Mario's Fury (Bowser's Fury but CURSED EVIL MARIO!!)

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so the game starts off with Mario just taking a walk over here Princess Peach's castle in the background Mario notices some goof this is almost like Super Mario Sunshine and this game actually does make a few references to the game Super Mario Sunshine which I would really like to play I played a bit of that as a kid but I never beat it it was such a hard game you guys let me know in a comments if you've played Super Mario Sunshine before and if you'd like to see me play I really for Mario Galaxy I've been wanting to play those games for so long I really hope I could play that either this month or next or February at the latest hopefully I can start to play the Galaxy game and now Mario is falling oh my goodness this brings back memories it's actually unbelievable that this game Bowser's Fury is almost two years old now it is unbelievable how long this uh that this game has been out for this long already I feel like this game just came out but I guess uh we're like oh look what it is look what it is oh my goodness that is so incredibly girls we've got the giant Mario over there instead of Bowser look at that look at that look at how his head is in his shoulders there he's got giant traps and no decks look at him look at Mario blowing fire at us oh my goodness okay we gotta scare away Mario over here okay so normally the light from the lighthouse when you collect these cat shines normally that scares away Fury Bowser because that's normally supposed to be Fury Bowser instead of cursed Mario like this this Mario looks way too good I love it I love it wait and what's gonna happen hey normally he's supposed to jump into a shell what is he doing he's just levitating up there Mario stuff oh oh my goodness and he turns and looks back at you I wonder what kind of crazy jump scares we are going to be seeing in this game this is absolutely wild what is happening over here okay let's have Bowser Jr join us over here Bowser Jr's crying over here this is so sick you know what the first video on my channel that really blew up and it's kind of low quality compared to uh some other stuff that I could do now I think some of the videos that I make now are better quality but one of the First videos on my channel that first blew up was what happens when you skip Bowser Jr in Bowser's Fury so I hacked the game and I edit it so that the gravity value was zero and that I flew past Bowser Jr and we looked at some cool stuff that happens man and that was so cool I'm so glad that people enjoyed that video because for a while I was making videos like that in Paper Mario the origami King but when I started making videos about this game my challenge just really started blowing up and then I made a few more videos about this game and people were really loving it and the rest was history since then I've just been able to keep making YouTube videos man I appreciate you guys so much this is so nice to do all right let's get going with Bowser Jr on our team now and wait can I get Bowser Jr to get that thing in there will you get that Bowser Jr please tell me you can get that get the thing in there Bowser Jr please get in there oh no I tried to send Bowser Jr in there but he didn't get it okay let's take this super milk oh man it's been a little while since I've played this game actually but let's just make sure that we're still comfortable with the controls over here we want to get that very nice okay now we can just fly around here kind of climb up here there's a nice thing for us there I felt that I would miss that let's just go through here get this one beautiful whoa I missed that Odo that's not good that's a good that's not good oh does this mean that we're gonna miss this cycle that we have a mistake like that okay come on climb along climb along keep climbing keep climbing and please make that okay thank goodness we made that Bowser Jr please get that up there get it please good Bowser Jr what a polite little Bowser Jr we have over here let's grab that uh is that the no it's gonna say First Cash Line that's our second catch shine actually okay and I saw something really cool there's a cool little shortcut over here hold on is it here yes you can go here and then go like that hey please let me in no I tried to take this shortcut but I failed miserably okay but there we go now we finally got this over here man that's what happens when you try to do some cool view trick you learn for the first time without any practice you end up making a bunch of mistakes like that okay but we do have a few uh you know what's over here we've got a few catch things already okay so you want to head this way of course let's just go like this we don't have flashy unlock yet we are going to be unlocking question soon I think this is probably the fastest way to move through the water if you don't have Plessy wait where's that other uh hat shine there's a uh Shard isn't there a Shard up here somewhere oh oh no it's up there Bowser Jr gets that one please please get that one please I'm trying to point to it good good job Bowser Jr good job what a good polite little Bowser Jr we have don't come to me don't come to me cut bully okay there's an invisible block over here with the star and the nice thing with this star power up we can go like this and we can just run through these bullies and normally you want to push these bullies into the lava but hold on don't fall into love but don't fall in the lava don't fall in The Loft okay good and there we go okay nice nice yeah so normally you want to push those bullies into the lava but if you have the Superstar power up active you could actually just run through them like them that's what they're doing the speeder and the speedrun I think they could also grab this one on their way back wait wait the cat showed down here is that I thought that there's one there for some reason okay no but there's one in here and we definitely want this one hey where should we go next should we go to that Island to the right next I think going to that Island to the right next might be a good idea okay we've got four cat shines so far I almost called them catch shine shards so let's go over to this side oh no I didn't mean to trigger this oh no oh no I came here and I triggered this cutscene okay that's not good okay now we're over here okay so we wasted a bit of time our Speed Run is ruined now you know what learning how to do speed runs if this game would be pretty cool because this game has some really cool Speed Run oh boy why did I do it like that why am I making things so difficult for myself over here okay and you know what I think normally you're supposed to just grab that and run back but wait I just want passage here just grab it bro come on you're right there you're right there bro thank you bro wait why am I carrying this cat I threw the cat off hey let's come here you want to jump before that and actually come in here I almost missed it man I'm trying some tricks that I saw in a speedrun tutorial but I think the name is talmarek it's this channel he's got only like 500 subscribers but he's got this amazing uh speedrun tutorial for this game man definitely a very underrated Channel we want at least one more oh can I get that oh no we didn't get that we didn't get that I don't know if I'll be able to get another what is it called the cat shine I keep wanting to call the Cat Side shark oh oh I could have gotten the one that was right there there's one right there that's the one that I missed okay we could wait actually maybe I need that now no but Bowser's about to spawn ah you spawned already oh no hopefully this doesn't cause any problems wait wait where is he there he is there he is look at him look at him it is Mario it is evil Mario look at the evil Mario over there oh my goodness okay let's go to this boss fight against evil ready oh my goodness look at how he's gonna blow