What if Mario had MORE Custom POWER UPS?

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happy Odyssey has absolutely no power-ups so today we check out a bunch of new modern power-ups that give Mario brand new abilities so here they are we've got some insanely cool looking power-ups today like the Cooper clown car the blooper mushroom and the shadow mushroom but unfortunately it looks like they're all in cages at the moment except from this one there's fire power up oh oh I love the design on it if you look closely it's like it's made out of a load of different layers anyway let's collect this Firepower and see what it transforms Mario into oh my goodness okay that that was crazy that but oh it's still going that big firing oh my goodness oh I love the design of the costume as well like he's got a glowing blame head anyway we've got some new UI on the screen as well we've got like a fire logo and then we can also press left on the d-pad so we can press R to breathe fire let's give that a try ah whoa oh this is so cool wait wait wait let's test this out on some cactuses burn cactus oh do you have anything to say as well go down the pipe and collect keys to unlock more power-ups all right wait a sec I haven't actually tested out the ground pound whoa okay okay that is so cool it's the same effect that we got when we collected it but that that is so cool okay I can't wait for this mod let's see if we can find any Keys down this pipe though oh oh but what's this fella saying you gotta stop these spiders unless you're too scared shut up I'm not scared of spiders those spiders they might look scary but I have these fire abilities so I can just burn burn you my Nano actually used to be scared of spiders and I had like this toy tarantula and I'd prank her epically by putting like the toy tarantula on a chat with these spiders I reckon I can just ground pound and destroy the whole group of them too easy oh I reckon this is gonna be so satisfying I might be able to knock over all these cardboard boxes with my fire breath in three two one burn cardboard box house come on fool there we go oh my indestructible house no I'm sorry man it had to be done you can't just build your house out of cardboard boxes and not expect it to be knocked down get out of here spider things spider bugs burn you cretins anyway I see the key that we need to unlock the next power up there's also a spare one here wait wait wait oh no it's tougher least this fight's gonna be dead easy with this I want to collect the key first oh oh okay this is too op I can just like one shot him basically all right topper I'm gonna try to do my ground pound attack let's see if it ripples oh oh it's damaging him continually continuously actually there we go bird oh no oh no I'm on one HP I need to be careful okay okay he's got his hat removed I just did that jump on his head and destroy him too easy topper you're so bad oh something's gonna happen here oh an exit pipe let's check out the next power up oh awesome this is taking us back to like the starting Hub area the alien guy's still here hello what are you saying bro I've still got my Firepower up so I can still burn him like this okay what are you saying nice one you've unlocked the super Rock oh the super Rock he looks very angry I should call it the super angry Rock anyway moving on that wasn't funny let's collect it let's see what it turns me into oh hey it's giving me like a brown and gray costume that looks cool yeah this guy's trying to act like he's a power what a dimble anyway let's check out the abilities this has given me so I can press r on the d-pad to dig whoa I like sort of burrow into the ground I bet this makes me immune to enemies oh this is cool this is cool oh I can also do it on walls look at this oh so I can like stick to walls okay I'm gonna go over to this area and I can also do an earth launch by pressing ZR wait how do I do this no way no way this is gonna be so Opie for like anything because watch this I can just do a ground pound like this and then climb up a wall whoa all right anyway let's go down the pipe that spawned it looks like a Minecraft dirt pipe that's quite funny it's got like a face in the middle I guess we're gonna go into this this guy's face let's go where is this taking us oh what's up fire go complete our tasks thank you Cappy I swear I just saw a load of fire on screen this isn't the Firepower this is like the ground one oh it sort of boosts me ah it sort of boosts me in like random directions almost like if I do it on like a tilted platform it looks like it boosts me like the opposite way to wear it spacing like that oh that's cool that's cool that's cool it's fun to Cloud saying one pound on the Tilted platforms to get crazy speed oh that's what I just figured out okay nice oh cause look how much speed like if I try hold the other direction I don't get as much speed but if I hold like forwards look at that whoa that's gonna be so useful so I guess I can make my way up vertically I need to keep my eye out for a key as well there might be a key around somewhere and then I can use my like big ability to go into the wall oh this is so cool although boying and then I can dig back in oh this is so op hello moon thank you this is normally the exit to this like stage