Arrow Dodge with NO LIMBS

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oh hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to the stream this is the arrow gods challenge but before we get started I am putting hair gel inside of socks because I hate myself and I have to put these on and then wear Crocs do you want me to hold it open for you you know I you know I just want to suffer through this bond my own can you go grab my Crocs though those are really what I'm by yes hoping for ox ah that's more gel than I put in my head so we are raising money for Save the Children which is a great organization and even though we are foolish but we're almost at ninety thousand dollars raised which is absolutely incredible give you give yourselves a round of applause for that thank you everybody's contributed so far this is gonna be awful that I'm about to do this yes very good is it coming out of the song no it's not it's very well contained oh very good I can't describe the sensation of what's happening inside of my sock just squishy come to mind Oh more than squishy Oh Gel gonna heat up and just like keep them in a constant state of oh I don't think that's what's gonna happen usually when gel is associated see me through the sock at all oh it's very water tight oh nice that's how you know you got a good sock when you can put a bunch of gel on it and none comes out oh good socks all right so we're raising money for Save the Children I'm doing this because as part of our punishment board which only gets picked when we hit monetary amounts which if I'm not mistaken we just hit 90 thousand which means that someone else has to Bob for a punishment and then we're gonna get the arrow dodged whose turn is it I'll go all right why did you sigh I don't know if you want to I don't know just go and I felt like sorry hold these okay very important hey these are mine I won't put it back on though I felt like Ponyboy let me be party boy boy yeah what please pony pony boy Curtis what yeah what okay we'll talk about this in a minute let me Bob okay feel around with him nose use that schnoz look it and bite yeah get it get it you got it can't grab anything why don't you push it against the side wall you gotta be suction he's a lot of suck and I've had that good sup dude we cleaned out the water by the way so this is clean fresh water new not any element of that horrible that was happening before all that was so gross it was pretty bad I was gonna that's going through my toes oh I can't explain how weird this feels because on camera it doesn't translate because it's just what I'm wearing have you ever had a pedicure no because the only way I would have predicted to have well how about let me say how it feels cuz I'm feeling it right now what I'm saying okay I can't really explain it because it doesn't translate on camera very well because obviously it just looks like I'm wearing Crocs it looks like have you ever been in a bathtub full of mashed potatoes because I have so imagine you're in a bathtub full of mashed potatoes and you feel the potatoes going through your toes and whatnot are you done yet I think that might be a better strategy from drink all the water yeah by the rat bite it just ate it whoa there we go finally what do you got oh 10 ah no talking you walk you can't talk the entire until the next punishment if you want to talk you have to go in the other room and talk through either your phone or a walkie-talkie I forget which one we have all right is it those work these are the ones but almost no maybe the battery I think maybe all right you got your phone yeah I got my phone so we're just gonna have a phone call going and you just want to telephone it's right behind you or should be behind I think thank you thank you very much all right I'm calling you okay do we want to FaceTime we're doing I'm just normal call call okay all right you got to put your phone in the other room sorry I do not disturb on okay hello hello hey how's it going doing pretty good how are you good yeah put your phone in the bathroom or something before about yeah yeah the far bathroom yep okay all right so Ethan can't talk until yeah Ethan can only talk by running and going over there if he wants to say anything all right cool all right all right all right all right okay so here's how it's gonna work we're gonna be dodging arrows new mute wait it's working now mute yeah I can't hear you on the other end no that's not the problem I got it okay all right so we're gonna be doing this and we're gonna be dodging arrows shot by the wonderful Tyler over there just to give an example of the power that we're dealing with you might want to move ah [Music] sound effects are okay so that's what we got to deal with but it's never that simple oh go get the duct tape stupid goof you big bag of boom that's wrong I don't know where the duct tape is where is it duct tape it's right here you idiot get back over here I can't hear you because you're muted idiot it's weird you know I told you you're a ninny did you just assume you're an idiot ha obviously here it is you big goof yeah that's what I thought ok so we've got a excuse we got a Twitter works excuse you we got a twist we we got a twister man so with this twister match what we're what we're gonna do is we're gonna take the right hand left foot left hand right foot thing and instead of us actually doing twister like normal people we're going to tie those things together that can include me no it's just gonna be even an eye because we're the only ones capable of dodging right now Tyler's knee is still bad you can't make sudden movements so we're gonna do this okay who wants to go first I don't care what those breakers what okay you could have pointed at me or something we could put we'll play rock-paper-scissors okay rock-paper-scissors okay so on three like rock-paper-scissors shoot right yeah on shoes okay I'll be back in a sec okay idiot hey I love you nope don't forget the safety