fire at us that is so good I love how his face is down there this Mario is way too good man just a cupcake did an amazing jump on this mod I'm so happy with healthy slugs this mod looks absolutely amazing it's gonna be Mario versus cursed Mario let's see the battle let's see come on show curse Mario ah look at him look at him he kind of stands like Donkey Kong look at how his arms are really spread out like that wait where'd we have to go oh we have to hide behind this thing here okay let's go swipe swipe now grandpa oh don't push me back get him get him get him get him good now ground pound here yes and come on come on come on come on we're speed running this fight here let's go let's go let's go now are you jumping oh oh look at him look at him look at him okay now he's gonna drop down drop down bro drop down bro come on let's go oh look at him look at him it is T posing Mario it is debosing Mario oh he's still alive he's still alive Mario's still alive over here let's go come on fight me bro we got him oh my God I love how he spins around like that it is way too funny how Mario spins around like this this is way too good oh my goodness I love this this is so good wait did Mario just disappear I was rubbing my eyes for a second Mario's just gone now did Mario explode where did he go Bowser doesn't just disappear here does he because right now it looks like Mario's just gone he exploded okay so now we have access to some new islands over here and it's so funny that Bowser Jr refers to the cursed Mario as Papa over here because normally it's supposed to be uh normal Bowser not cursed Mario okay so let's take this fella over here let's uh get oh oh and his blue coin bustle over here so you know what let's just do blue coin bustle because why not we can do it so why wouldn't we let's come here now we can come here and get these okay now Bowser Jr you can grab these I'm just gonna stay here you're gonna collect all the coins for me okay good little Bowser Jr good job good job don't worry about the sting bees ain't good get those I'm all good no no no no you missed this one you missed this one bro please don't miss them please don't miss them get them all get them all get them all get them all good good very very good okay so let's get that and now we can just get this uh Shard over here because there's one more Shard that we have to get over here is it right here it's somewhere over here there's a Shard somewhere here where's The Shard oh the shard's right over here there it is okay very nice and that's another catchline for us and wait is it Fury Shadow by the shore now at Scamper Shores I don't think that we've done that one yet right unless he spawns somewhere around here right Plessy where are you let's see we need a Plessy there we go there's a Plessy perfect right on type well actually a moment late actually okay let's get this fella right over here am I hitting you right away or are you moving let's see hit him hit him yeah we got him right away it's so cool that you could take out this guy with Plessy so you can just run into Fury Shadow by the shore just like this and easily stomp that guy and defeat him get wrecked bro get out of here okay I probably actually should have done this uh cat shine before doing the uh before doing the one at Fort flaptrap that probably would have been more efficient yeah because right now oh oh we can come over here still we can do this one this one shouldn't be too difficult here we should be able to do this one let's try and do this one let's go let's go let's go are you ready guys are you ready kids aye aye Captain I can't hear you oh that was a little slow oh you know what if you hold the Y button did you guys see when I did that cat dive how we uh up climb a little more and keep going and that's fine okay did you guys see when I did a CAT dive there how those little stars came out if you hold down the Y button then what happens is it actually slows you down quite a bit on we don't have a uh Tanooki Leaf I don't know if we can make it to there it might be a little tricky oh yeah we should use a Plessy jump to get to there okay where's Plessy we need a Plessy we need a Plessy there's Plessy okay plus he's a little far over here I'm doing this a bit inefficiently right now this is slightly inefficient the way that we're doing this right now oh and I was holding y again I keep doing that I keep making that mistake there okay let's see let's go like this okay because now the locked cage is there it's kind of funny how you have to leave a level for a little bit and then come back to it before the next cat shine is available I guess it's like that in a lot of Mario games like it's Super Mario 64 if you get one power Moon then you're kicked out of the level and then you have to come back okay let's do this bro and do that okay nice nice very good because if you land from a high height you don't take damage but there is a little bit of a stun animation so if you do a cat dive where if you do uh what I did there where you hold ZL or ZR and then you press the dive button then you don't fall as uh or sorry then you don't have the uh stun don't get stunned like that okay wait oh there's a Plessy for us perfect wait do we need a Plessy even oh oh yeah let's do this let's get this one over here so let's go like this and jump up and come on where is it nope nope nope okay let's try again this is all right because there is the official way that you're supposed to do it with the cat swipes against that feel over there but bro come on come on come on come on come on come on I'm taking even more time to try and do a shortcut then to do it the proper way because yeah you can go like this and jump up and go like that and there you go you can get the catch thing like that the way that I've normally gotten it is from up high over there if you jump from up high over there and you have a Tanooki Leaf power up then there's a nice way of getting it okay but come up here go like this Bowser Junior I need you to get that one don't hit me Bullet bills and Bowser Jr I need you to get that one there also and apparently I learned this only recently that oh boy that's not what I learned that there are also propeller boxes here okay let's take this power up let's fly to over here and now we can just go like this lovely and there's gonna be a thing right here for us beautiful okay is that all that we need over here is there going to be another one for us oh oh what we need is actually the you know what we need to get the key over here let's come here let's get the key we can't hold the key and the propeller box at the same time we have to give that up let's go like this because I wasn't holding the Run button so let me grab it oh oh there we go okay now we're holding it all right all right this is fine go like that okay and go key okay yeah because if you go into the water with the key then you lose it so you definitely want to make sure that you don't accidentally drop into the water you want to throw the key before you lay it into the water man a lot of the time I'm really focused on doing commentary but right now I'm actually trying to play kind of quickly so some of my commenting wait where did that even come from where did that Spawn from is that because we reached 100 coins or what happened it seemed like I just did a CAT dive and then all of a sudden uh coins disappeared but yeah I'm trying to focus on going quickly and I'm missing all these Plessy Dives if you come out of the water at just the right time then you have those sparkles in here and you can jump up higher and I think you also move more quickly horizontally okay so let's come here jumped off of that Plessy a little early okay let's send uh Bowser Jr after that guy go go go dive through these guys hey Bowser Jr you didn't get the piranha plant guys and I lost my super belt hey Bowser Junior you go get that guy always wait here for the power Moon not power Moon oh my goodness this isn't Mario