Maximized Prayer: Praying for Divine Strategic Guidance

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[Music] all right come on in the room yo come on in the room all right give me your time to come on your room we're gonna have a great time hey cheryl and joyce inez and the rest of y'all come on in the room and let's get ready for tonight hello my apostle linda how you doing girl all right lonnie lonnie how you doing okay if you're watching for the first time remember i told you don't just peep in the window let me know that you're out there miss tracy how are you are you okay oh yeah i'm great i'm doing really good yeah doing wonderful so looking forward to our time together tonight all right y'all come on in come on in the room we're going to talk about uh what's happening and uh i'm trying to get some information sorry all right so now if you're watching for the first time are you with us for the first time let me know and let me know where you're from where you're watching from i see someone there's a first time from delaware carolyn how are you glad you have glad you're with us so many people are with us and who join us on these monday nights monday night is our time hey patrick y'all holding it down in in florida amen lord arizona i think it's real hot there now shreveport louisiana amen so tonight is going to be a good night uh what i believe spirit of god has given me to share with you i know it is going to really really bless you as we're talking about getting direction from the lord so how many of you need direction from the lord need some sort of direction from the lord amen the direction for your life and um it's best to seek that wisdom from the lord and not the 1-800 witch or anybody else palm readers and all that sort of thing god wants to he wants to give you a guidance he wants to do that that is something god taught me years ago in the little racket it built i'm waiting for my numbers to get where i need them to be and y'all come on in the room and everybody when you're in the room share it share it share it share it with others hey michael i'll see you there uh when you come in the room share it i remember i told you now when you come in the room and that you peep in the room by by just looking in and you don't get down in the comment section and say hello apostle or so-and-so in the room uh i'm from um new jersey first time whatever then you best people in the wonder i don't want you to peep into one i want you to come on in the room that's what i want you to do and you do that by letting us know amen many of you have been waiting for tonight and uh so uh yeah many of you been waiting and i've been waiting oh man now we have planned for uh in august as you see that was the 19th and 20th uh my faith some 2021 faith sum i see you ladisha uh we're planning that it's going to be a time of dealing with faith at another level faith at another level i've been looking at questions that people have been asking sons in ministry i've been asking others have been asking and it's not that necessarily people don't understand the process of faith but it's understanding really um how to implement it and stick with it and i'm calling it spiritual warfare because once you launch out in faith the devil wants to stop you and he'll come with all kind of tactics uh to uh to try to throw you off all right i see lagan say he has shared it all right if you shared it let me know that you shared it and get back home so uh uh you don't have to get off the share but let's see everybody share it and then we're gonna we're gonna talk but so it's free registration uh two days it is going to be uh it is going to be uh live stream as well it's going to be hybrid i'll have people some pastors already say they're coming in they want to sit at my feet on this one and then uh not only that but there is it's going to be um uh let's see please and again all right yeah yeah not only that but it's going to be uh uh streamed as well so we'll have the in-person group talk to pastor today she's all excited about it and that's what we're going to do hey ron uh apostle paul bishop ron fryerson bishop villette amen looking tired looking forward to fellowshipping and the doors of fellowshipping are open opening right now they're opening uh church people are going back to church and that's always good and pastor has uh has uh really set in motion things to get the new life family back in its place amen now tonight's uh that download is going to be part two of a lesson that i sent you last week on having confidence in the plan of god having confidence in the plan of god it's a giving and of course it's a giving link but that's even if you don't have anything to give you still you can still download the message and also you can leave your faith question there for me because this whole teaching on faith that i plan to do over the two days the 19th and the 20th uh it's going to all be about how to help you get greater faith results get greater faith results and that's going to be some astounding things that i know i'm going to be able to share with you simply because you've not looked at it at the perspective that uh that i want you to look at it that i see from the word of god and that god taught me years ago so our faith message tonight is praying for divine strategic guidance praying for divine strategic guidance and um the scripture says trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not to thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and watch this and he shall direct your past so i see here that the writer is saying that if i will turn to god i will honor god i will acknowledge him he will give me directions for the path of my life i want you to hold on to that because most of the time when i get letters from people or people have a time and opportunity to talk to me and even with pastors what they really want is some direction from the lord i was talking with a group of pastors several hundred pastors in our monthly call and one of the things that they said that i've always asked them when they asked me about the direction for their lives and ministry that always turned it to say what has god said to you and because i respect that what i always normally get is this blank because many times if god has not that they have not had some radical encounter they've not really heard from god or know how to recognize the voice of god i'm not trying to put anybody down neither am i trying to make myself of someone uh about someone big hey let me share my girl uh um good to have you so that's what i want to talk about uh how to do this so spiritual got impressed upon me to reach out to you to begin uh so you can make bigger dreams make bigger plans and i don't make bigger plans but uh but uh so that you can get direction from the lord now myself i'm always seeking the direction from the lord