1 Hour Compilation Of The Best Gaming Stories of r/AskReddit

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gamer's offered it what was the most horrifying experience you've ever endured in a videogame there was this game back in the day for Gamecube called eternal darkness your character had sanity levels and as this meter dropped more and more fricked up things would happen where scream that you couldn't find the source of blood dripping down the walls an enemy attacks you out of nowhere and disappears as you realize it was a hallucination the thing is some of these happen outside of normal gameplay it would look like you were turning the volume down on your TV or changing the channel or like a cable came unplugged one of these was that it looked like you had navigated to the memory card remember those and clicked to format the card that moment of panic the complete horror as I thought that every save in every game I had played was being erased that is by far the most horrifying thing I have ever experienced in a video game playing the first Sims game when I was like 9 years old with some friends I covered a room in rugs because it looked neat turned on a fire because it was cozy immediately the whole room was set ablaze like the rugs were soaked in oil no gradual fire catching like in the sims 2 onwards the parents of the family were trapped and died the kids on the upper floor couldn't leave the building because the fire was on the way we couldn't change to building or shopping or click any commands not even speed up because it was banned during fires my friends and I were horrified and had to watch them die for like 5 minutes straight until the far completely died out my first Sims game was Sims 2 the very first night the sim moved into the new house he decided to eat barbecue for dinner proceeded to light himself on fire and died because I didn't know about fire alarms in Resident Evil 4 I was just shooting the water at the end of a pier because I thought I'd get the fish when that big fish came up and ate me I actually almost crapped myself at 198 stroke 200 Pokemon on sapphire my little sister wiped the safe so she could play a few hours on a girl character then got bored of it oh yes it must have felt good being an only child after that animal crossing for the GameCube there was a thing that lets you visit a friend's town by sticking their memory card in the other slot when you visited it was really aggressive about warning you not to turn off the game while in the other town yet that happened it was an accident my character when I got the game to boot up again was a change little villager where once was a happy face was 2 black pits 4 eyes and a month in perpetual scream and all my money was gone turned the game off and cried in fear Nintendo apparently did this on purpose to try and punish people who were saving scumming that all they did was scare the crap out of little me the climax to dying light where you have to run away from all the nightcrawlers volatiles crap was heart pounding oh man being outside at night for the first time in that game was the worst eternal darkness on GameCube I'm 17 playing this wall home alone on a stormy night my sanity meter is ratcheting up my pet cat has a habit of playing with the cables behind the TV enter a new room and the video drops from the screen goes black says vid one in green at the top Frick you can't go to look behind the TV to fix things lightning look behind TV cables still plugged in Thunder blood-curdling scream from TV jump hit my head gotta get a new pair of pants why why make me think there are problems with my hardware Oh to make me drop my guard and absolutely terrify me in ways I never expected to be scared Metal Gear Solid 2 when Raiden is running around naked and the game starts glitching there was a part where it says not to sit so close to the TV and you should get some rest or something along those lines it was 3 a.m. and I was sitting right in front of the TV I just cut the game off I remember the part where the colonel says something like you've been playing the game for a long time you really should take a break I thought it was going to be truly necessary to save and reboot the game since Hideo Kojima is insane so I did playing Resident Evil in the dark and seeing that dang dog break through the window I can remember everything about that and then when you're expecting it in the remake but it only cracks the window it only jumped through when you enter from the other side so it got me when I wasn't expecting it at all also crimson heads at university I would invite my friend around to play outlast about one night a week until it got completed it for the duration of the game I endured all jump-scares sturdily solid as a rock except one moment where my character was outside and a freaking leaf flew across the screen it fell off my chair in fright since then if it is ever windy on an autumn day I can guarantee a smartass comment from my friend my sister unplugged my Battlefront to save file when I was saving to the card and it got corrupted she wanted to watch TV I had hundreds of hours of stats on that account I'm still not over it Batman uh claim asylum the Scarecrow introduction I thought my brother would kill me for breaking his beloved toy playing original Diablo and no lie about to kill Diablo when a loud thunderclap occurred and shut off my power and PC shout-out to the butcher and Diablo 1 when you open the door full of dismembered naked people and entrails everywhere and that big mother yells fresh meat and runs at you I was like 5 6 when I played that and I'll still always remember it Max Payne where he has the hallucination with the baby crying and his wife screaming still gives me nightmares my first shiny pockemon was a gravel ax it used explode I've heard a story from someone who had observed the unluckiest person in existence they encountered two shinies in a row both gravel ax both self-destructed they are also the reason I will always have a good supply of quick balls when you're playing medieval to total war and the Mongols to me roads show up for the first time CK 2 as well a good late-game hoard in that game can freak up people in the safest of areas outlast whistleblower when the last villain almost succeeds to cut off your genitals with a circular saw so that he can flick you in the wound afterwards I'm not kidding I always thought that Drago cutting off some of your fingers with Jantar scissors was the freakiest then again I haven't seen much of whistleblower the first time I encountered a Witten left4dead freak that crap man I've never been more terrified in my life the first moments when you step out of the bathysphere and rapture after a splicer has cut through some of the metal and the only thing you're holding is a dang wrench terrifying the mannequins him condemned - the hallucinations the mannequin sequence in that game was so well designed the eye is basically designed to move ever so slightly right when they are about to leave your line of sight and make noise when you're not looking when the game has you going around smacking mannequins just to make sure they aren't real you know it's done a good job of getting under your skin file in isolation medical Bay when a person sends you to look for something in an area where the alien is actively searching for you you can't just hide and wait for it to go away it will not go away it waits for you took me a month to beat that part then the high level took me more than a year to beat alien isolation recommended because it learns it found out I liked to hide in those computer cards though my scariest moment is when I found out it can chase you in the vents it was after me so I ducked into one and made a 90 turn I thought I was safe until I hear a fast bang bang bang and as I turn around it was just barreling down the vent at me on all fours nearly passed myself probably the entirety of Dead Space 1 just saying that crap flicked me up going down that ladder in the first f.e.a.r not the scariest moment in gaming but it was my first horror game that split second still haunts me my no eggs friend deleted my Pokemon save and restarted with Bulbasaur I only needed groaneth and arcanine to finish the Pokedex I was 8 when I got ocarina of time those frickin zombies you have to get past to get the Sun song and leave the temple of time as adult link have scarred me to this day how about the dead hands and the bottom of the well and in the Shadow Temple outlast was terrifying especially the whistleblower DLC whistleblower was hands down better than the original game outlast 2 comes out tomorrow and I'm holding on to my manhood while I can any difficult section in a game with unskipable cutscenesthat's nice kappa