but it looks like it's blocked off I might be able to dig through I might be able to dig through a gap maybe no there's a load of coins actually going on Jonathan around here oh there's a fella he's gonna say something hello mate and he just doesn't say anything brilliant very helpful there's probably something higher up though isn't there there's a planet this isn't normally here in Mario galaxy planet wait can I stick to like any surface like a bull whoa oh okay this dig ability is so overpowered that is epic can I do a ground pound and get some height to go up nice whoa this is just so fun it's so satisfying to use and there's a key here there's also an arrow I heard the key unlocked something that's probably one of the cages back in there like the Hub area there's another angry Rock power up and there's a tank oh I can use the tag okay this is Big Brain I can use the tank to explode the hard blocks below that's smart all right I'm just gonna trust the coins just the coins yay okay it lands me here so I can just Spam explode and then I can get out of here and that's that heavier unlocked oh that was so cool I think this ground one's been my favorite one so far well I can't really say that because we've had we've had two we've had two power-ups but I think this one is my favorite one because look at it anyway what's this guy saying I dig that wrong I dig that rock power up I get it hilarious hilarious it looks like that key from that last area unlocked the chicken suit I hope this turns us into a chicken that'd be hilarious I'm gonna collect this from really high up from one of my stand streams and then Bosh wait wait oh my goodness he turned into a chicken broth no way what's he saying you look so dumb haha this guy's mean but he's speaking facts all right let's have a look at what the abilities are though I can press R to breathe wind which oh I'm like one of those like Hive typhoid things I don't know what they're called the blowy Joeys the blowy Joey's in the snow Kingdom and I can also use a Glide by pressing ZR let's give that a try oh oh I can fly up as well whoa it's a bit slow though maybe it uses the momentum you like originally get from it so if I get a load of momentum I go really fast like this maybe I can get a load of speed by doing something like this I get a load of speed and then whoa I'm zoom in about all of these power-ups are getting cooler and cooler though oh my gosh okay a white pipe spawn let's go into it let's whoa my glider got activated as I went down the pipe oh oh it's taking me to the wooden Kingdom and we've also got a new objective oh we get lost Goombas I want to read out my objective I can blow you out here with my blowy ability haha but I've also got a new objective to beat the Cooper free running dude what does this Cloud man have to say about it Go beat the cooperation big chicken true but that's harsh you can't cause me a chicken I'm less of a chicken than you speed and now activate oh my God I'm zooming this reminds me of the like one Minecraft mini game called Glide where you'd have the Elijah for Minecraft and you'd glide through this really cool map I used to be good at it I used to have like a world record or not a world record I was like top 100 whoa what just happened with the kingdom there what look at what what what okay that was strange with this guy anyway I want to make my way to the cubic eye yeah there he is there he is hello how are you doing mate I need to beat you in a race I'll win something good apparently I hope that's the key all right I need a race here I need to ratio it's going to be dead easy with my chicken suit Cooper free running wooden Kingdom and we just have to make it to that goal point there looks so funny as a chicken all right applied wait I want to do a cap dump oh he's winning he's winning but I'm fourth I'm fifth I'm losing I can't be losing to all these losers there we go I'm in first now these guys suck oh no oh no oh no okay never mind I can glide back up I beat them by so much should I wait at the end I'm gonna wait at the end and troll them I hope it doesn't pop out of nowhere I beat you by so much I get to wait at the end and troll you in your face bro you know what I'm starting this again because I reckon I can get under 10 seconds on this if I just do something like that and then Glide all the way to the end by the way I've just launched my very own eShop which right now is the cheapest place to get Nintendo games and vouchers go to manx ninja pig.com and use code manx5 to get a five percent discount 15 seconds that's all right that's pretty good oh my I'm happy with that actually I don't know what the world record is the world record is probably still faster than that somehow oh wait the exit pipe spawned here and a key oh nice thank you Mr Cooper thanks for the reward I'm gonna get out of here now nice one all right it has taken me back nice oh he's looking kind of odd now I like his little movements whoa this blooper power-up is crazy oh the blooper power up look at this this is very exciting you know what to collect this I want to get very high in the sky with this as high as possible and then drop down onto it never mind I'm just gonna collect it normally because I obviously can't get it myself oh but there we go look