Monster Lobster {Catch Clean Cook} Home Made Lobster Bisque 2.0 (Staniel Cay, Bahamas)

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[Music] what's up happy people this here is a bucket list trip we're heading over to staniel key got my mom and dad with me got sarah and the girls we're gonna have a world-class time it's wednesday we're gonna be there till monday morning and you are riding shotgun here we go y'all say goodbye to the concrete jungle [Music] to me that's some of the most beautiful water in the whole world right there what are we gonna be catching with these blue marlin this little community here in the exuma keys is such a tight-knit community everybody gets along so well it's just like this is what island life is all about my boy kevin doyle he is what great friends is all about and we are going to have just an amazing [Music] time my dad always sacrificed worked his butt off and took me and my brothers on vacation down to the florida keys and uh now it's his time to reap the reward gonna run out to a place called the tongue of the ocean it's this isolated pocket that's surrounded by flats but it's super deep and it holds a lot of fish i mean hey got a fish we can deep drop we control we can spear fish we can do it all whatever we do is happening out there and you are riding shotgun [Music] this is what they call a silver snapper here in the key or in the bahamas yeah we really enjoy eat these yeah we don't eat them back home too much but over here they love them you love them hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my so [Music] [Music] that's a great eating fish right there rock fish [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] massive lobster biggest one i've ever [Music] everything will seen just [Music] oh that's advanced i've lost here everything will be just [Music] everything will be just [Music] [Applause] a phenomenally good eating fish right there yellow jack that's an unbelievably good eating fish that's what we're here for [Applause] oh my goodness hey hold up i'm worn out i'm starving but we got a pile of seafood look at that that's what you call a rock monster that thing is slapped full of meat that's a big lobster that's a monster lobster holy mackerel brother good stuff man three years ago i came down here and spent a week on his yacht we made lobster bisque that's like my third biggest video i've ever made he said ruby you must come back and make more lobster bisque so the very moment we saw this lobster i said hey it's lobster bisque 2.0 that's what we're gonna do now [Music] been on the boat all day yeah got all kinds of seafood everyone showed up dipping it out giving it to people that don't have any and uh just a great way to be we've been cleaning some hog fish and lobster in just a minute this is a wine bottle you know how big a wine bottle is that tail is bigger around than the white model if you don't have a wine bottle that's a paper towel that just gives you a comparison go grab a paper a roll of paper towels and you'll understand that's a gigantic lobster and we're gonna make a lobster bisque but it's gonna be my own like crazy rendition so it's called lobster bisque but it's going to be more than that um come in here these legs are super big and we want to utilize all the meat that's in them come right in there there's these knuckles get all those off now take all of our legs drop them in there make sure you don't do this on the on the table because they have tons of like a fluid in here that sticks to everything now that tail is about a two pound tail and it's really really really hard so i start back here towards the back work that down just like that turn it around [Music] i mean that is large and in charge take this break it just like that then your vein will be exposed go ahead and get rid of that see what i do you break it loose there and then that's gonna pull out do the same thing over here break it loose and then grab a hold of it now there's still tons of love and goodness in that shell we're gonna throw it right in there take some sea salt salt up our water real nice just like that let that boil take our big chunks of meat like this and let's just cut it up not into tiny pieces but you know just just into chunks of love put in some butter mm-hmm onion take some of our lobster and put it right in there now we're going to take all of this loving goodness and just it's just going to start coming together let it start cooking down we're just putting our ingredients together right now [Music] now this is a little seasoning that i got from the blue store it's called complete seasoning we're just going to season this up [Music] has such a wonderful smell to it [Music] oh yes so what's been your most favorite part of this trip so far everything the views the weather the atmosphere i thought there you go well you've been fishing well i was fishing for a compliment there i guess leave a comment below who cooks more you are your significant other because in our household eat the beer well i just i think i enjoy cooking more look how beautiful that is starting to caramelize a little bit we're going to take a little sauvignon blanc put that in here and let that start to reduce down so now our lobster is done the sauvignon blanc is reducing down i'm going to reduce this to low and let it just simmer this shell is done we've boiled it it's done we don't need to do anything else our legs we do have something to do with them i want to take them out of here that's that is just beautiful stock and we're going to make it even more beautiful we're going to add celery some ginger onion and some lime there you go just like that we're going to put it back on the heat now that's just going to continue to add flavor see what we're doing we're just stacking flavors stacking flavors it's all going to come out perfect see how it comes out little chunks like that then you hold it with your finger pull it right off same thing on this side it comes right out just like that then hold it on one end that leg comes right up look how pretty that is show you one more time there you go pop off one end comes right out [Music] big beautiful chunks of meat from the leg that otherwise most people would throw out it's like a king crab leg what you think dad pretty good can't wait to eat it sure was fun having you out there dad that's good i've never had lots of like like that [Music] that's really good now take a red bell pepper pop the top don't want to waste any i'm going to skin this tomato real quick i think the skin hangs up when you're making your soup or your bisque the skin will hang up and become like a sort of stringy and if you just take and skin it like that then you hey rob what's the difference between a green yellow and red paper good question my buddy joey velasque actually taught me that a green pepper a yellow pepper and a red pepper are all the same exact pepper they're just a different life cycle so they start off green then they go into yellow then they turn red interesting all the same so they all taste the same well i think the longer they ripen the sweeter they get sweeter and i'm a big believer when you're cooking tomatoes that you need to season them i'm going to take some of our stock with some of our onion some of our celery not too much but about i'd say about that much see how much fluid we have in there then we're going to take our tomatoes put them in there our peppers some of them will go on the floor some will go in the bowl and our garlic we're going to put that all right in there now this is all the herbs that you just saw us put in there we'll put that in there now we take all of our lobster and we're going to put that in there yessiree now we're gonna let that start to thicken all that flavor is gonna condense down into a happy thick love potion you don't want to cut them too fine i added a little bit of water and cornstarch just to help it thicken now all you have to do is let it boil until it hits the consistency that you want as long as it's boiling it's getting thicker because you're pulling or evaporating the water out take a ladle about that much take a few take ourselves a couple legs a little bit of cracked pepper just like that and you are eating good in the neighborhood drop a thumbs up if you think that looks amazing i promise you i just taste tested it it is spot on let's see what everyone else thinks dear lord thank you so much for this day thank you for this food thanks for this wonderful trip with amazing friends and family lord i pray that you'd bless each one that's here tonight or each family and and i pray that you've nursed us through our body in jesus name i pray amen amen all right y'all i'm telling you right now this is what you call a bucket list trip now this is my third time coming here so maybe i got three buckets but i couldn't be anywhere even with that well it's my first so all right let's see what you think it's not fishy i can't eat fishy things and this isn't fishy at all it's really good thank you good mom i'm glad you all like hey i hope you guys like it if you did like it please drop a thumbs up below and um i don't know leave a comment let us know what you think but this is a real blessing i just want to tell each and everyone even thank you for taking the time out of your day to be a part of mine and uh that's all i got for now take care god bless and we are please check out if you want to come do this but we're gone for now [Music] you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 1,726,542
Rating: 4.9050298 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner, stainel Cay, the Bahamas
Id: CePV84OCfvw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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