Massive Swordfish *HAND CRANK 2000’ deep* {Catch Clean Cook} Ft. StanzFam

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so what's up out these people I'm Robert Arrington this is deer meat for dinner myth but Boyd mix tanzic today is a very unique day we actually just got done filming a video about seven miles back that way if you want to see that other show the link will be in the description below but many of you know Mick stanczyk he has a YouTube channel called Stan's fam his family owns Bud and Mary's the historic marina here in Island rod of Florida their family is legendary fisherman I fished with his brother two days ago we caught tarpon and snook and Goliath Grouper back in the backwater and if you walked into the bud and Mary's gift shop and little deli just look up at all the pictures I mean this place is steeped in tradition and founded on fishing you know to me and this guy right here he's one of my heroes he is a sword fishing guru that's how I learned my fishing with the best tell me a little bit about our here now we're gonna try to hang back today we got a 50 wide real we're gonna do like customer I have 65 Tom Brady yes sir we were hand cranking the Queen snappers and grouper now we're hand crank and swordfish let's get after it that's a Bonita taco it's a strip it's a Bonita strip that's so used it a ten on razor sharp look little blue and silver skirt over top of it it's got to be very durable because these fish you're gonna come in with that bill swiping and slashing if they cut it up then won't eat it you want them to be able to whack it can we come back and eat it [Music] the sword fishing because you're fishing so deep it's imperative of how you put your bait out that's like a big ol bobber look at it go [Music] so we have successfully deployed the jug rod and this is what we call the tip rod when your sword fishing all of your focus has to be on the tip of the rod because the fights aren't going to be huge it's just gonna be a tick it's just gonna be a black or the rod will load up or it will just have a different look to it so you've got to understand the the movement of that rod and we're always looking for a bite you watch the rhythm of it and all you're looking for something to break the rhythm and you don't know if it's a twenty or thirty pounder might be a seven hundred pounder Karine the rod tip it go like that you have no idea we got to baby set that's him right there this fish is 2,000 feet from us right now we got to get that hook driven we got to get the fish hook definitely they're stalling us out okay every time they come from he brings a banana there you go how I feel said I'm bad luck we're heading to fish and do all we love to do for a living ain't gonna be that bad luck they're clearing the back buoy rod so that we can just focus on catching this fish [Music] there we go and when you do this you're not trying to get a bunch of cranks like that 1/2 1/2 is what you're looking for [Music] and then every system fish is gonna scope up here we go we're tight to the fish when I get close to a fish like this come off the drag just a little bit Sears you know the fish may be hooked marginally oh there is right they're gonna come down I see them no doubt hold on let me come back here he's shaking his head okay he's coming in the back good he's gonna come up jumping hundred and fifty pound fish hey that's what a professional Oh big fish okay this miss just figured out that he thought that was the best swordfish jump I personally have ever seen this is what I love about these hooker electric reels we were able to use the motor to do the to do the crazy long runs but now here I am hooked up stand up for the gladiator the beep zyphus these swordfish are so strong you're never gonna beat them power for power you've got to beat them and just finesse get them make it feel like their idea to swim to the surface I feel them down there Swati what if it went of swordfish starts SWAT in that bill it means it's kind of it's like annoyed it knows it's hooked it knows that it's in a fight now did you agree with that fish is playing along well she's not doing anything real crazy which makes me think we've got it looked good in the corner of the jaw here's the leader right here that leader is 250 feet long so here we are and now you're not trying to do big things one crank get that fish's head to do just like this right to the surface you don't want it going like this we're gonna get it right here she's coming to us she's coming to us she's done angling into the boat neck Anglin under the boat okay gonna make a turn we want her over there a lot of times these fish want to get in the shadow of the boat see the shadow a lot of times they want to swim right in the shadow come on stay here honey okay come on and there goes the leader this is what a lot of people would want to push up the drag and think like oh I got to catch them right now no I'm an patience catch these fish with patience and technique it's okay we got it right where we want her the hooks the hook just did something I don't know what the hook just did but come on she feels like she's rolling or something here good pick head over the dart when you can here we go she's coming to us right here here she is just barely see color down there she keeps doing something weird I I don't know what it is there's something funny going on with her there she is come on very close Nick it's okay it's okay it's okay she's gonna come out she's gonna come out right here hold on let's see if she'll come up that's your shot right there oh here she goes stay there honey Oh [Laughter] we're so close yet so far big fish we got it right here Nick your we got her going right where you want her Nick there's your shot there's your shot there's your shot got her good nice fish nice fish please do me a favor just do me a favor go check out Stan's fam she's bigger than 150 that's over 1 thank you nice job on the dart boy good job son there you go so you want to know what works the Bonita taco what hook is that 8700 SS BMC super sharp strong durable got the job done y'all [Applause] [Music] [Music] Washington Roberts videos these last few years taking care of what you catch or what you harvest it's a big part of it - him down take him home and eat them and share them with our friends - hey Dawson Thank You buddy think I'm good problem thank you we were literally just running about 70 miles an hour coming in but Mary's this is the stanczyk headquarters I want to throw this fish on a scale we're gonna cut it and be ready to go okay you guys here's the question comment below how much you think he weighs don't cheat don't go ahead this is just fun drop a comment below how much think you ways