What's The Moment You Realized You Were Dating A Keeper? (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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what is the moment you realized you were dating a keeper posted before but it still holds true she prefers pancakes while I prefer waffles it was around midnight and I couldn't sleep so I snuck out to the store and bought a box of pancake mix to surprise her in the morning I came back got into bed and nodded off at one point I felt her get up and heard her go into the bathroom I passed back out we were sitting down to eat breakfast that next morning when I pulled out the pancake mix and said I know how much you like pancakes so I snuck out last night and got this she smiled walked to the freezer and pulled out a box of egis while saying I don't have a waffle iron so I bought these last night that was the moment yes I get it you think it's just like gift of the may chai well thanks for the gold kind stranger when he explained in detail the tree house he plans to build for me I almost didn't up vote you due to jealousy I won a tree house I was in college I was working two jobs 60 hours a week I met her on OkCupid she would come over and we would hang out often we would watch a movie and I would fall asleep exhausted she would put the covers over me go downstairs walk past the front door through the dining room the kitchen and into the computer room to say goodbye to my dad every time she left she made sure to say goodbye to my parents edit I as informed I didn't actually answer the ARBs question the moment was when my father stopped me one day and told me something along the lines of for the last x time samantha has been here she has come down and said goodbye to me after you fell asleep on her if you keep doing that you are going to lose her my husband and I met on eHarmony I let him know from the start that I had a young child and he assured me that he was okay with that my son was one one-stroke two months old when we met long story and when he came to pick me up on our first date he brought my son a teddy bear that played music and a pack of cute Valentine's Day bibs I thought that was a really sweet gesture we had an amazing first date and we started dating regularly he was there for me when I was going through the challenges of being a first-time mother trying to breastfeed and ultimately finding out I couldn't make enough milk to feed my child and having to put him on formula I was devastated for a man I just met I couldn't believe he was so willing to help in a situation where most men would turn tail and run but that wasn't the clincher one night he was sitting in the recliner at my parents house holding my son and trying to burp him after a feeding he had him propped up on his shoulder and was speaking to him softly I don't think he thought I could hear but I heard him say see Monday little guy burp for daddy after the circumstances surrounding how my son came to be and all that I had been through in the recent months following up to his birth I felt broken like no one would ever want me let alone truly love me and my child I'm happy to say he proved me completely wrong we've been together for almost five years married for over three one-stroke two years and we're expecting baby number three as a single guy I have no idea why I came to this thread regardless the soccer jokes were pretty funny edit or football for you euro redditors like many of us you secretly longed to know that love exists and that others have found it to reassure yourself that you too will find it one day about a month in my father was going through some stuff that made us think he might have cancer and the doctors ran a bunch of tests while this was going on I was having lunch with her one day and related to her that I was in no way ready to find out that my dad had cancer and how much that scared me she listened and sympathized and told me not to worry she was great about a week later I was eating alone in a bar near my place while she was at a graduation party with her family I was a semester behind not a good student I get a call from her and can barely understand her through the tears well she can really tell me is that she'd like to be picked up I go to get her and on the ride home she spills her guts turns out her father was in the middle of a battle with brain cancer and her mother had not done a good job of preparing her for how much worse he had gotten since she had seen him last it was more than she could handle in a public setting like that it was then that I realized what kind of person she is she sat there and listened to me going on and on about how scared I was for my father and she chose to support me instead of telling me just how little I knew about what it means to be losing a parent she is the most beautiful caring and selfless person I know every day I'm with her I become a better person we've been together now for 4.5 years married for 1.5 and I still fall more in love with her everyday I personally don't have those moments that people talk about when they know it happened I usually remember the progression for me though one day I kind of realized I had been thinking about us all the time what I mean by that is before we met I had plans and visions of traveling to different places and doing different things I would hike the attent cycle across America I would go to new cities and find a great job I would have all these adventures and meet all these people I was going to have a blast I stopped thinking in I at some point those thoughts became us