What's The Creepiest Thing A Woman Has Ever Done To You? [Part 2] (r/AskReddit)

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men offered it what's the most creepiest thing a woman has ever done to you cut off all of her pubis put them in between layers of scotch tape crammed them in an envelope with a pair of her used panties and put the envelope under my windshield wiper there was a note read something like I know we can't be together but now you'll always remember me she was right Oh Frick dude you just gave me a PTSD flashback a girl did this to me before what the actual crap when I was like 17 I had it completely blocked from my memory it just came flooding back the cutoff boobies with scotch tape I do not want to remember this if I had an ex-girlfriend stalked me for five years I had a restraining order against her that included my grandparents she had been bothering them and my parents but I didn't think to include my sister because she lived in a different City this woman stoked my sister and ended up approaching her at a music festival she was wearing this is so insane one of those hats that has fake dreadlocks attached to it and she was trying to pretend to be a stranger and get information from my sister now keep in mind one she was white as Frick two that was the only thing she did to disguise herself and three my sister freakin knew her already it would be hilarious if not for the years of harassment and inconvenience she caused me every time I would move she would send me something in the mail to let me know she had my address one time it was a box with a flannel shirt a half-empty bottle of cologne a broken toy ax a bundle of pubic hair and an 11-page letter written in crayon Frick she was crazy probably not as exciting as most here but still super freaking weird I was staying at my friend's house sleeping in his guest room friend is at work his girlfriend is at home one thing about this room is that it has a very heavy door that has to be held open by something super heavy or else it slams shut while I sleep with the door closed I wake up in the morning and as I do every morning I laid there for a bit longer before actually getting out of bed well this time all of a sudden I see the door open the light is still off but the hallway light being on means I can see of someone standing in the doorway I have my eyes kind of open and I can see that she's just standing there in the doorway staring at me I didn't move I wanted to see WTF would happen because this was thoroughly freaking me out she just stood there for at least 10 minutes didn't look away didn't walk around the room I was laying at a weird angle where I could see her perfectly she could see me but she couldn't see that my eyes were half open I thought she may have been and there to grab something because there's a bunch of stuff in the closet clothes and such nope ten minutes I waited for her to do something or to walk out finally I flinched and faint waking up and I heard her run out and the door slam I got up went into the kitchen and she was as bubbly as could be acting like nothing happened acting like she didn't just spend ten minutes watching me sleep I fell asleep sitting next to one of my friends on the way home from a school field trip in 12th grade I woke up to her using my hand to play with herself as I began to regain consciousness she threw my hand at me and made a huge scene about it I never talked to her about it it bothers me to this day definitely top 3 me and a friend both about 12 at the time had a car with three women and pull up and try to get us to go with them for a good time the woman who got out the car was flashing her boobs and rubbing herself it was just surreal we both just nope the freaked out I'll never forget a girl in the backseat flashing her boobs as they drove off looking back it feels more sinister than it did at the time a car filled with pedophiles is pretty sinister indeed girl I had seen for two dates had her best friend SMS me anonymously claiming we met in a bar the night before and offering to come over to my place I rarely went to bars as I worked night shift at the time so I knew I hadn't met anyone at a bar eventually after probing and pushing I got the girl to confess she said she was just testing to make sure I was trustworthy didn't see her again met a girl at a bar and we ended up back at her place we hooked up and fell asleep she seemed normal all night and I saw no red flags at all I definitely would have dated her again until she went crazy I woke up around 5:00 a.m. and started getting dressed to leave I had to get home and get ready for work she woke up while I was dressing and totally freaked out she was screaming angrily you can't leave I explained I needed to go to work and that I'd call her later she was having none of that then she attacked I literally had to physically fight my way out of her apartment with a few scratches on my arm for souvenirs I have no idea what her deal was and I never went back to the bar I met her in a girl broke into my house three times in a week while I was rehearsing cellist each time she left money to repair the window a large bag of Twizzlers and two cans of tuna for my cat that was it we had never been romantically or physically involved we