INFESTED! | ALL Passions, NO Skills | Rimworld Solo + Joiners on Merciless Difficulty #9

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hello everybody welcome back to the room world all passion nose skill colony where we have a weird flash storm going on but I'm not too concerned because our walls are of stone and screw the environment it's over okay and alpha is just ominously walking toward the fire don't know too much about him he's Lucy's husband but a lot has changed obviously so let's react okay so first off we got some power going on we got batteries and then we went for sterile tiles I might go for more security looking back but it's fine we got an infestation outside our home zone even though that we had walled in the area I think there's a common misconception because either I had misread or not but yeah this is gonna be super fun later on they are real past this infestation anyway we got a we got power going on so we got some wind turbines we kept having monkey try to escape his prison cell but he kept attacking this how pakka but the alpaca was stronger than him so we just kept arresting him and he loses almost every single fight that he's in so it's completely fine after that somebody fell out of the sky but right by the infestations so we had to go in kind of carefully this is what's-her-face Lucy's husband we we fixed up our refrigeration and we're really gonna end up having a surplus of food today so it's crazy how quickly things can change once you've got a little bit of technology in room world afterward we hooked up our power grid and did some roof management and then what else did I do certain micromanaging some of the piles we have to redo all our kitchen stuff and although I start off in one spot it really does take an excessively long time to reallocate all the stuff the animal new zoning was a win though a lot of you guys recommended going out on the fields and I figured since we have enough animals now this is actually helped a lot so I'm grateful for that too after that was just more zoning of workshops we moved our tailoring bench and we got a new colonist we converted one of our prisoners Sandra who's an ascetic and he is now our Surrey she is now our miner the infestation keeps growing those things absolutely insane now I see why 70 people were real worried about this but what else did we get yeah just more like manual work priorities I was arranging I tried a little bit of kitchen cleanup some of the stuff I could not figure it out but I'd say for the most part we're doing all right in terms of work efficiency it's still just like security but more on that when I actually start the video so obviously for right now there are a lot of different tasks to get to and I'm not used to managing such a well-run colony which is welcome but also terrifying at the same time so I think what I really need to do at this point is I have a list of tasks that I'm just gonna pause and assign all of it so that our colony is in somewhat working order because right now there's a lot to be done and a lot of good that could happen but if I get randomly rained down on by like ciphers and basically anything like this I'm gonna be screwed so I want to like proceed with caution and prevent extreme optimism from happening please don't burn all the traps and come into my base that would also be nice okay Lucy and the love doctor had a social fight it looks like they just it's mainly just a random fight I don't really know how to prevent them I could get like you know capture arrest them and have them ward and each other which makes them like each other more but I don't think that I'm going to do that anyway off to the tasks that I wanted to do because our colony is is good but it's also very inefficient right now okay I should have noticed this it looks like alpha just went back to his tribe I'm surprised that he left his wife here Lucy because I thought that was almost a surefire chance that he would join us but apparently not I said a lot of other things and I mind and honestly I'm not even sure that we can deal with another colonists right now mainly I've got sin remaining so I'm trying to make use of this newfound ability without having him go too deep under well I am not really particularly concerned about this because even if we go underneath the mountain this area is after all refrigerated to a very very low temperature which I think should keep in stations from happening so I'm just gonna have sinned or keep digging and then we'll try to manage all the airlocks on this I've got a number of these doors I really want to make sure that this place doesn't go down in temperature but we also got to keep in mind the fact that as they mined the temperatures actually gonna go flying out the roof because there is boats it'll go flying out the roof because there is no room okay so the first main thing that I've done I couldn't figure out how to get this done with stools but I have Lee walking the minimum amount to go here we should also probably finish off this door first come to think of it because this is making the room dirty and we've got the butcher room in here I'm not too worried about upping the efficiency the butchering because he's not gonna be doing that much butchering as it stands so let's just get this door in place okay the other thing that we're doing is to make our butchers own slightly more efficient we're not gonna be spending too much time here so I'm not probably not even gonna bother putting down a chair for right now but we've put down the spot to put to place creatures right here and I've continued to order them to drop them on the floor I'm not too worried about food going bad here actually technically right now this area is the refrigerator and we should probably fix that up we need wood for that yeah where is this lack of wood coming from we need more wood we need some sort of wood operation going so I've designated a lot of trees it's just that we're getting these growing pains where like there's a couple materials that we don't have access to despite the fact that we're very rich and I think once we get about three more colonists everything is gonna be completely like streamlined but right now we're right we're right before that moment okay I really care most in this exact moment about security because our food production is almost completely streamlined we've almost got refrigeration