Mario Odyssey but in OUTER SPACE! (Planets Mod)

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Mario Odyssey but there's custom planets like Mars Saturn Minecraft planets black holes and so much more alright here we are in Game and this mod adds a new fuel Bar to the side which should increase when we collect some Rocket Fuel like this let's see hey and then we should be able to deposit the rocket fuel into some of these new custom Rockets but we don't have enough at the moment yeah it starts with a little bit but it won't let me go anywhere now okay let's see what this astronaut dude is saying maybe it's something important good luck in space Mario thank you Mr astronaut we have a team of astronauts waiting on Mars for you oh there's another progress bar in the bottom corner that shows us the planets that we're going to be going to we've got some really exciting looking ones but it looks like the only rocket we can afford at the moment is this kind of broken looking wooden bucket ah I don't think I really trust it you know what happens if it breaks when I'm going up into space I guess we should capture it like this oh and three two one blast off that looks so cool hopefully it doesn't break but it's gonna take it off whoa oh that's some kind of space base whoa what's that new planet yeah what is this place I think it's Mars I think they said it was Mars hate Mario where's your space suit you know there's no air out here right oh oh yeah good point I probably need a spacesuit to live out here oh okay okay I have an ABC that's going down I need to find a spacesuit somewhere uh do these space guys have a different spare hello hello mate do you have a spare space suit I left my space suit in the Rover okay okay is this took over I might be able to go into it let's see uh okay throw anything here maybe there's a spacesuit in this press a oh it lets me change my costume I believe Mario yeah okay he has a space helmet and then if we go out we should be able to breathe or fingers crossed we should be able to breathe looking very Dapper as a space man all right can we breathe on Mars oh hey okay it looks like we can breathe normally now anyway we probably need to collect some Rocket Fuel because to use the next rocket we need 10 hole Rocket Fuel which is quite a bit maybe I could actually steal these guys Fuel and use it on my own spaceships if I could find where they keep the fuel anyway ah I can't seem to find their fuel anyway what's this fella saying hello you gotta help Mario there's a ton of space bugs up here oh there I haven't seen any get rid of the move for me then you can take the fuel that's underneath this big rock oh maybe they're mining for fuel on Mars that'd be smart actually oh oh These are the space books these guys look so freaky oh they look so creepy cruelly all right what could I do they look like they have armor so I don't know if I can stomp on them but it's probably worth a try oh yes I can stomp on them let's go oh my gosh there's so many they have like a proper infestation of space bugs they're not difficult to defeat oh no oh I forgot to mention this but on each planet there's custom enemies there's custom space enemies that all have new abilities like these ones haha oh but it looks like I've defeated all the enemies which means that they've got rid of the rock what's this guy saying good job take this Fuel and keep on exploring the Galaxy hey thank you oh nice and from that we got 10 fuel which I think means we can unlock the next NASA looking space rocket I'll show you in a second I'll show you in a second we'll just use one of my fuel getting back oh I hope not I hope not settle only if not whoa oh my gosh wow that was so janky but anyway nice it's taken us back to our like our space platform by the way I don't know if I mentioned this but we're on this big space platform in the middle of the desert which looks kind of freaky wait wait a sec I thought for some reason this one needed 10 fuel to blast off but it only needs five apparently so after this we'll have five left over which means that we only need 15 to go to this Minecraft rocket looking one I like how it has like iron bars underneath anyway let's talk to this alien guy for some reason he's balancing a hat on his little antenna thing this rocket takes you to an evil alien ship oh no oh I guess I have to go there to get more fuel but I I don't know if I really want to anymore all right three two one let's hold Beetle launch Blast Off whoa oh whoa what's this new planet this isn't a planet Cappy I think this is a space base it's a Luma from Mario Galaxy what are you doing here Mr Luba you better be quick finding that black fuel can that black hole sucks big time wait what there's a black hole somewhere here I can't see it but oh my gosh look how cool this light oh oh look at that black hole nah look at that oh that's so strange anyway we better be quick then before the black hole sucks up the spaceship there seems to be some little alien bugs that inhabit this planet there's a tank and then there's this scary black hole oh I don't want to see that black hole let's get away from it get out of here Mister boom Mr colorful bugs these are quite cute for aliens they're a bit of scary looking but they're still quite cute they're still in the Mario Style let's throw Cappy into the black hole whoa it was glowing oh but yesterday I was watching a video about black holes and apparently there's some super massive black holes that are consuming so much mass that they start projectile vomiting just mass and