accidentally using my last mega lecture on emerald weapon twenty minutes into the fight vault 11 and FNV the one with the sacrificial chamber under the overseers office spoiler probably my favorite side quest storyline of any game ever and I don't think there's anything even linking to it just stumbled upon it randomly the first thing that sprung to mind is hotel basement in the Last of Us up until that point in the game you had never not had a partner or two and then suddenly you are alone in a pitch-black pit of monsters but that aside the real answer is the entirety of PT it's a horror classic and it's an absolute travesty that it's no longer available for download when I was in middle school I got missed form IDs it's totally silent except for possible machines you turned on all clues in one building there were these books you open them and there are screams inside with fuzzy moving images of people talking in creepy old radio like voices nope both the bad endings to that game really messed with my head that part in Dead Space 2 with the laser in the eyeball krynki crap right there anything I related makes me freak out it's as if my eyeballs don't want to see their kin being hurt in any way I didn't tinder it but my little brother have told me about the time when a friend office was looking over his safe files for his PlayStation he looked at an over 300 our almost maxed out save file of Final Fantasy 7 and hit a button do you want to delete this save file my little brother tensed up and said very carefully whatever you do do not select yes the friend said what yes hits random buttons and the safe file is gone I cringe and shudder just thinking about it that one room in Psychonauts I was not ready for that you definitely don't want to go in that room that's a party killer right there we don't go to happen home you know it's weird horror games don't bother me but Ravenholm there's something about that level that just sets my teeth on edge when I was 11 hallo ze came out I don't play horror games and didn't expect anything like the flood was going to pop up it creeped me out a bit and how closed in the library level was a bit scary to eleven-year-old me my little brother saving over my almost complete game file in Goldeneye this was also what taught me to keep multiple save files just in case in The Sims 3 my sim was staying at someone's house for two legs around 2 a.m. if I recall correctly so the game tried to make a nearby sim shoe my sim away so he'll leave there were adult Sims on the lot but for some reason the game worked out and a baby tried doing the shoe animation which just made it look like the freaking alien from alien isolation pretty much all of Bioshock when you walk into that dentist's office and it gets all foggy and then he's right behind you just staring at you when you turn around that of the shotgun on the floor in the pool of light you know it's a trap but dang you need that shotgun Sonic oh six just the entire game really it's no use I played half-life 2 for the first time and I didn't know anything about it then a mutant cat headcrab jumped right at my face and I had never been so frightened over a video game encountering the sir X in Metroid Fusion Red Dead Redemption last mission when you walk out of the barn and see that there is no way in heck you're gonna survive that spoiler I was not even thought there was no way that I was gonna go out like that I was about 11 and playing The Sims 3 with my friend and a ghost possessed the beta now Sims house we crap our pants and turned it off in the first Sims randomly the repairman passed away while fixing my dishwasher from that point forward every time I called for a repairman his ghost would come by and fix my stuff wasn't expecting that at all it was lemmings or possibly lemmings - anyway I was out one pixel in my diggers position and the whole troop fell from one platform into a burning pit of oil on the platform below then it was all over before I could hit the explode all option I felt so ashamed gamers offered it what was your halt crap this game is good moment the kinery fight and FFX I think it was the beside Island scenery but I just remember thinking it looked so amazing the first movie cut scene of today's blitz ball game and zelich and when sin attacked is what did it for me that was total legitness storming the beach at Normandy and Medal of Honor frontline the ocarina of time first time walking out of kokiri forest and into here all filled 12 year old me playing God of War Wow they show boobs this is the best game ever oh man by a shocks fest bathysphere ride with the welcome film does it for me I am Andrew Ryan and I am here to ask you a question is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow no says the man in Washington it belongs to the poor no says the man in the Vatican it belongs to God no says the man in Moscow it belongs to everyone I rejected those answers instead I chose something different I chose the impossible I chose rapture a city where the artists would not fear the censor where the scientists would not be bound by petty morality where the great would not be constrained by the small and with the sweat of your brow rapture can become your city as well freak man I still get chills every time I watch that scene that ride is just amazing the VA Ferran did a phenomenal job on his cadence and emotion and when the screen calls away to reveal the gorgeous rapture it was just stunning stand back the portal will open in three two one wait what the Frick is is that me crap it is me whoa I've see plenty of teleporters and games even mirrors but wow that's amazing haha I can't go back through it this is messing with my head so much just some genius game design here thinking with portals is a tall order and this moment cements the concepts so well using forced perspective playing with a developer commentary afterwards is great Bioshock blast in Coen splicers away with zero zero buckshot - Tchaikovsky z-- walls of the flowers dude the first twenty seconds of the game after I realized I wasn't watching a cutscene of my dude swimming I was instantly like holy Frick this game looks amazing going down the elevator into the deep unknown abyss looked off the start say Apple okay press X to say Apple okay what you're doing there is jumping onion you know what close enough let's go now you've been under for quite a lot longer and it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater progressing through that game it only gets better and better then you get to the torture scene where Vol'jin beats snake to a pulp and then either and Ocelot get into the confrontation in which snakes ions up getting shot you then play the rest of the game with one eye when you go into first-person mode I found myself replaying that game a lot halo see 343 Guilty Spark the part where you are introduced to the flood and there are all these covenant running away I'm down in the lower level seeing all these dead soldiers knowing something bad is about to happen but not knowing where it's coming from or what it's going to be I was mesmerised that was my first console game and I am glad it was still my favorite Halo game FARC Lamas eylem the hallucination bits with the scarecrow Red Dead Redemption when you're crossing the river for the first time and that music starts it happened late at night for me was not expecting it at all and I have never had a video game have that kind of impact on me since I know it sounds stupid but it was profound that moment happened for me as the Sun was setting in the game and it was just awesome the Psycho Mantis fight in MGS he moved my controller I knew what was going on and I knew what was really happening but it still blew my mind for a brief moment Crusader Kings 2 I started with the Vikings and incest DLC I've spent almost 4 years since then murdering my brothers seducing my sisters and horses and castrating my political rivals people have it so easy these days I remember when I had to pray for a bug to be able to seduce my sister or daughter when I started playing my first game in the civilization franchise c3 at 5:00 p.m. and the next time I looked at a clock it was 5:00 a.m. Dark Souls when I read my first boss the amount of adrenaline you get in a boss fight and the feeling of accomplishment when you win is almost like a drug Skyrim back when it first came out I had made the mistake of thinking I could take on a pair of Johnson who was fleeing across the Whiterun Plains when I ran into a sabre cat having had a few too many bad experiences with those suckers I turned again and hightailed it away from this sabre cat into giant that was still following me when the epic music started up and just as I was thinking what the Frick my scream shakes