and everything else going in heck we've even got some fine meals coming out which is crazy good but we've got random minor break risks just from things that I still need to attend to we've got Lee who needs to I think I'm just gonna have them deconstruct this wall first off I'm gonna focus on security then brakes actually break some not even gonna focus out I'm just gonna have them smoke leaf because it's happening rarely enough that I don't need to worry about addictions and then we will come back to streamlining and efficiency so this is a special image this is getting increasingly horrid by the moment to be completely honest I don't know maybe I should I think fire is ultimately gonna be the greatest solution for this thing but it is getting larger and more out of control but it's pretty much protecting our our western flank at this point they just need to move a little bit further south and then I don't think they will get any problems from these bugs and hopefully Raiders will just get themselves killed by it I also don't think that there bother our animals of that greater distance and we're altom utley going to bring the wall down so that shouldn't be a problem anyway where is Lee okay he's still focused on cooking that's fine because honestly I've looked at every single other colonists Sandra included the new one and you are an ascetic so do you actually need anything you slept on the ground okay so Sandra would like a bed but pretty much it's like a one by two would be fine this room whose expense if I feel free minor pain why is that from a stab scar wonder if we could do anything about that give him some Mederma or something like that at this point yeah just more efficiency hate to say it but just more efficiency okay monkey has gone crazy again and I'm just going to use Lee to put him down really not too afraid of this guy he's in pretty terrible condition and he's always in been in restraints and Lee is generally speaking just become a way better shot we will leave him there hopefully nothing terrible happened to him but I'm honestly getting tired of this man he keeps going crazy he's going to have a lot of gunshot wounds but we should also probably prioritize him because he would make our lives a little bit easier I also made his door out of granite so there's a harder time escaping from it incase if that happens let's see so Lior okay he's tending to him that's fine and at this point since we just have so many goddamn marble blocks available or you know I could use limes too maybe I'll use limestone for this outer wall because I don't feel like going to get a lot of granite and granite is kind of a hike we're even is our granite on this map I honestly don't is that it nope that's uranium maybe I'm just spacing out okay this is granite tile we could do that but right now we've just got a lot of these limestone blocks available so I think I'm gonna use those for our outer wall I will say this for all the efficiency or the inefficiency going on inside of our base outside of our base moving the animals to the outer field was a great move I also put a why are you not using that lime so okay because she's doing a comeback to machine already I did put a limestone door just so that I had they have some sort of like postern gate as it were for them oh and I almost forgot about this so we want to also change the zones because I've been cheating I have a lot of animals zones now which is actually a fantastic thing to do I'm gonna give the outer danger zone access to the barn in case if for some godforsaken reason they run out of food that is becoming more and more of a problem I'm gonna have to nuke this place soon I'm getting really really nervous just by the number of these things over here though they may eventually go through the mountain and start fighting the gazelles and the bear over there but they won't stand a chance because that's a lot of bugs I'm like I was too scared to do it before because I had only two shooters but now I'm starting to think it would have been better to just do that but they are mining away the components for me which is nice they are decent miners but it is doing it again this problem is getting exponentially worse like you ever have something that's so bad that you just laugh at it you don't even know what to do about it I mean Molotov Molotov really molotovs and grenade launchers in time this may change some of my technology that I'm researching it was doing I mean I doubt that they'll get through our I don't I don't even want to say it because otherwise I will jinx it but they may they may get through our walls with that many bugs it's gonna be like Thermopylae except we won't win okay so I've been looking into the possibility of creating molecules of creating Molotov cocktails because this problem is going to get exponentially worse I've decided I see no limit to do rimworld extreme hatred for me this is really the only bad thing that's happened and considering the fact that it is fairly remote I am slightly less scared but this is not good by any means there are one two three four five six seven eight there are over ten mega spiders in here and they are very very strong and we have three traps so we will not survive that and the research that we need to make the Molotov is gonna be machining so I think what I might end up doing is taking a page out of some of your guys book who said to do micro electronics maybe soon sterile materials turned out not to be so great thought we were gonna be worried more about efficiency geothermal power can wait as well I think maybe machining only because these molotovs are gonna be so absolutely important right now then maybe afterward micro electronics I know we could get it from that but I just see the three thousand research as being a long ways away so at this point I don't know if it's it's almost as if there's too many tasks for too few people it's it's still really the same problems as you have with one single colonists I'm just wondering if we could somehow charge all of the animals at them in some way because the animals are the white elephant not the white elephant yeah they are the white elephant in here I don't really need them but they're large and they are boisterous and good in that way so I could I could see massive animal charge at these things just at least thin out their numbers if it does become too bad but we have to start