barely even knew each other freely drunk chick asked me to dance and proceeded to keep trying to pull my dong out like forcefully when it finally resisted enough she called me a nerd and stormed off I was probably nine it was after church service and there's this new lady there who took a liking to me she was the new wife of the minister we were outside waiting for the grown-ups to come out I think they were having a meeting inside and this new lady took me to a bench nearby we sat asked me lots of questions then she put my head on her lap stroked my hair while humming a lullaby like I'm a baby it's felt really uncomfortable and I really wanted to escape but I was a shy little boy and didn't want to offend her or something saw my sister from afar snickering at us it went on for like 30 minutes but felt like hours I was dying with cringe inside very very strange makes me think she had a son of similar age who died or something I met this girl when I was out one night she was nice seemed normal went to her house and there was pictures of me around her mirror I would probably asked her for a pen and signed my picture what fan blind-date talk was a cure of a dinner except that she kept mentioning heard accent she had sweaters for it a separate purse like bag to carry it etc then she looked at me and said I really like my dog I said I gathered that she looked at me very starkly and said I don't think you understand I really like my dog I paid for the food wished her well and we went our separate ways maybe that was her way of ending the date I don't know if I didn't need to know either she wasn't ending it she was easing you into a threesome I remember in middle school there was this one girl who would grope my thighs and such and just generally making unwanted physical contact of the worst part was that she would make sure to do it in public and people would make fun of me for how her advances made me uncomfortable oh yeah look how and wanted physical contact is funny when it's a girl towards a guy how how I am really sorry mate my ex was being at a party she tried making moves on my younger sister who was only 15 at a time ex was 17 and touching her without permission I got angry and told her to stop and so the party ended soon after that a week later not only did she not apologize she tried to organize a meet-up involving both me and my sister along with a few friends so I told her I don't want her near me or my sister again this made her so angry she called me on the phone and told me she had a knife and if I keep acting this way she'll use it she also said she was on the way to my house right now I was freaking the Frick out at this point but I was hoping she was just bluffing however sure enough 20 minutes later she arrived right outside my door I texted her saying I wasn't going to let her in that she kept ringing the doorbell constantly I texted her again and again to go away before eventually saying after a few minutes that I would call the cops if she didn't leave right now this finally got her to leave luckily I haven't seen her since for future reference if somebody tells you they have a knife they are going to use it and they're on their way to your house you should be calling the police already there's no need to wait until they arrive and there's no need to worry about whether it's true or not I dumped my ex about nine years ago and she pulled up outside my back door and held the horn down blocking the road for literally thirty minutes straight I got in the shower and left via the front door and went to a friend's party she could have been there for hours because she was still going when I left legend has it her spirit is still there honking once dated a girl ended up sharing an apartment after living together for a month I woke up to her staring at me absolutely livid naturally I asked her what the deal was she said I had a dream that you were messing around with your ex and I've been searching for reasons not to cut your dong off I finally calmed her down and she left to work I never collected my belongings so fast in my life never looked back man you really dodged a bullet there met a girl at a party we flirted then we ended up in my bedroom this was in my apartment heavy makeout I suggest hooking up she declines heavier making out basically including anything that's not intercourse I suggest hooking up again she declines fair enough we stopped the making out and plan to see each other again the day we were supposed to meet she stood me up I had cooked and it was already time to meet she told me that she doesn't want to see me again because I wasn't pushy enough she liked men who were less soft and gentle she basically told me that when she said no I shouldn't have listened dodged a bullet there my one and only tinder date turned out she had signed her divorce papers that day on the date she laid out her one-year plan for us to date and get married let her know I wasn't interested in a second date she thanked me for my opinion and declined not having a second date very luckily I hadn't been able to meet her at my house at the start of the date like she suggested and we had to meet someplace neutral I don't like to think what would have happened if she'd known where I lived considering that I'm not attractive