and amethyst licking dragon comes out of nowhere I promptly scream and fear as this was my first dragon encounter in the wild I realize I'm trapped between all of these guys and I draw my sword I died almost instantly I love Skyrim I had a similar situation except I was being chased by two giants turned to look back at them then turned around to keep running and there was a dragon landing in front of me fortunately for me his fire aggro the Johnson die got to witness to John's beat the crap out of a dragon instantly fell in love with the game I went into f.e.a.r thinking it was just a generic FPS with graphics that don't hold up but the moment I realized the game is pretty dang good was after I noticed that the AI try to flank you and other tactics that I haven't seen AI use even on current gen games I came into the thread looking for this one the first time I played fear Alma scared the crap out of me a few times probably the best scares I have ever had in the ref PS Final Fantasy 7 leaving major for the first time it's a magical moment when games can pull that off I remember leaving [ __ ] and feeling like the game just started Final Fantasy one did bat in Mario your goal is to save the princess in FF 1 saving the princess starts the game then you cross the bridge and realize oh crap the game really is just starting the moment in Fallout New Vegas when you have a discussion with Caesar about Hegelian dialectics the fact that the game puts so much effort into the thought process of the different factions and then showed the upsides and the downsides through gameplay and through world building was great and FNV alien isolation when I hid in a locker for half hour smoking cigarettes waiting for the alien to either lose interest or find me and rip my face off only to realize the noise I was hiding from was one of them dang 1970s computers making a racket 10 stroke 10 would get scared of a desktop again Shadow of the Colossus okay I have a sword use the light to find where to go holy crap this is gorgeous the music this place is huge Oh time to climb not too hard oh the grounds shalt what the Frick I have to take them down this is the first enemy and then it kept getting better when I was playing shadow of Mordor for the first time I had recently defeated a pretty hard orc leader I rammed my sword through his frickin skull after about two days in game I hear Ranger look at what you did to me I turn around and it's the same guy but he has a huge metal plate over the place where I stabbed him he ended up killing me the Stanley parable getting to the two doors and choosing the door on the ride just blew my mind it really felt like the narrator was right there with you responding with sarcasm and wit and the confusion ending especially blew my mind even more with the level of complexity it took to get there my only gripe is that there wasn't enough endings I lost it when I sat in the closet and went through that whole thing I love that every time you think you have outsmarted the game somehow there is so much dialog recorded already fantastic game the shotgun dong punctuating the doom 2016 opening incredible I love killing demons and then cue the badass music I got chills and thought oh crap this is badass and again when the crazy doc is over the intercom explaining why she's about to open the gate to heck shudder freelancer space simulator where you can do pretty much anything and had good modding support feel like being a pirate and steal some high commodity cargo go ahead wanna save the day and blow up pirates yes you can and can't get bounty money so many hours on that game and wish they came out with a remaster the opening moments of dead space 2 no punches were pulled Metal Gear Solid 4 crawling through oven hallway epic that was epic but my favorite part was the fighting against liquid snake in the end the HUD changes showing different generations of games the theme songs are from the first game to the last one all of those gave me an epic feel uncharted 3's scene with the cargo plane flying over the desert was a pretty amazing moment for me such a cool set piece taken straight out of a great action movie factorio when i dreamt of belt the night after when I first played undertale I killed Torrio I knew from the game's reputation that you could have a purely pacifist run so I reset the game so I could try again to spare her and I did then slow it called me out for save scumming fantastic oh crap moment that uses the fourth wall for actual story and drama Dragon Age Origins while making your way through the deep roads you hear this creepy as heck voice reading off a poem about how her party was murdered and/or turned into horrible abominations the environment was claustrophobic and the voice actress just nailed those lines I was freaking out a little and then you have to fight the brim of ax man that is my favorite game surprised no one's commented burning marijuana farm in Far Cry 3 in Silent Hill the first time the game switches to that Dark Dimension or whatever the Frick that creeper fine crap was my mind exploded and so did my butthole the first time I played stardew valley when I looked at the clock and realized I just played five straight hours and enjoyed about every minute of it the rest of the time well dying in the cave sucks effects and cause mission in titanfall 2 god dang Black Flag I could seriously just sail the seas blowing up British and Spanish ships for hours Ubisoft accidentally created one of the best pirate games ever made when I first got to know the grid in Witcher 3 it just feels like a real city unlike games like Skyrim where they are all tiny I also had one with the blood and wine expansion walking around - Sam is just magical scale age for me after the filth Thievery bigotry and corruption of novigrad and villain as a whole skellige was such a breath of fresh air I still remember the first half-hour or so of Skellig vividly the first scene in Kingdom Hearts when all the Disney villains are sitting around sniping at each other and discussing their master plan I would only later realize that Disney has done this stuff before with house of villains and also in 2002 it's at the time it was like whoa they put Jafar and Ursula in the same room this crap is off the chain I like crossover stuff planet-sized too when I looked up saw like 30 galaxies dropping troops on our base freakin awesome fallout 3 when you first step out of the vault I don't know why but I get goosebumps every time yes that was the first time I ever played a Fallout game and I can't think of a more iconic way that a world has been introduced to me The Witcher 3 as soon as I finished the bloody baron quest line I was just blown away by the level of writing there were so many different endings so many paths to get to the end and the characters themselves were all very believable not to mention the combat in that game is amazing once you get past the learning curve I finally started playing this game last month after all my friends wouldn't shut up about it it took me a few hours to really get into it but I'm glad I did I'm really close to the end just talk to Jules and rescued Philippa but I'm trying to milk it out for another two weeks until Mass Effect comes out Chrono Trigger what happens in the judgement I couldn't expect more aligned I grabbed the ring from the barrel headed through the office and stepped out into a small village situated along the coast I looked around and started on an adventure all that moment when you find out a living God is holding up a giant meeting all with his mind stopping it from smashing into the city and you get to go inside said Meet a Tall oldie with the scent free space the opening cinematic gripped me but seeing the alien ships and their insane power level filled you with a sense of desperation a lot of games never could when I first got my 360 and got Gears of War sawing someone in half with a chainsaw for the first time was extremely satisfying and was truly my first next gen moment hammer of dawn at the end of Gow - just saying gamers I've read it what started your love for gaming my dad started it he used to play games on the pewter and would let me sit on his lap while he played I loved watching him and he showed me how to use the controls so I could start playing myself he had a computer for me across the table from his and we used to play together when I got better we used to go to LAN stores and enter competitions together an unreal tournament and a few times we even won he was patient with me and anything I failed at doing right in a game he taught me to laugh at instead of getting frustrated and angry some of my best memories is playing alongside him or watching him play I still love that and so does he Frick I need