thinking and fire knows no limits to its power and fire is I mean in mega spiders are unintelligent so they can't behave like Raiders okay we're having human friend going off on another smoke leaf binge since it's only I don't I think it's just chemical interests that are causing this he's not even in a bad mood it must just be the chemical interest that's doing this so I was not aware of this problem but it is happening right now cuz he was not even in a bad mood he's just turning to this kind of like wealthy life of smoking smoke leaf every single day that's exactly how it was it anyway we have only one smoke leaf joint for him to smoke so I've intentionally kind of limited or lowered the amount of that that they're gonna have available there's about five and there's two people with chemical interest so hopefully he will not develop an addiction to it okay we'll say one thing although we need Lee cooking right now because we have no one else who's a cook and if food breaks down then our entire colony is gonna go crazy and destabilize so I wouldn't dream of taking him off of cooking right now I would like to have him as a shooter or something like that only because he's very very good at everything and we don't really have too many warriors but ultimately if you do have a character with all passions if some of you guys have pointed out it is really good to have him on a skill that he can just grind and grind and grind constantly like construction plants he would be a really good planter so that's the reason why I mean doing this entire series has made me more aware of this double burning passion and just how friggin brokenly powerful it is because he can just get to 20 in like no time with this skill set so for right now I'm still okay with him doing some of these tasks and since he's been traveling halfway across the map to get fine meal ingredients and nobody's been hauling because there's just too much distance to go over I think I'm just gonna have them focus on getting this other wall done because this one's safe ish but this one is still it's it's not there yet it needs to be okay we just had a roof collapse this is actually fantastic it was an our roof but it was one of the mega spiders roofs so maybe they'll all have the mountain cave in over themselves because they are directly underneath a mountain and they're going deeper into the mountain I'm trying to think of some way that I could make this into a furnace and burn them all and it's usually a fairly reliable way to do it I could like expand these walls around then throw fire into the you know throw chairs and other wooden things I could set the entire forest over here on fire but that seems like an awful lot of work to do for what I think a simple Molotov would do the trick for so let's just keep on working towards the molotovs it looks like we're about to get sterile materials and then focus on our other defences and then efficiency okay we finished research on sterile materials so we can use these for our kitchen our hospital and our research area so now I'm gonna go head back into the research screen and we are going in fast motion I want to do not want to do that I want to I want to do machining but we need smithing before that so that's gonna need 1700 where as micro electronics would give us access to trade for most things and we'd also be able to get rid of a lot of stuff that's another 1,300 experience so I think I should do it because we need only a few mala tops and otherwise we would need to do all of this other work to get mala table so I think I'm gonna just you know what I'm just gonna go straight in for it micro electronics cuz it's probably and it's also gonna give us a swath of other research options to which many of which are very very advanced so we'll focus or is efforts on that we might also what that is a blinking cow we might also end up moving Lea over to do a lot of the research because he's the I believe aura does not learn with a burning passion but with only a normal passion so Lee would actually be a fantastic researcher if we get him to do that I mean honestly doing this has just made me focus everything on long term like anybody with a burning passion it's like okay you do that it's like running a pirate ship or a regular ship for that but most ships are pirate ships so that's important anyway I don't know about my food layout I think most other things are pretty sensible here but if anything really stands out to you as being nonsensical then let me know okay this is not good because if his chemical interest human friend has started developing a smoke leaf tolerance so fortunately I think everyone's too booked up with tasks that they're not that they're not busy with this I at least I think I'm interpreting this correctly he's tending to monkey okay monkey and monkeys actually at well he's gonna be a 90% difficulty to recruit so he's gonna be very difficult to bring him in but we did bring down his resistance so we can start getting to work on that and I do have that checked off with him right yep okay so we are trying to recruit this man recruit this man afterward did I don't really know maybe I should just completely make drugs inaccessible to them or something like build a wall around it and then only when somebody really needs like know a smoke leaf joint then I could brick down to let them get to it otherwise I can't think of it I don't know one of the guys who's built up a tolerance it's clawing down a wall in order to do that but that's kind of crazy okay I've noticed that Lee goes to get milk a lot because he needs to use it for various things so I'm putting in one more zone for animal products over here where I think it'd leave milk and monkey is honestly it's been one medical emergency after another after another this guy's gonna be insane to have we're gonna have to have him a separate policy because he has what is his what is his deal again he's very neurotic which is not great but it's also gonna make him a faster work or it would also be nice to have a constructor and this is probably on the mega sky God look at him go unfortunately I have not seen that there is really no for toons that's just a lot of them though I don't know maybe they're starting to reach some sort of population that's one two three four five six seven eight eight bug highs but you know what they've not yet bothered us or surprisingly not our