or rich or otherwise someone women are usually interested in this was a very weird situation it was just a hi I don't know anything about you but we're going to be married by the end of the year your opinion isn't relevant keep in mind I'm only a junior in high school I was about in 7th or 8th grade and I was at a New Year's party at my grandparents house with all of their friends you can tell I'm a party animal spending my New Year's with sixty and seventy year olds and one of their friends who I'd known for a while continued touching me and grabbing me in my waist and thigh region if she would sneak it in like under the table or walking past each other or whatever I totally understand the stereotypical grandma cheek pinch or whatever but this was something else after squeezing my boss with both hands I had enough and said something to her the rest of the night was super awkward but the worst part was my grandma was defending her and downplaying the whole situation it wasn't until I told my mom the next day and she lost her crap on my grandma that she finally admitted she was wrong and I haven't seen her since gross and crappy that some of these stories are just straight-up sexual assault had one where she would remove the condom halfway into intercourse no problem till she is writing and wanting me to blow in her hot at first I didn't find out a year later she was dating a friend of a friend and did it to him and now he has a son another that was breaking the condoms on purpose I suspect she was also poking holes in them cannot confirm that though bring your own dang condoms guys my roommate and I woke up one morning and went downstairs to find long dark hair all over the floor it was almost a foot long and black the front door was locked I was single at the time and his girlfriend had short hair apparently some girl came in through the window cut her hair and scattered it all over the floor and then left nothing was stolen and we never found out what it was all about that's some the grudge crap dude little after I turned 21 I was at the bar with some friends shooting pool enjoying a beer this group of rough looking 45 glossy women come in they slowly make their way over to the same side of the bar we keep minding our business having fun I'm standing at the end of the table when I feel a hand slide down the back of my pants and boxes and grabbed my butt then she screeched out loud boy your mama raised you right then walks back to her friends all proud the bartender kicked them out shortly after my buddies were cool they don't give me crap about it we were all just like WTF I've never groped some random person like that I'm sorry to all the women who get groped like that it completely catches you off-guard it's meant to be a compliment but just makes you feel used and revolting it's not meant to be a compliment it's just sexual assault no matter what is between the legs of the perp and victim well here goes I'm in high school and we're having pay a girl that I hardly know asks me hey you wanna see my butt and I say euhh no she then proceeds to pull her whole pants down right in front of 30 odd students and the paid teacher everyone was just like WTF and she just pulls him back up and walks away like nothing happened that's like something a toddler would do WTF someone I worked with sniff the inside of my jacket that I forgot to bring with me later she gave me a date with her as a wedding gift only to be used before the wedding and asked me if I was truly happy on my wedding day I hooked up with a girl back in late 2009 I asked her over to try and call it off as she was a little intense for what I wanted back then we end up looking up again I'm weak I know fell asleep and woke up sometime in the middle of the night to her cutting my armpit hair off and trying to put it in a ziplock to this day I have no clue while what she was planning to do with it but I got shot of her that's night once and for all fold a woman was cutting my hair she was 60s I was about 24 she rambled on about how she loves bearded men and I might be old but I can still look at the menu she then told me about how she likes to go to clubs with her son in his 40s because his wingman and likes younger men while this was happening she kept running her hand down the front of my shirt I later brought it up to other employees there who just laughed it off and said oh yeah that's just her apparently sexual assault is just part of her personality the comp didn't bother me too much until she started getting handsy hope you left a review warning fellow bearded men because yikes woman I was engaged to was doing all the prep for the wedding this was in her country and I didn't understand the language all that well so I was a bit limited on how much I could help her out other than helping to cut the invite cards out etc she was a very hot-tempered person as she was but as much as I asked her what tasks I could help out with she just refused to involve me in anything at all and then complain that I wasn't helping enough she argued and argued with me about how I didn't care despite my efforts to be involved in all the prep it was all very manipulative eventually she actually pulled a knife out at me I slapped it off a wrist and she stormed off when she left