Odyssey I almost called it a super Bell also cat shine that's what it's called we finally figured out what this thing is called and we have to collect in this game okay do you know what running low on supervilles and you know what for most of this game speedrun you at least for the uh 50 I almost called it star at least for the 50 cat Shine speedrun for most of it you are using the super Bell power up the super Bell power up is very useful okay Bowser Jr get that get that bro bro where's by Bowser Jr okay there you are Bowser Jr okay let's go let's go okay so we want to get all of these that shine shards over here go okay this is a little scary because it's close to this spiky spiky oh boy I lost it that never happens to me that never happens to me how did that happen you know let's go like oh boy I'm falling apart what in the world is happening today okay can we climb up here can we make it okay we can just make it up here without that I guess there's a little silly good here you never see people going here without the skate what am I doing here without the skate okay let's just go like this this is all right we're still fine we can get another skate as long as we don't miss this one we'll be fine let's just go like that there we go okay at least we got that one that's all right it's not the end of the world yet still doing fine over here oh boy you guys remember when people were saying in 2012 that the world would end because of the Mayan calendar I remember hearing that a lot okay and it's nice that we're getting some more of these over here let's make our way down onto that okay now where do we gotta go we gotta go over here we gotta face this uh boom boom guy over here that was a big jump over there I knew I would Bonk right into that okay let's come in here it's a nice place to go I'm gonna have just a boss fight against this cat boom boom over here it's gonna be a fine boss fight he's gonna be a fine boss fight and a good boss fight okay ready ready bro and nice hit on him over here and I saw a good tip it was from telmark's guide you just stay here in the corner and this is a good place to hide okay are you almost done bro almost done bro almost done broke oh oh I took too long I should have jumped on him sooner oh and you know what let me uh swap to my fire flower power up during this fight actually because if I take damage then I don't want to waste my super Bell power up actually oh wait for right now would actually be a great time to do a cat swipe against him oh well we could just go like that and wait where's the cat shine going to spawn over here in the middle somewhere somewhere over here are we gonna jump right into it hopefully we collect it I'll hold down perfect we got it very nice okay and now they're going to be some cat shine shards that we want to collect over here oh nice and that bunny rabbit is available now okay wait where's this one let's go like that and we'll also take this power up okay you got that right bro okay good job getting that bro let's run over here to the wall okay can we climb high enough tell me we can climb high enough perfect perfect good job hey now you can go up there get that one I'll get this wait why am I still missing so many which one am I forgetting oh my goodness I made a big mistake here you know which one I forgot I forgot this one back here and I also forgot the earlier one that we should have gotten before we even came in here can we get it before Bowser spawns or no it's right down here somewhere hold on where's it it's not down there is it it's gonna be down here I think somewhere and where is it where's it right there right there please get it before no oh no wait let's see Mario spawn out from here what's gonna happen Okay the big shell comes out ah Mario is in the sky Mario is in the sky look at him oh my goodness this is way too good okay I'm glad that I didn't skip the cutscene this time and Mario drops down like that he looks a little bit like lanky Cog his arms look extra long right now okay I want to be careful to not accidentally go into this uh hat shine over here don't go into it because yeah if we accidentally get that then we send uh Bowser away and by Bowser I mean uh Mario of course Mario's gonna probably try and blast some fire at us hopefully he doesn't get us with the player I you know what you know ah we took the damage we took the damage that is not good that is not good not want to take that damage okay let's come up here and let's battle that Mario guys this is going great so far I'm really happy with how this video is going so far this Mario looks great it's so good I just can't get over how that Mario looks like a bit of Fire coming out of him there wait wait what are you gonna do ah T posing Mario's coming towards us oh man okay let's go like this and a nice hit on him uh where do I want to go where do I want to go what are you gonna do are you gonna try and stump me bro I'm gonna try and stop me here let me stay back you stay here okay you push this back a little bit what are you gonna do now what are you gonna do Mario are you gonna blow fire ass let's see Mario blowing fire oh let's hide hide where he's gonna blow fire oh man look at how he shrugs like that I love his shrug when he blows fire like that this is way too funny oh no Mario is spinning T posing Mario is spinning around where is he where's he where is he look at him how is he so fast how is T posing Mario so fast where is he jumping to Bro where are you jumping to oh he's doing it he's doing it where are you bro all right bro bro you gotta stop this bro this is madness look at how ridiculous this looks I love this so much Oni just jumps away hey I'm gonna be catboy then it's Cat Mario versus cursed Mario where does this fire come from look at him it's like he shrinks into tiny Mario what are you doing tiny Mario oh no I missed him please I'm going to your shell for him come oh oh you're gonna do this attack okay get ready T posing where he's gonna drop down right okay let's get ready hey we're bouncing on Mario over here and let's do a ground pound bam Mario is defeated I love how he spins away like that this is way too good I really want to see what the final form of this boss is going to be like hopefully it also works that'd be amazing if it works and Mario gets back up is he gonna walk away this time not gonna explode now right I love how his head's floating over him like that look at this oh my goodness he tucks his legs in like that instead of hiding in his shell he tucks his legs in like that look how he's just standing there he's like you can't see me here okay so where's this Plessy that we want there's a Plessy somewhere around here okay right over there is a Plessy that's very nice but wait wait we need one more uh oh oh we need the one from over there right yeah we gotta get just this over here quickly this one right there there we go we finally got that that is lovely oh and we need to use the super belt we might actually need to go get some more Super Bells because we're almost out of Super Bowls actually this is our final super Bell right here which is kind of unbelievable to think okay so let's go like this then let's go go down and come on up okay that was bad let's try again okay we want to get really high over here like this and come on up can you climb here Mario go jump climbing up here okay now what do I do here do I climb up here where do I jump to where do I jump to from here we go over there I guess we wanna oh hold on there's some kind of platform over here okay so I guess we can go I guess we could just go over here okay okay I was a little lost I was a little disoriented over here there probably is a faster way of doing this but I'm a little lost right now so let's just come on over here let's drop down okay I bunked so we fell a bit slow over there and we had this stun from when we fell guys is this going to start to fall apart now we are going kind of fast not super fast up until this