots at a faster rate this poor man started feeling ill had the whole coffee ground emesis bloody vomit for those that don't know blood curdles and darkens once exposed to hydrochloric acid and died being a hermit he died alone so he started to run until his one friend started to worry and ran over to check on him resulting in us being called entering the scene this guy was a hoarder on top of being a liquefied corpse there were bins of rotten food trash a bucket full of black vomit more Budweiser cans than I could count and our dead friend was on his mattress in a cage of VHS tapes covered in vomit and fecal matter even through the PPE the smell was atrocious I helped the cop grabbed his investigatory photos and because he wasn't in a full gown setup I offered to do the gross stuff so our dead friend was a big guy before I rolled his corpse towards me I knew his body full of decomposition gases wouldn't like the movement so I grabbed his pillow and wrapped it around his face to absorb anything that came out the cop thought that was equal parts brilliant and terrible but it worked when I pulled this guy towards me so the trooper could documental aspects his body just let go releasing a cascade of liquefied organ smoothie goo all over the pillow and eventually on to me the new EMT gagged and I told her to leave if she was upper limit and the poor girl fled the house literally fled meanwhile the cop is doing his thing and our dead friend is just leaking all over me I yelled at the cop to hurry as I finally started to gag before pulling the dead man off the mattress and into the body bag forever sealing the smell of death for the remainder of his journey with us I was covered in black slime in the air wreaked of decay and that sticky sweet smell of alcohol it's honestly ruined drinking for me because my brain imprinted that odor with the feeling of a hangover huge glass of nope right there there was a clinic patient with a colostomy who was not performing good maintenance he used to tape a plastic shopping bag over his ostomy you would smell him before you saw him there was no amount of mint oil on the planet that took the smell away from the room and it hung there for days it also didn't help that the guy was a raging putz who was non-compliant and likely on drugs during one of my interns a man walked in because he had swelling down below I did not know what to expect other than the routine complaints being some benign swelling or some inflammation I don't even know how to describe what it looked down below when he lowered his pants his scrotum was as big as a melon with open wounds oozing all kind of colored liquids I've seen and smelled some literal [ __ ] but the smell almost made me gag I referred him immediately to some your oncologist for a medical check-up he had a rare penis carcinoma with metastasis spread all over his body the man was in severe pain and was so ashamed to go to a doctor with his symptoms until it was too late he didn't live for long anymore I think he didn't live for another two months I'm not a doctor I'm a medic I worked in a hospital where a rescue called in a code sepsis for a guy they were bringing in and requested we put him in an isolated room and that we all get on full personal protective equipment we asked why he needed to be isolated and all they could tell us over the transmission was that he needed to be by himself sometimes it's very hard to hear rescue and if they are busy with the patient they don't have a lot of time to talk on the radio so we all waited with anticipation for what this could be we set up one of our biggest rooms and waited for rescue to show up when they finally did show up we saw a man in his 40s with half of his face completely taken over by a severely infected tumor it was huge brown and spongy you couldn't see his left eye or ear and it had gotten so bad that there were big empty holes in the tumor which maggots had eaten through the maggots were still living in him and we could see them crawling around in his face the man was alive and had been living that way for years living like this we found out he had some mental defect and he was not properly taking care of himself worst of all was the smell I've smelled dead person before but this was so much worse it's like it was pulsating death and infection into the air the tumor was bleeding and crusting out little pieces onto the floor and all over the bed the doctor had been waiting in the room for the sky as soon as rescue put him on our bed they darted out of the room and the doctor hauled after them it was not a fun night not a doctor but my mom was basically on Hospice one evening in ICU the elasticity in her skin just gave out in the IV and her arm fell out and blood squirted everywhere her blood was very thin to a doctor and a few nurses worked for probably half an hour to 45 minutes just trying to stop the bleeding and reset our IV my dad was working First Aid at an event this time at a stadium type place with tiered seating I was in there with him just hanging out not working when we started to hear screaming coming toward us ran out of the room to see a mom holding a toddler with blood all over both of them running toward us turned out the toddler had fallen off their seat hit their jaw on the concrete floor and bitten completely through their tone fricking blood everywhere any idea how hard it is to stop the bleeding from