Better Self Night - September 8, 2021

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happy wednesday people y'all know what time it is it's time for a better self night why don't they have a song about wednesday because i think montel jordan had a song like it's friday night and i i'm not gonna sing but happy wednesday so why does anybody make a song about wednesday it's the middle of the week it's time to get your boost of faith and i'm excited about tonight's better self night you know what to do i'm looking it up to make sure that you all are sharing and joining in it's our classic edition so we've got a treat for you um we've got our generations presentation from pastor ivan um from our dream kids and then tonight you want to stick around for the message so you all know what to do in this moment right it's time to uh like and share i'm doing the same thing i'm making sure that everybody that follow me follows me knows that it's time for better self night so make sure that you do the same we're gonna have a good time on tonight it's gonna be really really good and i'm excited we're going to be talking about how to avoid faith failure that's right that's the topic for tonight how to avoid faith failure and i'm looking forward to it i'm looking forward to the discussion of our pastors if you've ever experienced faith failure before you need to be a part of tonight's lesson because we've been really in this series in time of boosting your faith and taking your faith to the next level so i'm excited about it i want to see who's joining us tonight because tonight we got some great things planned for you it's going to be really really good so let me know where you're watching from who's in our comment section uh let's let's check that out because i want to interact with you before we go to our first segment uh somebody said great evening lisa how about faith failure that's right i see miss sheila whiting in the comments um of course i see miss deborah massey my brother zachary um and of course uh sister joyce glad to have you all it's wednesday it's better self night classic edition and you always know we start off with the segment for our dream kids so get your dream kids in the room now we are still taking applications for our children's pastors so if you're interested in applying for that position to be our children's pastor or our children's ministry coordinator i want you to send your resume i'm really excited about bringing somebody on and the person that god has for us to add to this so if you're interested in the position make sure that you send your resume to human resources at let me say thank you to all of the faithful dream kids volunteers that are filling in the gap or standing in the gap in this season while we are looking for the best person to be our children's pastor that's going to take that ministry to the next level so it's time for our dream kids segment bring your kids in the room and let's be blessed by our dream kids moment hello dream kids welcome welcome welcome we are so excited that you are here today joining us tuning in for this week's object lesson before we get into the object lessons i want to tell you about some important things that are going on today at your church that you need to remember so the first thing we want to say is happy 37th and church anniversary to new life christian center church we are so thankful for our founders apostle heron and pastor bridget for following they're following the vision following through on the vision and making sure that we are here 37 years later amen now the next thing we want to talk about is our 30 days of prayer we are intentionally praying for our parents that is correct you want to make sure that the bible says that we should always pray so you want to make sure that you are praying for your parents praying with your parents at all times and now dream kids make sure you mark your calendars on september the 29th yes september the 29th that's a wednesday you want to make sure that you're tuned in for generations wednesday all right so today we're going to have a wonderful lesson we're going to get started into it and we're going to talk about guess what obedience is better than sacrifice right so we always talk about and dream kids about how we get to make choices okay we make choices and we have the choice to make whether we want to be obedient or whether we want to do what we want to do and then sacrifice for the consequences so think about this the bible says that obedience is better than sacrifice right but in james chapter 4 verse 7 it says that if we give ourselves to god and stand against the devil the devil will run away from us so the only thing that's causing you to not to be obedient is the things that the devil is trying to tell you to do right so let's talk about it what is obedience obedience is when you should follow an order be compliance say what do what's right stay in order be submission to those that are in authority with you right so that's what obedience is who should we be obedient to let's think about it first of all we should always be obedient to god and how do we do that by following what the word of god says so we look into the word of god we read the word of god and we follow the order of god and that's how we stay in obedience with god second person second people we should be obedient to is our parents right so our parents are have authority over us they give us they tell us what we should do they guide us into right and what's wrong and then there's our teachers when we go to school we have an obligation to do what's right with our teachers we listen to our teachers so we can learn so we can grow and we can learn a lot of things so we can get the knowledge that we need to go on to the next grade so what happens when we don't obey our parents and when we don't obey god and when we don't obey our teachers sometimes you have some consequences that come with those things and those consequences are you know maybe your parents might put you on punishment you may not be able to you know go outside and play or play your favorite video games when you're at school sometimes you can get a get taken away your recess and who does not want to go to recess right so there are a lot of things that we can do that we can stay on track and most of those things that we do is based upon our choices and how we decide to do things so let's take a look to see how we can i'm going to give you an illustration on how some things that you can think about on how you can be obedient how you can make a choice so that your life can be so much simpler okay let's go let's take a look everybody loves what a mcdonald's happy meal so when you think about a mcdonald's happy meal you have all kinds of good stuff in it you have apples and you have fries and then you have some i got the nuggets because i like the nuggets so when you think about it being obedient is kind of like these things if you have nuggets and you just eat them you know just take a bite it's easy that's being obedient that's being obedient to god that's reading your word that's making sure that you know i'm being nice to people i'm showing love to people and being kind to people but then you know if you're not doing those things and you decide nah i'm gonna just put that over here i'm gonna put that aside i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that whatever then you have let's say you're being obedient and you're going to do what your parents said your parents said go clean your room you're going to say i'm going to clean my room i'm going to do everything my parents say i'm going to be nice to my sister nice to my brother so yeah that's being obedient you're doing the normal thing you're doing what's right but then if you decide no i don't want to do that i'm going to take i'm going to go ahead i'm not going to go clean my room i'm going to sit in my room like i'm cleaning my room but i'm going to go ahead and play my video game play with my toys do all those things right so that's not being obedient that's making the choice to be disobedient then you go to school and the teacher says you have to do your work right now well you sit at your desk and you say i'm gonna do my work yep that's me being obedient doing my work but then you sometimes you might be like no i think i'm just gonna do you know i'm gonna sit here i'm gonna draw my favorite picture make a letter for a friend do that kind of thing so all of these things together you know they cause consequences they cause you to have a problem they cause things to not be so great so having eating all these things by yourself when you're eating your nuggets and your fries by themselves they're good but if you take all of those things and you're not being obedient and you say no i'm just going to do whatever i want to do because you know i think i'm old enough to do whatever and you just put them all together in this it doesn't look so great right it doesn't look so good i don't know would you want to eat this let's see when i was eating the nuggets by themselves and i was being obedient everything was good it tasted good it felt good and all that kind of stuff but now i have all this together and i'm taking all of this stuff and