Maximized Prayer: Praying for Breakthroughs

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well come on in the room this is the day the lord's made and i will rejoice be glad in it come in the room and let me know who you are where you're watching us from we're getting ready to do kingdom business tonight cheryl hello she's in linda college my girl how are you and that's danielle how are you danielle and the joyous and amen my crew my regular crew everybody come on in the room tonight's going to be good night's going to bless you i guarantee you that got a word from the lord and uh no it's gonna bless you amen so our numbers are going up let's see how numbers are right there let me know so ramona frost here in houston and marcus all right and michael and and that my regular crew amen so good so good so good so good amen all right listen uh we're going to make some great announcements tonight i'm telling you i'm most thrilled i'm on i'm hyped tonight i really am hey tyrone are we good at taiwan it's good to see you the other night of the other night of the day a saturday a man with your little boy with your little girl oh my god would you look with your little girl at the little poo thing it was good hey man real proud of you young man proud of all these young man i got to do something maybe to have all of these young men and women who kind of grew up in the light who are now uh they are now have their own families i'm going to talk to bridget about doing something to have them all over uh many of them they found their mate right there at the light and uh that's just so good we gotta do something to have them all over and uh if y'all if they'd be interested in it but just to see where how all of them had grown up and uh many of them have become very very successful hello past pedro good to have you with us y'all see i'm back in houston now i'm back in houston y'all see my background this is i'm back in houston so all this where like i began to put my pen here put that out the way i'm back in houston uh we have uh lady b and i have bought us a home in uh in a second home uh in a vacation home in florida but i'm not moving to florida not moving to florida i am a texan amen i am not a floridian i am a texan amen praise the lord i want to get on just a little early i need everybody to like and share it hello andrea good to see you and colin so good to see my girls the other day got a chance to hug him amen all right uh uh um i need everybody to share i don't know whether facebook is doing something with that but uh with something but our numbers were down uh and i've looked at other ministries and that number's been down too so i don't know whether they got some kind of filter or not lady b how you doing she's out of town with a friend of hers praise the lord lady b miss your girl amen miss you girl it's the same without you ah praise the lord i got to get focused got to get focused lakeisha all right well yeah like you said she would love that uh for us to get all my young people together and just to have good fellowship with you i'm looking forward to it hello miss cheleta shall let her miss you girl all right amen hallelujah y'all i tell you tonight i am really really happy about what we are going to be talking to you about tonight going to pray a little differently tonight but the lord told me give me my assignment and that is to raise your expectation for breakthrough raise your expectation for breakthrough and that is it miss your apostle love you eternally that's my girl talking back to me amen praise the lord now um you all know on the 21st on the 21st we have the upcoming um master class and it's going to be a faith boot camp there it is the faith booth camp cultivating courageous faith now uh with that with that of course it will have a flavor of the brick of breakthrough because that is what god told me to focus on building your faith for a time of breakthrough like we've never seen before now there's if you have that commercial now why the commercials plan i need y'all to like it and share it come on let's share let's let's get our numbers way up there tonight before i start giving you this revelation on breakthrough so dez if you were ready i want you to go on and just play the spot this very short spot uh but come on everybody let's like and share like and share somebody from north houston i see you there cara i see you bobby and deborah amen glory to god yes anytime well i'm going to do it i've replaced the season of faith tours of the past few years of traveling uh from church to church to teach faith with the virtual faith master classes now our may 2021 virtual faith master class is a faith boot camp on cultivating courageous faith now whenever i have taught lessons like this i have seen immediate transformation and boldness i want you to join me may the 21st 7 p.m central time for this virtual faith teaching that's going to revolutionize your life now for free registration that's right free registration and to receive your master class worksheet and to secure your place in the virtual master classroom text there it is on the screen mcfbc2714441 i'm saving a seed for you in the faith boot camp master class don't miss it no don't miss it don't miss it it's going to be free the 21st that's a friday uh and uh you'll be probably getting something in the mail from me real soon we call it our mega card i'm sending you a mega card uh just a reminder of you of a reminder of it so the back of that mega card of course is some of the advertisements for our in fact a special advertisement for uh some of the uh matrixes that we've done thank matrix boldness matrix hey i want you all to follow through on those man i'm telling you i am one happy fella uh we are about 95 percent finished with the girls dormitory at the at love city oh my god it is a beauty it is beautiful it exceeded my expectation larry roberson oh my god he has done an amazing and amazing job hello misha yes i'm telling you and so pretty soon i'll be giving you a virtual tour of that because it's going to blow your mind it really is it's going to blow your mind now if you have not registered for the boot camp i want you to do so i'm looking for record registration for this now you know when you register you get the item automatically you get the the worksheet that way you'll follow along with me while i'm teaching a boot camp is a short intense that's what it say it's an intense training so we're going to cover a lot of ground i'm thinking we're going to be about 90 minutes and it's going to be worth your time to see your faith go to a whole nother level i also saw some pastors out there uh on on the comment trip and listen why don't you get on the thread you mean some of you have never been on the thread come on get on the thread and say hello or do something don't just watch it come on you can do that let me know that you're out there but i saw some pastors and pastors we are having the uh apostles round table the 27th and 28th apostles round table 27 28 you'll be receiving something of course uh and boy we had a good conversation the other day carl said she just registered all right cara she said she registered for it oh look at everybody saying they're registered that's right i want you to pass it around i want you to let everybody know uh we are going to have this time together that's another one of my sons uh bobby hey man uh perham they're in chicago man i look forward to seeing you guys and and uh uh yeah really missing man it's just just amazing just how the pandemic kind of kept us apart but you know uh we we are still intimately connected by the spirit of god but i'm looking forward to laying my eyes on you real soon now tonight come on give me get ready because