Massive Yellowfin Tuna Vs Big Blackfin Tuna {Catch Clean Cook} blind Taste test!

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[Music] so we just build the build up with gas and then we found out the marina's closed so we can't get drinks can't get ice can't get food Rob's running back to the lodge he's gonna try and find food but not looking too good you cannot go 40 miles out without drinks and food that is just no bueno so it's a totally different day today the wind's blowing about 15 to 20 knots out of the South we're just going to try to run out there it's not quite as foggy as it was yesterday so totally different sea conditions the issue is they shut the marina down due to the cove at 19:00 virus so we've been on like a scavenger hunt all morning looking for food luckily captain Brendan pulls through again we go find sandwiches I mean I just can't say enough good things about this guy now we're locked off ready to rock we're heading that way [Music] are you guys we're getting ready to get tight you've got a nice big fat honkin chunk of king mackerel take your look and just stick it in there where's totally hidden but it'll pull out easy have your have your real where it's ready to go try not to touch your line too much because that will get fatty oils on the fluorocarbon we're using 80 pound fluorocarbon the pink Andi is what I think is the best and then you just start handing it out there [Music] this right here boys watch up Venice Louisiana is definitely becoming one of my favorite spots in the world [Music] under you bioody bow I've got back up keep away - there's other boats hey we're touching we're touching we're touching yeah so now you guys that's probably the all time that's up dish you never ever okay my mind going this way hey I'm with her I'm gonna win the boat and get you on this side good dude but the cool thing is with this braid I was able to feel the fish and I knew we were cross pull right up there no one's yelling no one's crazy to swap rods put them put the tips together when you put the tips together you can see which way you got to go and just handed the rods back what epic I mean I just everyone here is just awesome people fish 20 feet away okay I've got her coming right here [Music] here we go life is good good job yeah on the tach 25 yes sir right on man as fast as possible we got them on ice and now we're back to fishing all three of us Jordi's up front I'm in the middle Brendan's in the back and when the fish are biting you got to stay after him what do I have someone get a gap [Music] - hold on hold on you got to look perfect hold on pull them right there I'm gonna grab with my hand there you go tuna number two going in the box now we're gonna do a taste test and see what tastes better yellowfin or black fin and we're going to show you the difference between the two check that out [Applause] perfect are you guys you know me I can't handle not bottom fishing we just made a nice mark oh boy you know we're sitting here tuna fishing next thing you know I'm like look at all the fish on the bottom now he's going to turn the boat drive into the tide oh there they are oh oh I don't know oh what a fish how awesome is that we just feels like a grouper whatever is it just got big Jordi what's the thing my man not too shabby huh people ask me all the time why don't you go to the gym as a man life is my gym what you got son hey you go what on earth coming up a short just eat'em dang that's so unfair hey tuna fish are starting to bite I got no hooks left we're gonna get try to catch another big tuna you guys this is uh this is one of those days that you'll just never forget I'm losing my voice because we've been laughing so hard life is good to the neighborhood y'all okay George get off get some stuff running in come back here when I got to get that dart ready [Applause] okay okay Jordan turn your wheel to the hard to the right hard to the right bump it in gear gutter coming getting out Jordan start to make your turn to the right keeper just just turn your wheel hard right you don't have to go fast now and we'll have it right where we want her good neutral just keep the wheel turn to the right no no clutter sit right here we got to doing just what we want got her yeah baby yeah ready I got a gaff right here turn the wheel hard to the right hold on neutral neutral now turn it hard right go give it some gas right there right there go easy now we got her where we want by a freaking shark this is ink this is absolute I mean this is what a day of fishing this is what dreams are made of I'm looking right now as we get close okay I got color right here hold on no it's good it's good it's good turn your wheel hard right holy cow that's why listen I thought I drilled her with the dart but she was started a little low that's why you don't just pull indiscriminately you stay what's the right word man you just stay focused on what you're doing and we got her and people wonder why I got a big cooler let the good times roll y'all westbound and down Captain Britain and darlin I know I've said it a bunch but this dude is legit hey for all my boys back home I know when you guys bring your boats out here guys big hill man super super big help [Music] the main reason we even came here is captain Ron the owner the place told us that the entire resort was imperative so this was kind of our way to self quarantine here this is a little town of a hundred people nobody's got it everyone's just staying to themselves not going any restaurants not eating out just doing our thing and we're gonna eat some breakfast that's situated and then we will figure out a plan for the rest today we had to boogie on back to Florida but I wanted to show you the difference between these two tuna that is a black fin tuna now here are Florida that would be a prized fish this is the yellowfin tuna anytime you see these long streamer fins it's referred to as an Allison tuna and then the yellow fin has distinctly yellow caudal fins let's clean this rascal take Mel silverstack bone-in filet come in right here behind the and follow it right down to the brain area come back up here pull it right down to you follow that all the way back just like that and just follow it all the way down you're gonna find your bloodline right there and come right down the lateral line of your fish just like that just like that look at how beautiful that fish is we're gonna do the exact same thing whether it's bluefin black fin or anything else the same thing you cut up there on that collar right at the backbone it's no different it's just smaller now it does cut a whole lot easier here how you on these smaller fish you can hear that backbone and this should come right off perfect loin how pretty is that these fish are just a big muscle that swim around and eat that's it the bigger they get the higher up on the food chain they are so they want to eat as much and as fast as possible it's a race to the top guys so I've been wanting to do this for a long time we're gonna do a taste test now if you ever get a nice piece of tuna wrap it up in paper towel I promise you it just how pretty that is we're gonna put that right there that's just a beautiful huge tuna loin that's yellowfin this is the black fin we're gonna be really easy we're just going to salt it up some pepper and this is really thick both of them are considerably thick pieces of meat so you want to salt them well then our seasoning will be Everglades original good do you want to eat some fish you want to help huh look this is really hot so just watch right now okay yeah it will be rub it like this and it just really digs those grill marks in there who do you have to call you're going looking Jake you're not looking to cook this all the way through that's about the prettiest you can possibly make one look right there now I am a huge fan in the grill pan look at the color I mean you can't make one look any better than that take this now we're gonna slice this nice sharp knife is very key to the operation and just let the knife do its work yellowfin black then please come on use your fingers just to kind of let it get going hey baby am i hold on one second sweetheart yellowfin black fin now come right over here I'm just cooking a little bit of this just so it's you know I mean I know some kids love sushi our girls haven't really been eating sushi so we're gonna finish it out on the grill very easy and very good very good [Music] mmm that is good ooh very good so Jordi has not had any of this he has no idea what's going on we're gonna see what he likes more [Music] was there a huge difference not a huge difference now no I think maybe the Blackfin was a little more cooked through maybe that's why I enjoyed the yellowfin more but I couldn't really tell too much of a difference besides one being a little cooked more than the other yeah the black fin may have been a little bit more lean the yellow fin had a little bit more fat to it but both of them were absolutely delicious ice them down keep them cold cut them cook them enjoy them so if you've been enjoying all the videos we've done down in Louisiana please check out Ron's place it's called the fish Intimidator Lodge please reach out to captain Brendon Nolan great guy great fisherman Venice is as good as it gets but that's all I got free tonight yeah you guys take care god bless [Music]
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 2,488,668
Rating: 4.8843842 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, yellowfin tuna, tuna fish, ahi tuna, sushi tuna, monster tuna, monster yellowfin, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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