Really Awkward Teenage Stories Of Unrequited Love That Will Make You Cringe (r/AskReddit)

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reddit what is your most cringe story about someone who had has a crush on you when I was in high school I was in Spanish class with a girl who had a crush on me I loved this class because I had it with a few friends and the teacher was cool and I made a lot of jokes I was unpopular until my junior year so this was all new to me so one day I went to class and was joking around and Spanish it all up like I typically did then this girl who I had talked a bit wasn't really friends with had a note passed to me she sat across the room so like a dozen people were involved in passing this note to me I opened the folded paper and read are you going to see the new Star Wars movie I had seen the old ones but wasn't really interested in the mad match ivory watched them since then and loved them but at this point I didn't like the movies so I said no and gave her a look like she was stupid for even asking me such a ridiculous question everyone looked at her and apparently knew what was going on she kind of slumped down in her chair and said never mind really sheepishly it wasn't until after college that I figured out that she was trying to ask me out on a date and I rejected her in front of the entire class I feel horrible now I totally would have gone with her she was pretty cool ladies you have to spoon-feed us when you're interested Telia Leia I love you hon I didn't know was walking with an X through a park bent down on one knee to tie my shoelace and heard her gasp and say yes I looked up confused then both of us looked at each other horrified when we realized what just happened good reason to make the switch to velcro in year eight before the time of texting a boy who like me gave a girl on my bus a letter for me it was a letter confessing his love for me written entirely in fifty Cent lyrics the closing line being I love ya like a fat kid love cake you know my style I'll say anything to make ya smile close friend tells me she has had very strong feelings for me for the past three years she tells me this a couple days before we graduate college I didn't feel the same way about her according to a mutual friend her original plan was to romantically profess a love on the day of our graduation in front of all of our family and friends high school 14 years old had a huge crush on this girl who was in a few of my classes one day I was leaving science class and someone behind me says my name I turn around to see my crush in her friend her friend had spoken to me she continues hey did I tell you it was crushes birthday today I look at her look at crush who looks nervous and I think three things one I've never spoken to you before of course you didn't tell me it's her birthday - hey it's my birthday in a few days three oh my god crush is right there looking at me I quickly say no turn on my heel and leave only realized a couple weeks later she was probably going to invite me to a party or something everyone I've told this story to confirms that suspicion TLE our girl I liked all through high school probably liked me too I once wrote a love poem about the girl I liked apparently the complexities of the human brain unraveled by your long blonde mane is not aligned that attracts women I don't know if I'm more embarrassed by the rejection or the awful poetry my work started using a program that began hiring ex-cons one of the guys hired true this program started showing interest in me I wasn't attracted to him at all and made it clear to him repeatedly long story short he got fired three months later but kept coming around the store to visit his friends I go out to my car to read during lunch like normal and there's a creepy metal and mesh flower on my windshield I look around the parking lot to see who could have left and see no one I throw it into a grassy area and forget about it I read through my lunch hour and go inside and no sooner than I clock in I hear a page that I have a phone call it's him all he says is you look so pretty when you're eating I hung up immediately and told the manager he kept doing more things that escalated the creepiness I ended up getting an emergency restraining order against him when I found out he added me as her emergency contact with his parole officer I didn't even know him a girl tried to kiss me and I wouldn't let her she kept asking why and I eventually had to tell her the real reason was that she looked like my Spanish teacher and it freaked me out a bit she got pissed off tried to storm off and walked smack banging to a lamppost pretty much knocked herself clean out I also had a girl tell me she went boo lemak for me as if that was going to win me around went to a guy's house to do a project in high school it involved the internet and while he sat next to me I tried to navigate to Google unfortunately the address bar auto-filled and took me to his last Google search page to have results for my name every link had been clicked we both just sat in silence he could have played it off by saying I had to make sure you weren't a murderer before letting you into my house he would have still been creepy but you'd be the suspected murderer I like this girl good start right we'll call her Jenny so we were in high school and I knew that she had a thing for me I had a thing for her too she's pretty hot the problem was her ex-boyfriend was my best friend we'll call him Jimmy so she used to date Jimmy and I mean bro code so no can do so I ignore it but guess what should happen Jimmy ends up telling me one day that he asked my ex with whom I was hung up over for roughly three years before finally getting over we'll call her Janice on a date not being the type of guy to pick fights I gritted my teeth and said hey good for you man well I was kind of miserable about them but the side