i'm mixing it up and i'm being disobedient and i'm doing all of these things let me see how it tastes together like this oh my goodness this is horrible who wants to do that so dreamers if you want to eat right be obedient you want to do the things instead of doing what you want to do we don't want to be like this because this is nasty and ucky right we want to make sure that we're doing those three things we want to make sure we're obeying god we want to make sure that we're obeying our parents and obeying our teachers so you make sure that every day you put those things into practice and you will find yourself eating the good stuff and being obedient thank you so much dream kids for being with us today it was very much fun i'm sister crystal i had a blast hanging out with you all today so make sure that you tune in for next week and we'll see what the topic will be on next week [Music] listen gotta obey but i'm trying to figure out do we waste a happy meal like who ate the happy meal i just want to know who ate the happy meal who ate the chicken mcnuggets but yes obey god obey your parents and obey your teachers because the bible talks about how obedience will be rewarded and tomorrow i want you to be a part of journey connect groups i don't know when we're going to announce the winner from the journey connect summer challenge so maybe they'll tell me when we get to announce the winner of that but journey connect groups tomorrow and then she rose league that's right i haven't done the sheros league in a while but i'm looking forward to being back with you got some exciting things to share with you we're going to be talking about some things some women in the bible and um i'm going to take you on a little journey with me on tomorrow uh so we've got our journey connect groups and we got our shero's league so make sure you tune in for that and of course new light is a church that continues to give back um and so we have several give back opportunities over the weekend uh tomorrow i need somebody to put this in chat tomorrow tomorrow of course we have been praying for those who were impacted and affected by hurricane ida our mayor is doing an initiative on tomorrow and instead of us trying to collect goods i want us to support the mayor's initiative to send non-perishable food items and toiletries and those type of things and so tomorrow from 7 a.m to 1 p.m you can drive through city hall and drop off non-perishable food items diapers baby food water pet food hygiene kits roofing supplies cleaning supplies all new items but if you can do that of course we are sending money to different churches to help them that that were that were impacted uh by the storm but let's do our part so that we can help our neighboring louisiana and those areas so if you can just drive by purchase something go to the dollar store but get something purchase diapers do anything we want to partner with them of course we've partnered with our mayor and our city in multiple initiatives during this whole covet 19 pandemic recovery efforts and we want to continue our partnership with them and so i'm asking new life let's if you want to do something tangible purchase something you can go and drop those off at city hall in houston on tomorrow yes somebody says shiro's league is back and uh i got some new stuff coming for you i can hardly wait but the staff is gonna make me wait to tell you but you know they know i get excited when we go through stuff and we talk through stuff but we got some new new new new things coming all right coming up for you pastor ivan has a word for you and so give it to him one time make sure your youth are in the room i know y'all get blessed by pastor ivan but make sure your teenagers are locked into this moment let's hear a word from pastor ivan from our fame ministry yo it's the kid it's pastor ivan and we are here for another edition of classic better self now right now i want you to pull out whatever other device that you have and text m-i-l-p to 7-1-4-441 m-i-l-p-71441 so you can join us the fame team the ministry in the meal plan guess the meal plan can you put that up for me either meal plan i want everybody to be a part that way you can stay connected with us and you know what's going on with us at fame right now we are in the series of obedience we just started a new focus and it is obedience so you know we're talking about obedience today but if you get tapped into the meal plan you will know that already so get tapped into the meal plan milp 271441 obedience obedience is carrying out the words and the will of another person especially the will of god obedience is a calculated choice to comply with and carry out the will of god now when you hear obedience i know as a teenager as a kid you like that's just me listening to my parents and them telling me to do whatever they want me to do wash the dishes that is not all that consists of obedience obedience is in many different realms you are obedient when you play your sports you are obedient to yourself when you set goals you are obedient in certain classrooms to certain teachers because you like them you are obedient at certain times for certain reasons obedience does not just mean and come to your parents there are three types of obedience we've talked about obedience before there's constrained obedience there is partial obedience and there is willful obedience today i want us to really pay attention to willful obedience because we've talked about constrained we've talked about partial but now it is time for us to talk about the willful obedience and i have three points and i'm gonna talk with you today about and then we're gonna dissect each three of those points each point we're gonna talk about a person and we got some scriptures to go along with it so three points i'm gonna give them to you right now number one is the desire for for obedience the desire for for obedience number two is exercising complete obedience exercising complete obedience and number three is the blessings of obedience the blessings of obedience number one the desire for for obedience when we look at desire for obedience the person that i think of the most is david we can see in psalms 119 verses 2 through 11 watch what it says blessed are those who keep his statues and seek him with all their heart they do no wrong but follow his ways you have laid down precepts that are fully obeyed oh that my ways were steadfast and obeying your decrees then i would not be put to shame when i consider all your commands i will praise you with an upright heart as i learn your righteous laws verse 8 says i will obey your decrees do not utterly forsake me watch this how can a young person stay on the path of purity by living according to the word i seek you with all my heart do not let me stray from your commands i have hidden your word in my heart that i might not sin against god david is showing us a desire to obey if you see the question that he asks he says how can a young person stay on the path of purity by living according to your word that means i must have an obedience to the word of god watch this we're going to jump down to verse 68 66-68 it says teach me knowledge and good judgment for i trust your commands before i was afflicted i went astray but now i obey your word you are good and what you do is good teach me your decrees obedience is a desire you must want to completely obey god you must want to desire to live in full obedience complete obedience i look at moses moses has a point where he's obeying all the way and then he has one moment where his frustration allows him to partially disobey and it ruins everything that he's done but he exercises complete obedience watch this from exodus chapter 7 all the way through 14 when he is in egypt literally decreeing every word god has spoken to him exodus 7 verses 2 through 6 it says you are to say everything i command you and your brother aaron is to tell pharaoh to let the israelites go out of his country but i will harden pharaoh's heart and though i may multiply my wonder my signs and wonders in egypt he will not listen to you then i will lay my hand on egypt and the mighty acts of judgment i will bring out of my divisions my people the israelites and the egyptians will know that i am the lord when i stretch out my hand against egypt and bring the israelites out of it moses and aaron did just as the lord commanded them there is something that happens when you completely are exercising obedience they go into egypt and they start to see miracle signs and wonders of how god wants his people to be let free and all he says that for them to do is say everything i command you to as you see in verse six it says moses and aaron did just as the lord commanded them if you go on and you keep reading as you go through chapter 7 into 8 and 9 10 11 12 13 and 14 you will see these miraculous things that god is doing but moses and aaron are obeying the blessings of obedience i look at abraham abraham is about to sacrifice his son abraham doesn't even know why he's been asked to do this but he does it genesis chapter 2 verse 6-8 it says abram abraham took the wood for the burnt offering and placed it on his son isaac and his set and himself carried the knife and the and the fire and