and there are some things that i'm seeking the lord for now of strategic guidance i'm going to give you a definition for them but i just you just get an agreement with me but it is i need strategic guidance for uh the hilliard international ministries launch that we're doing we call it hymn ministries and so i need some some direction on that that i'm standing in faith for i'm also standing in faith for the entrepreneurial uh part of the ministry called the unlimited potential group that i am initiative that i'm putting together how does god want me to do this so it all fits together see i don't lean on my own understanding when it comes to planning my future when it comes to planning my future what i choose to do is i trust the lord to give me direction hello dr claire uh yeah uh i see your daughter amen and amen we'll talk to you uh listen now and um i'm also uh believing for direction for this all of the use of these uh virtual platforms i understand everyday layers has been in my favor and even though i was standing in faith for a quote television ministry god knew this whole venue would open and really held that door shut until this door opened which is a more viable venue for the virtual ministry that he has given me and then i'm uh in faith for love city usa ministry to youth i need god's direction on that i i'm not going to try to lean on my understanding of what we did in 2017 or what was done in the past i need some right now direction from the lord i was talking to pastor about several things that she's involved in and of course trying to get the staff now not to be leaning on your past not to be leaning on past accomplishments but you have to serve this present age and in serving this present age it requires you hearing from god on what to do now oh yeah you know i applaud that you may have heard from god on what you have should have done in the past and you may have passed success but you don't want to just bask in the past success i call it the little uh you know uh yeah i call it the you know the syndrome with the wait where what where the nursery rhyme says that he stuck in his thumb and pulled out a plum and said what a good boy am i he celebrated himself and that's what a lot of people do with their past success they end up celebrating themselves so now here is the first point those of you are taking notes is the realization of his strategic guidance the realization i want you to realize and when i use the word realize i'm just saying you gotta understand this is the norm with god now even though it is kind of uh exceptional with people talk we say i've heard from the lord you heard from god or yeah uh god spoke god spoke to you because it is not common in the christian world for people to say they have gotten direction from the lord however it is common in scripture look at this working definition that we will have for tonight it is divine strategic guidance is a series of maneuvers timely directions from god coordinating circumstances and people to bring to pass the will and purposes of god for mankind keep it up there because i want to go through this when i'm talking about strategic guidance i'm saying that god will give me a series of maneuvers timely directions from god coordinating circumstances and people to bring to pass the will and purposes of god for mankind i gave you some illustrations last time uh of of of how i've watched god do that in my own life telling me to go in a bank at this particular time telling me to ask for this particular person and it was because god had a certain person there that would help me at that particular time i've watched it all kinds of situations and it is because i realize who am i talking to tonight that i realize that god wants to give you direction for your life strategic direction that will lead you on the path of destiny and success somebody need to reach out and grab that and say i receive that in jesus name now i see this encompassed in ephesians chapter 2. now i'm going to give you a lot of scripture tonight and here's why faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of god so i cannot build you up in faith by giving you a bunch of cliches i gotta read the word to you the power is in the word for we are his own work in his own handiwork his workmanship created and recreated in christ jesus born anew that we may do those good works with god watch this predestined plan beforehand watch this for us taking path which he prepared ahead of time that we should walk in them living the good life which he prearranged and made ready for us to live so it does not look like god is a last-minute god that he's trying to put your life together your family together things together at the last minute he trying to cook some up for you no no no no that's not how god operates but what god does and i want you to get this because i see many of you stuck i see many of you in a rut you're in a rut because you don't want to miss it and you don't want to make a mistake watch this and so rather than to do anything you just kind of at that standstill and but no more no more no more are you going to be able to i'm going to give you a simple technique about how to hear recognize god talking to you god leading you and god guiding you now if you have not shared this you need to share this with somebody because tonight will be a night like none other so let's look at the documentation of the strategic guidance in the bible using scripture now because it is there in documented precepts as well as documented patterns or examples uh proverbs 16 11 it says there watch this thou will show look at this now i will show me the path of thy presence come on i need you all to stay with me now presence in fullness of joy and at that that will show me the path of life he will show you the path for your life in thy presence his fullness of joy at thy right hand their pleasures forever more let's go to the next scripture yes you are my rock and my fortress therefore for your name's sake lead me and guide me psalmist is saying you're going to lead me and guide me for your name sake and that's also encapsulated in psalms 23 psalms 23 i have it here from the amplified the lord is my shepherd to feed guide and shield me i shall not lack he makes me lie down in fresh tender green pastures he leads me besides the steel and restful waters amen and amen all right watch this he refreshes and restores my soul he leads me in the past of righteousness uprightness and right standing with him not for my uh earning it but for his namesake isn't that a blessing child of god that he'll do it for his namesake he'll do it because you belong to him he wants to get you he wants to guide you stay with me tonight you got to stay with me tonight on this because some of your careers are on hold because you need to hear from god some ministries are on hold because you need to