$1,000,000.00 FISH {Catch Clean Cook} GIANT BlueFin TUNA!!!

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I’ve been on a few hunts with this guy. Awesome dude.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right what's going on having people I'm Robert Aryans and this is dear me for dinner and we are with my good father this mr. Curtis right here y'all this is the captain of the Big Smoke grew up here in Nova Scotia chasing one of the most epic fish in the entire world that giant bluefin tuna Suns just about to start coming up there's herring boats pulling their nets right now and as they pull those nets the whales of the seals everything else are going to be eating those berries he's actually using his hydraulic motor simulating the sound of pulling the necks in the back were chumming with legendary and now we're gonna start the page through the water baby [Applause] did you get that please tell me you got there yes I've been waiting about 20 years to come see this right there that's my bait but before I put this bait in the water I want to just enjoy this we're watching giant blue fans eat 3 feet from the side of this bone words can't express to you what I'm seeing right here keep your eye on the floater boys Sarah : camera caught one and now I've got my bait rigged up and ready to go let it fall in the water make sure you don't have a tip route we're just going to let that bait gently flutter down these fish are so smart even though they're eating right here at the side of the boat [Music] you can't let any of the line get around your hand or around the bow or around the real rod because if it does big problem [Music] way to be boys good morning mr. Arrington my name is Lanna Varro I will be your co-pilot today make sure your laptops or the tray tables and their upright and locked position then wait many many many years for this look at that run I hate to say this but I need you to come back faster I love testing my gear limits I've got some early epic deer hunts coming up later this year and I want to know how my stuff's got a blast and pull wet gnarly weather is teasing y'all we've got a really big fish on here trying to figure out do we want to turn around and go face forward or back up looks like we're gonna make the turn got it back off the drag a little bit make your turn you don't want to have a super hot drag make it turn it breaker off I went to high gear so I can gather more line coming right to us there comes the Llano my arm feels like it's gonna burn off if you've got a torch up against my arm please coming around to here okay we gotta take this freakin thing off well I got felt like you had me in a Kimura there whoa there she is right on the surface get her you don't need a lot of cranks it's just low gear lean up get you one or two cranks hey it's gonna be an honor having you wire this for me you guys please go check him out on social media why is like I know there's a lot of youtubers with bigger channels than this guy does being a guy on YouTube know where that has the breadth of experience catching crazy fish than this fella so you want to learn from the best follow the best he followed me to just saying because we're friends that's exactly we've got to go perfect we're both drift and down scene right is the same rate don't try to move her too much get a crank get a crank here she comes come on come on she's gonna come up to the surface right here I'm at 70 sit or something there's the leader talking people on it I'm gonna come off the drug a little bit I'm backing off 235 I'm walking up please please Austin let it go back it off I'm at the 20 I'm to 20 ok thank you that's perfect no she's not close enough to tag you're good neutral please [Music] right there cups tagging y'all are you guys okay pretty girl bring it close let's cut her up short here we go follow her with the GoPro sealer see you girl here she goes hey flight I did it here hey you guys this is what epic teamwork is all about well I want to say thank you very much for thinking of me brother as always are well thank you for all your hard work on the Chum Kurtis your manager and thank you very much hey but the fun has just begun friend of ours just harvested one of these big monsters and is hauling it back to the marina right now we're gonna go get a shower and then we're going to show you how to process one and later this evening we're gonna be cooking bluefin tuna right here from Nova Scotia Canada love you guys they depart so this is the landing spot for all these massive giant bluefin tunas these fish are so valuable that they have to be tagged before they come out of the water not only that there has to be a government representative a monitor a federal agent come here and watch this fish come out of the water that fish could be worth up to 1 million dollars giant bluefin are the most valuable valuable fish on earth my question to you guys is what do you think this fish is gonna weigh drop it in the comments below let me know my guess I'm gonna get six seventy seven that's the very last time that fish will ever come out of the water from now on it's all about production taking care of them and we're gonna head back over to where the ice bins are show you how it broke down and what an amazing amazing experience okay wrench do our thing so now as we pull up here to the processing facility before you start breaking this fish down getting him ready for transport because his ride from the sound to Japan is underway 307 kilogram I'll change that in a second just give me one sec so the fish weighs three hundred and seven kilograms which equates to there we go 678 my guess I'm gonna get 677 678 full disclosure as soon as I saw him I said 590 but whenever I've walked up I was like huh man he looks bigger than I thought [Music] so everything has to happen now in a timely manner as soon as that fish is take it out of the water the key is to get a process as fast as possible so that it stays as cold as possible