the knife as the two of them went on together isaac spoke up and said to his father abraham father yes my son abraham replied the fire and the water here isaac said but where is the lamb for the burnt offering abraham answered god himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering my son and the two of them went on together abraham already knows what he's been instructed to do but he has to tell his son god will offer a sacrifice knowingly knowing that he's going up the mountain to sacrifice his son that's what the obedience is required to do sometimes he doesn't know why he really doesn't want to do it but he's on the path to walk as you can see it says and the two of them went together verses 15 through 18 watch this the angel of the lord called to abraham from heaven a second time and said i swear by myself declares the lord that because you have done this and not withheld your son your only son i will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand on the seashore your descendants will take the possession of the cities of their enemies and through your offspring all the nations of the earth will be blessed because you have obeyed me abraham does not know that when he gets up to the mountain there's a blessing waiting for him but he's willing to risk it all for obedience are you willing to risk it all to obey god because the blessing might be at the top of the obedience the blessing might be there when you fully commit to obey watch this you will always receive from god when you are in complete obedience the choice to obey god is the choice to spend your days in prosperity and your years in pleasure every believer should have a willingness and a readiness to obey god there is no substitute for obedience there is no substitute for obedience your success and your growth in life is dependent on your obedience to god in his word watch this where there is willful obedience there is a grace to carry out every assignment willful and intentional obedience is the key to fruitfulness obedient sometimes you may not want to do it you may not want to listen to your parent you may not want to go down the hallway and talk to god you may not want to talk to your friend about god in that moment but sometimes obedience pays off but see that's what your mom will tell you it's only sometimes but the word says obedience always pays off obedience is where you get the grace to carry out the assignment do not drop the ball because of your fail to obey do not lose the moment or miss the moment because you cannot obey i'll see you next time as pastor ivan said do not drop the ball because you failed to obey that's obey i asked the staff in here because you know that was two messages on obedience i said who being disobedient because you know double message no that was really good like and i see y'all giving pastor ivan his props excellent pat uh pastor ivan because the reality is i know a lot of times we want to we want to take that obedience message and just make it for our kids and for teenagers but really is god challenging you to obey him at another level is god challenging you in some areas of your life that you may have not been fully disobedient you know because i said well i'm not fully disobedient but you're not really being obedient because you're not doing what god instructed you to do are you waiting when you should be moving forward on something and making the difference that's the new series we're in i make the difference i make the difference by obeying god and being obedient in every area of my life and trusting the instructions from the lord and so don't drop the ball in your own life or what's ahead for you you know you may be in a season where god is instructing you to prepare for what's to come don't be disobedient and think oh i have time obedience is better than sacrifice i think that was such a great message or maybe even you're in the store and god tells you to bless somebody you're like i don't know them people obey god because when you obey god it's always rewarded all right so this saturday i told you about the mayor's event friday we'll have our light cares food drive here at the north location from 10 a.m to 1 p.m and uh i want you to really get the word out about that then we've got our minis pantry happening on saturday at love city and then also this saturday is light commerce credit union retirement and investment planning virtual seminar and so it's never too late to start making investments and planning your retirement text lccu to 71441 so you can get the link it's going to be really really good and you want to be a part of that and so um it's time for praise and worship so i know y'all we're so blessed by our band our creative department our music ministry and so right where you are i want you to take a moment forget about what happened today and let's give god our best worship and then following that the pastors will be joining me as we really take some time to talk about how to avoid faith failure you don't want to miss it check this out let's worship god together [Music] [Music] it day and night the angels proclaimed and they say holy holy is the lord god almighty [Music] [Music] [Music] come on and testify [Music] oh [Music] so beautiful [Music] [Music] is [Music] we'll never grow up [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] together together together [Music] be glorified [Music] [Music] isn't he beautiful i i enjoy when they sing that song i am delighted to be joined by some of my pastoral team to my left is dr laura hello and to my right holding down the other side are the men uh pastor terry and pastor john is back with us you know we're glad to have everybody here at the stage on the platform i enjoy our wednesdays when we get to team teach together uh and uh really take a topic and break it down and so this this month really for i believe for this month really we're going to be in a series of really boosting your faith so that you can avoid faith failure i think your faith is so critical in this season one of the things that um jesus says to peter in luke 22 verse 32 it says but i've prayed for thee that thy faith fail not and when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren and so prayer is so important but coupled with your prayer is the faith to believe that what you prayed for will come to pass and a lot of people are praying but you're missing the component of believing that god is able to do even though in the natural it doesn't look like it and so tonight and for the next couple nights we're going to be just building you up in faith because we are in a season of prayer praying for generations and this week we're praying for generation x right x generation x um i really don't want to be in generation x but i think i am in generation x but i'm i'm okay with it we're going to pray for all the generations and see it i guess as a senior pastor i'm not just falling on every one of but i consider myself as a bridger between two generations you know uh pastor t is in generations generation x aren't you pastor t you're you're very proud of it you're very proud of it yeah i know you're proud of it but when i looked and saw that i was in that generation x i was like well how did it happen how did it happen how did it happen how how did that happen that seemed like a broad generation right right but you're in the you're in that group with the movers and the shakers though that's a proud group that's a proud group let's get back to the text more on their own ian quiet because he you're in the millennials you're a millennial yeah yes i am but you act like you're broken hey but that age says it all oh god no but tonight is going to be really good and i think really what's so important is that we have seasons in our lives that we're not careful we will allow our faith to slip and as i said on sunday i make the difference it comes off very arrogant but you really do make the difference you know the bible talks about the woman with the issue of blood and i kind of touched on it sunday but had she not did something about her situation she would have been at home forever talking about i know jesus has the power to heal me but the bible says that she got up and even though was not com it was not acceptable in her day she pressed her way through the crowd so that she could touch the hem of his garment and the bible says that immediately when he she touched him that he felt virtue come out of him and he stopped and said who touched me it was her faith that made the difference and so somebody so many times where we think we're in faith but we're really not in faith and that's what we really want to hit on tonight is how to avoid faith failures so that uh avoiding faith failures will only occur to the degree that you've been taught and properly coached in the faith process and the bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god that is why we are so consistent to keep teaching you in faith because just because you heard a message of faith five years ago doesn't mean that you have the faith process understanding in this season for that situation and i hear it so many times people say you know that they've been to the light they've been members of the light and then for whatever