goggles let's do it alright okay so I'm gonna go this BAM right but right okay so that means I have to yes please then thank you oh god I have to try to dodge oh no oh no with my right foot tied to my right hand very kind of you to not want to destroy my pants I got it thank you alright so while we're getting set up here remember there's a tilt to fight link down in the description below we've been making great progress throughout the stream we've been beating the average to like the duration of time that we need to go for and how long the string goes how much money we need to race with 19,000 raise we're almost halfway there but this is the fourth tub eighth challenge we need to push beyond that we need to number one get to the halfway point by the end of this but also we have to push past this so please if you haven't made a donation yet and you still can please do because everything that you do is gonna be double this entire time so please make a donation what yes hey you should be good to go I don't take your hands to your feet okay thank you welcome okay chica chica all right so please consider making a donation please consider sharing the donation link ask your friends and family to make a donation to this because we've got a long way to go and we're ready to stand in the line of fire for this but we need your help all right okay you can protect me come on I can't stand in the line of fire more like crowds in the line of fire am I right delayed Joe what'd you say I said I said I said stand in the line of fire cuz that's what you said and then I said more like crouched in the line of fire but it's not as funny cuz it's a little bit of a delayed joke now okay all right I'm gonna dodge an arrow okay all right but I'm gonna come back so tell Tyler not to shoot me all right Tyler don't shoot him okay all right all right somebody chica what's wrong what I trust your accuracy ha ha no I don't like this Jail advice jocks all right keep going I don't like this how many shots doing good I don't know three and then what we're okay nice Dodge thank you oops I got other ones all right all right I've got an arsenal okay all right okay I got hit two times I got hit two times you goof it's your turn to go okay uh I'll just leave that there in case I need to get it back in there I'm gonna watch him so I know this is accurate left foot left foot right hand left foot right hand okay got it come back the door behind you left foot right okay while they're there taping Ethan's left foot to his right hand you can donate to make us have to do another punishment and be forced to do that punishment during this event you know I am gonna take a punishment just because I can't dodge at the end of this so donate now a thousand dollars you get written on us and it's important because everything you do is doubled so share like and get people here to donate that can donate even if you can't everything that's worth double just because our goal is doubled the stakes are doubled and we have AIDS anonymous donor that is gonna match every donation up to two hundred thousand dollars which means if we meet our goal we will have raised $400,000 for Save the Children and now I'm going to shoot Ethan who can't talk huh oh my protection I guess that's relatively important gotta keep those glasses on maintain the the pony man that's monkey-talk I think that counts what's that a Dodge chica good job keep your good job Billy down pub go lay down - good wait hey wait go lay down flip up lay down stay safe stay low okay you've got he got two out of three hit two three hit are yes sir we're still tied up alright I got go again toss me some arrows I'll get them because he didn't decide and I wanted to take this offer to actually Busan oh you can take it off for now I think that's acceptable okay [Laughter] all right so my answer I told you Etha shut the door gosh right hand if you get the same one does that mean you're free no right foot again all right I can do that all right well don't take it off what if you get it again coming look at yes put that on my face please thank you all right looking good okay all right okay you've had practice with this one so I'm not holding back why would your home Mac I love that sound when it does hit the door though my anticipation of jump why are you running at him huh instead of talking did I break your mouth so while they're affronting you can donate it help us meet our goal and exceed our goal because we reach $200,000 nan miss oh dear whoa match that amount and we'll get 400,000 share hit that Bell buzzer you're notified when we are live keep donating because then we have more punishments to do everything is worth double this stream and it's all for Save the Children which is an excellent charity the money goes towards their education protecting them from harm and keeping them healthy so it is extremely important charity that they work in crisis times and in 120 countries all the time nice and seasoned are you ready Oh decisive strike oh I have an idea I have an idea okay I have an idea first I want to vote to let Ethan talk cuz it's awfully difficult this way yes yeah okay yes how does let you talk for now okay I have an idea because I'm gonna change things on the fly as we're going what donation level are we at we're at ninety two thousand six hundred and eighty seven so we got a long way to go it's only 247 right now which means that we got a lot of time left in this stream and we got a lot of time left in this game I say we mix it up and tie one of my arms to your all right I'm down and down okay and then we both have to dodge that's right going on over here all right ready ho okay so this will be you or me this will be me okay so your left hand to my right hand thank you that's so sweet is it wait we're just like this am I trying to shoot you're trying to shoot both of us your right hand you idiot so you're both trying to dodge while you guys are connected so wherever you hit that's important