Is Tears of the Kingdom Meeting Our Expectations? - EP66 Kit & Krysta Podcast

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we have been playing tears of the Kingdom Non-Stop and today we're going to be telling you about our first week deep deep skydiving into the game and how we feel about everything yes we're going deeper than the chasm deep below miles below Hyrule yes I can't believe we're even doing an episode this week I had to tear ourselves you guys are lucky um I was thinking about this and we talked about a little bit over the weekend in our five surprises no spoilers video where this is really the first big Nintendo game that we're experienced experiencing like really fresh because we left Nintendo and we've never really had this kind of experience before so it feels significant you know what I mean like it feels different Pokemon says excuse me Pokemon wasn't that great but yes you're right uh this defense Pokemon this game is a chapter closing for us because this was the final game that we were involved in yeah that has now been released right so everything from here on is is Uncharted Territory right right and more importantly you know when you work at Nintendo you don't get to have this experience you give you give up this experience to work at the company because no matter what you do you can't avoid doing your job and you know having to do things like rollout schedules where you then you know all the story details or being involved in all sorts of stuff pre-launch and so you really do not get to have this element of true Discovery and surprise and it actually feels pretty amazing to be able to experience it for a game that we both like love so much and and have been anticipating so much so to share that experience with all of you guys it's been really really fun and uh can't wait to go deep on on this game today so yeah we have an extended conversation about that coming up we've actually sort of reshuffled some of the normal uh segments that we have to make space for it yes but uh we're also going to talk about is this game meeting our expectations yeah expectations obviously super duper High yeah I mean this was breath of the wild is your favorite game of all time we've talked it should be yours I don't know why it is um it's not but uh we've talked so much leading up to this about whether or not this game is going to meet that like lightning in a bottle High bar so yeah that's I mean week one we're still getting into it but week one isn't meeting our expectations we're gonna talk about that right it's exciting stuff um speaking of our wonderful community that we get to share this experience with everything that you see here on this channel is made possible by our wonderful patreon family thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much for supporting us for keeping all of this going we had a great stream I went on launch date oh my gosh and so much so many of our our wonderful patreon uh subscribers were hanging out with us on stream and those are the moments that I I really love the most about doing this is getting to have that kind of relationship with our community so if you want to join us we are at kit and Krista and there are exciting things happening at patreon that are new if you I have never done patreon before if you're curious about it if you've maybe have been a little bit scared to jump in there's two things happening that make it super easy to do uh they now have a completely free tier it doesn't get you all of the all of the amazing perks that you get at the paid tier but it will get your foot in the door help you understand what it's like what what you know just what is it like to be a part of a patreon community yeah that's a great way to check that out we have a lot of great people who have joined at that free tier who are experiencing it for themselves awesome you still get some stuff like you have been doing lots of patreon community only posts and the free tier year gets that I wrote a heartfelt letter you did when we had the 10-year Nintendo Minute University I really really liked that a lot and then you've um shared some updates about our Zelda week that we did last week also you can vote or not you do get to vote in these polls that we do foreign we do shout out the polls um which is great but yeah great way to get in and then if you want to jump in a little bit more like like dip your toe and wade into the Waters of patreon we do have a two dollar tier which is very very easy to jump into to get you Discord access um and then from there there are tons of other tiers to choose from with all sorts of awesome exclusive perks and uh yeah we we love our community and we spend a lot of time with them every week also a free trial I will say oh yes again if you're very curious uh or haven't done patreon before it's a great way to get in and check it out and over to you yes um we are also still you know we have a goal to go to Japan and we're still working hard towards that and we had a great stream like I said where a lot of people donated to our Japan fund through Super Chat and super thanks which you can do right there on YouTube so if you'd like to contribute to our Japan fund we'd much appreciate it um it's the only way we can get to Japan because it's very expensive to do that but where if we do get there we get to make a lot of really cool content so if you want to do that we have the wonderful I've been asked during the stream to to put enough every week we have the update it's right here on the uh on the old thermometer thermometer is going up the thermometer as you like to call it it is it's going up um I've been asked to to continue to do that so here you go um but thank you so much to everyone who's donated to the Japan fund already we love you guys it's very very much appreciated we have had a busy week on the channel Zelda week has concluded we have closed uh the book on that I don't even remember 10 videos 12 videos I don't know it was a lot of videos it was so fun I can't list them all but it was a very successful week uh seems like you all enjoyed it so thank you for being a part of that but if you need to catch up they're all there again there's a lot of stuff so please have a look uh looking ahead though we have a very fun week we have some Zelda coming up too but um finally the Vlog that we've been talking about games snacks from a Japanese Supermarket oh my gosh we've been wanting to do this video for a really long time where we go to some Japanese grocery stores in our neighborhood and we try to find game themed like video game themed snacks and then we do a taste test you know we like food here on this channel um so we did that and we've logged it and we got some very interesting stuff some things happened in this video that I never thought I would be doing you sent me a text message that I believe said eating out of the toilet was a mistake yes which I could have told you that yeah I think most people I actually said drinking out of the toilet is a mistake okay I mean whatever you want to do uh if you'd like to know why she said that watch the video yeah there's a very unexpected twists and turns that happened in the gaming snacks video that was not anticipated but it was very very fun I think I never laughed so hard in a grocery store so anyway is go watch the video it is fantastic uh we have an unboxing of the cuphead incredible limited edition which has like a cuphead marionette thank you I am 8bit and Steve to us wow so amazing from like the the marionette like Masters in Prague which I've been to that marionette I don't know why you've been there but okay I was in Prague and I that was like the thing to do anyways um it's incredible like everything that they do that they send us is so like high quality and unique and just we really appreciate it it's really great we have a review of a great new book that I read uh called game master by uh Howard Phillips who love Howard he's had you spent incredible 10 years at Nintendo in the 80s really was a part of this defining moment for the company where he wrote a book which we've reviewed the book is incredible I won't I won't you know spoil what I liked about it yeah but I haven't seen a lot of people talking about this still I know I don't know why like like the people in this circles that I would expect to be talking about this book kind of aren't yeah so I want to get the word out there because this is amazing it's an amazing book filled with a lot of you know really interesting pieces of history about Nintendo things that I didn't even know about things I've heard whispered in the Nintendo Halls it's true that used to work with Howard the hallowed Halls of the Old Guard as we call it there's some people there that have very long tenures um that are in Howard's book that we've we've talked to when we were at Nintendo there's an interesting some stories about people in the 80s going over to a corner to do some naughty business we heard about that oh yeah the love nest if you wanted to know about it there's a Howard and Nestor Style cartoon about this oh yeah what they're not holding back there's some interesting similarities between us our career at Nintendo and Howers even though there are many many many many years apart it's very it's all bizarre to sort of read the book and just kind of think wow this company has not changed that many years um but anyways it's so interesting and hopefully you guys like the video and definitely if you're a Nintendo fan and want to know about Nintendo's history this is the book for you pick it up it's really good yeah and we would love to have Howard on the podcast as a guest so I'm just putting that out and putting the Good Vibes I'm speaking it into existence right now contact us please yes how are those that would be amazing to speak this is me trying to reach you through my mind one of those people from Nintendo's history that we never had any contact with we never had anything for the year contact or Crossover with but I think we would have such interesting perspectives with each other because again there's strange similarities between us and Howard and I think I would love to talk to him about that and and see what he thinks so anyways one day hopefully uh back to Zelda we are doing tears of the Kingdom Bingo a bingo challenge we were we have we have brainstormed like so many ideas for videos now that the game is out that we can do it like out we'd be doing these for weeks months I don't know yeah and we had to pick one to start with we do yeah and uh we're limited based on how many hours we've played right right there's something that we're like you know there's some stuff we need to get a little bit deeper into to do justice to the idea but Bingo is a classic one for us yes we like things always fun we're not 80 years old but we like Bingo always delivers so we're doing um tears the kingdom Bingo we're gonna see uh who does bringing back the challenge board people this is my chance to pull ahead dig out of your uh the drama's hyped though the drama is very high we've been asked by our community to bring it back and this could be the year of the christopians this could be our year guys I doubt it uh you know what isn't your favorite though it's your birthday literally today the day Thursday the day this episode comes out to the public it is your birthday it is my birthday wow I'm so happy for you okay and to celebrate it I have a lot of gifts for you oh boy gifts everyone what is that we have a video where you're opening all your gifts better be a steam deck no just kidding I'm feeling some kidding I'm expecting to get roasted in the comments of this video can't even be healthy what can I do baby what can I do I don't I don't know what I can do um you better have gotten me a real life I bought you up a pony or something I don't know yeah yes I got you real life of pona oh wow birthday the birthday escalation is aggressively happening okay you're gonna get a real life flying machine next I want to push you off I'm gonna buy you a fan yeah I went to Target I got a large tupperware container and a ceiling fan and we're gonna put you in there and see what happens you're the Clorox and we're just gonna put oh we're just gonna push you off and the things people are doing to Clorox I don't appreciate it okay I'm gonna say that I had a tweet out that was like why is our as a collective Humanity our first expression of creativity to to just torture Clorox and to make giant things body parts appendages appendages shooting fires that shoot fire and other things that are I think I must have I had a dream about this last night that happens to you in real life you should see a doctor I think I saw too many like statues with appendages that I like had a bad dream about it last but leave the Clorox alone okay they're innocent creatures yes they're annoying but they shouldn't be tortured you leave Britney Alone leave the Clorox alone thank you very much the Clorox crucifixion tour that's what I'm talking about I don't appreciate that what is the deal I I've definitely heated one accidentally but not like because I was purposely trying to twerk like you were you're being mean to get to this poor you were being mean to it European road trip what they're they look they're wearing like the backpacks they're taking a gap here they're taking a gap year yeah they're taking a Cora Gap year they might be freeloading at a house they come from privileged families so they're taking a gap here this is why they're annoying deserve to be heated a little bit but anyway it's like the pickpockets in the Town Square you deserved it you're wrong learn some life lessons the hard way you did rocket needed oh boy from Clorox to uh better things this episode is sponsored by care of taking care of we love Cara thank you care of for sponsoring this episode care of is a subscription service that ships high quality personalized vitamins supplements and powders conveniently to your door every month we use it we love it we use it we love it we are big fans of an in-depth online quiz that helps you determine your life okay you know what the reason why we're suckers first because it actually works this one is really good though it's a good quiz it really like go deep into you know your current eating habits lifestyle habits and from there they kind of put together a personalized vitamin supplement package for you I retook that quiz this weekend because I needed to update it yeah and it only takes like five minutes or so but it does feel extremely in-depth by the end of it like you you know me you know exactly why you know me you know my guts you know my shortcomings oh yeah like I think it was really nice that to retake that quiz and you can do it periodically because before you were taking the quiz for like you were taking your vitamins for like immunity because it was like cold and flu season winter yeah now it's more I'm taking it more for like energy because we're like getting outdoors more yeah some are fun there's like some you know some summer summer Vibes coming up oh but they come the vitamins and supplements come to you in these like cute little packets with your name on it it's like care of Krista it keeps you very motivated to take it everything and it's like a little like a little slot you just take it out and it's ready for you if it comes out and it's like just very conveniently packaged for you which I really love yeah right awesome So for 50 off your first care of order go to take care and enter code kitten Krista 50. I repeat for 50 off your first care of order go to take care and enter code kit and Krista 50. we're gonna put the link in the description box below and it's also right here as usual yeah so we said we adjusted the sort of flow of this episode to make room for the big tears of the Kingdom conversation so guess what we're getting it right now we have neither a story time nor never a minute segment because we want to go straight to this we want to make this the focus so let's get into what we are playing we actually have a few things Beyond tears of the Kingdom but that'll get to that in like an hour that would just be that would be yeah that'll be real quickie yeah let's get into this big discussion I'm like itching I've been thinking about this discussion like all weekend as I've been playing right so where do you want to begin with