hear from god you know certain relationships you follow me are on hold because you need to hear from god and it's my job to show you how to do it i will instruct come on let's look at this next passage i will instruct you this is god saying i will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go oh my god that's powerful this is god's promises and i got to look at this and realize that god wants to lead me get somebody right there and copy that i realize now he wants to direct my life amen i want to realize i'm just a revelation no i realize this i have settled with this thing i have embraced it watch this that he really and he will counsel you and guide he will watch over you all right here's another one he leads the humble in what is right and he and the humble he teaches his way so again scripture after scripture after scripture saying god wants to lead you he wants to give you strategic moves strategic guidance where he's arranging things and he'll have you in the right place at the right time and it's going to amaze you and you're going to understand this is nothing but god ah i mean come on i'm going to guess i'm getting to get started on that i'm going to calm down i'm gonna gotta calm down let's look at this next one here and the lord shall guide you continually oh watch this continually and satisfy you and drought and in dry places and make strong your bones amen so i can look for him the guy and you should be like a watered garden and like a spring of water whose water still not be quiet because i'm being guided by god or that shouting stuff amen now look at what paul writes how be it when he watch this the spirit of truth has come this is the role of the holy spirit the role of the holy spirit is not to make you just feel good that's okay but the role of the holy spirit is he will guide you in all truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak i want you to hold on to that and he will show you things to come he'll glorify me and he shall receive of mine and he shall show it unto you now i know a lot of when you get to that a lot of people get real spooky but we're not gonna get spooky on that tonight because we understand that god wants to do this he's gonna do it by his spirit i'm going to show you how the spirit of god works so let's look at some documented patterns you're going to like this part you don't like this part as i'm i'm going through the scripture now and i'm seeing the patterns here of of god he deals with david at ziglag and at dick lag after a horrible defeat and loss of their families to their enemies david requests god's wisdom to pursue and reclaim their possessions yeah yeah he he he said he puts himself i'm getting a little ahead of myself but now david is a trained warrior he knows how to fight he got it he's been in battle after battle and yet he won't move until he gets a word from the lord yeah he needs a strategic plan from the lord let's look and see what happens there in psalms in in samuel 30. and david was greatly distressed for the people spake of stoning him because all because the soul of all the people was grieved every man for his sons and his daughters they were all taken captive but david encouraged himself and the lord is god and that's what i'm going to get you to do tonight and david said to abetharth the priest a himalayan son i pray thee bring me here the ephod and abiathar uh brought the uh other fought to david and david they thought well this is the kind of consecration it was a garment that they put on when they were you know consecrating themselves to god wanting to hear from god and he choir inquired at the lord he prayed he prayed now he prayed that's what we're going to do tonight saying shall i pursue after this troop shall i overtake them and he answered him pursue for thou shalt surely overtake them and without fail recover all i'm showing you he went to god for direction and god answered his prayer then there's the david at the story of david uh at bill perez now like this you know bill perezman is the place of breakthrough that's what they'll present actually mean i'm trying to get my handkerchief here yeah the the place of breakthrough and so look what happens here put the scripture up there let me read and david inquired of the lord saying shall i go to the philistines without deliver them into mind now this is a warrior see that's why it says don't lean on your own understanding what work before may not work right now i need up-to-date strategic guidance from god hey glory hey carla i see you girl yeah i need up to date you know i um i've been walking with god for years since i was a kid a church 37 years old been in ministry since i'm 10 years old um my sons and my spiritual sons and daughters always wonder dad how come you stay current because i'm like david i'm not i've got some yeah i got some trophies yeah i got some battle trophies but i'm not going to move until i get a specific direction from the lord and i'm going to show you how well come on show no i can't rush this i can't rush this like i said i got to get you in faith because i want this to happen for you all right luke says he said he says uh and the lord said david go up and i will doubtless watch this delivered the philistines into thy hand and david came to bill perez and david smote them there and said the lord hath broken forth upon my enemies before me as the breach of waters therefore he called the name of that place bill perezm or the place of breakthrough and there they left their images and david and his men burned them watch this and the philistines came up yet again and spread themselves in the valley of reform and when david inquired of the lord he's still getting i'm going to make a point on this see he's getting directions from the lord and it's being progressively revealed now see that's what that's what bothers a lot of folks i don't god tell me the whole thing right now he may not he may not he don't have to and look how he's dealing with david all right he says uh and the philistines came up yet again and spread themselves in the valley of rephaem and when david inquired of the lord he said thou shalt go up thou shalt not go up but fetch a compass behind them and come up upon them against the morbid is god giving direct specific instruction and let it be when thou hearst the sound of the going zone or the wind uh uh in the tops of the mulberry trees then thou shalt watch this bestow thyself for then shall the lord go out before thee to smite the host of the philistines and david did so he followed the specific directions he got from the lord amen so we're going to be playing but we're not going to be praying to miss it we're going to be praying to get specific directions from the lord look at what god talks to jeremiah now i'm going to i'm taking you this route and i already told you i'm not trying to rush this