light but there's an electricity pile on here it looks like that's being blocked off by a hard brick so maybe if we get the tank down here we can shoot it I want to grab this tank so I reckon with that tank if we can destroy the hard blocks because we also have to be fast because I reckon that black hole is going to destroy the whole place soon all right there we go we've got the tank get out of here black hole whoa I think a black hole is something called an event horizon where it almost looks like stuff gets frozen in time it's super super cool but I believe if I jump down here with the tank I might be able to shoot this shoot it oh no oh no okay I think that Tank's dead but it's hard to fit in here for me it doesn't look oh oh I've entered the load Zone oh this is generator am I about to rob it off all this fuel this looks kind of rusty for a big futuristic spaceship maybe if I rampound on it oh oh oh there's some black rocket fuel in like the Luma set let's collect this let's see how much it gives me that gave me 25 Rocket Fuel we're on 30 Rocket Fuel now and it also healed me up it put me on 6 hp that's very nice indeed and that's enough to leave and move on to the next rocket all we need to do is get back to the rocket without dying before the black hole sucks in all this place I don't care if it sucks in this place it only has some bugs Luba you might want to leave with me so you don't get sucked up by the black hole let's blast off oh that was going towards the black hole oh my gosh hey but there we go we're back back safe away from the black hole why does it put me out on the wooden rocket we should have been put out here but we should have enough now for this Minecraft rocket we have 30 at the moment and we only need 20. hello Mr alien fella what are you saying I love Minecraft I also love Minecraft it's a very good game I hate the Ender Dragon I don't really hate the Ender Dragon it's just more of a thing but maybe in this Minecraft locket we'll be fighting the Ender Dragon I love how it's all Minecraft blocks it just gives a super cool effect how will this work though I guess it will work like the other Rockets let's see power up and then blast off oh that's a bit glitchy oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this is the Minecraft end this looks amazing we've got the chorus fruits look at the sky though that's crazy oh I love this I love this already oh my gosh all right let's go exploring let's see if we can find some Rocket Fuel here wait watch this I'm gonna be a god gamer I love let's skip all the platforms or how can I go and do a long jump and just make my way to this big one let's see let's see let's go I'm too good at this game sometimes other times I suck oh I see some Rocket Fuel On Top of the chorus fruits ah that might be quite difficult to get up actually I love Minecraft so much oh yeah it might be easier to get abusing this one and then jumping over to the other one once we're on the top I like this there we go one two three all right oh no oh I almost fell off the side but now we have 13. let's see if we can find some more you know how that Toy Story alien said about hating the Ender Dragon there might be an Ender Dragon around here somewhere oh but there's some black Rocket Fuel I think this black Rocket Fuel there we go out that's an extra 25 we're gonna collect so much what are these pyramids these pyramids are normally in Minecraft who's built these pyramids as well oh okay I see some more rocket fuel on top of these pillars how am I gonna get on top of the pillars though that's gonna be difficult oh oh oh no something's happening oh the Ender Dragon oh my gosh the toad was right I hate the Ender Dragon although it does look super cool in value honestly this is a super cool bottle oh my gosh anyway we also fighting this Dragon I want to give a huge shout out to anyone who subscribed from the last video if you want a chance to have a shout out subscribe on this video and I'll give you a shout out thank you all right it looks like I have to pull out these pillows pull out these spikes and then I think rampound on this patch yeah that's a weak point it worked yes Cappy how many times do we have to defeat the dragon and how am I meant to get on to this is like a hidden path yeah I cannot get off on top of these obsidian pillars oh no it's so scary when he slums his head down like this first is Spike there isn't hurting him oh okay big jump big jump up and then pull out the pillars again one two three four there's some spiky bugs and there there we go I think he only needs one more hit if it's anything like a Mario Odyssey boss it would be three hits to take him out take out the cringe Dragon wait I think I can just stall up here and not get hit but I'm too smart for this game sometimes oh he has so many things on his head this time we need to pull them all out all right so close although he's flashing oh no oh no oh I almost fell off the side there oh my gosh you know what I'm just gonna hide behind this pillar I'm gonna be a big chicken all right he only needs one more hit and then there we go I think yeah this is gonna explode and lay a dragon egg oh oh he's giving me a music really helped me in this mod though because all I really want is just Rocket Fuel oh he did create a dragon egg because in Minecraft when he killed the Ender Dragon it drops a Dragonair which is one of the various blocks in Minecraft because you can only get one of them oh I might be able to parkour up to the pillars if I jump on his head if I jump here on his little ear