animals right now though off the top of my head don't know if I'm missing something I cannot unfortunately locate any silver on the map we are starting our construction with the sterile tiles is going to I don't remember whether it's speeds cooking or not but it's also gonna just keep our rooms clean and I think it does speed the speed of research so we'll put it in the research room and also just limit it by putting in some extra wood walls too just so it's not overusing the wood tile because how much silver do we even have I don't even believe that we have quite that we have 219 and each tile is worth 12 silver so it's actually quite a lot of silver that we're using up to make these places and I may just want to pick one room or the other but I don't know it's good to have my work laying out before me so I at least know what I'm working toward we've had more roof collapses on these mega scarabs so I think that I think just as they mined deeper into this mountain eventually maybe they'll all just kill themselves I don't know it's kind of its kind of like amusingly fun to look at to amusingly fun not not a musingly fun all fun is amusing it's fun in a sickly way because their soda see it's kind of like watching an anthill you know like when all the ants come out of it it's exciting and I'm gonna leave it there but I'm also terrified of it yet more roof collapses they are killing themselves as they go through the mountain this is actually fantastic I don't know if it's stay if it just continues to collapse there but it looks like actual chunks of mountain are starting to rain down on the mega spiders so maybe they'll start to crush their hives don't know haven't it's more of just an experiment right now honestly I may just be able to cohabitate with them and for a very long time and though they will start to kill off the wildlife and that is probably not a good thing oh they are all migrating this way that's terrible I am now scared I've never it's like Lawrence of Arabia Jesus oh my god that's an army okay we need to we need to address this problem ASAP we need to get that micro electronics research so I'm gonna pour everything now because we have a massive food surplus this is more than we will ever need well ideally we would have a trader come along with some molotovs but I was like that was like their ultimatum like don't [ __ ] with us so here's what I'm doing I'm gonna have Lee get that sterile tile in here ASAP because we need this room to be clean so that we can speed up the research I probably won't have Lee do the reason I probably won't have Lee do any research because we need a cook if we don't have a cook the entire colonies gone and then afterward Oh new recruit okay so we got ah this is great okay we got monkey to join this is exactly what I was waiting for so he's a great constructor this is fantastic that way I can focus Lee on all of his other stuff and monkeys actually a double passion constructor so now we can have him work on the walls so we have nothing left to fear you know cool quote unquote nothing left to fear from the mega spiders he's actually gonna work faster so we'll try to give him a couple of smoke leaf joints as he could wire the smoke leaf joints in here we'll try to give him a couple smoke leaf joints if he needs that and we'll also make a manual drug policy just so that he can get his work done we want this guy to just be madly constructing as much as possible because he's gonna be the one I'm micromanaging now instead of Lee okay I think that this one last colonist is just gonna put us over the edge to the point where now we won't I won't have to think as much about micromanaging I can just order the assignment of all the major product all the major projects because I spend most of my time working with the constructor since we've pretty much automated all the planting you know human friend has been doing this over here without me having to touch any of his business at all I mean I've not had to worry about anything that he's done Sandra has been taming the animals and the animals are now like a like a giant workforce though they are also not really hauling very much at all training out back at the lot yeah you know the reason I can't have these guys in here is because they'll eat the food I would need to micromanage their zones it would be nice if we had a lot of dogs that could do it but it's fine let's just follow monkey around for some of his tasks and I also should probably name some of these people too okay I thought of a couple names as several of you guys mentioned in video a few weeks ago I met her a week ago or so I'm a Dora the second part of the borealis so she's now a borealis for aurora borealis and since monkey is very good at constructing and that's pretty much all I'm gonna have him do I named him unionized me because he deserves to be in a union at this point Li's staying Lee Lee's playing horseshoes Lee's probably gonna be a lot more oh he lost his sensory mechanize I completely missed that but he's probably gonna be much more stable since I don't have to be ordering him around so much and we'll just try to meet everybody else's individual needs but unionized me should take this colony now from the ground way way way up because he's a fantastic constructor already and unlike many of my other colonists does not need a lot of work in that direction okay one thing I've done is to just make sure that in our airlock because I've got the the air the hot air blowing out I've got one part unroofed this means that this area won't get too hot as they walk through it I'm really I don't see them going through the kitchen to uh you know ultimately I might end up moving this in the kitchen just because I want there to be a double airlock but this room itself is kind of like an airlock in that way you know ideally and if you aren't familiar with how insulation works it works very similarly to how it does in real life in the game that you need air pockets between things in order to you know keep the temperature from going down that's how you that's how you create insulation we have everything else roofed so there's nothing getting out of the fridge it's actually what is what is the temperature in here 31 ooh that's not good actually why is it that high up Wow I got to be really careful well we aren't even at risk of infestations but we shouldn't have that there because are these