to call my dad strategy games allows me to command armies and crush my enemies command and conquer generals was my mental coming-of-age my mum and dad I have gamer parents one ha'la'tha the old farts who L AK cough cough Paula sleepovers at my cousin's house he had an Atari 2600 and I was hooked my grandfather had an Atari 2600 with pinball I loved it so much Pokemon same here got a Game Boy Color and pokemon yellow edition for Christmas in 1999 that was my first video game it was 1978 I was in the skating rink I was eight years old and there were some video games off to the side I had never seen anything like it before I had seen pinball machines mostly on TV but coin-operated video games were another matter there was this space invaders machine and it was calling me and calling me I finally went over to investigate and I found that to enjoy the cornucopia of illuminated invaders shooting down of your one-man base station while you try to pick them all off only cost the price of $25 I almost didn't do any skating the whole time I was at the rink I was so enthralled I had already seen pong but I had a pong console at home this was something altogether different Pokemon or good doll roon escape Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga 99% sure that game is the reason why I need to 100 sent complete every game I get now my dad actually it was back in 2005 when MMORPGs were as popular as battle Royales nowadays back then me my brother and father used to place lafalot a party of three ready to enter and raid any dungeon or grind together I think we played it for around four years dad quit on 2009 with his max character being lvl 118 the most I did was lvl 116 on my Elementor I sometimes wish for these kind of games to come back nowadays I play lul along my two brothers dad no longer play with us and that's for a really good reason Minik rifts and halo Final Fantasy 7 on the PlayStation was amazed that the story kept going on and on and on morrowind was the main game that solidified this love however such freedom to play again and again even before mods were thrown in nothing has ever touched more aligned for me yeah the graphics and combat are outdated build you can be anything do anything no invisible walls no limits to your power you can become a self-made demigod and millionaire then swim endlessly across the ocean counter-strike 1.6 all the way back on the Super Nintendo and games like Super Mario World and Donkey Kong Country then on the original Gameboy with Donkey Kong and pokemon blue yep those fields man dkc2 is still basically flawless emo my father bought me the snares and the original Gameboy on the same day back in 1990 along with a few games but most notably Super Mario World and Super Mario Land 5 minutes and I was hooked now it's been 30 years and I've owned almost every platform you can imagine since then though I've gotten rid of most of them over the years and I'm still going strong with no sign of ever stopping the Wii U is the only Nintendo platform I've never owned legend of zelda ocarina of time I started on Majora's Mask so pretty similar getting a gameboy for my fifth birthday with pokemon yellow and playing sonic on my sega genesis sonic on the sega genesis was a super dope game my dad let me play prince wolf3d and dangerous dave when I was a kid then I made some older friend who were already into gaming and slowly I was introduced to things like GTA 5 game ball my life because my father didn't die always adopted his older gaming PC's and when I finally decided to build my own he helped me with it but my first love was minecraft endless possibilities with what to do and how to be creative however I don't play it as much anymore since I've moved more towards competitive gaming since I've grown older but I still love Minecraft and enjoy playing it to calm down from the more competitive kinds of games grand theft auto vice city a lot of open-world games still feel relatively linear to me until that game my first experience of gaming when my best friend got an Xbox 360 we used to play together almost every day after a while whenever I was free and I had nothing to do Gaming was my go-to even when I'm watching a movie or TV show after a while I would think to myself that I'd rather be gaming so yeah if I have time to burn I'm mostly gaming Mario duck-hunt knows not sure I've always loved gaming probably when my mom played pokemon silver with me looking on before I could even read from even before I could remember actually I think it even helped me learn to read had an old Sega system not sure what the model was 1999 to 2000 with the game collection with a beat-em-up Tetris Sonic and other games when I was 2 or 3 same time as the Pokemon stuff and a little after I guess my love of gaming was cemented when we upgraded to an n64 with mario 64 mario kart and smash Ratchet and Clank 20 'king in past bedtime in the early 90s to play a racing game with me on our tiny black-and-white TV I even remember a few years later my brother got to the end boss on contra paused it and turned off the TV so he could show me in the morning while my elder sister woke up and saw the Nintendo on wigged-out and turned it off still to this day I've never seen the final boss on contra thanks sis wigged out oh my gosh I swear the entire 90s just flashed before my eyes Goldeneye n64 it was the multiplayer experience and the fact that it was the first game I beat by myself at the age of 8 it was also the game I was playing when my dad told me he was leaving and not gonna be living with us after that I sunk into this and other games as a way of escapism and dealing with what was happening in my family it was video games and a strong loving mother that kept me distracted and happy through it all that's why games mean so much to me that my way to unwind and immerse myself in another world that's not my own playing smb3 with my grandpap every night before bedtime when I stayed over his house when both parents were in the hospital my dad had broken his leg slipping on ice going down some steps my sister was sick with an infection so my mom stayed with her and so I got to spend a week at my grandparents house and every night grandpap and I would start smb3 and play as far as we could before it was bedtime I honestly don't know I've been playing video games for so long that I can't remember what my first video game even was I can remember always being drawn to them as a young child if there was a Super Nintendo or an n64 or something I always wanted to play it I played PC games before I ever had a console of my own simply because we already had a computer but I couldn't tell you where it all started I was just predisposed to it I relate to this so hard video games have been such a huge part of my life my dad as much as he hates videogames now used to play Warcraft 2 with me and my siblings then Warcraft 3 came out and he didn't want to change the Warcraft 2 stopped working on Mac so he just stopped playing and I didn't Kuang pac-man tempest Missile Command space invaders the good old days Robert Hren would like a word Super Mario Odyssey ai ai ai newbies are always welcome when I was 7 the hot toy was the Nintendo Entertainment System action pack I opened it on Christmas and shot duxelle goddamn morning before diving into sewer pipes all afternoon I'd had a computer Atari 800 in the house for years and had played pac-man and Donkey Kong before but I had never been very good the nez was a revelation to me and I've played games ever since with a few years off during college and grad school I missed the ps2 partly due to poverty and partly due to lack of time two moments for me I was 5 years old and all the cool kids at kindergarten had pokemon yellow blue red on gameboy color I knew I had to get one as well fast forward to when I was 8 or 9 I'm at a family friend's place and this cutie grilled 2 years older than me showed me rune escape on Windows XP I was lost on what to do click so she put her hand on my hand that was on the mouse and did some sandwich clicking for me after that I was hooked for life as a little kid I'd sit on the floor of our tiny living room with my mum one or both arms and my grandma and we'd all play an RPG together we would go to Blockbuster for a new one when the last one was beat we never beat it in the v rental days so we'd just keep it and play the late fee so we wouldn't lose out save if they forced us to turn it in instead of lettuce rent it again we played Final Fantasy 3 stroke 6 for linphea 2 Final Fantasy mystic quest Breath of Fire 2 one of the most amazing RPGs ever and we also love Zelda a link to the Past when we took a break my grandma would take over and just run around on the worldmap grinding for hours for us we were