this just let's just go in the order all right yeah we have a number of things here so so we'll sort of go through our experience of this uh over the last week and we should say we're recording this on Monday so at this point we have played through the weekend I've played a lot I actually don't know what my hour count is but generally generally like what have you accomplished done in this game yeah I haven't slept eaten or done any sort of adult like responsible activities I've literally just been playing this game so I feel a little foggy you were making fun of me this morning because you were like why are you so out of it today I think this game has like Zapped all of my brain power so now I'm just dumb in other parts of my life which is great um but I so I my point is that I think I accomplished quite a bit like I have obviously finished all of the initial you know great Sky Island stuff I have I I've done it I did the tutorial congratulations I've done the three layers I've I'm I'm in Hyrule I've explored quite a bit of Hyrule I've gone underground and I've explored parts of the those chasms yeah yeah um yeah I've gotten my my goals are right now two-fold one is to sort of unlock the map and get a lot of those Towers yeah um and I also want to just make link a little less squishy it is very weak right now so I really need to prioritize like getting some more Hearts getting some more stamina getting better armor so I'm really doing sort of that like prep work okay um I I have unlocked the story to the point where you know it's it's definitely a bit more um free to explore you choose one of the four regions yeah to go to yeah have you been to one of those regions I have okay I've been to pretty much all four of those regions oh just take a look-see but have you actually gone to those like those spots where the flashing thing on the map um I yes but um let's not spoil anything here okay yeah by the way this if this conversation will have no spoilers so that's I want to be careful because I don't want people to be mad at me because they're always mad at me um but yes yes so I'm doing a lot of prep work before I get into those four regions and like the deeper into those stories because again link is real weak right now and kind of sucks so yeah I need like better weapons all that stuff so yeah yeah I'm doing good I'm doing I'm doing I feel like I'm accomplishing my goals right now I don't have a big objective I the game is so big I'm still sort of feeling that out yeah and I'm just kind of aimlessly roaming around honestly okay so I have been I have been to one of the four spots on the map just because I wanted to see it in time for this conversation today um I haven't actually been in the dungeon yeah yet but I started to take some of the very initial steps of what you do at that location to get to a dungeon exactly so I could experience that there is some characters that you need and and there's story stuff there right that you have to prep for right so but I like you have been activating some of those Towers um I agree about link you know being really weak so I I do need to do that yeah so I'm not I'm not prioritizing much stamina though because it's like uh I think with what I have now I'm okay I just need to get these hearts up I'm definitely more leaning a bit more towards hearts I would I would say I'm like I turn in those orb things like two times for health to one time for stamina well actually I haven't even done any stamina upgrades yet okay I just did one I did two I I got was able to do like two heart I think I can do one more right now um which I'm gonna probably do another heart right and then um I've done I just gotten like one extra like little tip right in this in that second ring of stamina I do like the stamina a bit because there's so much um going up to the sky like diving gliding and if you really do need to do enough to get to get further places and I find myself um link dying a lot because I was good at my stamina engage and he's just like oh oh no nose dives into the mountain and then crashes and dies in a horrified horrific way yeah that's happened to me multiple times you can toggle off the glider I know I know but I'm just like I can make it and then I'm like I absolutely cannot make it and he's just totally I'm a monster and I said I feel bad for him I I really abuse him he's kind of sad well maybe there is a method to it but it feels aimless for me because I was like I'll find a tower and then you get shot into the air and then that will usually open up some new Sky stuff not all of it because again I lack the ability to get to some of the like really high up yeah for the stuff that's further away but then I'll explore those right and then that will visually give me some new thing to see as I'm falling down exactly that I want to find some shrines right Mark them with your markers or just know where they are so it's a very slow and haphazard way of going around but I think it's fine like yeah I don't want to be like crazy regimented about what I'm doing yeah also I will say like I've been seeing people like we have this in our Discord too if people are like oh I've you know I've played like 50 hours already I was like you do kind of feel like oh no I'm falling behind oh I think that's a trap to avoid with this game because it's it's so much about your own pace yeah your own pace is like so important to preserve don't let people on the internet like Bully you or you I'm not bullying you you've done more than I have it's gonna happen um but yeah I think it's also great that there hasn't been a lot of like uh like big like story things on the internet which is great like more so people are just experimenting with these abilities and making stupid things which I'm happy to look at versus it being like I just did like you know I just completed the main quest and here's the ending or whatever right right so I'm I really appreciate that it feels better that people are more focused on sort of all of their different like experiments than it than completing the game yeah I think is great yeah but there are a lot of things that I thought I would be doing right away that I wanted to do right away and experience right away that I haven't done even yet so like I said I wanted to go back to the great Plateau I got there accidentally and I actually haven't been there I haven't even gone in that direction period yeah I don't I have back in the direction I don't even know where that was on the map and I unlocked a tower and was when I was gliding down I was just like kind of doing a 360. you fell at terminal velocity into the shrine Resurrection and then yeah exactly but um yeah I ended up there accidentally and was like oh my gosh this is the great Plateau I was like I had a nice pleasant surprise yeah yeah um so I kind of like discovering it that way like you know we were talking about oh it'd be fun to go back to some of those places that we loved in breath of the wild and see what they look like now I'm not making it sort of a mission to to seek those out but I think just you know in my normal exploration of this game um having those sort of come up as surprises has been like really fun because you do you do kind of uh you know have like this moment of Discovery like oh this looks familiar oh yeah this is where this happened or whatever so that's been kind of neat just to not have it be like a goal but just something like that yeah I do think I'm gonna wait quite a bit until I do any of those big dungeons just because yeah you can't do it what do you mean well we're too weak how are we gonna be like no I know I know yeah but I I might I might wait and just do those like back to back to back to back once I've really like done stuff in the map because I don't know like again like I don't love traditional Zelda dungeons so it's not something I'm super looking forward to and I would rather prioritize that sounds hard other things so it's like well when I feel I'm ready to progress the story I'll just like yeah buckle down and do it I'm keeping that as like the ultimate reward for my hard work like because I love traditional Zelda Dungeons and that experience of going through a dungeon and then fighting a boss and then unlocking the story is very um it's satisfying you know so I'm just like I mean that's like the carrot that's dangling like oh like once I get more hearts and more armor and Link feels stronger and I like unlock different things like I'll reward myself at the dungeon yeah although I don't know I mean from people who have done those there seemed to be some mixed reactions yeah from the community of like oh is this all the way back to being attractive quite as much as so yeah we'll see I did not mind the Divine Beast so maybe I'm making too much out of it yeah I like the divine piece as well yeah that was really fun um boy this conversation is also Meandering so let's talk about just how the game opens because I think that made a big impression on on both of us yeah yeah again no no spoilers if you haven't seen this yet but I was just really surprised by the way that this game opened because Zelda games usually have a pretty formulaic opening um and I think one thing that was really interesting is that while we were you know kind of watching those very limited trailers especially that last trailer we were like oh it feels more cinematic like there's more voice acting there seems to be more focus on it being but you can fake that in a trailer sort of sort of you can definitely fake that in a trailer and um like put together like like that 2017 Channel if you just take take every like cinematic moment yeah take the memories string them together and then you're like whoa this is gonna be awesome yeah I mean it was awesome but it wasn't like as cinematic as those Trader trailers made it yeah we were curious I think both of us like how how much of that will remain the focus actually in the game I thought that opening was so well done and like it just felt very fresh and just unlike any Zelda game that I've ever played like it just felt like oh we are in we're on a new level now like we have leveled up to this is what Zelda is now yeah and it it was amazing yeah I said that in the video that we did over the weekend that outside of xenoblind I can't think of another Nintendo game that went that that cinematic route yeah so it is a big big step for them forward to say like all right we perfected the gameplay side of the so now let's sort of delve into this more cinematic yeah storytelling just felt felt very confident again the way that it alternated between interactive stuff of you you know playing as link and then sort of cutting away to Parts where you didn't have control and things were happening yeah um that seemed very like sort of God of War like that kind of mom yeah slow walking down the staircase the modern narrative driven like almost like Last of Us movie the the games that turn into HBO shows right that's what that walking simulators I wouldn't I wouldn't want like a lot of the game to be that but as an opening it was very effective as an opening was very effective it gave you that story dump that you needed but you you I saw that you tweeted about this um earlier this or like maybe like a yesterday or something like that but like that opening where it was just like text on the screen the smallest font you can imagine could you could you read it were you squinting I was I was playing on my giant projectors so I could read it I was sitting like this um like that's classy that's confidence you know when you have like the tiniest font on a black screen and your first immediate text is Nintendo presents like dang yeah that's like we let them cook and they cook you don't usually see that Nintendo presents it's so like it's like not humble which is what it's not Nintendo right Nintendo reminded me of the Mario movie I know that's what I'm saying like it feels like they they are very much um they're I mean it just feels very confident I don't know how else to say it but like you know when we were at Nintendo it was so frowned upon to like show off or to like you know be that kind of company where you're like we know we know we're the best and so we're gonna you know really like put that out there I don't I don't think they were doing that honestly but it just it felt so much more like show-offy than ever for Nintendo and I was just like oh Nintendo presents oh my God I'm getting stunted on right now yeah it's crazy like it just it just a different vibe you know it really is it doesn't feel like they were sort of nervous about this at anything at all they were just like we know we have a hit this game of the year you're gonna get you're gonna get so sucked into this we're super confident that every single person that plays this game is gonna give it a 10. like it's just that's what if that was at the opening that that's what it felt like to me now I want to go back to something you said that is I know you usually play switch games mostly handheld mode so you were on the TV for this time to explain what's what's going on with you here I played the opening in the open opening sequence that first night the game came out I played that whole stretch on the TV mode because I wanted to see the Cinematic opening or I wanted to see the opening hoping that it was cinematic on my big screen which is how I usually play a lot of like those types of games um when I play for that like narrative I I usually play on my big screen but since then I have gone all handheld so oh really yeah now that I'm just like Meandering around and exploring I'm back in my bed like I actually haven't played the game in a handheld yet at all oh really yeah yeah I need to try it no it's it's great I have no complaints I know people were like it's not it's not very it's like laggy blah blah I'm like I don't think it is I'm sure it's fine I think it's fine yeah um so after the opening you end up in the great Sky Island which is this big big big tutorial area yeah which is the new great plateau that surprised me I didn't think the game would have such a big starting error I thought they would be much more quick to Just Turn You Loose you very much like you have to do these tasks here before you can leave kind of thing I like that about it because these games these two games now are known for just oh do whatever and like the game is made for you to figure it out your way but in this case it's like link has link has nothing and and it's like look we can design like a great piece of of game that is the complete opposite of what you're doing in the rest of it where you have to do the things we are we want you to do and it's a great way for you to get familiar with Link's new abilities um which are a bit challenging to master and I think they knew that um so giving you this very guided almost like I I hate to call it a tutorial because I feel like tutorial has a negative connotation that it's like boring and Skyward Sword somebody's just talking in just Chit Chats to you non-stop you're just hammering text right they don't do that I mean there's some tags obviously and there's some talking but it's like they do let you learn but in a very like obvious way like here are the materials you need to use in this particular instance and I was also kind of surprised that right in the beginning they're like here's some shrines that you need to do like right now I was like oh shrines okay okay had some of those and it was like oh like a cry on a shrine it was like this is this is your test for do you know how to use this right right that's true that's true but I think I was just like oh okay I'm like I'm back in okay back to the shrines okay I get it you know like it was it was very um it was very guided you know yeah in the way that it kind of brings you through that experience right but I can't I can't remember how long my first play in in breath of the Wild on the plateau was I didn't want to leave but I feel like this this might be longer than I spent on the plateau before I jumped off yeah the plateau was great because you were doing kind of similar thing where you were like learning the ropes but because it was connected to the rest of Hyrule in a very obvious way like it didn't feel like it was like the separate thing yeah I feel like that's the beauty of the sky island is that like it really does feel