Men REALIZE They Are in Love With Their Significant Other (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit men of Reddit at what point did you realize you were in love with your so it was my birthday I knew I was having some intense feelings for her at this point but wasn't sure if I was in love yet but that morning she got up super early unusual for her she works late shifts so she sleeps in as much as she can and came over to take me to breakfast she took me to a place I've made a couple of comments about wanting to try but getting in is hard because it's very popular and the wait is usually around an hour so we pull up and I'm excited but treading the wait because I'm starving but she marches me right in and swings us a table somehow she bought me a hell of a breakfast and we went back to my place for a quick nap she made some lamb a excuse to leave to go home and told me to meet her at her place in an hour I drove over there and she gave me a stack of burned CDs yes this was in 2017 with all of her favorite artists and songs on them then she took me to our city's huge science museum and walked around with me as I nerded out surprised me with reservations at an upscale steakhouse and took me out to one of my favorite bars where some random friends showed up that she'd contacted we got pretty drunk and she kissed me at the table in front of everyone before she stepped off to the bathroom one of my best friends looked me dead in the eye and said that's the one after the night had run its course we went back to hers and were lying in bed exhausted and about to fall asleep I told her she said it back and couldn't let go of me no one had ever gone to so much effort to give me such a cool birthday before I mean all we did was eat at a few restaurants drink and go to a science museum but the amount of effort she showed in doing at it and listening up to that point enough to know what I wanted to do but haven't ever done yet was awesome I kind of fell in love from the very beginning but the moment where I realized that just how much I loved her happened a couple of months after we started dating there was a new movie theater that just opened up in this very popular mall in our city and we decided to check it out we went an hour so we could get the lover seed tickets we bought them and we decided to go buy some snacks in this market on the first floor to sneak in because the prices were outrageous we also went in the parking lot to smoke a joint the joint was bigger than i sholde rolled we had to smoke it really fast since it was cold as balls outside and we rushed back to the third floor to line up and enter the theatre by the time we got there we were really high and it was very hot after a couple of minutes of standing in line my then GF whiffy said that she's not feeling very well at this point I was not feeling a 100% either because it was just too hot but I gave her some water and helped her remove her jacket after a couple of minimums we were next in line and she had the tickets so the girl that was working there waved us over but my GF kinda spaced out I took them from her hand and handed them over and I asked her if she's fine after we took two steps she just collapsed and I was very glad that I had my arm around her because she won't fell hard and potentially hit her head that very moment though when I saw her eyes go up to the back of her head and her whole weight fall on my arms I was more scared than I've ever been in my life for a split second of thought that I might lose her forever crossed my mind and I knew that I would give my own life for her without second thought it was then I realized that in going to love her eternally she was fine bTW there were two nurses waiting in line who helped me wake her up and made sure she's all fine and it was just the heat and she still didn't wanna ruin the night and insisted we don't miss the movie even though it was the last thing on my mind in those moments my so doesn't have a reddit account so I'm telling posting this for him he knows I even sent him a link to this thread a year and a half ago I had a bad tragedy in my life it left me very broken and devastated in comes my best friend he worked with me and supported me after the incident I couldn't really stand to be touched with panicking even hugging had to chance to make me freak out I told him I wanted to get better so he worked slowly and patiently with me just laying next to me hugging me etc very simple and normal physical contact our relationship moved into platonic Ally physical or a r fw b type thing but also with the intent of helping me believe me anyone that says he was just doing it to get some doesn't know the weeks of mean falling into a panic attack or crying and shoving him away from me while i'm not gonna say he didn't want that he's human and i'm not stupid he did really go in with the intention of helping and it worked i got over my fears of being touched i will be forever grateful to him for that until the day i die well like every bad romance moved with FWB feels developed he asked me to be his girlfriend I said no I told him I cared for him and wanted to be with him but I had just gotten out of a three-year relationship indirectly related to the incident but not directly and with what had happened to me less than six months ago I needed more time to heal he agreed that was a fair statement that he said that if we were going to continue to be as close as we were without dating he was going to have to try and squash his feelings for me he wasn't trying to guilt me he was just being honest I told him I understood and we both agreed my mental health was more important two weeks it took me two weeks to realize I wanted to be with him so I went and I told him and he told me no he said that after I told him I wasn't ready he now wasn't sure he is a man that does not just date he picks partners that he believes he will go the length with I shook his confidence it was around this time another guy came in the picture he was a mutual friend of both of us and he started pursuing me he was charming and funny and I thought I could be into him so I told my best friend I said I want you but I'm not going to pass up what could be a real thing for you to just tell me no so you can have time to think on this but what should I do I will wait for you if you just need time I will wait for you for a long time but if you think the answer is going to be no then tell me he said