one i got to get you in faith don't you want to know how to hear god in your situation for your family for your career for your health well that's what we're going to be praying for we're praying so yeah you quit running behind this prophet and that prophet and they all all they should be doing is confirming what you already know amen but i'm going to show you how to do it all right that stay with me now and the word of lord came unto me tell a jeremiah and saying before i formed in the belly i knew then before thou came before out of the moon my sanctified beard ordained be a prophet to the nation then said i oh lord god i cannot speak for i am a child god is speaking to a child here and the lord said unto me saying that i am a child for thou shalt go to all that i shall send thee and what shall i command thee thou shall speak be not afraid of their faces for i am with thee to deliver thee saith the lord wow amen now you got to look at this one let's look at noah i'm gonna look at noah noah gets strategic guidance from the lord look at this passage and the earth was so corrupt before the lord and the earth was filled with violence and god looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all flesh was corrupted had corrupted his way uh and uh and little and god said noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold i will destroy them with the earth make me make thee an ark of gopher wood all right he's giving him specific details go forward rooms thou shalt make in the ark thou shall pitch it within and without with pitch yet telling them how to do it and this is the fashion which thou shalt make of it the length of the ark shall be 300 cubits the breath of bed 50 cubits and the height of its 30 wow he is giving him detail directions and dimensions when the shalt thou make to the ark and and may and in a cubit uh thou shall finish it above and the door of the ark thou shall set it in the side thereof with lower and second and third stories thou shalt make it what am i saying here i want you to get this now look at the specific directions that god has given noah now if god can give him specific directions derek he can give it to you amen i don't believe in this i'm missing it i don't believe in missing it because i see two minor times in scripture where god revealed the plan i'm gonna get to that i'm gonna get to that that's why you can't jump off on this one you got to stay on this one now there uh in the new testament uh there in acts it says there you got this and now that was in damascus and disciple named ananias and the lord said unto him in the vision ananias and he answered here my lord and the lord said to him get up and go to the street axe and go to the street call straight and ask of the house of judas for a man of uh for a man of tasha's name saul and behold he's praying there he has seen a vision of a man named ananias wow what is this god is giving him specific instructions he giving him the glory he's giving him the place he's giving him the name he's giving him he's setting up this divine rendezvous and if god could do it for him he can do it for you also you can see it hey pastor andrews i see it now i see you there and then if he can do it and he did the same thing for phillip so now let's move on because i got to teach you a teaching point i want you to see the dynamics of the strategic guidance what do you mean the dynamics of the street guidance number one strategic guidance spans dispensations in other words i can see god giving this guidance strategic guidance strategic maneuvers for the believer in every dispensation now dispensation is just a point in time uh that god choose to deal with man in a certain way that's all that big theological word means but here's the next point i want you to see is and that's why i wanna lord told me to drive this one home strategic guidance has specific details it has specific details now now the reason i'm driving this home is because i don't believe in missing it i don't believe in this i don't believe in missing it i don't believe in guessing with this guard or not huh how you know how you know i'm glad you asked anything that is detrimental to my life god is obligated to let me know with crystal clarity otherwise he cannot hold me accountable anything that is detrimental in other words if i don't make this turn it's going to mess up my destiny my future god is obligated to let me know otherwise he can't hold me accountable but anything that is critical and it is important to my life he's obligated to let me know otherwise he cannot hold me accountable i'm asking this pastor's all the time asked me this and i say okay let's take three doors door number one door number two doorman three and i need to make a decision which door to go through well if either one of these doors door number one door number two door number three if either one of these doors is critical to my life god is obligated to let me know with crystal clarity door number one is the door i got to go through otherwise he cannot hold me accountable if he does not make it crystal clear i shouldn't have to guess number three there's a second let's say one of these doors is detrimental whatever door is detrimental and i should not go through it god is obligated to let me know with crystal clarity now i always get asked this question well what if god says nothing then that means this particular decision is not critical or detrimental to your destiny therefore therefore wisdom must prevail well this is good teaching therefore wisdom must prevail all right now i want you to be in faith for specific details now these specific details will come all right they will be given to you either initially when you hear from god or they will be given to you incrementally now look at when we look at david watch this he gives david incremental details he doesn't tell him about the mulberry trees and all of that sort of thing until he has followed those initial directions you got it okay um he gives moses he gives noah specific details up front build this off this way he tell him was going to rain until later he tell him about the animals and all that until later but in the beginning he just gives him uh the the plan this is giving plan now what about me are you asking god for details are you just saying lord guide me see you're not in faith for the details you're not in faith glory to god help me jesus you're not in faith for god to give you step by step um uh uh he's not united faith for him to give you the detail steps let me give you some illustrations so god tells me to buy that it's time for me to purchase the car i go all over the place now i'm leaning on my own understanding put my little plan together i go i can ride all over town that sort of thing no no no no no all that sort of thing then i get on my knees before god god you told me it's time what