for work the next day I packed my bags took a taxi to the airport and noped out of there wearing my university sport jacket when I went to grab a fast food order some woman I've never seen before shouted hi and waved at me like we were best friends gave an awkward confused wave back and left with my food a couple hours later I get a friend request on facebook from someone I recognized moszer best guess is she saw my jacket and stopped the sport roster to find my name and added me from that got blocked real quick that or on the first day she asked if you were going to kill me how would you do it I know how I would kill you then proceeded to tell me her plan on how she would kill me and get away with it asked me if I had feelings for her the day before her wedding which I was in then after being married insisted that we talk and was trying to sit on my lap at a party when we were both drunk and I told her it could wait until the morning she revealed in the morning that she had cut herself after I weld and talked with her I told her we couldn't be friends and she texted me every day for six months without me responding until I learned how to block her number a mutual friend told me she asked for my number from him this last summer I haven't spoken her for 10 years so there's that when I was 17 eating a slice of pizza in a pizzeria in New York I was sitting facing the glass looking out to the street time was around 7 p.m. it was getting dark I'll never forget his fifty something year old lady who was walking on the sidewalk saw me eating slowed down stared straight at me with the most seductive grin and then winked then continued on walking until that point in my life I had never felt so many emotions at once I was turned on weirded out intrigued scared this was a day I will never forget she had black hair and was pretty hot back when I was working overnights at a national pharmacy Jane there was an older lady in her 50s that would pick up prescriptions and tried to hit on me a few times the most direct and creepiest thing she said to me was I don't know why women who go for younger men are called Cougars I like to be called a Python because I like to answer young men do you like pythons luckily I was saved by a customer that promptly needed something picked up and I ignored her until she left well they are both predators mom a woman pinned me down on the beach on our first date all seductively then once it was really quiet she said unironically I want to murder you I had a GF once that was really possessive to the point of stalker behavior we had been dating for maybe three months and she didn't have a life she never did anything and always wanted to spend time with me and I was a fairly busy person it gets to the point where she doesn't believe that I could have so much going on in my life that I can't video call her for a least an hour at the start and end of every single day if I wasn't replying to her messages within five minutes she'd sent about seven more then call me a few times then it got that she looked at all my social profiles to see when I was last online to see whether I should have seen her text or not also within two weeks she had planned our wedding and named our four children max Harrison Lilly and Sophia maybe not the worst but here's something I was in a really low mental state due to some past trauma recent health issues when we started dating which I think was part of the appeal for her since looking back the whole thing was very predatory if he age gap 24 M and 32 F she started talking shared finances just a month or so into the dating it's pretty obvious what was about in hindsight anyway she encouraged me to start keeping a journal to help with my mental recovery with a twist for the journal she would ask questions and I would write answers to them which she would read most of it was extremely personal a good amount also sensitive information I - and boggled that I went along with this she was also doing classic abusive things trying to cut me off from my best friend and all fortunately it only took a few months for me to start seeing clearly though I wasn't quite committed to breaking up she must have sensed some resistance though one day she asked for my journal set it aside then proceeded to start the breakup talk I agreed that it wasn't working out for me either and overall it was very amicable until I asked for my journal back literally instant screaming that it belonged to her I just stayed seated and kept repeating that she hadn't written a thing in it and I was the one who originally purchased it she tossed it at me after a bit and I bounced out of there like a bat out of hair she did send me an apology about it over social media private messaging sim years later it was also while letting me know that she would be attending kink meetups in my city though so a an elderly woman pretty loudly told her middle-aged daughter she wanted to do me in a Trader Joe's went downtown to CVS to get my dad's medication at like 9:00 at night while waiting for the cashier to come back to old woman and line maid conversation with me unprompted they started feeling on my shoulders and arms hold the I have a girlfriend lie while trying to be nice so no trouble would happen inside I was extremely creeped