reason they go on and go and they say i learned faith but i'm thinking to myself where is your faith at in this season because you're not connected are you still growing in your faith because you learn the foundation but faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god and so even like you know at the beginning of 2021 apostle released the prophetic work that this would be a year of increased productivity in all areas of our lives but you know productivity requires work right that productivity when you really look at the word productivity it doesn't just mean what's coming to you but it's also talking about what you put out and what you've got to do is you've got to decide that i'm going to position myself i'm going to pursue god's best in every area of my life that's that you know being in the environment and so um one of the things in the prophetic world was the secret place that we have to that it's in that secret place that we partake of blessings of provision protection and prosperity but the secret place is not a prayer closet right right see most people think that the secret place is a physical place but the secret place is really a spiritual state of unwavering faith and trust in almighty god who cannot fail i need somebody to put that in the chat yeah the secret place is not a geographical location but the secret place it's a spiritual state where you are unwavering in your faith and you trust an almighty god who cannot fail and what the enemy wants to get you to do in this season is to allow your circumstance to get you to start wavering in faith because faith is the foundation of the secret place and we are conducting an in so tonight we're going to really look at this study of the faith process because it's also this secret place this state of unwavering faith it's that platform that commitment communion confidence and conviction take place that's so good i hope y'all got those down that's just the introduction it's the platform where that commitment the communion the confidence and the conviction takes place and so uh i think who's who's got the first part tonight pastor t coming with the first part so pastor t is going to break down the spiritual facts about the faith process what are you believing god for if you can share it with us i need you to put in the comments what you are believing god for so that we can get you tonight back into that spiritual state or maintaining that spiritual state of unwavering faith that nothing is too hard for god pastor terry take it away you know uh doctor you were talking about your foundational text and what do you believe in god for we look at this certain woman here she had been dealing with these issues for 12 years and then it says that she had suffered many things physicians had spent all she had and had and nothing better but rather grew worse so you got to understand that regardless of what you've been through you still got to begin to trust god i know you probably had some fake failures in the past but you're going to have to trust god because this word is so powerful this word is so convicting this word holds a promise that is able to change your life so we start talking about the spiritual facts of the faith process the significance of faith is undisputed now watch this now the confidence that i have in the faith process will always be to the degree that i understand how faith works so it's very important now once you're saved now you're saved as you're going to be now it's time for you to begin to develop your faith and the bible say all the promises of god are received by faith so now faith is the me developing my faith has to be a priority in the life of every believer if you're gonna you're gonna experience this incredible life so results depends on my faith development matthew 9 29 said then he touched their eyes saying according to your faith be it unto you so my faith has to be developed and then we also see that we cannot please god with our faith so now if i'm going to please god the bible says that uh uh if you love me then you'll keep my commandments so if i really love the lord and i really want to please god that i'm gonna have to be committed to the faith process why because all the promises of god are received by faith and i cannot please god outside of developing my faith why is that so important because god wants to get certain things to me and he can't get things to me if the promises of god received by faith then i have to develop my faith so he can meet me at the level of my expectations so we look at hebrews 11 and 6 says but what i've faded is impossible to please him he who coming to god must believe that he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him so now let's look at the promises of god are received by faith we see that in galatians christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law being made a curse for us but it is written that curse every man that hangs up on a tree that the blessings of abraham may come upon the gentiles through christ through jesus christ that we may receive the promises through faith so faith starts where the will of god is known so if i'm going to be dealing with a situation i got to find out what his will is and once i find out what his will is i'm going to look at it i'm going to find it in the word and once i find it in the word i'm going to commit to that principle i'm going to commit to that promise then i'm going to begin to rest in peace and as i rest in peace what i'm saying is listen it may not look like nothing has happened but i got a promise from god i already know i i've abided by the principle that i found in the word now peace will come and peace self-sustain me until change comes so i have to begin to trust the process i got to begin to understand that this word where the will of god is known is based on this word so it says in uh faith is a spiritual law not just a spiritual philosophy oh that is good now watch this now hold on to your seat belts my whole spiritual experience with god and life is going to be a fake process so as i go through life as a believer all the problems of god are received by faith god is a spirit i got to have faith to believe in god so my whole spiritual experience in life and with god is going to be a faith process as i develop my faith my relationship with god gets stronger as i develop my faith my expectations for better get stronger so i'm going to have to understand that as i'm developing my faith my relationship with god will increase and the promises of my expectation will increase so now the spiritual facts are undeniable uh uh uh understandable colossians 1 16 says for by him were all things created watch this now that are in heaven and that are also in earth why should visible and invisible whether it be throne uh uh dominions principals of power all things were created by him but watch this it's powerful but for him so not only did he created it but he created it for him and if he created it for him then he created it for me so now i got to understand what did he create and what am i entitled to so until i get a revelation on this word i will be going through life searching about what uh what i think i want instead of receiving the promises of god so now uh there is more to this world than what we physically see there is a realm of the spirit where god exists angels exist satan demons exist john 4 24 says god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth so we were created in his image and his likeness so if we've been creating his image and his likeness we have to understand if so if god is a spirit then we'll spirit if god has access to the spiritual realm then we got access to the spiritual realm so you have to understand how you were created and why you were created and so when you understand who god is and we're go we're we're we're creating his image then we have to understand whatever god is entitled to we are entitled to look what it says in first thessalonians 5 23 man is a spirit being with access to the spirit realm it says now in the very god of peace sanctify thee oh this is good you hold it i pray god your whole spirit underline holy spirit and soul and body be deserved blameless unto the coming of our lord jesus christ it says holy spirit now that's very powerful because the word whole mean a thing that is complete in itself a thing that is complete in itself so he said look i pray that your whole spirit and soul and by to be deserved blame is until the coming of our lord jesus christ it says holy spirit the holy spirit means uh a thing that is completeness it lets me know my spirit is the true makeup of who i am so i got to get a revelation on that i got to give more attention to the spirit of who i am instead of the flesh of what i'm experiencing in the natural i got to be conscious of this spirit world so i must be spiritually conscious while giving attention to spiritual principles the worlds were framed by the word hebrews 11 say though through faith we understand that the words were framed by the word of god so that things are seen were not made which do appear jesus declared faith-filled words or spirit life john 6 33 says in the spirit that quick and i love that that quicken that word quickly mean to make