should i do he says you never asked me which bank to go to okay so i asked him and the bank my favor was right down the street i've been riding all over town and my favor is right down the street so all he told me what my bank was i walk in the bank now this is strategic now because i walk in the bank and the banker walks up to me this is a strategic rendezvous and the banker walks up to me and i didn't call him and says preacher what can i do for you today there ain't none but god and i sat down god forged the relationship of favor with me and that banker laying up larry williams that lasted for years are you listening to me now are you listening to me then love city all god told me to do was to buy it he didn't tell me he didn't tell me about the east campus he didn't tell me to put love city there i had to walk this thing out after he told me to buy it then he gave me the directions he said put love city here so i'm thanking him for love city but i'm waiting for direction i'm waiting for more specific direction and then god gave me the direction of how to use the facility that was there to transform it and repurpose it and since we have done that it has increased in value they gave it to me today it has increased its value by the millions okay pray the lord praise the lord praise the lord okay what i'm trying to get you to see is he's not obligated to give you the next detail until you follow the first detail and you got to be comfortable that he will give you details on a need to know information on a need-to-know basis god said by the jet that first jet we bought go buy it god i don't have appointments i ain't either i ain't asking about deployments i just told you to go and obey me well i did and once i obeyed him i never had to pick up the phone and ask people can i come can i no no boom boom boom i mean uh uh invitations start coming all right the superstructure god showed me the land told me to buy the land we first started looking at the land it was worth it was uh being sold at two point some million dollars we could not work out a deal but i didn't get off my faith and at the right time [Music] i'm telling you this strategic guidance is amazing at the right time they come back to me and they have dropped it a million eight hundred thousand what yeah and they dropped it and we bought it for three hundred and forty four thousand four hundred and one dollars i will never forget that but i had to follow the same i had to follow the detail i was given and see most people don't want to knock on that door that that that uncertain door go in this bank at this time and ask for this person ask for the president when i go in there that's all he told me to do was ask for the president i asked for the president and they said well here's t this guy's taking the president's calls this is another bank at another time was buying a bus and so i do that had i not asked for the president that they would have given me somebody else but because i asked for the president this particular banker was handling all of the president's calls because the president was out on vacation and because i asked for the president this man is taking his call well why is this man important because this man was the best ministry captain at his church jesus i'm talking about how i watch god calls rendezvous i'm about to prophesy over your life tonight that god is about to bring you into the company of the people that you need to know that the knowledge of the things that you need to know but you've got to be willing to follow that first step let me move on i think i'm i might have to break this lesson up uh into another lesson because yeah let me let me move on let me know all right the strategic that's just teaching here's my next point the strategic strategic guidance has sovereign designs design now what do you mean i mean it's time sensitive i mean god's moving people he's do it so you got to be comfortable that god's moving people and everybody unfortunately will not obey god and you got to pray them free and many times god has to use a replacement yes he does he has to use a replacement but that's all right that ain't my that ain't my part that's his part my part is to be where god wants me when god wants me there and understand he's at work behind the scene even when i can't see it and then as i was talking to pastors it may have been pastors don't know who has talked to him i was telling him about okay watch this um we were trying to um rent a build and lease a building and um god told me to go talk to this person uh this particular landlord about building and this guy tells me i will never lease anything to a church never forget it he was a person he said i'll never lease anything to a church never had a nice big building i really we could remodel the nation never okay okay okay so you know we were in another building and boy this my landlord lost the bill into the uh resolution trust company years ago they didn't want us there they wanted to put us out and that sort of thing and boy we were fighting with them oh it was bad it was real bad and uh so the resolution trust put the uh put the building up for sale for a little or nothing because that was their role to just get rid of property that they had repossessed from banks and so uh now they didn't repossess it from us they repossessed from the landlord landlord couldn't pay it and that was economic downturn uh back there in the 80s all right the lord said call that landlord and ask him to buy this complex for you yes i called him real estate agent i said listen i need you to call him and tell him i i need to talk to him because i want him to buy this he said he didn't you hit a man the man said he would never lend any money to he would never lease a building to the church a church he said that i said i heard him but i also know what god told me i said i need you to he said well i'm not gonna do it i said okay i get somebody else and when they enjoying the uh uh the commission you're gonna be sitting on the side i said what do you have to lose if he says no he just says no i called the man he called the man arranged the meeting and then lord told me how to tell him talk to the man to tell the man if you buy this resolution trust company is selling the dirt cheap my rent alone will pay the whole note all i want you to do is to agree to sell it to me at a certain time for a certain price we're going to agree to that in advance the man that has no words man all that hang on he said what i said preach if you just give me your word that you're gonna stay in the in the building and we're gonna follow this thing through i'll do it what so that means that no i'm talking to somebody because you gotta know and you got discouraged you don't understand maybe god is setting something up for your future somebody ought to say amen to that somebody ought to say amen to