disconnected at first I mean now that you're able to kind of freely Traverse it feels more connected but in in the first part you're like oh I I am very sort of confined to this area like I'm very interested in this area because I'm this is like a new thing for for me and I want to explore like every inch of it like it it was a real struggle for me to leave like I really didn't want to because you liked it I liked it and I felt very safe there and I felt like I knew what I was doing and I just knew that once I left I'm not gonna know what I'm doing at all it's going to be like really hard you know it's like when you like leave home for college or something like the weird compare comparison but it does feel very homey up there it feels like you've really kind of grown accustomed to the characters that you're you're meeting there and what you're doing and how to Traverse it and um yeah so then when they were like jump off I'm like what I don't want to leave the nest um so it was like emotional to like leave the sky island I I really was like struggling like should I think should I do it now can I ever come back here it does reinforce how Reliant we all were on the paraglider oh my God not having that like oh there's a lot of things I usually do that I cannot do I've died so many times because I forgot I didn't I kept pressing X and I'm like oh wait dang it that's why it felt like just a completely different game without that because you won't take one item away and it becomes a much more sort of traditional on the ground yeah not fun experience I don't like nothing I still again I still I made this point also I think if they released this as a standalone game it's an indie game just what you do for like you know three hours that could that would be awesome it would be great and it just ends with you jumping off yeah it's amazing that's literally an Indian yeah also just like the mood of the sky island was so impactful of you know you've got those clouds everywhere the the music is different and new yeah and really atmospheric it it felt very sacred up there I didn't feel at all I I you know some people were saying like oh you know the game felt so much like like breath of the wild like up there and for that part of the game I didn't feel that at all I was like this is totally different I felt like some of the like things from breath of the wild that I used to do came back to me very easily it's like climb the street get an Apple okay yes right cook the thing yeah like oh yes um how to fight like it was trying to teach me how to fight like I know how to fight you know I know how to Target like all that stuff came back like riding a bike um but the vibe of the environment was completely different so I really like that so it was like dual it was like the best of Best of Both Worlds where you felt if you played breath for the wild you're like oh yeah these are familiar things I know how to do that I like to do um I feel capable in doing this um I kind of understand how some of these puzzles May work like I get it and then the other part was like oh like look at these you know this new environment this like beautiful new landscape you know this this these characters that I'm meeting um like the story is so mysterious right now as well like you're just really kind of drawn into that side that you don't know so I really like the duality of it um it's like it feels comforting but also new at the same time yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna reshuffler we're talking points here oh uh so so from there this from the sky island you jump off and you end up on the new ground level Hyrule and you sort of said I think you experienced a bit of disappointment I did once you got there talk tell us about that I don't know I felt like again I was just so attached to the sky islands because it felt instantly like something new different and also very a grown I grew to see it as like my true home like Link's true home is actually in the sky island sort of like how when you felt like maybe how you felt about the great Plateau is like oh I'm leaving my home in the great Plateau my comfort zone um and when I came down to Hyrule I'm like oh this is just Hyrule again like I don't know I know about this you know so like just kind of like I mean Hyrule is beautiful and that the world of Hyrule especially as we know it from breath of the wild is absolutely incredible obviously um but it's like it's a world that you do know right this is this is the part of the game where you're like yes I am familiar with these regions these characters yes the castle has been surrounded by some sort of evil like yes like this is what it used to look like so there was not a just a twinge of like oh the the newness of it is gone for a bit but then you start exploring Hyrule and you realize that it it is quite different as well and that that feeling of like exploration and excitement comes back but that initial Landing I was like in this field like kind of like near the castle and I was just like oh it's just Hyrule again like okay I had been so curious about in the aonuma video where he said like oh we can't we don't have time to go through all the changes on Hyrule I was like what what are what are the changes and now I know the changes are much more subtle right where there are a lot of things that are different but it's not like fundamentally changing right your your memory of it it's right oh right that thing wasn't there before that thing's changed or there's a cave there now yeah yeah it's like little things because obviously time has passed different because the time is it's a different time yeah um yeah yeah but but Hyrule is definitely my least favorite part of this game right now but I love I mean I love the whole thing but like if you told me like put the three areas in order I probably say like Sky underground Hyrule you know um so that's just me though maybe people like love going back to Hyrule yeah it's like fine it's like yes I know this I know what I'm supposed to do here like I get it it feels a lot more alive to me just because there seems to be a lot more people a lot more people you can talk to interact with yes um that part I do love is that if the world feels more Lively and I think this event that's happened that that has this you know the event in the story that's happened has sort of United Hyrule a bit so like everyone you talk to is like talking about this event that's happened because it's like very traumatic and so it's like oh okay everyone has like a common story like we're all like very distraught over like what the heck is going on I love the people with the newspaper like the the Hyrule what is it called like the well that so that that was one of my very very slight criticisms of breath of the wild was like Kingdom of Hyrule population 30. yeah yeah exactly so it's like now you have the towns and the towns feel again I don't I don't know they feel more populated to me but then you find people more people are like oh here's like some guys tenting and you're in a tent and they're just hanging out or people on the road you go to the stable and there's like people staying at the Inn or whatever it just feels more bustling yeah and they're like reading the newspaper like everyone's like like look at the news like oh my God like this horrible thing is happening like what do we do like it feels like the world is very like connected so I really like that part about Hyrule and like yeah talking to the people like meeting people around um I've noticed that like it feels more diverse in Hyrule like the Gerudo are also in like the right right Castle area instead of just like being courted off in the desert by themselves and like gorons are like walking around I'm not saying anysaurus but um like out and about but like it feels more like people are just like out and about they're doing their things they're trying to like make it work in this in this world where something really bad has happened I've done a couple of little side quests that been very very good and again it makes it feel very connected like the side quests are based on like this event that's happened yeah people are being affected by what is happening to Hyrule I've heard people say really good things about the side quests which is so good I probably have to I I can't prioritize the side quests at this point because I have other things that I need to do but but I do want to experience so far oh really yeah I've done so I I again accidentally landed myself in kakariko Village oh so I've been really enjoying some some Village time I thought the villages so like iconic you know I heard the music as I was landing on my glasses oh I'm here so excited um but yeah there was a couple little side quests there it's a very interesting like when you go from Village to Village like what this event means to them too and so you like kind of are like getting pieces of the story that way which I think is really well done you know right right yeah so we also have these chasms and underground which when we talked this weekend you had not experienced yet so but you have now I have yes I I went underground after we recorded our five surprises yeah because I heard you you were talking about it a lot and I was just like so curious because of what you said and admittedly when I first came across that gaping hole in the ground I was very scared I was like I don't want to go down here it looks terrifying I jumped in and I died first of all again the no paraglider I was like do I need one or is it water down there and so I no I just like woohoo and then it was not water at all it sure is literally like rock um so Link ragdolled in the underground the way he dies is so sad well don't do it then that's on you man like it's like a like a crash heart crash dummy like just the lens everywhere like that knees so anyways after I I made it down alive I was shocked by the underground like shookith I the the style of the way that it looks it's scary it did not expect that yeah at all what is this this is like a completely different game right and how big it is like you were saying like it's basically the entirety of like it feels like it must be an entirety of right um yeah it kind of gross me out honestly but I kind of liked it too I was I was grossed out but also intrigued I haven't really been back since that first big chunk I did I'm afraid of it first of all right of it too I don't know why I mean I did fine like I I fought some enemies I beat them like there was it wasn't like oh I'm under leveled here no yeah or anything like that it's just so the the icky stuff down there that that's fine I mean you can you can avoid it I know there's just something about the feel of like I'm I'm gonna get destroyed at any second Something's Gonna Come Out of the dark afraid of the darkness I'm very afraid it's it's kind of like a Resident Evil vibe to it like it looks gross like it has like that gross Factor right it could be stinky did you activate some of those big light things though I did okay a couple of them I heard a great tip about those which uh was interesting which is the placement of those on the Underground map always aligns with a shrine on the on the that's what I I noticed that you notice that on your own so you didn't you can flip the map you did not oh yeah I came up with that yeah that was me come up with that but I know maybe that already I knew that well congratulations sorry sorry wow so I'm probably gonna that's you had sort of your ordering of the the three that you like or or are not interested I like it because it's weird and different probably put that as third for me for now because again I'm scared I'm a little scared I also don't know exactly what I'm supposed to do down there people say you can find some good stuff besides just explore it yeah there's an armor down there that's really yeah they're yeah there probably is so there's like camps and stuff like actual humans are oh really down there that's what I heard oh I don't know it's a huge it's a huge space I'm sure there's a lot I just I just don't have a my feel for what what is my rhythm of what I'm doing Dad I need some armor link is wearing like a bed sheet for the person that's supposed to save the world they sure aren't doing much to help the guy I'm so confused he's like a bed sheet I'm so confused about the amiibo drops in this game because I got all of my like 25 Zelda amiibo and like the first night I was like here we go and this is when after I'm off the island so I was like it might be nerfing it once you're in the tutorial area I got off and I scanned it I haven't gotten any like of the unique armors and I've been reading I was like it's very unclear like can you still get those that way you had the link Awakening with a big face yeah is that real well first of all you said no spoilers and then you just said that that's on the internet there's a lot on the internet this game was on the internet weeks ago what's wrong with you oh my God it's a spoiler I can't no I'm playing story stuff there's more than just a story that can be spoiled oh but please but yeah I'm very confused about that because I agree I would love some some new armor um also something that just looks cooler because I just have the super basic stuff that you buy at that Outpost I didn't buy it at the beginning I'm still waiting you're still in that yes you should buy something at least it looks so sad yeah yeah um yeah what were we talking about so that's the underground and then the sky islands yes so this I'd probably say I this is the thing that I want to explore the most and more that I have but I don't really have the means to do that to the degree that I want now yeah they they are a lot more sparser than I thought first of all aren't they aren't they look I I look up in the sky all the time and I'm like what is it but once you're up there like you see a lot of them but you just you just can't get to them immediately but they're also like training some of them are small some of them are bigger so I did make a very Valiant um I had a valiant effort and I did get up to a larger sky that was felt that felt more akin to the great Sky Island like it was kind of a chain of islands that's what you needed to do some stuff with like mine carts or whatever to Traverse them and then there's a shrine up there yeah so I and then the shrine that's great I like that there are shrines up there once you get the strawberry you can warp up there and now you now you're already up there now you can look around and maybe when I do have the means to like get more batteries or whatever like I can get further from there yeah there's also a very interesting mechanic on that island where it was like a catapult and so you can like turn the wheel and so I'm like okay we've both been to the same one so that one is a good one to just get yeah I think because that will allow you to have more access to them because I think access is the thing that right is lacking for me as well in the early days because I'm like I don't have enough stamina to like Glide over there I don't have the means to like get to some of the I like I can't climb it there are some that are like even higher than where you get shot out of the tower there's like I don't know how to get to that no it must be from from the sky island unless I can get like some sort of a zonai like uh hot air balloons I made one and I tried yeah and I had like I gathered like all the batteries I could from like around and then I like glued them all together and then like as they were like the batteries were like breaking I was like oh no it was very uh terrifying out there I'm fine with it not being like a glut of Sky Islands because again using the Wind Waker analogy like it was not just Islands you're not like crashing into Islands Every Which Way yeah yeah no no right so I so I like them being a bit more spread out I'm enjoying the puzzle aspect of how do I get to that I don't know yeah I like that yeah yeah but I I really like get a thrill when I get on to a new one yeah that was the big one that I finally got up to I was really excited about because I said oh finally that one that's just not a single Treasure Chest yeah one that has like something I can do and something I could like because that is now a new getting around mode that we didn't have before which you shoot up you end