tonight is really really important because my faith message tonight to you is um on a breakthrough god says that this is a season of breakthrough now if i tell you god told me this i want you to think i'm just using that as religious rhetoric because i'm not but god said now and he that my assignment is to elevate your faith so that you will see faith breakthroughs in your life things that had you had been hanging that you've been you know been a long time coming to pass some things that are pretty much drastic you've got to have a miracle and i'm talking to some people who you got to have a miracle yes we believe in miracles god says that this is a season for that now how you see what god says to season cause that's what he told me now when god tells me something that it's not just for me to know it it's for me to share it that the breakthrough now our family has received five significant breakthroughs i i know it's not over but things that have taken a had been weird it's been standing in faith for boom came to fast things that were an emergency situation boom god moves quickly on it i'm telling you it's time it's time and so god does things like that so that he can encourage others faith so that's why i'm giving my testimony and because you know we have things all the time that happen and people always ask us they say you and lady b i guess you'll never have any challenges never that's not true you do not get at this level of faith you don't get at this level of faith without having significant challenges and attacks from the devil but we've learned how to overcome them and that's my assignment in your life to teach you how to overcome and teach you how to stand steadfast so that you can experience breakthrough now you know i've taught you this in the past but i want to cover it again that when i'm in faith i am believing for five five i have five justifiable expectations number one while i'm in faith i mean faith for god to give me a plan of action a plan of action that's it a plan of action number two when i'm in faith i am believing for god to give me wisdom the wisdom of god the wisdom of god number three when i'm in faith i am believing for the favor of god the favor of god now you need to remember these the favor of god number four i'm believing for the miraculous that's the miracle that miracle breakthrough then number five i am believing for strength to endure until change comes strength to endure until change comes now god says prepare the people for breakthroughs now how do you make prepared personal breakthrough preparing you for breakthrough is getting you to elevate your expectation elevate your faith elevate your believing so that you'll understand uh so you'll be in a position to see god work in your situation in a rapid form things are about to happen he said one guy told me i don't know how you can just get people's hope up i'm supposed to faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen now this is not false hope this is hope based on the word of god so that's the assignment tonight and tonight uh i want you to share it have you shared it have you shared it i need you to share tonight uh because tonight is i think i know it's going to be life-changing for you it's going to be life-changing for you and so i want you to share tonight yeah i need you to share it i need you to share it now do any now you are any only breakthroughs out there come on is is in it is that anything you have been standing in faith for that has taken longer than you thought it would take anybody in faith for something anybody need a breakthrough me to meet a miracle i mean we were talking uh with uh you know one family and they were saying that the doctor has sent uh you know uh sent the the member home and said you know they're now in god's hand if they don't receive a miracle may not make it well i'm telling you i'm speaking to you now i'm saying no no no don't you give up don't you rely don't you relax your faith stay in faith stand steadfast in faith so breakthrough is a term really that is you know really kind of self-explanatory defines yourself as by breaking free or breaking through whatever barriers that have been set before you and you know uh we are weird god says you're about to see it can i get some witnesses out there i'm watching you yeah i see you're saying yes you know uh somebody said they're needing some breakthroughs that's it now to need a breakthrough doesn't mean your faith is weak no no no no it doesn't mean that there's something wrong with you no no no no please don't understand that remember the bible says having done all the stand stands steadfast so when the faith fight is on that's not the time to give up that is the time to be steadfast and that's what i want to get you to do because now you've stepped over into miracle test territory miracle territory when the statistics are against you when everything seems to be and i'm not going to come to pass you got to know how to stand steadfast and be unmovable and watch god work i need somebody to testify that say amen why i'm i'm watching god work come on let's be in faith by saying it in faith i'm watching god work amen now so then uh as i was thinking about this tonight you know um you know we need breakthrough and they'll put this on the screen as i examine the reason for uh breakthroughs and that is that's the stressful trouble it is because of delayed manifestation uh because of unwarranted persecution right then their unexpected desertion somebody leaves you unimaginable disastrous things that you don't never could happen happens or unfulfilled expectations these are really the you know a spectrum of why we need breakthrough maybe you need a breakthrough please put it back up there maybe you need to break through because you know there's a delayed manifestation can anybody say amen to that there's a relationship uh that that that's been fraction that you want to see come back together it's been delayed unwarranted persecution i mean focus after you talking about you unwarranted persecution and you are ready for god to stop their lying mouths or possibly unexpected desertions means somebody walked out on your life somebody walked out on you that you never thought would walk out of your life or possibly walk all of your life walked out of your business walked out of your church i mean you lost some lost clients all right are unimaginable disaster and what i mean by that is you're facing where you've got to have a miracle uh it's a life or death situation this is not by accident that you're watching tonight because i believe something is going to happen tonight and tonight is going to set in motion breakthrough it's going to set him up unfulfilled expectations now let's get into this because when you know lady b and i we've learned how not to let our hearts be troubled because we have watched god work in so many situations that you know we we don't just we don't we don't we don't stress out jesus said let not your heart be troubled we just choose to believe that and act on it and i recently and i gave the testimony the other night and i'll give it again recently lady bridget and i were in faith for our second home in florida and so uh it's a vacation home no i'm not moving to florida it's a second home vacation home in florida and uh man uh you know every we had found the right house and all this sort of thing and we needed to close by the 30th we needed to close by the 30th and really the owner had changed his mind he didn't want to close the 30 he had some other things he decided he wanted to do he wanted us to back out the deal so we weren't going to close on the 30th then we could have possibly lost the deal and so uh of course you know we didn't have no credit problems