that and that is what happened me and that guy became great friends we became great friends i'm telling you oh i'm telling you we became great friends um he asked for prayer oh my god i think he's going back to persia uh but while he was in america i mean it was just an amazing relationship god set it up because i obeyed him so now let's recognize look at the recognition of his strategic guidance that's the diversity of the voices of god the multiple ways that god speaks number one he speaks to us through his written word and his written word becomes the foundation for everything he can't speak to you audibly and i've heard the audible voice of god but i don't hear the whole time second he speaks through the gifts of the spirit all right thirdly he speaks to the witness of the spirit that we're going to talk about that tonight he speaks through watch this the ministry gifts he speaks through angelic messengers and he speaks through visions and dreams now i don't want to confuse you and that sort of thing because the my focus is this dissipation this dispensational designated voice of god now what do you mean look at uh uh uh proverbs 20 and 27 the spirit of man is the candle of the lord the spirit of man is the candle of the lord the candle of the lord if i wanted to go it through a dark place i need a candle and he says my spirit is the candle of the lord you are spirit beings you live inside of a physical body you possess a soul but you have a spirit you are a spirit being now look now in in this next passage because i'm about to link these all together how be he when the spirit of truth has come he will guide you into all truth and he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak in this dispensation god's going to guide you by his holy spirit and i'm going to show you how it's done and he'll show you things to come he'll glorify me he shall receive of mine receiver of god and show it unto you now look at this next passage here all right it says for as many as are led by what the spirit of god they are the sons of god we ought to be led by the spirit of god but that's not being spooky come on let's look at this next passage now all right see god's guidance is universal for us all it's universal uh through the scripture but then it's uniquely offered to the saints through his spirit it's unique now well let's look at this uniqueness but as it is written i have not seen the ear hurt now you might need to go listen to this again you might just get uh uh i i've seen we heard neither in the heart of man the things with god had prepared ahead of time for them that love him but god hath revealed them guidance unto us by his spirit for the spirit searches the deep things yea the deep things of god for what man knoweth the things of a man save the spirit of man which is in him he's drawn to parallel he says your spirit knows about you first even so the things of god knoweth no man but the spirit of god so god's spirit the holy spirit knows the things of god now we have not received the spirit of the world but we receive the spirit of which is of god for what reason that i may run up and down the other uh the aisle no what reason have i received the spirit of god that i may shout and break chairs know that i might know the things that are freely given to us of god now watch this now i'm gonna put it all together i'm gonna show you how you put it together and you're gonna be amazed proverbs chapter 16. it says roll your works upon the lord commit and trust him holy to him he will cause now when we're talking about he in our dispensation that he is the holy spirit he will cause your thoughts to become agreeable to his will and so shall your plans be established and succeed did y'all get that andrews did you get it i want you to get it look what he says now look what he says now everybody need to get this one when i roll my works upon the lord i'm saying god i'm trusting in you we're gonna do that tonight god i need direction i need strategic direction from you i want you to give me step by step what to do what she says he said commit them to him holy trust in him he's gonna start working with what my spirit oh really he's gonna work with your spirit he'll cause your thoughts well how is that gonna happen first the what the holy spirit has he's going to give it to your human spirit the candle of the lord is your spirit and he's going to reveal it to your thought life and you're going to start thinking differently and you're gonna have to trust your thoughts see that ain't spooky now if i'm full of the word i ain't gonna have some crazy thought i'm not gonna violate the word i see legon say i got it and see what i've got to be willing to do is act on the thought there was something said no no no it ain't something if i'm walking as i i'm going to talk about this a little bit if i've repositioned myself properly i know that wasn't some foreign thought you got it i didn't have to have an angel knock on my door because i understand how he works he holy ghost will cause my thoughts to become agreeable with the will the plan of god for my life so shall my plans be established and succeed so shall step by step i will walk this thing out vincent i see you out there son i see you out there all right watch this and that's it i mean i'm telling i mean i i'm telling you that that that's how it's done i've watched it over and over i mean um because i'm i've committed it to him he's source and sustainer of my life god you're gonna get the credit you're gonna get the glory out of it watch this now my thoughts are open to be influenced infused by what the holy spirit wants so now let's receive this strategic guidance understanding the repositioning of the father look there in uh revelation i've got i'm closing y'all up close after this writing of revelations i looked the whole the door was open in heaven and the first voice which i heard was as it were trumpet talking to me which says come up hither jesus and i'll show you the things which uh uh must be here after and immediately i was in the spirit i'm talking to somebody tonight it's time to come up hither what do you mean i'm going all the way back lean not till i don't understand come up heather position yourself so that you can learn to trust the thoughts that the spirit of god gives you i tell everybody all the time they think i'm joking holy ghost make me look so smart oh my god he makes me look so smart he makes me look brilliant i mean when god told me he says now you put love city at that east campus i go to my architect and i said god said put love city at the at the uh at the east campus see if everything we want to do will fit he said because back smiling say you may you'll be amazed pastor everything we want to do will fit right there wow i remember when i'm um i'm uh uh when god gave me details on how to build the superstructure what