up there and then you jump off and you can you can kind of Traverse horizontally yeah that way and again like I was saying get a great lay of the land as you're doing that right right right and then like as you fall it gets like things come into view more because you can go into that Zoom mode and just Mark things on the map as you're going down yeah that's what I don't crash and then I don't crash and then I crash yeah so I I'm looking forward to the the day that I can get more into this guy I was gonna love it up there and I want to be up there but I don't know how I don't know how I'm waiting for the day where I jump onto an island and there's like 20 lionels just waiting for me one of those is gonna have that it's gonna have like the like level where 99. there's gonna be like a even tied Sky Island equivalent those those you may have been to even tide Island I haven't even I'm not unlocked that part of the map come on there but you know that there's gonna be like a sky even tie Sky tide or something where it's gonna kick your little behind you're gonna be you're gonna be there for days and weeks all right so let's talk about these new powers oh yeah you get these on the great Sky Islands it's for Ultra hand fuse Ascend and Recall why don't we just talk about them in that order yeah about what we've been feeling about them so we we disagree about Ultra hand or maybe you've come around no no still have not no so the disagreement that we have is you think it's easier than what people made it out to be before you started playing yourself I think it's as hard if not harder okay um I also think the game is over reliant on Ultra hand out of the four it's not very balanced like you use ultra hand the most I think no well I I thought that as well but then I watched some videos of like oh here's some things that you're not doing with Ascend and recall that you really should and I was like well I'm a Hall the recall ones I think not to like battle with and I was like okay yes I get that so I think maybe early on we are just sort of defaulting to that maybe whereas there are a lot of other uses for the others that are less obvious I use a send quite a bit to Traverse but in terms of like like I saw one that was like oh with recall if you have one of those like airplane things but you don't have a yeah you can just put it up like you can you can kind of do it in reverse yeah and then you can just fly it like oh my God yeah yeah that that's it oh again you just knew that you created that was that your video on your little side channel that video too I'm just gonna say that's a good idea calm down um but I do think Ultra hand is is especially in shrines it is the one that is used the most because you are using it to like grab stuff and yeah what not the strings yeah I'm curious what the variety because at this point I've done like I don't know like a dozen shrines yeah yeah what what the variety of what you do of those actually is because I thought breath of the wild had a really good variety of like some of them are just like straight combat like the test of strength you know I like those yeah or there were others that were very specific strength ones I agree that most of the shrines that I've done so far have been Ultra hand heavy again it's so early I don't know maybe they did that on purpose again to get you to learn it because it's hard I don't know of just those ones around the castle Town very very possible yeah so I'm gonna Reserve judgment but I agree with you right now I did do some shrines in the Elden region I did some shrines in the lunar region they're all ultra-hand stuff and some of them are really hard for me like I do not have like the physics mind I don't think I was looking at a drawing for like three hours and I'm still look it up no I won't I won't I won't I won't I refuse don't don't freaking tell me either because I don't want to know so this is the those are some of the best experiences I've had whereas like I I don't know exactly what the game wants me to do but I figure it out another way yeah and maybe it's ugly maybe it's janky but it works so I don't care I do the same thing I those have been super satisfying I do the same thing but then I I think to myself like what is it that you want me to do like I don't understand like it's not obvious and it's weird and then I look it up the the traditional Solutions later so I solve it and then I look at oh so you don't look until you after you solve it yeah I saw it in my janky way yeah that I I've cheated and done and then I look it up afterwards I'm like this is stupid there was one that I had to get mad pretty fast because there was a mechanic that they did not explain where there was like basically like a battery cell there was an object that you had to charge with electricity I was like I don't know what that is so I had to look up what that was okay because the game did not tell you yeah yeah I guess you could just poke around but otherwise I've been able to plod my way yeah very clunky very ugly also I say some of the shrines are a bit longer they are and some of them are like multiple rooms yeah I'm like dude this is way longer than breath of the wild shrines right sometimes I like I go into a try I'm like 10 minutes I can I can do this and get out you know it's like hours later yeah and I'm still in the street I don't think you should spend three hours on Australia I'm still in a shrine I think you should either leave or look it up I'm probably gonna leave the shrine because I think I know and also the thing is that I think I know what to do but they're very specific with if if it is a solution that they are wanting you to come to and it's an ultra hand puzzle they are very specific about the placement of the items what do you mean like for example I'm in a shrine where there's a bunch of rails and you need to like build these like like Contraptions to like get you up these rails but the balance is so delicate that you'll like topple off if you don't do it exactly right so I feel like and maybe it's just me being dumb I think so oh I'm not gonna say that I was gonna say I think I think there's some other way of doing it oh I was like you just kept talking that's not what I was reacting to you were look at your face no that's mean look at my face but like the way that I placed it I don't think is right so then it's like it just like you know fails right anyways I'm like frustrated by things like that so anyways all your hand is very hard for me it's okay I will muddle my way through it maybe I'll get better maybe never I don't know but I just have a hard time outside of shrines I don't find myself using it that much I got myself a little raft where I was like dude like around the rivers that's cute I mean those are those are like fun to like make and fun to be on but it's like yeah I could probably walk there and as long as you're like I didn't do it because I couldn't swim that far okay and I wanted to get into this like cave to like get ingredients and like materials because I know there's like cool stuff in there yeah and um yeah and that was that was but that was easy that was like you basically attach like three things to a piece of plywood and you're off you know it's not like the altar like you can't you don't need to make yourself like some Physics nonsense and a shrine yeah that that part's a little frustrating for me okay yeah yeah once I learned I had a hard time rotating things the way that I like but once I figured out that you had to grab it it got a lot um but I'm so bad easier for me or grab it from different directions it got a lot easier for me just the act of sticking things together or unsticking them I I don't really have a lot of trouble with that so I mean it works for me I'm not making anything that's that great or elaborate or cool stuff sucks but it works from a from a when you're playing these when you've built these Ultra hand things are you a Ultra hand conservator or like let's say you're in a shrine you build something do you take it with you to the next room because you don't want to build it again well I found some shrines where you kind of had to do that where like there were not enough materials in the Next Room I'm like really late so I do that now I do that all the time I'm really lazy so I was like I'm building a bridge right for the like to go across something I'm just gonna take that bridge with me yeah I'm not gonna rebuild the bridge like that's annoying you know so I'm always like trying to like drag it into the other room with me uh fuse is next it's the only way to get a decent weapon right now so yeah the whole mechanic of like or the whole story thing of like oh all the weapons have decayed yeah it it is pushing you to fuse everything yeah you have to fuse everything I fused um a few some stuff together I will say that we did a really fun like fuse prediction video like weeks before this game came out and I think we were very ambitious in thinking like what the fuses could what the fused weapons or arrows could do I find that the fusing is pretty flat across the board it's just like more durability or a higher attack but it's not really doing that much to like change up the web except for my fire breathing Shield the shields is pretty that was so cool yeah the fire breathing Shield is good um like the when you have a few something else to a shield like a like one of those like puffy mushroom things it's like a one use kind of thing so it is like very temporary I think um yeah and then the other things you fuse on there is like add add durability plus two you know yeah it's not like as involved right as I think what we were yeah I might be thinking I have not fused like everything in my inventory yet I'm sure somebody out there has got some spreadsheet of of everything possibility I should probably read that because I feel like I've probably under utilized fuse Beyond just oh get get a little boost to attack which I frankly need I need it at this point because a lot of these all these weapons suck they are good terrible and they they're they're very they break super easy yeah so I'm just excusing for that really I should I should probably try some of those stuff that you get out of the like vending machines try try more of that because there's probably some cool stuff you can do there yeah I do a lot of those to weapons like the soldier construct things but but like the fire Shield like I have somebody shoots lasers now I should probably do something with that oh I have a really great deodorant now there's a spring oh what does that do you just people just bounce off it's really funny it's actually very useful yeah they just bounce away and then you can shoot them yeah that's cool yeah okay um but yeah the fuses are are a little bit more limited than I all right thought it would be um but maybe like later on in the game you you get like more more stuff I don't know yeah yeah ascend Ascend is great I always forget to use it I'm always like how do I get up there this is so stupid I'm like oh yes and done I don't know I still don't know why you end up halfway in the I guess it's if you if you don't like it you can go back down you don't like what you see I have done that once you like pop up and there's like a bunch of like enemies like bow goblins and you're like nope there was one tower that I had to get to where you get to go on a cave underneath it I did that one and then go up yeah that was kind of tricky actually I was like I spatially I couldn't figure it out I don't know where exactly so I kept trying different yeah places to ascend right here but they were talking about in the ask the developer that this was sort of like a developer like debug thing that they had that they was like oh we should just put this in the game okay because they would go into these caves and be like oh it's taking me so long to get out and then they were just shoot out that's funny yeah yeah I mean I use it as a way to just Traverse um sometimes when I'm like you know trying to get to like a higher higher level or whatever like it's easy to do that I found that they use it a lot more if you're exploring the sky islands yeah um that is a good way to get around the sky islands I I use that a lot when I was up there doing that Skyline Shrine but otherwise you can also use it to cheat in shrines which I did for one of them you just are you sure it's a cheap Ascend your way out of it oh yeah because they had like a complicated elevator situation that I couldn't figure out I was like this is I don't understand what you want me to do here so I just send it out of there instead okay it was much easier this is becoming the theme of these this Powers conversation is like we have we are under utilizing all of these well I'm too I'm too dumb like I don't know how to use these things I'm not smart enough to keep my mouth shut right now as you I'm not smart enough to like figure it out I need to like I don't know I'm just like bumbling my way through this game um okay so that's Ascend recall recall yeah recall so we've done the thing where you ride the the big Brock up into the sky yeah what else have you done with this I have done the thing where you make your own Runway with that floaty Bird Okay helicopter Iron Man I saw that last night I have not had a chance to try it but yeah I did that that seems stupid get across some Sky Islands there I have used it in some shrines um to help with some of the puzzles um I have used it on some enemies as well of like a projectile back to them yeah yeah what was the projectile it was a big rock did you do could you do it with like an arrow a single Arrow I don't know if you're fast enough to is that click the button small too small I haven't tried okay yeah I feel like this is the one that has the most potential that is untapped this is basically that one where what is that one breath of the wild where you could like hit it a bunch exactly what is that one called yeah that one was um crownus magnesis what's the other one stasis stasis that's the stasis where everyone figured out all these in unique ways to use stasis I think people are figuring out unique ways to use recall I saw one that was awesome this morning that someone had made an appendage out of rocks no really bigger two Rock two round rocks and a bigger rock you put yourself you put it together in your head here yes and used so grabbed it use recall or like moved it around in a circle really fast like this used recall on it and then lured a he knocks over oh into the circle of death and then this heinous was just getting flat by this rock appendage okay like literally wow wrecked okay by this thing and then it died and that's how it died so bad day for that he knocks but uh tough way to go tough way to go tough way to go um we'll pour one out for him but uh that's what you could do apparently with recall and I was like brilliant huh brilliant because you could like make your own path with it and then reverse it so that it like does a thing to an enemy you know what I mean or like whatever yeah um so I thought that was pretty it was one hilarious and two brilliant so there you go it does make those four powers from breath of the wild feel a little quaint these four that you have now it's such an upgrade it's like oh bombs kind of that's that's one of your things bomb plants I love those bombs those are my like go to cancel the shrine blow it up that's my that's my like solution to everything I can't figure it out let's just bomb it and see what happens it's like halfway could they just keep making games like this of like we just came up with four new powers and we we reshuffled the world a bit more new game here we go because that's it I mean this did seem to be the starting point for a lot of the ideas for the game if we just thought of all these other other powers yeah yeah that that is sort of the main unique difference in the environments that you're exploring you know adding the two environments yeah but yeah like use like the creativity you get from these four powers are really like I think what makes this game really special as a Zelda purist do these Powers upset you like get this get this out of my Zelda game no give me my Boomerang and let me no no no do my thing no I love I love it I think it's great um I'm not good at them but you're not mad mad you know I I want to get better and I want