having all these adventures we would travel to a new city and start a life we would do this or something and go to this awesome place we would have a great life she snuck her way into my life and I didn't even know it when I realized that I realized that was exactly what I wanted she was exactly what I wanted we are exactly what I want watching the new Star Trek movie she pauses at a critical moment in the film and says who the hell is Kon can we watch the other movies so I can find out my inner child nerd high-five me when he showed up on my doorstep with wine in San Francisco after driving eight hours as a surprise somehow he managed to keep it all a secret till he was there I thought I wasn't going to get to see him at all that summer his reason he just missed me my boyfriend and his family have this little ritual where they squeeze each other's hand three times to signify I love you four times as a return to signify I love you too I didn't know that he had told me he loved me and a secret family where until after we told each other with words how we felt all that time he'd been telling me he loved me and I was never saying it back because I never knew not to make a big deal out of it not to get me to say it back not because he wanted anything but just because he wanted to tell me he loved me in his own special way when I found that out I think I realized that this was more than laughs I don't know if this will mean anything to anyone but me but I think it's painfully romantic and it makes my heart hurt I came home from the bar with 3-4 drunken people at about 3:00 a.m. this was her apartment and I had just moved in we woke her up being drunk and rowdy she came downstairs made everyone some food and got beers took care of everyone till they serve a double passed out in the morning after everyone left she said to me don't you ever bring all those mother duck airs in my house at 3:00 a.m. without letting Emmy know you're coming so I could have cleaned up we'd been dating long-distance for a few months and then one night he surprised me by popping over unexpectedly I leaped out the door and attached myself to him hadn't really realized how much I needed him before that he moved in right then and it's been the best 12 years of my life sips that exactly how I felt when my boyfriend surprised me I didn't think I'd see him for over a month and then he booked a surprise flight from Pittsburgh to Boston and conspired with my landlord she picked him up from the airport and I have never felt more loved by anyone when I realized he'd never broken a promise to me no matter how big or small he said he'd be there rat three he's there at three he said he'll take out the trash it is done ouch my mother does what he says and it's driving me insane he's perpetually late he forgets the most basic things and the worst thing is he doesn't do it on purpose she laughed at all my jokes and she swallows deadly combo my older sister came to visit when I first began dating my girlfriend I had told my girlfriend how close I was to my sister and how wonderful she was previous girlfriends had found my sister threatening because of our closeness my girlfriend couldn't come over due to obligations until about 10:00 p.m. on the evening my sister arrived my sister was in the guest room in bed beneath the mosquito netting I live in the tropics when my girlfriend and I walked in the road she lifted the Knitting crawled in next to my sister and gave my sister a big hug telling her how happy she was to meet her they have been close ever since and my girlfriend and I have been married now for 24 years we had been together for almost two years already and I loved him so much already but I knew when we were in line at Subway and they asked him what kind bread he likes and he said Italian porst looked at me and whispered that's the kind I like right my boyfriend was an Eagle Scout who collected rocks when he was little he had purchased a heart-shaped tigers eye from Disneyland when he was a tot and kept it hidden with the intention of gifting it to the girl he was going to marry one night when I was almost asleep he asked me if I would want a promise Rock this is the first he had mentioned the rock and in my sleep talking Hayes I didn't understand and kept repeating promise gravel how romantic months later he gave me the rock for Christmas despite my sleepy subconscious being a real Hill joy it is the single most sentimental object I own and is a physical symbol of all the incredibly romantic things he has done for me when I pooped her bed was deathly sick some kind of food poisoning and had literally no control over anything woke up covered in poo and just said oh my god and ran to the bathroom came back and everything was already cleaned up fresh sheets mattress flipped and she never did anything but make sure I was okay she's comfortable enough to clean up my poo keeper I knew who she was before I met her there was a lot of buzz surrounding her when I held her hand I had trouble letting go almost like there was a war sweet force keeping them together on our second date she wore all white weather unique hat that grabbed my attention and made it hard to discern her smoky eyes but it meshed well with her face she brought me over to her house and I felt a stinging sensation in my chest evoking a swelling sensation of life and vibrancy I had never felt before finally after what felt like a lifetime she asked if I wanted to see her honeypot I trembled with anticipation I wanted to throw my hands in the air rent victory I knew in this moment that my