500-Pound Marlin Tows Kayak Fisherman 15 Miles Out to Sea | Panama | Field Trips with Robert Field

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I'd like to shout out to my buddy Jimmy Loveland who was instrumental in the transition between old school 'landing, scale weighing and trophy oriented' Marlin fishing, to the catch and release with observer format of tournaments today. He should rightfully consider himself a patriarch in all but the dirty deed itself of countless Marlin living and thriving in oceans today.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HocusLocus 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey guys welcome back to come butall Panama Louis buzos resort we got there at Cortez Adam Fisk we got no clients and now what a guys do on their day off they go fishing oh nice your macro Oh penny came oh that was a nice really nice Sarah mackerel and she's the bait right next to me forget the diver Sydney panga sinking a finger it's the big one Dara Dara Dara can you confirmed it out as a as a Marlin on Izzy self Moreland you have eyes on them should I call boat Corvina to Dara Dara Dara do you copy do you copy Derek come back Robert Robert come in Dara Dara Dara Adam Adam Adam do either one of you guys copy can you confirm you have a Marlin so I try to get a boat hey Derek you bye Robert anybody copy me pío pío pío me copia because they come sircome close [Laughter] Oh baby oh my god I don't know what to do I don't know if I should launch the boat or not thinking yeah you gotta get old appeal do PEO feel me copia alright he's not answering me does he know ride your dad is a big one yeah baby Adam do it I don't do it do you guys copy Adam or do it joonie here is a radio no puede llamar a P oh no see aren t any Marlin Laura horrible Marlin afuera si si do you copy Oh [Applause] Adam Jared you either one of you guys copy come back you still have a Marlin I can't copy and you're barely I'm bit just hearing some static do you have the Marlin yes or no Roger that Judy's coming in the bow right now yeah yeah no bro another one baby oh yeah mark Lynn oh I can't get a hold of feel he's not answering the radio pío pío pío make up [Laughter] feel feel feel make Opia alright so I can't appeal supposed to be back at the lodge listening the radio all day in case something like this happens Adams got a Marlin he said it's the big one its tolling about to see luckily I know that captain juni he's uh picking up a diver that he has in the water right now and either he's gonna go get Pio or he's just gonna come help out him last time at him with the Marlin he landed it after up five hours and it told him miles and miles out to sea so he's gonna need help I don't even know what I'm doing but I'm heading that way I'm heading offshore try to link up without him I don't know what I'm gonna do when I get there but film it I guess you survived the first 10 minutes you're definitely still in for a lot of fight but you're in good shape if they don't spool you immediately you got a shot if anyone can do it Adam can it won't be it's not his first rodeo all right guys 30 minutes in another black marlin baby big one and a blue runner same exact spot as the other one I landed Robert fields here he's gonna come up in the boat shortly locals just saw me captain Junie right behind me keeping an eye on me for now Sofia gets out with Robert it's a big one looks like we're in for a fight yeah people's coming to me right now I'll be there I'll be with you guys here soon all right finally peels out got the boat coming for backup I just got the other side of our goodies like Marlin I was like it comes up in a minion TV alright finally got caught up here with Adam he is hooked up to a Marlin a black marlin right now ladies and gents pulling me right to the deep end baby off the ledge we're in over a thousand feet right now got peel here just came to save the day he was out there painting one of the new boats rushed out here to pick us up we're just gonna sit here make sure he doesn't need anything and then give her a ride home after this thing shows about the sea Marlin Wow he's even worse at dancing on the ocean alright guys so Adam has a Marlin on but he is not stupid this is not his first rodeo he knows he cannot horse this fish up so he's really just kind of conserving his energy he's got the rod on his knee he's leaning back in his chair rod tip to the front of the boat just letting that fish pull down on him pull against that track tow his Chi I got to see and trying to slowly wear this fish out before he even tries to start gaining some line on him you said it jumped right next to the boat 20 feet away from the boat at the beginning he thinks he got it on video he said it's big and the last one he caught was 450 pounds so this one might be at least that big maybe bigger they think they're growing big out here but right now he's just getting like a few inches the line at a time the fish is no longer jumping it's it's now digging straight down and we're gonna be here for a while so he's not trying to force it not trying to rush it he's honestly just kind of chillin he's got to be like the most calm tranquilo guy that's ever been fighting a Marlin in the history of fishing I'd be crying and already would have poop my pants by now he's just chillin he's listening to music fact that's all I'm actually sending out a text message he's telling his wife you said don't do it Marlin again another casual day one of the guys the lows boost let's do on their day off which come out here catch Marlin four gags no big deal we're gonna be here for a while guys this might get exciting and we got time we'll go get you some wings from Sophie's going a beer you want to lose booze Oh special don't you move for home run that Gatorade keep stay hydrated just casually trying to take the ocean a little