frozen I'm gonna take this out one second okay I don't know if I'm reading the temperatures wrong but I think maybe I just don't have enough power I gotta figure out why am I why this thing is not working but anyway the frozen food is not such a worry because we actually have a massive food surplus and this is still frozen and it's not even under a mountain yet so we shouldn't be at any risk of something like this happening but now I see why so many of you guys warned me so like gruesomely about infestations happening under in my base anyway it looks like Lee's actually managed to find more time for construction which is quite ironic where is he even Lee where are you keeping the meals Ben I do not know where he's keeping the meals okay he's he is to cook only right now okay we got a trader coming through this is a big deal because we have a lot of stuff we got to get rid of and we gotta get hopefully to kill those mega spiders so I'm hoping that they don't kill the trader as she comes through and by the name Rutherford some sort of sign who was Rutherford again there were several Rutherford's throughout history hopefully she will she is very well dressed you know she has a triple rocket launcher would be great if we could somehow get her aggro toward these people but who what roams the world with a triple rocket launcher to defend themselves don't know but I can think of a way to get her to know I can't think of it right now honestly we could probably just set this this place on fire somehow okay so it seems like she has this triple rocket launcher that she's willing to trade we're gonna take that because we need it to get rid of this infestation I that just seems too good to pass up and I'm in exchange going to give her all of our cowboy attire hopefully that will be enough because we can always make this stuff back up but it's much harder to make a triple rocket launcher okay I mean call me crazy she won't take all of our animals but she'll take all of our clothes she'll take our bow I'm gonna have to get rid of the pen oxacillin I think it's pin oxacillin I've seen penicillin so I think it's binocs insulin but I may be an idiot on that I'm gonna give her our joints I'm gonna give her our medicine too and I don't want to give her too many components but I'm gonna sell some of them away because I need this rocket launcher and it's also fun okay who is our best shooter they are just going to shoot directly at those infestations though we're also going to need to trap this entire wall and bring in the animals and put them all on Wiest before we let them attack okay oddly enough Sarah is just as good a shot as Lee but for the life of me I think it's gonna be easier to remember if Lee has the triple rocket launcher in his hands because he's the main character it's also going to put him at risk but you know what I'm like screw it he could do it anyway as soon as they finish off the wall now and we'll give Sarah his pistol because that was a pretty friggin good auto pistol and maybe regulating a few more moods I really think that this is a bit more urgent than I've made it out to be because I'm keep hearing sounds from over here and I'm freaked out by it and as soon as we finished more of this wall just because there's gonna be a massive backlash I'm gonna have Lee burn down the forest and take out the infestation goodbye Rutherford thank you for your triple triple rocket launcher as for Lee he's gonna finish off these okay we need more wood I'm just gonna cut down the last few trees since we're probably gonna be burning down this forest it's important that we get what trees remain out of it now and I honestly think if we have one more colonist I might just assign them mainly to plant cutting because wood has been a weirdly scarce resource ever since I've had everybody doing everything else now we were even getting a lot of stone blocks but I still want to have wood doors before we get auto doors so it's gonna be a massive replacement project but at the same time it's kind of essential right now I think we finished this off get maybe ten traps there that might not be enough I might want to keep on going and there's another exotic goods trader we don't really have much to do left so let's just see what he has if he has anything else that could possibly save us from this menace and then go on okay I like some of the stuff through this trader has but even the advanced components would be nice but I don't really want to give up our animals so I think I'm just gonna let this trader pass now at this point we're pretty much there I don't want to construct an entire wall of traps so what I'm gonna have Lee do is this as soon as he cooks this one last meal you're getting drafted son okay bringing out here and I'm just gonna start shooting the forest hopefully it will set everything on fire and they won't take vengeance on me because they won't be able to trace me as the cause of their extreme terrible lives which they're all about to burn okay Lee fire near the bug nest hopefully we could just set the woods on fire Wow he gets three rounds there from that okay so he just destroys everything I'm looking for fire I'm looking for fire Lee Wow did not know that was how triple rocket launchers worked I feel like a complete idiot I can't go back now because I didn't know that it was a one-shot item I probably should have read read up on that but we just lost our rocket launcher but there is no redeeming side of this I don't know if we had fired directly on them I'm not sure that would have been enough to take them all out because even ten of these things would still be too many so I don't know [ __ ] molotovs anyway molotovs anyway we'll just keep working toward it I don't think it's gonna make a big difference what have been fun but I don't think it's gonna make a big difference okay and we got a siege so this should be crazy they are probably gonna kill us all oh my god what are they what do they have they've both action rifle wooden mace revolver pump shotgun Molotov cocktail can you just get killed all right please get killed by the mega spiders now fortunately we have traitors visiting us right now so they're pretty much gonna be our entire army when we're doing this but let's bring all the animals in I still really don't feel prepared for this at all let's bring them all into we stow okay great so they can be our backup defenses