things and it looks like that's gonna be an extra 100 Rocket Fuel if I collect all of these all right one heals me up as well two so that's 50. this is gonna be 75 and then a hundred and that's gonna be enough to move on to the next rocket I think I've collected everything I lead to here I might be able to do a bit something like this get a load of speed and then land on this planet here oh this is gonna be difficult Park all right up it would have been cool if I had moon gravity on these sort of planets but anyway we made it here we can capture the rocket and just Blast Off back we're getting so much Rocket Fuel now how much do we need for the next one I don't know why the camera bugs out here it's so strange oh all right never why does it put me out like the wooden rocket again what the heck but now we do have enough rocket fuel for this alien looking rocket that needs a hundred Rocket Fuel it's like it's alive it's like it's an alien speaking of other ones that look alive look at this big squid guy oh but he needs a thousand Rocket Fuel how am I gonna get a thousand oh my goodness what how am I meant to get ten thousand wait wait wait wait wait the Toy Story alien has changed his hat now he's got a cowboy hat floating above him anyway let's speak to him and let's see what he's saying hope you like Rings the Explorer toads are waiting for you oh the Explorer Toad's waiting for me up on this one this one's pretty big so it's probably gonna take me pretty far I like the way that Cappy sits on top Cathy's been spiked but Rings maybe maybe it's a planet with a ring that'd be cool oh whoa what's this new planet yeah what is this Cappy wait a second I think this is Saturn you know we're on Saturn's ring around Saturn's ring there's like a big asteroid belt because that's what the Rings are actually made of made up of little rocks like this oh wow what is that hello all right he's out of here bye-bye oh and there's also this brand new cooking Rocket Fuel I wonder how much fuel this will give me because the platform gave me 25. oh I think that gave me a hundred okay okay I see how that 10 000 Rocket Fuel is gonna be possible now oh it might be quite difficult to get this one oh okay okay let's just jump even gonna be how did I make that what what what that bug I just saved that toad that book just popped out of a rock hi Mario collect 10 fuel cans if your parkour skills are good enough I can't do that high voice it's hard for my boys to go that high but anyway he was saying that I can collect 10 fuel cans if my parkour skills are good enough oh look at that though it's like the rocks are moving around and then lay those little bug guys those guys are scary I don't like them oh I see where they are okay oh cool I wish it was like floaty gravity here can I get Cappy to collect them yes I can okay I can get a copy to collect the fuel for me oh my gosh this is actually so difficult because I have to be so precise with where I landed these little space rocks I like the little dink sound that you do you get when you can't jump off the helmet it's like think wait I'll show you now listen to this all right what's the third saying hello wow how are you doing this my brother jumped on the wrong Rock yesterday now he's on the other side of Saturn oh my goodness I don't want to end up on the other side assassin but I am doing a decent job at like parkouring get away from me I do not want to be near those space books my goodness look at that one as well we're getting so much fuel here hello hello if you need any help just ask so somebody else or he pranked me that guy that guy I don't like this toad he didn't he said that he could help me but then he pranked me I don't even need your help oh that was kind of funny though I like that I like that even though he's rude it was funny so it sort of catches Out ooh okay get out of here Mr book I don't want anything to do with you I like these little code asteroids or toad satellites these are satellites not asteroids and these toad asteroids are pretty funny they've just got Toad's head with some are those solar panels yeah solar panels and Toad's head oh I want to be really careful here all right let's see if I can do a backflip oh this is close oh that book almost hit me oh no no you can probably tell how many times I've died by how much my coins have gone down oh my gosh there's so many boobs and there's so much rocket fuel up there oh my gosh this Rocket Fuel is gonna be so clutch how much is that that's five okay we've got five lots of Rocket Fuel which adds up to 500 which um okay we definitely have enough to get on to the next planet now oh wow this guy doesn't even said if it is pranking me he's probably gonna tell me to go get help from someone else they're so useless to these toads I just sat here doing nothing planting some Flags down let's get out of here leave them to it oh but what okay we just went into the ring I don't know what happened to the rocket I don't know the rocket broke because it almost got stretched out but anyway it looks like we're back it's just put us back here next to the wooden rocket oh my goodness anyway I think we now have enough rocket fuel for the squid rocket we don't have enough for this this one looks goofy it's got Mario's mustache on this costs 5000 and we don't quite have five thousand this Squidward has got to be the coolest one out of all of them maybe that or the Minecraft rocket but I really do like this one where's the where's the alien man what is he gonna say anything oh there he is he's just camping behind