MONSTER *AmberJack* CC&C BlueGabe Style

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what's up everybody blue gabe this is definitely an awesome fishing video but we had some technical malfunctions with the camera of course i haven't had any problems in months and i go out on one of the best fishing days of my life we literally catch everything in my intro video in the video where i showed y'all what we used messed up i don't know staticky so anyhow this is what you call a johnny jig it's a slow pitch jig and you're going to learn how to use it in this video i just wanted to show it to you so you get to understand up close and personal this is italica 16 on a mags custom rod so it's full of braid 60 pound braid and then we put a top shot of 60 pound mono that allows it to stretch the braid doesn't stretch so you put about 50 foot of mono on that way when you're fighting these big fish you have a little bit of stretch this is my favorite rod on old salty and when you watch kelly's vermillion snapper video you're going to see this a lot and you will see it in the background of the video you're about to see we're in jacksonville straight out of mayport inlet 60 miles in 200 foot of water and we're slow pitch digging and i got one on let's go i got something big you do kelly had to take a pee break so i figured i'd drop one of the old johnny jigs those of y'all that watch deer meat for dinner this is the rod and reel that he caught that massive goliath on so these johnny jig guys and my buddy adam they swear by these slow jigs they think it's the best thing in the world and i just dropped one down fish it is a pompano hey oh yeah now we got good bait how about that shark bait that has a big one it is we got to do a little you know what we like barracuda for right sandwiches no your dog food oh yeah oh that too hold on i gotta do a little screen cleaning you just literally drop it down to the bottom and then just start jigging it you can reel it fast reel it slow let it fall back down and that's it god oh that's a real one cuz he's going back to the bottom like a grouper you're good you're good you're good there you go oh god i'm on two gosh big bait there we go using my mags custom rod shout out max who wants to fight this you do that looks like so much fun i would hate to take that fun away from you whenever you're fighting a big fish nice big pulls up and reel down start the reeling process before you start going down though because every time you let that fish have a little bit he's going to take a lot oh that rod bend the cool thing about these slow pitch jigs you don't have to catch bait when we pulled up to where kelly was gonna do her video before they were even ready to fish i threw this jig down and caught a pretty big jack everywhere we go people look at these mags rods and they're like they're pretty flimsy these rods are flimsy but they are sure enough strong that flimsiness will save your back in a battle what do you think it is joey well i'm not sure it could be probably a jack could be an african pompano could be a gigantic uh rainbow runner that'd be the biggest rainbow runner ever man one fish and i'm gonna be done fishing oh no you're not you got more work to do i ain't letting you off that easy he's close i think it's a grouper i hope so that'd be cool if it was it's a giant rainbow runner oh my goodness look at the size of that thing oh my gosh that's as big as our yellowtail oh my god boy he rips them you guys look at the size of that rainbow runner this is as big as the yellow tails we were catching in mexico uh-oh he might he may have rocked me up while we were talking i'm gonna go ahead and bleed this fish because they are really good to eat yes they are quicker you get that blood out of them the better they'll taste alrighty as we were playing around with that rainbow runner you saw my rod holder clicking in the background there apparently something made it and ran into a hole wow we were dealing with that but i got it out and now it's coming up nice and slow just kind of floating up so i'm kind of thinking it's a grouper here this is a gigantic bait i had a huge piece of cut bait and it's not a shark because it'd be ripping lined right and fighting like crazy so i'm thinking this is a big grouper look at that though look at that big old johnny jig this is the easiest style fishing you could ever do i like his rod holding technique over there yeah he did that same thing in my video yep easy easy peasy what do i got oh my gosh it's a bottom fish whoa that's a beautiful fish you have that's really pretty yeah bee liner eat my bait how did you catch such a small fish and then a piece of coral i don't want to touch this oh god god i gotta get off the boat before it starts laying eggs or something that coral sometimes guys can sting you so bad i'm a big scared right now that's like my number one fear so you just get a giant thing of fire coral he said he was going after a big fish you guys and he come up with the people i mean it was act it was floating up like it was a grouper you can't argue that so with these jigs it there's no special technique big sweeps let it fall bring it up in the water column about 20 foot and repeat then let it fall all the way back to the bottom is how i like to do it it felt like i just got hit on the way down