point we're going kinda fast but now seems like things are just falling apart okay now is there going to be a Plessy over here tell me there's perfect perfect thank you Plessy thank you very much you're in a very efficient spot do I want this uh we don't want to go there do we Okay what way do we go where do we even go now where do we go where do we go let's go that way let's go get some things over there let's go like this and jump on up and where are you oh no oh no oh no that's not good okay guys guys this is not as hard as it looks hey if I waited Patiently I could have just stood on top of that like look at this look at this this is ridiculous this is absolutely ridiculous I've missed how many two or three of those let's just go like this where are you guys I'm losing my mind over here like look it's it's right there look I can see where it is I can see that it is right there right there there we go oh my goodness three of these icebergs have gone by what oh he collected 20 cash checks thank you thank you that's very nice yes I've collected 20 cat shines which is very lovely now let's just come on over here and let's do a nice fight over here okay let's just go here uh Bowser Jr can you take out the snow poke guy Bowser Jr you take out that guy I'm gonna try and take out these little fishy fishies I lost my super Bell we don't have any more Super bells and I'm little am I going to die during this playthrough I have almost no problems this is actually very bad very bad news very bad news here take my Fireballs take my Fireballs I defeat this guy down there with Fireballs good Bowser Jr you gotta help me bro you gotta help me bro we need some super Bells bro what are we gonna do we're almost well we're out of super Bells not we're almost out of them we're out of them we have zero super bells in storage and we actually need Super bells for over here there's a super Bell in this level makes things much nicer these are just uh propeller boxes right you don't have super bells in here do you guys don't have super Bells right guys I need some super Bells any supervilles and it's like all propeller boxes but I need Super Bells I'd really like a super belt maybe if we get some of these coins oh and I forgot to get the rabbit that was back there too you needed that rabbit also and I go like this okay at least we didn't fall from that wait is there something nice in here tell me there's something nice in here a super belt please I have been trolled I have been absolutely trolled why would you have a pipe like that in this game why would you do that for oh my goodness oh my goodness that is absolutely absurd wait do you have a raccoon power up at least okay at least we have that that's something we might still fall from here though if I don't play very well gotta be careful where I go actually okay guys should I give up you know what let's go on a little detour over here why don't we go on a little detour over here let's go and get the bunny rabbit over here let's just go and get this uh funny rabbit over here and we'll have a little we'll have a little detour as we try and catch this little rabbit over here this West Wee Widow wabbit come here oh wait did I get it or did Bowser Junior I'm not sure how that worked but we did get it which is very nice you know what there was also a Plessy ring over here somewhere I don't know if the Plessy ring brings us back to scamper's Shores basically where's the Plessy ring over there let's see wherever it takes us that'll be fine well maybe not wherever it takes us but let's see hopefully it brings us back to Scamper Shores so that yeah okay okay if we go over here then we can get some more uh super Bells I really would like some more Super Bells that'd be lovely we really need some super Bells right now but I could also be collecting these coins let's go over here we'll go like this this jump up and just don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it very good and the nice thing here is now we can get a super belt from here and as long as we don't lose it you get another one from here and hopefully that is enough hopefully we don't need any more than that is there Plessy that spawns here gonna be a Plessy around here somewhere where's the Plessy around here come on where's the Plessy where's the Plessy there's got to be a Plessy around here hey fine I'll go to the dock over there because I know that there is a Plessy at this dock over here so we can get this one we got the rabbit already we got the other thing you know what we might as well go to a slip skate slope over here because what else are we going to do yeah we can go here and then we'll go back to uh Chris climb Castle after or wait are you supposed to go to Chris climb Castle first and then you come back here after not sure how that works we'll try and do this as efficiently as possible but we are already off course over here we are going to try our best over here okay let's get this one here blue coin bustle let's go let's go okay last time we had a lot of problems with the skate because I was a little nervous right now there's no need to be nervous because everything is already falling apart anyway so it doesn't matter oh no oh no are we going to get these in time what if Bowser spawns before we get the final coin that would be so sad he probably will let's see come on come on come on come on come on please please let me get those three please please let me get the cat shine before Bowser spawns please yes yes okay thank goodness okay oh man am I glad that we got that okay that's good oh and you know what maybe since we're a little behind maybe I'll wait here and let's have Bowser blast fire at these blocks just so that we can get another Power Moon after oh yeah and I keep forgetting that Bowser's actually Mario now oh and look at this you can actually see that the uh I was gonna call it a power Moon the cat shine it actually hasn't spawned yet because it doesn't spawn until these blocks are actually broken let's go down into the water over here keep Grand pounding okay you broke that that's beautiful now there's gonna be a cat Shine for us to collect there later but for now we've got another fight against that giant Mario over there so let's go here okay now how tough is this fight here going to be is this the one where he drops spikes I really like the fight where he drops the spikes let's see how this one goes okay I just took a little break but we are backed out oh my goodness Mario's shooting up these spikes over here oh I probably should have uh come closer to him wait is he coming here come I'm Mario oh no I was hoping that you would take more damage okay let's throw another Spike at him and let's throw another Spike Adam and let's also throw this Spike at him if we can get close come on now Mario come did I do this yes okay that worked Ed I don't know if this will defeat him ah he still has a bit of Health left wait can I get another Spike Maybe here's another Spike I don't know if this will defeat him now let's see where are you bro are you gonna jump to me come to me hey you're over here take this yeah that defeated up all right and he spins away like that I really like throwing all the spikes at Mario like that see if we threw one more Spike at him before we ground pounded on him then the ground pound would have defeated him probably oh and Mario just explodes now not the Mario that I am the other Mario yeah this time I wasn't rubbing my eyes when that happened and yeah it looks like Mario's just gone now curse Mario is gone but he's going to be back because this isn't over yet hey where should we go now because there are quite a few things that we have to do so oh you know where we still have to go we have to go uh oh wait oh is that a super belt you know what I will take this super Bell I would like another Super Bell very nice and you know what while we are here let's do this one I guess okay Bowser Jr you get that please come on get that