the squid rocket it's gonna be kind of difficult to get to him just squeeze past like that there we go all right hello Mr alien I need to talk to you next you're going to a gas giant be careful though Thrasher from the gravity is very high oh no but not as high as a black hole you might be visiting later oh wow are we gonna be visiting a black hole that's gonna be crazy I would like pull you out into a singularity or something you get crushed down but I really do want to go up in this squid rocket I'm guessing it's going to take me to a gas giant I don't know whether that's gonna be Uranus Jupiter Saturn those are all gas giants I think oh wait are we right below the cloud layer so I know that gas giants are built up by three different layers there's a gas layer then there's a liquid layer then there's like a solid layer underneath oh is it wanting us to jump down I don't know if we should jump down because the pressure down there is going to be immense oh oh the coins are disappearing I'm gonna collect it oh my gosh I missed all of them brilliant we're full quite a bit we hit the liquid layer oh oh we've had some kind of ice surface what the heck what is this there's some crushed fuel these are only the small fuel though so it's not that great that got was free wait wait wait wait wait have we been crushed down a bit wait there's a brutal Airship as well here he's just flying around at the bottom I think I have an idea to see through all this gas if we go into snapshot mode and apply a filter yes we can see what's about is that okay that looks like there's more fuel over that way so I'm gonna go ahead over that way first hopefully this is right oh what is this this is some very bright yellow Rocket Fuel guess we should collect it see how much it does oh I put us up 500. what's this guy doing one of the Toy Story aliens have been crushed down here what the heck we just shrunk down even more oh my gosh Mario is getting Heidi he's becoming like a pancake what's this guy saying ah I can't do my break dancing on this planet oh no my friend used to be a break dancing Champion now look at him well he might be good at break dancing I'm gonna do some break dancing where oh on this planet because it's slippery at the bottom and I guess the pressure you just end up rolling forever I saw the boss fight ship and I heard something okay there we go we've activated the boss fight oh here he is spew it but he's tied it out he's been flattened out he's been on this planet too long oh it's kind of difficult to see but I'm throwing Cappy at him and then jumping on him I actually gotta be quick because it looks like I'm still shrinking I don't want to shrink out fully but I throw Cappy it's almost like Cappy's bigger than me now it looks like Spirit only has one more hit left there we go boom there we go I like how his hair doesn't even move there we go we get a load of coins oh something's shaking as well hopefully we get Rocket Fuel from this that will be really useful more of that golden Rocket Fuel wait wait wait wait this has just appeared even though the gravity is still high I can still jump up oh my gosh look how much Rocket Fuel there is whoa I got like a few thousand bucket fuel in seconds wait why isn't it oh it's not let me collect them oh there we go I can collect the real Cappy just not with Mario Mario might be too small now okay we need to find a way out of here before I become so small that it's like a recoverable irrecovable wait wait wait that looks like a blooper rocket can we capture it it looks like it's been shrunk down as well look how funny this looks oh man let's see if we can still throw Cappy at it there we go just gonna Blast Off properly yes yes yes yes epic I'm looking forward to going to that black hole though like the guy said before and yeah why is it putting me out on the wooden rocket this makes absolutely no sense anyway anyway we should have enough for this this big rocket I don't know what that logo is if anyone knows what that logo is let me know in the comments we've got 5 000 now which means we could afford it and for the next one we need 10 000 oh my gosh that's so much but what do you have to say about this Mr alien hope you like Mario Galaxy I love Mario Galaxy it's probably one of my favorite games of all time if you collect Enough Rocket Fuel here you'll be able to visit a black hole okay that's gonna be epic go to the black rocket I think for the black hole and go to this one for maybe a Mario Galaxy three two one blasto did you see how high off I went in like a second oh I love Mario Galaxy so much this looks like good at Galaxy well let me get this checkpoint okay we're on the starting Planet there's a Luma here before I talk to this Luma I see two golden fuel cans on the top of the house which you could actually skip the first planet in Mario Galaxy just by doing it back flip and then we'll jump on the top of the house then Bush that's a thousand that's a thousand few just there very nice all right hello Mr Luma hey Mario welcome to my Galaxy collect as many gold fuel cans as you need then you can get lost bruh oh this is okay this guy is so mean I don't like him I'll get lost right now I'll go down this pipe I don't even care oh there's more gold fucan hello oh there's a toad as well what's the toad doing here do you know why everyone left my party there was no atmosphere if there's no atmosphere how is he surviving without a mask on these panels are pretty cool that I can press them in turn what happens when I press all four though oh it creates more