a tongue at all much less on a conscious toddler she got an ambulance trip as well tongue also and back up and she's fine that was about 20 years ago now I remember after the ambulance left and dad had a chance to breathe from my mom she was in residency in an obstetrics clinic during a time when doctors were really challenging themselves to sustain viable embryos so one day a five-month fetus is born with its eyes fused together a cyclops and the docs decided it could be saved she has since moved on to the equally psychotic field of Psychiatry CNA and nursing student here got my start in an old-age home as a teenager on my first week I was being shown around the floor and saw a woman sitting back in a chair thought I smelled something weird I realized that she had a head wound and that it was literally rotting from what I could gather she came in from her home like this it was a great first introduction to the field I've got a few patient had a pessary device to hold female organs from dropping outside the body she left it in for eight years and it was stuck and infected when I removed it I nearly vomited from the smell shoulder dystocia when the baby's head delivers but the shoulder is caught on the moms pubic bone it is an emergency as the baby can have neurological damage or even die usually resolves within a minute or so but I had one that lasted over four minutes the baby came out screaming and was okay but I was so shaken up I had to sit down for a few minutes because my legs wouldn't stop shaking not a doctor but my great-great uncle and his brother had an old muzzle load must get they liked to play with when they were young turns out those things will fire whatever you Jam in it rocks sticks whatever but A Fistful of nails was the winner firing a fistful of nails at whatever does sound fun one day a nail ricocheted off something and he was like oh crap I've been shot in the back of the neck but it turns out he was just grazed a few drops of blood was all so they got back to the good work of shooting nails cut forward nearly 30 years he gets a headache and it just won't go away but he's in luck his brother has one of the first x-ray machines in America so he's like let's just take a quick gander at your noggin they fire up the x-ray machine and there it is then now resting comfortably in the middle of his brain where it's been hanging out all his adult life he dies a few weeks later the x-ray prints it's in my father's house the nail rests comfortably nearby not the doctor but my husband had emergency surgery last year after having an erection idiopathic no edie drugs for 24 plus hours and it still wouldn't subside so the surgeon sent his nurse to help us squeeze out the blood sitting in his member after the first surgery he and I had both been squeezing like mad for hours to get the old blood out or moving and hadn't gotten much out she came barreling in and squeezed as hard as she could and shot herself in the face and inside her mouth with member blood we all gasped I took a pic before she washed it off so she could show her boss good times so a few weeks ago I'm in here on a clinical for paramedic school backwoods EMS brings in an old guy complaining of leg swelling they walk through the doors and the smell hits me from across the ER so we walk into the room and this dude clearly did not take care of himself overalls covered in urine caps the size of trees red swollen and infected then we take off his slippers maggots maggots fell onto the floor and were crawling all through his feet my nurse and tech ran out of the room it took about an hour of irrigation to get the maggots out of the wounds in his feet pediatric resident here during my time in the NICU I had several lono moments I think every one of us does in one of my first night shifts of 500 grams preterm newborn on non-invasive ventilation stopped breathing I immediately started to bag her which usually works nicely to stabilize the patient didn't work this time I had the nurses call my attending to get here ASAP but he was about 20 minutes away which was way too long for the patient I had to intubate an extreme preterm baby on my own for the first time the patient became braddock Ardea very quickly the nurse started chest compressions while another nurse handed me the laryngoscope for some reason I stayed relatively calm and just thought you'd better not mess this up I successfully intubated on my second try heart rate shot back up Oh to saturation followed shortly after we put her on a ventilator and when we were all done my legs just gave out I had to go back to the doctor's room whole body was shaking literally saw someone have progression of a stroke in front of my eyes my intern tells me that she's concerned about a patient because since the previous night he's had some right arm weakness we go see him together when starting out he is talking perfectly normal but then all of a sudden he starts slurring his speech and half his face drops immediately called a stroke code but he was outside the window for emergency intervention since his symptoms started the night before thanks for listening to radio TTS hit the subscribe button and activate the 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Id: FudOod_E1Lw
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Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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