at this bloop of Mario wait wait look at his little arms no I love this too much the squid Mario the blooper Mario let's see what his abilities are actually we've got a water jet and a shield so we can Crouch oh yeah there we go we can Crouch and we spawn a shield around us I guess that protects us from any incoming enemies art water jet wait we can control this and we can destroy stuff whoa so Mario stays still and he shoots out like a water jet what's the Toy Story fella do it in the air like that bruh this is so odd wait watch this I can hit the Subscribe thing yes subscribe according to my YouTube analytics there's only one person watching who isn't subscribed subscribe if you want a shout out in the next video oh anyway anyway I'm guessing there'll be things for us to destroy with a water ability down here go complete the task all right Cappy all right what's this Thundercloud guy said I bet you can't find the key it's way too difficult well I bet you I can because I'm sometimes good at the game not not all the time sometimes so anything I can press is p-switch with wait do you see that random like spot on the screen what what is that there's a random like gray spot or a random Shadow that's weird anyway how am I gonna open this cage maybe with the water ability I could open the cage I can burst it open using water whoa oh my gosh this water must be powerful actually I've seen some videos on YouTube off like this machine that's so powerful it can like scrape through metal or it can go through metal like a water jet oh this bug guys are here I can get rid of them though they're pretty stupid oh I'll put my shield up how effective is my shield can they actually not make it through no they can't but it's shrinking quickly yeah there we go get Cappy and then Shield that's pretty op the shield no don't spawn again oh there's a grand hard for me and then I can open up the cage oh this Grand heart's gonna be useful some of the power-ups coming up as well are so so cool I saw like a shadow power up I saw a flood from Mario Sunshine oh yeah there's like a grass flower all of them are gonna be so cool I can't wait for them but anyway we just wanna snipe oh ah I don't need to get all of them Oh I thought I'm immune to fire I'm water water winter with fire now I can't be bothered with this guy I'm just gonna leave him never mind I can't just leave him it's too difficult he's too difficult never mind there's a load of Tanks here tanks get out of here yeah I'm just gonna run past them they're too difficult I'm not good enough at this game wait I put these bricks with the I can I can break the bricks with the water gun are you seeing this whoa this water must be like a pressure washer or whatever it's called oh it's so satisfying well I think yeah I saw a key up here which I can oh I keep on missing it's kind of cut hard to control but there we go I've broken up the key and then we could collect it to unlock the next power up this blooper suit oh it's too cool anyway let's get out of here these guys are stressing me out a bit I like that my shield spawned when I went down the pipe that alien's looking big well he's a big boy what's he saying I'm a big boy now I I just predicted what I was gonna say I'm so smart oh my goodness oh I can actually move around with the shield up I thought I'd have to like Crouch and stay still but as long as I hold down the shield stays up that's funny and it looks like now we've unlocked the grass flower I think that's the grass flower maybe like the toxic flour I don't know anyway let's collect it and see what it transforms it into maybe a grass man whoa oh wait we've transformed into like a green Mario with purple hair our purple hair kind of Suits him actually not with the mustache though he needs a purple mustache as well oh but it also looks like we've lost the control things in the bottom corner so we can't actually see what his abilities are maybe the alien guy will be able to tell me hello hold R to spawn a grass path oh that must be our ability literally are all right let's give that a go all right I'm about to hold up oh look at this I can spawn like one of the grass paths these are normally in game but I can spawn it but like okay this is gonna be op this is similar to an ice path that I did in a previous video as well and I can just grab the mood up here very nice and then I can also use my grass path just to take me back to this area well this is going to be so op I reckon I could just clutch at any time and spawn a grass path wait what is this pipe white I reckon for the grass one it should be green anyway let's go down it let's see if we can find the key oh this is normally one of my favorite levels in the game normally there's cushions here but it looks like all the concussions have been removed very sad what's this guy saying haha your epic parkour skills won't help you here that's true but at least I have my grasp half ability so I can just go like pop and spawn a graph path to make me get all the way up oh this is so Opie this is so op like here this jump might look like it's impossible but I can just go pop and spoil the grass path oh wait is there a fellow sport in here I saw a big poof of smoke what was that I might have to do an instant replay on that so strange look at