suspicions were confirmed my lady friend was a beekeeper it was the second or third time we banged I ran outside her house butt naked to throw the condom in the garbage across the street came back inside to find her sitting naked on the floor where we left off eating Pringles we laid there all night and talked till morning that's when I knew edit if you see this Courtney I love you when I realize that I had spent two months straight with him literally every single day without getting sick of him I've always been super independent and I usually got sick of people quickly my relationships never lasted more than a few months they've lived together for a little over a year and I still get butterflies when I come home to him while we were dating when my wife saw my guitar in my room she picked it up and started playing stairway to heaven including the solo if my GF did that I'd cut her off and point to my no stairway sign and see if she got it then I'd know when I after half a year of us dating realized that this had been the most drama lesson yet still very passionate relationship I have been in I have a history of very stormy relationships and came to the realization that maybe that is how I laugh I have also tried to date guys where my feeling was less strong and found that I pretty soon would loose interest and respect my current boyfriend is the most fantastic guy for many reasons but he is a keeper because he and I can communicate like mentally healthy people when I realized every crazy idea I come up with no matter how ridiculous he always says yeah let's do it he says this regardless of whether he thinks it will actually happen or not but always enthusiastic and supportive I absolutely love it it's his support that's lead us to carry out the crazy whims we always make travel plans and they take us to some amazing places it says willingness to follow me where I go and respect the things that I do no matter how outlandish that mean the world to me after we broke up I came here to say this met the right person too soon in my life god I was stupid but hey bright side we're dating again early on in our relationship I was in and out of sleep one night and he's awake confessing his love for me to my cat I don't remember everything he said but when I woke up the next morning with our bodies completely entwined with one another with very little space between that's when I knew the past five years we've been through it all and I wouldn't trade any of it for anything the feeling of emptiness when she's not around it's easy to take your so for granted when you spend all of your time with them but I knew she was the one when she left for eight months every minute she was gone felt like half of me was missing work sucked playing video games sucked watching sports sucked I went to visit her halfway through the term she was gone on that feeling of unification is indescribable at the same time turning and walking away from her to airport security was the hardest thing I've ever done knowing it would be four long cold winter months before I could see her again that was last Sunday she'll be home for good in April when we all move in together until then back to reading us credit threads at work because I simply lack the motivation to do anything else I've never been one to wear makeup before I just wasn't raised that way equally unfeminine mother but I have a lot of insecurities about my appearance I brought up wondering if I would look better with makeup I expected here as previous boyfriends I had considered the idea too to try to dance around saying you're right maybe you would look better you should try it which invokes feeling like they don't like how I look already even if they didn't mean it that way without missing a beat he said if you think it would make you happy you should give it a try it felt like he solved some magic girl trap that I hadn't meant to set my mom died unexpectedly when I was 20 I'm 29 now and sometimes still have a really difficult time dealing with the emotions of losing her one year right around her birthday I was feeling pretty blue I came home from work on her actual birthday and he was standing in the kitchen holding a cake he had baked complete with a lit candle and said just because she died doesn't mean we can't celebrate that she lived I just sobbed and he held me close until I had cried it out then we celebrated her life every year since then he has bought her a birthday card and we light a candle to remember her he's an amazing man edit forgot a word edit again thank you so much for the gold kind redditor you made my day I'll pay it forward soon when after dating two months we were walking back to my dorm after a night of drinking heavily and he reached up and grabbed her twig off of a tree and told me I have to keep it forever then six months later if three year old son comes up to me and hands me a twig and tells me the exact same thing they are two peas everything felt natural and relaxed from the beginning no drama no stress no worries felt like I'd known her forever even though we'd only been together a month or two becoming a couple almost instantly because we just were oh and amazing sex [Music]
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 232,526
Rating: 4.9412551 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, people, funny stories, memes, Cowbelly, Updoot, ToadFilms, storytime with reddit, dating, dating stories, relationship, wedding, marriage
Id: MCNqY6IupL0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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