this may be my biggest life regret but goat ate new guy to this day he still says it's his biggest life regret P so I started talking to him it was a long-distance thing but he always kept me interested and made me feel adored so to the point of this thread when did my so realize he loved me the very night me a new guy became official now I know what your law thinking bug well of course because he couldn't have you anymore see here's the thing he didn't know me and new guy became official that night until later he told me it hit him like a rock that night that he loved me he wanted to be with me and thinking he was a fool for letting me go I was his best friend and I made him happier than he had ever been with another girl and was going to tell me the next day and then when he found out he was crushed well I'm calling him my so right so everything worked out yup some good arsh news me a new guy fell apart it was well the drama is over and soso swept in told me to take my time to get over this breakup he wasn't about to be a vulture in on a dead relationship but that he wasn't going to let me go again we are now so stupidly happy and in love my wife and I met when we were eight years old she lived in the community north of mine but her great-grandparents lived across the street from me she would occasionally take my bus and would always sit with me or I would sit with her P both of our families as especially lived under the poverty line that she got a Nintendo DS when we were 10 and a game called Nintendogs we would sit on the bus and play with her virtual puppies and one of her lap puppies were named after my dog Chewie when we turned 11 my grandparents bought a camper and we started to camp at this campground about 45 minutes away from home surprise surprise this cute little girl that I have a crush on happens to also camp at this campground take a step further her entire family camps at this campground including her aforementioned great-grandparents that happened to own the camper across from my grandparents guess who starts hanging out all summer for the next four years my wife and I I had the hots for her some bad we would go swimming and she would flirt and flirt and flirt but also gave office I'm only interested in you as a friend my butch was really confusing so when we were 12 she told me at the start of the summer she had a boyfriend she didn't at the time and to this day does not remember ever saying this so I considered her off-limits we were basically an item though we spent every minute with each other we would cuddle but in an almost platonic way summer ends I never made a move and we kept being friends then sometime after the summer when we are back in school she messaged me why didn't you kiss me last summer to which I responded with oh you told me you had a boyfriend and I didn't want to disrespect that she poked some fun at me too which I finally said don't worry I rarely ever make the same mistake twice summer was right around the corner and we were both graduating from middle school she went to the other middle school in the city and both of our schools were hosting separate grade eight formal dances which would basically have been the prom light of my life I asked her on a few different occasions if she would accompany me to my formal dance to which I would always get shifty witty answers from her maybe we'll see why would you want to take someone like me to the dance mmm I don't know if you could handle me sort of talk eventually she gave me a straight yes and I was set my parents gave me $60 for food after to which I had a brilliant idea shortly after my so and I arrived at the dance let's just ditch the dance and go on an actual date so we walk all across the city I'm talking like three to four hours of walking around we crossed the main river in the city because I wanted to take her to this 50s style diner which was about five kilometres away from my school we walked talked laughed and I just kept staring at her thinking man this girl is amazing I wish she would go out with me eventually we make it to the diner found out it got closed down a few months ago so we take a cab to this major fancy restaurant she gets a keys salad and I get a full stack of ribs she later admitted that it was her first date and she didn't want to embarrass herself by eating messy food I took her back home never kissed her and then we just kept a casual friendship for the rest of the school year then summer hits we are always with each other she is a lot more flirty than previous years and I feel like it's finally my chance to shine we paddle boat together out to this nice little remote island on the river and we just show there for a bit we start getting ready to paddle back and she's standing on the bank sun shining on her she had this cutest smile that I can't kind of describe small innocent looking and that's when I made move I grabbed her back and pulled her into me and we started to kiss this kiss quickly became a macking session and we paddled back to my parents camper which was thankfully unoccupied and we just went crazy it took almost five years to work up the courage but I have never regretted a thing the summer after we got really distant for some reason we both don't really remember why then in the following year I moved provinces and broke all contact with everyone I knew from my home province skip two years I haven't talked to this girl since I left she would try to message me hi how are you I miss you at cetera but I would never respond high school senior year hits I haven't dated any other person in high school because I never felt quite like I felt about myself it's weird to describe I would still feel some lust but something was missing anyway April of senior year my house in my home province never sold and we had a really bad ice storm that year that happened to have destroyed most of the windows on the house we drove down 13 to 24 hour drive 1600 kilometers and we were there for maybe three days I had just gotten my license and took my parents up north to visit her at her grandparents not great-grandparents her grandmother answered the door kind of gave me a dirty look and then she came to the door I know that it was extremely rude of me to just show up unannounced but it's just something her and I did to each other never to that extreme two years NC was the longest we never talked she kind of gave me a smile but when I asked her to hang out she asked her grandmother