this part this would not be possible without the grass path wait there's a Minecraft villager here what are you doing whoa nobody has ever got this far except for me I'm stuck oh this is so sad maybe if you follow me with my grass path you can get out of here do you want to be stuck here Mr villager I feel kind of bad for that guy but we can just spawn a grass path look at that just the fact that you can spoil it anywhere in the air I don't know how long they last as well this sort of looks like raspberry jam we're in the Raspberry Jam Tunnel oh although oh no I was meant to get that chest if I oh no cause I meant to fall down here oh there's coins here very nice what donkey what are you doing here donkey I guess I look a bit like Shrek with my like green outfit got a moon and a seed first I guess we can use that seed to get back up throw it in the pot and it'll spawn a beanstalk thank you donkey you've helped me out a lot hey okay that Beanstalk came in so clutch hey there's a moon and a key for us very nice nice it's just a load of dashes there we go we've got the key as well and there's an exit pipe thank you donkey donkey's helped me out a lot with this let's get out of here what's happened to this alien fellow I've had a growth spurt yeah you really have look how tall he is this antenna at the top this giant as well oh my goodness this fella this Fella's funny but it looks like we've unlocked the Koopa clown car and then after that we've got blood and the shadow Bush room I'm looking forward to the shadow mushroom I think that's gonna be cool but anyway let's collect the Bowser Julian Supercar thing let's see what it turns us into oh look how cute his little clown car is it's like his body's been sucked into it how does he have enough leg room in there of his legs just being cut off anyway whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh I'm a bit floaty with this I've unlocked like floaty abilities whoa look how pumped by him whoa I'm gonna do some epic parkour skills I might have to stop off on this ice pillar and then oh this is too cool I could probably make it from here all the way back to that power watch this oh too easy all right let's go down this pipe wow this is so cool wait oh there's a guy from Pizza Tower okay unless you can fly I think you're stuck oh I think I know what the Subaru is normally like this is grass Pap similar to the ones from the grass power but now there's not any but since we have our floaty abilities you can probably just do this oh oh maybe I can land on these little wooden pillars yes I can probably do a backflip and then just make my way to the next platform oh oh this is so op for getting around all these power-ups have been pretty op I can probably make it to pepperoni pizza there we go be there this is gonna be difficult to get up isn't it I'll give it a go at least I might be able to wall jump between these two sides oh yeah definitely oh I'm slipping it's too slippery maybe if I can make it to that that block there that oh that looks really difficult though all right I've just gotta commit come on oh no no no yes yes okay that oh that took me so many attempts no what no way that took me so long wait so how is Bowser Jr getting around I don't know I don't know that doesn't make any sense to me I don't understand what that Village is saying oh that took me so long though you can probably see how many coins I've lost I hope I don't die here if I die here I'd be so upset at least I still got my parkour skills I'm still like decent at the game well not really decent I die a lot oh I could probably jump on these bullet bills as well if if I fail somehow I could jump on them or capture them oh I see the exit pipe I see the word exit oh no oh no oh no please oh okay I thought I died that I was so worried for a second I want to get that moon to heal up where's the key oh that's the key the key's on the crown I was panicking a bit so I thought I missed the key and I'd have to do that over again and I've literally spent about 20 minutes just trying to do that one jump of the question mark that was so difficult come on give me the key thank you Mr B or Mrs B it's a it's a queen bee I want to get out of here though thank you that was so difficult oh my goodness oh oh it's no longer very tall he looks he looks like a pancake he's a pancake alien oh my goodness I'm small he's small now he's very small oh this Fella's very funny anyway it looks like we've now unlocked the shadow mushroom oh it actually looks quite cool it's like glowing a bit like it's quite a glowing purple texture to it that's cool that's cool anyway let's collect it and let's see what this transforms Mario into oh I'm glowing I'm glowing purple why is he flickering like that he's like he's gotten scales oh that's cool oh oh okay oh no I've got Shadow clones now and they're chasing me can I hear I can't even heal up from that checkpoint oh no there's quite a few of them as well I need to get him into here oh my gosh there's quite a few of them this is more of a power up than a power down but there we go okay I've got my health back up to three oh maybe if I move slowly yeah okay they just follow exactly what you do so if I move slowly they move slowly so it's not too big of a deal if I speed up they also