Massive GOLDEN Tile Fish, Mutton and Cobia!! {Catch Clean Cook} 44 Contender - Quad 425’s!!!

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good morning happy people what a blessing of a day it is we are here in a late november got probably the best weather window i've seen in years and years and years it's calling for less than five knots of wind so we've got our hooker electrics we've got tons of gear tons of great friends and we're heading out sword fishing today we may try to catch a tilefish we may try to catch swordfish we may try to catch a maimai but more than anything we are on an amazing boat right now 44 foot contender with quad 425 yamahas it's going to be an exciting day it's going to be an exciting day i mean what a beautiful day so we just ran from stuart down here to jupiter which is about about a 12-15 mile run i'm gonna pull over here to my buddy tommy tommy armstrong get some bait i ordered some pilchards and some goggle eyes i tell you what this is my first time running this 44 it handles like amazingly well and then matt will give you the pill shirts and i'll take care of him okay i say it every single show as tommy armstrong tommy's live bait here in jupiter florida he's the most reliable honest hard-working young man i've ever met on the water so we just got goggle eyes and pilchards goggle eyes will be larger bait pilchards are going to be smaller bait anytime you run offshore you want to have live baits so if you find a log or a weed line or anything even while we've got our sword bait down we can put the outriggers out and put four baits out there in case a spool of mahi swim up or even a white marlin you never know what you're going to see but now we have to come over here and throw the cast net and catch some silver mullet because that's what we're going to send down for a broadwell swordfish perfect size baits right there you guys 25 mile run we're fishing cutting what's called a split tail mullet here make sure that hook's super sharp then we want to measure it where we want it to sit we want to hook [ __ ] right there i just got done rigging my bait here that's a silver mullet with a tin mustache sharpened up and then i really like this like bloody purple maroon dark indigo color i think that's going to look really nice down there put it in the water turn about as hard as you can now you're gonna slow down okay just go to one engine let it just keep doing its thing go on down most of you know if you're like a long time fan of the channel you know when we started man we didn't have enough money to pay for gas to go with my brother aubry and youtube has created a career and opportunities for us that we could never imagine and so right now we're in the market we're looking for a big center console hey this is austin he works for sovereign yacht sales he reached out to us and said let's go demo the 44 contender we have made four drops all in different depths and different areas had zero bites so we're gonna wind it up change gears we're gonna go in and try to catch a golden tile fish from there who knows we're just gonna keep making moves trying to get a bite that's what i'm talking about right there y'all so made a quick move we're in about 725 feet of water out off of jupiter we're gonna use some of these smaller squids and see if we can't catch a golden tile fish great thing about fishing out here when you have a boat like this you can hold enough gear and you can do enough things that no matter what you can try it if this doesn't work move on and find something else we've got a live bait well full of bait back there he's got a bait out in case of my mice warms up you're always always in the game for something hey there's bottom that's him there huh got him on that's a good one too bro this is what's awesome about this we had this great idea of going out sword fishing oh we're gonna go smash the swordfish we didn't even have a bite so instead of burning the whole day i said let's transition let's run in here i had a couple numbers i wanted to fish came in made one drop and we're tight i got it one of my favorite fish to eat is a golden tile fish and if this is a golden tile fish tomorrow while i'm watching football i'm making something awful good nice fish come here rascal this is a whopper of a fish that's a nice golden here we go right here nice fish now take your lead this is the way i use this rig he's hooked right in the corner right in the corner of the jaw be very very careful hold your line let that fall out of the boat there you go got him come on up here i want to show you how awesome this fish is there you go beautiful beautiful fish it's called a golden tile fish they live down in these mud holes and they've got this little like flapper right there i don't know what they'd do with it but they come out and they ambush the fish squid any kind of little fish they come up and grab it now the whole reason jake paid out so much line he wanted this bait to be all the way out there just running along the bottom and he did something that i've never seen he held the rod i fished it out of the rod holder he held the rod and one bite one fish beautiful golden tile guaranteed y'all we're eating good in the neighborhood the great thing about being in the ocean is that man the varieties and the opportunities are endless drake's trying to turn this into jake meat for dinner here that's it this is the great thing about being out here five