a liable to arrive to to revive the flesh prophet and nothing but the word that i speak unto you are spirit and they are life so until i become spiritually conscious of my words i will continue to sabotage my life until i become spiritually conscious of my word they're so powerful i will continue to sabotage my life there's a lot of fake victories that we failed it wasn't because it wasn't the will of god it was because the words where we were speaking over our life or caused us to self-destruct or cause our faith to fail so we got to understand now the spirit man is born again by the callous of our words romans 10 and 9 says that if you confess by your mouth the word lord jesus and and thou shalt believe in thy heart that god raised jesus from dead thy shall be saved and then in john 3 3 5 says jesus act verily well i say unto thee except the man be born of the water of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god so it lets me know now it's our words that bring us into the kingdom of god and it's our words that will activate the power of god to go to work on our behalf amen i turned my mic off so i could i could zone in but that's so good pastor terry you know i was reading some of the comments that some people are standing in faith for their healing some people are saying in faith for their mortgage to be paid off or debt freedom or career change you have to be so careful that you don't uproot your seed you've sown your seed you've made your prayer but then the enemy will come in and bring doubt and unbelief so that you start picking up what you've sown and asked god for and it happens to the best of us you know i had to even just check myself the other day because i was allowing some outside things or some things that weren't moving fast for me because you know we want god to work on our timetable a lot and god is god understand god is not going to come too late he's not going to come he's he's always he's dependable and if i'm consistent with god i know god will be consistent with me but we have our own timetable and when it's not working in the time frame that we desire then we start letting those little seeds of negativity and then we co-sign on them with our words and i had to check myself and say are you are you really believing for this are you really are you really standing because if you're standing in faith for this you won't let the weight you won't let the interim you won't let the the time between get you off focus and i had to check myself on the words that i were i was releasing so for that person that says you know you want your mortgage paid off you got to be careful at even when it's time to pay bills because sometimes when you're paying bills you'll be like oh yeah i don't feel like paying these bills but i thought you were standing in faith that god supernaturally supplies it's so quick to let negative words come out your mouth so now let's talk about the scriptural fundamental of fundamentals about the faith process because even though we read mark 11 22 23 24 i realize that some people don't realize that what you say has so much power is that your part doctor okay it is important that we know the fundamentals about the faith process and because and we have to be reminded many times about those fundamentals and so that's what we're doing tonight so we want you to know that this faith enrichment teaching that we're doing is twofold you know one of them is so you know there are some new believers that have come into the body of christ and so new believers that have come into this church and so we want them to be able to grow in faith as well as our mature believers in christ and so uh mark 11 24 and 20 through 24 gives us this foundation scripture on the fundamentals about the faith process and so faith in its simplest form is acting upon the word of god in its simplest form it is acting upon the word of god it's walking in obedience that word is again that pastor ivan talked about uh obedience to the written word and the rhema word of god and so we have to make sure that we are obedient and so there are some expectations that we can have when we are in faith we can expect a plan of action we can expect the favor of god we can expect the wisdom of god we can expect miracles from god and we can expect a strength to endure that strength to endure is very important because it's when we don't see anything happen that's when we want to let our strength go that's when we want to stop believing because they have taken so long and so it's in very important that we look at the examination of the faith process to see what it involves and so one it involves asking in john 16 23 we see jesus he's talking about and he says in that day you should ask me nothing so uh he's saying ask me nothing whatever you ask you ask acts in the name of jesus and then we see the believing and we see this in john 20 and 24 through 29 just jot that down because you have to believe without seeing the talent challenge tangible evidence because here in this scripture we see thomas we call him doubting thomas and and one of the verses that god jesus talked to him about he said he said unto thomas he said thomas because thou has seen me thou has believed blessed are those that have not seen and yet believe so you have to believe without seeing any evidence and then you have to have your confession you know the same way that we got saved we confess jesus christ as our personal lord and savior that's the same way that we have to continue you have to have some faith confessions going on in your life about whatever you're believing for like i just saw too the people are believing for homes people are believing for healing you have to have a faith confession to go along with whatever you're believing for and then one other thing that's very important is the demonstration you know the bible talks about how faith without works is dead so you have to have some some type of demonstration i remember dr bridget always used to say if all you can do is rig wiggle your little toe wiggle your little toe you have to do something do something if all you can do is just wave your arm whatever you do something because you have to have some kind of demonstration of faith and then you have to have that endurance you know in hebrews 10 35 it says cast not away therefore your confidence which has great recompense of reward god is a rewarder and so don't throw away your confidence don't throw away your endurance no matter how long it may take if you're willing to stand you'll see the manifestation of what you're believing for dr laura that's so so so good and i liked how you said there were two things you said that i want to kind of step back on and that's the reason why we're doing this is to encourage the believer who's been in faith you know i realized when we were listening when i had the staff listen to how to eliminate doubt and unbelief that it was something that we have known but we all needed the faith booster and i could see our staffs men you know think and go to another level and then even when apostle was doing the faith summit and he did that one illustration about how you can be you can hear the word and you can even condemn yourself in the word but if you're still holding on to that those limited beliefs and those things that are contrary to the word of god you just almost put in the word you got to take away out that stuff and let that be your foundation that you hold on to and so that's why we teach you this is because we're in a season right now that even the the strongest believer is in a could be in a faith fight that's right because being a believer does not exempt you from problems but it does assure you that when you go through problems you're going to come out victorious and so what why why i believe this is so important as going back to this line up online teaching faith and really showing you how important you are it's for that believer who's been in faith but now you're facing a faith fight that you never expected to be in it doesn't mean that god doesn't love you it doesn't mean that god doesn't care about you but you're in a faith fight and you gotta stand strong on the word of god because the bible says as you said cast not away therefore your confidence which had great recompense of reward but if you're not putting the word in you and you've gotten off of that time of listening to the word or you're trying to eat from everybody's table right right because see just because somebody's a great exhorter right and somebody's a great encourager and they got people jumping up and shouting are they giving you the tools necessary so that when you're in the faith fight you know how to win don't just tell me i can slap a bear and get me hyped about slapping a bear how do i slap the bear yeah and a lot of times we're listening to and no shay cause everybody has their anointings and callings but we're listening to a lot of people and they getting you hype about slapping a bear right but when you walk away and you turn it off you don't know how to slap the bear that's what faith process does it shows me how to slay the giants and slap the bears in my life and then for the new believer they need to know what you've learned just like everybody else