to like learn from other people that are very good at these I think that that's the best part of having this level of creativity is that you see videos like that online you're like oh gosh that's so brilliant I want to try that you know yeah I think that's that will be that's what makes that was what made breath of the wild really fun and it definitely sort of feels like that is a big Focus for this as well and people are certainly doing that um but no I I don't I don't miss the traditional like okay link gadgets or anything like that okay okay yeah shrines we kind of already talked about that anything else you want to say about shrines do you like the little puff of green smoke that comes out of them because it makes them easier it's easy to see it's easier to see yeah you're like oh there they are you can see them from real far away which is kind of nice yeah and besides them being you know harder than ever it's like yeah I did not expect them to be this hard so this I think 150 and there were 120 so there's actually more of these I didn't even get all the shrines and I didn't know I think I got like 90. I got I think I got around 100 and I was like that's good I'm good yeah I'm tired of it easy right right so but I guess yeah if they're being are there are there shrines underground I guess they couldn't if since you're the master of the light the light plants there can't be a shrine underground can there or could there I don't know but they are in the sky we know that this guy huh yeah all right so maybe the additional ones are all in the sky who knows I don't know I don't know dungeons neither of us have done them so we can't really talk about that but again I'm I am on my way I'm doing like a little quest to get to yes the dungeon yeah I'm in the I'm in the Zora region is where I am I I went to the Hebrew I've reunited with side on oh hottie did sydon talk in the last game like did he have voice acting I think in the cut scenes you did okay I couldn't remember especially in the Champions DLC there's a lot of like Chit Chats yeah yeah because he does talk in this it's like I can't remember if he did that before yeah yeah I went to the hebra Rito Village okay first so I'm in the snowy area okay that's why I didn't go there because I was like I don't have the gear I have the the what do you have oh that's all you have yeah but I I don't need it right now I'm not going into this because all the other three required some sort of because it's like okay you're on the volcano you need the heat resistant I'm not gonna have that I also have the spicy peppers still so if you go into the desert it gets you know extreme there too so like this is the safest place for me to go again I don't plan to do it I just wanted to see getting to the dungeon is a feat in its in and of itself which one so you have you have done that well I mean I'm trying it's not it's very difficult yeah but so you're not there yet no okay but like it's it's like it's not easy it's not like you're just gonna warp to the dungeon and there you go yeah yeah it's a whole thing okay yeah uh the difficulty in general I think feels a bit higher a bit higher really hard like there's a lot of enemies that are just one-shotting me now and then you talked about you know the shrines just being more um complicated the link is squishier than ever but maybe bigger than ever it could be just the game telling you like use this new stuff we are giving you like you think harder about what you can do yeah I have been gird your loins for these fights yes I I that one of the towers involved infiltrating a huge Camp of enemies yeah with a bow Goblin boss oh I I noped out of that one I just ran away it was it was did you do a real treat uh it was really hard but I I did have some quick wit my way through it like with I ate like a stealth thing I like bombed them from like above and then I had this whole like recall thing with like some of the things that they were throwing at me and then I it was a very involved it took me like 45 minutes yeah yeah but they they do want you it's very hard on purpose I think do you want you to use the stuff at your disposal um to to do that you talked about changing stuff you talk about how you like you like what you do at these towers more I I but I don't know exactly what you meant by that yeah so before in breath of the wild it's like the the towers you like it's like a climbing puzzle I played the game do you recall that I'm familiar are you familiar with that game that's your favorite game of all time what's your point I I really like these towers because they feel very connected to the story oh okay of what you're doing with uh of re-scanning the land yeah okay and I I really I think it's funny like you you get onto that like big like balloon trampoline I don't like how those Gardens come out like he's like scared like that I just don't like that and then he has like a like a roll of bungees looks like the like the cable guy that's coming to like redo your cable internet he's like that guy yeah you know and he's like in the in the air and he's like did I say iPad he's like oh I got it okay and then like that the wires are all like right it's funny it's like it's very cute yeah and he's just like Stone Face like with his little iPad you know but I I think it's it's humorous like that it feels like it's very much like oh I'm doing this for a reason and it serves more of a purpose of shooting into the sky was like you did it you're done you're basically not go off unless you want to jump off yeah there's not much purpose to go there right right and cute that every one of them has like a little almost like a little mini Quest yeah they are a little bit different of getting in yeah like some of them it looks real easy and then you like oh I have to go from underground that's actually not easy right right I did one with the guy that we needed to do it was like locked in a cage oh and I had to get him out like I got trapped in here help me um so like all of them are a little bit like a different challenge that I think it's very clever yeah like it's really well done yeah the story in general there has not been a lot of it since the beginning how do you feel about what there is I am very curious about what's going on um yeah I think the story so far is is really good and again I really like how you know talking to the people around the world around Hyrule and you know things that you're you're doing um is all in service to the main story in a way even if they're side quests like it's all related to like what is happening so that's I think that's a good way of making you feel like even when there is not a main story development happening all the time you're not getting like inundated with cutscenes or whatever like story reveals all the time you're like still living in the world where this like tragic thing or like this crazy thing happened and and everyone else that you're around are is also living in that world with you we're all in the same boat like we're all confused about what's happening and wanting to figure it out and you know doing our our own thing to try to like resolve the the situation um and and understand it so I like that about it a lot you have some big brain theories about what might be I do happenings though I have a big brain theory about what's happening I don't want to say it here because it's a spoiler but this is again every single time we have one of these story games I'm like should we do a spoiler cast maybe we do a patreon only spoiler cast where we talk about well we better beat this game first we can do it like in chunks okay I don't know but you guys want to see that okay people we'll see um yeah I have a big brain theory about this story I think I'm right this is weird not dumb I don't know this is where I'm smart it could be right figuring out the story again I'll keep my mouth shut you didn't think about that though that had not occurred to you no seeing what you saw so far that that potential premise has not occurred to you no it hadn't there's also this Grim fairy tale that this story so far the brothers Grim Brothers group yes yeah that I really like that really reminded me of this story so far do you want to mention it that's not a sport mentioning a book that could if people want to read the book then spoil themselves you can say it I think the story is called brother and sister which is a very strange title okay the story is not about well there is a brother and sister but that's not what the that's not the piece that reminds me of this but there's something that happens in that story to the princess that really reminds me of what is happening to Zelda or what may have what is Zelda what's happening to Zelda okay so I don't know we should we should con we should continue and we will see if I'm right guess we'll find out yes notable characters the last thing here yeah so you said you met side on which is great it's kind of fun to see all those characters again yeah and find out what's it's like in the end of like some of those movies it's like oh where are they in the future like he became the president or whatever I know I love I love how everyone's grown up yeah they have some good grown up some good story lines about what they're doing so like side on like he has like a lot of new things happening in his life but he's very he has mixed feelings about them which is interesting and he's like feeling the burden of a lot more responsibility so it is fun to to have them back and like I wonder like what new what new characters of the same importance will we find along the way you met you met a very hot man in a in a log cabin uh or something again I was in kakuriko Village poking around and hottie the husbando alert is that a big character um who is that it is somebody on the research team so you'll find out when you go to cockroach Village like what is going on I actually haven't been there at all yet yeah you'll find out it's like it's it's actually really fun like yeah again it feels very connected to like the events of the main story which is great and this person is part of the the effort I see um but you also meet Paya who was in yeah the little girl right um and now she's like the chief so it's like she has also grown up and taken these responsibilities and she also is kind of I think all of these people are sort of having this like thing where like oh I have these expectations now and it's like it's what happens when you grow up and become an adult like you have all these responsibilities you know exactly maybe what is happening to sight on what's Happening to some of these characters that we've met in breath of the wild as you know almost like kids and now they're adults with responsibilities the internet seems turnt about Pura Pura was trending over the weekend I clicked on it and I said oh my god get me out of here that was a mistake yeah she's pretty hot don't you think no you're you're not a not a poorer not for me but it's fine for a fan I understand it she's in like heels for some reason which is a weird fashion Choice when you're tromping around a world all right that is in chaos yeah what are the big characters have you run into um let's see I've run into and I went to the Rito Village around to see the characters there and um yeah I think it's it's really nice I think my biggest thing is like oh it's so great it's like it's like literally like a high school reunion where you're like oh let's let's what have you been up to you know like I I remember you um so like those moments have been have been really great and uh like I said some of the side quests are are really nice as well like they kind of give you more insights into the characters and and it feels like it feels very well done like it's really like they all have their backstories and it all feels connected to breath of the wild and what their life was then and what their expectations are now and you know I think it's really it's really great yeah so last big question of what you've been playing so far is the game meaning your expectations I think yes like my expectations were pre-managed honestly you know and I definitely wasn't expecting to be as um blown away as I was in breath of the wild I think I I am sufficiently blown away more so than I anticipated but there's also parts of the game that have been frustrating for me and um have been hard and challenging and kind of you know Annoying um but overall I think my expectations have definitely been met but because they were pretty tempered yeah remember my prediction back in June was the game might be disappointing yeah I don't feel disappointed so I'm glad to say that right it's definitely like in the top one percent of games I play just in terms of quality and how much fun I'm having it it's it's like where does it fall in that one percent I don't know yet I need I need to keep playing yeah and again like the game is so big and there's so much still to do that I have not experienced at all that I want to yeah so like I would love to join the people saying like oh yes this is dethroned breath of the wild is my favorite game ever yeah I can't say that yet I can't say that you know those people probably played hundreds of hours because they yeah those are the people that are like probably all day every day a lot of the people who reviewed the game they said like the more they played it like the more they loved it they loved it and and the more the Brilliance of it became obvious to them so I'm I'm excited to see if I experienced that stuff yeah yeah exactly because I think right now we're at the part of the learning where it's hard like you got to learn all of these new things you're so you're such like a little baby right now yeah and you're just like stumbling through this world like weak as can be I I think maybe there's a moment that happens or something that happens where you just know what to do you like quickly can use all of your abilities really seamlessly like you you feel um smart and I I think that's maybe where it the Brilliance of it really becomes very evident right but right now I'm so like wide-eyed and terrified that I just can't even wrap my head around that yeah yeah but it's absolutely one of those games where it's like well this is all I want to do with any moment of time that I have oh yeah it's it's so it's perfect that um yeah I mean it's perfect for that because you can do you can do like some quick little things or you can dive in yeah did you ever have this or like you're playing a game you know it's like really good but you don't necessarily have that same urge to just like spend every moment on it today like Resident Evil does it happen to you for me oh I I felt that way I felt the opposite about Resident Evil I was like super pumped to go back to that oh really I was excited to go back to it but I was also like Resident Evil is one of those games where I'm like it's a big challenge for me to go into this because I'm gonna be scared and I'm gonna be nervous and I just need to like like gird my loins to go into this well I thought we were off the Resident Evil talk after two months straight two months ago had to sneak one in that's why it took me so long but this game is like there's moments where I'm like very relaxed I don't have that problem you know before we get off of Tears of the Kingdom we did ask our patreon subscribers a simple question which is what has been your most memorable moment in the game so far we've got some great answers let's start with Twin Dragon 76 probably diving into my first Chasm seeing the light of the world slowly vanish and be replaced by an all-consuming darkness really stuck with me it's kind of creepy and a nice tone ship from the rest of the game agreed is there going to be somebody who's just like I don't I don't need like I don't need lights like watch me just perfect run through the underground no lights what I bet that'll happen at some point oh my God what who are these people Chad templin says realizing that all the horses I registered at the stable in breath of the wild have been carried over to tears of the Kingdom I checked immediately my horses are their people this was a very emotional moment for a lot of people so excited to see my ponies I don't care don't like the horses in these games I I found a wild horse and I and I captured it no I captured it and then I just let it