god was america not fun yet you're doing a really good job of making it look hard oh he's taking all that line i just got back oh i hate when that happens dude we might have a duo of size xxx l jacks oh my god look at that rod that's not what i signed up for i didn't sign up for this either gabe but you said you want to catch jack so here we are catching jacks should we give him a commercial break yeah we'll see after this commercial break all right we got color joey's first up to deck cool that is a horse oh my god look at the side of that thing goodness good yeah you guys this is the mega giant that's the biggest amberjack i've ever seen get caught oh my goodness good god look at the size of that thing good god almighty god look over the rail in the pail boy oh god what's the line out oh god watch out i can't i'm getting dope good god look at the size of that thing wow that's a porker somebody call 911 i'm getting dumped still that's the biggest jack i've ever seen caught i gotta let line out just to get it to where it needs it wow he fights they was quite hard wow so we're getting ready to go deer hunting in alabama finally y'all have heard me talking about a deer hunting show forever and we're finally getting ready to go and i made the fatal mistake of telling joey well some amberjack would be nice to make some smoked fish dip bro we can feed all alabama with that one yes you could roll tired baby we're all tied i just got that yeah oh that is a straight up 75 80 pound good god and i gotta keep your feet liner out of it too how about that i'll take it all right you guys mine just pulled off which is perfectly fine because we got enough jacks we got a gargantuan right here in the back that fish the reason he probably pulled off is i put so much heat on him i actually tore a hole in his mouth let's see what this jig looks like well the the hooks held up sure did sea works hooks good stuff right there that's pretty good good god son don't fall that's what you call a dinosaur jack i don't need any more than that i think we're good can you please tell the next one not to eat oh my gosh that's mondo all right you guys this fish is so big we got a gutting that way we can fill his body cavity up with ice but we wanted to see what was in this gargantuan thing inside his belly and there's something big in there i can tell you so this is his gut cavity oh my gosh this is a file fish that is sick unicorn file he's a sand tile that's insane sand tile fish oh my god there's still something in here big squirrel fish this feels like no that's something look at the teeth on whatever it is that's a mango that's a freaking mango what that's like a four pound mango right there yeah oh my gosh that is so cool freaking monster something feels like a snail it's a vertebrae this is the best part though look at the live worms parasites all right you guys we just got anchored up we put that rainbow runner in that big aj on ice this morning we stopped and caught some of these small cigar minnows about 20 miles offshore we're gonna drop it to the bottom [Music] i'm fishing with an ugly stick i didn't even know they made them this big this is joey's personal rod robert's real i forgot all my goods that upset the house so we're gonna see leave a comment below if you've ever used the ugly stick how deep are we almost 200 feet almost 200 foot to the bottom uh-oh there he is got him real baby reel [Music] this [ __ ] don't want nothing of the power of the ugly stick they fear the ugly thing [Music] feels like a little jack or something i swear these things chase is all the way offshore [Music] nope you guys this is a jacksonville favorite right here let me tell you girl you catch you a pinky and everybody gets excited they are relatively good to eat but they smell like iodine so bad you guys in australia leave a comment below and tell me what fish y'all catch that looks like this i see it on instagram all the time but i don't know what it's called um [Music] i was trying to drop down to a mutton and the currents picked up and we don't have enough weight and i was reeling it back in and just got wrecked by something i don't know what it is but it's pulling really hard [Music] all right i got the top shot coming [Music] whatever it is he's got his head down and digging anytime you're anchored up and there's current big fish can fight a lot harder [Music] fun fun fun holy man i can't i got too long of a leader oh my god i didn't realize how long [Music] i told you not to put any amberjacks on my line hey i'm sorry but a lot of people in this world would be crazy happy to catch him i think we have enough jack for a while wouldn't you say yeah no you guys look at that big amberjack i don't know if you can tell with the glare of the sun but that's why they call them an amberjack and they hurt your arms really bad what's all the heavy breathing about i don't know i'll let you know here in about two three minutes now explain to the camera why you just switched positions because i know for a fact that he's off the bottom right now and uh instead of making myself very tired i'm just kind of taking it easy see like that right there if the fish wants a dog i let him dog this guy decided he wants to wake the heck out of us and i'm tired too so what he was saying guys is he did that initial crazy his real real