here safety mr. haire you can still be rambo boy okay how do you not know what outsiders is you were never forced to read that what I know it's a great book I can't remember [Laughter] goodbye elbow I think whoa my other heart I don't have to do anything if he says gaming three might've just straight-up hit the mic one more and then we'll switch body parts oh one more are you guys keeping track of me maybe yeah the drive here chica oh sorry I wasn't keeping track of the score what do we got I hate you both with one of them and I hit Ethan at least three times so that would be four I only took five shots so you got hit twice even got hit four times that's because you both got hit by one okay sure you guys know what outsiders is right what's outsiders it's right where people are outside looking in you guys know outsiders you don't know Ponyboy Curtis it was Ponyboy okay in the stream everybody please I observe golden Ponyboy how does nobody know this is this something boy what is this alright anyway it's fine my left foot I thought it was the thing that was just to your left hand my left foot your left foot to my left hands yeah oh jeez okay worried about you stepping on his hand now though Lucius your face you worry about holding us to death alright you know yo all right what if I was blind for this doesn't have to be like this now I give his hand take this oh wait my left hand yeah to my left foot okay you got a pic what's up here oh wait I know what to do put it there I'm just worried I'm gonna wrap it twice wait wait wait no wait I don't like this nope you're all set okay all set your feet are so I get I have gel in my hands now I am gonna break your wrist off that's what you get for trying to learn that was just a fist all right God how many did you get durbar move this way maybe he won't be able to see us and my oh no you okay yeah it's fine I just have a fracture [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] how do I hit darling very dead [Laughter] you don't know that don't praise oh alright does chaos incarnate but before we get to Kansas entired here once again I want to thank you everybody so much for joining but once again this stream is all about you guys the stream is everything driven by you guys we're having a ton of fun here they've got a lot more stuff to do but really honestly and truly we are far from our goal because as this stream goes on we all know that like people go to bed people don't like everyone tries to donate as much as they can in the beginning and then we have so far left to go and I'm not saying like we need to reach this threshold because of our own pride we need to reach this threshold because $200,000 means that we can do the absolute most good because it's being matched that 200,000 that we're looking for is actually $400,000 if you've never given to a charity before please take the time to do it now because now more than ever it's gonna make the most difference because it's guaranteed to be double what that impact is and if you've already donated and you've already shared once do it again sometimes it takes multiple multiple attempts to convince one person that like okay alright I know this is annoying but then they'll realize that it's for a good cause I don't want you two guys to spam the Internet but to be perfectly honest spam the internet like it's it's super-important for this one cause this isn't from my benefit this isn't for our benefit here this is for the children's benefit this the the charity that we're raising money for is literally called Save the Children and it's such an important charity because how many people it affects it's 187 million children just last year helping them with health care education living expenses just generally life improvement even in crisis situations all of those things exactly even in developed countries so as much fun as we have here it's so important that we help out and contribute to this and I've even donated money myself I've donated $10,000 I was matching again what was already being matched but I'm tapped out at this point I will try to give more but I need you guys to help out please dig deep please consider donating please consider taking the time to do so now even if you're watching in this in the future when the livestream is already off please consider making a donation it will do the world of good please consider sharing again it will again do a world of good spread the word don't be afraid of being annoying because you're being annoying for a great cause and we also we have that large overarching goal but you see that package in one of these top corners I believe it's this one that is 50 dollars that fifty dollars gives it's like four thousand babies they get their life-saving vaccinations they get their prenatal and natal like vitamins and nourishment and then they also get their doctor checkup after they're born to make sure that like they're well taken care of and they have the best possibility to survive just that $50.00 every single one every single time that fills up that is four thousand babies that are helped by Save the Children yeah and it doesn't take that much to get that package full what is it 1500 $50 it's $50 to get that package to go up that's why there's 4,000 packages there it's just $50 and we actively encourage everyone possible to give whatever you can we we're only doing monetary donations we had shirts that were there as a reward for donating but they're gone they're all gone so it's purely driven by selflessness and giving and yes we're being annoying to you right now but that's because I really don't care when it comes to like a concept as oh yeah like it's such an important like momentous occasion like it's it's a moment that's bigger and me like it's it's just something that stresses beyond what we do here so please take the time and do it now click the link in the description below share the donation link tilt the slash at markiplier it will do a world of