go because I was like I'm not having a good time riding this horse oh I'm so glad my horses are back I have like the fancy horse like the the one that was really hard to get the big horse the big horse yeah oh the big horse is cool I like the big horse yeah his name is Tom Nook I don't know why I think a lot of people say like oh I I got this this horse that I didn't remember that was named after my pet who has since passed away that happened that's me that's also me so I was like uh like that's that's a sad reminder yeah but yeah that's fun that that's been really resonating with people yeah why you why you why you oh it says I was so used to always having a paraglider on me that when I left off the starting Island I aim for a tower about halfway down I realized I didn't have it and I was forced to accept my fate I promptly plummed into my death and laughed for a few minutes straight we all did it guys we've all plummeted to our death well you had it okay it's different sometimes I I have to like die on purpose like I accidentally fell off the sky island and I was like no I mean I haven't saved I need to like die on purpose so I can get responded there I have the paraglider and I'm never giving it up again in my life just the whole graph it tightly yeah says the biggest for me was the realization that by using the old map they were able to do things they couldn't if they made a new one from scratch in a different location variations on it from ruins hitting the ground caves weather events rerouted Rivers Etc have forced me to rethink how I navigate a map I've spent hundreds of hours in it's a little overwhelming sometimes but it's exciting to re-familiarize myself with a familiar but altered landscape so well said yeah you do have to re -adjust your brain okay oh I've done this a million times and now for the million and first I'm doing it differently yeah and it looks different yeah but also familiar at the same time it's a little bit of a mind like it kind of you have to really wrap your head around it right right and finally switching it up underscore says this game is incredible the opening to tears of the kingdom was spine tingling I did this weird ugly cry smile thing and will always be most memorable but overall I love how this game doesn't have one answer to solve a problem it makes me feel smart that I can use all the abilities to help me solve problems both in shrines and around the world building my first working flying machine after reaching The Sky Islands from the ground made me so proud yes the game has a great way of making you feel extremely smart but also extremely dumb in the in like a span of 30 seconds so but see that's so big for me who again I struggle in those traditional dungeons because there's one there's one solution and maybe the way my brain works doesn't always go to that solution yeah yeah so it's like thank goodness that's right just like real life there are multiple ways to get through something exactly now I'm glad that they've they are able to allow you to do that because sometimes their way to solve it is very hard for you to come to that one specific conclusion I found that in a lot of shrines too like the way you want me to solve this does not make sense to me right um like but that's fine I think that's fine like that's yeah you're not stuck to that whoever designed it that made sense to them you know so that's fine but um yeah it's so nice to have that as an option which is why I think they don't have any sort of like hint system or something like that because there's no one also look it up no three hours later that concludes our deep deep deep how long has this been going oh like an hour or more uh conversation of Tears of the Kingdom we will be back with a lot more yes we'll be playing this game for a long time so don't worry we did play two other games though before before and we had some recipes we had some time for dabbling before this game came out I played a game so did you um the one I was playing I don't know how to pronounce this called apico apico I don't know I think so but it's basically think of like um an animal crossing type game or one of these more sort of like Farm Sim type games that is focused on beekeeping which believe it or not is a topic I'm interested in I think it's so cool yeah you should totally be I have I have taken an introductory beekeeping I have these in your house I know I put on the whole suit yeah I shot him with the smoke I moved them around I harvested some honey so yummy too right so good for you I love these we should all love these these do a lot of good for them they do we should never let the bees go away so this is so I was like oh wow they made a game about beekeeping like I want to play that and I didn't get to play this game very long because all they came out but I really liked what I did play it's it's pretty in-depth so it's got again it's got that sort of same like top-down look of an Animal Crossing it's it's in a much more sort of like retro look though and you go around the environment you get stuff there's beekeep there's you know bee hives everywhere you can put them into different you can create different hives there's different types of bees so you can like create different hybrids yeah you make a queen bee and the Queen Bee makes a certain amount of workers which make a certain amount of honey oh it's very deep and you can like plant flowers around them to attract different types of bees so plant different flowers to different types of honey yeah you can so it is a very deep game like that's awesome again I played this game for I think two nights and I was just like wrapping my head around all of it but that's good because like you know I think if if you're interested in this game you're interested in in real life beekeeping which is also pretty complicated so um you have a big bag you should get some obviously a very Niche topic but but really well done and and very fun too um it had a lot of Personality like you talk to a lot of people and they had a lot of fun things to say and you're in this sort of big big open space and you know can you can explore it and go around and so I I liked it a lot awesome I also played a little game um before breath of the I'm sorry cheers of the Kingdom came out called good pizza great pizza oh it was uh it's basically like a cooking Sim kind of game you you start by opening your own like pizza shop across the street from another pizza shop in the sky is like basically becoming will become your rival and yeah it's all about like you know like sort of like a time-based kind of thing like in the in a day how many pizzas can you serve everybody has very complicated orders and it's a challenge like decipher whatever kind of pizza they want um and then you can upgrade your little pizza restaurant there's tons of different little like customizations oh you can also get like different toppings oh and it also has some very interesting like social commentary which I wasn't expecting like at the end of each day they they have like a newscast kind of come on and like one of the story lines is that like homelessness is a problem in the city and like you meet these people that can't pay you and they ask for food because they're like homeless or like whatever so this is a very interesting layer of like social commentary and it's like little pizza game but it was really fun and really cute and the animation style reminded me of the um that show Bob's Burgers oh so very cute little game yeah liked it what is the strangest Pizza you've eaten in real life um I could see that apparently that's a very like common Pizza in Rome um and My Italian Friend was like you should try this pizza and it gets really good I'm like that's a weird combination but I liked it it was really you haven't delved into Japanese pizzas oh I don't really like I'll be staying away from those thank you very much they have some weird there's a lot of like Mayo danger that's why I'm staying away a lot of mayo danger yeah yeah all right that wraps up what we've been playing uh before we get to the news we want to say this episode is sponsored by hellofresh thank you hello fresh we love hellofresh with hellofresh you get farm fresh pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep skip trips to the grocery store and count on hellofresh to make home cooking easy fun and affordable that's why it's America's number one meal kit I love hellofresh I just received my new hellofresh order which is very exciting for a busy week coming up this week I went with again the pescetarian option you do love the pescetarian I do I really do love the pests the seafood that they have there is really good and then I look at the packaging it's like farm from like sustainable it's like really high quality yeah but they have tons of different options for you to choose from um you know you can if you're a vegetarian vegan whatever like they have all of those different kinds of meals for you it's all pre-proportioned but I have something that I'm making tonight it's Spanish um wow with shrimp and it looks so good I'm so excited to make it that's great because normally pay it takes like forever to make yeah this one is it seems like it's a little bit faster yeah it's good um but yeah the recipes are all like super interesting as well like I never would make paella on my own yeah I'm not gonna go out and get the ingredients to make paella um so it's really nice they have that option with hellofresh they also have a limited time uh menu with some recipes for uh May which is Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage bun so that's a really fun way to get in some difficult different recipes and celebrate that I did I did get one of those in my in my uh oh really wow very delicious that sounds wonderful I'm very excited to eat that one as well yeah so go to kit krista16 and use code kit Krista 16 for 16 free meals plus free shipping I repeat go to kitris16 and use code kit Krista 16. for 16 free meals plus free shipping hellofresh is America's number one meal kit the URL is here and the promo code will be in the description box below as well yay nice all right news time yes not as many news stories as we've had in the past that's fine uh Nintendo did put out its big Financial update for the fiscal year oh boy the fiscal year the FY as they call it yes we're on FY 23 yeah so some numbers are down but it is sort of the reality of the console business where you know it's not going to go up forever yes so they sold about 18 million switch systems in this last fiscal year they now think for the current fiscal year that we're in they think they will sell 15 million they did say that that was perhaps a stretch though yeah some weird expectation management there of like this is the forecast but we're probably not going to hit it yeah yeah maybe just to prove that they're still working really hard to keep this switch life cycle strong yeah that could be like the message that they're trying to send yeah well then maybe you should announce some games they have now sold over 125 million switch systems so it's now already in that third best-selling console of all time way to go they said there this was big they said no new hardware this fiscal year so people who were like oh the next switch is coming out well it's not coming out before April 1st that's right which I think is about where we we were predicting that just last week we're just saying that doesn't mean they won't they can't announce it but it will not be out yeah uh until the end I don't think that fiscal year it's a long time I mean it's I mean it's not even June now so that's nine months again better have some games we'll see in the investor q a almost every question did you read this I did almost every question was about the Mario movie it was which I understand though it's like hey they made some big bucks investors so all of the money that was made from that will go into the current fiscal year so it's not accounted for in the report their profits in the in the current fiscal year is going to be pretty that they're doing here they said they did see some boosts in sales of Mario games as a result of the movie they did not get into details of that though but it did say that it expects the net profits to fall 20 in the next fiscal year so that's about that yeah that's a bit concerning of like oh now you're getting money from the movie probably now you're getting more money from the theme park but your profits are going down 20 percent so that would be a much steeper decline on the game business if you didn't have this other stuff to prop it up yeah yeah that good thing they had the other stuff the timing of it worked out really well because now that we're in sort of the end the life cycle first which not as many games are coming out obviously um to have something else to like offset that is actually quite you know good for them yeah um did you see that stat that like the Americas lost the most oh no I didn't see that it was like it dropped the most yeah out of all the regions the the America region dropped like 14 or like 19 but all the other regions were a little bit higher oh and I I had to I had a little chuckle because I remember when we were um at Nintendo like there was some stiff competition between the region and it's always a little bit funny because you know it's one global company but the the leaders of every region love to rub it in to the other leaders and maybe it was like a friendly competition but it felt a little serious at times too where they were like we're we're the most look at how much we sold in our region we and then like there was also those meetings that we have people where like our leadership team would be like we have to be Europe it was very serious you're like oh okay um so I wonder how they're feeling over there if if they're the region that lost the most money it wasn't good and it was always a good bargaining chip of like hey we need to do this thing or we need this resource because like Hey we're the biggest region we're selling the most so give us the thing yeah that was that was a very good bargaining trip yeah to get things that you wanted but if they're not if they're not the the most profitable region and they're the biggest oh no so they've done a great job to extend the switch life cycle to this point obviously we're getting close to the end yes I worry a little bit about how shaky this nine month or whatever it ends up being stretch could become yeah again a lot a lot relies on what they announce over the summer yep of and what kind of is there actually yeah a software roadmap what's going on around the holiday time which is going to be a big yeah that's like a big make or break moment and then again not to like Hammer this point over and over again but then what happens the transition well right be telling for for what's to come in the future um yeah so yeah we'll have to see but it is like one of those things where you come down from a high of all these things and you have to deal with what the future looks like so yeah and I mean I mean there's still I mean they're still making a ton of money oh yeah so there's money in the bank so I mean the way these Financial things get broken down of like oh it's down one percent and the stock crashed like people like the investing Community is is nutso yes yes and if you want deeper analysis of this like yeah you can ask your accountant or something yeah we're not super equipped yeah so Nintendo is always a good little saver company they have a lot of money in the bank like like wild away you know it's like a Wario wear a warrior gold mine down there yeah but yeah this is going to be an interesting you know nine months to a year here yeah yeah we're entering probably a new era soon yeah a new game freak game has been announced I saw this and this was unexpected so they are partnering with private division which do you know do you know much about this I I saw the story did you know about private division though that the parent company to take two so well they are one of the publishing labels under take two oh okay and they're sorting two is their parent company yes I see and they're sort of the Indie label right for take two okay what other games have they published um I saw that they had published the uh hard copy Verdi version of Hades they had they had a number of other