or anything like that uh but that but the mortgage company required that we have two appraisals on the property well we and those appraisals had to be done so many days i think about three days before a closing well we already had one but then the second one oh my god it was ta he the second appraiser did get out there and everything looked like it wasn't going to happen in fact the people are there uh i think that the mortgage company or the title company one told us that the total lady because the people spearheading this thing told her that you need to get a plan b because it's just not going to happen it says and lady b would not move she said we'll close in third we will close on the 30th it will fund on the 30th and we will get our keys glory to god ladies i understand that but listen we and we if we don't have the second appraisal uh three days before we can before you want to close the 30th week it's not going to happen you know they're not going to do it the market the mortgage company is not going to do it and he said uh okay but so said but bridget wouldn't was steadfast why she had this witness from the lord now so now we just stepped over in the miracle testimony territory because territory because watch this now we're two days away and we still don't have the appraisal so in the minds of everybody there it says it can't happen it can't happen except lady b and myself now when lady b is in faith like this ain't no way i'm gonna talk out of it you follow me okay you know you can look at the facts oh my god this is what they say this is what but listen that's when god works the miracle when you're willing to stand on the conviction that you have in your heart when you're willing to take that stand and boy oh my god uh the lady from the mortgage company called bridget i think maybe two days out and say this has never happened she said never happened they have changed the policy instead of requiring two appraisals they only want one you already have one we have turned it in and it appears that you gonna close on the third what a breakthrough what a breakthrough yeah they changed the policy yeah well i think it's cohesive you think what you want to but the lady told us she'd been working for the company 20 years another bank said he never heard of that but you know it's kind of like what happened shadrach meshach and abednego uh you know the whole policy was changed in the in the in the whole government it benefited everybody else but it was changed because of shadrach meshach and abednego yeah divine favor i see somebody put that up there it was a breakthrough it was a breakthrough and guess what children of god we closed on the 30th just like she said it funded on the 30th just like she said and we had our keys on the 30th just like you said now that's only one of the breakthroughs i can't tell you the other four other four you know a lot of not as personal family stuff i can't tell you that but i can tell you about that one now so i want to put you in the mind of seeing god work supernaturally and it's not going to take long it's not going to take so let's get into the teaching number one let's talk about the dynamics of promised breakthroughs from the bible the bible says in psalms 34 many are the afflictions of the righteous but the lord delivereth him out of how many of them class out of them all psalms 50 and 15 we're just looking at the word god says when you're in trouble who's in trouble tonight god says he'll bring you out watch this they're in psalms 15 15 and call on me in the day of trouble who is this a day of trouble he says that i will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify me that's god talking to you tonight all right see we believe this look at psalms 91 i love this one it says call on me uh and he shall call on me and i will answer him i'll be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him that's psalms 91 and 15. we're going to come back to that one but i want you to get this that there is a promise from god that listen he will come to your rescue and you got to believe it you got to believe it now let's go to my next point which is the revelation of a breakthrough consciousness revelation of the breakthrough consciousness putting you in the mindset that it's not too late my god my god all right let's define breakthrough uh in a more detailed fashion breakthrough is a point in time when every spiritual and mental resistance and reservation is overcome once and for all that brings undisturbed peace persuaded assurance of timely manifestation now you know you can go back and look at this but i want you to let's break this down it is that point in time when every spiritual and mental resistance and reservation is overcome so it looks like there's a breakthrough watch this before manifestation there is a there is a mental and spiritual breakthrough whatever resistance the devil has put up whatever resistance your flesh has put up you get through that first that's overcome once and for all and it brings a place of peace uh watch this at a persuaded assurance of a timely manifestation somebody ought to hear me tonight all right all right right we we we're walking in high we're walking in deep water tonight deep water tonight watch this watch this because when we talk about breakthrough uh i want you to have an understanding there are two watch this two two types of breakthroughs first there is the mental breakthrough and then there's the manifested breakthrough the mental breakthrough and then there's the manifested breakthrough now what do you mean there in john chapter 8 jesus was teaching and he says this then said jesus those jesus believed on him but you continued my word if you continue in my word if you continue in my word then you my disciples indeed and you'll know the truth and the truth will make you free truth will make you free lies keep you in bondage truth makes you free lies keep you in bonded truth makes you free the devil's lie will keep you in bondage but the truth of god's word will set you free amen and amen now so there is this place of what's this mental breakthrough mental breakthrough kind of what happened with hannah hannah's there she's frustrated because she's barren she goes there she prays the prophet speaks a word over her life like i'm speaking over your life tonight she'll her countenance change breakthrough has taken place and even though she's not that does not have a child and even though she's not even pregnant she walks out of the temple that day with an assurance hey man amen that she's about to have a baby amen listen tonight i want you but by the end we by the end i'm believing some supernatural is going to happen to you tonight that the things that have been worrying you have been stressing you out those things that have been bothering you god i'm telling you breakthrough is going to happen you're going to have that peace that mental persuasion and assurance watch this mental persuasion and assurance that your manifestation is not going to be long it is on the way because the lord god promised it you know that is what happened to me years ago i'm in the little raggedy building y'all know i was gonna put my villain up here come on y'all know i'm in there and god begins to tell me about what he's going to do at my life watch this i got breakthrough there i got the mental breakthrough there because i knew that i knew that i knew that god would manifest those things which he promised and then then that was later of course the manifestation came put the collagen up there the places and that's not all of the buildings we have built and things we've done but that's just kind of a sign and just kind of show you that those things manifested what god said he would do