always so LP I miss my grandma so much I miss those days so much my family was pretty poor when I was a kid my mom would work nights and sleep all day and my dad would work days and sleep all night so they didn't have to pay for babysitter's I never got to see my dad much on weekends my dad would play video games on the PlayStation the only ones I really remember are Kingdom Hearts and tomb raider every Saturday I'd wake up super early and just sit next to him and watch him play I used to get super excited when he played Kingdom Hearts cause yawn oh there were a bunch of princesses and I loved Disney he started to play that one more often and if he was playing Tomb Raider he'd switch it over to Kingdom Hearts when I'd come waddling down the stairs watching him play video games was one of the only times I got to hang out with him exclusively there some of my favorite memories of him he also helped me build my first gaming PC and taught me had an upgrade and put it together he's a pretty great dude minercraft my first gaming experience was a Playstation 2 I've had since I was born I played at least 1,000 hours on that thing and eventually I got an Xbox 360 and that kick-started the non-stop gaming train I'm still riding today but it's not just about the fun sometimes it's about the relatability of the characters the beauty of the world that people painstakingly crafted just for you to immerse yourself in and sometimes it's just about escaping reality to just feel a sense of relieve and to have fun when you normally can't my mom dad and The Witcher I remember I was so freaking scared off the game for the first few days while I was watching them play and then after some time I found myself sneaking in their room and playing it while they were away even beat the game before they did then they bought me Skyrim and the rest is history my first game we sports and Super Smash Bros Brawl later Pokemon B&W the gamma cube with need for speed carbon and Mario Kart Double Dash well rather still are one of my favorite games and the ones that started my love for video games watching my dad and brother play Ratchet and Clank on the ps2 me and my dad played the entire original Legend of Zelda on nest together the man would go with me next door to ask the elder kid for help on places we were stuck on what is the best gaming moment you have experienced rimworld I was hunting deer and angered the pack my entire colony was quickly wiped out by a bunch of deer my tailor was the only one to survive so once he was in good health I grabbed my army of squirrels and set out on another deer hunt my tamer died wearing all deer clothing with a belly full of deer meat doing what he loved most killing deer the cause of death was an infected turtle bite though if only I had an artist to properly immortalize this moment I freaking love this game seeing the moon in Portal 2 I knew exactly what the Frick was about to go down the end with the moon was pretty fantastic but that game had so many crazy great moments like waking up GLaDOS for the first time in that game all when you realize who Carolina's beating that frickin rocket racer see in Lego Racers he had such a smug little smile and I was glad when he stood a mere second after witnessing my wormhole smack down this goddamn plastic azmuth earth Riker I once won a round of SWAT in Halo Reach alone my entire team left with 46 kills and no deaths never in my life have I played so well before all sins beating another team in rocket League after around 14 minutes of overtime was a very intense match I used to love just driving around in GTA vice sity listening to the awesome eighties music I remember one moment where I caught Samia the game went into the slow-mo cinematic view with the Sun setting in the background as more than this was playing on the radio and it was just sublime I frickin love that game I used to spend hours in that game just cruising and catching air everywhere I could in all the different vehicles in that game sparked my life for 80s tunes when I had previously looked at it all as lame or gay helps that they included bands like Slayer and Ozzy because I love me some metal oblivion leaving the sewers and experiencing a vibrant green world in the imperial city tower in the distance storming the beach at Normandy and Medal of Honor frontline God that whole gain was a muster piece back in the day back when Halo 3 ODS twas new Bungie issued a challenge to complete four full sets of their new firefight game-mode on heroic or harder a set consists of three rounds and a round consists of five waves so my friends and I sat down one evening and slog through all sixty waves of the Covenant onslaught as the game goes on difficulty modifiers get added famine kicks in and weapons now drop with half a no black eye kicks in and you can only regenerate health by punching enemies or catch gets enabled and the enemy suddenly has a ton of grenades and you're Bruno Mars now combine all these and more and the game gets complicated looking back the achievement wasn't terribly difficult but it is one of my fondest memories of gaming the rush we got after completing 2 hours and 51 seconds of non-stop action is unforgettable I had a blast and have to congratulate Bungie on an awesome experience my roommates and I like to set BOTS to max at the lowest difficulty on new town in black ops 2 one time we were huddled together in the middle of the map when all of the sudden all nine bots just pile out of one of the second-story windows one after another many of them had difficulty jumping out so these mildly tarded soldiers were bouncing up and down and running into each other it may not be the best gaming experience I've had but bling if it wasn't hilarious to watch I was crying in laughter yep definitely doing this with my friends now thanks the ending of Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater you're in a beautiful field of flowers blowing in the wind standing over your opponent who happens to be your mentor lover and friend you've just defeated her and now you have to kill her you stand over her holding her own weapon and the camera pans back and just sits there i sat for a full five minutes waiting for something to happen but it doesn't the game makes you pull the trigger it isn't a cutscene anymore you kick off the rest of the series with that button by executing an innocent woman in that field crap was powerful man then all the white flowers turn red crap was not Co dealing the for the whole achievement on WoW when I was like 13 I was woefully under levelled but running around enemy territory with a group of 40 plus was exhilarating plus I got my bear mount really early for those that don't know the achievement is to go to every main city on the opposing faction and kill the leader it's pretty tough and takes a lot of planning it's geeky as heck but my desktop background was a screenshot of everybody in a circle with their new black war bear mount circa 2009 or so vigil conversation in Mass Effect just felt like all the secrets of the universe had been revealed to me and a bunch of seemingly random things all connected at once a long time ago I was playing Ultima Online as a thief I found a guy killing skeletons in a graveyard and offered to heal him with bandages instead he asks me if I want to buy a sword I say sure show it to me and right there in the middle of nowhere he plops open a crate filled with swords and armor so of course I steal one I skulk off and hide until I'm no longer gray meaning anyone can kill me for committing a crime then I return I'm still greater him meaning he can kill me for revenge but no one else can he realizes what I've done because when I leave the screen and return it makes my name appear on his screen briefly which shows him that I'm gray of course he attacks me but this is what I wanted once he attacks me I'm allowed to defend myself per the games mechanics so I take off running to town with this guy chasing me I keep stopping to cast poison on him and his health is just reigning real slow the whole time he starts trying to cool the guards which won't work BC I let my criminal status expire before I approached him the second time good it leaves him open for a few bigger spells so I blast him he starts to realize he isn't going to win and he realizes he has a ton of valuable stuff on him so he runs to the bank to try and deposit it build alas one second after he utters the command bank which opens your bank vault I'd lost him with an energy bolt ending his life I end up getting the entire crate of armor and weapons but the story doesn't end there this guy shows back up and says at the bank I'm paying $100,000 GP for the head of a near bad boat so this Rondo pm's me and says wanna split one hundred