cleaner while we wait for Adam to land this Marlin we got time see see it's like I gotta get it good karma we're gonna lay in this fish I can feel it all right about an hour into the fight Adams just gonna hold him steady low and slow like cooking a brisket about an hour in digging pretty deep you stayed up on top jumping for the first few minutes and then he stove down for the past 45 minutes he hasn't come back up he's just taking me directly offshore just like the last one same combo same everything accurate real gentleman rods my Marlin combo baby again made a perfect rig Marlon Riggs extra-long hundred pound fluorocarbon thirty no circle hook same one we used for roosterfish yogi Berra's and all those other fish we catch rigged up right I think we're gonna get him so Adam is dumping the most qualified guy to be fighting this fish he's already landed at 450 pound Marlin from a kayak he knows what to do most people would be exhausted right now an hour in but Adam knew from the beginning low and slow slow and steady wins this race you cannot horse the Marlin not this big up to a kayak it's not possible so Adams been saving his energy just putting constant city pressure and the fish will come up eventually but probably in it for five hours as our guest so the meantime figured out some trash it's been here a while see you later break your own record here with Vegas my line we got okay Adam is hooked up to a monster fish it has totem at least amount about the sea buoy although now it's digging yet your line is going forward a tidy about oh it's coming up throw a la-z-boy that's better length a length of Slovak official I think it was coming up a little late maybe a change his mind we talked about to get a look at it so Adam has been drugged we're probably about three miles from vodka the fish is gonna picked up the pace here in a little while he's towing out a lot faster than he was he was gonna dig it down and we think he may be found at current and now he's just he's kind of hauling he's been towing out of it like it steady three or four knots it's about an hour and a half you might be a third of the way there we're out here now winds picked up a little bit it's not too bad yeah Morris we copy we copy copy yes yeah can you hear me do you copy do you copy [Laughter] yeah it's blown him off Shores slow and steady staying down he's gotten back quite a bit of line but he didn't have much when he started really started so uh he's still got quite a been lying out [Applause] [Laughter] Oster we're pretty much straight out man just a little bit east we're probably four four and half miles offshore five miles offshore but we'll let you know you're getting my in reads messages right obviously he's got the camera [Laughter] welcome back to lows buzos baby Adam sets up to a Marlin a giant almost two hours in the fight four or five miles from land he's been towed steady towing him out to sea young man in the seat Marlin rodeo down here in southern Panama crazy crazy crazy we have not seen this fish yet it's been diving and just towing about to see we're far y'all and the swells picking up a little bit out here all right that says the fish is as close as it has been the entire fight this thing is coming up higher in the water column you got him bro you got him sound of has this fish close to the boat probably three hours in just change directions on him now he's kind of circle a little bit I got hairy there for a second it's pulling Adam sideways look at this he's pedaling up hard to go touch that leader yeah he's got the swivel at the rod tip right now he's about the leader that's fish but we won't be done then what a beast leader touch that is an officially caught fish Oh [Music] that thing is so big and it jumped right next to him dude no he's got it he's got it oh my gosh that scared me [Music] that is the most insane thing I've ever seen coming out of the water that is crazy it looks so like ridiculous next to that little boat bro it's so much bigger than Adam and that gang together Gary : that's it oh yeah we got that on tape that was insane that's the craziest thing I've ever seen him on the water with the lining of his mouth [Music] I've never seen a Marlin in real life rode that that is a doozy you going on three and a half hours time flies winds picking up a little bit but not too bad a little sporty yeah Adam Morris just sent me an in read she said we're ten miles out right now yeah we had here we out here all right ten miles offshore right now a demoted less than two fishes total over eight miles it's been about three hours and 45 minutes going on four hours insane I'm tired we're just watching at this point Adam is such the leader which is the 15 feet of line closest to the fish and that is an official catch on a marlin kayak or otherwise now he's finding it purely in hopes of getting his hands on her for a photo moriss moriss moriss oh we need gas we need gas okay so they called Marlin on about 10 o'clock this morning it's 3:30 that you asked why some of us don't fish this is why we're sending out a search boat now looks like he's been fighting all day laughs they're gonna be fighting all night here's AJ in the Kawasaki Mule no we got four tanks of gas we got bottled water and ice we got a pack of food and we got all of Roberts electronics new cameras night lights and fresh radios we're fixing to roll out with a second panga and go dump off all the supplies to the first one and let one guy come in and have a second watch crew there hopefully not for the whole night we've got Adriana at AJ launching the resupply boat the chase boat with a Marlin is about 11 to 12 miles straight off shore there they're going to take them new supplies bring back anybody on the boat that needs to come back for the night and the rest of them go settle in to chase the boat - Adam catches the Marlin