in my life by me being a builder by me expanding the kingdom of god by me teaching thousands all of that came to pass but the peace of it came back there in the little building amen and then i watched god work time and time and time again giving me a plan of action giving me wisdom giving me favor i'm telling you what god has done in my life he's ready to do for you but but right but you got to believe it now let's let's do this let's look at some reflections of breakthrough conquest in other words let's kind of look at the word romans chapter 15 i love this passage it says whatever things were written before time were written for our learning that we through patience come from scriptures might have hope now what does all that mean that means god says the bible is not just a book of uh stories but they have been written category catalogued by the holy spirit so we could re we'd read them and it raised our level of expectation so when we look at the word of god we can see uh the profile of abraham's breakthrough abraham got a breakthrough got fully persuaded that god would give him a child in his old age we look at david's breakthrough he had so many of them that he was assured of victory at zig lag amen should have victory in other places uh because uh because he got this assurance from the lord even though outnumbered in some cases there in hannah's breakthrough i already told you about her then the disciples breakthrough when they decided watch this that they would not but they failed the test first in the middle of the storm they quit roaring and they started crying out to jesus don't you care we perish but the next time the bible says they just kept on rolling until jesus showed up who am i talking to you're going to stand in faith until you receive ronnie say i believe it after it says i believe it that's why i got to get you i got to get you in a place of high expectations amen amen and then of course there is the uh a profile of uh jehoshaphat y'all remember joseph that outnumbered by his enemies and uh god said uh i sent a prophet a prophetic voice totally breakthrough was him that the battle was not theirs but the lord and guess what they won the battle when the odds were against them who am i talking to tonight the odds seem to be against you statistics are against you that is when god shows our children but if it requires watch this it requires this restful assurance because you believe what god has said to you now watch this you believe what god has said to you what he said prophetically or whether you believe with it because you see it in the word or you believe it because you've heard that inner witness amen because some people say well i understand how she could just stand in faith later because stan in faith and it wouldn't hurt for her to get a plan b no no she didn't need the plan b she had a witness from the lord see if you got that witness for the lord you don't need a plan b amen to try to go to a plan b is to deny the word that you have now i'm not saying listen and we're going to talk about this as we go on but i'm trying to get you in a place of faith and understanding these pressure moments because that's in the pressure moment that is the ground for the supernatural breakthrough the pressure moment amen and amen now let's look at this next point because the next point that i want to talk with you about is the dynamic perspective on breakthroughs all right let's get a perspective because the bible is crystal clear let's look at this now that even the people of god will face trouble it's part of the human experience there is anybody tell you because you're a christian you'll never have a problem they're not telling the truth i read the other scriptures earlier many are the afflictions of the righteous so job says a man born a woman a few days full of trump y'all don't even tell you that because you're having trouble amen and you're a believer but we must understand it's the will of god for us to overcome it's the will of god for us to overcome trouble is so common let's look at i call it the societal misconception uh about times of trouble and let's let's look at this because uh trouble is so common to the human experience that i can safely say that you're either facing coming trouble or you are in the midst of trouble watch this or you coming out of trouble amen that's just the way it is and since this is since it is inescapable then you got to prepare for amen so now here is the misunderstanding the flawed overview of trouble that people have and which causes them to develop a tyrant a toleration for it and not overcome so you can develop a tolerance for it and not be in a position of faith to overcome number one and that is yeah i want you to let anybody uh fool you with a senseless argument that these arguments may sound wise but they are only human teachers they come uh from the powers of this world and not from christ that is that is uh um the scripture there in uh the scripture there in colossians two and eight in the contemporary uh version of that of the scripture now what number one god does not send the trouble that's the first thing god doesn't send the trouble but i said god sent trump but he won't put more on you than you're able to man that is not scripture you can't find that nowhere in the bible somebody made that up and and everybody swallowed it hook line and sinker number two that god sends trouble to teach us and make us stronger if that's the case as much trouble as you hey you ought to be real strong by now but that you know that ain't the case because god's not sending the trouble the devil adversary is causing the trouble we're going to look at that in just a moment and then here's another misconception is that trouble comes because we have done something wrong oh by god and that's why it's called not necessarily look at the factual overview of why trouble comes and why you need breakthroughs i want you to understand this because i don't want you to let a misunderstanding compromise your faith when you need your breakthrough all right then in romans chapter 12 it says you know that we have to renew our minds and so i love the uh contemporary version of it ceb version says dear friends god is good so i beg you to offer your bodies to him as a living sacrifice pure ah and pleasing that's the most sensible way to serve god watch this don't be like other people in this world but let god change the way you think hallelujah uh then you will know how to do everything that is good and pleasing to him and that is what we're doing with the word tonight changing the way you think like i told you the boot the whole thing of the boot camp is to change the way you think i'm telling you god said it to me i can hardly wait to get your testimony now watch this so why then do we have trouble we've heard you've been teaching before but uh uh repetition is how learning take place all right somebody may want to document these i'm gonna put them on the screen number one human error you could be in a place where you need a breakthrough because of human error you've done something wrong all right samson aiken all of them human error satanic attack job situation he was a disciples sickness and disease all right number three the challenge of the times the challenge of the times and that was elijah uh they're the widow the bible says um uh what elijah was about the brook the brook dried up not because he was in the wrong place he was a place of obedience but the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land the call of god on their life paul and silas were in a place of trouble because of the call of god that was on their lives then they're just being people many times it's just a persecution that comes from mean folk