creates more in the past so I can just go bop bop bop Rocket Fuel very epic oh yeah they can't just put a Goomba there that's not fair what will happen when I press all of them there's better give me a lot of rocket fuel one more left I just need to be careful not to press anymore and I don't know if anything happened that's all though that's all though I love Mario Galaxy so much it's probably one of my favorite games of all time it's probably the first Mario game I ever played yeah oh yeah Luma I don't like this Luma but something I've noticed about this actually is it has special gravity so watch this normally in Mario Odyssey you fall off a planet here but look at this whoa look at that that is so cool I can do cool things like this do a big long jump then get wrapped around by the gravity and then we could use this launch star to get launched through space to the next planet I love how we're just flying around this looks so cool with the Galaxy background and everything this is too cool hello Mr Toad what are you doing here Mario Galaxy is my favorite game I love it here I love it here as well this guy's speaking facts I don't think there was any fuel on that planet though is there any fuel here I want to consume all your fuel ah that was an elephant wait I want to try something if this is a planet I should just be able to do a long jump like that and then go oh my gosh oh no oh no all right I've got the knock ball into the middle of the planet because that's a bad idea I just get soft lock there I get stuck and I can't really do anything but what's this fella saying the gravity is awesome yes the gravity is very awesome I agree so anything cool I can do with it can I escape it by just doing a big long jump what I'm getting confused here oh but there's more fuel for me that's great I love fuel this guy also loves fuel now I'm gonna get to the fuel before that guy he seems like the sort of person though Nick my fuel you're not allowed to Nick my fuel otherwise I hit you in my hat I got another launch star oh we're getting so much fuel okay that's epic checkpoint we're on the pill Planet oh I think this has like gravity fears so it's pointing down at the moment and if I go here it will flip me up that's freaky with the camera the camera flips as well oh and then we can go up here and what it just put me back at the start so wait wait I could have just done this from the start I could jump like this and then jump up to the top breath okay it's cool but it's difficult wait I've got an idea I can just walk on the outside of the planet because of the gravity because we're not actually encased in there we can skip all of that and whoa wait wait wait what's this spell I say it don't worry about the grumpy Luma you can stay here if you want I would stay here but look how much fuel there is this is gonna be enough to get the black hole that black hole I can't wait to get to I don't want to be here because of that grumpy Luma I don't want that bad energy around me oh but this black hole I cannot wait oh I almost forgot to mention but I'm super excited to partner up with Nintendo to launch my very own eShop on my website so if you want to get some games like Mario Odyssey and the new Mario wonder when that comes out head over to Max and have a cheeky peek it helps out the channel athlete and allows me to keep on making videos like this one anyway let's go to this black hole it's gonna be so cool oh my gosh I'm shooting up very very high wait where's the black hole that's our new planet Cappy I'm pretty sure it's just going to take us to a black hole oh my goodness whoa whoa is that burning like any light that goes in that is so strange what happens if I throw Cappy in what oh I can sort of play with the image a bit I can cut off Parts I love the patterns it makes so what is causing it to burn like that I think it's some kind of visual glitch all right what will happen will I jump into it will I go to a parallel universe or will I just be crushed maybe it was so clear because black holes are very very high gravity from The Singularity inside of them all right let's see if I can oh what's happening wait what wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait where am I is this what's inside a black hole this is so so strange wait what's that is that a bench what on a bird hello Mr bird what do you do what are you doing here where are you going he's just flying off into the distance prayer I guess I'm in a parallel universe now that's so strange anyway if you enjoyed this video you might also enjoy one dollar to millionaire in Mario Odyssey where Mario goes from having one dollar investing it in Minecraft houses and collecting a bunch of new cool items that can marry your new abilities click on screen now to watch it and also go to to get any eShop vouchers and any Nintendo games highly recommend it and it supports the channel bye foreign
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 689,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, super mario, space, mario space, planets, black hole, rockets, mario space odyssey, galaxy, manx, manx ninja pig, blackhole, sun, mars, saturn, spaceship, ufo, aliens, mario movie, new mario game, smo, mario, peach, Mario, super mario odyssey 2, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, custom, custom mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, mario power up, power ups, ninja, pig, custom map
Id: bb8zUoZrv5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 30 2023
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