get the thing down there just Get It Go Get It Go Get it you can get it right can you teleport to it yeah you teleported to it good job okay now blue coin bustle okay so let's do this and I saw that you can do blue coin bustle at basically the same time as the cat shine shards one but it might be a little tricky so hopefully we could do all right we want to be fast let's see come on come on come on come on let's see oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no it's it disappeared right in front of my very eyes this is what happens when you see something in a video Once and then you try and do it in real life wait can I just make Bowser Jr collect all these I don't know if he can collect all these go get those now get all those get all these for me I don't know I don't know bro it's gonna be close gonna be close get them get that one okay good he was able to get all them okay so that's fine that's all right hey it might have been a bit faster if I just went to it okay but let's get him let's make him get that and where's the last one where's the last uh Shard that we need I guess we can probably get it later oh yeah that's right I think you actually do get it or you're supposed to get it when you come back later or well not supposed to but in this Speed Run there's another one there's a switch that you have to hit over here and then that's when you get the final cat shine Shard okay a nice plus he's over here already waiting for us and I think now would be a good time to get that one but we already went there so should I go to Chris climb castle since we haven't done this one yet I guess maybe we should go do this one now and let's go do this one now let's come on up here oh oh and I can probably take that uh pipe over there because probably earlier we weren't able to take this pipe wait where's the pipe right here I just take this to the top now oh it looks like I wasn't really trolled super badly then since we were able to do this which is nice okay let's come here then it's come right in there okay now where's the thing drop down good oh come let's go and climb up here okay easy to climb up there now come here hey I should have kept climbing I didn't realize that we'd go into the wall okay come here good climb up here good now come in here I remember this was one of the most hidden wait wait get there get there get there bro come on get there get there this was one of the most hidden cast iron shards in the game the one that is up there and there's also another one in uh the magma level what's the magma level called again I don't remember what it's called no not really Rolling Hills what is it what was the name of it oh oh there's one here I don't want to fall I was doing this very incorrectly okay what you want to do is come down here get it and then come get it there we go get it and then come back you can also send Bowser Jr after okay I think a nice way to go might also be here you go like this and you could just climb up to here and wait I probably actually still wanted that propeller box power up because we still need the final hatshine Shard over here oh nice and there's a bunny rabbit that we can get over there but wait wait can we get this safely yeah we can just come in here right don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it don't miss it good good we got it we got it very nice and there's a Plessy down there waiting for us I saw the Plessy let's get the Plessy that's down here perfect go like this hey don't land on that okay if we landed on that that would have slowed us down a little bit actually wait where's the bunny rabbit where's the West we will rabbit you gotta go get the West we with a web wait wasn't there a rabbit over here no we already got that rabbit oh for some reason I thought that this made another rapid spawn but I guess not I guess it just gives you access to that area Okay so let's see do we want to get this where does this take us that one is somewhere over there oh oh and wait wait should we get this one while we're heading here because uh I don't know if we'll have enough time to get both actually but I kind of forgot about this one wait let's see if we can do this hopefully we can get that please don't make another one disappear please don't make the other one disappear please don't make the other one disappear the other one disappeared oh no I was hoping that we'd be able to get back on and the tiger would keep going okay that's kind of sad but I actually forgot that we got uh that one over there oh you know what since this is available now we might as well go for this and wait is there some nice shortcut that we can take oh that's back there wait can we jump to this to the left we go like this go nope plus hey I need your help blessing come on Plessy let's go uh this is a bad idea oh the timer stopped because we got too far I think it did I'm guessing it did wait if I hit this does Plessy disappear let's see plus he does disappear wow so you can't use Plessy to cheat for that that's so interesting okay do I want to do this the intended way or no that is the question let's see let's come up here and where does this lead how far does this go this goes like this then can I make it to there come on oh okay I am playing quite poorly today where's the thing come on no bro oh my goodness what is going on okay let's just play normally let's not try and do anything fancy over here let's just play normally just take the path to where we should go right to over there over here this is fine we're still falling apart a little bit and it is going quite poorly but maybe we can uh maybe if we're good and we behave then we can get it okay there we go I'd like that cat shine Shard still don't make this platform disappear please bro bro bro why can't I have it hey maybe if we climb up here we could make a Bowser Jr get it let's see can we reach it from here where is it it's right there right you're not blocking me good good go up there bro go up a little more perfect thank you okay at least Bowser Jr can get it for us at least we have that going for us where's that Plessy there's our Plessy come on Plessy let's go now there should be a ring around here right where's the Plessy ring there's a Plessy ring to get right there there it is okay let's go for that right there and we'll be able to get a new power Moon by going through this or a power Moon a cat shine Shard man you guys can tell I've been playing a lot of Mario Odyssey compared to this game recently I keep calling them power boots which is funny when I first started playing Mario Odyssey was I calling these things cat shines or green stars I was probably getting their name wrong wait a minute no are you kidding me yeah I was definitely falling apart a little bit there but let's see if we could play any better now okay now I know that we have to make it up here so let's go like this go jump okay and we almost missed that one actually okay wait I don't even know if we have to get this cat shine in uh in the speedrun if you're normally supposed to get that one I don't even remember what you're supposed to get okay there is a super Bell there that might be nice to get I don't know if we need that one okay wait but there is going to be a bunny rabbit to catch over here somewhere where is it where is it there's the bunny rabbit let's go for the bunny rabbit I ran the wrong way you weren't supposed to run that way my bunny rabbit friend come on now come on now little rabbit friend bro when I get fast enough to catch him I go past him and I don't catch him how do we get him what are we supposed to do what if we send Bowser Jr together go go there we go okay okay we didn't need Bowser Jr but we got him okay yeah we are chasing this guy around a bit and you know what I realized while we were chasing him slightly like the rabbit mips from Super Mario 64 actually because of that game you have to catch a rabbit to get a power star okay this is going very slowly it's all right