amen some of you are facing that right now and it can cause you trouble and then there's the judgment of god now we don't talk a lot about the judgment of god but god's not gonna have judgment against you if you've not done something wrong so you can really put this under the umbrella of human error now the judgment of god get these children the judgments of god are consequences already established for sin choices that we make the mercy grace and long-suffering is what delays is execution but it's not god's fault i want you to understand see how can i believe for god's deliverance when i think god has put it on me how can i believe how can you believe for god's deliverance when you think god put it on you and that's what the devil wants you to think he don't want you to believe for your breakthrough because he wants you to believe the trouble you're in the reason for the delay if you want you to think it's because god is punishing you i know i'm right on that i know i'm right on that one how you know how can you say you know you're right on that i'm in the little racket they build it and boy god i mean and the devil bombarded my mind that the reason you're here is because god is punishing you you'll never amount to anything your ministry is over i heard that from the devil but i gotta tell you god let me know oh no no no no glory i'm about to shout i can't i can't shout right now i got too much ground i got to cover now so there's the scriptural mandate for times of trouble what's the mandate and that is there's the exaltation from scripture that we should reign over trouble that's why the breakthrough comes because god has made the promise that you should reign over the trouble that's been caused in your life you supposed to come out you are supposed to put it up there the reigning over life's troubles is your covenant right for whatsoever is born of god overcometh the world thank you jesus this is the victory over cometh the world even our faith jesus told about it in this world you'll have tribulation but he says i've overcome it for you and so the old testament testifies of it it says they shall cry look at that look at this look at it look at this they were crying until the lord put it up there uh in that trouble he saved them out of that the stresses he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from that he sent his word he sent his word i need you to get this now i know i'm giving you a lot tonight i am because when i speak the word tonight over your situation you're going to understand the wheels of breakthrough have been uh are set in motion thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus now watch this watch this my role tonight is to speak a prophetic word over you that is going to set in motion the breakthroughs oh my god that you me amen that's my role i know i got real loud i know i did all right now it's the example of the savior jesus did it now when people came to jesus why did they come they needed a breakthrough why did they come they needed a breakthrough i go into god and pray is why we need a breakthrough we need a move of god we need and it's so but let's say listen listen listen it is no shame to acknowledge i need a move of god in my life come on somebody in the in the in the in the comments section my session section session may need to say that i need a move of god in my life come on let's be passionate about it i need a move of god in my life and the word i'm about to speak over your life tonight will be the catalyst that's going to set that thing in motion i know i'm talking i know what i'm talking about and so we see jesus number one he exercised ah oh he exercised dominion over evil yeah he cast out devils with his word the devil has been dogging your steps but it stops tonight amen oh glory who since trouble is inescapable i like this come on and avoiding trouble is impossible put that on the screen back up baby i'll watch this watch then preparation is imperative ah if i am the experience above the life sense trouble is inescapable avoiding trouble is impossible then preparation is imperative and that's what we're doing tonight we are prepared for breakthrough amen amen i see some amens over there i see you i say you know i'm looking at my notes but i'm also looking at you i need a move of god i hear you samantha says i need a move of god david said it i need a move of god amen call on me he said oh getting too loud up in here call on me all right so jesus exercise dominion over evil spirits that were causing resist causing uh or creating the need for breakthrough he exercised dominion over events took authority over the storms he exercised dominion over emotions he spoke uh peace amen he exercised dominion over economics overcame lack with abundance he exercised dominion over epidemics sickness and disease and that's what we're about to do tonight in jesus name amen okay now here is this and then i'm well oh yeah i'm gonna get good shape for what i'm i'm a prayer i'm teaching a little longer tonight what reason i'm teaching no longer because how i am going to pray with you is you just don't need to get an agreement and stick with me because i may come on later this week with another teacher i may come on with it because this thing is hot and heavy on me but let me give you eight things that put you i call it the regiment for breakthrough the regime for the regiment for sovereign trust for breakthroughs let me give them to you let me get it now trust is come on i need your help i need your help trust is a discipline rational deliberation involving the god factors arriving at a faith-based word-based love-based decision with restful confidence in the outcome get this now i know that's a lot but come on let me break it down what did it mean to trust god trust god mean i have gone through a deliberation a rational that rational yes right it's rational deliberation involving the god factors see if i count out the god factors then many things would be impossible but when i put the god factor in there ain't none impossible i i arrived at a faith-based i said word-based love-based decision because god's going to move because he loves you that's why he's going to move because he loves you i mean i said with a restful confidence and outcome now what god had me do in the regular building he had me embraced his love he had me fully embraced his love how much he loved me i know you say it all the time in church but really a lot of people don't realize that it is about a the magnitude of his love and the bible says nothing can separate you from the love of god i know i'm teaching good tonight i know you need you need to share this with somebody but here is this regimen number one there must be the acceptance of the word of god as the standard of truth that is truth for me is what god says whether that word comes from the prophet whether that words come from the pages of the bible or whether that's a personal word that god spoke to me then that is my truth number two i must attend to the word of god daily without with all diligence i got to be stay in the word it's going to pay off he confirms the word with signs following i got to build myself up in the word number three i must apply the blood of jesus over uh hey glory to god to calm my emotions if i'm anxious if i'm fearful and i'm talking to somebody where the doctor is giving you up you gotta apply the blood of jesus over your emotions so you can drive out that fear amen because fear will contaminate your faith number number number whatever number is watch this i must allow the holy spirit to have access to my mind now what that means that god's gonna speak to my mind my plan of action my wisdom show me what my favor is the bible says he will cause my