good and again like this is all we couldn't do any of this without you guys you know this is not to not to put it all on you guys but it is all a community effort like it's not just us raising this money it's all of you guys we cannot do it without your help and again today it's more important than any other stream that we've done because we have someone matching all the way up to two hundred thousand dollars and I think I speak for everybody here that like you know we're we are very very lucky to live the lives that we live and like I had a very good childhood and others around the world are not so lucky and we're we're very lucky and it's really important to help out those in need and especially when we have the chance to raise so much money for hundred thousand dollars we have a chance to raise today and that that can go to help so many people worldwide so it's really really important again to everybody who's thinking of sharing the stream you know tell people that there is a match going on and that they're donated that their donation is worth double so if you really like one dollar can go a long long ways and you know if you're worried about being annoying on social media and stuff about it like keep posting about the stream nobody can call you out for posting about charity you know like it's all for a good cause so please don't be afraid to share the stream donate if you can because again it's for a really really good really good cause and we've raised a lot of money so far but we have a long way to go and like we've done it before and we can do it again and we can hit the goal but we need your help to do so so please if you have a dollar if you have ten dollars if you can spare any money at all please donate it goes to help such such a great cause and children and the world and more about the charity for one like we live a really good life and for a lot of reasons in u.s. one in five children in the United States statistic don't like getting the right amount of food there they go hungry and Save the Children works in 120 different countries so all across the world like if the US has one in five I can't imagine where it is in other places around the world and your impact this impact could be tremendous and huge and we want to maximize what we can do especially with that matching donor sharpy I think it's right behind you don't nevermind sharp shot here's another shirt how about we do another color who's getting written on I've got my boy ready all right leggy you want to go to this leg that still hasn't named let's do this leg all right this will be more permanent than the last one here will write at the same time you and blue me in red okay we're both writing with an A you all right wait here I'm writing two of the same name yeah baby jeez Lauren we love you don't you try unite your heart okay I was giving you that sorry [Music] [Applause] boy are you and I'm not sorry cannot sleep I cannot dream tonight I need you Lauren and always your name is on Tyler permanent ink he can't wash off in the shower not just one but two times and all the spiders hunting every time okay there we go I want to do something else tie both of my hands to my ankles the other one you can do is the crab walk you could be reverse of that oh wait oh yeah yeah that's right times both my hands my angles both of your hands tearing oh no yeah that one's I'm gonna okay you're just gonna shoot me okay I realize that this is actually a very explosive you gotta commit do you want to make that wider for your hand or no yeah good go for it it's all good it's all good all right so as you guys donate as you guys could possibly donate give whatever you can okay oh there one oh no it's already there who's in all right okay all right oh this is oh okay yeah okay that's pretty important okay no mobility Co you want to give away the yellows about to poke me in the god mark move slightly to the right I'm gonna try and shoot around you haha frame you with the song I got it I'll dodge it ah my face it's either your face irritated Oh God this is very much exposed crotch ah no all right bring it up oh okay from my angle it went straight right here oh I think so Thank You Elijah for being such a I hang on wait I'm gonna put out ah I'm gonna put make good was the name what do you want lies I say yes you do it fingers no no see I'm putting my say I'm gonna putting my arms together right across both you know no Tyler okay sure pieces but I'm not like that why but II know IJ do it then I was I pictured a difference I mean should I do it still just you do seer just do some knots ruined put elijah there you're the greatest thing that ever happened to today I think you're a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day I run day with David I don't I have a lot of heart filled lock my eyes on this John we race what time is it right now we raised $100,000 in three hours and 35 minutes of total on screen time that is yet unbelievably amazing thank you guys so much for being so incredibly generous Thank You Elijah you are amazing and everybody that has donated so far but we have still a long way to go so hopefully they're we're halfway there everything that we've done up until this point that's what we have to do why would I would I will die all right I mean I have it to Bob because I don't do you on the cookies on what I know I thought I was gonna Bob cuz I had to shoot no no I'm bobbing okay okay I got a mom after you Bob cuz I my eyes are closed I gotta stir it with me wha ah good opportunity good job fair expensive audio equipment that everything look great go ahead it's a good bub whenever you're ready sir that's gonna comical isn't it didn't get moved in here yes need help sir you want me to cut you loose [Music] why a and I'm not sure did I cut it new hmm why are you not talking I cannot get this off thank oh I'm gonna go get Kyle take it I'll take one Hey mm-hmm meh meh meh meh almost there yes I forgot for Kosta or doing now