out as if she had a sixth sense the cache area appeared out of nowhere so I could pay and leave giving the two women a glare in the meantime they gave my biceps a squeeze before leaving me alone felt so dirty I took a shower after I got home was at work late upgrading pcs to win ten I am happily married and had only recently gotten married at that time while I was in the contact center upgrading multiple pcs I was kind of cornered by a younger woman wound up saying if you ever need a release from your wife I'm here and more than happy to you know Frick or something I think you're super attractive and kept it going for a few minutes I mentioned that I'm happily married with no intentions of cheating and she kind of pushed for a while longer lingered while I kept working and then eventually left it was probably the most Awkward 20 minutes I have ever sat through at work I had a waitress I worked with who got cheated on by her husband smart attractive and funny woman her husband agreed with her that she deserved to Frick me to get even with him except they didn't regard the fact I was also married and not interested in ruining my relationship I went on a date with a girl and I thought it was mutually understood we weren't into each other because no real connection was happening on the date it was hard to hold a conversation I dropped her off at her house after the date and she felt my chest before getting out of the car like very weirdly feeling me up then she left it was pretty uncomfortable she was making sure you weren't wearing a wire played an MMO for a while where you could join five guilds this lady was in three of them was always nice but very flirty with me our guilds use teamspeak a lot in the two office got to talking turns out though we lived a few hundred miles and an international border away we shared a crap-ton of interests she claimed to be in her twenties I was over 30 at the time we became friends though she made it very clear to everyone that she wanted more in fact she referred to me as her nickname I went by in that gang I found out she was going to be travelling to an area near me right around her birthday so I offered to meet her in a public setting that's when she dropped it on me she wasn't really in her twenties she was turning 16 technically over the age of consent but yes still a kid even if there weren't legal issues I simply was not interested in dating anyone at young I have a five year old I only date people that are within five years of me so I had a long talk with her explained I was then near twice her age and while her interest in me was flattering I wasn't entrusted she was devastated telling me I was making a mistake because she would be the best girlfriend future wife possible that age was just a number finally I told her that in two years when she turned 18 and brought proof of that I would consider going on a single date with her if she was really that serious and that if all went well I would consider making an exception to my five-year rule but under absolutely no circumstances would I ever date or even meet with someone that was under 18 but she wasn't happy but eventually accepted that was the best she would get and we stayed in touch even after I left the gang fast forward almost but not quite two years she has finally found a boyfriend she hits me up on teamspeak she wants me to travel up there to meet them because in her words she wants me to know exactly what the heck I missed out on by unfairly and unreasonably turning her down age is just a number and shouldn't have gotten in the way she has since become more normal bill yeah those two incidents really creeped me out no I have never dated her I had dated other women I had met in games before then never have since was standing at the bar talking with my friend when I felt something lightly touched the back of my shirt I turned around and found this woman smelling my armpit while I was at a rave I had this girl walk up to me like the Living Dead while I was in conversation with a bunch of people this jaw swinger stops dead in front of me says what's that and proceeded to grab me by the banger and beams with all the strength of meth tough twenty-year-old can muster I told her to get her frickin hands off my junk and she skittled away like Gollum being separated from his precious about ten minutes later a friend tapped me on the shoulder points behind me looking concerned and tells me to look there are three cops with a canine and a crying crazy be claiming I tried to our payer they were ready to freakin destroy me without so much as a hint of proof if I wasn't with so many people all night most of which were young ladies that are back my story up well I am pretty sure that nut bag could have ruined my life very easily you have been visited by the wealth wrath subscribe in 12 seconds and he will share his wealth with you like and subscribing magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 111,608
Rating: 4.885973 out of 5
Keywords: creepiest thing, creepiest, creepy stories, creepy woman, creepiest woman, creepiest thing a woman has done to you, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: JWfWz2WsgJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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