god gave you the details yes he sure did he gave a detail of moses how to build how come he can't give me the details well you've never been you've never been uh uh to college to be an architect you're not an engineer i know i'm not but i hear god it was first designed to be a 3000 seater i'm standing in crenshaw praising god at one of the fig wifi conferences and god says the building is too small i said myself you could told me that earlier he says no use the same footprint and make it seat five thousand i went back to architect i said god says the building is too small he wants to be it's to be 5 000 seats i said but he said don't change the footprint she said huh i said don't change the footprint i'm praying for you he'll inspire your mind how to get it done and that's why the furthest seat away in our 5 000 seater is closer than any 5 000 seater you'll probably see in the country because god let me wrap this up y'all let me read come up hither i want you to trust your thoughts amen amen so the bible teaches us this resolve of faith to hear god starts speaking to little samuel and samuel thought it was eli and then uh elijah tells him the next time you hear that voice i want you to make this declaration and say behold uh thy servant hearst speak for thy servant heareth and that's what i'm going to get you to do after we pray tonight i see your goddamn i'm looking at my comments now come up here that's right patricia why i'm going to start walking at a new level and here's my declaration where you declare i have the wisdom of god i have divine discernment i hear the father's voice and i think correctly and make wise choices yeah god is inspiring my mind amen every situation see you're gonna start trusting your thoughts that's what you're gonna do bible says then a man like wisdom let him ask your god and he'll give it to you so my whole point tonight as we prayed and i'm wrapping this up tonight because i i knew i wasn't going to be able i said my prayer tonight is all we're doing now is declaring god i need to hear your voice in this area i need strategic guidance in this area and then expect god to inspire your thoughts now if you feel with the holy ghost you know what you need to do you just need to pray in the spirit now i can take you back to that same scripture and it says which things also we speak not in the words that man teaches but which the holy ghost teaches now that's an added part there that i'm when i'm praying in the holy spirit and that's what i do when i need this direction from the lord i'm praying in the holy spirit i'm committing to the process of god and my thoughts become agreeable to israel i hope you all got this father in jesus name tonight we pray and we declare amen that we hear your voice and your thoughts our thoughts have become agreeable with your will concerning strategic guidance and trouble situations that we're facing we hear your voice concerning uh uh and uh and and you are infused in our thoughts with strategic guidance concerning ministry matters we we we thank you lord you said bring it to you with thanksgiving so we thank the lord in advance our thoughts are becoming agreeable with your will concerning relationship matters concerning our careers and god we're asking you for detailed step-by-step incremental things trusting this whole process to you and the lord we thank you for for financial matters you're giving us details of financial matters leading us to the right people causing the right rendezvous that jesus name for incredible increase and for that we give you praise thank you lord jesus i just need y'all to agree with me now tonight thank you lord jesus for strategic guidance and health matters so i will do those things that are profitable for my health the health of my family the help of my children in the name of jesus and so father i commit myself to you i roll it all on you i'll not worry i repent of any sin that would block me hearing from you and i trust the forgiveness process and in jesus name father i make of myself no reputation and in the name of jesus father i will boldly obey you and take the initial step even if it doesn't make sense to anybody else i understand your hand is at work and god we declare your fingerprint ah jesus is on our lives and it will be a testament to our families and to our generation and we will say it is the lord's doing marvelous in our eyes oh god i hope y'all got that tonight yeah yeah yeah ah going with that guy whoo i'm going to finish it up ah i see i'm looking at one of my producers he out here shouting to amen amen i'm telling you we don't guess this thing out we walk it out amen you stay in it's offering time y'all know i got to get out of here y'all know i got to get off out of here it's offering time and we've already decided what we're gonna do we're gonna name our seed that is what we do only each time we name our seed those are the cash apps if this bless you tonight please sow a seed amen we don't buy blessings from the lord what we do is we give because we honor him as source and sustainer of our life that's how i do it with my substance and then we give because it's expected of the lord we can see all throughout the bible he says when when you come together he says bring an offering then it eradicates my lack i attack my lack every time i give because he says whatever i give in the kingdom he's going to multiply it back to me good measure press down shaken together and running for i give because it establishes my loyalty to god yes it does and then they express us my love to god are we going to give tonight yes let's give and let's name our seed i don't know what you're going to name your seed but i name name your seed i i don't know what you're going to name it but i want everybody to give something tonight and you give as god has directed you i mean it may be a hundred dollar seated maybe fifty dollars seated maybe five it may be ten it may be that fifty two dollar seed some of you already started giving today that fifty 52 seed you can use new life cash app or you can use my cash app and there are the other online ways of giving give and it has all of our giving platforms out there text new light to give 71441 five oh my god jesus um to new light church you'll see dr eyes picture there in fellowship paypal or zell or mail it in or and those of you in houston you want to drop it by the church you feel free to do so but tonight was powerful all right now we know you know what we do we give and then we get right back on and tell and and declare seed song as we encourage so somebody said just a guidance strategic guidance seed sown i see that yeah yeah territorial seed loretta says that's what she's naming hers let's name that seed amen amen hallelujah amen amen next week i'm gonna come back on like i said this is not something that i could just handle in one shot and that's