thoughts to become agreeable with his will so i'm going to confess that out of my mouth number number number and the voice that number six all right he says alienate yourself uh from unbelieving others and associate with believers you're gonna have to stick with folk who believe in miracles that's why i think i might have to come on a little bit more because i got to keep you in faith for god and boy then we're going to start here to get testimony we're going to start getting testimony breakthrough testimony i'm i'm excited about it i really have breakthrough testimonies watch this so i can't be around a lot of folks who negative i can't you know we were there in in florida and i have a son in florida there one of my sons uh andre andre williams uh apostle andrew williams boy you know he's with us every step of the way he and his wife none of them was taken negative none of them was trying to well maybe no no because we couldn't have i would cut them loose they'd talk like that no we stay in faith so you gotta have people who will believe i believe in miracles i believe in to god turning things around i believe it i believe in reversals you don't have to holla well i believe in all right here's the next one arrest every contrary thought arrest every contrary thought of unbelief with the word of god okay all right watch this all right ask for divine intervention based on the promise of grace you got to get this he says i'll make all grace abound to it so now while i'm going to prayer i'm going to pray remember earlier i told you that we have the expectation when i'm in faith of the favor of god well i'm believing in the favor of god because of seed's soul because he says watch this and in second corinthians 8 chapter 9 verse eight god is able to make all grace abound toward you so that you always have an altitude always have no sufficiency in all things may abound every good work all right watch this here's the next one i want to affirm what i believe until manifestation takes place i am backing away i'm not backing off i'm not backing off and that's why i want you to be tonight as we get ready to pray you know i'm going to close this out now because there's a refreshing of the spirit to break that's a refreshing in the hope of a spiritual breakthrough this scriptural hope oh watch this watch this it's it's established um it's established it's it respects established principles it it respects establishment yeah yeah that that's good scriptural hope and rest lets me know that human statistics stand as the stereotypes are not the determining factors for my breakthrough not the determining factors for my success i don't look at statistics because we change statistics with our results glory to god but let's look at this now scripture hope uh respects established principles we i'm in hope i believe for breakthrough because i'm principal driven number two number two uh scriptural hope come on you find me on my page that she's finding me watch this rejects erroneous philosophies i don't listen to what they say scriptural hope resolves under extraordinary persecution i made up myself no reputation so i don't care what they say all right scriptural hope relies on effective process this process that god has given me has worked time and time again in scripture and it works time and time again right now now let me close with this let me close with this and then i'm going to speak the word that's how we're going to pray tonight but our prayer tonight is going to be a prophetic voice that i'm going to speak over your life i've got you in a place of faith where i need you to just believe it i need you to receive it and believe it but god has this uncanny way of using what the devil has tried to use to discourage me he used it he'll use it to bless me the very thing the devil tries to use against you god will take it how does he and he can use to bless you what is being used against you david used goliath's sword and beheaded him the fire meant to destroy this hebrew boy destroyed their enemies the red sea used to destroy was used to destroy pharaoh's army that that was terrorizing the children of israel the enemies that attacked jehoshaphat watch this was used to enrich them they were three days carrying away the sparks the way sent to sink the boat gave peter the testimony that he walked on water the crucifixion that was used to set the what that everybody thought for they had jesus it was used to set the stage for redemption so listen why should i feel discouraged that's a song when he's singing baptist church why should the shadows come oh why should my heart feel lonely hmm long for heaven and home when jesus is my portion constant friend is he his eyes on the sparrow i know he watcheth me are you all ready now because i'm about to say something the bible teaches us this power this powerful principle it's there in matthew chapter eight i put it there it's a long scripture but i got to get you in faith to receive when i speak it because i'm gonna speak it and you're gonna have to receive it tonight a whole different way but it's so effective the story is that the centurion comes to jesus and he asks jesus uh all right he asked jesus about his servant that was at home set put it up there matthew the eighth chapter when jesus and the secretary came to him surrendering a centurion beseeched him saying lord my servant life at home sick of the paul said grievously tormented all right keep moving keep moving oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no come on yo all right jesus said unto him i will come and heal him so jesus says i'll come and i'll heal him that's what jesus says but then the centurion said in him no no no no no he says lord i am not worthy thou should come under my roof but speak the word only oh i wish they hadn't messed that up speak the word only that's what the centurion said i need a breakthrough jesus said here i will come and heal him the centurion answered and said lord i am not worthy that thou should come under my roof but speak the word only that's what we're going to do tonight tell children that's what i got to get you in faith and my servant will be healed but i'm a man under authorities having soldiers under me i say to this man go and he goes and another come and he coming watch this watch this watch this until my servant do this and he do it when jesus heard it he marveled and said unto them that followed jesus said unto the centurion oh my god he says go that way as thou has believed so be it done unto thee and thy servant and his servant was healed in the self-same hour sound like breakthrough son i see y'all got it speak the word only i see y'all got it speak the word on boy i got such a great class tonight it's awesome it's awesome because right now that's what i'm about to do i pray period tonight is totally different because right now i built your faith up for what for breakthrough and what i'm going to do is speak the word over those berries taking dominion over those barriers and as a result of that it but this word will become the catalyst for setting in motion your breakthrough your mental breakthrough as well as the manifested breakthrough now you may have to go back and listen to this over and over until you get this but that's the good thing about this whole virtual situation is that you can go listen that ain't gonna cost you nothing but you can go listen to it again number one we exercise exercise oh dope dominion over watch this evil and trouble evil trouble damn yes what do you mean by that every oppression of the devil you foul spirit you have no right to torment the believers and so i come against addictions i come against satanic vexation i come against that spirit of anger i come against abuse i come