if it would be okay and her grandmother asked me to leave I was pretty sad but figured this was what I was intending to do when I left my home province so I really had no place to complain go back to the other province a few weeks pass and I see her status on FAFSA book like for a tbh I decided eh why not and I liked her status this girl sends me several paragraphs about how much I mean to her and how sad she was that her grandmother wouldn't let her hang out with me I never responded to that message it kind of hit me weird I wasn't sure how to interpret it a few more weeks pass and she sends me another message can I move in with you my heart starts racing is this for real no it can't be real this is just some cruel joke to get back at me I have severe paranoia I answer back lull word to which she simply asked again can I move in with you it almost felt like a knee-jerk reaction but I sent back quickly sure that summer we snapped and texted a lot every day we would just talk for hours about anything September 20th 2014 at 5:30 a.m. I went downstairs to my buildings convenience store to meet an airport cab to go pick her up 6 a.m. cab never shows up so I call another cab this cab driver picks me up and this is where the main point of the story comes to play it was either at this point in retrospective or later that I knew I was fully in love the cab driver was an ass he yelled at me after he picked me up because I told him it was a round trip and that he wasn't dropping me off he told me it would be 180 dollars that didn't even faze me like it should have I should have realised then but then later looking back that should have been the oh I do love this girl don't I moment but alas 18yo at 6 a.m. wasn't given it a lot of so we get to the airport at 6:30 I wait about 20 minutes and then at around 6:45 I see her walking through the airport gate there right then and there I knew that I had made the right choice the airport background noise just ceased time felt slow she went into focus and only her in focus I just couldn't stop staring she looked at me and we locked eyes it was truly something I will never forget I lost my breath I almost couldn't move then just like at the island so long ago I pulled her back and we kissed fireworks like I cannot exaggerate this enough there were fireworks going off we went back to my our apartment and at 7:20 a.m. we just cuddled back to sleep I've woken up every day next to this beautiful woman since then and this will be our fourth year since she sent that message we are getting married this year on April 20th and I'm in this weird honeymoon post honeymoon stage where she still gives me butterflies when I look at her but she is also like wrapping up in a duvet next to a cozy campfire and I have never been happier than I have with her in March last year we moved back to our home province and adopted her 15 year old sister so now it almost feels like that I have my own little family to provide for and I wouldn't trade anything for it thanks for taking the time to read my post TL DR my life edit I didn't tell her I loved her until after she moved in this drove her crazy that I had a policy where if it wasn't directly to her face then I wouldn't tell her I loved her for the first time I was infatuated with my gal from just about the moment I met her forgive me if this sounds made-up I still wake up every day amazed that I really have such a beautiful person in my life this is freshman year of college living in the dorms my room was the hangout for all my friends since we lived in a suite style building and a lot of Mayan my roommates friends lived in the traditional dorms my buddies and I were all hanging out bullshitting around the usual stuff one of our friends was whining about how friend-zoned he constantly is my buddy Colin and I got sick of his [ __ ] and I decided to go do laundry and he tagged along so I tossed in a load and went back to my room and discovered we were locked out and everyone had left I later found out to go get ice cream and they purposely locked me out to [ __ ] with me jokes on them because we ended up having a blast we knock knock ditch some people found a little cart and pushed each other around basically just acted like hooligans so I'm pushing : around in that cart and we pass a ridiculously cute chick who was chilling in the common room reading a book I think [ __ ] it let's go make a friend so I will : and started chatting her up we hit it off really well it was like meeting an old friend for the first time apparently she had been reading Fifty Shades that I was oblivious all I could focus on was her she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen and she was smart and funny too she was chilling out waiting for some cookies to finish baking in the oven in the common area by the time they were done all my other friends come back with ice cream they ended up bringing out away I and we all played Mario Kart someone brought cards against humanity' she and I ended up picking each of those cards every time not on purpose either it was great when we left I wouldn't shut up to my friends about how ridiculously cute that girl was and how cool she was I was kicking myself for not asking her out then and there so I purposely walked by that common room as often as I could hoping to run into her she apparently did the same thing hoping to run into me we never did though I guess neither of us ever really hung out there usually we both just happened to that night luckily I had gotten her number so I was lame and asked her out over a text every date we've been on has been amazing I'm still a smitten with her as the day I met her today is exactly two years since we agreed that we were official no I guess I realized I loved her when that giddy excitement of just being around her never went away TL DR get locked out of your room good things happen I don't think I can recall one instance where my love for her became a true reality the night I met her I knew she was something special we met at a party and started talking to each other right from the start by the end of that night sitting by her and watching the orange glow of the firelight flickering over her brown hair I knew I couldn't help but have more of her I knew she was something special and I had to hold on to her right from the start she became more than just another girl the next time I felt something like this was on one of our earlier dates she came over and we went