but we also want to close that gate so that they don't end up using that well we are getting siege Molotov cocktails steel knife pump shotgun granite Club let's also draft everyone is this gonna make anyone go crazy know we've been having enough smoke leaf that no one will go crazy should be okay for a little while and Senora Senna is over there that is not good that was not particularly good at all okay hopefully Center will not use that gate in time well let's just see if they somehow managed to anger the mmm you know what now that I see their path thing I see how we're gonna get rid of these mega spiders without ever having to fight them and we're gonna build we're gonna have to build a wall over here oh there are more of you great okay great oh great okay this oh they are fighting the mega spa hahaha this is perfect this is perfect but they're gonna start more during our base - that's not gonna be very good okay so what I'm thinking of doing is somehow bringing this mega spider Menace on them before they come in so I'm going to try shooting at the mega spiders and bringing them closer over to here and then as the mega spiders are going this way these attackers will shoot the mega spiders and then we run away come to think of it we'd probably better do this with only one person because this could quickly turn very very south in a second let's do it with human friend he's a Porsche he's a poor shot with a long-range rifle we will run Oh we will stay out of their way while they're setting up everybody else is back here okay you follow me human friend you go over here take a shot at the mega spiders this could backfire very horribly have them come over here okay good we've woken them up from their sleep and now somehow we're going to need to let's just have you shoot we gotta a grow them we gotta a grow them hopefully they will all start to I want them all to start charging across the field so let's shoot deep into their nest okay it seems that we've woken up the mega spiders but they are still over there and also our enemies have better range than us so they are now shooting at the major great okay that's exactly what I was waiting for great look at them charge my mega spiders I knew you would come in handy for me somehow play like play to the Valkyries oh that is awesome I live for this okay everybody go back to bed suckers get owned by my biggest fighter bodyguards turning Randy random negative events into good things yeah they're assaulting the colony but we're can put this guy's just boozing out before you I know that smile type cocktails and I think that this guy just dropped my life cocktails on the ground so no they were attacking us oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] well fortunately we have these traders here so everyone could probably just stay in bed if the mega spiders come to us that is great okay we have so much loot from them but unfortunately we cannot get it they brought beer to attack it was like a big tailgate all right I honestly think that the [ __ ] they know that we attack them okay you know what everybody is getting drafted again the animals are all staying on Wiest despite the fact that the animals are asleep I'm just gonna wake up the animals for a second with this wow this is feeling more like an RTS at this point let's just have the animals all go east okay great now go back to East okay now everybody in our colony now unfortunately we do not have any other preparations for this they will not be long for these traps and they all just randomly fell asleep right in front of our bit no no that's bad okay but these traders should be able to save our lives Wow no don't go there Patti oh [ __ ] okay this is quickly backfiring let's just use the animals to our advantage to not get killed and there's a fire who gives a [ __ ] now let me just i'm not allocating any of my resources in this fight because i was not prepared to have my colonists fight at all as you may recall lee is still without an auto pistol Wow we have no ranged weapons it is just beginning to occur to me we need to start creating range weapons because we are very far behind in terms of tech I don't really know what else to do I don't want to have them all start fighting them with melee but maybe if we start ganging up on them group by group we'd be better off let's just gang up on a few of the mega spiders let's also have our shooters make sure that we don't kill our melee fighters it looks like Lee is just going bare fisted let's have them equip that limestone club unionised me also does not have a weapon that general Luci you go over here that mega spice there don't want you fighting a mega spider you could fight that little one Rob Horry Alice okay they're going after mega gulp oh [ __ ] they killed all the traders wow this is becoming more and more awesome okay you know what Plan B let's lead them back out here because they are killing the love doctor No Bessie the cow is in trouble born to be wild you are not doing anything in this conflict Oh God wait a minute let's just see the animals okay they took down comments to fix Ram this is getting better and better I'm just gonna let them take the base honestly because we're better off with that then the love doctor is getting [ __ ] up by somebody emergency meal the gazelle has been killed by one of these mega scarabs yep this is not going well wow wow well red the bull made it out alive did mega Gulf be it no mega gulp did not make it out wow that's a lot okay wait a minute I have another idea human friend are we know who's the fastest Walker among us Lee you're going in for a mission now you're gonna go grab those Molotov cocktails man really wish I hadn't messed up it now did they create the mortar they did not create a mortar now these mega scarabs should just continue kiting around a bit love doctor are you gonna die you might be dead yeah she got bit all over by mega spiders and it looks like you unionized me is he also get bit by a mega spider mouth I don't know what they're gonna go after next I guess they're gonna go after my colonists so I think I'm just gonna run everybody out here I might create a few no [ __ ] [ __ ] okay you know what the best idea here that we can do is to just go after our Raiders weapons and then hopefully use those to kill the mega spider Menace that is now in our base oh good they're just actually randomly attacking most of