effect was that me and Jenny started talking a lot more a lot more like we'd give each other long definitely more than friends hugs every time we saw each other and all the usual highschool flirtation strategies so Jenny and I were hitting it off pretty well as more than friends but not quite friendly friends yet and it was a good time for me but remember how I said I wasn't the type to pick fights well that demeanour comes bundled with the package of never take initiative for anything ever so as you may guess I never asked Jenny out I never did anything besides give her a hug and have our usual conversations so Christmas break rolls around and that's all merry but once school started back up I noticed Jenny didn't talk to me I said hi she said hi but no hugs no conversation no long meaningful eye contact I wondered what had happened well actually I had figured it out pretty quick it's what happened to every single girl I got even kinda involved with in high school I pushed them away because they thought I wasn't interested in them like I said I never took initiative so Jenny is platonic status towards me now and since I never stand up and fix problems I let this situation fester and get worse until the point where we never even made eye contact anymore well that's good at all but problem was I still carried my feelings for her so with the only form of action I could take being passive I decide to chance a run-in with her in the hallway I scope out her classes wasn't hard since we had walked to all of each other's classes the semester before and find a place to intersect our paths I figured if I did that and she saw me she would initiate the conversation and be flirty so I wouldn't have to do it sounds realistic right well this carried on for more than just one day in fact it carried on for three months almost every day I would pass Jenny in the hallway pretending I didn't notice her hoping she would say hi I skipped some days just to not overdo it it became so bad that sometimes I actually ended up waiting an hour and a half after school and would make up an excuse to be there for when she got out of her musical rehearsal I would follow her tweets on what she was doing and chance of eating there I would accidentally text her deep and thought-provoking messages that made me sound mysterious yes I was basically stalking this girl and she knew it how did she know it because one April day of some year I was crossing paths with her during one of my chance encounters it was one of my two paths that I actually had to go way out of my way to see her turns out Jenny had done her research and found out that I didn't need to be walking anywhere close to where I was especially not for three months her class was on the top floor of our school the arts-and-crafts hallway that only had two active classes that year one of which was at the very beginning of the school day and I had no art classes so why was I there we passed each other in the crowded hallway just as we got to the point where we would leave each other's peripherals I took a glance sure that she wouldn't notice me looking at her I noticed that her face was turning towards me I quickly glanced forward intent on keeping me calm and collected and I don't care act I heard my name Shaboom did I hear something oh well I'll keep walking because I don't really care if the vibe I was trying to give off so I kept walking Shaboom I halted turning around I saw Jenny glaring right at me her snap had attracted attention from the fellow hallway marchers she had clenched fists and if the human body were capable of blowing steam out of its ears in anger she would have done so oh hi Jenny I didn't see she interrupted me with a voice that while not screaming was loud and sharp enough to give off the demeaning tone she trying to achieve don't you ever follow me again since you know my schedule so well try avoiding me from now on she gracefully yet firmly turned on her heel and marched onwards the lanyard and ID I was 12 my index finger fell to the ground I was speechless bracing the whispers of judgment and the blanket of shame falling down upon me I gathered my belongings and tried to walk to my next class with whatever shreds of pride I had left I promptly failed never again did I see Jenny in the hallways so yeah I don't know about whoever eats that but I cringe every time I remember it telia a relationship went stale to the point that I became a stalker the victim stopped me in the hallway and told me off with everyone around short messaging story this was at a time when mobile internet hadn't caught on yet but the SMS services were at its peak and they were cheap in our parts me and my then-girlfriend exchanged shitloads of sms's it became kind of evident that our relationship was ending we formalized it much later but we had already known it was headed that way anyway she shows up with a notebook and asks me to check it out turns out she had had written down every single text message that I had sent to her that was a good 250 pages long notebook it was for I wasn't sure how to react so I jokingly said something along the lines of this is weird are you going to use this as evidence in some way she got pissed and tore apart the entire book in my face I don't know why it was something about the way she did that got me pissed I got up and left we meet again later and turns out she had rewritten the whole thing and asked me to keep the revised version I declined politely this time she messages me a year later that she taught the revised notebook [Music]
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 276,787
Rating: 4.8753233 out of 5
Keywords: r/ ask reddit, r/ask reddit, r/askreddit dating stories, r/relationshipadvice, relationship advice, reddit crush stories, askreddit cringe date
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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