minutes ago he's fighting a tilefish old captain jake here he's the captain in virginia beach and he makes a living telling people real real real watch him won't be long he'll be swapping arms here so everyone real real oh captain jake up there he's fighting one we're dropping down this is what it's all about this boat is so big that you can do so much on it son can you give me a little word jake meet for dinner you guys i've been relegated to be cameraman back up cameraman that's my job drive the boat talk and just watch jake catch fish yeah that's an almaco i'm a spectator y'all that's what i'm doing that's a great eating fish yeah all right so this is not an amberjack this is what is known as an almaco jack that's a red snapper who do you think he got no idea i know but what do you think oh no he's floating i see i got color right here looking gray looking gray real that's a huge sniper reel this is hold on hold on look at this slammer let's go dude it's my first one ever that's your first mutton snapper dude what is up you're trembling bro that's what that's what fishing that's what this life is all about you should enjoy it and you should embrace it man dude i am so stoked for you well while we have just a little break in the action i want to thank each and every one of you guys for an amazing 2020. i know covid has crushed so many people it's killed the economy worldwide it's locked people down and i know it appears lots of times we're just everywhere doing everything but in all honesty we're i try my best to stay either on the water or in the woods as much as possible it's been a really tricky year for us but we've got to do a lot of really cool things and i want to thank you all for the love the support the encouragement that's helped to make this possible what a crazy day we came out looking for swords it didn't happen one drop we caught a golden tile next thing you know we're dropping live baits just getting smashed by almaco jacks a gigantic mutton snapper it's just been one after another you know what that's how life is sometimes you gotta dig through the mud to get to the other side we ain't done yet but i guarantee you it's been a great day and two seconds after i say that we got him on hey whammy sorry about taking the gap i just he was too [ __ ] dude keeper what's that first cobia too shut up hey what a way pay me a bigger gap hand me this into the scalp over here watch that there we go son you said you never caught up caught a cobia before right you have now there we go right in the corner perfect hey we're catching lots of firsts today so tell me about the day have you had a good time it's been amazing there you all have it we went from nothing to having a box full real quick today has been one of those days we will never ever forget it was an absolute dream come true just getting to come on this amazing boat thank you so much to mr greg everyone at sovereign yacht sales is a dream come true we're gonna head back now clean some fish tomorrow we're watching football eating fresh tile fish hey bro where'd he go there he is congrats on your first giant mutton and cobia congrats on finally catching the big cobia everyone love you guys thanks for the sport see you at the dock happy people time to cut some fish check this out so everyone's coming to my house right now i was cleaning fish last night but that's what we're about to whack up right now old golden tile fish now look how like look at the colors on that fish it's such a beautiful beautiful creature they do not have much of a cheek muscle but you may have wondered why did you not fillet this fish last night if you catch a golden tile fish and immediately fillet him the meat can be a bit mushy and that's not what you're looking for so if you leave it on ice overnight some people say even two or three nights it allows that that flesh to i think it it causes the flesh to die and allows it just to relax and tilefish have a little pin bone that goes right down the middle you want your knife just to cut through it and then cut down the other side cut through those bones there right down now once that happens grab your meat and just let your knife cut right down the other side and what you're left with is a beautiful beautiful piece of fish so this is what we're having y'all we've got some good old potato salad coleslaw macaroni salad and that is a french brie with a sweet thai chili sauce on it now before we start cooking i want to portion it and instead of portioning it after i skin it i will come like this this will be a nice portion right there and you just cut it right off the skin look at the color that is just a fantastic fish now from about right there forward you've got pin bones you can take your knife you can feel it with your fingers search right there and just gently gently come down and the the pin bones sort of grow like that so when you when you skin it you sort of like let your your knife cut come down just like that then on this side same thing question how many of you have ever caught a golden tile fish better yet how many of you have ever eaten golden tile fish if you're ever in a restaurant and you see golden tile fish make sure you try it because i i consider it one of the all-time best what about you jake there ain't anything better that's a deep cold water slow growing fish and they mostly eat crustaceans they have a a really good diet and it's just a really clean nice light white