the base stuff okay so then let's do this we're gonna set up sleeping zone here just so that they can ten do each other because the love doctor we don't want her to get killed we don't want to put anybody back in the base so let's get furniture let's get its a couple sleeping spots right here we're gonna make these into medical spots love doctor why don't you rest until healed and then who else needed to rest unionized me okay you rest until healed who is our next best doctor I believe human friend is a decent doctor it's fine let's just have him do this tend to the love doctor and then who is don't use medicine okay let's just take her off of medicine for a second uh no medicine and [ __ ] there we go okay no medicine human friend you go tend to repair sleeping spot it feed unionized me I may be [ __ ] this up everybody else go get the weapons that's probably a bigger deal here than recovering from a few mega spider bites okay they're just ripping apart everything inside of our face I don't like this but our base is currently being set on fire which I honestly think is the best possible thing that could have had and training lava miscarried well that was gonna happen I bet a lot worse stuff is about to come to alright these two you know I'm drafting them oh yes there are mega spiders standing right next to them so I definitely want to draft them let's get them out of there the love doctor may not make it and now at this point Li am I in time okay he's I'm paused so these two are coming over here I'm just gonna have Li torch their entire nest they'll probably get [ __ ] up by the fire that's coming through my base and it looks like there's stupidly spreading back out through and then we will have tackled the mega spider menace that has destroyed our entire base well unfortunately is raining right now so I mean this came at a terrible time this is just kind of you know I guess Randy random trying to get me killed I'm guessing that since it's underneath a mountain the fire is still gonna spread here but we're just gonna try to torch this base right now Lee go in there don't miss man dead alright he's pretty much done with that let's just do another round of that right on this one hopefully those fires will spread and then at this point I'm gonna have him just save a couple and it looks like there's more medicine over here so I can heal some of the wounds on unionised me and the love doctor okay so I'm now using our invaders attack area to hopefully Luci okay she was supposed to be resting as was the love doctor but at this point the entire thing is pretty much just in shambles there pretty much everything has been destroyed it looks like the scarabs are coming back out or the mega spiders are coming back out to their place we're gonna just try to hold the line right here for a moment and I'm gonna have Lee just continue to burn down their home so that when they get back there's at least a wall of fire between me and them okay this could this rain could not have possibly come at a worse time but for right now I don't really know what else to do honestly where we are just we are a little bit [ __ ] I don't want to tend to the wounded the love doctors gonna die in five hours if we don't get her some medicine Lee just got bruised human friend actually managed to escape like five mega spiders running there are about 10 mega spiders running toward this man right now I I don't know what to say did not expect this to happen I guess we're just gonna try to hold this line at this point because I don't really see the point in running around anymore I could run them back to our base but all the fires are just going out so I'm just trying to have Lee create a wall of fire between us and them human friend keep running away léa keep running back okay at this point we have lost the line there's still more mega spiders coming after us I'm just gonna retreat now back to the wildlife and see if the animals will do anything to defend us because I can't really do anything here love doc where are you going love doctor she's beating out a fight okay she's gotta get drafted yeah we are losing people left and right that is not good love doctors down Roberti Alice okay death may get all the animals are dead at this point they are all getting killed man that's ironic that we had to torch this place right now gazelles save me can I get them to fight that guy now Custer's last stand no this is crazy this is insane how many mega spiders is that oh man can I just get Lee to live alone if he if I could get him to be the last one standing we'd actually be okay you know what he could he could torch these trees can he lead all of them through it if he can do this at this point it would be crazy that way they all go on fire nope he can't get out of there can I send him off in a caravan for a second possibly let me just see this okay I have one last chance one last chance set off a caravan to go somewhere yeah I don't think that's gonna work out damn human friend is still up where is he oh except I we managed to avoid them well he's just getting mauled by a mega spider now [ __ ] that is crazy sensing trouble a mysterious man in black has arrived will he be able to set things to the right in these part lucky what the [ __ ] is that I've never even met a guy like this who the hell is this God all the animals died everybody's got mauled by mega spiders I don't even know what the fuck'd that's insane okay wait wait wait who is this man shelter child fast walker staggeringly this is God this is somehow God okay you know what let's just see because this could be our only hope if he could save Lee then that's a that's a win that's a win everybody died except for some mysterious stranger and Lee I would buy that I would buy that I I don't know what to say if they go home they're all of their nests are burned at this point but all my colonists are dying it's it's not even worth it if I can't save Lee but let's just see how the mega spiders react to this new guy joining our colony okay so here's what I'm doing it looks like the mega spiders are gonna go and try to kill unionize me but unionize me this is inhumane I know but I've got to see if I can rescue at least somebody so I'm gonna have lucky no lucky is also getting swarmed by mega scarabs who is man this guy's weird it looks like the mega spiders are still angry at me because I shot their nest and destroyed their