ones that was like oh yeah that this is very much it's like a very uh prestigious Indie title yeah like really high quality notable indie games so they have this new IP they're calling it project Bloom yeah the concept art is very interesting there's one piece of concept art which is this it looks like a samurai I guess or maybe some sort of ancient Japanese garbage person wandering through uh Forest it was very um sort of almost prehistoric looking or like I don't know like a deep forest I guess yeah coming out fiscal year 2026 I don't know why you needed to announce this now it's a long time from now I know I saw that I was like why though this is like one of those yeah it's like let's announce the game like six years before it comes out like it's weird I mean game freak unless this is totally a new thing for Game Freak they've made these these sort of side games before none of them been super big right to the extent where you would need to like hype it and promote it for multiple years yeah I like this though for the reason that I love when game freak makes a non-pokemon game absolutely when they do that the creativity is always off the charts it's always something that is very unexpected um and it's just great to see them stretch their wings a little bit from the Pokemon formula this is why I like anytime people get another oh game freak sucks game freaks lazy but I think it's peep tonight people go down that's like no like do you know they do stuff like this where like they they give people opportunities to make these non-pokemon games to stretch their wings and try something different yeah it's really hard when you're a development company that just gets locked into the same formula year after year and you're on a schedule that's like we need you to like make this game so we can make money right that stinks like who wants to be on that cycle you know all the time um so I think it's awesome even though this game is coming out like never for for like a long time or whatever but like it's just fun to see them do something that's not Pokemon yeah also say like aside from pocket card jockey like the games these side games they've made haven't always been the best so I don't find myself like crazy hype for this I'm definitely interested though I don't know it looks very um this is one piece of concept art but it looks very different yeah than their typical thing so very interested last bit of news is uh sadly Nintendo Power podcast is ending they snuck that into the episode so I had been wondering what was going on with this because they've been slowed down been on a monthly schedule and they had only put out one episode this year which was their sort of 2023 preview yeah and been months and I thought gosh if they don't have an episode for Zelda they're they're probably just quietly ended it but they had a Zelda episode but they said like this is our last sort of main episode we may come back for future special episodes in the future but there's nothing planned so I was a little bit sad at this yeah you you know I don't know if people know they might know by now but you basically like started this championed it fought tooth and nail you and Reggie for months and months and months maybe even more than months to get this off the ground like this was like your thing that you like were really pushing for when you headed up all the original content at Nintendo so does it feel weird to see are you sad that well see this ending the thing that's that's disappointing about it is like oh you know what's two things that aren't getting smaller in popularity Nintendo and podcasts so why are you shutting down the official Nintendo podcast I don't know yeah I mean it's definitely one of those things though where it's it's not as easy as you might think it's like oh just just make a official podcast about Nintendo and it's like well yeah there were so many challenges there were a lot of reasons why this couldn't be everything that it should have been yeah which is unfortunate um I'm still proud of you know what what the team did I still think it was a very solid podcast but they were just some things like like oh yeah the Nintendo podcast is going to have developer interviews on it nope yeah well there's um well yeah the first and last but it was breath of the wild related very first episode you all should listen to that if you haven't yeah yeah we've recorded that right before game awards yeah 2017. so that was the first and last but yeah I mean of the like handful of times where I was about to like throw my hands on the air and say I quit this job like the podcast was I don't know like four out of the five or it was it was a lot of them because we just had a lot of really like ridiculous yeah issues and drama around this that did not need to exist the the really unfortunate thing watching you go through that and and also we kind of went through it together with some of the other projects we were working on towards the end of our our time at Nintendo was that feeling that even though you were allowed to to launch it to do it it never sort of was able to meet its true potential right because of all the limitations that was put in front of you right it's like after you fought for a year they're like fine you can do this but here are 100 ways that other things to um to work under right and so at after it launched it's still good but you just you saw the potential and you knew in your heart that you can never get it there and it pain it's painful that's truly like painful to watch that and sort of like a almost like a um like a like a handicapped version of the thing that you wanted right right it's tough but yeah I'm really sad to see this end it just feels like you know the era of Nintendo Minute and the the Nintendo Power podcast the era where people used to get a glimpse into the company where you are not just looking at a monolithic Corporation you're seeing people you're seeing you know people that work there that are as excited as the community is about video games and want to talk about it want to you know connect with the community um seeing all of that sort of go away it's it's a little sad yeah yeah it is yeah this was you know we talked about this before like you know our already huge respect for Reggie like went like through the roof when we were getting this out because it was it was complicated and there were a lot of people who didn't get it I mean Reggie is very forward-looking he understands Trends and like what is going to be big in the future and he knew like oh yeah podcasts are a major thing we need to get on this this is a very valuable communication tool for the company to have exactly and he saw that immediately and he was behind it you know full full-on and he helped so brave he helped us stand up to people right yeah and then and then once he left that became much more challenging because we sort of lost our like executive sponsor Champion yeah and then you left you were the other person that was really helping to Champion that like they were oh my gosh those emails that you used to get like unreal shout out to Chris slight though who hosted this he was formerly the editor-in-chief of Nintendo Power Magazine it was so perfect he was the who's the perfect host for this I mean he's our friend we've been on multiple episodes our office neighbor office neighbor the best Mario Maker person I've ever met in my entire life the nicest guy awesome host and we had so much fun with our like end of the year every year end of the year we would have like the Nintendo Minute Nintendo Power podcast collab yeah with Chris slate and it was my favorite it was my favorite time of the year it was so much fun and I'm so glad we got to do that and work with him and right yeah well we'll have those memories but uh I'm really sad I'm really sad to see it Go all right so shout out to Chris but uh yeah that was a bummer but let's move on to questions from the community first one's a doozy comes from freely every question we get comes from our patreon subscribers free Leah wants to know and there's a visual aid as well apparently these are officially licensed Mario underwear from 2005 and 2006. can you confirm if this is true and if so what was Nintendo thinking and the underwear says there's two one says show me the princess gross the other one says I scored with the princess with a picture of Mario given the peace sign uh by the way these are boxers in case you're curious yes this is the type of well first of all it's absolutely true this is the era when Nintendo was trying to be edgy this is that edgy era that we were in no I mean it's not it is no this is like late GameCube Wii era GameCube was the edgy era there was an ERA that really only ended very recently where this was Nintendo merchandise like it was awful like it was written by someone who had no clue what a video game was they just licensed it out without any sort of quality like vaguely leaning like off-color jokes and just like or just like the most obvious thing like level up bro or like the I'm a phone guy came over bro like stuff like that yeah like we we only recently got out of this right so I'm like yeah there were there was a lot of yeah but there was a there was an ERA where in the GameCube times where it was kind of edgy and I feel like this must have been around then where there is no quality control over the licensed merchandise and there was people who are left to their own devices to do whatever with but I remember going to like the Nintendo World store in New York before they started doing their own in-house designs and like again this was like maybe 2015 or something just like this stuff sucks yeah yeah this is embarrassing it's a little we need something I don't know if it's better now it's definitely not doesn't have like a like a lame tagline on it it's a thousand percent better than that well it's better than having underpants that say I scored with the princess I scored with the princess are you serious right now canceled tomorrow me too um but uh the other thing that's good I mean right now it's like it's it's swung the other way where the merchandise is like kind of like boring like every single tears of the Kingdom thing it just has a logo that's it literally it's just a sweatshirt with a logo on it it's like snooze that's all I saw oh I wasn't looking that closely it's not great because you can't get it well they won't let you unless you're going to New York you can't get it so I'm like there's no point in even watching you you they won't Japan will not let you put anything on a piece of merch anymore that's what what it is who is Bowser Jr's mom has the next question Mario Striker's battle league has apparently sold more than any individual Xenoblade Chronicles game if you are Nintendo what do you make of this information if you are Nintendo um well I think and we knew I Nintendo that Xenoblade is quite a niche audience you know no matter what a Xenoblade character game is never going to be as popular as a game that has Mario as the front person that just has Universal wide appeal and recognition that sadly as much as we all love Xenoblade one thousand percent more than Mario Strikers um sadly if you're not like totally plugged into everything Nintendo and the gaming uh if you're you're a grandma at the at the Target you're probably gonna buy Mario Strikers for a little Timmy and not Xenoblade so I think that's that's the reality of the situation just another proof point for them too of like these you know fan outrage moments mean basically nothing to them I mean nothing and almost really means nothing basically every time that these have happened the game has gone on to be quite successful yeah uh you know whether it's like Pokemon with the National dex outrage yeah or even this latest one with like the outrageous yeah like the quality I mean this is this is not like a through the roof like sales but I mean this is a really nice selling game yeah when you when you put when you slap a Pikachu and a Mario on something you you're pretty much guaranteed at this point to like make the money you know it's an it's an unfortunate reality because if you're not careful you can basically you know get lazy right and kind of rely on the power of the IP which I don't think is what Nintendo is doing or what Pokemon is doing but you know there's there's probably a lot of people who bought this game who are like yeah this is great like if you don't have the knowledge of the series true which I a lot of people don't do they really think it's great when it's so hard to play though if even if their first time coming into it the difficulty you mean or like the control scheme and all that stuff it was like really hard I don't know but I mean if you don't have the the history with the series or you're sort of just a more casual player yeah I just want to play some soccer like play a game get in get out it's like there's a lot of people that this is fine for sure so again like they know they have this like silent majority of people who aren't don't care who aren't on message boards or on Twitter who like right don't care and they're not going to be yeah swayed by it again power of Mario too though it counts for a lot cyberfox has a question hello there Krista and kit was going to ask for your thoughts on the battle of the sequels Jedi Survivor versus tears of the Kingdom as both breath of the wild and Jedi Fallen order were highly anticipated and successful titles in their respective launch years now both of their sequels are releasing in pretty close window to one another both previous titles brought in something a little new and interesting and most importantly fun to their franchises but will their successors follow up with it as I'm asking those questions here's the kingdom has not released yet has now and Jedi Survivor is trying to push out patch updates especially for PC players by the end of the year will these two still be around to be Game of the Year contenders if so which of them might have a stronger chance of winning or could they both just disappear and be forgotten about later feel free to save this question if you choose to answer it we are answering it right now whoa what do you have to say to cyberfox um well I have not played Fallen order or Jedi Survivor so I can only answer from the breath of the wild tears of the Kingdom's side yeah it is kind of interesting how there is there's always a game brave enough to go up against us all the game before it used to be Horizon um which I always feel bad for because that's a great game and somehow no one's played that game because I'm in front of the wilds and tears of the Kingdom uh but uh I do think people a lot more people are playing um uh Jedi Survivor because they came out about a three weeks maybe but I think there was a little bit of a of a bigger window a little bit of a window yeah I still stayed away from it I stayed away from him because you didn't want to start and not finish I was like I'll probably get like three quarters of the way through and then have to put it down yeah yeah that would annoy you but that thing has gotten such rave reviews people seem to absolutely love Jedi Survivor say that it's like a huge step up from falling order and there's been a lot of really positive things about Jedi survivors so I think the game is standing on its own like just fine I think this game will be in the game of the year yeah like top five yeah for sure they obviously have the power of the of the you know the IP behind them as well you know with with Star Wars um yeah and then tears of the Kingdom I think it's pretty much guaranteed for it to be nominated for game of the year so yeah yeah I think we're good there but um yeah it'd be interesting to see how all of this shakes out I I I'm so curious as to like what other games could potentially top tears of the Kingdom given the amount of fandom and high reviews and just the rave um positivity that people have been giving it now it's hard to not to imagine this game not making it into a tears into the game of the year nominations yeah Maverick Nate asks there are all sorts of video game themed restaurants and cafes like the toad Cafe at Universal and the Kirby Cafe Pokemon cafe and Resident Evil Cafe in Japan if you have the chance to pick the next video game themed restaurant which IP would you choose and what kinds of