real to get him off the bottom once he's up off the bottom his bladder will start to fill with air which means he can't go back down as easily as he could before then he'll turn around and just put the slow cranks the muscle to him at least there's an alma co holy see what's coming home remember what i said we catch giant albuquerque how about a 25 pounder look at that thing [Music] big amico he's skinny he's a long skinny he almost looks like an amberjack but he's not it's the biggest one i've ever seen it's a it's a big one 20 25 pounder oh i'm glad he's an alma co that makes it a little more worth it don't drop him yet let kelly take a picture for fish rolls out all right you guys as you can see it's the next day look at this guard gargantuan amberjack oh my goodness you can see i don't know if the light will show you why they're an amberjack that beautiful amber color but why we harvested them is because they are really good for smoked fish and the plot just twisted greatly you guys right over our shoulder over there is some chinese people catching jellyfish and they just give us some intel on what they're doing so we told them we'd give them some fish and they are super excited now these big amber jacks like this at home are typically full of worms so i'm interested to see if this one's going to be it's pretty hit or miss here we have a lot of really clean ones i'll clean a lot of amberjacks i have zero worms that i'm surprising we'll see this one's so big you gotta clean like a tuna always have a good knife this is my nine inch danko i know i called it a 10 inch in one of my videos but it's a 9 inch they've got massive backbones it's just a massive fish gabe yeah i was really disappointed when mine came off but in all reality gosh their pin bones are giant but in all reality we didn't need more than just this just this one see look at that line look at that like i said that's that's almost perfect that's about as good that's about the only place they get them is right in the tail section and there's just a couple from here back that's a pretty beautiful amberjack all things considered yeah they don't get too much better than that so for those chinese people showing us how to cook these jellies and explain them to us what they're doing we're going to give them some of this amazing fish look at that that's an eight pound chunk of meat 10-pound chunk of meat right over our shoulder this mayport inlet is such an amazing fishery such amazing place we got a naval ship right here you got a ferry service right there for cars oh joey's been telling me to come that this fishery is insane i've only been here and fished offshore once and that was for wahoo and we did catch a big mutton that day too who caught that money i forgot joey did i mean this amberjack you could drill it them seagulls my mom will tell you anytime i hear him i always think back of the keys growing up as a little boy you would hear that sound and you'd know you were in the keys look at those dummies fighting over the skin it's like a war pelican tug of war place your bats who's gonna win all right so we came to a conclusion we caught this big beautiful rainbow runner this massive i'mma kojak so we're gonna do a comparison between the giant amberjack the almaco jack and the rainbow runner i don't need to clean this for y'all though because it looks exactly like the amberjack and that's a b-liner you heard me talk about kelly doing a b-liner show she's actually going to cook one of these hole and she caught a whole bunch of them in her video that's one of the best eating fish that swim look at this rainbow runner though he looks a lot like the yellowtail that we caught in mexico and that they have in california it's a scaly fish heat looks pretty good so we're gonna take this that almaco and that amberjack and have a smoke off and take all that fish to alabama and it's gonna be so good all right you guys i decided i'm not going to keep these throats or the backbone or the bottom loin because these people were so nice and i know they were drooling when they saw this let's go give it to him he just saw me walk over and he's like oh yeah you like you like this fish yeah yeah yeah you like this part thank you thank you you're welcome thank you hey we'll see y'all back at my house in stuart florida where we're gonna smoke up some of this amazing fish to take to alabama all right y'all we're back at the house look at this cooler of fish i'm about to show you guys how we break down what we do we don't waste anything we kept the grouper callers we've got a whole trigger fish for kelly's channel we got the filet of rainbow muttons i mean the barracuda that we free gaffed kelly's got it for her dogs now we this is how we put it when we were done cleaning and zip locks that's not how we roll we do that till we get back to the house you see how that's vacuum sealed with the date and what it is that's how you properly take care of it this vacuum sealer right here outrigger outdoors the same person who makes the lights on the boat behind y'all just came out with this awesome vacuum sealer and it's got a scale on it some of y'all have already seen it that watch my channel those of y'all that are new to the channel that vacuum sealer is a game changer for us it will save your fish months like you put it in a zip lock