you know i told the staff today i really believe that there's a season and i'm so glad that our staff and our team for the 18 months and i got to pause and commend the staff and the volunteers have been committed to giving the word and and just pouring in whether we had to do jobs that weren't our normal jobs and pitch in but new light staff has been stellar over the past 18 19 months of making sure that we minister to people and i told you all in this season god didn't tell me to close the church again and as long as some other stuff is open new life gonna stay open right i don't have a witness to close down but what i'm seeing right now is people saying online church is cool i gotta get to a church i gotta get to a church there's this hunger and thirst that's being created right now and that's why we have to go back to some of the basics that you think you know right and teach those things again because your faith needs to be started that new believer needs to know that in their challenging times that same word will work for them and so y'all gave pastor john the supernatural oh mighty god we're going to close this out on this one uh the supernatural future accessed by the faith process y'all get ready because roster john he hasn't been at the desk for a while so i don't know how we're going to keep him on track and he's talking about the supernatural come on with it pastor john you know dr i the supernatural it is very powerful because one of the things that i recognize is that faith is a lifestyle let me say that again that faith is a lifestyle you know the lifestyle of faith equips the saints to do three important things i hope you can write these three important things down number one uh to successfully encounter uh satanic uh opposition number two to overcome setback and to live victoriously according to romans 1 and 16 it says for i am not ashamed of the gospel this is paul that's speaking because it is the power of god that brings salvation to everyone who believes who believes first to the jew then to the gentile then if you go to uh ephesians chapter number six verse 16 it says in addition to all these hold up the shield watch this of faith to stop the fiery errors of the devil please understand that there are supernatural results that take place during your faith journey uh when you study the supernatural you will understand that the supernatural it really refers to the extraordinary often miraculous interventions of god and the influence of righteous principles into earth's affairs so though these interventions and influences are not always spectacular they are supernatural here it is watch this because they because of their divine origin let me see if i can put it this way you know i'm a person uh i like to work out i like to work out i work out about three times a week if it's a good week it'd be four times a week and so uh past terry yesterday i went to go work out and uh for the first time y'all i did i i did dead lifts and uh this is my first time doing it and uh the gentleman who was uh helping me out he said rev now check this out now when you do your deadlift uh because this is your first time ever doing it uh it's gonna mess up your back so you're gonna be sore for a couple of days i said no i ain't gonna be slow and be all right uh because this young lady she just did it and uh if she can do it i can do it so so here it is i'm lifting i did four sets of twenty then four sets of twenty after it was over i was in so much pain i called my wife i said i i'm in pain pain i'm in pain and so y'all i had a conversation with god and i said god now god you know when i talk to god i talk to god regularly i don't say the thou they have you know i said god i need you to help me out cause i gotta go to work tomorrow better self night and i know pastor terry gonna be there and he like to joke and i ain't trying to give him a joke on me or on wednesday so lord i need you to heal me asap so i woke up this morning y'all when i woke up this morning i got up and i started you know doing my little exercising but i didn't feel no pain i i didn't feel no pain now watch this what happened because god took my natural mixed it with his super and i had a supernatural experience because naturally i should be in pain right now naturally i should have the aches but god watch this had the supernatural to take place in my life i know that ain't big for a lot of you but i still believe in healing i still believe that that that god can heal that god can deliver please understand that in order to get the supernatural faith results uh you must number one you must have the revelation that is required for the supernatural life according to ephesians 3 and 20 it says now unto him that is able wants this uh to do exceededly abundantly above all that we can ask i asked god for it and he gave it to me or think according to the power that worketh in us in luke 1 37 says for with god watch this nothing is impossible so that means it doesn't matter what you're facing it doesn't matter what you're going through there is nothing that's impossible that god can't do i i'm trying to slow down i'm getting excited but here it is so you you in order to get these supernatural faith results number one uh you must have the revelation you must have number two the relationship the relationship is important according to psalm chapter number one verse one through three you can read it when you get home but it really talks about how blessed is the man that walketh not on the council of the ungodly uh nor citizen or or standing for the uh uh walketh let me slow down because i'm getting excited so i'm gonna slow down y'all slow down with me i need everybody to put it in the comments slow down pass the ball slow down cause you told me slow down but slow down so blessed is the man that walk him not in the counseling of the ungodly nor stand up in the way of sinners no sinners in the sea of the stone for but here it is but his delight is in the law of the lord and in his law does he meditate day and night so that that is the re that is the relationship so you got the revelation you get the relationship but lastly you have you have the resolve so the resolve required for the supernatural life in christ found in first corinthians chapter 15 verse 38 and then hebrews 10 and 23 then you have the documentation of the supernatural faith results according to romans 15 and 4 for whosoever for uh whatsoever things were written for time were written for our learning that though patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope in other words that in spite of everything god wants you to have hope you know the story the story of the the four men bringing a friend to jesus that is what we call faith for others that's in mark chapter number 2 verses 1 through 12 but then the story of the woman with the issue of blood that's what we call faith for yourself found in mark chapter number 5 verse 25 through 34 all of this is the supernatural future assessed by the faith process that's so good and you know i said it sunday i am in faith and believing that september will be a supernatural month and it's not always spectacular but it is supernatural that's that extraordinary so often miraculous interventions of god and influence of principles into earth's affairs and and right now in this season you know i saw somebody post something the other day we have an assignment to use our faith for others right you know there are loved ones and some of you may have loved ones and relatives in the hospital and they can't use their faith right now right they need you to use their your faith for them and even the loss the bible says that the harvest is plenty but the laborers are fueled so that means that we ought to be using our faith for others others to be saved others to be healed others to be deliberate and the enemy would try to tell you that you shouldn't believe for the supernatural for others but if you remember job's situation turned around when he prayed for his friend so don't just have your list all about you and when god blesses you he has more than you and mine and so i need somebody to put that in the chat pastor john say put in the chat slow down i need somebody to put supernatural september in the chat because i believe that this month is a divine appointment with god that god is going to do some supernatural things in your life and when i say divine appointment i talk to you this about on sunday how god selects unsuspecting unassuming others to bring deliverance to their generation and i'ma add to their situation that god will expect people that others push to the side others discount to do something extraordinary often supernatural miraculous in the earth realm and we serve a supernatural god who takes our natural adds his power to it and supernatural things manifest i need you to get back in faith that god is a god that still is working he's not a dead god he's not done doing miracles but he's still moving and that the key to a move of god in your life as i said sunday hinges on what you do will you step up to the plate will you have the confidence to stay stand on the word of god to not waver but to stand on the word of god no matter what it looks like and say god i'm going to