thousand GP and I agree I ditch all my items in the bank and we fake a battle in view of this guy I let him kill me and after he gets paid he resurrects me and cuts me my half of the gold after I sold the items I ended up making 150 kgp of this one mark best highest ever and before you ask this was how you played you oh it wasn't griefing back then reaching round 45 on world at war dairies completing the Mass Effect's to suicide mission with no deaths for the first time it's built up throughout the entire game and it pays off because when you do do it you feel like an absolute badass who just took on an entire army in one admittedly it ain't that hard to pull off if you're doing but still also the Normandy being invaded was intense on my first playthrough he had no idea he was coming so it was a big shock yeah the first time round it feels extremely tense it's just on later play fouls that you realize it's just a case of doing loyalty missions and picking obvious choices spec ops the line gentlemen welcome to Dubai alternatively Prince of Persia the two Thrones after playing all three games the last line almost made me weep was playing Fifa with a group of friends we would do random teams with one chance at redo if you don't like the team you got first but he ends up with a half star English team and rolls to get Real Madrid I get single star Russian team and morale I end up with a half star English team this time around fully expecting to get rolled I pulled everyone back and played defense the entire game helping to force my way to a shootout after ot my buddy who is very good at FIFA while I was above average was a bit cocky but was starting to get frustrated that my guys kept getting in his way in the closing minutes of the second half I got my chance on a corner kick he kicked it too hard and one of my guys ended up with the ball turned into a breakaway and somehow my player got behind his last defender my terrible striker versus one of hte best goalies in the world he pulls the keeper thinking he can get to the ball before I get my shot off a chip his keeper and watch the ball just barely cross the line buddy starts flipping crap and now realizes the only has stoppage time to score whis on his one chance in stoppage and storms out of my apartment for about 10 minutes this happened almost four to five years ago and we still don't let him live it down no matter how many times he beats me in FIFA he still lost as one of the best teams in the game to a team he should have put 5 Plus on Far Cry 3 flaming the drug fields make it bun dem back in my battlefield two days I unintentionally got a gibe and kick from the server 14 kills through an unintended glitch this happened on the master city map I was playing a sniper on the tall building overlooking the mosque cap point which was always one of the most contested cap points on the map a fully loaded blackhawk comes in and starts to hover cap the point the fifty calories rifle had just come out which allowed snipers to put rounds through the armored glass of the blackhawk I'd own the pilot one shotting him without a pilot's the blackhawk proceeded to crash killing everyone inside whether it was due to a glitch or just how it was handled at a time though the now-deceased pilot got the credit for all of the kills from the crashed Black Hawk and was instantly banned kicked from the server for exceeding team kill limits it's his fault for being killed back in the early days of NMOS whenever quest was still pretty new I joined my first guild these guys like to just have fun drunk fighting Secret Santas 4x Mars the most memorable experience was that we all made gnomes on a different server maybe 20 members and we just did a bunch of fun goofy stuff and then this druid showed up likely looking for spells our guild leader shouted get her off course there was nothing we could actually do to this other PC but just the sight of 20 gnomes running up to you must have looked crazy she of course has so spirit of wolf which allows your run speed to be much faster so she could run away from us at will but she'd stop and turn around only to see us all chasing after her again one of those times where you're laughing so hard you're crying and can't breath good times completing the vault of glass and destiny for the first time Guardians make their own face sends shivers down my spine every time I see it pop up and we pushed him off the edge with warlock grenades I never owned the ps2 so when I inherited one when my girlfriend and I moved in together I got to play some 10 plus year old games that were still new to me I bought a used copy of Shadow of the Colossus without knowing anything about the game based on someone's recommendation on reddit now I'm an old fart that came from simple video games like those in arcades and on the Ness that ride on the horse down into the canyon and climbing up to discover the first Colossus following it and having a turn around and look at me and the sudden shifts and music to let me know that there was about to be a fight holy crap I don't think I'll ever experience anything like it again that game is spectacular opening the world map for the first time in world of warcraft and seeing how big the world gain was until my friend told me to right click which zoomed out the map and maps when I saw I was in a tiny zone among many other zones then I zoomed out again just for kicks and was mind blown there was a whole another continent across the ocean other memorable mentions clearings a Europe molten core BWL on e for the first time with my back then gild it took a lot of work and effort but definitely some of the best gaming moments I've ever had raiding with 39 other people who I've never met and constantly raiding together to form a bond and eventually defeating endgame bosses kind of crazy thinking back on it how some have even managed to do it especially the officers raid leaders keeping 40 people in line and focused 1994 I was 5 years old my dad came into my bedroom one morning to wake me up he said he had something awesome to show me I slowly pulled myself out of bed and followed him surely if Dad thought it was awesome it had to be we walked into the living room and over the our gateway PC he pointed at it and smiled I was confused because this wasn't a new computer he told me to sit down and turn it on so I did he then told me to play Raptor call of the shadows so I did this time though something was different he had installed a sound card the night before so instead of hearing the MIDI stuff I got to actually hear explosions machine guns and music for the first time on the computer the game suddenly became exponentially more awesome to me while perhaps a slightly unconventional memory in gaming this is by far the best one for me it hooked me on gaming for life it also got me hooked on tinkering with computers which I'm now working on doing for the Air Force which is a much better job than I used to do for the Air Force when I found out that there was a perk in fallout 3 that would allow odo meat to regenerate if he died I had to restart so many times before the perk because he kept dying and I refused to continue without him I don't care if he's not the best strongest or smartest companion I love German shepherds he was quiet and he made me feel so much safer skulking around wish I could say the same about the dog in fable too he would bark inconsistently at every stump and by the end when I was a billionaire there's only one real choice I guess slaying the dragon Dragon Slayer in counter-strike any ace nice play you make really gets my heart pumping thought a weird one for me back when I was little playing whichever Pokemon game that first introduced grobart little zoo Birds final evolution I caught a shiny zoo but because I thought the color was a tad off loved that guy and eventually had myself a beautiful pink Robert well after seeing goodbye Caterpie or something along that line where ash releases his butts are free to let him go with his pink butts a free girl friend I thought that Mike Robert would get lonely by himself and set him free to find a mate all this because they were both pink now I saw to regret this but I still rember him from time to time when playing X&Y you just know that every time that crow bird gets some he's shedding a tear and thanking you from the bottom of his poisonous pink heart not knowing where to go and dark souls2 I just thought it was the coolest thing that I was so confused yet was loving slowly figuring out my own story it was the first Souls game I played and I fell in love with all of em beat chrono V a few years ago I was super into League of Legends one night I was playing a ranked match at fairly high level low demand high plat if I recall