speed up let's go down this pipe and let's check out what's up what is it okay oh okay okay okay uh what am I meant to do there's quite a few Shadow clones I'm On One HP now oh no oh no oh no all right let's try that again oh okay it looks like I actually have to just press this P switches oh and the piece which is get rid of the blocks if I move slowly I shouldn't get damaged oh it's stressful of them will follow me so I have to like constantly be moving oh I'm surprised I didn't get burnt there what did that remove oh okay okay it looks like a switch back here a switch back here got removed I want to press that oh did the one yeah okay the one on the other side of the map there's so many of them there's more than there were in the sand Kingdom there's like 20 something whatever oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don't want to die I don't want to die again because it seems like it crashes my game when I die and it takes ages to beat up your game if it crashes oh how did that guy not hit me there oh okay it looks like one behind behind this like platform area just want to step on these Stepping Stones oh okay oh an arrows put an arrow pointing up an arrow pointing up spawned oh that removes the wall that removed the wall it looks like if I have like a little bit of a lead and I don't turn back I'll be fine one HP I want to be very careful not to go in the lava but we can grab the key and go down the exit no oh that guy was so close to me oh what's happened to this guy oh okay I need to keep moving actually because of these shadow clones but we've only got one power up left which is flood he's looking very epic oh no oh the shadow clones they're so difficult to avoid okay I need to collect this fluid quickly so I don't die to the shadow clone sorry mate I can't talk to you I have to collect it oh I've actually seen this flood mod quite a bit it's really really cool because as you can see I can press the d-pad to switch between different nozzles so it switches on my back and it switches on the side and what I can do with that is actually hover so there's one where you can hover one where you can shoot out a big rocket like this shoot up really high in the sky and then there's one which you can go super super fast with like this it's super super cool and you can actually chain them together so I could do one like this and then swap into my hover one so I can get really high up in the sky then hover all right let's see what the level is associated with the fluid oh oh it took me out on a trip oh no oh no the floor is lava I've oh this looks like the lost kingdom the floor is lava whoa okay this is cool at least I have fluid this fluid should make this easy because normally oh no oh I'm staying about how it's going to make it easy but then I'm dying instantly oh don't die don't die rare but we do have a new objective get to the top so I'm assuming it just means get to the top of the tower it should be pretty easy with flood since you can just do like big stuff like this watch this look how much momentum I can get it's almost like the capable with the momentum oh wait there's a key here are there more power-ups after this then I like how the bomb beetles are just exploding instantly because the floor being lava let's see if I can get more momentum and go to the other side of the map whoa okay okay this is pretty op this is pretty cool and uh can you see other rocket nozzle to get a load of height I want to recharge my water first because we have a water level in the corner I don't want to go down this pipe I don't think this is the active pipe oh I just dropped instantly I can't get that Moon I was wanting to get that Moon so then I can heal up but I can't maybe if I ground pound and then charge my rocket nozzle and make it all the way to the top I'll be able to get to the top all right and then oh no I miss okay okay am I gonna be okay I managed to make it oh my goodness how are these guys standing on lava it's not fair how they can that I can't anyway let's go down this pipe and see if we've unlocked a secret power up with that key oh this guy is still massively wide but what's happened to the ground here has it turn to Lava what this is a really weird looking lava but it doesn't look like there's any more power-ups but there are on this video here so click on screen right now to watch more power-ups I really hope you enjoyed this video the video on screen is also really cool and it's got a ton of new power ups click on screen now and I'll see you over in it bye bye
Channel: Manx Ninja Pig
Views: 719,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, super mario, mario odyssey, Mario, challenges, super mario odyssey 2, super mario bros, funny mario videos, funny, mario mod, mod, modded, mario odyssey mod, mario odyssey challenge, manx, manx ninja pig, SMO, custom, custom mario, super mario 3d world, mario, modded mario, new mario, super mario challenge, mario modded, mods, funny mario, power up, mario power up, power ups, new power ups, mushroom, bowser jr, fire mario, power up mod, custom power up, ninja
Id: KIXsfMs0heM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 4sec (1504 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2023
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