we'll do this again at daylight if need be [Music] Wow all right Ana's gonna kind of crank down this fish it looks really tired we don't want to kill it so he's gonna crank down try to get it up and then either hand it off to us or or just putting up fresh - that's basically gonna break off or pull the hook might be easier said than done buoy the hollow man look at this these are some big waves bro extreme in the boat oh dude you're a bistro is insane oh my god I don't even know what to say that that's crazy so the stuff legends are made of The Legend of Adam Fisk I'll be telling my grandkids Adam is finding this fished in some pretty gnarly conditions the camera's never do it justice but it's it's sporty out here look at that look at that careful and it's running at the same time whoa Wow bro yeah wow this is some extreme fishing right here boys just kind of losing his fish bag now at the front of the kite it's got a falling off the bow he's been hit by a few pretty big waves and I was trying to get that fish bag nice nice nice brofist you going out like that it's another day in the office here Brad and Fisk actually this was his one day off goodbye to fish for five hours no way all right Anna feels like this fish he doesn't want to kill this fish this fish is struggling he's diving he won't stop so we're gonna try to get this guy faster by fighting in the boat oh yeah [Music] yeah he's still pulling drag Vogelsong huh down to the breed straight to drag it all you think this is not spam do you want this [Music] don't look at this back out everything I just did just got undid that's a big fish all right down dragon yeah yeah and this is what for half hours in four hour it feels like I'm on up the fish lady's ingest cannot believe the season on the line for five hours still pulling like this the reels lockdown like I can't put any more force on I'm trying to thumb it at this point we're going let's just get her up or pop her off this is called wiring a Marlin and it's the easiest way for mates to get seriously injured or even killed Adam has to wrap the line around his hands for leverage but if the fish takes off and he's unable to drop it immediately she will easily drag him down to the desk [Music] [Music] all right well be aware [Music] [Music] before beast embassy I mean lot of her third crazy we got a problem this thing toted so far we don't have enough gas to get back and so more is the law Hillary said I wanna Adriano's pawn gets to come refuel us give us some water we're out of water but you can't find us now we got this Garmin in reach we're pinging our location but Adriana didn't really know how to use his and I mean it's a big ocean or a small boat it's pretty decent swell and chop and now we're gonna lose in the light [Music] never a dull moment the hardboard is over kind of feels like the artboard just began we'll be sleeping on the boat dreaming Marlin hope you brought your passport he's having trouble fighting us our friend of the owner of this boat Adriano he's out here looking for us somewhere we're able to talk to the lodge coz Morris got a bigger radio we finally got back in a radio contact with him but we can't find any huh no and he's got the fuel and the water and the lights Suns going down gentle doughnuts [Music] no lights Adriano has the lights but ironically be justifying us to give us lights we don't have any lights we got stuck out here we would not leave them up somewhere else strong currents out here yeah if we land we've a long way to Antarctica if we head to so we still got out of Dory OHS we just got back on the radio with Adriana we just heard him for the first time today we're getting closer to him but we still know where he's at you know where we're at we're running out of light quick these Jesus oh man this guy is saved today like 10 times my experience Hey [Music] [Music] every Marley gets a free shot the roosters bar and grill as we motor back to the lodge and the light begins to fade we reminisce on the day's events we talk of all the jaw-dropping moments of how sketchy the conditions turned and of the sheer power and endurance that animal brought to the table we also discuss everything that could have gone wrong of the holes in our marlin protocol of needing to shore up our preparation and processes so that we can stay safe while targeting the Giants of the Pacific from little plastic boats in the end we found a victory and while Adam certainly deserves the lion's share of the credit he readily acknowledges that it takes a village to make history adam's previous marlin last year was the unofficial record for the biggest Marlin ever caught from a kayak and while we'll never know with absolute certainty we're relatively sure that he beat his own record today as we battle the wind and waves back to los pozos I'm filled with pride for both my friend and our team we cut it away closer than we meant to but we'll go home with a story that we'll be telling for the rest of our lives if you want to come fish with us at Lowe's Bustos visit los pozos dot-com or send an email to info at lo spoons calm while I can't promise that you'll hook a Marlin I can promise that you'll go home with a shorter bucket list and your own crazy stories to tell [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Field Trips with Robert Field
Views: 3,941,486
Rating: 4.6353011 out of 5
Keywords: panama, cambutal, best fishing in panama, marlin fishing, deep sea fishing, offshore fishing, offshore kayak fishing, kayak fishing, fishing, travel, tuna fishing, black marlin, marlin fishing costa rica, marlin fishing panama, blue marlin, striped marlin, white marlin, field trips, YakFishField, fly fishing, traveling, kayak, ocean fishing, catchandcook
Id: m7_8NtwrGUU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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