against the spirit of suicide i come against depression and oppression in the name of jesus amen amen your power over the believer is broken i exercise dominion in prayer watch this over events of trouble in the name of jesus thank you lord we are protected from accidents the accidents traps that the devil had planned for you cancel in jesus name mishaps cancelled in jesus name calamities canceled in jesus name in the name of jesus breakthrough vindication i hear i hear vindication for you over your enemies over the persecution watch this now we exercise our dominion prayer over emotional situations thank you lord i declare you're free from worry i declare you're free from overwhelm i declare you are free from depression i break the power of fear in jesus name and despair over you and i speak the peace of god i just need you to receive the children i just need you to receive it amen i'm speaking the word you just got to receive it when your part comes up i exercise prayer i exercise prayer and over economic trouble amen amen in jesus name the financial shortage amen it ends now amen more money in your hands than you've had in a long long time in the name of jesus doors for your business are open doors for your career are open in the name of jesus amen hallelujah ah yes that loan that has been rejected they will reconsider it breakthrough in your loans and for your loans and breakthrough in your clientele in jesus name now we take uh authority over epidemics disease amen disease that you just kind of got comfortable with because you got a little medicine on it we're here i hear healing i hear healing yes i do yes i do so in the name of jesus we break the power of covet 19 in jesus name in the name of jesus i speak healing to your body over of sickness and disease over cancer in jesus name over liver problems over heart problems in jesus name high blood pressure scoliosis yes what i'm hearing in jesus name breakthrough amen and you will receive a great report blood lines up with the word of god in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we receive that we have declared that over you in jesus name amen and as it was said so shall it be done and the wheels of breakthrough have started moving peace in jesus name on assurance in jesus name a greater expectation in jesus name so shall it be done in jesus name i told you we're gonna pray a little different tonight i told you we're gonna play a little different tonight well it's offering time that's what it is this is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen i see some of y'all got it saying it's done peace in the name that's how you claim it that that's how that's how you make it yours just like the man said you just speak the word and it shall be done that's what i needed tonight that's what the lord told me to do tonight i speak it and i'm looking for testimonies that that favor is yours favor's going to break through god's racism of somebody to help you and it's not going to take long amen policies will be changed things are going to be reversed in your favor in jesus name all right i don't know what we're going to name my seed tonight we can call our seed to break through seed listen what happened today was been amazing people started sowing seed before we even got on the air what i'm telling you people began to sow their seed before we even started the broadcast tonight amen i'm telling you it was amazing it wasn't just one or two but several people started doing it you know i didn't come on and said in the beginning because i wasn't trying to motivate everybody but you know you got to follow that witness so you got to follow that witness that whenever god speaks to you then you do so amen so now how do you give come on put the uh put the uh the the cash app of new light up there you can do that right away or you can do it so into my life if you desire of course you know and i said whenever i see that cash happen you know i declare the word of god at that moment amen i'm telling you so however you want to do it but let's let's let's name our seed tonight uh we can call it a breakthrough seed if you want to um i don't know you dominion seed if you want to come on y'all y'all know how y'all help me name that seed and uh what should it be it should be a seed that puts you in faith for your breakthrough a seed that puts you in faith now you know what your sacrifice is some it may be five dollars some it may be fifty dollars or you know i love that fifty two dollar seed some it may be a hundred dollars for some it may be you know for some it may be a thousand for some it may be 100 200 whatever it is but i want you to do it come on let's do it let's uh so you see y'all know how we doing monday nights we saw it get back online and encourage everybody else maybe you're watching for the first time and boy you've learned the word of god you got an understanding because that's what god told me in this virtual setting it's kind of different from just preaching a sermon because i'm able to talk to you he said that would be a greater understanding released at this moment so possibly that's what happened received the prophetic seed uh prophecy seed i i like that breakthrough say come on speak the word seed i love that one too see the fake whatever it is you name the seed put your seed in the ground come on put the other slate up there of how they can give you can give the online the uh give and all of the platforms are there when you do that you could give it by texting new light to 71441 you can use giblify new light church be sure to put a new light church and see the beautiful picture of our senior pastor you can use in fellowship for our members who'd like to give you can use paypal if you desire uh linda said linda linda collins says obey god that's what you got to do that's what you have to do or you can use zell yeah gonna put that yeah you can use zell if you desire you can mail it in if you and people do that or you can use the dropbox but what but by all means people are naming walking in my breakthrough with authority thank you nikia i think i will naked oh i hope i said the name right but listen uh uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah uh that a breakthrough seat i see somebody else calling the breakthrough seed and then let's do that put your seat in the ground get back on here let's encourage everybody else oh god i tell you i just that definitely i told you we're going to pray a little different tonight normally we walk through the lord's prayer but like the lord told me to declare it over you that's the prophetic word being declared over you and you must be sure to get the download the download tonight is absolutely free uh you can use it of course to sow your seed if you desire but it's trusting god for breakthrough lesson one trusting god for breakthrough lesson one i'm telling you i want to get that into your hands because this is a process we're going to be using probably for the next 52 or 60 days i know that i'm going to be talking about breakthrough every time with my mouth breakthrough breakthrough breakthrough you're going to get breakthroughs your jobs that you've been believing for coming through people you've been praying for to get saved coming through amen children relationship strain coming through i'm telling you i heard from the lord and i'm gonna do my part i just need you to reach out and grab it like that centurion said hey listen we don't have to be in the same place i believe in the power of your word and so many times the scripture says and he sent his word and he cast out the spirit with his word amen and i be a prophet of the lord tonight to you speaking the word of god over your life amen and amen come on let's sow tonight let's get