correctly and everyone at that level usually takes the games pretty seriously I got far ahead early on but I was in a silly weird mood so I decided to dance I type dance party and all chat and just stood in the middle of the map dancing I expected someone to try and kill me or poke at me and I was preparing mentally to retaliate instead the enemy midlaner who was really far behind just walked up beside me and started dancing as well he typed dance party in all chat as well and slowly every single person on both teams walked to the middle of the map one by one and started dancing with us it went on for maybe two minutes and then every just went back to their lanes to kill large creep waves that had gathered and the game went on like it never happened it's to this day one of my favorite moments in a game because ten random people all decided to agree to an unspoken temporary truce to dance together and no one broke it to try and get ahead man I'd have just said in team chatter clap them all no mercy in league I've passed the stage of mercy with that frickin game Frick League getting a new content warfare 2 in one of those modded hacked whatever endless 18 player matches on rust this was on Xbox 360 going for my first nuke and mw2 in the chopper gunner mowing people down I am at 24 kills I see a guy with a green box around him I think to myself oMG they are telling me where to kill this final person I am going to nuke I kill myself no nuke I was an idiot Red Dead Redemption online with five mates we rounded up some bears and had a boxing match on top of a small wooden shack in a snowy mountain area if you were knocked off you get mauled by a bear to be allowed back on the roof you had to punch one of the Bears in the face hours of laughter none of us have forgotten that playing risk for four hours with my flat mates there are three of us left and I am alone in Australia throughout the game I have stocked up on cards for troops and they haven't kept track the two left think I am out of the game and are focusing on each other occasionally mocking me they think I am weak they will find they are wrong the game is coming to a close one roommate seems poised to win I act I throw down my cards and create an army vast and wide blocking out Australia from view they smell off fear and confusion it is time I do not seek to win winning is impossible nor do I seek to fortify and make a comeback no I push onward taking land after land I am taking heavy casualties my flat mates do not understand I push on wood until I am spent I have taken most of the world but have only a single troop for each place easy to lose they realize what I have done I have undone four hours of gameplay they will take back most of their land but we will be as in the beginning all they have done has been lost pointless I freaking killing me one asks we have been playing for four freaking hours Frick the C Wang shaft says the second they get up and leave angry and lost I remain the sole player left and so I am victorious I sit on my throne ovation though I have wasted my evening it is 3:00 in the morning and I have uni tomorrow with nine Frick you can't have more than five cards in your hand though fellow old mini crafters what is your best memory from minecraft running a server with my best friend was great until he joined an experienced bull team and I started experimenting with making mods so our play styles kind of drifted apart ran for about five years kind of also shaped our futures he's studying architecture and I'm an IT proof that video games are beneficial making massive redstone bass thumbs so I got like 100 plus carats per harvest then storing them all in some massive chess storage system and making a Frick ton of golden carrots from mining in the clay bomb I had so many golden carrots I had to destroy a whole forest to have enough chests to keep their in I knew nothing about mini craft at all I had only heard of it my five-year-old daughter wanted to try it so I got it for her I thought it was just a building game and didn't know there were enemies and you could die that first hour of it getting dark and frantically trying to build walls only to learn they can spawn anywhere in the dark and were now inside etc it was crazy I did exactly the same thing also accidentally hit a vault when I was checking to see if I could pet it building Maps uploading them have 1000 plus people download them and leave nice comments about nine years ago my best friend and I would race home from school just to play Minecraft together as much as we could we didn't realise Skype was thing so we just called each other from our house phones and stayed up into the wee hours of the night our big thing was always to make a public server that we ran together they never worked out despite our best we made countless worlds where we built spawns arenas shops etc about three years ago he was in a terrible vehicle accident and he passed away his family gave me his old laptop as a present because they knew how much time we spent with each other over videogames sometimes I boot up that old laptop closed all the pop-ups open up an old version of Minecraft and just walk around those countless worlds we created together good times make sure to back up all those worlds don't want to lose those memories playing on a server with my friends using hamachi good old times my friends and I would constantly make new servers and just restart everything there was one server that we lost that I always wish I could go back to it was right after the NPC village update and we had one spawn on a mountain in the middle of some Plains it was sloped so the road in the village went from the bottom perfectly up to the top with all the buildings on the side of the mountain it's like how you would imagine someone who wanted to do that would make it it was so perfectly placed into my house was the blacksmith's house I wish I could go back it was so perfectly placed into my house was the blacksmith's house I always made my houses in the librarians house big enough and I could easily add a second floor so when I was 13 or so I was very very very stupid I would play on this prison server which if you don't know is a server where the goal is to grind for resources and that's it all you got was basically bragging rights and I started talking to a fellow player that we were on at the same time a lot and would talk using the in-game chat and eventually we got on skype since to my knowledge discord didn't exist or at least people didn't use it like they do today a surprise the other player is a girl anyways we got along really well for a while and she asked me where I was from and I said the Chicago suburbs she said she was also from the Chicago suburbs turns out we were literally in the towns next to each other one time towards the end of my minecraft playing career my dad mentioned he was going to the grocery store that was on the border of the two towns and he asked if I wanted to come with obviously I said yes and got on skype and asked her to meet me there basically all that happened was we made eye contact and said nothing to each other I wonder how she's doing and that's the story of how I should have gotten kidnapped crap had me on edge holy frickin Mayo I used to go on a pretty popular faction server with my friend and it was pretty pvp there were various cities and each city had a mare we joined one of the biggest factions and the mare let us run a little shop you couldn't fight or destroy other properties unless the mare gave you privilege to do so we wanted to be peaceful so didn't invest much in weapons Plus TNT was banned and anyone caught with it would be kicked out of the city there was this one shopkeeper in the city called hind Bob he was very quiet and barely talked to anyone and had the default Steve skin and just stood in his shop all day long but always seemed to have everything he hated other shops too but never outright said it but we found him snooping around other shops and following people when they went to gather resources so he could sneak in and steal any resources people hadn't yet mind one day though the mayor accidentally deleted the faction so the entire city basically went into a wilderness territory instantly it devolved into Anarchy and people started attacking each other and setting things on fire my friend and I tried hiding in our shop and watched people being murdered on the street we could hear TNT explosions too and in the midst of the fighting we saw hi I'm Bob walking among the carnage with a block of TNT eventually we got attacked and had to make a run for it with our most valuable stuff I was on low health being shot by an archer so I put up a few blocks of dirt as a shield whilst begging my friend to help me