it's going to be freezer burn soon you vacuum seal it it'll be good for a long time so if you want that exact vacuum sealer go below this video in the description and go to outriggers click on the link and use promo code bluegabe you'll save ten percent now we'll see y'all in the kitchen all right you guys we're back from jacksonville look who i got jakey and lucky anyhow kelly and i've been gone for three days we got them back they've been playing in the yard but rico is behind the camera and he came up with an awesome idea so with all my companies frogtog favorite outrigger outdoors i have promo codes and if you use those promo codes when you order these products you save money and you also help out the cost so for doing so we came up with a great idea this is jason billings he used my promo code four times last month and for doing so rico showed up with a brand new denko knife kit kelly's got a deck of playing cards which is a limited time offer one of her stickers and i'm gonna send him these knives personally signed by kelly and i a deck of cards a sticker and a favorite reel just to say thank you just to support everybody that supports us to make our life possible look at you looking all beautiful what's the occasion this is the occasion i'm editing so we just got home we're both editing but come on this is what we're all here for folks come on so i wanted to do something a little bit different when it came to this cooking video because by now you've seen the jellyfish video hopefully and that was awesome but this is a little bit different so we caught all those massive fish we know amberjack is amazing we know alma kojak is amazing and we know rainbow runner is amazing but we're gonna do a taste test between the three because i got some amazing friends coming over for dinner tonight and when this is done cooking i'm gonna set it out in front of all of them and they're going to be the judge on what's the best and y'all are following along with us thanks all right you guys we're here i didn't show you taking it off the grill because you've seen fish come off the grill before i got mr timmy mr richard and my oldest son jake and we're going to try it so this is the rainbow runner this is the almaco jack and that's the amberjack all i did was cut the amberjack open so make sure it was amberjack we're doing the taste test taste tester it's great we're going all the way through right yeah all the way through all right am i doing all three yeah that one's good too that one tastes like it got more smoke that's really good all right rainbow runner this is what i'm most curious about because those two are pretty much the same fish all right now you start all right y'all can pick it up your hand that one no i mean that one's a totally different fish it's really good and it is a totally different so you guys the almaco jack you'll see in kelly's video she catches one so if you go to and go to amberjack and alma kojak and swipe you'll see that there's not much difference but there is a difference jake dig in jake try that one luke you coming up in here yeah come here you can get in my life come on brother luke brother lou you guys and definitely make sure you check out joey bt his whole fishing deal youtube he's a commercial style fisherman did they rip some lips all over the country let luke have a little taste why do you guys here luke tell your fans watching that you ate iguana tail like it was beef jerky you didn't even care was it good it tastes like chicken rednecks like yo throw me a leg good stuff was it good yeah all right so we've came to a conclusion what is it what do you think i think that one is my favorite that's the rainbow right here i think i'm going to the rainbow runner also y'all three's a charm so this is all i did can cooker original creole lowry's that's it olive oil i put them on the grill for like five hours at 220 degrees all three of them cooked side by side the same time the same everything i would have definitely suspected amberjack to be the best because i cleaned them and that meat looked a lot prettier but you can't judge a book by its cover but anyhow thanks for watching thanks for subscribing we got awesome videos coming you see that jellyfish if you haven't seen my jellyfish video yet you might want to check that out you might learn something about a jellyfish and that they are good too hey we'll save it luke's over there playing jenga thank you for subscribing thanks for everything you all do for us but like jake always says it's time to what we're getting the heck out of shape [Music] you
Channel: Bluegabe
Views: 287,997
Rating: 4.9570289 out of 5
Keywords: fishing, fish, cooking, cleaning, catching, catch, clean, cook, monster, jacks, amber, Amber, deer, meat, for, dinner, Deer, Meat, For, Dinner, bluegabe, Bluegabe, Kelly, Young, Kelly Young, YouTube, Youtube, boating, snapper, amberjacks, crazy, educational, learning, how, to, slow, pitch, jigging, butterfly, fun, laughing, ocean, Jacksonville, rainbow, runner, may port, into, the, blue, smoked, grilling, dip, pescar, 钓鱼, 釣り, pêche, privye lapèch, Cocinando, 烹饪, 料理, cuisine, beat, down, giant, massive
Id: QryzFxaWr5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 13sec (1693 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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