home at this I don't think this man can do anything here I'm just gonna keep running him out see if he can even survive this start over with one more guy can you imagine the insane no like and Red Bull died and subscribe' died too unionized me is back down on the ground because the mega spiders just insisted on taking him out I I don't even know what to do I think I'm just gonna here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna wait a day and see if the mega spiders continue going after lucky because everybody else at this point is dead Lee is on the other side of the map you can't get to him I think if Lee could survive this I would say was it fine but let's just see if he even survives it all okay all of the mega spiders are streaming in toward lucky they're all just I've just like taking a quick scan of the map and it looks like they're pretty much 95% of them are going after him some of them are falling asleep but he's also still shoe yeah that's not good so when I shoot one of them the entire group is a grown up okay let's just see if we can dodge you out from among these you should be able to make it back in through that gate before they overwhelm you oh [ __ ] Jesus okay now one last hope is to have lucky save Lee if he doesn't save Lee it's over everybody else has died or everybody else is dying but Lee's gonna die and I don't know I guess a couple more hours but it seems like the mega spiders have calmed down and they aren't gonna kill him and we've take it out enough of their nests that at this point we could always go back get those molotovs and then burn out the rest of them senators senators senator is dead at this point Lucky's just safely man that's you're his only hope there's a cougar running around among all the animal corpses Lee has died right after right before he got him into bed I I could have put down a sleeping spot and gotten the medicine I think that might have saved him I don't even know that I mean would it have been worth it if all my colonists had survived now we've just this guy may as well be the grim reaper this has been the weirdest rimworld playthrough I've ever had I've learned so much ah let's go back into it I mean he probably could have saved Lee I'm just not thinking straight at this point probably we could have put down a spot there for healing but I expected more of the mega spiders to like bother him if he had put down a sleeping spot right there but that probably would have helped his I don't know his his resistance to death from happening how good the doctor was this guy anyway yeah you could have done that staggeringly ugly fast Walker well the fast Walker helped him in the end honestly if I hadn't [ __ ] up with that rocket launcher I don't know if it would have worked but I bet you I would have angered a lot of mega spiders we got really really close to taking them out I honestly didn't expect them to be able to take out that many Raiders and that many traders and all of my animals and all of my colonists though when I think back to my colonists were not armed well and I guess in the end I probably would have I probably would have had them like I don't know I would have give him more range weaponry because I don't want them to all be in melee combat but damn I mean if we had invested in Molotov or some sort of like fire making earlier but they were all just getting aggroed there were so many of them they started reproducing so fast and for all the good luck that we had I would say that was one very very terrible thing what I should have done I think now would have just been to wait for the Raiders a little bit longer but honestly that mega spider Menace there were way too many of those things that was insane I think then we could have used the molotovs and just set the like the forest on fire and then gotten them but I'm like I'm happy with this was a classic remem world playthrough that's exactly everything should play out obviously there's a bunch of different stuff for the next time anyway we're definitely doing another playthrough I don't know what it's gonna be I think it might be like Beastmaster or something like that just cuz we had so many ridiculous animals this time but I'm not gonna continue with this one guy lucky would be funny if he could bring everybody back from the dead but I really did it would be like starting a new colony there's a lot of other efficiency stuff I like the Mike mega spiders go on a lot of other efficiency stuff I probably would have thought through earlier mainly like that workshop the way that it works and I honestly might have just gotten for a nutrient paste dispenser I think we spent way too much time cooking and I've never tried a nutrient based dispenser before but it is really a full-time job that and just getting one constructor and one planter would have been great honestly those things reproduce fast and I also realized too that infestations can happen in non-home zones that was not a home zone but it did happen there so honestly I'm probably is gonna be filling up as many mountain spaces as I can in the future anyway let me know what other kinds of playthroughs you guys want to see next and I will do them or I will consider them and I'm gonna try to get back to every comment but it's been it's been a lot of comments I can hardly manage them all thank you so much for all the good tips I'm really really grateful I even had somebody who's been playing for like 500 hours tell me that they learned something and I've been playing for only like 100 120 now so that's honestly bananas to me anyway thanks for watching and as always I'll see you guys in the next room world series bye bye
Channel: ambiguousamphibian
Views: 209,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rimworld, rimworld merciless, rimworld randy random, rimworld randy, rimworld memes, rimworld brutality, rimworld randy random merciless, rimworld all passions, rimworld solo colonist, rimworld one colonist, rimworld solo, rimworld no skills, rimworld all passions no skills, rimworld all passion no skill, rimworld no skill, rimworld single colonist, rimworld only one colonist, rimworld game, rimworld gameplay, rimworld passions, rimworld cowboy, rimworld infestation
Id: Qr7hZqvTyl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 39sec (3339 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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