give me that boost okay now let's just go like this okay and if we can do these nicely then we should be able to make it there with a nice amount of time left so okay perfect perfect still plenty of time left and now could be a good time to head to uh this place because now there's gonna be a shadow Luigi here right wait why is there no shadow Luigi here what are we supposed to get here fly through the frost oh I didn't even get this power or a power Moon I didn't get this cat shine yet okay let's do this one yeah there's a lot that we didn't do here okay so we have to climb up there so you might think that we have to climb up these things to the left but there is a faster way and what we could do is just get this I'm up here come up here wait wait not like that fly up okay and go like this and then do an extended climb then you can reach the top oh and it isn't even up super high it's just like that okay so that's an easy cat shot in there hey let's head over to our dear friend let's see over here and on our Plessy friend we can make our way up this ship oh is Bowser almost ready or and by Bowser I mean Mario yeah Mario's almost ready there this is not good oh but you know what I don't think we are going to have enough catch lines to be ready for the next fight actually because we need 40 for the next fight and I ran into a few issues so we were really going quite slow over here yeah it's already starting to rain so we are definitely not going to be ready in time over here this is bad news over here oh whoa whoa wait I might as well go down on this Plessy over here yeah Mario might be here okay so now this is going to be a time where we actually have to run away from Mario wait wait what if we go like this let's take this power up and if you go through Mario's legs it also works for Bowser not just Mario you get a super Bell power up like that which is pretty cool okay so what if we go here you know what let's come up here because there's a relatively easy hat shine we could get here notice how I didn't call it a power Moon where is it here's the spot okay let's not waste our super Bell power up last year fire very nice you know come here now I just have to defeat some fellas over here please take this Boomerang it is a gift for you Boomerang it is a gift for you hey where are you going Hammer Bros hey Take My Boomerang why is my Boomerang going there I wanted to go here oh okay oh problems get the padlock okay nice and will that hurt them nice is that everyone nope still you is that everyone there we go now we have everyone okay I was kind of wishing that those pal blocks would be a little bit closer because if the ProBox were closer then maybe if you hit one it could have taken out all of the enemies that were nearby that could have been nice oh oh we have to see Mario doing this cutscene so that was actually nice that we were a little slow and then he goes up like that pulls up his feet oh oh and at the last second he turns back like that that's so funny you know what there are some I almost said power moons there's some cat shines to collect over here so let's go this way what do we have to do first oh nice it's this guy over here Fury Shadow hops to it I'm so used to saying Fury Shadow by the shore because that's what the that shine is called for uh Scamper Shores when you take on this guy oh no oh no oh no and we fell okay but we were able to recover that so that's fine and we could just come back up like this which is very nice this section was quite difficult in the floor is lava mod of this game okay so let's see where's that guy you know what we can even just send Bowser Jr after him Bowser Jr can just attack him right Bowser Jr can you attack him please you can't hurt him with Fireballs can you oh wait is there a thing for us to collect up here yeah there's one for us to collect up here okay where are you bro are there Bowser Jr go get the guy go get him Bowser Jr go get him you can do it get him good Bowser Jr smacking him like that that's what we've got to do and now go man that was a little risky the way that I played that why am I doing this oh that's the last one okay perfect okay so we gotta catching please land on the donut block these are called donut blocks right all right tell me they're called donut blocks and that's good okay now let's just get the guy here go get him get him go get him boy go get him boy go get him can you get that for us too the power up nice hey now go defeat him go defeat him he's at the same spot you could get him wait he did like a Crouch jump there or something that was weird okay but can we defeat him there we go okay and we're defeating him we get a catch hike and you can also defeat him by throwing a cat at him which is kind of funny okay so now a bunch of this glue a bunch of this glue a bunch of this goop is now cleared is there Plessy around here for us I need a Plessy I need a Plessy I need a Plessy there's gotta be a Plessy around here where the plessies come on come on give me a plus you guys come on guys I need a Plessy uh that's such a far Plessy over there but that's okay I'll come over here we'll have this Plessy join us come Plessy okay now we have to do a jump up to there let's go oh not high enough now maybe a super Bell will help us out right now we're almost at 40 and we need 52 get the normal ending for the game 100 ending is of course 100 Catchings but you only need 50 cat shines to beat the game normally so let's see where are we going to go now because yeah we have some more cat shines that we need to get wait did we go far enough to trigger the next one yes we did okay nice feasting on fuzzies okay let's eat some fuzzies then eat the fuzzies eat the fuzzies good are you a hungry hungry piranha plant did you guys ever play the game Hungry Hungry Hippos I remember seeing commercials for that all the time as a kid remember when commercials were a thing I'm so glad that there is now YouTube premium and you can avoid commercials for a small fee it is so worth it at least if you watch a lot of YouTube it's very much worth it you can avoid all ads well I guess unless someone makes us sponsored videos then you can't avoid Those ads you can just uh either watch them or skip forward in the video okay and is this the last one perfect now we just have to go and collect that cat shine let's just say goodbye to our friend our piranha plant friend who served us well and there we are a nice catastrophores is that 41 no I think that's 41. oh that's 40. Oh I thought that it was a 41 for some reason okay we haven't even reached 41 yet okay so we still have some more work to do it seems but what we can do well that gigabell oh wait did the piranha plant get defeated because I threw it or is it because it was thrown there specifically okay so we can come on up here go over this don't fall in the goop please hooray we didn't fall in the goop okay that's nice so we might lose this power up trying this but let's do it anyways okay Bowser Jr I need you to grab that bro good job bro okay now we are going to climb up here and you don't even need an extended claim to get up there which is kind of surprising and you just get boosted all the way up here and get this very nicely very nice catch Shine for us there's just a little kitten off to the side okay so there are some more that we could collect over here you can get that one right bro go get it get it get it because yeah he's stuck behind like that then he ends up teleporting to it we can drop down in here then drop down in there okay now there's just one more that we need it's just right over there so Bowser Jr go get that please good job Bowser Jr amazing hey where does this one take us basically back to the beginning and there's not really any reason for us to go there but it is a cat shine and Bowser AKA first evil Mario is going to be waking up in a moment because it is raining now I figure you know what let's just go for this catch shine right here just to have