delicious meat they call it poor man's lobster see this just making nice beautiful pieces of fish that's our portions now let's season it up so i just set the oven for 300 degrees now i'm cracking some eggs throwing them in here now see that that's just a bunch of egg add some garlic into the egg you might say why do that because then you got lemongrass put some lemongrass in there for many years i never cooked with lemongrass but once i started i wondered why was i not always cooking with lemongrass it's such a wonderful herb boom so now we're gonna take our fish we're gonna put some garlic salt on it just like that when we were in mexico golly they were using a lot of garlic salt and garlic it was so nice good now take your fish we're going to throw it all in the egg just like that and let this just fall in love get nice and sticky as promised y'all we got football we got fish and we got a little bit of vegetable oil right here we're just gonna put some vegetable oil right down the center of our pan here looking a little hot oh yes this is going to be good once i get it on here i'm going to add a little bit more of this garlic salt not a lot you know just a little trickle just a little pinch you know like like when your husband or wife walks by and just gives you a hug for no reason that's kind of what i did right there there we go now all we were trying to do is get this little outside crust and then we're going to finish it in the oven there we go it's going to sit in there for about 15 minutes in the meantime i'm making a sauce good deal now we're gonna do a little coconut rum sauce once your pan gets hot come over here put a good amount in there like that that's going to be a lot that's going to make a pretty big fire see that as this gets hot it's going to evaporate out and you're going to be left with the good stuff reduce it down then kill your heat bring your heat down we're going to add butter and just let this start coming together a little bit of lemongrass but you don't want it getting too hot see how it's getting hot like that you don't want it to get too hot see how it's got that creamy look that's what we're looking for for our sauce it's gonna have lemongrass coconut rum sweet cream butter and lastly we're gonna go like this we're going to add some capers to this and heat it up see that's what you're looking for if you if it has too much heat then it will break but you want the the butter to stay together you don't want it to break before you ever serve a sauce you always want to taste just a little bit of it winter winter we about to eat a tilefish for dinner look at this look at all the love just pouring out of there yes sir take a piece of that fish just like oh look at it just come oh my goodness lay it right on there grab some asparagus that's your sauce there you go and let that just trickle down all right y'all my man thank you for making that all happen this is mr austin his lovely wife and uh we're having fun let's make the rest of these plates amen how cool is this man i'm excited to taste this style fish it's been a long time since i had a fresh tile fish i don't think we ever had not brushed that's good very good that is amazing that's really good my car dropped one more ice cube well mr jake you've caught you're like the master of disaster with tile fish tell me what you think it's it's real good and the really important thing is something like tilefish it's very good to eat and a lot of people go crazy and and just add too much stuff and it really takes away from the flavor of the fish keep it simple nice little sauce very good it's nice it's got such a good texture to it it's moist yet firm i'm going to be more dry it's not finished really really moist when you finish it in the oven it gives you it gives it time to slowly cook it allows you to make your sauce get everything ready then as all your plates are done take it out plate it and you're able to serve your your plate nice with hot fish so it's very nice all i got to say is this was awesome it's the christmas season we're getting ready to go to guatemala we've got wonderful friends and family down i want to say thank you so much austin for for making this all happen uh thank you so much for mr greg at sovereign yacht thank you everyone at contender for allowing us to use that beautiful boat it's uh probably the most impressive center console i've ever driven and i want to apologize to the guy who tried racing me on the way back the dog i didn't mean to make you look bad in front of your wife but i just couldn't let you do that uh that boat's really really fast and super fun to drive if you guys want to see me do a video on how to handle a 44 foot center console drop it in in the comments below because a lot of people are intimidated driving a boat with four engines and 44 feet long but it's actually easier than you would think hold on and leave it in the comments below because i have yet to go on it so if he gets a chance at redemption that means i can go too we'll definitely give you a chance that's awesome hey you guys i love you i appreciate you take care god bless lots of stuff coming man lots and lots and lots of videos but we are
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 786,454
Rating: 4.9355354 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: qU30g06hP5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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