why i'm building your faith on it because i want you to be in faith as we see in the bible that god will give me step by step i follow one step he'll give me the next detail i'll follow that he'll give me the next detail i follow that he'll give me the next detail and that's how i've done it and so even now like i said i've done many things but i don't just hold off and do them i go okay god what do you want me to do how you want me to go about this and so uh i'm in a time right now where i'm in prayer i'm in consecration because uh i am redesigning some things you know we were there and i am there i'm still at church with dr i to help her and uh and and that sort of thing she's doing such a great job i'm being more free now to develop him ministries uh doctor i mean pastor uh uh uh bridget is uh an eye together that's our him ministry and so listen hey we i mean it's time to do new things together and of course her new office uh for her foundation is going to be at love city i'm believing to be totally finished with love city by uh by labor day totally finished with love city by labor day i just need you and agree bit with me all right y'all releasing your seed amen a clear direction seed that's pastor andrews yes yeah guarding light seed that's darren i see that daring all right who else is out there sewing amen uh philip gibbons hey philip amen strategic guide and seed song that's it we know this is a kingdom moment like i said this is not i mean we don't play with we don't play with this we're just this is a kingdom moment and boy when you understand that revelation tonight i mean it it changes the trajectory of your life amen and you got to watch it you will watch it but you got to learn now how he does it you see i don't i don't make i don't try to make guess what god is trying to tell me in a dream guess what god now i do have dreams i have dreams where god will say to me in a dream don't do this or don't do that or will let me know in the dream and when i wake up out of the dream based on the spirit my spirit the peace that i have or the trouble that i have i understand that god and i always tell god god make it crystal clear make it crystal clear somebody need to hear that and he and he does and i know he makes it crystal clear and i know he can let me know that an attack is coming and i understand when that i understand that and uh i cover my family i cover things because i know god says an attack is on it's it's coming so uh but i got to get into that like i said i can't do it all in one time because i go way over my time if i did that and i only like these to last for one hour only like that's the last one hour and we did most of our time teaching now what you're gonna have to do is go back and listen to this let this saturate in your spirit let this get down in your spirit but you'll understand this is god's plan this is god's plan so now i am going to uh i'm going to believe for god's guidance so i see you calling you no ground i'm in agreement with you amen amen eric say his seed is sewn patricia says her seed is sewn and had it said her seed is sown and that's that's it let's this is a lesson that god taught me in a little raggedy building gonna put my building up there y'all thought i had forgotten my building but i have not come on this is where god taught me how to listen to his voice amen how to try to listen to his voice and how to prosper right where i was amen i can hardly wait for uh uh august the 19th and the 20th when we have our faith summit it's on a friday it's on thursday and friday it's a hybrid service i want you to go and register those of you in town i want you to show up even of course if you're not a member of the light but you're partnering with me here on monday nights i want you to show up i've got pastors who are flying in for those two days it's going to be worth it to sit there in that anointing it's going to be worth it i'm telling you i've i'm telling you it's it's it's an amazing thing years ago you know ladybird britain and i you know we didn't have the virtual audience of virtual abilities we we travel we would go to tulsa we'd go to crenshaw we would travel because we understood the sitting under the anointing and saturating ourselves with the word of god will make all the difference so some of you got time it's go thursday and friday so you got time to plan you got time to get everything together so that we can be in the house uh and be ready to to hear it live under the anointing those of you can't get here we're gonna you're gonna be online with us we're gonna have one of the greatest times of teaching uh and ministry we've ever had are you all growing how do you all do you all feel you're growing in the things of god just by being with us hey spreeway he said he says uh elder elders pretty well uh strategic directions seed song you know i love you buddy amen amen what tonight was such a good i've been waiting all morning all day to get this to you when lord spoke it to me and remember next week will be part three next week will be part three uh and i'm gonna show that connection how being filled with the holy spirit is more than me just uh you know feeling good but it's my connection with the supernatural so as i pray in the spirit i'm gonna show you to you in the word and i'm gonna show you how to walk in this thing amen amen and amen all right somebody's out there struggling obeying god you are you struggling i have you in my spirit you're struggling to obey god with your giving come on don't do that don't do that go on and obey god whatever that amount is you obey god amen and amen and amen you'll be god do it now do it now don't you can't wait you can't wait you can't wait you can't wait now there's some of you you're watching this later and you're saying what should i give now of course you should amen when you hear this and you see this word and we had some incredible numbers tonight because the anointing of this thing was so powerful and what i need you to do i need you to share it with somebody else tell somebody else you need to hear this teaching uh from apostle hillary it's going to radically change your life on how to seek the guidance of the lord father in the name of jesus we thank you for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen all right put the link up there put the link up there so you can go to the link get your download i just want to feed you the word of god and uh together we're going to stay in faith and we're going to stay focused we'll watch god work love you this was awesome tonight this was awesome
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 481
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Id: u-iYLHNOod0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 0sec (3900 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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