trust you no matter what they say god i'm going to trust you no matter what it looks like god i'm going to trust you no matter what resources i have available to me you are able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we could ever ask a thing can we take you through the scriptures y'all know i like to close with a little run every now and then so if i can do it when you start thinking about people in the bible that had a divine appointment with god moses was just looking to put out a fire when he had a divine appointment with god and we know supernatural things took place samuel was just attempting to get clarity on hearing when he had this divine appointment with god and we know through his life supernatural things took place david was just taking his brother some supplies on the battlefield you you know the story he had a divine appointment with god and supernatural things begin to manifest in his life gideon was just trying to feed his family when he had a divine appointment with god and something supernatural came out of that situation the little boy he just had his lunch and it thought his lunch that his mother packed was just for him but he found out that when you put it in the hands of god somebody gives thanks to god it was a divine appointment for him to give that seed of a lunch and a miracle took place something supernatural happened after he released that seed that he had the woman at the well was just looking for some water when she had a divine appointment with god and we know the story something supernatural took place her past was erased and the ones that talked about her followed her to come see a man the more lepers were just trying to survive when they had an encounter with god that divine appointment with god and something supernatural took place after they were healed from their situation and tonight i know you thought you were just watching better self night but we're here to testify and tell you that this is your divine appointment with god to get back in faith to get back to trusting god to know that nothing is too hard for god and god has designated you for himself god has designated you to be an instrument of hope for your family for your friends for your future don't you give up on that promise you too close to throw that thing away you got to start declaring right now that this is my supernatural month this is the beginning of me closing out this year better than i had out i'm believing god that the next four months of the year are going to be better than all the other months of this year i'm gonna have a supernatural september i'm gonna have an outstanding october i'm gonna have never seen it before november and i'm gonna have a dynamic december that's what i'm talking about somebody put that into i got a supernatural september i'm gonna have an outstanding october i'm gonna have never seen it before november and i'm gonna have that that dynamic that dynamic you know just overflow december because god is with me in my pursuit of the supernatural if you know anything about him you know he's with you the bible says one of my favorite passages is the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leaded me beside the still waters he restored my soul he leaded me in the path of righteousness for his name said yea though i walked through the valley of the shadow of death it looks like it's over but guess what i fear no evil yeah cause he's with me his rod and his staff they comfort me here is the good part of the supernatural supply prepares a table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointes my hair with oil my cup runneth over i'm gonna maximize every situation and then it says surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life i need you to get back in faith i know you thought it wasn't going to happen for you because you didn't see it come to pass all january through august but you set up for a supernatural september outstanding october i never seen it before november in a dynamic and not in a bad way but i'm gonna see god do some things in my life that i've never seen before some things that i just lord your ears have not heard i'm believing god that when i close out this year i will be able to say i know for everybody else it was one way but as for me and my house because we chose to put pressure on the word and to serve the lord and to do what the lord instructed us to do because faith is obedient i'm gonna see the goodness of that i love it come on hallelujah you back behind me pumping me up like the old preachers used to do you know all right we're riding with you y'all right now this is good that was good somebody said miss ursula say i believe it i believe it you got to get back in fact yeah oh yeah yes there is no it's no it's not by chance that even our apostles went back to encourage us and i don't want you to miss out on what god's doing in this season yeah that's good because the choice is up to you right you know everybody and then you be looking around like why is everybody eating and i'm not eating right because you ain't gonna fix your plate right you ain't gonna fix your plate you know and you know uh and and pastor john been the sunday dinner before sunday then it's a spread oh yes but you got to get in line right right and fix your plate oh yeah yeah yeah the food has been prepared the table has been set yeah yeah but you can stay hungry because you won't fix your plate and all i'm saying is god's got some stuff in store he's just waiting for you to fix your game yeah fix your plate fix your plate and you know when you go through a buffet line you're like i'll take some of that i'll take some of that take a little oxtail the rice yeah little vegetables for your vegans you know but but i have some of that you got to have that kind of attitude that i'm not going to let everybody eat around me right and i don't eat as well my god when the food has been prepared and the table has been said yeah i just need you to fix your plate but you know it's it's so encouraging a doctor and i think what happens is it encourages tonight use just very encouraging for people to get back in faith yes god what god has promised you shall come to pass but he's waiting for you to get back in faith he's waiting for you to get back in faith and here's here's the other thing i think what people don't realize is that he will go to the extreme yeah to make sure you know that he's heard your brother right that's good you know i'm amazed that many times when i'm in a season where i'm i may you know the enemy is trying to get me into maybe some doubting some things and and i know it's it's the enemy trying it'll be like somebody will come along and say something right or i'll see something that'll encourage my faith right you know we used to say that around the church that god's about to do something in your life just to encourage my faith and so he sends messages and messengers along the path right when you feel like i can't do it no more i can't do it no more no he sends messengers along and tonight is that message for you to stay in faith because i want you to be encouraged pastor john that may seem like a small testimony but anybody that worked out and did a deadlift that's amazing yeah and what you've got to say for yourself if god can supernaturally heal him my god how much more can he do for you see you know that wasn't a whole you know you know a lot of times we think oh i can't use my faith for small stuff right that was no big i mean i know you didn't want to be in pain pastor john but that was no like uh you know you know uh earth-shattering moment in your life you know what i'm saying that was just it was a little vain too because you didn't want us to jones you about it right but just lord lord hear my body because i want hey i want them talking about me i got too much to do tomorrow uh so lord heal me god cares about even everything little things he cares about him and the fact that he was willing to ask him that's it a lot of times we get so caught up in our situation that we really get to the point we become so passive that we don't even ask him right and the bible say we shall have whatsoever we said and i think we have to get back into this word getting courage tonight was great it built up our faith it stirred up something on the inside of you and maybe you just needed to hear this word tonight maybe you have to hear our senior pastor encourage you to take you to another level of getting locked in and faith listen the promise of god was right there god is ready to do what he said but you got to get back in faith right so listen we want to pray with you tonight pastor laura are you going to pray with him i think dr i are going to go head on and do the offering first we're gonna do offering and then we're gonna come back and pray because you know this good word yes you gotta activate it with the seed you gotta activate the word and sow a seed um you know i um i was telling somebody uh today or yesterday that certain times when i feel like the enemy wanted to mess with me in the area i saw it so yeah that's good my money is important to me is anybody out there that's your money right i like my coins and so when i feel like the enemy is trying to get to me in an area