one more anyways there we go that's fine and if we don't know what other cat shines to go for then you know what we could do you could just wait here let's park our Plessy over here hopefully our Plessy doesn't get destroyed by the fire Plessy just wait there you'll be safe Plessy you'll be safe I'll be here where's our Mario Mario's right there okay Mario blow fire here not on Plessy though okay not on Plessy don't destroy my Plessy okay wait you destroyed my blessing oh my goodness now we have to make it to the gigabell before Mario uh disappears there's a Plessy for us you know what yeah actually let's take the plus here I was gonna say that it's not far enough to make it worth it but it is worth it it is worth going there okay and even though we jumped into the Giga Bell with Plessy that power-up didn't affect our Plessy it only affected Mario how many catch things do we have 40 something like 41 42 and there's also that one that is from blast the fury blocks there that we'll be able to get quickly but that Mario just looks way too good okay I'm gonna have to drink some water actually okay let's go let's go wait how does this start oh oh here come the spikes here come the spikes okay let's go let's go ready for some spikes where you going bro come back bro bro what are you doing all the way over there what are you doing all the way over there oh my goodness and you're spitting out fire and stuff keep your balls away for me stop throwing these balls here go over there that's where I need you to go okay now wait wait don't move okay bro hey bro just stay there for a moment I'm gonna push you towards these spikes okay gonna slowly push you towards these spikes come here hey go over there good okay now where's the next Spike get this one and maybe we can push him that way some more come here come here get ready Mario get ready go that way wait all the spikes are destroyed because it took too long okay let's go like this and dive into him hey hey oh oh we didn't take damage somehow okay we got pushed back though let's see where are you going bro hey you're rolling you're rolling I couldn't get him I couldn't get him let's see roll here come come it's so funny seeing the T Posey Mario Just rolling towards you like that where are you bro I'm here I wanted to get him while he was rolling okay we couldn't get him while he was rolling what's he gonna do now you're gonna blow some fire bro gonna blow some fire is that what you're gonna do oh my goodness I get too close no hard to see what the appropriate hitbox for that is and it's so weird that it's Mario battling Mario yes spikes spikes I love spikes fishy and you're going over there man this fight is actually not supposed to be this difficult this is supposed to be one of the easier fights actually but I'm struggling with it a little bit take this there we go okay at least he didn't avoid that which was good hey oh my goodness okay now I have to ground pound on him will that finish him off there we go okay finally now there's only one more Bowser fight after this and then we're gonna be done so let's see what happens to the Mario over here let me just have a sip of water is he gonna explode no he gets up and walks away right yeah to not make you think that you beat the game over here he's just gonna walk away now I love how his arms extend up like that that's way too good and wait I remember I remember he's gonna change now right right right he didn't change back he didn't turn to face the camera I thought he would we need to defeat this evil Mario over here we still need seven more oh oh and we never brought a he never did this Moon either so let's just go like that how's that hey that looks pretty good right yeah we're gonna get to get this one now okay that's very nice that we got that one okay and wait wait wait wait wait since Bowser's about to spawn we could also get him to blast the fury blocks over here and then there'll be two nice blasted Fury blocks that we could get relatively quickly yeah cause he's just gonna be right here I keep saying Bowser even though it's Mario but he has come here and wait wait if I stay back here with my Plessy is my Plessy going to get blasted I gotta keep my Plessy safe let's see be safe now my Plessy got burned burned I tell you burned okay so there are two more uh Power moons that we can get back here if we need them for now let's head up this way oh and we didn't get there's a relatively easy one somewhere around here wait where is it where is it there's a way that we could get up over here where is it there it is that's what we need and also super fast if you use the super belt power up like this so let's go here hey good and then we could climb up there oh oh and a giant evil cursed Mario is actually up there right now is fine because we can just run up here man this section would actually be a little bit more difficult without the uh super Bell power up if we could just get this oh and we also could have had him blast the fury blocks over there that would have been nice okay but yeah right now he's like no I cannot handle this light or actually he's more like no I could is the light you're gonna turn around now okay there you go this is the cutscene where he turns around at the end okay so we need five more and there are two easy ones that we can get so that means we need about three more let's go up here there should be a two quick ones that we could get over here and then we need one more and then we can get the two blast the fury blocks but let's see where do we want to go not into the lava that is where it is certainly where well I guess that's not where not into the lava is where we want to go that's or where we don't want to go than where we want to go I guess uh let's see can we do this nicely maybe yeah we could go like this whoa baby let's go okay and hold on there's gonna be one here for Bowser Jr to collect good job getting that okay and you can just get the one up there as well please get that please get that bro where are you Bowser Jr bro where are you doing all the way over there I need you to get this right here get that get that okay now give me the Bubba Bubba oh do you know what these Baddie boxes that's what this box is called they can don't kill me don't kill me don't kill me okay I you know what you can get that right Bowser Jr yes good job good job you are a bad Magikoopa hey I wanted to bounce on you hey you know what I might bounce on you know maybe I will maybe I won't oh no I'm a little I'm little I'm little give me this good now come here and before we die we shall come here we need one more of the you know what one more cat shine Shard come here oh the last one's just right here which will be perfect I I thought that would get me that ball that was coming from the Magic Poop okay this is great now then wait can't you reach that from here hold on I think there's a way to reach it like this where do I go now oh no oh no that was so incredibly sad can I get a uh propeller box I get a propeller box please it would be possible for me to please get a propeller box got any propeller boxes for me no propeller boxes here oh man we have to make it all the way back up because I tried to do a little shortcut that didn't work that is sad oh but what I was saying earlier about these batty boxes is that some of them can spawn Goombas in Super Mario 3D Land okay so we have to make it all the way back up over here but now there's an easy jump that there's no way that we can miss unless we make a horrible mistake but we do get this cast shine now wait I think there's one more after this and then we can just go collect the two at the start okay so where's the one we collect there's got to be an easy one around here somewhere yeah why don't I just go right over there there are Plessy perfectly Plessy right over here oh oh and here comes another Mario okay so let's just go here and while this cursed giant Mario is going to be attacking us let's go through his legs