hit the thumbs up if you think it's over 150 I'm gonna say it right now 185 I think it weighs 185 guys now my question is be honest who said 180 2.5 these swordfish live on the bottom they actually lived down there and I think they must roll in the mud because everyone I've ever cleaned if you take a brush like this watch what comes off of them just see how this is all white watch this [Music] look at the mud coming off of them that's mud so the way I look at it is why clean the fish and get that all over your hands and possibly get it on the fish when you can wash it off now watch this huge difference coming right up look at all the mud come off that fish Austin what have you ever imagined that stay Nikki stanczyk let's do your magic these are two of my knives that one's made out of an elk stick so it's more of a straight handle this is made out of a crown so it's got a little bit more of a curved you feel them and tell me which one you like more who you like the crown see I love the crown to it it feels good in your hand yeah it doesn't look like it would but that's right brother man I'll give it a shot so well that is sharp by the tail we'll do our outline first but then we're gonna do bones of it oh pretty meat - looks great and work away from the tail and try to touch that spine you can hear hitting it what a pretty fish no come in through his belly work his way all the way down towards his tail and this fish is big enough a wolf actually quarter it to you straight down here with a blood line runs just like that how are you all doing I'm doing great you ever watched YouTube I have a channel called deer meat for dinner so I specialized a whole look at that we're gonna change this sword meat for dinner today though yeah where y'all from follow that blood line get in the center just like that that's right there's Prime to me that looks perfect now that is a smile of meat there that looks beautiful that's the freshest broadville swordfish you're ever gonna get in your whole life we're gonna put it in a bag for you take it to a restaurant and have them cook it somewhere just call some restaurant find out where they can do hooking cooks and have it cooked tonight because that'll be the best fish you've ever had in your whole life my name is Robert nice to meet you guys prime yeah why don't notice a bit of fat that's a healthy fish very nice where you from Jamaica Jamaica you ever eat any pink parrot dr. fish yeah you know we got like eight dr. fish on there right now you want some dr. fish yep I know that fish go pick up everybody I got it done on Waikiki generally know you're swimming we got more pops on Monday we'll pick up who and a pork war entire you know big of Dunkirk we go Kingston City I'll show me a country god bless up with a and a Florida Keys respect 1301 bless em one respect yeah respect every time now thank you guys you're very welcome look look at this pocket that's Victor from landshark his phone's ringing but I know who cares we're having so much fun man we're just down here this is the beach house everybody thinks of but Mary's as a marina but it's so much more than that they've got beautiful rooms this is called the beach house this is the house that Nick stanczyk grew up in from when he was 10 years old to 20 years old the hurricane two years ago destroyed this place and it was rebuilt now they have it available for all kinds of big functions weddings you name it just check out bud and Mary's and uh you could be having your function right here it's amazing to think that forty miles that way this morning that fish was swimming around look at that it's pretty good ain't it Sam did you think you're gonna be getting swordfish with your dinner Showtime ladies and gentlemen now these traitors they kind of cook with an indirect heat but they're lovely this fish is gonna have a nice smoky happy flavor to it got us a little bit of Caesar salad although I wish we had some anchovies got us a sweet potato because my mom she is the biggest fan in the world and so mom this one's for you I'm gonna take us this is honey butter put a little or a lot right in there just like that going to take us to a nice old swordfish steak put on there just like that this our fresh garlic scallops put right on there just like that next standing you've been a friend of mine for a long time but you've been a hero of mine for even longer no seriously folks very few times in life do you get to meet a legend but I'm telling you if you keep doing what you're doing you're gonna go down in the history books is one of the greatest fishermen to ever live and it's an honor to call you friend like buddy thank you and you almost dropped that which would have been really funny now I'll make you trade if I get an invite to y'all's wedding you can have this plate of food there you go all right and what a blessed day this is you know what I'm saying here we go this is Sam Sam's from Long Island New York he came down he was fishing with with Brooke and Victor today there was a piece of swordfish my man oh so good I've never had swordfish cooked like this before absolutely amazing the scallops are really good I knew Robert before that salad is amazing I tell you what we didn't catch a swordfish but we get to enjoy it and we get to enjoy it with Rob and all these good people and that's what I like the most about Rob's channel is everyone coming together the positivity and you guys if you've ever wondered if Rob is as energetic and enthusiastic in real life as he is in his videos he's even more enthusiastic and energetic it is on real and the positivity goes into the food and everything he does so thumbs up Rob Thank You Victor appreciate it buddy this might be the best fish I've ever eaten in my life so good so first time ever eating fresh swordfish you too thank you for your hard work today bro no problem so in all honesty this has been a day that I'll never forget I just really wish Sarah and my girls were here this is a life that I'm honored and privileged to get to live and I appreciate you being a part of it Nick fun day you're my bro man this guy's a legend please go check out Stan's fam Brook crest outdoors Land Shark this barn Budden Mary's Island Rana the sport fishing capital of the world thank you Lord for all of these blessings I'll see you guys soon but for now we go [Music]
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 5,584,928
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: swordfish, sword fishing, how to swordfish, capt nick, stanzfam, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner, bud n mary's, Islamorada, florida
Id: vm4IZ9pG-iY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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