that's one of the fins but it could be one of the it could be a dorsal fin it can be a pectoral fin it can be whatever all of these fins are made so that this fish can just cruise through the water and effortlessly turning on a dime this is the head fish handler around here soon as the fish comes in he takes care of it and you know he's considered when he breaks out the power tools that body might be going to Japan but I guarantee you there's some meeting that head we're about to cut out there you go y'all like in your mind do you think the whole fish has to turn like this but look you can see the joint now Terry what are you doing here I'm severing the nerve through the spine of the okay so they cut that tail off right here what they did was they ran a hose through the front through one of the main arteries and it washed out all that blood it was actually squirting in here right here and it makes the meat perfect it's very important to pack the cavity with that ice you want to drop the temperature as fast as possible and you want the entire temperature to drop at the same rate now that fish is going to go in the ice brine that's been prepared for it waiting on its arrival the reason you put it in the slurry and the salt water will drop the temperature but that water will perfectly encompass that fish and drop the temperature immediately now they'll continue adding ice adding ice adding ice and at some point they'll drain it off so that it's just setting them in a little coffin of ice are you guys - look how huge this head is I'm saying 100 pounds all that meat comes all the way up in there so we're going to try to just [Music] cut it right up to the forehead just like that look at that you can peel this skin away or cut it I'm just going to scan this out and then you're gonna see exactly where you're gonna be able to get it now you see them you see where the play happening so now you got to get up underneath that play [Music] look at the fat in his head [Music] let's get that out look at that looks like a giant tuna backstrap tenderloin what are you guys so it just got extremely real in there after looking at the fat content in the muscle structure on that fish it's a very very very expensive fish each tuna is bought and sold separately and that's a contractual agreement between the fishermen and the buyer the most respectful way to say it is you wouldn't want somebody looking at your check from work that guy works his life catching these fish you can only harvest a certain number of them and that one is very very very very expensive kudos to Gary and his entire team on catching just an absolute magnificent magnificent fish that's the boat that's their weapon [Music] what an amazing experience this has been one of the favorite videos I've ever had the opportunity to do in my entire life it's just a season this sucker up go and it's just like this fish feels it feels like a piece of steak to tell you the God's honest truth and because we are in Nova Scotia maple syrup is a huge thing here so we're gonna season this sucker up with some maple syrup some soy sauce and a little olive oil there you go just gonna make ourselves a nice pretty love potion and what you want to do is just roll this sucker all around let it let it become happy make sure it's got some oil on it just sear that sucker throw it right there typically I would shut the lid but the lids in the front yard so it's not an option all right so we're gonna take a little bit of wasabi paste put it in there about like that then we will take some soy sauce take a little bit of slap your mama spices a little bit of maple syrup and a touch of olive oil take your whisk sear it off we're not trying to cook it totally all the way through we're just trying to cook it on the outside maybe 30 percent of the way I'm not spoke to why since we left the boat and he just pulled up how epic is this did you come dressed for youtuber what bro I didn't know I had to be color-coordinate we're in Canada hold on I got a question for you before we continue with this I want to know from you guys do you want to see a video on how to catch bluefin tuna in Nova Scotia if you want to see that video drop a thumbs up leave it in the comment below and we'll do it tomorrow I [Music] swear on my life we did not talk you showed up like a buzzard exactly what it was ready to go it's my inner Cuban here we go y'all oh look it's la are you kidding me it's that those little fat lines around the meat that that's what makes this fish the most valuable fish in the entire world look I need to get that sauce over yeah how is that unbelievable oh do we have chopsticks for everybody yeah does it look like I know how to use chopsticks is that good damn you better get in you know oh that is good I've always wondered why do people pay so much money for this fish how'd argue to say that's my favorite fish I've ever eaten in my entire life very very good here thank you sir what do you think Cameron II make sure each other's down before it gets cold [Laughter] twice it's the first ring second ring the 14-foot so this fish is about ten years old [Laughter] [Music] go to dear me for dinner calm dinner win this trip I hope I see you I hope you were the first one staying at my condo this has been one of my favorite videos I've ever been a part of in my entire life why thank you damn you guys I can't say enough good things about this go check out fly I'm speechless but that's all I got three night god bless hey next year let's do it again same place same time same bat Channel same bat-time man I love you guys but we are gone [Music]
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 21,181,680
Rating: 4.754168 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, bluefin tuna, giant tuna, sushi tuna, nova scotia, canada, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner, robert arrington
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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