first to start nice thank you for the super belt oh and we took damage anyway so he basically lost it right after getting it anyway is this where that power moon was oh and this just appears here for us so that's nice I don't know if that always appears oh and here's Mario hello Mario I don't know if that ramp always comes up or if that only comes up while it's the Bowser phase but yeah normally I can't Shina scares away Bowser or uh evil Mario in this case but since we have so many of these uh I was gonna say gigabel so many cats shines what ends up happening is it is now the fiery Bowser face or I guess the fury Mario phase as we will call it since we have a fury Mario over here and all the cats turn evil during this stage over here let's go here uh where are you you're right there there's another one for us okay and then there's just one more easy one for us to collect and then we are going to the final boss after that will we be able to do the final boss well because the beginning of this video in the beginning of this video we were playing wait oh Oh I thought that we already got the uh catch site I thought wait I don't see it what's going on but it's just because we are so far away from it that it didn't spun yet okay but now oh and we ended up getting all of the uh cat shines for that level actually and we now have access to the Giga Bell because we now have 50 power moons so we can now take on the final boss fight very exciting times over here let's get to the Bell please Mario thank you final boss fight phase one let's see how we can do we are Giga catch Mario over here we've done this boss fight damage list before I'm pretty sure that might just looks so good it looks like he's shrugging really high like I'm shrugging like that right now in real life hey let's see okay you're giving me spikes you know what this shouldn't be too bad are you gonna roll into us good where are you going now you're over here you know what I'll throw one more at you okay and we'll do this and dive into you okay you've got a little bit of HP left can I swipe at you Swiper no swiping and oh you're not defeated yet oh that's bad that's bad okay I need probably one more little hit on him maybe oh yes you're keeping more spikes that's amazing okay will that hit him yes that defeated him okay all right phase one is complete now we're going to have a nice cut scene and something else is going to happen over here let's see what's going on oh my goodness a bunch of oil is coming out of Mario if we ever run out of oil now we know what to do we can just go to Mario oh boy oh boy I I just put a Target on Mario's back right now by saying that we have to go to Cursed evil Mario not regular Mario regular Mario I don't think that he has any oil that we can use for our machines for growing food and for cars and whatnot okay so I just asked just a cupcake for some help with changing this model so that it's Mario let's see how it looks oh oh that is a big Mario that is a big big big big big big big big Mario oh my goodness oh my God I thought he had multiple arms okay that actually looks really cursed out and so much scarier than the other one that looks even more scary than the other one look at how scary it is that looks incredibly cursed okay now he's gonna use the Giga both why is this dark cursed Mario soakers it looks like he has as many arms as a spider almost oh and look at this look at this now his color is uh more normal over here okay let's go for this Mario over here this is absolutely terrifying I never thought I would be facing off against a Mario like this oh boy he's gonna blast fire at us oh boy avoid the fire boy the fire boy the fire boy the player hey very nice now then is this the ramp where we want to attack him or do we want to attack him on the next ramp okay wait maybe here no no let's go for the next one okay let's try and go fast over here gotta go fast gotta go fast Call Me Sonic cause we've gotta go fast let's go Mario go let your guard down like that never turn your back on an opponent okay let's go let's go let's go fast over here let's go fast okay do we want to go to the next one or the one after this one let's see I don't know if this is the one that we want to go for him well let's go like this nope this isn't the one looks like we want to go for the next one okay let's see let's be careful go under okay can we get him here yes he's doing that again there we go two nice hits on him and you might think that you only need three hits on this boss because for a lot of Final Bosses it seems like you need three hits to get them but for this boss perhaps surprisingly it's actually uh four hits to defeat him okay so you've got three hits on him so far let's just be careful here not getting hit and let's go over there maybe we can go get him there oh boy these avoid these avoid these where are we going where are we going let's go and very nice it looks like we might have a kind of fast boss fight oh wait and I think it's actually faster just go this way here okay now he's blasting that fire ring over there and what's he doing what's he doing here we come there we go we got him very nice hit on him and let's see this final cut scene over here okay that Mario goes flying back he looks so good I am so happy with how this mod turned out this is fantastic now there's just going to be the final cut scene after this which is going to look I think absolutely ridiculous possibly okay so let's see here's Plessy doing the body slam special attack over here oh it was so funny to just see Mario spin away like that as we oh and look at him spin Mario's blasting off again this Team Rocket still say that in the Pokemon anime does that still happen in the Pokemon anime Team Rocket blasts off again oh my goodness look at this Mario spinning down oh my goodness it's like Mario in a ball that is a giant Mario coming down here wait he covers the entire screen this is supposed to be the ending cut scene where Bowser gets his head stuck in here if any chases after Mario but Mario's so big that he just covers it all oh my goodness Mario your soakers okay great we get to see a bit of his foot a bit of his shoes and we get to see a lot of his blue clothes great cutscene over here yeah there's Bowser yelling over here wow what a great cutscene we could definitely see what's going on over here oh there's Bowser Jr dragging away Bowser and wait oh hello and there's Mario's arms oh and there we go Mario's finally dragged away but wait Mario's gonna come back again isn't he Bowser Jr is apologizing wait wait but when this zooms out it's gonna look crazy isn't it we gotta see what happens when it zooms out wait I thought Bowser comes to us again okay I guess not now just the little kittens are going to come over and it's going to zoom out and will we get to see Mario when it zooms out will we get to see the curse Mario I think we will right let's see come on zoom out please oh my goodness Mario's almost his biggest Plessy there I really recommend you watch my video where we played Bowser Jr Odyssey it's Super Mario Odyssey but you play as Bowser Jr and the boss Bowser is Mario it is very funny thank you so much for watching I hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 484,768
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario, super mario, mario odyssey, bowser's fury, mario animation, mario animations, funny mario, super mario animation, mario final boss, evil mario, cursed mario, funny videos, bowser's fury ending, all bosses, mario all bosses, bowser's fury final boss, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany bowser's fury, full game, game game, mario full game, mario full movie, super mario full game, super mario full movie, funny mario movie, funny mario game, funny mario boss
Id: 4TI00DU954A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 44sec (3584 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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