you don't know the struggle here give me those ma give me those sharp voice oh we should end the call that we have going between the two of us I already ended it you have something to say mark the host lives mm-hmm I got a bob I thought even was Tenten wait that means I have one two three four five yeah we need to do two more I'll be tatted come here I mean gotten tatted and you wanted sick ankle Oh Oh Oh Oh which one are we doing why a and I yes okay give me one of those why am i yeah oh why use in red okay Yanni yeah I mean that's what bark says that's it wait he's he's gonna continue I got another one okay Yanni we love you alright let's get let's get a good heart harmony harmony harmony you wanna you want to get lower or you wanna go high I'll go high Johnny thank you for the donation Oh Andrew Babcock oh hey you should rap about it Oh rap yeah get a good rap back oh yeah I'll drop the beat for all wait am i rapping I thought mark was typing the rat Babcock you the man with a plan and nobody can stop yours real there ain't no way anyone do not rapping or just win stick your flow Babcock youth man with the plan and nobody puts down a bumble oh another tattoo yes wait where's the where did I put them I've got the red one and the black one we need to we need this one right do you wanna do you want another Babcock tattoo give it to it right on your back all right yeah you want me to make it real large mmm is that mm yes how long is Parkman silence okay how long have you been silenced oh don't move baby baby it's baby baby [Music] no I'm not a dim be I'm not a deadbeat stop moving [Music] then an ingredient there we go oh dude that's dope can we just can we just in a skit oh-oh-oh can we gonna salt I'll just get that big bag got thank you thank you very much that's not where he did it I don't know I didn't babba you're drunk not gonna are dead wha it's a I hate all of you good I'm gonna release you from this the worst I was gonna release me bro hand tea please hey my ego my fire [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] all right no do with my soul Ty Lee can we just get a close-up on this just just let them peruse through a good fit just give a good pan downward okay start starting from the top I'll do a dramatic reading Bobby BB Tyler is dumb be Ethan it sing damnit not gonna read what I type I made all of you this is the worse I can't will ease my ego Jessie no fuel in my fire please have mayor eye on my seal rarer node you if my soul dunked eilean Pabst office I did whatever you say what were you trying dunked I leaned back sometimes a bond sauce oh it was discussed but uh what is that well chuffed and cuffed all right I don't remember that one that means we're handcuffed Street you and I yep oh we've already done this no we're handcuffed okay I think we should go like this we're but - but but my hands are tied behind in front of you so I'm your hands and then your hands are my hands makes it you're like yeah that's new it's gonna work can I do that just tight around the mills tie it do it Tyler I gotta put my mic back on what is the next thing that we're doing what hmm that's amazing here we go with your arms up and then do your waist and I'm gonna go across the back I can't handcuff you with you your back the back like or wait I'm handcuffing on the other side yeah okay yeah you're handcuffing his hands am i I'm handcuffing my hands don't worry about it yeah don't even worry about no no just the thumbs yet no look we're fine we got it we don't even need your tape we can obey by these rules now we're fine yeah you get your arrow and you shoot up this is we should get the the typewriter out of the way I'm gonna move a lot of stuff this will not be good it'll be fine it's whoever loses dies to make sense where's your safety glasses yeah I don't know all right who could do just a few more arrows to add this one whew to end it off what's up next something that's for you to find out what's up next soon I don't know what is up next what is up next I don't oh my god that was on purpose short short short no please oh stop okay your turn oh no why no sideways only fair it's alright that's oh oh yeah I could have taken those off a long time ago how is it is a squishy it's still squishy Audrina is it warm so no oh very cool so we're getting out of here for this one but we're not done yet we're not done at all we've got four full more hour-long challenges the next one is I will find out right now yes blindfold friend yoga this is where you guys can contribute to what we do we need suggestions from you for friend yoga and we're going to be blindfolded so Tyler and I are gonna be doing it and Ethan it's gonna try to describe the pose that we're trying to make and then we have to do it and we nail it or fail it based on how we accurately portrayed but you guys are gonna decide what we're gonna be doing okay hmm alright so hashtag bad paw for everything shut up not tap did test get them to give them the hold back front very nice there it is alright good so when we come back you've got a lot of time left 30 minutes is a lot of time so please spread the message about this charity stream tell people about the next event that we're gonna be doing get your suggestions ready for friend yoga get pictures of poses that two people can do together so that Tyler and all I can friend yoga blindfold it and try to emulate them for you so thank you guys so much we got a lot more in store we got long way to go but we're well on our way there so keep it moving and we'll see you at friend yoga in 30 minutes all right Siva 3030 don't don't
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 1,475,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arrow dodge, twister, funny, charity livestream, markiplier, collab
Id: DBSXbmrET4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 40sec (3160 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 25 2017
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