out of nowhere I saw my friend Optimus Prime skin to run over to the archer and kill him with a block of dirt we got his stuff including TNT I guess he killed hind Bob and ran back to our shop which is when the mayor finally restored the faction lot soft stuff was destroyed but our shop was intact the guy we killed proper raged for his stuff back that we kept refusing and started trolling him by saying stuff like anyone wanna buy steel legs or trying to sell other stuff we took off him eventually the mayor came over and kept the peace by giving us better in exchange for us giving the guy his stuff back lots of shops got destroyed and no one knew who did it but we knew we knew it was high in Bob with TNT I was pretty new to the game when this happened way back around the time multiplayer was first added found a hole that a friend had dug straight down into a cave bottom was basically out of view wanted to go down and set up a ladder so to safely get down I started dropping sand and gravel down the hole to dig down afterwards I spend a good while dropping the blocks down and had to keep farming up more and more I was shocked at how deep this hole must have been no matter how many blocks I tossed down the stack didn't seem to be getting closer finally I made a hoop see and when approaching the hole I forgot to hold shift and fell all the way down to my death while laying there bones shattered I noticed a large pile of loose sand and gravel all around me and the torch I landed on that's when I learned about the interactions with falling blocks and torches I spent years on a survival server in one of the high ranking clans it always annoyed me and my clan to see other high ranking clans raiding the new player towns and slaughtering them it discouraged new players to stay on the server one particular slaughter the new players were coming out one by one with stone swords and no armor no potions no enchantments trying to defend they were outgunned against five enchanted diamond armor wearing [ __ ] they would get slaughtered respawn and try again while I admired their tenacity it was honestly pathetic one of my clan members and I went over with a boatload of gear and convinced the new players to regroup armor up and attack collectively the Justice that followed was quite the spectacle we engaged the high ranking players as a group and they immediately attempted to flee it is with great satisfaction I can say that none of them escaped they were slaughtered the face of the coward really does look like the back of her head who off I can say I was one of those new players that were get discouraged I eventually stopped playing PvP and stopped MC altogether despite the memories I used to be an admin on a server when minecraft was very popular I had been on the server for probably two years and my way up to admin but shortly after after building for the owner and getting tons of new players to join I found out he was using the donation money to buy drugs and personal things despite saying all the money goes back to the server I confronted him about it and he basically said yeah I'm lying to the players who cares he basically told me to go Frick myself so I said okay sounds good man good luck the next day I world edited the spawn to crap and made people spawn over lava I killed the server and the overwrote is save and killed the server immediately as I made my own server bringing people over who were tired of said person was there a more mature way to do it probably but 16 year old me at the time didn't care in my eyes I was bringing him to justice and giving players a more active server that was cared about for more than drug money it's felt great the good kind of evil when I was in college my long-distance boyfriend and I would play mini crafts together on a server the one day I was working on our home base without him another player came up to me and started throwing flowers at me lol then he asked me how old I was and I said 19 he said me too minus 8 it was adorable pull up creeper oh man so way back in the mine there was this one time on my servers where I got P cause everyone and the server decided to start murdering each other punishment locked down all the stores and all the buildings in the town they all just lost it and begged for me to make everything go back to normal me being a lil edge lord forced the whole server to build an altar and sacrifice a sheep on it but they had to kill the Sheep with cooked mutton beneath the sheep's raw mutton everyone was so confused and disturbed as I watched in the distance as they did their ritual I basically made a Minecraft sheep killed that lasted for like 10 minutes I loved it Celia's back I and my friend Bill Helsinki in Minecraft light then had to close the app go make Helsinki an ER think Skyblock didnĂȘt glad I'm not the only one who grew up with this server it was one of the first ones I joined before 1 5 2 I always remember furiously waiting for someone to leave so I could join as there were only 500 slots it was just an awesome way to bond with my kid at the time we built all these crazy worlds and had tons of fun he's moved on to fortnight and roblox now and it just isn't the same minecraft will forever be the best this was years ago like alpha my friend was really into building cannons he builds his house on top of a tree with a cannon built into it with an observation deck up top he's been working on this cannon for a while he calls us all over to watch him fire it off a few times the first few shots go fine it's pretty cool on the next shot he flicks the switches in the wrong order and it all blows up in the chamber were sitting on the observation deck waiting to see some TNT flight of the horizon he yells something and we turn around and see that most of the house barring the deck is gone he'd blown his whole house up it was terrible in the moment but it's hilarious looking back on it when I first ever started playing Minecraft I joined the server for the website d org this was back in minecraft 1.4 and every but it was just so nice to each other basically people on there taught me how to play minecraft and no other server I have played on has been the same I have more stories from the server if anyone wants to hear them the server itself has sadly been shut down to yours a couple months ago me my brother and one of our friends set up a server for Minecraft one to one and it was just so nice and simple to play in that for a while we weren't talking because we were lol busy doing whatever when my brother fell down a hole turned around and screamed so loudly and so scared oh god a creeper it was just so funny we were all in tears from laughing when I first started playing before 1 0-0 was released I would play with my brother and my dad we built a wall off China around our base and followed paul soros videos minercraft dad he is an amazing and fueled my passion for the game my most nostalgic memories were all mining for coal together since we ran out so often and repairing creeper holes on our football field since it was poorly lit due to the lack of coal I remember when I first saw the temple I'm not sure however it was cold and it was bamboozled for like three days straight thinking about how it works never realized until I had thought about it recently and realized it's just redstone the temple of notch me destroying my friend's nether portal with my fists while he was in there he never found out it was me as our entire class had our own server and like six people were online well he was so mad and demanded some other guide to make his portal again so he could go back to the overworld you are evil in Minecraft creative more I used to construct a bunch of things with by myself or with friends from schools to cities to anything really I wouldn't really do much with friends and survival or really remember me playing survival mode man I sure do you love great content and I'm working on some of that over at doot man so you should you should go there right now go there go if you want subscribe to this channel subscribe then go over to doop man right there right there you click click right there you click right there you better do it but so help me you better go over there because you deserve something good I put my heart and soul into this stuff man sternum no pressure
Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 41,844
Rating: 4.8346252 out of 5
Keywords: gamers, 1 hour, reddit 1 hour, compilation, gamer stories, game, games, pc games, console games, gaming, gamer, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub
Id: 5CKInCruWCg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 49sec (4489 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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