our seed in the ground amen and let's obey god everybody obey god whatever that is you sow your seed i don't have a you know three dollars whatever it is whatever it is you saw it you saw it you know uh and uh your seed is as much as important to god because of your obedience as the person that god speaks to soul 300 i keep hearing that so i know somebody's hearing 300 i just want to just uh uh agree with you on that obey god with that obey god well how you know that well i've been able to hear god's voice ever since i was a little boy i mean i'm i've been uh blessed by god by the grace of god gifted by god you want to call it that i've been able to hear god's voice uh i've been i preached my first sermon on a mother's day night 58 years ago 58 years ago i preached my first sermon on a mother's day night and so uh i'm here today right now um i've been walking with the lord you're almost almost six decades you believe that almost six decades and uh somebody said ronnie said buying a new house yeah we can agree with you on that we can agree with you on that and probably most of the things that you're going through we've been through them and we can definitely set our faith in agreement with you and same like grace on our lives we believe it on your life as well amen we've had a great time tonight amen have you sown your seed have you sown your seed name your seed sow your seed come on back on here and somebody said the ducey dominion over seed i like that bernard that's good that's good that's good that's good so my my double uh 52 dominion seed amen let's do that now so i can clear the air no we don't buy blessings we are not trying to bribe god when we give our offerings we're doing so because it's expected of the lord the scripture tells us to give offerings number two it expresses our love to god we give to god because we love him number three it eradicates my lack when i give he said it'll be given back to me in a greater measure good measure pressed down shaken together and running over and then finally when i give to god it is i give to god because it is it establishes lordship and it expresses my love i give to god because that is what god has put in his word amen and amen so listen i wanted myself y'all trying to buy blessings no no no and so this ain't for you this is not for you but i i know it is for some i know it's for summer if you appreciate that prophetic voice over your life and you receive that tonight then uh your breakthrough seed i'm in totally agreement with you on it in jesus name i believe the wheels of breakthrough have been set in the motion i've done my part amen yes it did i shared with you amen i've done my part whoo yes amen and you're attacking your laps i mean you're going to see some things happening stand with me in faith we're building a new home yes charles i can do that i can stand with you in faith uh we built homes and all that sort of thing i know exactly what you're going through amen and i can stand in faith for you amen i feel a breakthrough coming my way shall she let her amen i'm in agreement with you i receive it juan amen amen thanks so much for teaching us the word i'm going to be staying on this point but for the next several weeks i'm going to be staying on this point i want you to be in such expectation of your breakthrough that when you when you when it happens you're just gonna get tickled and listen people gonna let you know what you're laughing at childhood you don't worry about it you you just got to worry about it that's just i believe god was going to do something god will do something supernatural in your life just to encourage your faith for the future god is doing something and he's going to do some supernatural in the lives of others and we're gonna have some testimonies i'll figure out a way to do it all right now i gotta get out of here i need you all to go on and register everybody everybody needs to register for the faith boot camp everybody need if you haven't and it's free it's free you know i used to charge for the boot camps then lord said no listen give it to them free so we give it to you free amen and uh it's gonna be it's gonna be cultivated there it is cultivating courageous state and i want you to do that register by texting uh mcf bc to 71441. if you have not registered register tonight come on and then i need you to register three other people to tell three other people can i get your commitment to do that to share this with three other people just three three other people amen and then and watch god work praise the lord all right that's all i have for you tonight and uh i really enjoyed tonight i you know y'all know after i teach the lesson like this it's like a burden lifted off me like you're low lifting i'm gonna say burden cause i ain't burdened by nothing but it's like a load of refreshing so i'm so excited now i really am i've gotten this thing out obeying god marcus i'm i'm looking for something to happen in your life sharon i'm looking for something to happen shelly i'm looking for something to happen in your life amen something notable where you'll know this is god without a shadow of a doubt amen it's a turning point in your life when you get a breakthrough you're never the same amen you're never the same all right uh i want them to play my commercial once once again i need y'all to sign up um to uh subscribe for my youtube channel i'm building it it's going to be great i'll talk to you about it but i need everybody to subscribe i don't have enough subscribers yet to do what i'll need to do but uh uh it's free yeah go to subscribe for that and uh we're gonna see some awesome i'll put some awesome things out there yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna even do a little cooking for you yes indeed i'm gonna do a little cooking for you it's gonna be fun but i need you to go and subscribe to for my page when i get the number of subscribers i'm looking for then i'm gonna start making our production we're already planning for our productions out there amen love city is uh we have we're about 90 95 96 finished with the girls dorm i'll be giving you some pictures on it and we are over 60 percent done with the boar's dorm we should be through with everything real real soon in the midst of a pandemic we kept on building we kept on building many of you kept sewing we kept on building you're my partners in it and all the young lives that we changed at love city they're going on your record in heaven as well all right y'all where's my time oh i'm over my time now god bless hey listen so you see and let's watch god work it's time for breakthrough amen and amen well i'm going to do it i've replaced the season of faith tours of the past few years of traveling uh from church to church to teach faith with the virtual faith master classes now our may 2021 virtual faith master class is a faith boot camp on cultivating courageous faith now whenever i have taught lessons like this i have seen immediate transformation and boldness i want you to join me may the 21st 7 pm central time for this virtual faith teaching that's going to revolutionize your life now for free registration that's right free registration and to receive your master class worksheet and to secure your place in the virtual master classroom text there it is on the screen mcfbc2714441 i'm saving a seat for you in the faith bootcamp masterclass don't miss it all right that's it i'm out god bless go and register and then make sure you tell somebody else i'll talk to you later bye now
Channel: Apostle Hilliard
Views: 221
Rating: 4.5999999 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 8sec (4148 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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