swimming and then went downstairs to watch movies and play video games and I saw her there with her head laying up against my shoulder and kissed her before I even knew what I was doing I've never felt such a rush before that first kiss I fallen more in love with her every single day that I've known her every time I see her generosity her kindness and her beauty I fall even more madly in love but it wasn't until I lost her that I knew I truly needed her I had loved her before but there's nothing like losing the person you love to make you realize just how much you really need them I couldn't sleep I couldn't eat I was miserable I turned into a different person I throw away clothes of mine that she wore throughout notes and pictures stopped listening to the music I liked I couldn't do anything without it reminding me of her and it made me feel like I was truly going insane the day she came back is the day I realized the meaning of true love that first kiss after weeks of feeling like a show of who I used to be with nothing left inside that's when I knew that love means you can't live without that person I realized that that girl wasn't a separate person anymore but was a part of me she had become such a large part of me that when she left I wasn't me anymore she restored me and for the first time since we broke up I felt whole again love is undying friendship it's being able to laugh at yourself and tell the other person anything and everything and not being embarrassed love is seeing the beauty in all of our imperfections love is being able to plan your future together and not feel like it's just fun stupid fantasy love is knowing how to forgive love is when everything you see and who reminds you of her love is appreciating the little things it's finding new things to do when it seems like you've done everything together it's an attachment that runs deeper than anyone who hasn't experienced it could ever know of most of all for me love wasn't truly comprehendible until I'd had it and then lost it once you lose someone you love that hole seems as if it will never again be filled that girl leaving left a hole in my heart bigger than my mind could wrap itself around all of myself had left with her I was left alone with just a mere shell of who I used to be she made me who I am and once that was gone I had nothing the day she came back all of this came to me I felt the rush of my life coming back my likes my dreams my aspirations everything that made me who I was came back with her that is when I realized that I truly loved that girl we've been together for about two years now and nothing has ever made me realize how much I love her like like that day she came back dude short version the moment she told me she had a boyfriend and I realized she was unavailable long version new employee started at a different department and got involved in one of my projects I found her attractive the moment I first saw her but it never crossed my mind to act upon that since I was in a long-term relationship myself when our project finished we kept in touch and gradually became friends at work we often walked into each other when grabbing a coffee and made conversation this continued for months until she casually dropped her boyfriend into the conversation at that time something clicked in my head and made me realize I liked her a lot more than just a friend from that point on what I started limiting our contact and tried to avoid her as much as possible in the hope of getting rid of those feelings well that didn't work out as I planned and I started reflecting more and more about my current relationship I'm an open book so my then-girlfriend and I talked about my doubts and feelings we agreed that this is a temporary thing would blow over if we continue to work and invest into our relationship but it didn't and as time passed she got more insecure and I felt more pressured into staying with her due to guilt realizing this wasn't good for ATAR of us we agreed to break up and continue to remain friends which surprisingly worked much better for both of us as we are still friends today meanwhile at work Michael egg realized I avoided her so she made no effort to contact me ater about a year later I stumbled upon Michael egg when we were basically the only ones left at the office she lashed out to me for breaking off contact with her without giving her a reason she thought she did slash said something wrong and demanded to know what it was I explained her that I developed feelings for her and I didn't want to act upon them she understood my situation but also missed having a friend at work and suggested we could still hang out from time to time at work but no longer for lunch breaks or after work events she would take my feelings into consideration and I foolishly accepted those terms as I was single again I enjoyed rediscovering dating women and getting their attention my feelings for Michael egg was still there but it was getting easier to keep them in check that was until one day I received an email from her asking me to meet up after work and it was rather important there she told me she wanted to break off any contact because she discovered she was developing feelings for me as well and didn't want to break up her relationship over it so that was that but it boomeranged on me suddenly I got hope that we could end up together somehow we odd a few times from no contact to limited contact but it was driving me insane so I quit my job couldn't deal with it anymore and went truly no contact a year later I got invited at a wedding party of an ex-colleague she was their feelings were still there on both sides but she still didn't want to act upon that I didn't want to relapse into yo-yo situation and be the understanding waiting friend who didn't want to a homewrecker that night I took her home she cheated her boyfriend she left in the morning after and returned to him to break up after that we ended up together got married and now we are raising children so if you ask me when did I love my wife it was almost two years before we started a relationship thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
Channel: Slime King
Views: 149,232
Rating: 4.9077735 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, reddit
Id: -zAape-7PzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 54sec (1614 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 16 2019
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