dishes would they have Animal Crossing oh immediately Crossing how great you could have like a real life Garden outside you know like those Farm to Table kind of restaurants that we have here in California you could do that where like you have like a garden or like a like a nice you know herb herb garden or something like that or vegetable garden it can have all of the recipes that you can cook in the Animal Crossing games two it'll be so cute you can make you can do the cute little like themed plates and you're like this is an Isabel yeah it's about the cooking Isabel Bento the cooking didn't grab me in Animal Crossing I know but you could use the the things I did have Restaurant Row in my Animal Crossing Island that's true I did so that that's cute too you could do like cute little animal crossing not just because it's the hot thing now the Zelda restaurant would be great here's how you do it here's how you do it listen up okay man with a no pot no it's like a Mongolian Barbecue thing where you have all the ingredients you make your own dish and then just like that because you know gets tossed around dubious yes it could end up dubious but it's on you if it is that's true Mongolian Barbecue is great I love Mongolian Barbecue I'm so sad that great cons close in the mall because that was like a huh great clowns in the mall but isn't that a good idea that's a good idea yeah I like it it's great I would eat there it's great make me make me a a link stir fry anytime yes delicious Pikmin sneeze cob wants to know I'd like to ask what type of dress code did you have at Nintendo uh there was no dress code like there was it wasn't like everyone wear a suit um or something like that was pretty casual at Nintendo of America I think like usually it was like frowned upon to where like maybe don't do that there was a woman that got sent home because her outfit was too revealing she no longer works at Nintendo by the way she left shortly after her was it did you see this outfit and in your opinion was it Crossing some line uh I I I saw the outfit I think wow I never saw it it wasn't a big meet we had this big Monday morning meeting for the marketing team as a lot of people the outfit was a bit see-through what and you could see a lot no yes were you not in that meeting I wasn't there why not I don't know to go to that meeting I know it's really important for you to be in those meetings gosh anyways so that happened once um but otherwise they were pretty open with what you could wear um when we went to Japan though we would have to dress yes like a lot so that was like and then like there was like a conversation that I have with my my my woman boss when we were in Japan she was like do you think we need to get pantyhose to wear uh for this like big meeting with like the president at the time it was not Mr Furukawa it was somebody else um and we had this like huge meeting like with him and she was like do you think we need to go on like pantyhose I'm like is this 1985 what is happening she's like are you wearing a skirt I'm like yeah I am do I seriously you think I need to go get pantyhose like I've not ever worn pantyhose um I did not get pantyhose so anyways there were occasionally these like these like vaguely threatening emails to end up like hey we have visitors yes yes yes please take a moment to tidy up your workspace and yourself yeah dirty little like a slobby disgusting dirty little person yeah you're clean up your coffee cups in yourself but yeah most days it was just like whatever yeah yeah it was very very casual The Matrix asks have either of you played telltale's The Walking Dead I've recently decided to replay the game and revisit the amazing and emotional narrative while the gameplay and performance consistency are a bit lacking the game totally makes up for it with its compelling story and original characters comic book esque art style and music if you could pick a franchise for Telltale to make a game of that would be as good as The Walking Dead Season one what would you choose that was a great game that was actually that was actually my game of the year whatever whatever year that came out that was my favorite broken person after playing that game literally a broken person um I loved it I I feel like they haven't been able to capture I try to play season two and it wasn't great they made a lot more of these and I just fell off I fell off pretty much immediately yeah because the season one was so hard to top yeah I was like I'm I'm good and and at that time you and I were both reading the comments honestly that's been my experience with The Walking Dead overall I was like I just completely fell off it's like I've had enough of this yeah but the first like the the initial Walking Dead fandom that we all had watching the show playing The Telltale Game reading that massive comic book that was like a dictionary basically I think how many volumes do we have of that was a lot but we were so deep into that it was so it was so great at the time yeah gosh another Telltale Game I don't know I don't even still around I don't know because I know they had a lot of problems they were like taking on too many games yeah they did have a lot of problems they had layoffs and they really lost their way I actually don't know what the state of Telltale is right yeah yeah I think that was very very compelling though like anything with a really good narrative I think could be if they did it like the same style of season one of Walking Dead that would be really cool you know but Mario the movie the game a Mario interactive narrative driven something or other whoa whoa this is where it gets dark like the Pedro Pascal version of America no it's cute okay no I thought it was going to be like yeah like the the dark version you know it is not yeah okay tuskoob asks hi kitten Cresta job listings for tears of the Kingdom went up in 2018 that implied Nintendo was open to hiring foreigners who aren't from Japan oh my god there are but a small handful of developers at NCL who aren't from Japan including breath of the wild programmer Corey Bunnell and Splatoon to designer Jordan Amaro however it seems with this latest release they've opened up the doors for more what do you think about this trend have you met any of the Foreigner devs from MCL do you personally think these are special exceptions or perhaps a sign of more opportunities for foreigners we have met some of them it's a bigger group than you think it is yeah it's actually quite like yeah we when we were there in 2019 last we went out to dinner with somebody who was on the Zelda team yeah yeah and sort of got to hear their story of it I mean you do still need to know Japanese yeah it's a it's a Japanese workplace yeah yeah still but yeah I think they are much more open to and they want that sort of difference of opinion and perspective which is great and really valuable and yeah there's they're not very vocal about it but I mean nobody at Nintendo's vocal about anything so you don't understand the scope yeah I mean it's not like every other developer is is outside of Japan but there's more than you think I think they're truly evaluating developers on their skill as developers so if you have the skills and that that's what they're looking for and that is the job that that they're hiring for I think anyone has a has a great shot right there's no like you're not gonna be penalized for being a foreigner all right this last question from Ubuntu might be over some people's heads but I wanted to do it anyway hello I'm curious whether there were any particular workplace methodologies practice in your division at Nintendo for example at College we've learned about things like agile and scrum I get the sense that most of these ideas are really specific to engineering so I'm guessing the answer is no but I'd be interested to know so I thought I'd ask based off the stories you've told about work I'd be surprised if there even could be some sort of methodology or system for structuring the workflow but that's why I'd be all the more interested if there actually was ironically I think agile is actually heavily inspired by management practices in Japanese auto manufacturing thanks you'd be surprised to hear agile was used in the marketing side it was terrible by the way none of us wanted to anyway so that's really hard for people to pick up that was a major Trend the last last year to six months yeah was like we need to update our methodologies we need to start using these things to get organized and you know your your Valley Wick in life is organization to get the teams all onboarded on these yeah but it it didn't happen it didn't happen it crashed and burned it was a horrible way to do it because none of us actually knew how to use agile nobody had the time to actually learn how to use these things and like certain people like didn't want to make the jump like they're just like I'll just do email until I die yes like they could not they could not change their ways around that so it crashed and burnt yeah they wanted to use agile ironically for a Nintendo Direct planning hahaha which was ridiculous because that was the most like intense short time frame like pedal to the metal just throw everything together as as fast as possible because that's all the time that you have and then they wanted someone to teach them some like crazy new process and put it all into agile and do all this stuff and everyone just laughed in their face it was really funny actually so it's one of those things where it's like yeah this a solution is like right there but there are just little reasons why it doesn't yeah happen right eventually it's gonna have to happen because I mean there's no way it's just it took so long for Nintendo to become like like just basic levels of office technology I think like this is a really hilarious story where when I started at Nintendo we didn't even use like Microsoft Suite we were not using Outlook we were not using you know any sort of Microsoft products we were not using because some time ago some exec was like no we can't support Microsoft Xbox it's their competitor so we're going to use exchange as our email even is that exactly it was you mean Lotus Notes it wasn't Lotus exchange I use Lotus Notes at Konami I had to use I used outlook for people in America and Lotus Notes to talk to people in Japan I think some of the Japanese teams still uses Lotus Notes um on there was like weirdly I used Exchange in um in college that was our like email system for like our our college so I kind of knew it but it was garbage um forget about like any sort of Google Suite because the the security risk would not be tolerated even though the IT team has no idea what they're doing but whatever and every other big company in the world you and I like in our company here it's great we use Google Suite I was like my life is changed but like it's unbelievable we didn't even use like any sort of work chat until like two years before we left Nintendo yeah then they discovered uh workplace not our workplace what's it called um teams teams yeah Microsoft teams yeah um they use teams and that was like an eye-opening experience because the old people like the Grandpa's at work in our team did not know how to use chat and would not like you're basically write an email an email Dear Christa here's my memo and then like sometimes they would like chat you're like hi Krista they would wait and then I'm like hi get it out what do you want and then they were like we call it three dotting and you get three dotted by somebody in like 20 minutes would go by and it's like what what do you want oh Carol take this down for me have a memorandum note itself um no electronic calendar I mean I can go on the the systems when we were at Nintendo were like shambles unbelievable how we this company functioned honestly like we're just like chipping emails into stone slabs and like carrier pigeoning him to Redmond it was unbelievable anyways glad to be in the the 21st century now or whatever thank you everybody who put in a question let's get on to thanking some Superstars oh boy here we go our beautiful Superstars Aaron hash em kiss my Flapjack Mike chin Mr Rogers right eschke switching it up underscore so Faison the shark among men vgm Life Link the hero of wins Angela bycroft inner Pig Molly Turbo Charge nerd Thomas O'Rourke Kyle LaBeouf Christopher Lara and Simon shout out to Angela bycroft and Kyle LaBeouf who were in our Zelda Collector's Edition Unboxing they filmed beautiful videos of their Collector's Edition for us they got the stuff we couldn't get they went Buck Wilding on everything I I I I applaud them I am so like happy that they're so happy so it's amazing then we got to share it with with them that moment with them which is great do you want to do this speed run on the one I want to call see how far we can get okay before we have a slip up okay here we go all right Aaron burgundy Adam nantley jean-milory Alejandro Alexander press Andrew yuhaus astrodad bad one horizon blazing enthused welcome Dana Brad is it 56 Brook obscura Bruce Dash Chancellor Fairley oh you messed up what Kelly squirrel all right back to normal close to someone Captain Alex see representing Daniel cold Daniel Phillips Daniel Valencia Dawson desert cult 18. Dolce Dino Bunch Elite Peach at sports 50. bark pre 69 fairbound Fernie and Jess forever Fox deploy Fred Rossi Frederick conradson I'm so sorry Garrett hallfish Garth the wolf gartu G Sun 101 Ian Iris Marin Israel Izzy Jay Rando jabroni Jones jbj Jeffrey Hernandez Jerry 92602 Jesse Hernandez John respondes Jonathan Rowe Jordan Colette Jordan hemerly Joseph dehaze Joshua Clements juji fruit just came true Justin lemonger Kawa 2796 Keith Juan Kelp Shake Kevin Delaine kilo kibo Chrissy christopia party with me Kyle Gary Berry rookie Kyle krutzer lit Mad Dog 5981 markyman 64. Mecha Dragon 101 Megan Michael Craven Mikey Moto Mania Mr Andy Paul MSN pokegamer Mr Beans under my Tran Nasir Nathan Burkhart Panda buns Paul C Pace Paul Gale Network prime factor Prince charmless River Rain Tech Roy Kyron ryuji utsuho Aku Renee Rivers Rick Alvarado ryoff one R.J Kern Rob Osborne rocks Ryan attack Sam Neelam Sharif Jackson shinrio slow bro silly Ferris SJ Sharkey 777 spicy munchkin steal Citron tail the link Terra storm the T-man Thomas Alvarez Topher schmofer Travis torline troopage tugs puppy bear tuscu Twin Dragon 76 Tyler geis Tyler and Tracy that's fast video game stupid virtualbox Wicked Davey will Ernst will Johnson royd and we did okay next week it's like it's like training for a real speed run you got to practice we'll be getting through this thing in no time all right well that was wonderful to have a fun in-depth discussion about tears of the Kingdom hopefully you guys are enjoying the game and and feeling some of the feelings that we're feeling all the feelings except before wow this might be a little bit of a shorter episode but no not the case I need to pee again so we need to go so don't forget to join us on but the small talk I want to make it stop it kitten Krista it's like kitten Chris that is your important takeaway um what do you guys say happy birthday to you that's my important takeaway if you're watching on video on YouTube you can go ahead and subscribe give this podcast a thumbs up and leave a comment if you're listening on audio audio you can also subscribe leave us a five star rating and a written comment thank you thank you and the socials follow us on Twitter Instagram Tick Tock YouTube and Facebook okay we're going back to playing tears of the Kingdom see you guys later bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kit & Krysta
Views: 280,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tears of the kingdom, totk, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, zelda, link, legend of zelda, nintendo, nintendo switch, video game review, reaction, video game reaction, gaming, gaming podcast, video game news, gaming news, nintendo news, nintendo insider, nintendo minute, kit and krysta, new zelda, tears of the kingdom news, tears of the kingdom impressions, tears of the kingdom review, tears of the kingdom gameplay, kit, krysta, ganondorf, princess zelda, hyrule
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 5sec (8045 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2023
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