or i'll sow a seed on it i still see because i'm not gonna even let that be a place and if it's if it's a person if it's if it's a ministry if it's whatever if i'm let me sow a seed yeah let me let me sew and see because i i'm going to put a seed in the ground and my seed has to produce the harvest that it was pre-programmed to produce i don't want this other harvest i'm going to put a seed in the ground that activates what i'm believing for and standing up for over the negativity and so tonight i want you to prepare your hearts to sow a seed this has been so good and i hope your faith was encouraged pasta terry said something and so when we pray later i'm praying that and i believe that's even a word we've been talking about it today that passiveness that many times we approach the things of god very passive when he says come boldly before the throne of grace but we can get very passive in our approach concerning what god promises and what he'll do for us and so tonight i want you to sow a bold seed for what you're believing god for i want you to sow a seed that's confident and that god is able to do exactly what his word says and so that may be 52 for you that may be a hundred dollars for some that may be 500 for some and then of course y'all know we have our better self night offering many of you give your regular ties and offerings and remember we've got that extra 150 000 that we're believing god for of our summer our summer recovery seed i want you to make sure that you sow that that extra seed that god has laid on your heart but tonight i need you to sow a seed that's a bold faith seed i saw some of the things that you're believing god for you're believing god for some big things i need you to sow that seed for bold confident faith that's saying hey i'm sowing this because i'm going to walk in the boldness of god i'm going to walk in confidence that god will do what he says the ways to give her on the screen you can go online to give you can text new light to 71441 you can download uh the giblify app look for new light church one five three five greens mark when you get inside you can also use cash app uh dollar sign new light church paypal at new life church zell give you can call mail your offers in you can drop them by the office or you can even call right now they'll put the 1 800 number on your screen you can call right now to that number on your screen it's at the very bottom and one of the operators will be happy to take your credit card or check by phone uh pastors this has been real good and as you saw i like i see some of y'all put seeds on i took my first step toward my project today and this message confirmed to keep pushing that's right miss ursula keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing that promise is on the way i am excited about somebody say i thank god for everyone on the panel and their anointing i look forward to this time of uh just going through the word and breaking down the word with our pastoral team we've got some exciting things happening as i'm going to give you an update on this this 30 days of prayer make sure you're joining dr laura in prayer at 7 a.m every morning on our new life church prayer page but the lord laid it on my heart and i don't want you to take it lightly that every week for the next from started we started september 1st through the 30th we're praying for a different generation every week and so we give you topics to focus on um it may not be your generation but i the lord new light is a gener multi-generational church and i wanted to cover every generation in our church and so this week we're playing for millennials and so i want you to join us in in doing that you know some september we declared it as a supernatural but it's also suicide prevention it's sickle cell awareness it's prostate and ovarian cancer and so knowing what those monks kind of have focus and awareness on it's important that we pray for every generation right because the enemy would love to come in and take out the younger generation with suicidal thoughts take out you know that that kind of middle generation that tells you you're not going to live long if you've got sickle cell our family my grandfather had sickle cell so that's dear to our heart and then as you get older that prostate ovarian in in men and women this is why we're praying we are praying that that cancer has to has to bow at the name of jesus we're praying that the attacks of the enemy on our young people's mind has to bow at the name of jesus so don't take this prayer time lightly i want you to join us in praying sister elizabeth stanley she's actually a cousin to pastor bridget many of y'all have enjoyed a cakes over the years dear member of our south location i know i went to food our faithful member went to be with the lord her public viewing will be held on monday september 13th and the private funeral will be held at 11am here at our north location please keep the family in your prayers and of course if you can come to the public viewing just to write your name in the book and show the family your support they greatly appreciate it remember tomorrow is the mayor's food drive pay it forward dropping off non-perishable food items diapers all of that at this at city hall and then of course we have both of our food drive the light cares at mini's pantry finally new light is expanding its team i would love to have your part of our team we have several positions available and maybe god is speaking to you about applying for a position we still have our children's pastor housekeeping i think we just filled our junior i.t position graphic artist marketing manager accounting clerk lead accountant building janitorial maintenance all of those are still available so if you're interested in your resume to human resources at you know the first the first step of faith is to give your life to the lord and i would be remiss in my duties if i didn't give you an opportunity to say yes to the lord on tonight god makes it so easy for us and so simple that he puts a plan in his word for us to to accept his plan to have faith that he sent his son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again just for us the bible says in romans 10 and 9 that if you will make this confession out of your mouth and believe in your heart that god sent his only son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again just for you you can be saved so let me lead you into the first step of faith believing that god loves you so much that he has a better plan for your life and you saying yes to his plan repeat after me say father i know without jesus i'm lost i believe your word that says you sent your only son jesus to die on the cross and he rose again just for me now father fill me with your spirit and your power so that i may live a life pleasing to you thank you for saving me and i thank you father that i'm a part of the family of god from this day forward in jesus name amen welcome to the family of god make sure you go to nlc journey to let us know that you made that confession to let us know that if you even like to be a member of this church we would love to have you a part of our church family and one of our pastors will follow up and call you so that you know how to secure your life in christ tonight has been amazing thank you to our wonderful pastoral team and dr lauren you're going to pray us out of here so that we stay strong in our faith and operate from a place of boldness in our faith walk amen father in the name of jesus we just thank you and we just bless you father god that we can operate in faith we thank you that we walk by faith and not by sight father thank you for every person father that watched tonight you saw their desires their things that they're believing for those that are believing for homes those that are believing for employment those that are believing for their business those that are believing for health father god we thank you father god that you saw every request father god and we thank you lord god that we can come boldly before your throne and we can ask father in the name of jesus so we thank you father god that you give us the desires of our heart father we call it done father in the name of jesus father we thank you that you perfect the things that concerns us father god and you meet every need according to your riches in glory by christ jesus we thank you for your healing power father god we thank you that no sickness no disease is too hard for you lord god you sent your word and healed and delivered your word is medicine to our flesh and it's healing to our bones we come against ovarian cancer we come against sickle cell and we curse you at the root and we command you to loose your hold of god's people now in jesus name we call them healed from the crown of their heads to the souls of their feet father we give you praise and we give you glory for your healing power father god in jesus name we bless you amen and amen hallelujah glory you
Channel: New Light Church
Views: 481
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: mXtkAjlfjUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 12sec (5772 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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